  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 272

  • @HelloMellowXVI
    @HelloMellowXVI  2 года назад +22

    Offset your carbon footprint on Wren: wren.co/start/mellverse The first 100 people who sign up will have 10 extra trees planted in their name! "This video was sponsored by Wren"

    • @2012funfamilytimes
      @2012funfamilytimes 2 года назад

      So the book Hagrid has his students read, in number 3 Prisioner of Azkaban, the one that comes to life, is written by Newt. He's researching the creatures here. Hagrid loved Newt. He loved creatures of all kinds like Newt did. Talks about it in the HP3 book. She wrote this to go with that. You will also get to see Dumbledore back story with Grindlewald, leading up to the dual that made him famous, well he was already famous for the dragons blood stuff but this made him more so. And then if you read the blogs I've heard that Queenie is either Snapes grandmother or Voldamorts. Can't remember that one. 🤔 lol

    • @plushypanda5861
      @plushypanda5861 2 года назад

      Huffle puff 👌🏿

    • @Justafox305
      @Justafox305 2 года назад +1


    • @Niloc_
      @Niloc_ 2 года назад +1

      Fantastic Beasts 3 came out, its nah its ok but no sawry wait for the end

    • @Niloc_
      @Niloc_ 2 года назад +1

      the game Hogwarts Legacy can be nice tho

  • @phousefilms
    @phousefilms 2 года назад +209

    Grindelwald is the dark wizard that tells Voldemort where the Elder Wand was in DH part 1. He and Dumbledore were both all about subjugating the Muggles so that they didn't have to hide anymore, but Aberforth(Dumbledores brother)spoke against it and got cruciatus cursed. Dumbledores sister got caught in the crossfire of a duel between the three that soon followed and killed, which made Dumbledore abandon any thoughts of personal power(which was why he never took the position of Minister of Magic, despite being offered it multiple times).

    • @a_fine_edition2746
      @a_fine_edition2746 2 года назад +29

      One thing that kind of irked me about the film version of that scene between Voldemort and Grindelwald is that they completely change the conversation. In the movie he willingly and happily gives up the location of the Elder Wand, whereas in the book he refuses to divulge its location as Voldemort peers into his thoughts, and dies laughing in his face. It added a level of nuance to Grindelwald that at the time wasn’t expanded on, but made it feel like he had some manner of remorse for his actions and regretted his falling out with Dumbledore.

    • @Lou.D
      @Lou.D 2 года назад +8

      @@a_fine_edition2746 yeah true, I also find it strange that all this huge stuff happened in the past with Grindelwald rising to power and all these battles etc but then Harry and Hermoine have no idea who Grindelwald is when they learn about him in Deathly Hallows. surely everyone would know about Grindelwald if he had a big impact on the wizard world. I know all the fantastic beasts stuff was created after Harry Potter but it doesn’t really make sense

    • @a_fine_edition2746
      @a_fine_edition2746 2 года назад +3

      @John Doe well the books made it clear that Hermione obviously knew the history of Grindelwald’s reign of terror, and Harry at the very least knew about the duel between him and Dumbledore since his first year (Dumbledore’s chocolate frog card mentions it). Hermione and Harry are also not as involved in the wizarding world on a regular basis, so they might not have heard his name that often. It’s also possible that a lot of the events in these films aren’t well-documented in actual history, as it’s likely a lot of it might’ve been hushed up.

    • @Lou.D
      @Lou.D 2 года назад

      @@a_fine_edition2746 I’m not talking about the books, i’m talking about the deathly hallows part 1 movie. they didn’t seem to know who Grindelwald was at all which seems a bit odd to me after the fantastic beasts movies. even if those events had been covered up or whatever people would still know about it, it would be public knowledge. just an observation, it doesn’t bother me just something I thought about

    • @phousefilms
      @phousefilms 2 года назад +1

      @@a_fine_edition2746 Yes, I'm sure the tiny bit of dialogue Aberforth said about Ariana was enough to sum up the importance of the pairs relationship in DH Part 2.

  • @stace2086
    @stace2086 2 года назад +61

    When you mentioned that people who didn't' like that they did spells w/o saying them, all I could think is that they didn't read the books. In the books there are lessons that Harry and gang had to learn to do just that.

  • @a_fine_edition2746
    @a_fine_edition2746 2 года назад +100

    I cannot express how much I love Newt Scamander. He’s such an awkward, unique protagonist in my opinion, and it’s a damn shame that (SPOILERS sort of) he gets kind of relegated to a side character in what I felt was going to be his own series. But I haven’t seen the 3rd one yet, so hopefully he’s back in the main hero seat.
    The next film has a lot of small inconsistencies with previously established lore, and is generally kind of a big mess. One thing that it gets wrong (and something you sort of pointed out) is summoning charms. When Newt tries catching the Niffler in this one, he says “Accio!” Which is the spell that summons objects towards you. But it doesn’t work on living creatures, so I’m pretty sure the movie was trying to imply he was directing the spell towards the gold and jewels inside the Niffler’s pouch, considering they start to fly out towards them.
    In the next film, however, he just says “Accio Niffler” and the Niffler gets yanked around. It’s a small gripe, but there are a bunch of them all over the place. Just be warned, the next film is crammed with a lot of plot points and characters, and it might be hard to keep them all straight.

