I was Muslim too, I had not peace in me, I passed in hard situation, physically mentally economically, spiritual. I opened the Bible , I found the verse Jesus inviting people "Matthew 11 : 28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. I invited Lord Jesus in my heart, I surrendered my life to Him since that day every thing changed. Till today I'm happy indeed
Awesome, great verse to find Jesus in as well. His heart for us is too huge to measure, everlasting and unconditional. I love hearing that people have found Him.
Even me brother..I am a born muslim..but it has done no good to me..I am offered good lifestyle to embrace Jesus..seems like others are really stupid to drop these..
Im an ex hindu and born again Christian. My husband is still a hindu. Your testimony touched me and gave me an encouragement. God be glorified in every situation 🙏
Lord,I pray for this sister in Jesus Christ that the chains that bind her Hindu husband be broken. I pray You open his eyes to see Jesus ,the truth,the life and the way. Dispel darkness and cause light to flood his soul and transform him from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of your dear Son whom You love. Amen!
Hi I converted to Islam when I married my husband 20 yrs ago and now I returned to Jesus and he divorced me and retained my 4 children. please help me to pray for him so that He receive Jesus too
Sister go deeper in your knowledge of the truth , Nothing is impossible with God and also Nothing is impossible to those who believe. I am praying for you and your family
When non-Christians struggle so much to reach Jesus Christ, a lot of Christians don’t appreciate the grace of being born in a Christian household. Every Christian should listen to these testimonies as motivational to hold on tightly to the precious prize of knowing Jesus Christ.
I am Lebanese Christian. I was raised in a religious home that gave me a good foundation and always believed in Jesus but did not know Him in a personal way. I needed more than religion and found Jesus when I cried out to Him in my early twenties. I became born again and have been serving Him for 50 years. Thank you both for sharing your testimony. It has brought tears and joy to my heart. God has been leading me to share and reach out to Muslims. Please pray that I am bold and loving to share Jesus with them.
I visited an Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the worship to God was 6 hours! It was very good because this long time period helped me to settle down and be present with God. The Ethiopian people are very kind and wonderful people and I am thankful they invited me to their church.
Am born as a Christian but have drifted away since my trouble childhood. Am married and have kids but sometimes worry a lot. Kindly remember me in your prayer 🙏
Praise God. Yr testimony is very Powerful. My son has lived with drugs for 24 yrs since he was a young boy. Now married with 4 children. He was baptized in SDA Church but has fall off. Everything you said in yr testimony thats how he's lived till today. He is now 44yrs of age. Life is miserable with his behaviour cos he's very abusive to everyone. Pls kindly pray for him, his wife n 4 children. God bless.❤🎉😢 .
Dear Sister I encourage you to listen to heal song in your home and read Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 all will be well please testify once your husband leaves Alcohol we all pray for your well being and good health Amen
As a newly saved Christian, and a non alcoholic I served my old man alcohol and I felt bad about it. So I asked The Lord Jesus. He asked me to anoint the cup and pray over it before I serve him the alcohol. I did it daily without ceasing as The Bible says pray without giving up. I did this for 3 months until he got sick coughing up blood. I rushed him to hospital where when he returned , he had no more feeling, desire or craving for alcohol. The Lord had delivered him from 60+years of alcoholism. Praise Jesus . Have Faith in Him. He will not let you down…
I came to Jesus, the same as you two went through. I asked the same questions. But today, I'm living a victorious life in Jesus. I watched with happy tears.😂❤
This testimony is so so amazing and wonderful that one and half an hour of listening to it is not enough. I love how Jesus plans and shaped your life into the most beautiful couple's life. Marriages are truly made in heaven. Longing to hear more from you
Amazing testimony I’m watching this video in bed at 0130hrs and found myself laughing about their journey .Jesus Christ is King yeah,Allah plus Buddha equals Christ the hope of the world. Amen
I fell into drugs really bad do to depression and being raised in a disfunctional family. Ar the age if 35 i ended up losing everything and everyone around me and landed in prison. My 1st day there I cried out to God "How am I going to do this???" Immediately i was blinded and couldnt see anything it was so bright. Then I felt a sense peace thru a calm and realxing feeling. Then I heard a voice I only knew to be Jesus Christ who answered and simply said "with me." And it was over. I went to Bible study and services 3 times a week..Through Gods word he reshaped and remolded me into a new creature in Christ. Its been 10 years last month since I was released. Not one days goes by that I dont thank him for his grace and mercy. I pray all people will seek God and find Jesus. Jesus Christ is truly our Shepherd, I was lost but now I am found. Thank you father! ❤🕊️🙏✝️🐏🐑
All religions ARE NOT the same. All paths DO NOT lead to God. I was raised Catholic, but didn’t accept Jesus Christ as my savior until I was twenty seven, thirty four years ago. I love to hear how Jesus drew others to Himself. Interesting how a young girl growing up in a Catholic family in America, a young girl growing up in a Hindu family and a young boy growing up in a Muslim family ,all came to the Truth - Jesus.❤
Mary, my story is just like yours! I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to receive and believe that salvation is a gift, and Jesus forgives and loves me forever🙌🏼🎚️❤️🔥
I am a born again Christian and at times I feel like Christianity is under attacked in our society today. The testimony of this couple is powerful to and reminds me anew that Satan's plan is to make Christianity or Christ meaningless. But God has won the battle and when you accept Christ as your personal Savior, you are on the winning side that no other faith group can offer. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior today. It's the best and wisest decision you will ever make in your life, hands down. 🙌🏾👏🏾❤
O how I wish that my Muslim brother,s and sisters could hear this testimony I'm from Muslim religion and are save for 45 years met my br and sisters when my dad passed away yes my father also cursed me God is real Amen my sister are allowing me in her house and I do pray in her house without her knowledge I believe God to change their life Thank you my br and sis for such powerful testimony God bless you
Dear sister..if u are truly in Christ..no one can curse you..our sins and curses are taken care by Jesus Christ on the cross...so if any one curses us it goes to the cross..it won't affect us..Praise God.
The South African accent is so soft on my ears😊 I have a Hindu friend, who is Hindu/agnostic looking for God. Her brother is homosexual and at this moment she isn't willing to even think about a religion that would say it's a sin. She is married to a Christian man, so I hope God can work through him.
