Just an opinion about their thoughts on the meta/potential future changes... Buying a jungle item should mean you receive slightly less gold from lane minions for the entire game. Junglers already get bonus gold from jungle creeps anyway. If the laner isn't present and the junlger holds or pushes the lane - great! But junglers shouldn't be able to double dip by freely farming or freely taxing without it being at the cost of better 'gold potential' by going to another player.
I don't care if LCK is the best region in the world now or not, as an LPL fan boy I am just happy to see LPL started to play their own style instead if always copying LCK in the past
Guosong Wang ? They are copying korea... Everyteam in the Lpl has either korean players or korean coaching staffs except Omg and snake...The investment on korean players has happened since 2014 so they learnt of koreans for like 4 years as they stay in the same team environment... Even chinese players go to Korean bootcamp and play solo que there cuz they know korean gaming environment is better and still teaches them things....
Guosong Wang if you actually know ur meta rn the playstyle is almost the same in every region around the world... funnel, non adc comps, or standard comp... the only different style Lpl did in the past was like at 2016 when they priortise the A sol... which both Rng and edg got smashed by skt and rox...at worlds...
Guosong Wang Its just rn Uzi is good... hes been playing since faker started... so the fact faker has outrun uzi throughout the past kinda makes him a failure.. i guess hes starting to rise up now... but if Rng doesnt win this year then hes a fail compared to faker...
I had a thought about that last question. The people mentioned before that there are well defined windows in which the coach can talk to a player. What if the coach can only talk to the players while they are dead. That would allow the Coaches insight to function somewhat like a comeback mechanic, helping players that didn't do so well, while also not creating the future where the Coach just tells your jungler what to do every second of every match. It also means that there is a cost associated with getting the coaches assistance (i.e. you have to die).
I think the problem here for a lot of teams facing this new meta is that for the first time in League's competitive history, a team might actually find its roster out-drafted and not just its champions. For example Fnatic. They come into a game starting with Rekkles expecting to go with an ADC comp, but find the opposing team started with their sub mid laner with intent to draft into a mage bot lane comp. Well now Fnatic not only have to figure out how to draft into that, but in a way that their ADC player doesn't come up with too short a stick. Teams are realizing they now have to worry about their starting player roster competing with their opponent's starting roster before ever making it to champion select, because everyone spent years accepting that their five man teams only needed experience within the scope of their lane/micro-meta.
NA was just doing NA things and being cocky. unlike last year's RR. Last year NA just wanted to play NA's style, respected what EU wanted to do and just smashed them bc of the draft and the execution. This year, NA chose not to respect the fact that EU has deeper champion pools and strategies. :/
How were 100T trolling? Their hand was forced by playing Levi and Brandini.... Anda was just traded so they couldn't play him and because NA teams can not have more than 2 international players involved in a competitive game. With Levi being their only available jungler, they had to swap out either mid or top, so they chose to swap out Ssumday I guess because Brandini has a good chemistry with Levi attributed to their acadamy team. To be fair, I doubt any team at the tournament were trying 100% with them using the event to try and rate each others strats and teamplay. A lot of the players have said as much in interviews.
I think my biggest problem with their funnel is you could just have the support that runs with the midlaner run smite instead of the midlaner and you're unaffected...
Sneaky said it himself that if he gets put back in he's going to have HUGE expectations. People will expect him to win; no excuses. I believe that C9's best chance is to put the Spring roster back together, but I do not envy the weight of expectations on these guys.
We will see at worlds whats going to happen with griffin. But right now they are playing the best league of Legends i have ever seen. They are really clean, play to their strength and make 0 mechanical mistakes in team fights. It's so fun to watch them play.
How do we vote for all stars team? (Most games in the role?) - feels bad for the guy updating the rosters on lolesports ie consider putting Mid/top instead of changing it every week
I wish they went more in depth about how NA seem really lazy and seem to not care that season after season they dont perform internationally. C9 benches their starting roster for this reason and all the fans cried, think of how many championships they threw, they should be the best team in NA or right behind liquid.