  • @judaychop
    @judaychop 2 года назад +33

    Prepare yourself:
    1. The niffler(the little creature that kept stealing shiny things) made an appearance in the book, in one of the books that Hagrid was the teacher for Care of Magical creatures he had the students burry fake galleons in the gardens around his hut and set the nifflers loose to find them, then in Order of the Pheonix, Jordan Lee(Fred and George’s black friend with the dreads who was also the quidditch announcer/commentator kept floating them up into Umbridge’s open office window to wreak havoc in her office).
    2. Yes the voicing of spells in the movies was a bit of an issue, in the books students don’t start learning how to use spells without vocalizing them until their 6th year(Half Blood Prince), it requires more focus, and Hermione was one of the few who managed master it, Harry and Ron hadn’t. Most adults could do it but in the movies they kind of just use magic like a gun(particularly in the later movies) and the voicing and non-voicing of spells was kind of just used for dramatic effect. Same with apparating, they didnt start learning that until i think 6th year too and again Hermione was the only one of the 3 to master it, Harry could do it but with difficulty, Ron kept messing up, when he left the others in Deathly Hallows he later revealed he had messed up his eyebrows or something along those lines when he apparated away, so when they were on the run in Deathly Hallows Hermione did most of the apparating for them. A somewhat unrelated thing is that in the books one of the big benefits of the killing curse was that it couldn’t be blocked by shield spells, which is why in the book duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort, Dumbledore brought the statues in the ministry to life to circle him and jump in front of the killing curses, but in the movies everyone just easily blocks them with shield spells. Another unrelated thing in the Molly vs Bellatrix duel that gets glossed over and often missed in the movies is that the killing curse is basically an unfair advantage for death eaters to use since they dont care about following laws but when Molly starts attacking Bellatrix the thing that flusters Bellatrix who is a more powerful witch than Molly, is that Molly is using the green unvoiced killing curse(1/3 illegal unforgivable curses), and arguably Bellatrix getting flustered and is what tipped the odds. Also when powerful wizards/witches duel fiercely the ground tends to crack, which it did in this duel. Its also a bigger deal when Harry uses the torture curse on Bellatrix after she killed Sirius, and when he uses the mind control curse on the goblins in the bank. Sorry for rambling.
    3. As for the Lestrange name, Lestrange was Bellatrix’s Hunsband’s surname, i think he died in Askaban but not sure, Bellatrix is actually Narcissa Malfoy’s(Draco’s mom) sister, who Bellatrix calls Cissy.
    4. I think the biggest giveaway for Newt was when he was being questioned and Graves(Grindelwald) said “so its useless without the host and then immediately ordering their execution either because he knew Newt picked up on it or so he could use Newt as a scapegoat to mask himself, or both. And his magical power might’ve been a hint, only really powerful wizards/witches can use magic without a wand, wizards roughly around Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindelwalds level. And again when he took on all those aurors at once. The wands act as a tool to channel and focus magic, to act as a bit of a lightning rod, which is why wands have cores of magical material(unicorn heair, dragon heartstring, and pheonix tail feather, etc).
    5. Yes im looking forward to the 3rd movie despite thinking the 2nd one was a bit of a let down story wise, and while I wasn’t the biggest fan of Johnny Depps as Grindelwald i don’t like him being unnecessarily and unjustly replaced just for continuity sake.

    • @seanmalloy0528
      @seanmalloy0528 2 года назад +5

      The name of the Weasley twins black friend is Lee Jordan

    • @judaychop
      @judaychop 2 года назад +2

      @@seanmalloy0528 your right, im ashamed of myself and a disappointment to HP fans everywhere. (Stabs thigh with scissors)

    • @christi776
      @christi776 2 года назад +2

      Thank you for such a great explanation☺

    • @Manon-nk4qu
      @Manon-nk4qu 2 года назад

      The eyebrow thing was actually in Half Blood Prince when Ron and Hermione did their apparation exams (Harry was too young to even do the exam). He left behind part of his eyebrow which technically counts as splinching so he failed. The reason Hermione leads all the apparating in Deathly Hallows is because she's just the best at it, and when Ron and Harry help by still going through the steps but letting her lead, they make sure they don't get splinched. This becomes very clear when Ron actually does get splinched because Hermione is not completely focused on where to go because of the stress of leaving the ministry and having to shake off Yaxley. Then there's also an argument to be made that maybe the ministry is trying to locate them by seeking out people who apparate without a license. This would lead them straight to Ron and Harry. So side-apparating along to Hermione would help. Though this is not confirmed anywhere and just a theory.

    • @judaychop
      @judaychop Год назад

      @@Manon-nk4qu im pretty sure i remember Ron saying he splinched his eyebrows or fingernails or something off while hes was apparating himself when he wasn’t with them in DH1. And i don’t think they could track people who apparate, i don’t think there were apparating licenses either, they were tracking people with Voldemorts name, “its taboo, the name, thats how they track the order” as anyone unafraid yo say the name was likely an enemy or rebel or member of the order.