Dont forget GodtheFather If God not sent Jesus is No Savior at all..John20vs17 1Tim2vs5 1Cor8vs6 Mark12vs29 Deut 6vs4 Gal3vs20 Ex33vs20 John5vs37 John1vs18 1John4vs12 The reason Why We Must Be In Christ,If We Not In Christ We Cant Receive The Holy Spirit.Thats Why Jesus Is Our Mediator. Matt23vs9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. John12vs44 Then Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. 45 And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. 49 For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. 50 And I know that His command is everlasting life.(1JOHN5vs9-13 1John1vs1-3) Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.” John8vs26 I have many things to say and to judge concerning you, but HE WHO SENT ME IS TRUE; and I speak to the world those things which I heard from Him.” John17vs3 Read and Meditate Whole Chapter. Eph3vs14 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Rom15vs6.that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts2vs30 Therefore, being a prophet, and KNOWING THAT GOD HAD SWORN WITH OATH the fruit of his body, according to the flesh, He would raise up the Christ to sit on His throne, 31 he, foreseeing this, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that His soul was not left in Hades, nor did His flesh see corruption. 32 THIS JESUS GOD HAS RAISED UP(ROM10vs9), of which we are all witnesses. 33 Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and HAVING RECEIVED FROM THE FATHER the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear. 34 “For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he says himself: ‘THE LORD said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, 35 Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”’ 36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that GOD HAS MADE THIS JESUS, whom you crucified, BOTH LORD AND CHRIST.” Acts4vs24-27 Acts10vs38 Acts5vs31 Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. Abt Isa9vs6 many ppl thinks He is God but a God degrade to a Prince of Peace??? All apostles and ppl mention in the Bible ex. Luke2 )prayed to God not Jesus. Acts17vs24 “God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness BY THE MAN WHOM HE=GODTHEFATHER HAS ORDAINED. He has given assurance of this to all BY RAISING HIM FROM THE DEAD.” Think about it!!!!!
New subscriber from Nagaland. I'm currently working as a Pastor. I can see Jesus Christ in you both. Both of you took right decision "we came empty hand and we shall return empty" but if we have Christ in us we have everything.
I born a again Christian saved by the blood. You twos testimonies are very powerful, I was moved and tearful from start to the end. God bless you twos and your ministry from all the way from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬
Yes. I agree with you. 👍💯 Their journey through Christianity was so unbelievable. T'was a bit thorny and yet Lord God almighty didn't leave them nor forsake them. And how wonderful to learn the guy's family bless their new found God, God of all creations. Thank you my brother and sister in Christ. God bless us all. 🙏🙌
Wow, what an inspiration you are. I'm a Christian in Papua New Guinea and really our God is a miracle working God and full of Love. Your story blessed me so much. God bless and keep you to bring other Hindu and Muslims to Christ.❤❤❤❤
My parents were born in PNG as with my 5 oldest siblings. Praise God that His spirit is being poured out to PNG. More missionaries are bing called to those islands. End-time harvest is coming!
I had never heard of this kind of testimony, The Holy Spirit worked well and led your family to salvation. This wonderful testimony would be an eye-opener to many who deny Jesus. Praise the Lord!!!! Alleluia!!!!!................Love from India!!!!!
Let's just say it, both listened quietly without interrupting the other. Both very respectful of each other, such great witnesses to the goodness of God 😊
Most of the comments I could able to understand are Hindu to Islam or vice versa and to christianity. Please remember, it is not from one religion to another finally to christianity. If you think you are in Christianity a religion, this is as bad as other religions. Please don't count Christianity as a religion among the religions. It is the Salvation people never experienced, an everlasting life nowhere you get but only with Jesus Christ who paid the enormous price to win you for God. You were troubled in your families, Hinduism n in Islam for being together, found comfort and solace in christianity, so you're in it now. That is not the change of heart but only trying to escape from people around you, who blame you for changing your relegions for the sake of attraction or love you have towards each other is only physical and you are only trying to save your skin. Sorry!
Amen awesome testimony, I was a hindhi became a Christian, battling torment by hindhi and Asian demons, although I'm a Christian, hindhi family has brought confusion in my life by mocking Christianity, and making the Bible a mockery, term I been a staunch Christian, I backslide and it's a battle to believe 100% in Christianity as all these demons are messing with my mind, keep me in prayer to be set free from these demons
Dear beloved, Surrender your life completely onto the mighty hands of Jesus. Jesus will save you and protect you from all evils and He will make you whole because Jesus is the only Savior of mankind. There is no other way on earth or heaven for salvation. Trust in Jesus and lean on Him. Jesus will never forsake you. 🙏❤🤝
I live in Singapore and have been a believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour for over sixty years , this testimony of Pranisha and Shahid is one of the most beautiful testimonies I have ever heard in my life ! May God bless them and their daughter all the days of their life. May the name of Jesus be greatly praised for what He has done in Pranisha and Shahid's life . Truly His grace is sufficient for us !.
You too are so sweet! The way your husband looks at you, I can tell that he loves you so much! Your fire for Jesus is so addictive 🙏🏻 God bless your family!
Nothing is impossible for Yeshua HaMaschiah ... Listening to all their testimonials further strengthens my faith in the Father Son and Holy spirit... Amen
I watching from Australia this is beautiful testimony I’m a born again Christian when listen ing I keep crying what miracle that Jesus put the two different Religions, in one spirit God bless
Indeed every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.God has a good plan for mankind and He is visiting the unreached in miraculous ways . What a beautiful testimony from these wonderful brethren God bless you and give you direction as He sends you to preach to those who have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ .Our God is alive!
What a beautiful testimony! Our God is so great! I can’t believe that I watched the whole 90mins of this, but I couldn’t stop. How great is our God - how He keeps relentlessly pursuing us because He loves us so much and wants us to have everlasting life. Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimonies. I pray that others will be changed as this video and your continued work ministers to them.
King of king and Lord of Lord glorify his name, bravo sister and brother preach the word of God and please pray for the Christian in India, Am from manipur india.
Please pray for my parents, only brother who is jobless, my husband is also jobless and he is losing everything. We are in depression Please help my lord Jesus Christ
I rebuke the devil over your life and the Life of your husband and family in Jesus name 🙏🏻 . Keep the faith and put ur n the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness , listen to praise and worship music and keep claiming the blessings of God . i hope you understand.
Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that you open many job opportunities to the father and the son of this family. Give them wisdom in their decision-making. Father, you said where two or three are gathered together your name their you are in the mist of them according to Matthew 18:20. We praise you in advance for restoration. Amen.❤ 🙏🏿
I had NDE pounced death fr several hrs was in coma fr 3 weeks, I am Christian but never religious n hardly read the Bible, having the experiences of NDE , I was ended I horrible dark places with demons I screamed the name of Jesus n he came n save me n brought me to heaven , there is no words n pictures to describe what I witnessed , I saw the Bible n every word spoken in the Bible became alive n downloaded in me no idea how to describe it. Jesus brought me back to life n healed me, saw me so much n couldn't handle it in physical, he is the Alfa n Omega , he told me to follow his foot steps n never judge others because we are all one we are made the image of him. His religion is love.