I really HATE the argument that "Mids didn't complain when Lucian came Mid" - Mid lane is more about the lane than the role. AD casters, Assassins, and Mages have roughly the same feel if they can survive in the lane. Bruisers with a support function much differently than ADC with support both in lane and in lategame
What does that have to do with anything about my comment? This is about the complaint and counter argument. The botlane meta has been meticulously balanced and designed to be Marksman + Support for several years, an ADC is very justified in feeling they have lost their role when 4 years of work gets evaporated
As a Mid main for 7 years i feel really really offended by your comment... Assasines / Mages / AD casters feel the same?!? Sir i´m sorry to correct you there... Mid has and will probably always be the Lane for players who can adapt to whatever the fuck is strongest. I mean not even mages feel the same -> for example: Anivia / Syndra / Zoe / Azir ... all 4 are mages but have totally different playstyles and functions. So pls.. i can understand that you feel offended by that statement and is in fact really rough to adapt the first time ever in 5 years -> But thats exactly what Mid Laners ( and other roles ) were forced to do since the beginning. That beeing said there is not much left to say than: "Welcome to the real rough world of League" ;)
What if coaches could talk to their teams for 60 seconds in 10 minute intervals? This way they can reign in the teams, but the players still need to execute alone.
Pretty sure you won't read this, but the best way to nerf this method is to reduce the experience share gained when 1 of the player has the jungle item
I don't think its fair at all to say ADC is still viable because RNG is winning with it. Did you watch those games? none of them were decided by UZI... His impact was mediocre at best, the adc in all of the games were just farm bots for late game team fights where they did little to nothing as they watched superior champs like vlad, Zoe, and Aatrox stun, knock up and one shot people. His team was just better over all leaving little room for counter play vs such fed OP champions.
I feel like NA didn't take Rift Rivals seriously at all. the lack of practice on new champs and roster swaps really hurt them, IMO they could have beat EU if they took it seriously
Rekkles also said that the reason DL does so well with adc in Na is that his opponents are weak which is highly likely the real reason. So its not only due to people having lower playtime on certain champs its simply because the player who plays vs him bot are just worse than him. Also no offence to him as a player but i dont see a world where Keith is better than Sneaky specially from his showing overall.
I don't think Griffin will even make worlds, I think they will lose in best of 5 (probably against KT) then no have enough worlds points. I am not going to lie... I am getting excited....
the problem with NA botlaners are they are still trying to play safe and not as aggressive as EU or other region botlaners. Even on draft mages like Vlad and brand are meant to play safe until lvl 13 than go in make risky plays. While in EU we play Heimer, Swain and Yasuo bot with aggressive supports like Rakan, Pyke and Alistar which can make plays at lvl3. With this come plays like where heimer and swain jus 1 v 2 the opponent which was seen more than once.
I don't think it's fair to use Uzi and RNG to say standard is viable still. He is the strongest all arround player in all of league as far as I'm concerned and has a team that basically treats their games like a 4 man funnel for him. There is no point in having crit items for anyone but Yas if they take so long to build that no games go long enough to reach their spike. I agree variety in bot is important, but now mages can go ANYWHERE and the only place you can put a marksman is bot and only two marksman have a chance of being 3-4 th tier. I'm at the point now where when I see a cait or ashe or sivir, I get mad like they picked season 2 Evelyn with teleport/revive.
The 4 man funnel thing may be true earlier this year but RNG has changed up their style significantly since MSI, especially after the fiesta meta. In fact they are doing less funnel than a standard LCK funnel strat that involves adc going mid lane and being fed by a support jungler
Yeah and I think that was rekkles point that if uzi would play mages at the level he plays marksman then he would crush even more if a standard lane vs mage bot of the same skill level would meet then the mage/bruiser bot would win. Ofc Uzi will crush other because he just that good but rekkles knows that he is not on that level and if they want to win against them they need to go with what strategy they feel is best.
@XV ur your missing the point. My point is unless your so much better than the world like uzi, picking an adc is suicide for your team so I hope you have money to gift skins cuz your going to lose 5 ppl L.P. every game you try and to keep from mass reports your going to have to apologize in a big way every time.
Michel Braun Uzi played mid for royal in s4 when they didn’t have a good midlaner. Besides marksmen, he is known for his lee sin and syndra. He played syndra in last year’s all-star and won that game against Bergson. His mages are really good but not his bruisers uzi’s Yasuo and Fiora are really bad, he can’t play champs with sword/blade:)
I think riot will need to attack smite instead of the jungle items themself, because you can still go smite and rush black cleaver instead for only 400 gold more, but better stats.
Riot just need to make smite limited to 1 per team and supp iteam 1 per team and maybe if not enough nerf exp for the one with the smite when sharing exp.
Can't really take azaels adc "analysis" at face value. ADC is fine because the best adc ever on the best bot lane on maybe the best team in the world did good... ok but you know ads are struggling in solo Q in all levels of play in all regions. Based on wr and %played. Bad response from him this episode.