  • @korie4198
    @korie4198 2 года назад +11

    The rhino looking creature is an Erumpet, their horns are explosive even after death. Luna's dad had one in their home, thinking it was something else but Hermoine recognized it. It exploding is what ruins the Lovegood home and allows them to escape in Deathly Hallows.

  • @AAron2xxBish
    @AAron2xxBish 2 года назад +60

    Gellert Grindelwald was the first Big Bad before Voldemort Mell. He & Dumbledore were best friends as Teenager's. They were planning this big adventure together but Dumbledore's mother had died right after he had finished school. So, instead of going he had to take care of Ariana and Aberforth. One day all three of them got into a fight and no one knew who actually did it but Dumbledore's sister Ariana was killed during the fight. Dumbledore and Grindelwald were lovers if I'm not mistaken. And they both wanted to obtain the Deathly Hallows. Grindelwald left right after it happened. At Ariana's funernal, it was Aberforth who broke Dumbledore's nose. In the books his nose is crooked. And they never saw each other again. Until there epic battle when it was time to take him down. Dumbledore felt great guilt over the loss of his sister. When Harry and Dumbledore set out to find the horcrux in the cave, the potion actually tormented him with the memories of that time in his life as he was drinking it. And also, Dumbledore's sister was just like the boy in this movie. Some muggle boys came across her using her powers and scared her to the point that she surpressed her magic. And in revenge Dumbledore's father murdered the boys who hurt her and died in prison (Azkaban) Hope that this helps

    • @rhaenyralikesyoutube6289
      @rhaenyralikesyoutube6289 2 года назад

      Another thing to point out about the time period is that Voldemort, Tom Riddle was just born in 1920, so the focus will be on the previous Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald.

    • @jodie3950
      @jodie3950 2 года назад

      Were they lovers though or was it just established that Dumbledore had unrequited feelings for Gellert?

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 2 года назад

      @@rhaenyralikesyoutube6289 I believe it was new year's day 1927, actually?

    • @evanyes5762
      @evanyes5762 Год назад

      Grinderwald and Dumbeldore were lovers.

  • @zerolsr2228
    @zerolsr2228 2 года назад +7

    15:47 is the most dangerous magical creature that has ever existed in Harry Potter universe no less than like 100 wizard's working together can kill on let alone capture it. Only two people have had one as a pet Newt is one but the other was raised from a newborn and was very young, this one was struck with a stunning spell of some sort every day to weaken it. The thing is absolutely insane and extremely lethal

  • @Lia-uf1ir
    @Lia-uf1ir 2 года назад +8

    24:18 I think that's because wizards think differently about that and that things like hand-to-hand combat or kicking a door in doesn't even occur to them because they're so used to use magic that they only think in magical solutions.

  • @velvettegreene4858
    @velvettegreene4858 2 года назад +59

    Expanding the wizarding world and telling Dumbledore's history (that was glossed over in the movies) seem to be the main goals of this series. Having watched all the HP movies reactions you put out, I'm excited to see what you make of the rest.If they still have the test, you can see what Ilvermorny House you're in. They were Wampus, Pukwudgie, Thunderbird, and Horned Serpent.
    A lot of people read Newt as on the autism spectrum. Post main story Potter, Luna marries Newt's grandson.

    • @whade62000
      @whade62000 2 года назад +1

      It's more like:
      movie 1: Fantastic Beasts with Göthe Salmander
      movie 2-3: the Dumbledore Chronicles (and I guess Göthe is there too)

    • @coccolinasvedese
      @coccolinasvedese 2 года назад +1

      @@whade62000 Göthe? You mean Newt?

  • @amberhoward7807
    @amberhoward7807 2 года назад +5

    It's not just a movie about Newt and his book. It's literally the story of Dumbledore and Grindlewald and the battle that takes place. Harry and Voldemort were the first battle we experienced, but this is the battle we keep hearing about in Harry Potter as history. But we now get to see it unfold and see how it all went down.

  • @foduscaralho
    @foduscaralho 2 года назад +52

    Idk what ppl expected goin into the fantastic beast movies, i have loved both of them so far and will be seeing the 3rd one sunday

    • @hallowakers3d2y
      @hallowakers3d2y 2 года назад +2

      People are so stupid nowadays extremist lunatics on one side and the other can’t stand ever admit anything is done right the first was good second was licking and the third was good. People are too mad about Johnny situation, it was wrong him being removed but get over it it’s just a movie and tbh mads killed it

    • @namjoonstrashbag6889
      @namjoonstrashbag6889 2 года назад +3

      @@hallowakers3d2y people aren’t just mad because he’s been recasted. They’re mad because they recasted him for something he didn’t do. Suffering consequences for actions he didn’t commit

  • @MerryBerry22
    @MerryBerry22 2 года назад +41

    So glad you did this one…I love to see your joy over the characters and wonder at the magical world. I just saw the newest one today at the theater so I loved coming home and seeing you doing this one. I liked these…I know some people feel it’s not as good as HP, but I don’t really compare the two…same world, different stories.

