Prayer for the healing of COVID-19 in the entire world . Lord , you are the Christ , the Son of the Living God. May Christ , who is the True King , bind all the forces of darkness in us ,our family and field .May Christ ,who is the True Priest ,heal our unbelief of sin of self centeredness and cursed thoughts and mind ,rule over us with the word of the gospel.May Christ who is the True Prophet ,lead our way and life minutely with Your word and thank you for leading us to the way of evangeliest in where all things work together for good. May the strategies of Satan which weakness and fades the churches and the gospel with the visible disaster broken down.Like the Early Church rather formed oneness with the gospel and the prayer when the disaster erupted ,may this time that all the churches and believers who have the gospel make the conclusion and form the oneness with the only gospel May you break the darkness that works upon the politicians so that the churches may follow them who decides the policy and direction of the country ,with respect and may they make decision that will fullfill God's Good Will. May this time to be the chance that churches of America to serve the community with the gospel and influence the positive effect about the gospel. Even we can not gather to worship ,Help our center of the worship towards God not be changed and restore the true thankfulness for the gospel as we stand as the true worshipper in wherever we are .Surpassing the gathering worship in church, may the field worship that will block the disaster in the field start in every place and raise the word movement and life movement that will shine the light of Christ.Help all the children of God who have gospel ,not be dazzled by sound of this and that : believe the absolute sovereignty of God :focus on the flow of the gospel and word : discern the sound of the age and the people; enjoy the true happiness through Christ ; and have the spiritual power and discernment. in the name of the Lord ,Jesus Christ ,the absolute sovereign, who is working even now and ruling the entire universe and all things with the word of the gospel ,we pray . Amen !
귀한 찬송
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하나님께서주신영광과감사와순종 아멘
Prayer for the healing of COVID-19 in the entire world .
Lord , you are the Christ , the Son of the Living God.
May Christ , who is the True King , bind all the forces of darkness in us ,our family and field .May Christ ,who is the True Priest ,heal our unbelief of sin of self centeredness and cursed thoughts and mind ,rule over us with the word of the gospel.May Christ who is the True Prophet ,lead our way and life minutely with Your word and thank you for leading us to the way of evangeliest in where all things work together for good. May the strategies of Satan which weakness and fades the churches and the gospel with the visible disaster broken down.Like the Early Church rather formed oneness with the gospel and the prayer when the disaster erupted ,may this time that all the churches and believers who have the gospel make the conclusion and form the oneness with the only gospel
May you break the darkness that works upon the politicians so that the churches may follow them who decides the policy and direction of the country ,with respect and may they make decision that will fullfill God's Good Will. May this time to be the chance that churches of America to serve the community with the gospel and influence the positive effect about the gospel. Even we can not gather to worship ,Help our center of the worship towards God not be changed and restore the true thankfulness for the gospel as we stand as the true worshipper in wherever we are .Surpassing the gathering worship in church, may the field worship that will block the disaster in the field start in every place and raise the word movement and life movement that will shine the light of Christ.Help all the children of God who have gospel ,not be dazzled by sound of this and that : believe the absolute sovereignty of God :focus on the flow of the gospel and word : discern the sound of the age and the people; enjoy the true happiness through Christ ; and have the spiritual power and discernment. in the name of the Lord ,Jesus Christ ,the absolute sovereign, who is working even now and ruling the entire universe and all things with the word of the gospel ,we pray . Amen !
@@asuka-02E 공산화 사회화 연방제 방지 교회파괴 재벌해체 미군철수 !!!
정말 좋은데요... 한가지 제안하고 싶어요. 가사가 1초만 빨리 나오면 따라 부르기가 정말 좋을 것 같아요. 감사합니다.
ㅎㅎ 저도 늘 그리됐으면하고 생각합니다
저도 제안한 건데요..ㅠㅠㅠ
답이 없네요
정치발언 하는자들 치와뿌라 😅😅😅😅😅😅