They talked about a game/story that has always annoyed me. I know the big/interesting story is the morgana counter pick to Faker but if you actually watch the game, there is a ton of Wolf & Bang having a choke-fest. Faker went relatively even all in all throughout the game, so the high IQ counter pick kept him from being a super god on his undefeated pick, but he didn't lose them the game by any means. Side note Faker had to start down 1 or 2 wins since they started their other midlaner at the time...admittedly I'm a fan of SKT and faker, so some bias owned, but I think its still pretty clear that EDG tilted SKT's botlane, sorta revealing the inconsistency that's still there. Lol, it was my first time watching a match in a theatre, maybe thats part of why I'm still a tilted fan.
Azalee completely misses the point. Reckless isn't saying that europe plays perfectly. He says nobody has yet figured out how to perfectly play with mages, but he believes that if they would know, adc had no chance!
I feel like they missed the point on A LOT of the adc stuff, like yeah nobody complained abt lucian mid (which I'm calling BS on since I saw everybody screaming to nerf him) but that's literally ONE champion being viable mid, where now a ton of adc's are now less viable in their own lane than mages/bruisers, not really comparable at all
He's ethnically Chinese but he's American, just listen to him speak English. He wasn't imported from China, and is considered a native player as far as Riot is concerned. It's the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
RNG plays standard and dominates funnel comps, bot mages, bot bruisers, Uzi even took vayne top lane and dominated a mundo, because who disrespects Uzi like that by picking Mundo and not banning vayne? Like the punishment was so satisfying to watch. ADCs are still good at the highest levels of play. That being said teams do have to have a plan in execution in order for the adc to get autos off and do constant damage. RNGs plan is top initiates or MLXG ints in and the support follows up, then they body block, cc threats to uzi, or they are a big enough threat that the team can't ignore so are focused while uzi lays them to waste.
why isn't anybody talking about or expecting piglet to be really good at mage bots. He played midlane for a whole split and has so much bot lane experience is he just really not good enough?
Lol chill ill admit you guys look good recently but lets wait till worlds before we name LPL the best region even if they win there Korea has dominated for so long now you'll LPL has to be dominate for a bit longer.
except kt went undefeated, kz are chokers, skt are not as good as griffin or even gen. g and best of one's are unreliable as you don't have to be a better team you just have to play better for one game where you can get caught off guard by cheesy strategies especially with funnel strategies. Last year china won too but it was clear korea was better. Korea>China
Wolfiron then your teammates can troll your support. It will open up way too much trolling opportunities that would also be hard to report and manage. Before you say limit it to specific roles, that won’t help blind pick.
Yeah you're right. I hadn't thought of that, my brain doesn't even take into account the notion of trolling someone xD. I wish people could just be nice and play the game as a team.
NA players are so complacent; I sense no presence of stakes from them. Being esport streamer bois is their real goal, not winning or demonstrating a desire to go above and beyond. The level of play in pro NA scene is so low, or even just erratic, that it's difficult to stomach. Edit: Btw, Malz bot would be a perfect answer to heimer. Source: my 800 games of malz with 65% winrate since S2.
that's exactly the problem with meteos. as soon as the team says they want to try something new he cries and wants to go to another team than actually work to become better and keep his spot. he would rather play on a team where theres no competition for position or just stream because it is the easy way out
E and Q eat through his cannons very easily and typically put virus on him, passive gives you a freebie vs stun/missiles while you do it. I've generally been able to out-lane bully any lane bully type like him, that cant close on me at least.
Overall Lck is still best region but if u take it as the top teams only the Lpl is best region, not fact or anything just my opinion please don’t Butcher me xD
I mean they are still BO1, and yeah unless LPL beat LCK in the worlds during bo5, I can't argue who's the best, but that's the beauty of it, being a LPL fan boy for so many years, for the first time we are able to compete with Koreans at all levels without heavily rely on imports(IG tho), and no one will come at me saying EU is the 2nd best region again LUL.
Z Zed You'd be right by saying China is the better region right now because twice have they beaten their Korean rivals in international tournaments. It's safe to say that at Worlds, we might see a China vs Korea situation once more.
Today NA LCS was horrible to watch, excuses over excuses why their region lost. If fans to that fine - but please keep it professional on the desk. Besides - EU also had also not a good setting - they did not send their number 1 team, but instead a number 7- Team? which showed...
Why are NA thinking they are better than EU... we know by fact NA lost against us in MSI, WORLDS every year and we only lost to them in rift rivals once..? Doe i liked watch NA teams, but seeing this feels like they spit in our faces and act like the can win against us every time... even if they lot against us 80% of the time... We aint acting like we can beat you and respect our opponents. if you aint doing the same it will be the same as a newborn dark soul player get confident in not dying once in dark souls for his first time. But this player still is confident he can beat the game without dying when he already died 6000 times.
