@Ruthy MWow tell me you know nothing about the world and society as a whole without actually telling me you know nothing. If we completely got rid of the fishing industry, Millions and I mean millions maybe even close to billion people would suffer and become poor, all around the world, in quite literally every continent. So if you want the fishing industry gone, I sure hope you're willing to pay out of pocket to the people in Africa, and Mexico, and Asia, who strictly provide for their families solely on fishing. Not only provide $$$ for their families, some people fish for food, survival as well. If we had no Fishing industry, our Oceans would be ravished by invasive species, and completely destroy the eco system. Don't be so naive. It's not like fisherman and throwing their lines and all of their equipment into the ocean for fun. When you are fishing, your lines get caught on NUMEROUS things, and then they break off. The Seal population is abundant. It's thriving, and I don't know about you, but I care far more for millions of folks income, and survivability in 3rd world countries, than a couple seals who happen to get tangled up.
@@jleif7736 You're missing an important part of the problem though. While yes, it is incredibly important that the fishing industry as a whole should be supported, as it feeds millions/billions worldwide, we need to have *sustainable practices*. The lives of a few seals may seem inconsequential, but pollution and waste products from unsustainable practices is causing horrid effects on our ecosystems and various species across the globe. The deaths of seals show a pattern happening across a variety of other species. Fishing is important, and yes, accidents happen where bits of line break off and are unable to be retrieved. However, the problems that these seals and other marine life are facing is due to illegal, unsustainable, or irresponsible practices, which is harming the health of our oceans worldwide. A lot of these seals are being caught in recreational fishing lines that aren't disposed of properly, or kinds of fishing nets that are set up illegally, either the net itself being banned due to higher bycatch rates, or because they're being set up in marine protection areas. Your point of keeping the fishing industry alive is very much true, however I believe what the comment you were replying to was trying to say was "don't support unsustainable or illegal fishing". Those kinds of practices will harm the fishing industry, and it's important to preserve every animal in the ocean, no matter how seemingly insignificant, otherwise the ecosystem that allows others to provide for our families and bring food to the table will no longer be able to support us harvesting from it.
@@OceanConservationNamibia -Good luck with that endeavor. I’m a lifetime vegetarian who’s always felt like I am always the odd one at restaurants. Seafood could be grown in farm settings for the die hards.
@@Lmzip2 You identify as a herbivore struggling to survive in a world of omnivores means very little to commercial fishermen who's industry feed nearly half the world's population. I agree that we must raise our voices and insist that the fishing industries show responsible fishing practices. Kudos to OCN !
Wally and Kat saved these two from horrible deaths. Even though they're not currently part of the OCN team, I'll forever appreciate them for what they did for these two, and many other. Love you guys! You are sorely missed in recent videos ❤
@@smudent2010 And other horrible things happens in other places. I just came from a local news article where a reindeer had been run over by a snowmobile multiple times, on purpose! Poor animal had horrific injuries and was draggin itself by its front legs. That happened in the north of Sweden and it was very likely done by locals who have someting against the Sami people.. So people do evil things to animals everywhere. No one deserves a medal.
@@smudent2010 All humans are responsible. If you eat any animal products out of the sea then you are to blame. This happens all over the world every minute of the day and you are responsible for it.
One of the worst entanglements I've seen on this channel. I hope that they will recover from physical injuries as soon as possible and from mental trauma as well. Very well done, OCN!
So sad, how traumatic for these pups. The ocean is just a dumping place for all sorts of rubbish left by thoughtless humans. So glad there are caring people like these.
I'm 86 years old and cryiing..... What a wonderful, wonderful , lovely people you all are, you must be strong by body and mind to do all those rescues ,, I could shout out of ANGER and frustration. THANK YOU ALL !!!!! (FROM hOLLAND)
Thanks for saving so many of these puppies. I know you can’t save them all, but I’m sure many are truly grateful when they’re set free. Huge gratitude. 🙏
That was one of the most horrible rescues I have seen over the past 4 years, and they were puppies too. Nice to see at least the two get back in the water, lines free. Excellent job guys.