  • @kornrok1
    @kornrok1 2 года назад +14

    Grindelwald(Johnny Depp's character) is a very powerful Wizard whom rose to power before Voldemort. There is very little mention of him in the HP films except for a few moments in the Deathly Hallows. But in the books, it is made quite clear that he was in fact just as dangerous if not even more than Voldemort and went down in history as Dumbledore's true adversary and true equal.

  • @iulia.bianca.b
    @iulia.bianca.b 2 года назад +4

    26:40 Yep, that's Ron Perlman! I knew it the moment I saw his face, even with all of that work done. And his voice gives it away the most. I went and confirmed it, and it's him. I love that! Even if he's on screen only for some brief moments.

  • @gachalordnoobie4911
    @gachalordnoobie4911 2 года назад +17

    "Silent Magic" AKA not having to say the name of the spell to cast it is one of the most advanced techniques in harry potter and only the trully powerful wizards can do it. Like Dumbledore or in this case - Grindelwald.

    • @ritepu
      @ritepu 2 года назад +1

      harry potter did it several times i remember right?

    • @gachalordnoobie4911
      @gachalordnoobie4911 2 года назад +2

      @@ritepu He did, yes.

    • @ifmondayhadaface9490
      @ifmondayhadaface9490 2 года назад +3

      It’s an advanced technique, but it is something that is not only possible, but expected of NEWT students.

  • @2429Ryanspeer
    @2429Ryanspeer 2 года назад +34

    to be honest this film isn't quite that bad it's good to see the wizardry world before harry potter was born thanks for uploading this video Mellverse 👍👍👍👍👍

    • @drew2875
      @drew2875 2 года назад +4

      If I’m not wrong if the movies pan out to completion (which would be 5 films) eventually they’d have to touch on Tom Riddle and Harry’s parents at hogwarts

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 года назад +1

      @@drew2875 Makes sense since this trilogy is 50 years ago, Tom Riddle's time was 50 years ago from Harry's time.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 года назад +1

      @@drew2875 Tom didn't attend with James i don't think. and fun fact too is Lilly and James died at around 21yrs old!

    • @drew2875
      @drew2875 2 года назад

      @@Makkaru112 you’re right he attended hogwarts from 1938-1945, where as James and Lilly attended during 1971-1978, but it would still be nice to see those events adapted into a series or movies

  • @Lynn705Hal
    @Lynn705Hal 2 года назад +20

    Just returned home from seeing Secrets of Dumbledore in the theater. I enjoyed it, found myself hanging on every word. Mads Mikkelsen was very good, but I could imagine Johnny's face in every one of those scenes. He would've been fricken awesome.

    • @1a141036
      @1a141036 2 года назад +2

      I kept getting him confused with the German minister 😭

  • @thekfc-kevinsfilmcommentar4855
    @thekfc-kevinsfilmcommentar4855 2 года назад +8

    Me after watching my first video of you here: “People Like you, don’t they Melverse?”
    I love your energy that you brought to this reaction while also making meaningful or entertaining points about the movie. As first impressions go, I really this video and you see like a cool dude so I’ll be sure to watch more stuff from you

  • @shanefourtwenty
    @shanefourtwenty 2 года назад +11

    Don't listen to the haters, this is what happens when you watch it yourself. Great reaction Mello. Keep up the good work.

  • @Joelyne37
    @Joelyne37 2 года назад +6

    No spoilers or anything but I actually saw the new Fantastic Beasts movie today and since it's called The Secrets of Dumbledore it was so awesome to get to know more about him and see him more. Even in the HP movies, Dumbledore is kinda this enigma that we really never knew that much about so I loved every second of learning more about him, his past, and his family. People may have their opinions on the rest of the film but it's great just to learn more about such a beloved character, so everyone who's going to see it has that to look forward to! I also loved that u enjoyed this movie, cuz I actually really like this series even if it's not as much/the same as Harry Potter. They're just fun.

  • @AAron2xxBish
    @AAron2xxBish 2 года назад +38

    No Amber Heard lied on Johnny. The audio that was leaked proved that she was the aggressor

    • @AspieMediaBobby
      @AspieMediaBobby 2 года назад

      Audio and video can be edited or clipped. That`s why that shit`s not admissible in a court of law except under extreme conditions. Fan outrage ain`t one o` those conditions. Also, whatever you think of Heard Depp`s had controversy and allegations in the Industry for years. Ya think he cultivated that "quirky nice guy" image for so long for no ulterior motives, really?

    • @paradoxlaw3345
      @paradoxlaw3345 2 года назад +8

      @@AspieMediaBobby People really still on her side that's crazy

    • @AspieMediaBobby
      @AspieMediaBobby 2 года назад

      @@paradoxlaw3345 No, what`s really crazy is the way people who claim to be for victims and equal rights for women turn on women when they become slightly successful or aren`t perfect victims as if that is a humanly reasonable expectation for anyone regardless of sex!