Kitteh Cat wtf are you even saying? I was born in England schooled there and moved to the US when I was 19 for work and there is nothing that leads me to believe that any of that dribble came from a EU keyboard. Everything about what you typed screams American public education system. I would stop saying "we" your making EU look bad and Jankos did enough of that in his interview with travis.
For someone who was born in England and living in the US, your English skills seem to be lacking. It's "you're", not "your" and "an EU keyboard", not "a EU keyboard". And Jankos didn't make EU look bad at all in that interview. He was being very professional.
Kokkelikirva Its "a EU keyboard" not "an" because in standard English phonetics, the article "an" is used preceding a sound of a vowel. The term "EU," prounouced YEE-yoo begins with a "y" sound. Y is not considered a vowel. Therefore, "a" is considered the correct article. Same thing applies for "European" (yoorohPEEan)
I must have a 'theDive' mug!! Please put them in the store!!!
Chris you mean a white mug with a sticker on it?
Just an opinion about their thoughts on the meta/potential future changes... Buying a jungle item should mean you receive slightly less gold from lane minions for the entire game. Junglers already get bonus gold from jungle creeps anyway. If the laner isn't present and the junlger holds or pushes the lane - great! But junglers shouldn't be able to double dip by freely farming or freely taxing without it being at the cost of better 'gold potential' by going to another player.
At least something came home
Excellent analysis of Kobe on Funnel comps! :)
Splyce played Jarvan top into TL not Aatrox.
Kobe with the Root Cause Analysis analogy, making us engineers proud 🤓🤓
I don't care if LCK is the best region in the world now or not, as an LPL fan boy I am just happy to see LPL started to play their own style instead if always copying LCK in the past
Guosong Wang ? They are copying korea... Everyteam in the Lpl has either korean players or korean coaching staffs except Omg and snake...The investment on korean players has happened since 2014 so they learnt of koreans for like 4 years as they stay in the same team environment... Even chinese players go to Korean bootcamp and play solo que there cuz they know korean gaming environment is better and still teaches them things....
sam water Apparently the play styles aren’t the same... If you can’t see that, hmmmm
Guosong Wang if you actually know ur meta rn the playstyle is almost the same in every region around the world... funnel, non adc comps, or standard comp... the only different style Lpl did in the past was like at 2016 when they priortise the A sol... which both Rng and edg got smashed by skt and rox...at worlds...
Guosong Wang Its just rn Uzi is good... hes been playing since faker started... so the fact faker has outrun uzi throughout the past kinda makes him a failure.. i guess hes starting to rise up now... but if Rng doesnt win this year then hes a fail compared to faker...
sam water Did you even watch their games after 8.11....
I had a thought about that last question. The people mentioned before that there are well defined windows in which the coach can talk to a player. What if the coach can only talk to the players while they are dead. That would allow the Coaches insight to function somewhat like a comeback mechanic, helping players that didn't do so well, while also not creating the future where the Coach just tells your jungler what to do every second of every match. It also means that there is a cost associated with getting the coaches assistance (i.e. you have to die).
cant wait for the EUphoria promo!
I think the problem here for a lot of teams facing this new meta is that for the first time in League's competitive history, a team might actually find its roster out-drafted and not just its champions.
For example Fnatic. They come into a game starting with Rekkles expecting to go with an ADC comp, but find the opposing team started with their sub mid laner with intent to draft into a mage bot lane comp.
Well now Fnatic not only have to figure out how to draft into that, but in a way that their ADC player doesn't come up with too short a stick.
Teams are realizing they now have to worry about their starting player roster competing with their opponent's starting roster before ever making it to champion select, because everyone spent years accepting that their five man teams only needed experience within the scope of their lane/micro-meta.
Jatt is MAD
hey verlis
NA was just doing NA things and being cocky. unlike last year's RR. Last year NA just wanted to play NA's style, respected what EU wanted to do and just smashed them bc of the draft and the execution. This year, NA chose not to respect the fact that EU has deeper champion pools and strategies. :/
Considering how 100T and FOX were trolling i'm not sure how anyone could be surprised NA lost this year.
How were 100T trolling? Their hand was forced by playing Levi and Brandini.... Anda was just traded so they couldn't play him and because NA teams can not have more than 2 international players involved in a competitive game. With Levi being their only available jungler, they had to swap out either mid or top, so they chose to swap out Ssumday I guess because Brandini has a good chemistry with Levi attributed to their acadamy team.