It's not often we see you guys stop to give the rescues a cuddle, but it's clear that this rescue was hard on you so much that you couldn't help but hold the survivors for a moment. You have a huge heart and I have nothing but respect for you guys. I'm not a religious person at all, but if there is a heaven you have reserved yourself a place there
@@kitty.x3 That is not a religion, your atheistic view is. How do you know about Heaven? Why would you even bring that up if you think this isn’t about “religion”
This is absolutely heartbreaking. The poor seal pups must have been terrified and every time they moved their nooses tightened. Thank you so much Wally and Kat for rescuing these pups and giving them another chance at life. ☮️❤️🦘🇦🇺
@@nicoleyap6070 I hope you already got you answer and just after the like dislike buttons above there is a thanks in a heart and that allows you to donate from here as well.
I'm thankful that 2 of the pups were saved, but I can't stop thinking of what all 3 went through. They were unable to swim or hunt or eat....just heartbreaking. 😥 I'm glad the OCN team always goes back to find an entanglement they previously missed. Thanks, Wally and Kat!😇🙏
Thank you for saving these two youngsters, there really are no words to describe the devastation we're causing to our oceans. Thank you for showing us what's happening - you folks are truly amazing. Keep up the good work!
😢 Thank goodness you returned to that beach. Do not worry about showing dead seals. It tells the story so powerfully, that the oceans are full of dangers from human carelessness. Top marks to Wally🥇and Kat 💐! Kind regards from your friend in England 🏴.
Our pleasure 😊 Thank you very much for the support 🙏 Dersom vi ser at du er fra eller i Norge tar vi det på Norsk også😉 Vår glede 😊 Tusen takk for støtten 🙏
In the years I've been watching this channel daily, this may have been one of the saddest cases I've see. And a very happy ending, at least for two of the pups. Well done Kat and Wally! Thank you! Be well,
What all of you do is beyond words. Your love and dedication to take care of and watch over these seals is beyond incredible. . Seeing these pups entangled like that, I can't even imagine what they must have been going through until you got there. It tore my heart out. I was going to say that you guys are just super heroes, but no, you are SO MUCH better than that. We need to come up with a new word for what you are, maybe, Super-incredible-ultimate-awseome-lightingboltfast-beachrunning,-quickest-line-cutting-heroes EVER ! Thank you for everything that all of you do everyday.
No son gatos e sí 3 focas vivas pero los 2 murieron pero ya sta en el reino del cielo las 2 focas muertas y las 3 focas Stan vivan y mukqs gracias d ayudar son ángeles buenos ❤❤❤❤❤
🤯😔 this is horrible. Thank you for getting at least two of them. In all cases, you are doing what you can with a never ending problem. Your rescues are so valuable!
After what those pups had to endure, I can't even be upset with Wally for holding them up so close to his face for a cuddle...anyone with a heart would try to comfort them.😍
What a dreadful thing. I hope that episode in their lives is over for good and they never have to experience suffering like that ever again. Thank you for your great work, Wally and Kat.
oh, poor babies! How timely help arrived! Thank you so much, heroes of our time! О, бедные малыши! Как вовремя подоспела помощь! СПАСИБО вам огромное, герои нашего времени!
Utterly heartbreaking... thank you for giving the 2 pups a chance to survive; they'll be stronger now. Hope they can learn to fish or to somehow find their mum in the thousands of seals... thank you OCN team, and on this one, especially Kat and Wally.