    • @AspieMediaBobby
      @AspieMediaBobby 2 года назад

      @@paradoxlaw3345 Depp is way more powerful,wealthy and popular than Heard has ever been plus he`s a man with a history of addiction,domestic abuse and coverups on public record!Amber probably wasn`t as battered as many as his previous spouses have been,the difference is they`re all paid off and she is not!If you are unable to see the clear power imbalance here, I cannot help you!I do not like Heard, I don`t think she`s a good actress and I think Depp is overrated but regardless when I see a woman being mobbed by vultures who have abandoned all human decency because she doesn`t fit their pathetic,outdated puritan values as someone with many women who have suffered such abuses(Far worse ones than Heard has by the way!)in my family tree I stand up for what I feel is right on principle because there have been times I haven`t done that and allowed good people to be hurt because of my inaction!

    • @AspieMediaBobby
      @AspieMediaBobby 2 года назад

      @ParadoxLaw How do ya think Joaquin Phoenix feels about the man who sold his baby bro the bag of heroin that killed him,huh?Or how about Depp`s weird obsession with the alcoholic,misogynistic pseudojournalist and conspiracy theorist Hunter S. Thompson?For God`s sake, the Kentucky school system kicked him out, you know how fucked-up a kid you gotta be for bumfuck Kentucky`s goddamn school system to want nothin` ta do with ya inbred ass,huh?!?!?

  • @arctan2010
    @arctan2010 2 года назад +4

    If you remember the 1st HP movie/book, Harry’s required textbook list included “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” by Newt Scamander.

  • @Ayns.L14A
    @Ayns.L14A 2 года назад +21

    Eddie redmayne was brilliant as Stephen Hawking in "The Theory of Everything" it's well worth a watch.

  • @alphakennyone3173
    @alphakennyone3173 2 года назад +5

    This series of movies are super underrated!

  • @Amadeo790
    @Amadeo790 2 года назад +3

    Being a Slytherin wand lore wizard, I can see you going out and beyond to not only expand the market but perfect it. Expressing your ambition by doing better, faster and stronger in wand market. Lol magical Steve jobs.

    • @sumthingwikked4257
      @sumthingwikked4257 2 года назад

      I feel he could have his own Marauders Gang, each like-minded house person under one passionate goal. Shame Tom burnt most the letter of all the muggle-borns. They need a chance.

  • @dustinsensenig9798
    @dustinsensenig9798 2 года назад +4

    Imma say it, both Fantastic Beasts movies are underrated. I only saw them when they were on USA Network before one of the Harry Potter marathons. It switches between USA & SyFy every few weeks

  • @LexoG33
    @LexoG33 2 года назад +3

    I think it's the 6th book where they start to learn how to do spells without actually saying the incantation, and you actually have to be really adept at the spell. Also, wizards can use magic without wands, but wands are required as a channel and amplifier for less instinctual magic, and you have to be pretty powerful to casually use magic so effectively without a wand. There's a shot in the Prison of Azkaban movie where they show a wizard stirring his coffee by just rotating his finger in the air. Also we see in the movie the mind-reading ability of Queenie, which you are right, Voldemort also has.
    Related to the wands and wandless magic, goblins for the most part don't use wands, because wizards won't let them. We saw a little of that when Dobby became a free elf, which was radical even in the 1990's Wizarding World in Britain at least. When Dobby knocked out Peter Pettigrew in the Deathly Hallows, he asked if he could get his wand, and then when he disarmed Narcissa Malfoy, Belatrix yelled in fury that an elf took a witch's wand. Elves are very good with magic without wands, so they could be OP with wands

  • @SandraMorris51
    @SandraMorris51 2 года назад +7

    Jacob is one of my favorite things about this film..

  • @clairecheney
    @clairecheney 2 года назад +3

    Credence isn't a host for it, he is it. He suppressed his magic and became the obscurious.

  • @n0nsticknick
    @n0nsticknick 2 года назад +8

    keep in mind that newt said the swooping evil venom he used wipe memories of the muggles only affected negative memories. that'll be important for the next film!

  • @danielbautista9062
    @danielbautista9062 2 года назад +3

    I have a few movie recommendations
    • Amelie
    • Bronson
    • Braveheart
    • The Lighthouse
    • Punch-Drunk Love

  • @ulricaandrae4381
    @ulricaandrae4381 2 года назад +4

    Happy to see you back in Potterverse!
    Great sponsor 👏🏼👏🏼🌱
    Hope you’ll react to Bridge to Terabithia in near future!

  • @couch.patati-patata
    @couch.patati-patata 2 года назад +2

    In the Half Baked Prince, when Snapey poo was the Defense Against Dark Arts teacher, he taught them non verbal spells. To cast spells without speaking it out. Only Hermione mastered it. Older wizards can do it.

  • @adasga
    @adasga 2 года назад +5

    I liked this first movie. Colin Farrell and Dan Fogler were easily the highlights in my opinion.

  • @Velg
    @Velg 2 года назад +19

    I honestly hated that they fired Johnny. He really captivates you in the second one and not seeing him in the third one really put me off to going to see it for a while. Just didn't wanna give any support to WB. But finally decided to go see it tomorrow. So will see if it's fine without Johnny.