To be fair, I doubt any team at the tournament were trying 100% with them using the event to try and rate each others strats and teamplay. A lot of the players have said as much in interviews.
Aquillifer They're playing two new people they've barely gotten practice with because their hands were forced to do so.
How is 100T trolling?
100 T decided to play Levi and Brandini before meteos asked to look for another team
It wasn’t forced
I think my biggest problem with their funnel is you could just have the support that runs with the midlaner run smite instead of the midlaner and you're unaffected...
Sneaky said it himself that if he gets put back in he's going to have HUGE expectations. People will expect him to win; no excuses.
I believe that C9's best chance is to put the Spring roster back together, but I do not envy the weight of expectations on these guys.
As for the Bjergsen question: It's possible to be both. Both NA and EU contributed to his path to greatness. Both can take pride in his success!
We will see at worlds whats going to happen with griffin. But right now they are playing the best league of Legends i have ever seen. They are really clean, play to their strength and make 0 mechanical mistakes in team fights. It's so fun to watch them play.
It’s not on Apple podcast yet :( RIP data
For real they took lucian as an example?? Thats one adc that is played mid while vlad, yasuo, brand, ornn is played bot. Wtf is that for an argument
Am I the only one who noticed Kobe didn't have a smoothie this episode?
I love the bets, keep em comin! Even if the punishments need to be toned down
the LPL/LCK/LMS rift rivals was absolutely amazing, gameplays and teamfights outplays were superb. NA/EU one were more for fun i guess.
"We don't see our old squad making playoffs at this rate" -Reapered
Sends in academy guys to start, Week 4 (1-5) .... YIKES
At least the academy team will get promoted to LCS...
In fairness, that doesn't imply the new squad *will* make playoffs :)
Terence Bad not at this point with what the other squad left them with
Reapered or Retarded? im gonna go with the second one
Matty W and now they’re looking THE BEST TEAM in league ..... yea Reapered best coach Na hands down his actions are paying off
How do we vote for all stars team? (Most games in the role?) - feels bad for the guy updating the rosters on lolesports ie consider putting Mid/top instead of changing it every week
Does anyone else notice that when Kobe is talking Azael is usually typing or looking at something on his laptop lol
KZ is like the old TSM..dominates their region yet utterly fails at international events
I wish they went more in depth about how NA seem really lazy and seem to not care that season after season they dont perform internationally. C9 benches their starting roster for this reason and all the fans cried, think of how many championships they threw, they should be the best team in NA or right behind liquid.
Phant0mNights C9 has been the best international na team by history.
Random refresh blessed me lol
I still dont understand why 100T didn't let Ssumday play in the midlane with aatrox,Irelia,Darius,Fiora,Swain etc.
Woot Another Dive :D
KOBE where is your Smoothie
I really HATE the argument that "Mids didn't complain when Lucian came Mid"
- Mid lane is more about the lane than the role. AD casters, Assassins, and Mages have roughly the same feel if they can survive in the lane. Bruisers with a support function much differently than ADC with support both in lane and in lategame
Verlisify when queuing up for a position in the client, you select “bottom” not “marksmen” as a role.
What does that have to do with anything about my comment? This is about the complaint and counter argument. The botlane meta has been meticulously balanced and designed to be Marksman + Support for several years, an ADC is very justified in feeling they have lost their role when 4 years of work gets evaporated
Meh riot tried to make Morde bot viable they are probably going to change it slowly so that both marksman and bruisers/mages are viable.
As a Mid main for 7 years i feel really really offended by your comment... Assasines / Mages / AD casters feel the same?!? Sir i´m sorry to correct you there... Mid has and will probably always be the Lane for players who can adapt to whatever the fuck is strongest. I mean not even mages feel the same -> for example: Anivia / Syndra / Zoe / Azir ... all 4 are mages but have totally different playstyles and functions.
So pls.. i can understand that you feel offended by that statement and is in fact really rough to adapt the first time ever in 5 years -> But thats exactly what Mid Laners ( and other roles ) were forced to do since the beginning.
That beeing said there is not much left to say than: "Welcome to the real rough world of League" ;)
What do you mean 3 completely different types of champions have the same feel. That just doesn’t logic.
Wait! Jatt plays/played Guild Wars?! Now I like him even more!
A preview of Worlds. NA won’t even sniff getting out group stages again...
yeah Na will perform badly
They got out last year and were one game away with the other two teams
What if coaches could talk to their teams for 60 seconds in 10 minute intervals? This way they can reign in the teams, but the players still need to execute alone.
There is no point for Zven to learn Heimer if he keeps getting forced into ezreal
Any chance of ever getting The Dive's intro released?