I'm so thankful that 2 were able to be saved, hopefully they can find their moms or at least find enough food to survive on their own. So tragic the 3rd one didn't make it.. But you 2 did a really great job and refused to give up until you found these babies again and released them! What dedicated, altruistic human beings you and the Ocean Conservation organization are! Bravo 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
Danke für die Einmalige Rettung, ihr seid super und riskiert dabei auch oft Euer eigenes Leben, wenn es Euch nicht geben würde, hätten die Robben bestimmt nicht überlebt vielen Dank für Euere wunderbare Rettung ich Danke Euch von Herzen.Wie schön ,daß es dochnoch so viele Tierliebe Menschen gibt❤❤ ich denke ohne Euch hätten wir bald keine Meeresbewohner mehr . Warum gibt es immer noch soviele Menschen,die ihren Müll entsorgen, eine ganz große Bitte an die lieben Menschen und auch die lieben Fischer seid gefragt bitte vergesst die Netze nicht. bitte denkt daran, es ist so wichtig, damit die Tiere nicht qualvoll sterben , und die mutigen Retter, sich vielleicht mal verletzen, könnten ,denn die scharfen Gegenstände die sie mit sich tragen, um die gefährlichen Netze zudurch schneiden sind nicht ungefährlich denn wie sooft verfolge ich die Rettung der Robben deshalb weiß ich wieviel Kraft die Männer oder auch Frauen aufbringen müssen um die Tiere von der schweren Last zubefreien .Die großen Wunden die durch die Netze verursacht werden sind oft so tief ins Fleisch eingedrungen, sodas dadurch starke Schmerzen entstehen. Deshalb liebe Fischer bitte holt Eure Netze wieder ein Bitte😢😢😢 bitte, ihr wollt doch noch weiterhin Fische fangen, und daß geht nur,wenn alle etwas Rücksicht nehmen. Sonst gibt es irgendwann keinen Fisch mehr auf den Teller, und daß wäre doch für alle sehr traurig und auch nicht gesund,.
This beyond heartbreaking. Could you imagine living your life shackled to one living and one dead person?? Thank goodness you guys spotted them before it got worse... thank you guys
We see OCN help with many minor entanglements, so when you see a horrific one like this it really hits home as to how much relief the seals must suddenly feel when they are finally cut free from the line.
This was hard to watch but it is so important that we, humans, see what our trash and our thoughtlessness cause. Thank you for showing us in the raw the consequences of our selfish actions. We all need to wake up and do much, much better.
Больно смотреть как страдают животные, а виноват в этом человек который загрязняет всё вокруг себя, когда нибудь человечество одумается только не было бы поздно🦀🦞🦐 Спасибо людям спасшим этих милых животных , храни Вас бог, здоровья Вам и вашим близким 👏👏👍🏻🐢🐳🐬🐙
Tears of sadness and joy all at once. Thank you for all you do, making up for how shitty we are to this amazing planet and all it’s phenomenal creatures.
É muito triste em ver que um destes bichos perderam a vida por negligência do ser humano, ao mesmo tempo é bom ver vocês salvando a vida de dois deles. Parabéns.
Thank you for all you do . Sadly one lost it's life in a horrific manner.😢 We all need to change our ways and in turn change the world. Bless you all for the fine job you do.❤
Fortunately there are people like you who really devote themselves in the safeguard of these beautiful creatures. I worked for years in the defense of animals rights and I know it is not an easy task. Sometimes it is frustrating and you feel as if there is no end to all the suffering. However, the moment you see how freed animals feel better after your help is something indescribable. Each time I watch your videos my heart is recharged and it bursts with hope and joy. Thank you for your persistence.💙
How my heart broke when I read the title. It broke even more as I watched the video. Prayers that these two pups survive and thrive. So, so sorry for the one that was lost. Bless you all for what you do.
Horrible and terribly sad. Thank goodness you were able to get to the other two and save them. This was distressing to watch, so it must have been really awful for you. But you saved two. Thank you!❤
@@hendriklurse6518 It’s been almost 90°f here & we are finally getting some rain 🌦 Lost 1/2 of the avocado crop due to high winds 🌬 It’s going to be an interesting summer ☀️ How are the llamas 🦙 ?
@@ramblynrocketeer we have around 75 °f and sunshine most of the time 😊☀️ I haven't seen the Lahmas for a while 🦙 I think they are doing fine. Their shepherd is a very caring person 😊
Thanks for all you do. This is probably the best example of why we need you out there and also the worst to see. At least you were able to save the two that were still alive. 🥰🇺🇸
As sad as it may be, at least two of the seal now have a real chance of surviving. This is why I became a patreon for the first time ever. I can see the difference being made near real time. Great job and keep up the excellent work.
Yes, I am their patron as well, and I am typically very wary about which charity or non-profit organizations may be lying about where their money goes. I am not worried about that at all with these guys. They show us every day what they are doing and what they need in order to be able to keep doing this, so you get a sense of complete transparency and the necessity of their work. It’s not like traditional research (not that this type of charity is also not necessary) where the results can only be evident once a published journal comes out-where it’s needs to pass through hundreds of hands (and potential stakeholders) before the results can even reach their audience. You see OCN’s observations and the results of their reports every day and they’re consistently driven by the compassion they have for these animals. There’s no desire here to grow “big” and expand their operation infinitely, where the initial mission is always eventually lost to greed. It just makes it easier to know that your money is going towards a small organization with a worthwhile cause. We can all see for ourselves how necessary their work is, how immediately effective it is, and how without ambiguity or secrecy it is, too. I’ve never felt more at ease to be their patron.