    • @j_excalibur_0251
      @j_excalibur_0251 2 года назад +2

      I just watched it. Definitely think Johnny portrayed the character better but Mads wasn’t bad. The movie itself was a bit meh tbh.

    • @Eli43199
      @Eli43199 2 года назад +3

      just watched it. wasnt bad. Mads did a good job but def sum moments where u know Johnny wouldve been more captivating. good movie tho and i wasnt that thrown off by the casting change

    • @xBloodxFangx
      @xBloodxFangx 2 года назад +2

      If you support Johnny, you WON'T go see it. Dont have the victim stay a victim. Stand by Johhny, not against him.

    • @_nike_5268
      @_nike_5268 2 года назад +2

      @@xBloodxFangx I support Johnny but still watched the movie and tbh Mads is a better Grindelwald

    • @Velg
      @Velg 2 года назад

      Didn't like mads that much. He just wasn't as charismatic as Johnny was and didn't make as much of an impact. Not a bad actor but just didn't have the same affect. Like I would have joined johnny. But I wouldn't have joined mads

  • @AspieMediaBobby
    @AspieMediaBobby 2 года назад +2

    Obscurus or Obscurial. It`s produced when a powerful Pureblood witch or wizard suppresses their magic for fear of persecution by the Muggles or "No-Majs",creating a "dark twin" of all that repressed magic and emotions.

  • @jessielallier9483
    @jessielallier9483 2 года назад +2

    Okay this intro was FIRE!

  • @dylanosoriomonsalve4797
    @dylanosoriomonsalve4797 2 года назад +4

    I recall in the books Hermione mentioned the name of the book and his author couple times.

  • @Justafox305
    @Justafox305 2 года назад +3

    Random: Eddie redmayne, Robert Pattinson, and Andrew Garfield were all roommates before becoming famous.

  • @the_nikster1
    @the_nikster1 2 года назад +7

    Eddie Redmayne is amazing in just about everything he does. I would love to see you react to The Theory of Everything and the Danish Girl, both are some of the best acting he's ever done in my opinion and fantastic movies (no pun intended haha). ❤️

  • @mutantx2372
    @mutantx2372 2 года назад +3

    Pretty much the only thing I don't like about the FB movies are that the filmmakers rely way too much on CGI . Would've been cool to see close up shots of the creatures with animatronics and the goblins looked better when it was just actors in prosthetic make up .

    • @HelloMellowXVI
      @HelloMellowXVI  2 года назад

      Hmmmm ok, I hear you. Tbh I wasn't even thinking about that. But I Understand

  • @sebastianemond5313
    @sebastianemond5313 3 месяца назад

    35:18 - 35:24 Not water in general. It is the rain water with the memory potion. The water towers on top of apartment buildings are filled with collected rainwater that supply to people' sinks and baths, hence why the clerk from the bank is getting obliviated.

  • @realsies9387
    @realsies9387 2 года назад +3

    in the books they explain that once you have mastered a spell, you don't have to say it. Saying the spellis basically like training wheels.Anyone who complains about them not saying the spell obviously haven't read the books.

  • @martinbraun1211
    @martinbraun1211 2 года назад +10

    Please watch the STAR TREK movies! 🖖

  • @LifeisANovel
    @LifeisANovel 2 года назад +2

    That hank hill "loser" part just had me dying hahaha

  • @legail1
    @legail1 2 года назад +3

    Your editing has to improve so much, Very entertaining. I enjoyed this review a lot.

  • @agenttheater5
    @agenttheater5 2 года назад

    In case you're wondering, Madam president is played by Carmen Ejogo, she's also starred in Alien: Covenant, The Purge: Anarchy, Love's Labour's Lost (2000), Boycott and Selma (she played Coretta Scott King).

  • @shaycupp2310
    @shaycupp2310 Год назад +1

    His performance in Les Miserables brought tears to my eyes.

  • @banessica3253
    @banessica3253 2 года назад +2

    I love seeing the universe expanded! Thats about the only reason I love watching these! Can't wait to watch your reaction, I know it'll be entertaining! Thank you for making these videos for us to watch 😁😁

  • @Lynn705Hal
    @Lynn705Hal 2 года назад +2

    I also heard some ppl didn't like the 2nd movie. It confused some. You do have to pay close attention to everything bc they explain a lot.

  • @TheGrossDemon
    @TheGrossDemon Год назад +1

    Newt: "magical creatures should be protected "
    Newt 5 minutes later: about to arrested because of the creatures for the 5th time in one day
    Also Newt: writes a book no one wants to read because it itself is a dangerous monster most people can't read.