Jesus continues to bless this couple for sharing their testimony. I am a Christian and it is sweeter everyday with Jesus . He never fails us . Keep the faith and God bless us all
Such a beautiful testimony!! Please pray for my husband's conversion. He is a Hindu. I also need prayers for my two adult children, who are not practising their Faith. Lord have mercy on me and my family.
I too have a similar situation. Lord Jesus touch our lives in profound ways and help me to keep walking in my faith in you Lord. Bring my family into your flock soonest.
Jesus said to me,"I have chosen you,you did not choose Me".Yes ,way. back in the Soviet Union,Moscow,a sinner of sinners on the way to hell was rescued by the Savior,literally dead...but Supernaturally opened my eyes...before it happened was running to the Russian Orthodox church,fell at the entrance before crucified Jesus and asked Him to give me another chance,and He did.Failed many times,but the lover of my soul never gave up on me.Today can not imagine my life without Him.Sufferings were teaching me to gain strength...to learn wisdom...to be closer ..It was a process.Thank you for this testimony.
When I saw about 1 1/2 hr of testimony, I almost skipped it because it was past midnight, but after listening for 5 minutes I couldn't stop listening to both of your stories how you decided to accept Christ as your Savior and Lord. I listened for 1 1/2 hr. I am a born again Christian. I grew up in a religious Christian culture, so I thought I was a Christian. Someone said if you were born in a garage, it doesn't mean you are a car. Religion is man's way to reach out to GOD by being obedient to man made rules and traditions. True Christianity is GOD reaching out to people to have relationships with HIM. When I surrendered my life personally to Lord JESUS, accepted HIS offer of eternal life that HE had purchased for me with HIS blood on the cross, I was born again. JESUS has forgiven my sins just like HE forgave one of the criminals' sins, the criminal who was crucified next to JESUS, he had asked for forgiveness from JESUS and JESUS said:"Tonight you will be with me in Paradise." --- I was baptized, the baptism is a symbol that I was buried and raised again from the water, my past life was buried and to let everyone know that I have new life in Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new". Paul said that things that was so important to him had become like trash, but what was not so important had become very important after he accepted JESUS in his life. After I was born again the Holy Spirit ( JESUS / GOD ) convicted me whenever I thought about doing or saying something that was against HIS will. The Holy Spirit keeps guiding me to stay on the right path. GOD's Word the Bible is the lamp of my path in life. Whenever I disobeyed GOD I would not lose my relationship with GOD, but I would lose the sweet fellowship with HIM. When I truly repented and asked GOD to forgive me, the Bible said that HE forgave me and and our sweet fellowship is restored. Some people believe that JESUS is a prophet. JESUS is GOD manisted in the flesh. Was JESUS telling the truth when HE said: "I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Yes, HE was telling the truth. Trust HIM, you will be glad when you do it.
Thank you so much Shahid and Pranisha Abdool for taking the time in prayer and in preparation to share your wonderful testimony. Praise the holy name of Jesus! We have been praying and preparing for many years to start a church in Dublin, Ohio that would train people to evangelize people from many different religions. We have many Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, in our city. We also deeply pray and desire to send workers to the many unreached nations and major cities of this earth. We believe your testimony will be helpful to many people with these religious backgrounds in our area. We also have a website presenting the gospel in a booklet and in a CD that can be used online for no cost .
Mr &Mrs Abdul happy to hear that you said yes to God I'm catholic I have a daughter inlaw that was Hindu she converted to catholic at first she didn't had a clue of church but she love the Christianity
Truly Jesus Christ came looking For you both! This is Amazing and Glorious ! What a Marvellous Heavenly transformation! No one can separate you from the Love of God through Christ! Many Many Souls will enter the Kingdom of God through your family! Love and Prayers from the Family of Christ!❤
Alleluia Jesus is truly risen. God bless you Arian. Bravo 👏🏻 you are so daring to profess your faith and accept Jesus as your Savior. I salute you for your courage. Its Jesus who is living in you n speaking through you. May He strengthen you n hold you in the palm of His hand n protect you n your belief. God bless.
What an awesome testimony!Praise the Lord. I come from Malaysia where it is predominantly a Muslim nation. I am a Christian and I am so encouraged by this testimony. Coming from a Muslim majority country I can completely understand how taboo it is for a Muslim to turn away from his religion .I pray many Muslim from Malaysia will get to hear this wonderful story and be transformed by Jesus because I believed many have no idea who Jesus really is . Most of the Muslim here cannot read Arabic so they rely on their ustaz , their religious teachers to interpret for them their version of Islam , which often has strayed to become more extreme and conservative. Pray for us as well ,that God will save us from going down that path .Amen
I am Pastor Sandesh, This morning I prayed that revival should take place not only in India but also in the world and now when I see such a powerful testimony and comments I strongly believe that we are on the way to REVIVAL. Pray more even for one another.
Oh Jesus Christ please forgive me and my husband for we are sinners.. wash our sins with the precious blood of Jesus. Bless us this difficult time that we are facing now. Give us strength from you lord. Nothing is impossible with God.
What a strong woman you are. Your love for Jesus Christ shows in all what you do and be a very good example for your husband and your daughter and all around you. You are such a happy person. It shows your happiness because you have Christ in you and I do believe in you that you are a good woman the Lord bless you with so many things now your husband is joining you in searching for Christ. I am happy for you. God bless you and your family.🧚🏻♀️💞🙏
So good to see the work of Jesus in your lives. Yes Jesus does miracles in all our lives in different ways. May God bless you. Thanks for sharing your testimonies.
Wow... Today when i wakeup early in the morning i open up my youtube and i saw you both. As i started to see the video i become so emotional and i cry a lot. What a wonderful testimony. Now i will share this videos to some of my Hindu and Muslim friends family. May God bless you both. I just want to meet you both one day hete in Inia. If you can be posible i want to organized a crusade in my hometown and bring a wonderful miracles to someone who really are hunger for the Lords words. Thanks you.
You 2 are beautiful and child of God Jesus Christ bless you and keep you and using his will God going to bless your daughter 1000 generation blessing will continue amen you 2 preach the word of God all over the world 🌎 soon amen and amen 🙏❤️🇨🇦✝️🇱🇰
Really blessed testimony., Being an Indian I know the two religions and their practises, it is not easy to come out, thank you Jesus to saved them.Both having thorough knowledge in Bible, Bible meditation is very important in holy life. God bless you with His abundance grace. Thank you. Praise the Lord.