This was brutal... impossible not to weep when witnessing that a precious life was taken due to man's actions, and that two more have a chance thanks to you guys. Today, more than ever, a Thank You OCN is simply not enough
OMG! I can't imagine what the dead seal went through and the buddies seeing their friend die. Thank goodness for the two of you! One death is too many, but saving two lives is worth the work. Bless both of you 🤗.
This brought me to tears. 😢 It's so sad to see what these poor little things have to go through. It's a reminder for us all to look after our planet, any way we can, big or small. Well done guys 👍
How unbelievably heartbreaking was that to watch! 😢 I cannot imagine the sadness you two must have felt having to see that up close. Thank you for your dedication and unselfishness in aiding these innocent pups. ❤️🇨🇦
This is one of the worst examples I've ever seen. Just shows how important your mission to save these innocent animals is. Thanks for it.
Indeed! Thank you for the support 🙏
@Ruthy MWow tell me you know nothing about the world and society as a whole without actually telling me you know nothing. If we completely got rid of the fishing industry, Millions and I mean millions maybe even close to billion people would suffer and become poor, all around the world, in quite literally every continent. So if you want the fishing industry gone, I sure hope you're willing to pay out of pocket to the people in Africa, and Mexico, and Asia, who strictly provide for their families solely on fishing. Not only provide $$$ for their families, some people fish for food, survival as well. If we had no Fishing industry, our Oceans would be ravished by invasive species, and completely destroy the eco system. Don't be so naive. It's not like fisherman and throwing their lines and all of their equipment into the ocean for fun. When you are fishing, your lines get caught on NUMEROUS things, and then they break off. The Seal population is abundant. It's thriving, and I don't know about you, but I care far more for millions of folks income, and survivability in 3rd world countries, than a couple seals who happen to get tangled up.
@@jleif7736 You're missing an important part of the problem though. While yes, it is incredibly important that the fishing industry as a whole should be supported, as it feeds millions/billions worldwide, we need to have *sustainable practices*. The lives of a few seals may seem inconsequential, but pollution and waste products from unsustainable practices is causing horrid effects on our ecosystems and various species across the globe. The deaths of seals show a pattern happening across a variety of other species.
Fishing is important, and yes, accidents happen where bits of line break off and are unable to be retrieved. However, the problems that these seals and other marine life are facing is due to illegal, unsustainable, or irresponsible practices, which is harming the health of our oceans worldwide. A lot of these seals are being caught in recreational fishing lines that aren't disposed of properly, or kinds of fishing nets that are set up illegally, either the net itself being banned due to higher bycatch rates, or because they're being set up in marine protection areas.
Your point of keeping the fishing industry alive is very much true, however I believe what the comment you were replying to was trying to say was "don't support unsustainable or illegal fishing". Those kinds of practices will harm the fishing industry, and it's important to preserve every animal in the ocean, no matter how seemingly insignificant, otherwise the ecosystem that allows others to provide for our families and bring food to the table will no longer be able to support us harvesting from it.
God bless all of you 🙏 ❤️
Thank you for caring - you both really are amazing heroes.
These videos need shown to all the fishermen. This clearly shows the importance of responsible fishing practices.
No, we prefer to educate the seafood eaters on the consequences of their actions.
@@OceanConservationNamibia -Good luck with that endeavor. I’m a lifetime vegetarian who’s always felt like I am always the odd one at restaurants.
Seafood could be grown in farm settings for the die hards.
@@Lmzip2 You identify as a herbivore struggling to survive in a world of omnivores means very little to commercial fishermen who's industry feed nearly half the world's population. I agree that we must raise our voices and insist that the fishing industries show responsible fishing practices. Kudos to OCN !
@@OceanConservationNamibia That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
They dong give a F...k unfortunalely
Dumping fishing lines at sea should be highly illegal, thanks for saving these poor babies
Who enforces the laws in International water?
