Below are some of the timecodes and topics for this talk: 0:00 - Intro 4:29 - The Argumentative Nature of Man 17:24 - A Believer is the Mirror of Another Believer 27:46 - The Meaning of 'Fasād' 40:34 - Balanced Thinking of a Believer 50:02 - Humans Not Being Perfect in Mind 59:35 - The Prophet ﷺ Being Corrected by Allāh 1:13:20 - The Worried Well 1:24:35 - The Mentality of a Believer for Self-improvement
Below are some of the timecodes and topics for this talk:
0:00 - Intro
4:29 - The Argumentative Nature of Man
17:24 - A Believer is the Mirror of Another Believer
27:46 - The Meaning of 'Fasād'
40:34 - Balanced Thinking of a Believer
50:02 - Humans Not Being Perfect in Mind
59:35 - The Prophet ﷺ Being Corrected by Allāh
1:13:20 - The Worried Well
1:24:35 - The Mentality of a Believer for Self-improvement
Humbled by your generosity and videos ..Salam from Wales
Thank you so much Shaikh for your beneficial reminders. I'm going to start working on myself starting today insha Allah.