Haha, the funniest thing is that it took a while for me to understand that it was a joke, that it wasn't the real Scooter. xD I'm also known among my friends for having a hard time understanding irony, lol :p
I've never heard an actual interview with HP, so I don't know if they're making fun of that or just the song topics in general, but I still think it's pretty funny either way.
I'm puzzled - I thought this wasn't funny because my Norwegian wasn't good enough. He doesn't look like him, sound like him, nor does the sample sound like Scooter. As a parody, therefore, I don't think this works.
What a likeable chap...this HP Baxxter.
hahaha fourth album... - Greatest hits Volume 4 :D:D
Haha, the funniest thing is that it took a while for me to understand that it was a joke, that it wasn't the real Scooter. xD I'm also known among my friends for having a hard time understanding irony, lol :p
Some parts of the ''party animals'' song sounded frightfully accurate
This is the funniest shit I've seen in ages, PARTY ON SCOOTAH!
This is basically the predecessor to "I Want You To Stream" 🤣🤣🤣
haha best!!
Bom, bom, bom :D
"THE PARTY ALARM!!! (moo)"
Bye og Rønning should let out a album with Scooter songs, and other songs!
They're way better then the orignal singers of their parodies!
det er vel strengt tatt house som er og var populært i russetiden 2007
party animal!:D
Auch als scooter-fan habe ich mich kaputt gelacht. Scooter ist nicht peinlich, man sollte ihn nur nicht ernst nehmen. Ist eben Unterhaltung.
Better watch out before Party Animal turns into a single.
Digger Bye & Rønning :D
Høres mer ut som en parodi på Arnold Zwarsenegger. :- ))
I'm getting jiggy with missus piggy!
I've never heard an actual interview with HP, so I don't know if they're making fun of that or just the song topics in general, but I still think it's pretty funny either way.
selv om jeg liker scooter var denne bra!
haha best!
miszer hoooozt :D
party hoooooome
I said to myself : "mizter Scooter !"
Haha, this was pretty funny, though I feel like it could have been funnier if the songs actually sounded like Scooter.
why Martin Luther king? he know how to party!!! xD
This is so bad it's good. :D
He sounds more like Arnie than HP lol
Dj Bobo Because of Theyre Party Beat And MArtin Luther King..
Don't you understand? It's a parody of Scooter.
he he.. ja, at man ikke klarer og få med seg det.. lol, he he.. nice coment :D
I`m in the garden of eden white a girl frome sweeden righetn now
the first song isnt that funny but the second is spot on
Hark (solo artinst navne) host
jævla bra XD..men en feil da...scooter e navnet på gruppa, ikkje en person :P jaja caare!!
lmao, is he high?
The only thing that made me laugh was "RAVERS!!!!!!"
it just rare that Scooter actually sings. just yell. I love Scooter but this failed.
Eh, what?
Noen andre som syns det høres ut som om han sier "kill your children that you love them"?
Techno og Trance er faen meg ikke populært når det gjelder russetid. Kommers Dance og House er.
Scooter er bandet..: Det er ikke en enkelt person.
I'm puzzled - I thought this wasn't funny because my Norwegian wasn't good enough. He doesn't look like him, sound like him, nor does the sample sound like Scooter. As a parody, therefore, I don't think this works.
Scooter ist nicht Peinlich, aber sowas ist peinlich!! solche verarschen hasse ich..
Hahaha, how I hate Scooter. It's not even music. This parody is extreme.
but it's not funny (and i don't say this because i like scooter it is really not funny ...)
so ein scheiß
I really don't find this funny at all. . . Very bad parody.
shit not funny