Wally and Kat saved these two from horrible deaths. Even though they're not currently part of the OCN team, I'll forever appreciate them for what they did for these two, and many other. Love you guys! You are sorely missed in recent videos ❤
What these poor animals have to suffer because of humans greed and selfishness is heartbreaking. Thanks for giving them a second chance in life. 👏🏻
this only happens in certain areas of the world, so only certain humans are responsible and you shouldn't be afraid to say who
@@smudent2010 And other horrible things happens in other places. I just came from a local news article where a reindeer had been run over by a snowmobile multiple times, on purpose! Poor animal had horrific injuries and was draggin itself by its front legs. That happened in the north of Sweden and it was very likely done by locals who have someting against the Sami people.. So people do evil things to animals everywhere. No one deserves a medal.
@@smudent2010 sorry, but no. That is to easy! It happens all around the world.
@@starflyer3219 and not just evil things to animals. Humans kill others just for fun. Example: Ukraine
@@smudent2010 All humans are responsible. If you eat any animal products out of the sea then you are to blame. This happens all over the world every minute of the day and you are responsible for it.
One of the worst entanglements I've seen on this channel. I hope that they will recover from physical injuries as soon as possible and from mental trauma as well. Very well done, OCN!
Thank you very much 🙏🏻
So sad, how traumatic for these pups. The ocean is just a dumping place for all sorts of rubbish left by thoughtless humans. So glad there are caring people like these.
I'm 86 years old and cryiing..... What a wonderful, wonderful , lovely people you all are, you must be strong by body and mind to
do all those rescues ,, I could shout out of ANGER and frustration. THANK YOU ALL !!!!! (FROM hOLLAND)
우리의 기쁨 😊
많은 응원 부탁드립니다🙏
우리는 당신 없이는 이것을 할 수 없습니다 💪
Thanks for saving so many of these puppies. I know you can’t save them all, but I’m sure many are truly grateful when they’re set free. Huge gratitude. 🙏
Our pleasure 😊
Thank you very much for the support 🙏
Thanks for financially supporting this team. I wish more would just give a dollar or two.
pourquoi pa vous servire des cisaux a taule sa coupe plus et tu ne forse pas
You could be doing so many other things with your free time yet you choose to go rescue helpless animals. Thank you for all you do!
This is the key: what are we doing for help these creature?
That was one of the most horrible rescues I have seen over the past 4 years, and they were puppies too.
Nice to see at least the two get back in the water, lines free. Excellent job guys.
It's not often we see you guys stop to give the rescues a cuddle, but it's clear that this rescue was hard on you so much that you couldn't help but hold the survivors for a moment. You have a huge heart and I have nothing but respect for you guys. I'm not a religious person at all, but if there is a heaven you have reserved yourself a place there
What you described is Buddhism. They believe in the acts you do in this life determine where you go.
@@angelsky6869keep religion out of this
thank you
@@kitty.x3 That is not a religion, your atheistic view is. How do you know about Heaven? Why would you even bring that up if you think this isn’t about “religion”
@@angelsky6869our good deeds won't get us into heaven
Thank you for saving the two babies. I'm heartbroken for that little one.
Thank you for everything you do.
This is absolutely heartbreaking. The poor seal pups must have been terrified and every time they moved their nooses tightened.
Thank you so much Wally and Kat for rescuing these pups and giving them another chance at life.
Horrible 😞
Thank you for the support 🙏
Thanks for all that you all do to save as many seals as you can. Keep up the great work! Lots of respect for what you do!
Our pleasure 😊
Thank you very much for the support 🙏 We couldn't do it with out you 💪
@@OceanConservationNamibia I would like to support also. How do I do that?
@@nicoleyap6070 there are links in the description of places to donate to
@@nicoleyap6070 ?
@@nicoleyap6070 I hope you already got you answer and just after the like dislike buttons above there is a thanks in a heart and that allows you to donate from here as well.
I'm thankful that 2 of the pups were saved, but I can't stop thinking of what all 3 went through. They were unable to swim or hunt or eat....just heartbreaking. 😥
I'm glad the OCN team always goes back to find an entanglement they previously missed. Thanks, Wally and Kat!😇🙏
My thoughts exactly🙏
Díky! Thank from the Czech Republic.