    • @exceedcharge1
      @exceedcharge1 Год назад

      That wasn’t “fantastic beasts and where to find them”, it was “the monstrous book of monsters”

  • @babymiracle9685
    @babymiracle9685 2 года назад +1

    “That ain’t no toaster strudel.” Highlight for me. 😂

  • @TheSilentFirefly
    @TheSilentFirefly Год назад

    So one of the things I have noticed in the Fantastic Beasts section of the Wizarding World Franchise is that after the first one in the idea of trailers. As I only really watched the first, but it seems to not really focus as much on the actual magical creatures of the Wizarding World and more on some other plot.
    Which upsets me as I went in getting to see so much of the creatures, then to get this feeling they don't focus much on Newt and his goal of trying to stop the killing of the very creatures he came to love and learn about. My favorite scene will always be how he tries to lure the Erumpant back into the briefcase. It is not only a cute scene, but really fits Newt's character.
    Suffice to say I'll have to watch the next two to see more of where it goes, but if they really go away from the Fantastic Beasts, then it throws away the actual title of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

  • @haleyleahann8296
    @haleyleahann8296 2 года назад +3

    I really enjoyed these movies too. I enjoyed Newt ( he's great) and his group of characters so much that I couldn't have cared less about the greater story or anything revolving around Dumbledore-- even the next one I really enjoyed. I also really liked that these films concentrate on adults and not students in the magical world-- that is perhaps because I grew up with the books so its a bit more of my age being reflected in the franchise.

  • @SammieSora
    @SammieSora 2 года назад +1

    The fantastic beasts films are planned to have 5 movies in total so hopefully they are able to see it through & actually make the remaining two films

  • @SpencerFinley
    @SpencerFinley Год назад

    "The Danish Girl" and the "Theory Of Everything" are my favorite Eddie Redmayne movies 💕 theyre amazing!

  • @AT87
    @AT87 2 года назад +3

    If you like Eddie Redmayne you should check out The Theory of Everything (if you haven't already of course), it's a good movie and he won an Oscar for it.

  • @rhino9095
    @rhino9095 2 года назад +1

    Wren builds trees huh? That's definitely interesting stuff and certainly innovative as Hell 🤔

  • @cook_man7613
    @cook_man7613 Год назад

    “Bro really walking like this” had me dying 😂😂😂😂

  • @ms.andrea945
    @ms.andrea945 2 года назад +5

    I really enjoyed this and the next movie too! It isn’t the og harry potter but everything about it was just as magical and the actors and actresses were *chef kiss*. And i hope yr impression of johnny depo doesn’t change because thr’s tons of evidence coming up rn that amber is the aggressor in the rs and lied about alot of her accusations, the case is being reopened agn. I wished they didnt removed johnny depp cause he was great but what’s done is done :’)

  • @gageowo9527
    @gageowo9527 Год назад +1

    Newt is A notable Hufflepuff. And like Cedric and Tonks, he continues proving that the people in that house are some of the most consistently kind or good-hearted characters in the series.
    Everybody wants to be surrounded by hufflepuffs but nobody wants to be one. Kind of a problem in today's society honestly. Throwing shade at the other houses, all are needed. And green is my favorite color. But I'm a Hufflepuff through-and-through and it's kind of sad how many people wouldn't want to be one

  • @marlarogers9304
    @marlarogers9304 2 года назад +1

    There are 2 actors from The Walking Dead in this movie...Alpha and Luke.

  • @LexoG33
    @LexoG33 2 года назад +1

    Yes, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a book in the Harry Potter universe, now the called The Wizarding World, and there's also a real life version that I've had since 3rd grade. It's very short, with an intro by Albus Dumbledore, and then the rest is just short encyclopedia entries about magical beasts by Newt Scamander. Its a fun book, and this is a fun first movie for the new movie series, and I'd say they pulled off the expansion of the HP Wizarding World with this one. Newt and his Muggle sidekick are definitely likable characters

  • @AlLenChei
    @AlLenChei Год назад +1

    Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a companion book for the Harry Potter book series written by J.K Rowling. It's a guidebook about the magical creatures in the Harry Potter universe, and its author is Newt Scamander. Students in Hogwarts are required to have this book before the start of the school year in addition to a couple more textbooks that can be read as a stand-alone book like "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" and "Quidditch Through the Ages".

  • @aascottie
    @aascottie 2 года назад

    Gotta love the high-effort intro. And the Skyrim music??? 😂

  • @blacklightning7022
    @blacklightning7022 2 года назад +2

    Fun fact, Luna ends up marrying Newt's grandson and has twin boys

  • @goldenmustache1466
    @goldenmustache1466 Год назад

    Fun fact!
    You can see Newt's name on the marauders map in Prisoner of Askaban.

  • @Heather61776
    @Heather61776 2 года назад

    50° is perfect spring weather. Lol.

  • @mama_ginger_1386
    @mama_ginger_1386 Год назад

    I have not even seen these movies yet and I'm still going to watch these videos of you reacting to them lol

  • @donnyboy6848
    @donnyboy6848 2 года назад +1

    Missed you mell. Thank you very much for the video amigo

  • @ellenasaldana3931
    @ellenasaldana3931 9 месяцев назад

    The funny guy Jacob is Dan fogler. I loved his career. I got drunk one night and wrote him IG. He respond we talked for a while and he invited me to the walking dead premiere. I didnt have a car or license at the time and didnt have enought money for an uber. I called everyone!!!! Nope 😭😭😭

  • @Gigglingsiren
    @Gigglingsiren 2 года назад +1

    I enjoyed both movies so far. Going to see the 3rd tomorrow. Love your reactions. Also, I do believe Voldemort is either a newborn or still cooking during this movie.