I really would like to see backseat player/sixth man/coach in comms Mode for ALL STARS 2018
Pretty sure you won't read this, but the best way to nerf this method is to reduce the experience share gained when 1 of the player has the jungle item
Easy fix for the game. One support item only. And you have to choose the support item option in the masteries.
for the funnel strategy
And then when your teammate trolls and takes the one support item rip. Also won’t work for blindpick if you say make it role specific.
All aboard the korean hype train! Korean Telecom Rolester, FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP!
I don't think its fair at all to say ADC is still viable because RNG is winning with it. Did you watch those games? none of them were decided by UZI... His impact was mediocre at best, the adc in all of the games were just farm bots for late game team fights where they did little to nothing as they watched superior champs like vlad, Zoe, and Aatrox stun, knock up and one shot people. His team was just better over all leaving little room for counter play vs such fed OP champions.
when are you going to sell DIVE merch
I feel like NA didn't take Rift Rivals seriously at all. the lack of practice on new champs and roster swaps really hurt them, IMO they could have beat EU if they took it seriously
Jatt i love you for mentioning guild wars. gw1 pvp was the best.
I really think that Flash Wolfes may win worlds this year.They look soooo strong. ;)
Rekkles also said that the reason DL does so well with adc in Na is that his opponents are weak which is highly likely the real reason. So its not only due to people having lower playtime on certain champs its simply because the player who plays vs him bot are just worse than him. Also no offence to him as a player but i dont see a world where Keith is better than Sneaky specially from his showing overall.
I don't think Griffin will even make worlds, I think they will lose in best of 5 (probably against KT) then no have enough worlds points. I am not going to lie... I am getting excited....
They will have enough championship points they are 7-1 and the next closet team is 6-3 so they will automatically go into the final
6-2 *
J 663 too early to say they’ll make finals. Too many games left and they’re only one or two losses to drop to 2nd-4th
the problem with NA botlaners are they are still trying to play safe and not as aggressive as EU or other region botlaners. Even on draft mages like Vlad and brand are meant to play safe until lvl 13 than go in make risky plays. While in EU we play Heimer, Swain and Yasuo bot with aggressive supports like Rakan, Pyke and Alistar which can make plays at lvl3. With this come plays like where heimer and swain jus 1 v 2 the opponent which was seen more than once.
The suggested change would kill carry junglers imo
Uzi just announced a break for the rest of the split though. Does that ruin China's best chance of taking home the World Championship?
I don't think it's fair to use Uzi and RNG to say standard is viable still. He is the strongest all arround player in all of league as far as I'm concerned and has a team that basically treats their games like a 4 man funnel for him. There is no point in having crit items for anyone but Yas if they take so long to build that no games go long enough to reach their spike. I agree variety in bot is important, but now mages can go ANYWHERE and the only place you can put a marksman is bot and only two marksman have a chance of being 3-4 th tier. I'm at the point now where when I see a cait or ashe or sivir, I get mad like they picked season 2 Evelyn with teleport/revive.
The 4 man funnel thing may be true earlier this year but RNG has changed up their style significantly since MSI, especially after the fiesta meta. In fact they are doing less funnel than a standard LCK funnel strat that involves adc going mid lane and being fed by a support jungler
Yeah and I think that was rekkles point that if uzi would play mages at the level he plays marksman then he would crush even more if a standard lane vs mage bot of the same skill level would meet then the mage/bruiser bot would win. Ofc Uzi will crush other because he just that good but rekkles knows that he is not on that level and if they want to win against them they need to go with what strategy they feel is best.
@XV ur your missing the point. My point is unless your so much better than the world like uzi, picking an adc is suicide for your team so I hope you have money to gift skins cuz your going to lose 5 ppl L.P. every game you try and to keep from mass reports your going to have to apologize in a big way every time.
Michel Braun Uzi played mid for royal in s4 when they didn’t have a good midlaner. Besides marksmen, he is known for his lee sin and syndra. He played syndra in last year’s all-star and won that game against Bergson. His mages are really good but not his bruisers uzi’s Yasuo and Fiora are really bad, he can’t play champs with sword/blade:)
I think riot will need to attack smite instead of the jungle items themself, because you can still go smite and rush black cleaver instead for only 400 gold more, but better stats.
Riot just need to make smite limited to 1 per team and supp iteam 1 per team and maybe if not enough nerf exp for the one with the smite when sharing exp.
Frank Zheng Just makes possible to trade roles (like is possible to trade Champions). Só only jg can take smite.
