Did absolutely nothing... I've two DWFX files of a building model, one from 6 months before, one from a recent transmittal. Comparing them, gives unmatched sets... Paints the building into two different colors which overlaps each other. I'm 100% the differences between these two models must be less than like 5% difference overall. The differences it finds are just a few ridiculous polylines from DWG imports into the bim model before we exported the dwfxs, so can't find compare a single 3d object with another.....unbelievable... year 2020, and have a look at this nightmare... i bet i can compare these two models with excel exports....
It isn't the best tool out there. I like BIM 360's model compare, which sometimes gets switched up and shows incorrect information. Were these DWFX files exported from Revit? Sometime when I am comparing models, I will simplify the "Find Differences In" selections. Starting with Geometry.
Did absolutely nothing... I've two DWFX files of a building model, one from 6 months before, one from a recent transmittal. Comparing them, gives unmatched sets... Paints the building into two different colors which overlaps each other. I'm 100% the differences between these two models must be less than like 5% difference overall. The differences it finds are just a few ridiculous polylines from DWG imports into the bim model before we exported the dwfxs, so can't find compare a single 3d object with another.....unbelievable... year 2020, and have a look at this nightmare... i bet i can compare these two models with excel exports....
It isn't the best tool out there. I like BIM 360's model compare, which sometimes gets switched up and shows incorrect information. Were these DWFX files exported from Revit? Sometime when I am comparing models, I will simplify the "Find Differences In" selections. Starting with Geometry.