Trust me he loses a bunch, as with any Darius they pay for the crazy powerful early by fallling off later and high elo people (not here btw lol) abuse exactly this
he has a lot of games against high elo but they are always very unfun to play so why would he spam high elo when darius is so shit right now because adcs and mages are OP.
Morde keeps wasting his healing on Darius bleed when he can yse the shield to eat it
First game it's the first time I've seen him lose
Trust me he loses a bunch, as with any Darius they pay for the crazy powerful early by fallling off later and high elo people (not here btw lol) abuse exactly this
I wonder what he picks when Darius is banned
sett aatrox
iirc he can play almost every top champ outside of maybe fiora irelia riven i never see him play thoses,
@@shmurflHD alright, so mainly bruisers
it seems like hes playing against diamond players every game...
he has a lot of games against high elo but they are always very unfun to play so why would he spam high elo when darius is so shit right now because adcs and mages are OP.
@@HanTian777he is not even bad? He is better than most top champions
I mean they removed tenacity rune and ghost nerf so you just get perma cc by mages and os by adcs
Isn't it chinese super server? Like diamond here is challenger in usual server
Every single Darius replay is him getting a FB or level 1 advantage and this gameplay looks platinum
Well he is the MOST AGRESSIVE DARIUS you will ever see
Because thats how you play Darius?
1st game aph is fcking useless