Bill Johnson | Sermons 2019 | HOW TO PRAY FOR THE SICK?

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Bill Johnson Blessed Sermons 2019
    Enjoy Everyday Your Life

Комментарии • 15

  • @charlesmangum3108
    @charlesmangum3108 5 лет назад +3

    Bill Johnson, you are preaching the truth.

  • @jimyost2585
    @jimyost2585 5 лет назад +1

    The following is my reply to young lady who said that the comment I wrote about the pastors and the churches frightened her. Here's my reply:
    @ Christi Kline ~ Dear Christi, You wrote: I heard that in the Bible it says something about how “our pastor will speak for us” so this comment frightens me.
    There is not one verse in scripture that says 'our pastor will speak for us," not in the King James Version anyway. In fact there is nothing even close to that in all of scripture. But there is this: In 2 Corinthinans 12:28 and in Ephesians 4:11 the Holy Spirit revealed and ordained that true church leadership in each church is to be a five-fold ministry team consisting of a prophet, who is overseen and spiritually supported by an apostle, and who is assisted by an evangelist, a pastor, and a teacher. My guess is that he chose team ministry in order to prevent the leadership from being usurped by religious spirits who always work to prop up a man-at-the-top, because they can easily work through the man-at-the-top, whereas it would be very difficult (if not altogether impossible) for them to be able to manifest through the five-fold ministry team. The Holy Spirit never meant for church leadership to be run by a one-man-band ministry (i.e. so-called 'pastor') as it gives rights to religious spirits to get integrated into the mix, who will always try to bring with them all kinds of cockamamie ideas and deceptions.
    I think I may have already mentioned that the religious spirits are under grueling pressure to perform, i.e. pressure put on them by demons who are higher up in the kingdom of darkness hierarchy (no doubt along with the threat of horrendous punishment for lagging behind performance-wise), which I think goes a long way to explain the dozens of religionists who are obsessed (literally) to post videos on RUclips (hundreds would probably be more like it).
    One thing very few Christians understand is that when a congregation allows for the church to be run by a man-at-the-top they automatically come under the control of the religious spirit operating through him.The religious spirits are passed masters at making the people in the congregation feel comforted for allowing themselves to come under their control coming through the man-at-the-top, plus they are passed masters at making them think that by coming under their control it will make them a lot more spiritual (when nothing could be further from the truth). This has also to do with what I refer to as "the itching ears syndrome" (which the Apostle Paul foretold would be widespread during the end-times in 2 Timothy 4:3-4), which is another very important kingdom of darkness agenda as it keeps people focused on what man says rather than learning how to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to them personally. To boil it down, the bottom line kingdom of darkness agenda is to keep people away from the Holy Spirit, and false teachers and false prophets (and the millions of self-appointed one-man-band preachers who are running on soul power that is energized by religious spirits) are their primary weapons for pulling it off.
    Also, in order to insure their continued control the religious spirits almost always aim to have their human mouthpieces to major on the elementary principles of the faith, which the Holy Spirit said not to do in Hebrews 6:1-3, as they know that whenever people ignore him and/or disobey him by violating the instructions of scripture it gives them rights to get integrated into the mix (and to stay firmly put). The Lord has bestowed ultimate honor and authority on the Holy Spirit so that when people ignore him or presumptuously disobey him he will allow for there to be consequences, which in the case of the men-at-the-top (and the women-at-the-top) is to be controlled by religious spirits. And the same holds true for their congregations who in most cases are made up of people who are devoid of spiritual discernment and therefore never challenge it. What they don't realize is that by their condoning it they give rights to the religious spirits to control them as well, and to shield their minds from even thinking about challenging it or even questioning it (which is most unfortunate for them).
    As sort of a side note, sometimes, if they can, the religious spirits will anoint their human mouthpieces with some 'special revelation' or some 'special knowledge' ingredient that will make the people who listen to them a lot more 'spiritual' than 'regular' Christians.
    Back during the major outpouring of the Holy Spirit that happened in the mid-90's (what became known as "The Toronto Outpouring of the Holy Spirit", but which happened lots of other places also, e.g. Pensacola Florida, Anaheim California, Pasadena California, The Grapevine area of central California, Bakersfield California, Atlanta Georgia, St.Louis Missouri, Birmingham Alabama, Huntsville Alabama, Hamilton Alabama, Ripley Mississippi, Vancouver Canada, London England, and lots of other places), the Lord proclaimed an edict (which he spoke through many Christian prophets all over the world during a two year period) saying that he wanted for Christians to forego all religious activity and instead to seek to develop their relationship with the Holy Spirit in the privacy and quietness of their own homes. He said that meant no going to church, no going to conferences, no running after teachers, no getting involved in church related 'good works' agendas, etc., but to learn how to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to them personally in the quietness at home. The prophecy was accompanied by the following verses of scripture: Isaiah 30:15, Psalm 46:10, 1 Thessalonians 4:11a, and Hebrews 4:11 (preferably in the King James Version).
    In the prophecy he also forewarned that at that time the enemy was poised to retaliate against the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by raising up the biggest onslaught of religious activity in the history of the Lord's Church. All one has to do to verify the validity of the prophecy is to take a look at the enormous amount of religious tomfoolery that has emerged since then (e.g. what's happening on RUclips these days).
    In closing you inferred that after all is said and done that what you're most concerned about is to find out how to have a stronger relationship with the Lord. Personally, I think that if you pay attention to this prophecy and do what it says, and study those scriptures I listed and do what they say to do, that you will find what you are looking for.