I am a Catholic who just moved to India. I can say that I have never seen such a strong faith in Jesus anywhere else in the world than in an Indian Catholic Church. The people are so warm and so in love with Jesus. They really know their faith. They have joy and they emanate that. I love attending the Holy Mass in India where everyone is most welcomed! ❤🙏
If you are a catholic you not save yet you need to accept Jesus as your savior and become a Christian because Jesus didn’t give us rosary only Jesus is saint the Bible don’t tell us to pray the statues my God is jalouse God is against idolatry God bless you repent before is to late.
God bless you both, be filled with the Holy Spirit, Pray for our country India For peace unity, and to know the Truth. So that only Truth can set us free❤ love you both Be blessed🙌🙌
Jesus Christ is the only way who brings joy and happiness thanks to Christ family l really got encouraged through the wonderful testimony God bless you.
Yeshu Masih Ki Jai 🙏🙏 Praise the Lord Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen 🙏 I am blessed to hear your amazing powerful testimony. God takes ashes and turns into beauty. God took 2 broken pieces and turned them into His beautiful masterpiece. There is no other name which is given under Heaven by which we are be saved. Jesus is the name above all names!! I was saved from Sikh religion into the light of The Lord Jesus Christ. I also worshipped idles cause Sikh religion came from Hindu religion. God is so good!! He found me when I wasn’t looking for Him. My husband, our children and grandchildren are saved. You are a beautiful couple inside and out. God bless you abundantly 🙏💕😀
Listening to you both brought joy in my heart that you know our saviour Jesus. God chose you both to spread his word in the Hindu and Islam community. I pray for you both to continue what you are doing . Praise God
Pray that your testimony be listening more many people end receiving Jesus Christ in they heart and soul God bless you for your testimony many be saved
I am also from Hindu family. Jesus saved me.
Only Jesus is the King ✝️
I thank Jesus for you. Jesus is real and true, and He is the ONLY Savior of mankind.❤
Yes Amen 🎉❤
I was Muslim too, I had not peace in me, I passed in hard situation, physically mentally economically, spiritual. I opened the Bible , I found the verse Jesus inviting people "Matthew 11 : 28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
I invited Lord Jesus in my heart, I surrendered my life to Him since that day every thing changed. Till today I'm happy indeed
Praise the Lord
Awesome, great verse to find Jesus in as well. His heart for us is too huge to measure, everlasting and unconditional. I love hearing that people have found Him.
thanks for the gospel 🙏
Hallelujah, amazing.
Glory to God!
Thanks for sharing your testimony
We were Hindu without kids we gave our lives to Jesus and now we have 3 kids
Praise the Lord
Read more bible with Revelation
God bless you
Praise the LORD...
Wonderful testimony
You are such encouragement to us in Malaysia!
Christianity is not a religion but a spiritual relationship with God
You are exactly 💯 your comment there is stronger speech in your massage may deer God bless you in the name of Jesus christ Amen.❤
Very true.
I would add a relationship with God thru the saving blood of Jesus
Amen. I was a Hindu but now am a Christian. I love Jesus and thank Him for His Love for me.
Praise the lord 🙏. God bless you
Very good, welcome to Lord Jesus
Praise the Lord!
I also came from a hindu bsckground. Never like it, today i serve the name above all name. JESUS
A BIG AMEN and alleluia to you. A big welcome home to you.😊
Even me brother..I am a born muslim..but it has done no good to me..I am offered good lifestyle to embrace Jesus..seems like others are really stupid to drop these..
Radhe Radhe🧡
I am a catholic and JESUS save my life so many times during illness and accidents.from mauritius.AMEN
I am ex hindu and 15 years addicted to drugs no one can delivered me but only Jesus
Believe in Him, and you will be saved and delivered.
Praise the Lord🎉🎉🎉
I'm a Christian from papua new guinea 🇵🇬 like your testimonial ,thanks to God of Israel, shalom
Im an ex hindu and born again Christian. My husband is still a hindu. Your testimony touched me and gave me an encouragement. God be glorified in every situation 🙏
He is faithful to His promises…May His hope reach your ❤
Amen 🎉
What a testimony!
This will be used for the glory of God.
Lord,I pray for this sister in Jesus Christ that the chains that bind her Hindu husband be broken. I pray You open his eyes to see Jesus ,the truth,the life and the way. Dispel darkness and cause light to flood his soul and transform him from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of your dear Son whom You love. Amen!
Hi I converted to Islam when I married my husband 20 yrs ago and now I returned to Jesus and he divorced me and retained my 4 children. please help me to pray for him so that He receive Jesus too
That is what happens to the Muslim women in Islam. I will pray for you
welcome back sister in christ jesus ❤
Sister go deeper in your knowledge of the truth , Nothing is impossible with God and also Nothing is impossible to those who believe. I am praying for you and your family
Praying for you and your family
Jesus is your ultimate salvation and joy amidst all the chaos. Hold onto Jesus no matter what the circumstances are.
Praise the Lord, I'm a Christian from Meghalaya I appreciated your testimonies. May God bless you and bring many many lost souls through you.
When non-Christians struggle so much to reach Jesus Christ, a lot of Christians don’t appreciate the grace of being born in a Christian household. Every Christian should listen to these testimonies as motivational to hold on tightly to the precious prize of knowing Jesus Christ.
I so so agree
So true 🙏🙏🙏
I was listening to a testimony and wish to go back to same. Please help.
Yes, well said !
Exactly my thoughts
I am Lebanese Christian. I was raised in a religious home that gave me a good foundation and always believed in Jesus but did not know Him in a personal way. I needed more than religion and found Jesus when I cried out to Him in my early twenties. I became born again and have been serving Him for 50 years. Thank you both for sharing your testimony. It has brought tears and joy to my heart. God has been leading me to share and reach out to Muslims. Please pray that I am bold and loving to share Jesus with them.
I'm Ethiopian Orthodox Christian so very amazing so much GOD Blessed you.
I visited an Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the worship to God was 6 hours! It was very good because this long time period helped me to settle down and be present with God. The Ethiopian people are very kind and wonderful people and I am thankful they invited me to their church.
Billy Graham used to say - "The word of God has its own built in power to change people's lives". This testimony is a prime example of that truth.
Ex hindu and ex alcoholic here. Lord Jesus Christ totally changed my life. He is Real folks ❤
God will Blessed you abundantly 💕🙏
Hallelujah ❤
Am born as a Christian but have drifted away since my trouble childhood. Am married and have kids but sometimes worry a lot. Kindly remember me in your prayer 🙏
Powerful God is good
Love u jesus
What beautiful testimonies. Praise the Lord.
Omg.... 27 years together and you both still look very very young n youthful. This must be the Grace of God alone. Praise God for this Beaufort couple
Stay blessed, both of you.😊.