  • @drew2875
    @drew2875 2 года назад +1

    Let’s get this man to 100k👌💯

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 года назад +2

    Luna Lovegood married one of Newt's sons or grandsons in fact!!

    @FRENCHIZE420 2 года назад

    I first saw this movie 3 hours into my acid trip, I HIGHLY recommend you watch it like that. The magic seems so surreal.

  • @lizzie4000
    @lizzie4000 2 года назад

    Its the Skyrim reference for meeeee 🤣🤣🤣 Great Reaction!

  • @debbyemerson3877
    @debbyemerson3877 2 года назад

    Gotta comment before I get into this. Your "set" is fantastic! I know you have film/director goals, and it's been real nice to see your intros progress with time (and probably money lol). Anyway keep it up, I can see your skill 😁

  • @hakiymyoung2513
    @hakiymyoung2513 2 года назад

    Newt Scamander is the writer of Hagrid's favourite book.

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 года назад +1

    Has anyone seen the audio book on youtube done by NEWT SCAMANDER himself? yes, the whole book is rad outloud by the actor himself!!

  • @yamateman
    @yamateman Год назад

    Idk if anyone said this already but apparently this movie was supposed to be like a documentary about fantastic beasts

  • @everymankitchen
    @everymankitchen 8 месяцев назад +1

    Dude watching that intro...maybe you should replace Jonothan Majors in Marvel lol

  • @josherlee
    @josherlee 2 года назад +1

    Not sure if someone else said this already, but Newt’s grandson is married to Luna Lovegood in the future.

  • @filthycasual8187
    @filthycasual8187 2 года назад

    Love the Skyrim music you had in the background during the intro, man! Also great reaction as always!

  • @gray6151
    @gray6151 2 года назад +1

    It's like pokemon for wizards 🤣

  • @Heather61776
    @Heather61776 2 года назад

    I enjoyed this movie. I love Newt. Pickett was my favorite creature. Jacob was a fun character because his reactions were our reactions.
    I love Johnny Depp. I was very disappointed that he was replaced for the 3rd one.
    Grindlewald was referenced quite a bit in the books

  • @dougbeck4011
    @dougbeck4011 2 года назад

    Commenting this before I watch so I may have to comment again lol but when you watch crimes of Grindelwald definitely watch the extended version as the extra scenes add better context

  • @benwest646
    @benwest646 2 года назад +1

    Very cool intro to the video!

  • @sdriggs4952
    @sdriggs4952 2 года назад

    Man when I’m having a shitty day, watching your videos are a great way to escape. Thank you

  • @umnothanksrly2926
    @umnothanksrly2926 Год назад

    I could not stop laughing when credence started to take off his belt and just the look on his face sent me. I could tell where his mind was going. Then it was pieced together that she was going to spank him.

  • @kentonsam4264
    @kentonsam4264 2 года назад +1

    When they announced this I was under the impression that it was the first of an anthology series, like Rogue One was for Star Wars, and I was down for it. A series that focused on different aspects of the Wizarding World sounded awesome and a great way to continue the film franchise, but when WB announced the sequel before the first opened I wasn't so sure about another continuous series but focusing on Newt and his adventures sounded promising. My excitement was lessened when they said Gellert would be the villain of the series because I thought "Really? Another dark wizard? We've done this before." But I gave it a chance and I enjoyed the series this far, but Gellert does nothing for me, it's the expansion of Wizarding World, it's Newt, Jacob, Tina and Queenie and of course the creatures that maintain my interest.

  • @anthonycurby4606
    @anthonycurby4606 2 года назад

    You can claim to be a Slytherin all you want, but real Slytherins end up in Hufflepuff. It's next to the kitchens, and has an entire house of ready made minions.

  • @user-op6kt8pg9y
    @user-op6kt8pg9y 2 года назад +1

    im ngl for me jacob was the best character in this trilogy

  • @NationalRunescape
    @NationalRunescape 2 года назад

    People saying they're upset that they don't say spells out loud as much Think about the Dumbledore vs voldemort fight.

  • @jessicamarshall8042
    @jessicamarshall8042 Год назад

    Oh HELL YEAH with the Skyrim music!

  • @addisonratcatcher3287
    @addisonratcatcher3287 2 года назад

    I LOVE this movie. Eddie Redmayne and Kathrine Waterston have INCREDIBLE chemistry its crazy

  • @couch.patati-patata
    @couch.patati-patata 2 года назад

    Gwen Stefani and Spidey do that rain thing to cure the lizards.

  • @tammyl.faulkner2549
    @tammyl.faulkner2549 2 года назад

    Love the Skyrim music in the backround.

  • @dariuskerby5331
    @dariuskerby5331 2 года назад

    The fact that you were playing skyrim music in the beginning was everything 🙌

  • @kenllixx
    @kenllixx 2 года назад

    Curious you said that C. Farrell/J. Depp's Grindelwald is like Magneto... Some people have mention that before and I think you are correct. Same Lestrange btw... yeap they are related... kind of.