I mean a lot of funnel already just run 1 smite. This idea is just get rid of funnel rather than make it balanced and viable
Can't really take azaels adc "analysis" at face value. ADC is fine because the best adc ever on the best bot lane on maybe the best team in the world did good... ok but you know ads are struggling in solo Q in all levels of play in all regions. Based on wr and %played. Bad response from him this episode.
What happened in NA vs EU? NA failed at life at picks and bans. Especially bans.
They talked about a game/story that has always annoyed me. I know the big/interesting story is the morgana counter pick to Faker but if you actually watch the game, there is a ton of Wolf & Bang having a choke-fest. Faker went relatively even all in all throughout the game, so the high IQ counter pick kept him from being a super god on his undefeated pick, but he didn't lose them the game by any means. Side note Faker had to start down 1 or 2 wins since they started their other midlaner at the time...admittedly I'm a fan of SKT and faker, so some bias owned, but I think its still pretty clear that EDG tilted SKT's botlane, sorta revealing the inconsistency that's still there. Lol, it was my first time watching a match in a theatre, maybe thats part of why I'm still a tilted fan.
I, too, am thrill about doing things I'm forced to do.
Azalee completely misses the point. Reckless isn't saying that europe plays perfectly. He says nobody has yet figured out how to perfectly play with mages, but he believes that if they would know, adc had no chance!
I feel like they missed the point on A LOT of the adc stuff, like yeah nobody complained abt lucian mid (which I'm calling BS on since I saw everybody screaming to nerf him) but that's literally ONE champion being viable mid, where now a ton of adc's are now less viable in their own lane than mages/bruisers, not really comparable at all
Eu teams at Rift rivals: 14 eu 1 kr players
Na teams at Rift rivals: 7 na 6kr 1vn 1cn players.
Better buy more imports LUL
ESjonne98 Yeah big reason NA makes me sad :( TSM is essentially an EU team
Who is the CN player for NA?
There were 9 na players, 10 if you count Damonte. Doublelift, Xmithie, Pobelter, Aphromoo, Cody Sun, Brandini, Dardoch, Altec, Adrian. (Damonte sub)
Cody sun is chinese........
He's ethnically Chinese but he's American, just listen to him speak English. He wasn't imported from China, and is considered a native player as far as Riot is concerned. It's the difference between ethnicity and nationality.
RNG plays standard and dominates funnel comps, bot mages, bot bruisers, Uzi even took vayne top lane and dominated a mundo, because who disrespects Uzi like that by picking Mundo and not banning vayne? Like the punishment was so satisfying to watch. ADCs are still good at the highest levels of play.
That being said teams do have to have a plan in execution in order for the adc to get autos off and do constant damage. RNGs plan is top initiates or MLXG ints in and the support follows up, then they body block, cc threats to uzi, or they are a big enough threat that the team can't ignore so are focused while uzi lays them to waste.
Fix funnel by reverting 8.10 jungle changes except rift herald
why isn't anybody talking about or expecting piglet to be really good at mage bots. He played midlane for a whole split and has so much bot lane experience is he just really not good enough?
Did Kobe always had a tattoo?
LPL is best region in the world ^^ LPL no.1!!!
Lol chill ill admit you guys look good recently but lets wait till worlds before we name LPL the best region even if they win there Korea has dominated for so long now you'll LPL has to be dominate for a bit longer.
except kt went undefeated, kz are chokers, skt are not as good as griffin or even gen. g and best of one's are unreliable as you don't have to be a better team you just have to play better for one game where you can get caught off guard by cheesy strategies especially with funnel strategies. Last year china won too but it was clear korea was better. Korea>China
@@zaarongaming8174 still now?
give teams the ability to communicate with their coach throughout Baron buff.
i dont think EU players would say eu>na the fans don't know any better but the players would tell you
100 Ssumday
100 Levi
100 Goldenglue
100 Cody Sun
100 aphromoo
Is it me or is it cutting out alot?
kobe's looking swoll
I still believe in Echo Fox.
Can we just limit each team to one support item?
Wolfiron then you'd just go dorans and likely be fine
Wolfiron then your teammates can troll your support. It will open up way too much trolling opportunities that would also be hard to report and manage. Before you say limit it to specific roles, that won’t help blind pick.
Yeah you're right. I hadn't thought of that, my brain doesn't even take into account the notion of trolling someone xD. I wish people could just be nice and play the game as a team.
Wolfiron don’t we all XD
So no more smite mid? Rengar sell your machete once your 5-0?
?Uzi takes breaks off because he is really injured.
Skip to 47 minutes NA LCS only matters
Cant the funnel just not build a jungle item
the dive
Why do i get the feeling that the promo will be cringy?