Amen what a testimony this is God's amazing grace God bless you an family God is good all the, time ❤
Jesus in the family happy all the time . ❤️❤️✝️🙏🏻
It is indeed the grace of God, for his grace is sufficient
I hope and pray that this wonderful testimony would touch millions of non-believers around the world 🙏
Praise God. Yr testimony is very Powerful. My son has lived with drugs for 24 yrs since he was a young boy. Now married with 4 children. He was baptized in SDA Church but has fall off. Everything you said in yr testimony thats how he's lived till today. He is now 44yrs of age. Life is miserable with his behaviour cos he's very abusive to everyone. Pls kindly pray for him, his wife n 4 children. God bless.❤🎉😢 .
We are praying for you Elizabeth!!
Don't worry He will handle all your problems and worries.
"Cast your burdens unto Jesus, He cares for you. "
Please pray for my husband he is alcoholic one day by any means and any reason he will be change man in christ❤❤❤ from india
Holy Jesus will surely change him...
Dear Sister I encourage you to listen to heal song in your home and read Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 all will be well please testify once your husband leaves Alcohol we all pray for your well being and good health Amen
As a newly saved Christian, and a non alcoholic I served my old man alcohol and I felt bad about it. So I asked The Lord Jesus. He asked me to anoint the cup and pray over it before I serve him the alcohol. I did it daily without ceasing as The Bible says pray without giving up. I did this for 3 months until he got sick coughing up blood. I rushed him to hospital where when he returned , he had no more feeling, desire or craving for alcohol. The Lord had delivered him from 60+years of alcoholism. Praise Jesus . Have Faith in Him. He will not let you down…
I came to Jesus, the same as you two went through. I asked the same questions. But today, I'm living a victorious life in Jesus. I watched with happy tears.😂❤
Two luckiest people on this planet. Amazing testimony God bless them!
Powerful testimony. You both are ambassadors of Jesus Christ to Hindus and Muslims
Exactly! Welcome to the lord Jesus Christ.
I have lot of queries in bible can I ask
Yes please @@sarvejanasukhinobavunthu712
@@sarvejanasukhinobavunthu712 sure
@@sarvejanasukhinobavunthu712 : Always question.
This testimony is so so amazing and wonderful that one and half an hour of listening to it is not enough. I love how Jesus plans and shaped your life into the most beautiful couple's life. Marriages are truly made in heaven. Longing to hear more from you
They are really inspirational!
Wow, wonderful testimony
Amen and Praise be to the King of Kings.
Amazing testimony I’m watching this video in bed at 0130hrs and found myself laughing about their journey .Jesus Christ is King yeah,Allah plus Buddha equals Christ the hope of the world. Amen
What a beautiful witness. I'm a Christian...and your story has blessed and encouraged me. May God bless you.
Amazing indeed are the ways of God! Millions of non- believers will now realise the futility of worshipping fake gods.
God never made a mistake,you were born for this VERY PURPOSE.
Thank you for your testimony. Every knee will bow down in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.Amen
Praise the Lord ! Hallelujah ! Love and blessing to my brother and sister in Christ Jesus. love from *PAKISTAN* 💞💕
Blessings to you also from Ethiopia.
Praise be to Lord Jesus Christ!
Praise God for this powerful testimony, Jesus is the way the truth and the life Amen.
A noble wife is a crown of her husband..., falling in ❤
I fell into drugs really bad do to depression and being raised in a disfunctional family. Ar the age if 35 i ended up losing everything and everyone around me and landed in prison. My 1st day there I cried out to God "How am I going to do this???" Immediately i was blinded and couldnt see anything it was so bright. Then I felt a sense peace thru a calm and realxing feeling. Then I heard a voice I only knew to be Jesus Christ who answered and simply said "with me." And it was over. I went to Bible study and services 3 times a week..Through Gods word he reshaped and remolded me into a new creature in Christ. Its been 10 years last month since I was released. Not one days goes by that I dont thank him for his grace and mercy. I pray all people will seek God and find Jesus. Jesus Christ is truly our Shepherd, I was lost but now I am found. Thank you father! ❤🕊️🙏✝️🐏🐑
Thank you for sharing that.
Praise the Lord
Amazing story! I would really love to record it if possible - www.christianlifetestimonies.com/testimony/
U have both emerged winners - Praise the Lord.U are a new creation in Christ.Thanks for yr powerful testimony.
Hallelujah .. twin flames😊 Beaaaaautiful transformation
Aunty Pranisha is a strong woman, to God be the glory.
All religions ARE NOT the same. All paths DO NOT lead to God.
I was raised Catholic, but didn’t accept Jesus Christ as my savior until I was twenty seven, thirty four years ago.
I love to hear how Jesus drew others to Himself. Interesting how a young girl growing up in a Catholic family in America, a young girl growing up in a Hindu family and a young boy growing up in a Muslim family ,all came to the Truth - Jesus.❤
I was Protestant for 23 years but there are no sacraments there, it’s a faith that lacks the very things which Christ established for salvation
Amen Jesus is God
What an amazing testimony . God bless u n may His be glorified .
@@Vinsanity997all sacraments are based on Christ; just focus on Jesus.
Mary, my story is just like yours! I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to receive and believe that salvation is a gift, and Jesus forgives and loves me forever🙌🏼🎚️❤️🔥
I am a born again Christian and at times I feel like Christianity is under attacked in our society today. The testimony of this couple is powerful to and reminds me anew that Satan's plan is to make Christianity or Christ meaningless. But God has won the battle and when you accept Christ as your personal Savior, you are on the winning side that no other faith group can offer. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior today. It's the best and wisest decision you will ever make in your life, hands down. 🙌🏾👏🏾❤
O how I wish that my Muslim brother,s and sisters could hear this testimony I'm from Muslim religion and are save for 45 years met my br and sisters when my dad passed away yes my father also cursed me God is real Amen my sister are allowing me in her house and I do pray in her house without her knowledge I believe God to change their life
Thank you my br and sis for such powerful testimony God bless you
I'm Indian. Our heart breaks for all who reject Christ. 😢❤
Dear sister..if u are truly in Christ..no one can curse you..our sins and curses are taken care by Jesus Christ on the cross...so if any one curses us it goes to the cross..it won't affect us..Praise God.
Wow. Jesus is alive and active. Bless you both, from India. Out side the resurrection of Jesus there is no hope for mankind.
Amen ❤🙏
The South African accent is so soft on my ears😊 I have a Hindu friend, who is Hindu/agnostic looking for God. Her brother is homosexual and at this moment she isn't willing to even think about a religion that would say it's a sin.
She is married to a Christian man, so I hope God can work through him.
God will save it for sure
Praise the Lord!!! I'm a proud Christian. Jesus is my everything!!! AMEN.