  • @treythompson4103
    @treythompson4103 5 лет назад +1

    So after we have read and meditated and poured our hearts out over the scripture, like we are supposed to do. Does Bill expect us to know how to twist mangle and misinterpret all of those scriptures in order to lineup with his false christology, theology and eschatology?

    • @charlesmangum3108
      @charlesmangum3108 5 лет назад +1

      It is apparent that you have twisted, mangled, and misinterpreted all of Bible. It is also apparent that you have bought the lies and false accusations told about Bill Johnson as to his true Christology, theology, and eschatology. You need to read and meditate on the following:
      For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. If you shall confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. For we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. If you shall confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins AND to cleans you from all unrighteousness. Call upon the Lord and confess your sins to Him. Make him your Lord and bow your knee to Him.

    • @treythompson4103
      @treythompson4103 5 лет назад +1

      @@charlesmangum3108 You're wasting your time Charles I've already done all of that. Can you please show me the scriptures in the bible that say that man has to overcome the 7 main areas of our culture before Jesus come come back? Also can you show me the scriptures that say Jesus was not God while he was working miracles on earth?

    • @charlesmangum3108
      @charlesmangum3108 5 лет назад

      If you have done all that, then act like it. I just listen to some of his sermons; I have not yet read about the seven areas of culture yet. Anyway, your accusations I know to be false.

    • @treythompson4103
      @treythompson4103 5 лет назад

      @@charlesmangum3108 You are living in LA LA land Charles. Have you not ever heard of the New Apostolic Reformation ? Because your boy Bill is one of the leaders of it Do yourself a favor and go look into it. Don't be like the people here at my local church that I'm having to deal with, they refused to go look Into the things that he is involved in Because they are afraid that it's going to break up their little club.

    • @charlesmangum3108
      @charlesmangum3108 5 лет назад +1

      You know, I could care less if he is. I do not know much about the New Apostolic Reformation. The way the church in America is going, we need a new reformation; the old reformation is going sour. What I do know about it lines up with the Bible. At least they do not teach that part of the NT has passed away. At least they preach that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. At lest they teach the virgin birth. At least people are being healed, set free from drugs and alcohol, people are being set free from sin. At least they are preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. At east they are working to set people from satin. If I am in lala land, do not wake me up: The God I serve is still moving, healing, raising the dead, setting people from the bondage of sin.
      Wake up and smell the roses. Wake up and smell the stench of the American Church. Wake up and see the ones bound. Look overseas. God is moving, but not here in America. Whenever God starts to move, the American church cries heresy. Let me repeat, "The American church need a new reformation," The Reformation under Martin Luther has gone sour!
      For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. If you shall confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. For we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. If you shall confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins AND to cleans you from all unrighteousness. Call upon the Lord and confess your sins to Him. Make him your Lord and bow your knee to Him.