It's literally because there's no crit damage in the game
listening to this makes me so sad sadder than when xxxtentacion left this world
i dont have a problem with the meta but i didnt like the crit item changes and i think when cait has a bad winrate something need to be done
C9 will make playoffs. In mean there is still golden guardians, optic and fly quest in the league, who all look bad.
not to mention that 100 thieves is probably worse now and echo fox is still trolling
guild wars!! *-*
they should wait with buffing adcs for worlds. Don't want another adc meta at worlds. This would just be so annoying
Gen.G will win worlds!
Salim Niazi na rng will win worlds
When has a chinese team won worlds???
Nunu full AP beats heimerdinger
If you say that skt and kingzone are just choking/slumping - Chinese teams have choked internationally countless times.
Robert Jiang ok tied eyes...no one cares about tied eyed chinese asians....Its all abt the west...
spoiler: its NA
If KT makes it to worlds 2018 and doesn't face any lck team, they might win worlds.
RNG will beat em trust me
Alex Liu when has a chinese team won worlds???
this year...
NA players are so complacent; I sense no presence of stakes from them. Being esport streamer bois is their real goal, not winning or demonstrating a desire to go above and beyond. The level of play in pro NA scene is so low, or even just erratic, that it's difficult to stomach.
Edit: Btw, Malz bot would be a perfect answer to heimer. Source: my 800 games of malz with 65% winrate since S2.
that's exactly the problem with meteos. as soon as the team says they want to try something new he cries and wants to go to another team than actually work to become better and keep his spot. he would rather play on a team where theres no competition for position or just stream because it is the easy way out
4fun region
Can confirm That malz beats the hell out of heimer.
what do you do with malz if youre gainst heimer
E and Q eat through his cannons very easily and typically put virus on him, passive gives you a freebie vs stun/missiles while you do it. I've generally been able to out-lane bully any lane bully type like him, that cant close on me at least.
Loser has to wear winnie the pooh costume.
Overall Lck is still best region but if u take it as the top teams only the Lpl is best region, not fact or anything just my opinion please don’t Butcher me xD
Z Zed yeh I’d agree, Korea seems to have 6-7 very good teams while Lpl have a couple of good teams better than that for now
Butcher him!
I mean they are still BO1, and yeah unless LPL beat LCK in the worlds during bo5, I can't argue who's the best, but that's the beauty of it, being a LPL fan boy for so many years, for the first time we are able to compete with Koreans at all levels without heavily rely on imports(IG tho), and no one will come at me saying EU is the 2nd best region again LUL.
Z Zed You'd be right by saying China is the better region right now because twice have they beaten their Korean rivals in international tournaments.
It's safe to say that at Worlds, we might see a China vs Korea situation once more.
Today NA LCS was horrible to watch, excuses over excuses why their region lost. If fans to that fine - but please keep it professional on the desk. Besides - EU also had also not a good setting - they did not send their number 1 team, but instead a number 7- Team? which showed...
Blah blah... EU > NA !
Jatt sounds like his mouth of full of spit
Why are NA thinking they are better than EU... we know by fact NA lost against us in MSI, WORLDS every year and we only lost to them in rift rivals once..?
Doe i liked watch NA teams, but seeing this feels like they spit in our faces and act like the can win against us every time... even if they lot against us 80% of the time... We aint acting like we can beat you and respect our opponents. if you aint doing the same it will be the same as a newborn dark soul player get confident in not dying once in dark souls for his first time. But this player still is confident he can beat the game without dying when he already died 6000 times.
Kitteh Cat wtf are you even saying? I was born in England schooled there and moved to the US when I was 19 for work and there is nothing that leads me to believe that any of that dribble came from a EU keyboard. Everything about what you typed screams American public education system. I would stop saying "we" your making EU look bad and Jankos did enough of that in his interview with travis.
For someone who was born in England and living in the US, your English skills seem to be lacking. It's "you're", not "your" and "an EU keyboard", not "a EU keyboard". And Jankos didn't make EU look bad at all in that interview. He was being very professional.
Kitteh Cat it's just a meme dude relax of course someone is going to say they're country is better than yours...
Kokkelikirva Its "a EU keyboard" not "an" because in standard English phonetics, the article "an" is used preceding a sound of a vowel. The term "EU," prounouced YEE-yoo begins with a "y" sound. Y is not considered a vowel. Therefore, "a" is considered the correct article. Same thing applies for "European" (yoorohPEEan)
Ele Kappa Im amazed you actually went through effort to do that comment for someone who doesn’t seem to kmow what they are doing o.o
RNG FW they are top 2 games