Dont forget GodtheFather If God not sent Jesus is No Savior at all..John20vs17 1Tim2vs5 1Cor8vs6 Mark12vs29 Deut 6vs4 Gal3vs20 Ex33vs20 John5vs37 John1vs18 1John4vs12
The reason Why We Must Be In Christ,If We Not In Christ We Cant Receive The Holy Spirit.Thats Why Jesus Is Our Mediator.
Matt23vs9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
John12vs44 Then Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. 45 And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me.
49 For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. 50 And I know that His command is everlasting life.(1JOHN5vs9-13 1John1vs1-3) Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.”
John8vs26 I have many things to say and to judge concerning you, but HE WHO SENT ME IS TRUE; and I speak to the world those things which I heard from Him.”
John17vs3 Read and Meditate Whole Chapter.
Eph3vs14 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Rom15vs6.that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts2vs30 Therefore, being a prophet, and KNOWING THAT GOD HAD SWORN WITH OATH the fruit of his body, according to the flesh, He would raise up the Christ to sit on His throne, 31 he, foreseeing this, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that His soul was not left in Hades, nor did His flesh see corruption. 32 THIS JESUS GOD HAS RAISED UP(ROM10vs9), of which we are all witnesses. 33 Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and HAVING RECEIVED FROM THE FATHER the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear.
34 “For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he says himself:
‘THE LORD said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
35 Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”’
36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that GOD HAS MADE THIS JESUS, whom you crucified, BOTH LORD AND CHRIST.”
Acts10vs38 Acts5vs31 Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
Abt Isa9vs6 many ppl thinks He is God but a God degrade to a Prince of Peace???
All apostles and ppl mention in the Bible ex. Luke2 )prayed to God not Jesus.
Acts17vs24 “God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness BY THE MAN WHOM HE=GODTHEFATHER HAS ORDAINED. He has given assurance of this to all BY RAISING HIM FROM THE DEAD.”
Think about it!!!!!
Praise the Lord Bro
What a mighty God we serve. Hallelujah! Thank you very much for your testimony. You are both blessed.
Praise the lord 🙏🙏 blessed 😇 you both with the most happy life with good health ❣️ AMEN.
New subscriber from Nagaland. I'm currently working as a Pastor. I can see Jesus Christ in you both. Both of you took right decision "we came empty hand and we shall return empty" but if we have Christ in us we have everything.
I born a again Christian saved by the blood. You twos testimonies are very powerful, I was moved and tearful from start to the end. God bless you twos and your ministry from all the way from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬
These couple should write a book because they have an amazing story. God bless them 🙏
True. It is going to be easy from these cds.
Brother and Sister, yes pls pls write a book. And save this testimony on Cds. ❤
Yes. I agree with you. 👍💯 Their journey through Christianity was so unbelievable. T'was a bit thorny and yet Lord God almighty didn't leave them nor forsake them. And how wonderful to learn the guy's family bless their new found God, God of all creations. Thank you my brother and sister in Christ. God bless us all. 🙏🙌
True the couple should write a book,Hindu and Muslim couple would be a great testimony to the world and enlighten the world about what God can do.
Wow, what an inspiration you are. I'm a Christian in Papua New Guinea and really our God is a miracle working God and full of Love. Your story blessed me so much. God bless and keep you to bring other Hindu and Muslims to Christ.❤❤❤❤
Oh how nice . I lived as a child in New Guinea. My father was in the Dutch marines . May God bless you and your family .
My parents were born in PNG as with my 5 oldest siblings. Praise God that His spirit is being poured out to PNG. More missionaries are bing called to those islands. End-time harvest is coming!
I had never heard of this kind of testimony, The Holy Spirit worked well and led your family to salvation. This wonderful testimony would be an eye-opener to many who deny Jesus. Praise the Lord!!!! Alleluia!!!!!................Love from India!!!!!
Listening to both of you my eyes filled with tears of joy. Am Grateful to Jesus Christ for what He has done.
I was born Buddishsim but now I belive in Jesus love you both,jesus is God that truth for internal shalom❤
What and how you realized Jesus was God?
@@hameedkatoor7469Yes he is living God
Praise the Lord
Man what a testimony. There are so many Indian people here in Bothell and Mill Creek. What an opportunity to share.
Wonderful couple. May the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ continue shining on you.
Wow, the wife is so quiet listening to his husband such a beautiful woman and so humble.
The husband also should receive praise.
She is very unique ❤❤❤
Let's just say it, both listened quietly without interrupting the other. Both very respectful of each other, such great witnesses to the goodness of God 😊
Amen 🙏.Praise the Lord.
"Beloved @blueshoes5145, please leave a comment without being too imposing on my comment. Thank you."
All the way from America, Jesus Christ receive all of the Praised. Be glorified. We love you🙏🏽❤️
Hindu to Islam to JESUS??? I've seen it all now. Jesus is Powerful! The Beauty of Christ is indescribable.
Unspeakable gift... Salvation through the cross where Jesus died and rose again...🙏✝️
Amen amen and amen bless the Lord halelujah!!!
Most of the comments I could able to understand are Hindu to Islam or vice versa and to christianity. Please remember, it is not from one religion to another finally to christianity. If you think you are in Christianity a religion, this is as bad as other religions. Please don't count Christianity as a religion among the religions. It is the Salvation people never experienced, an everlasting life nowhere you get but only with Jesus Christ who paid the enormous price to win you for God. You were troubled in your families, Hinduism n in Islam for being together, found comfort and solace in christianity, so you're in it now. That is not the change of heart but only trying to escape from people around you, who blame you for changing your relegions for the sake of attraction or love you have towards each other is only physical and you are only trying to save your skin. Sorry!
No one!
Jesus is the way the truth and the life. I'm from ethiopia ; God bless you
Perfect God bless you
Amen awesome testimony, I was a hindhi became a Christian, battling torment by hindhi and Asian demons, although I'm a Christian, hindhi family has brought confusion in my life by mocking Christianity, and making the Bible a mockery, term I been a staunch Christian, I backslide and it's a battle to believe 100% in Christianity as all these demons are messing with my mind, keep me in prayer to be set free from these demons
I pray in the name of Jesus, be free. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Look for guidance & 'Divine Mercy of JESUS ' prayers; look for it in Google & your life will change.
Just give yourself to Jesus that's all you need and those evil will disappear, because your body will become a new temple of God.
Dear beloved, Surrender your life completely onto the mighty hands of Jesus. Jesus will save you and protect you from all evils and He will make you whole because Jesus is the only Savior of mankind. There is no other way on earth or heaven for salvation. Trust in Jesus and lean on Him. Jesus will never forsake you.
