Where are all the First USA Citizens with their NEW Wingamm Rv's? We were told hundreds were buying them but as of this date I cannot find One - Single - USA - Owner - Anywhere! First they were going to have theirs in 2022, then it was pushed back to 2023, and now we are going into 2024 within the next couple of days... SO WHO AND WHERE ARE THE FIRST USA OWNERS?
Where are all the First USA Citizens with their NEW Wingamm Rv's? We were told hundreds were buying them but as of this date I cannot find One - Single - USA - Owner - Anywhere! First they were going to have theirs in 2022, then it was pushed back to 2023, and now we are going into 2024 within the next couple of days... SO WHO AND WHERE ARE THE FIRST USA OWNERS?
Too expensive!!!! Very overpriced at $145k USD! $59k would be the right price for this small van. 👍👍👍👍