Original Deadman Mode Team Destroyed V2 ~700m Loot
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Kills are over the past few months, around the equivalent of 600/700m 07 loot in this video. We do not play the original DMM, we only plan hits on other teams who 'own the game' and swap the money to 07. Enjoy the video.
• Electro-Light & Jordan...
As promised you made a great video with a great hit.
What time are you in, some say Lemon, some say AF, some say Brap... I have no idea anymore
AB Nsing arent they all the same team anyway lol
Love these dmm vids, cleaning out the trash
Ty once again Tata for planking so easily
tata are the biggest shittalkers and claim to "own" 345 and yet your team still destroys them when they can't sit at the bank camping pray melee with their 10,000 sharks
nice vid
You're so wrong..? Leg Ends refuse to fight us, they can only team up with THREE other teams to compete by abusing game mechanics, we'd fight them any time but they know their place.
Rc Pker they do own it, and seasonals. But that's only still rot or wig logs on
apparently my youtube notification broke but I highly doubt they teamed up with anyone, because the truth is everyone hates your shit talker team that camps bank booths only and camps pray melee because you have so many sharks etc
and no you wouldn't fight them lol none of you even log in 325 to fight 1v1
Rc Pker I'm not tata
was replying to the connor guy he is dunno what youtube did but you can't reply properly anymore
really cool video, cant wait to see more - LDR Vids.
people dont understand dmm gp is like 1m:2m osrs, and sotd is like 60m, u guys made bank, good job cleaning up
Ewaz ! no i was saying, ppl think w45 is dead but its a gold mine l0l, stop getting angry, i dont live off selling gp i havent done it in over a year lol...im a college student m8
ur a loser m8
Wait you just admitted to gold selling LOL
Ewaz ! yep and got chain banned for it, just like sparc mac, havent done it since, what u gonna do?
That was more than a year ago, you did it recently x).. Gf.
ty for showing the bank keys, most youtubers dont
bahahahhaha tata for 700m+ x ) good job
finally. someone to wipe out the DDOSERS hahaha lmfao. Goodjob guys!
good shit nice to see the bully's get beat down.
w45 tax collector
love your vids don't stop
impossible to dislike this one mr wiggled
don't miss out on my massive 07 giveaway, merch guide
Thank you for reminding them they don't run w45
J O N has over 700/1 KD, that's mental.
#1 looter
about time
Tubz the typa guy to go to prison and slam the soap on the floor.
It's 2016 and people still don't know not to fuck with Wiggled. :/
Would you prefer that he didn't have any targets to kill and so no new footage :/
tubz is a legend
Well done gentleman! Can you hit when I'm next online doe yeah? Ty
Innit I was saying goodbye to my parents as they were visiting me ffs
how do u get 93k cabbage on dmm
lmao thats what i was wondering too. i was like who wtf is playing dmm and just picks cabbages for a living. then i was like hmm i wonder if cabbage would be good money lol
+Ej Ortiz tortoises drop noted cabbages, and a lot of people train there cause it's 100% safe :)
Looks like a j3r highlight reel to me ;p
So many clans teaming together how do u guys trust so easy? When i try to help out they think its lure or dont take me seriously
fwuk dmm looks so fun D:
I find it interresting how many cakes There are in The original DMM lol. How many do you have ?
If you don't mind me asking what is your clans forums? I'm actively looking for a clan at the momment
For the first nice Video but did you really need 2 merch with "Lit" 2kill em? I mean i would say you can kill em without lit's help but nice 700m
TaytOs rs #bape INMATE MY NIGGA
Who are y?
How did the owner of the last key screenshotted on this video come up with 94k cabbages on dmm? `-`
Yo who is that podrich guy he is really good
What's the swapping rate regular dmm to osrs these days? Also does w345 have GE?
93k Cabbages ? wth was he doing
are you in a clan? just curious, u were in af like 2 years ago if i remember correctly
will lemon ever kill someone without abusing pid on doors?
Thomas Black did you not see the video of wiggled in a 1v1 against one of those original dmm guys? wiggled smoked him 15x, clearly he's just cleaning dmm of the cancer that abuses game mechanics as well, Tata always does the pid on warrior guild doors too Lmfao. haters gonna hate
please come back and clear them all they do is raids
area 51 ppl getting slapped
bad man wiggled
Yes boys that's what we like #weedblazers
700m bs lmao attacking the same person
lol wut?
LMFAO 20 of wiggled's friends vs one person from dmm in each clip
first bruh why tf u not on seasonal tho
LOL at end
Fr33 stuff pl0x, no seriously I struggle making money and getting gear on original deadman
Pog fucking Champ
Is this the old deadman mode ??? Or is there already an ags in the new dmm?
Ni Lo old
I swear to god you have a different acc every clip
Its different people
wiggled best pker ever
imagine dieing to this guy while he is listening to his gay music
Can i buy some gear?
how come wiggled has so many different accounts
Its the whole team not just wiggled lmao
they merged with 4 clans to kill them
Not sure how good you look when you have x5 their members lol
Kind of an odd question. But why do you change cursors so often?
the clips aren't only me, this video is a mixture of mine & psych's clips
ask psych where are the mini vids please ty hehe
ppl still play that wat
poor guys, let them have their private server fun
Are you being sarcastic or being a dumbass or being clueless?
haha love these
lol I'm surprised ppl still play original dmm
wiggled come to os-scape !!!
"#weedblazers" and "smoked lol" damn that's really cringy
you liked a vid from torvesta, how are you any less cringe than you claim this vid is
gwapamole liked that video cause he killed a bunch of spastics that I have no respect for L. Also pretty cringy that you took the time to see what I've liked tbh : /
Calm down RoT
nice smoke edit at the end grow up lol
blaze or get out!!!!!!!!
stream pls
i need to donate!!!!!. i will seriously donate to your channel.
lmfao. stop the abuse on these private server pkers!
more pvm clips pls ur sellin out -.-
lmao its so funny to see how ppl get triggered when they die in dmm, roasts how other clans look irl etc :D
Feminine music.
I'm done lmfao
Poor guys
Sub oakdice sent me great job returning those items man
LOOOOOOL #Leg ends Cya pussies
pickin on deadman pkers ;/ thats sad
1v1 rust
uploading rsps vids? wtf
Nuggets Heyyyy!! :) xx
greetings fellow internetian.
If u really think this is rsps get cancer
+Felix Njabara if you even thought that he wasnt kidding get cancer
+gwapamole his avi is a childhood label brand why would i take him seriously maybe u dont get what im saying get cancer
Smoked lol
free money pls...
holy they are horrible
Big thumbs down for adding this horrible song
disliked for gay hashtags.
Smoked lol