Let Jesus fix it for you He knows just what to do whenever you pray let the Lord have his way let Jesus fix it for you Amen 🙏🙏🙏
I live in Singapore and have been a believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour for over sixty years , this testimony of Pranisha and Shahid is one of the most beautiful testimonies I have ever heard in my life ! May God bless them and their daughter all the days of their life. May the name of Jesus be greatly praised for what He has done in Pranisha and Shahid's life . Truly His grace is sufficient for us !.
I love you , God Bless you and family🙏Shalom🙏💞❤
I am so thankful to God that I was born and raised in a catholic family. Jesus' greatest gift to me 💖
You too are so sweet! The way your husband looks at you, I can tell that he loves you so much! Your fire for Jesus is so addictive 🙏🏻 God bless your family!
I agree with you. It,'s amazing
Yes. Quite a wonderful testimony I've ever heard so far . God bless us all. 🙏🙌
I love how Pranisha and Shahid quote Scripture! They are rooted in Christ and their respect for one another is a great testimony!
2 beautiful people here . Thankyou very much. You give me strength in my own struggle watching you sharing your experiences.
This seems unbelievable 😢....From Hindu, lslam then Christ.....Praise the Lord Jesus. Aliluyah ❤✝️🙏
One was Hindu and the other Muslim.God put them together and saved them❤
Nothing is impossible for Yeshua HaMaschiah ... Listening to all their testimonials further strengthens my faith in the Father Son and Holy spirit... Amen
I watching from Australia this is beautiful testimony I’m a born again Christian when listen ing I keep crying what miracle that Jesus put the two different Religions, in one spirit God bless
Amen 🙏🏻
Indeed every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.God has a good plan for mankind and He is visiting the unreached in miraculous ways .
What a beautiful testimony from these wonderful brethren God bless you and give you direction as He sends you to preach to those who have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ .Our God is alive!
Me too I am sobbing
Listening to your testimony ..it moved me to tears..thank you for sharing ..mind blowing & powerful testimony...ex muslim..from Faldilah to Dee..❤😢
What a beautiful testimony! Our God is so great! I can’t believe that I watched the whole 90mins of this, but I couldn’t stop. How great is our God - how He keeps relentlessly pursuing us because He loves us so much and wants us to have everlasting life. Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimonies. I pray that others will be changed as this video and your continued work ministers to them.
Its like watching a movie!!! God truely pursues us!!
King of king and Lord of Lord glorify his name, bravo sister and brother preach the word of God and please pray for the Christian in India, Am from manipur india.
Please pray for my parents, only brother who is jobless, my husband is also jobless and he is losing everything. We are in depression
Please help my lord Jesus Christ
Come to Jesus Christ
I rebuke the devil over your life and the Life of your husband and family in Jesus name 🙏🏻 . Keep the faith and put ur n the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness , listen to praise and worship music and keep claiming the blessings of God . i hope you understand.
Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that you open many job opportunities to the father and the son of this family. Give them wisdom in their decision-making. Father, you said where two or three are gathered together your name their you are in the mist of them according to Matthew 18:20. We praise you in advance for restoration. Amen.❤ 🙏🏿
I had NDE pounced death fr several hrs was in coma fr 3 weeks, I am Christian but never religious n hardly read the Bible, having the experiences of NDE , I was ended I horrible dark places with demons I screamed the name of Jesus n he came n save me n brought me to heaven , there is no words n pictures to describe what I witnessed , I saw the Bible n every word spoken in the Bible became alive n downloaded in me no idea how to describe it. Jesus brought me back to life n healed me, saw me so much n couldn't handle it in physical, he is the Alfa n Omega , he told me to follow his foot steps n never judge others because we are all one we are made the image of him. His religion is love.
Jesus continues to bless this couple for sharing their testimony. I am a Christian and it is sweeter everyday with Jesus . He never fails us . Keep the faith and God bless us all
How great is our God! Full of mercy, compassion, love for us , even as sinners. Indeed His mercies endureth forever!
Beautiful indeed! Love you Jesus! Awesome Testimony
Glory to Jesus!
Great testimony
GOD bless you more and more brother and sister
Love from USA 🇺🇸
Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Such a beautiful testimony!! Please pray for my husband's conversion. He is a Hindu. I also need prayers for my two adult children, who are not practising their Faith. Lord have mercy on me and my family.
I too have a similar situation. Lord Jesus touch our lives in profound ways and help me to keep walking in my faith in you Lord. Bring my family into your flock soonest.
i pray for your faith in Christ keep stronger and that all of your family will come to Christ. in the mighty name of Jesus. amen 🙏
Amin 🙏🙏
May the Almighty God visit you in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
Jesus said to me,"I have chosen you,you did not choose Me".Yes ,way. back in the Soviet Union,Moscow,a sinner of sinners on the way to hell was rescued by the Savior,literally dead...but Supernaturally opened my eyes...before it happened was running to the Russian Orthodox church,fell at the entrance before crucified Jesus and asked Him to give me another chance,and He did.Failed many times,but the lover of my soul never gave up on me.Today can not imagine my life without Him.Sufferings were teaching me to gain strength...to learn wisdom...to be closer ..It was a process.Thank you for this testimony.
Praise the Lord!
Praise God ❤
Great Testimony.... Praise the LORD!!!!Jesus Christ is the one & only God and our savior for all the nation...
When I saw about 1 1/2 hr of testimony, I almost skipped it because it was past midnight, but after listening for 5 minutes I couldn't stop listening to both of your stories how you decided to accept Christ as your Savior and Lord. I listened for 1 1/2 hr. I am a born again Christian. I grew up in a religious Christian culture, so I thought I was a Christian. Someone said if you were born in a garage, it doesn't mean you are a car. Religion is man's way to reach out to GOD by being obedient to man made rules and traditions. True Christianity is GOD reaching out to people to have relationships with HIM. When I surrendered my life personally to Lord JESUS, accepted HIS offer of eternal life that HE had purchased for me with HIS blood on the cross, I was born again. JESUS has forgiven my sins just like HE forgave one of the criminals' sins, the criminal who was crucified next to JESUS, he had asked for forgiveness from JESUS and JESUS said:"Tonight you will be with me in Paradise." --- I was baptized, the baptism is a symbol that I was buried and raised again from the water, my past life was buried and to let everyone know that I have new life in Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new".
Paul said that things that was so important to him had become like trash, but what was not so important had become very important after he accepted JESUS in his life. After I was born again the Holy Spirit ( JESUS / GOD ) convicted me whenever I thought about doing or saying something that was against HIS will. The Holy Spirit keeps guiding me to stay on the right path. GOD's Word the Bible is the lamp of my path in life. Whenever I disobeyed GOD I would not lose my relationship with GOD, but I would lose the sweet fellowship with HIM. When I truly repented and asked GOD to forgive me, the Bible said that HE forgave me and and our sweet fellowship is restored.
Some people believe that JESUS is a prophet. JESUS is GOD manisted in the flesh. Was JESUS telling the truth when HE said: "I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Yes, HE was telling the truth. Trust HIM, you will be glad when you do it.
Powerful words!
The first experience of a complete salvation is witnessing a joy right from the heart. I am saved from Islam. I can testify.
Glory to God in the Highest
Praise the Lord!
Thank you so much Shahid and Pranisha Abdool for taking the time in prayer and in preparation to share your wonderful testimony. Praise the holy name of Jesus! We have been praying and preparing for many years to start a church in Dublin, Ohio that would train people to evangelize people from many different religions. We have many Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, in our city. We also deeply pray and desire to send workers to the many unreached nations and major cities of this earth. We believe your testimony will be helpful to many people with these religious backgrounds in our area. We also have a website presenting the gospel in a booklet and in a CD that can be used online for no cost .
Mr &Mrs Abdul happy to hear that you said yes to God I'm catholic
I have a daughter inlaw that was Hindu she converted to catholic at first she didn't had a clue of church but she love the Christianity
Truly Jesus Christ came looking For you both! This is Amazing and Glorious ! What a Marvellous Heavenly transformation! No one can separate you from the Love of God through Christ! Many Many Souls will enter the Kingdom of God through your family! Love and Prayers from the Family of Christ!❤
Alleluia Jesus is truly risen. God bless you Arian. Bravo 👏🏻 you are so daring to profess your faith and accept Jesus as your Savior. I salute you for your courage. Its Jesus who is living in you n speaking through you. May He strengthen you n hold you in the palm of His hand n protect you n your belief. God bless.
What an awesome testimony!Praise the Lord. I come from Malaysia where it is predominantly a Muslim nation. I am a Christian and I am so encouraged by this testimony. Coming from a Muslim majority country I can completely understand how taboo it is for a Muslim to turn away from his religion .I pray many Muslim from Malaysia will get to hear this wonderful story and be transformed by Jesus because I believed many have no idea who Jesus really is . Most of the Muslim here cannot read Arabic so they rely on their ustaz , their religious teachers to interpret for them their version of Islam , which often has strayed to become more extreme and conservative. Pray for us as well ,that God will save us from going down that path .Amen
Beautiful testimony from our Indian couple the way to Christ. God bless you both and to your family. And I say glory be to God. Amen.
Jesus is ALIVE !
I am Pastor Sandesh, This morning I prayed that revival should take place not only in India but also in the world and now when I see such a powerful testimony and comments I strongly believe that we are on the way to REVIVAL.
Pray more even for one another.
Oh Jesus Christ please forgive me and my husband for we are sinners.. wash our sins with the precious blood of Jesus. Bless us this difficult time that we are facing now. Give us strength from you lord. Nothing is impossible with God.
Prayers 8
Love you sister and brother in the name of Jesus, In Jesus Christ we are new creatures. Thank you Jesus for your Grace, Your grace is sufficient.....
What a strong woman you are. Your love for Jesus Christ shows in all what you do and be a very good example for your husband and your daughter and all around you. You are such a happy person. It shows your happiness because you have Christ in you and I do believe in you that you are a good woman the Lord bless you with so many things now your husband is joining you in searching for Christ. I am happy for you. God bless you and your family.🧚🏻♀️💞🙏
Amen! What a strong testimony?🙏🙏
Amazing and wonderful testimony indeed Jesus is alive to those who believe in Him miracles and wonders will happen, to God be the Glory.
So good to see the work of Jesus in your lives. Yes Jesus does miracles in all our lives in different ways. May God bless you. Thanks for sharing your testimonies.
God bless you ❤ love from India
Wow... Today when i wakeup early in the morning i open up my youtube and i saw you both. As i started to see the video i become so emotional and i cry a lot. What a wonderful testimony. Now i will share this videos to some of my Hindu and Muslim friends family. May God bless you both. I just want to meet you both one day hete in Inia. If you can be posible i want to organized a crusade in my hometown and bring a wonderful miracles to someone who really are hunger for the Lords words. Thanks you.
So so blessed and encouraged to share the gospel to everyone.
You 2 are beautiful and child of God Jesus Christ bless you and keep you and using his will God going to bless your daughter 1000 generation blessing will continue amen you 2 preach the word of God all over the world 🌎 soon amen and amen 🙏❤️🇨🇦✝️🇱🇰
Really blessed testimony., Being an Indian I know the two religions and their practises, it is not easy to come out, thank you Jesus to saved them.Both having thorough knowledge in Bible, Bible meditation is very important in holy life. God bless you with His abundance grace. Thank you. Praise the Lord.
I am a Catholic who just moved to India. I can say that I have never seen such a strong faith in Jesus anywhere else in the world than in an Indian Catholic Church. The people are so warm and so in love with Jesus. They really know their faith. They have joy and they emanate that. I love attending the Holy Mass in India where everyone is most welcomed! ❤🙏
Appreciate your words my best pleasure ❤️
Hello I am an Indian Christian, are you here for missionary work?
India ☝🏻
If you are a catholic you not save yet you need to accept Jesus as your savior and become a Christian because Jesus didn’t give us rosary only Jesus is saint the Bible don’t tell us to pray the statues my God is jalouse God is against idolatry God bless you repent before is to late.
You should visit Sri Lanka then u can see the faith of Catholics! Unbelievable !
Praise the Lord..................
God is good......
God bless you both, be filled with the Holy Spirit,
Pray for our country India
For peace unity, and to know the Truth.
So that only Truth can set us free❤ love you both Be blessed🙌🙌
Jesus Christ is the only way who brings joy and happiness thanks to Christ family l really got encouraged through the wonderful testimony God bless you.
Yeshu Masih Ki Jai 🙏🙏
Praise the Lord Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen 🙏
I am blessed to hear your amazing powerful testimony. God takes ashes and turns into beauty. God took 2 broken pieces and turned them into His beautiful masterpiece.
There is no other name which is given under Heaven by which we are be saved. Jesus is the name above all names!!
I was saved from Sikh religion into the light of The Lord Jesus Christ. I also worshipped idles cause Sikh religion came from Hindu religion. God is so good!! He found me when I wasn’t looking for Him. My husband, our children and grandchildren are saved.
You are a beautiful couple inside and out.
God bless you abundantly 🙏💕😀
Listening to you both brought joy in my heart that you know our saviour Jesus. God chose you both to spread his word in the Hindu and Islam community. I pray for you both to continue what you are doing . Praise God
Pray that your testimony be listening more many people end receiving Jesus Christ in they heart and soul God bless you for your testimony many be saved
Praise the Lord! Amazing testimony. May all who listen be blessed.