Thank you for saving these two youngsters, there really are no words to describe the devastation we're causing to our oceans. Thank you for showing us what's happening - you folks are truly amazing. Keep up the good work!
Well said, thank you🙏🏻
😢 Thank goodness you returned to that beach. Do not worry about showing dead seals. It tells the story so powerfully, that the oceans are full of dangers from human carelessness. Top marks to Wally🥇and Kat 💐! Kind regards from your friend in England 🏴.
That was worse than horrible. Poor pups. Well done for saving the two. Thank you
Takk! Thank you for the amazing effort you put in in saving these seals.
Our pleasure 😊
Thank you very much for the support 🙏
Dersom vi ser at du er fra eller i Norge tar vi det på Norsk også😉 Vår glede 😊
Tusen takk for støtten 🙏
@@OceanConservationNamibia det er meg som skal takke for det fantastiske arbeidet dere gjør! A+ for norsken! :)
In the years I've been watching this channel daily, this may have been one of the saddest cases I've see. And a very happy ending, at least for two of the pups. Well done Kat and Wally! Thank you! Be well,
What all of you do is beyond words. Your love and dedication to take care of and watch over these seals is beyond incredible. . Seeing these pups entangled like that, I can't even imagine what they must have been going through until you got there. It tore my heart out. I was going to say that you guys are just super heroes, but no, you are SO MUCH better than that. We need to come up with a new word for what you are, maybe, Super-incredible-ultimate-awseome-lightingboltfast-beachrunning,-quickest-line-cutting-heroes EVER ! Thank you for everything that all of you do everyday.
This was a sad one! Thank you for the rescue guys! 💙💚
I've been watching at least a year and that's the saddest one I've seen💔💔
Yes it was😞 🙏
Those poor babies. Thank you so much for saving the two that you could.
Спасибо за спасение тюленей 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️. Жалко малышей , которые погибли 😢😢😢. Вы , замечательные люди 👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️
По моему это котики 🤔
Allah razı olsun güzel insanlar
No son gatos e sí 3 focas vivas pero los 2 murieron pero ya sta en el reino del cielo las 2 focas muertas y las 3 focas Stan vivan y mukqs gracias d ayudar son ángeles buenos ❤❤❤❤❤
I love the quick response time on both of you. Going from a nice kayak tour to action and full focus. Nice work Kat and Wally.
did you even listen? wally said, the whole point of the kayaking was to find this bundle again and grab them...
Thank you very much 🙏
Tears of sorrow for the struggle those babies had to endure, just breaks my heart .
Thank you for the support 🙏
🤯😔 this is horrible. Thank you for getting at least two of them. In all cases, you are doing what you can with a never ending problem. Your rescues are so valuable!
Thank you very much 🙏
Parabéns a equipe de salvamento dos animais marinhos
A natureza agradece.
Santa Catarina, Brasil.
Merci pour toutes vos actions qui montrent que l'être humain est aussi capable de faire de belles choses sur cette Terre!
After what those pups had to endure, I can't even be upset with Wally for holding them up so close to his face for a cuddle...anyone with a heart would try to comfort them.😍
I agree Linda!!!
Yes, I agree 💯👍
I dunno if the cuddle was the original intention of the hold, more helping get the line off maybe. But definitely some much needed soothing after
🙏 🙏
What a dreadful thing. I hope that episode in their lives is over for good and they never have to experience suffering like that ever again. Thank you for your great work, Wally and Kat.
Indeed! Thank you very much 🙏
This is to cry for our poor friends. Thank you angels for saving two of them from a tortured death. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the support 🙏
Poor things 🤔😥
You, guys are doing a great job, thank you so much! ❤
Muchas gracias!!!. Es una gran Misión. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
This has to the worst entangled mess I've watched on OCN !! Those seals probably didn't have much time left !! BIG Thank you Kat and Wally !!
oh, poor babies! How timely help arrived! Thank you so much, heroes of our time! О, бедные малыши! Как вовремя подоспела помощь! СПАСИБО вам огромное, герои нашего времени!
Our pleasure 😊
Thank you very much for the support 🙏
Thanks for the great work!
That was a real heartbreaking sight to see the dead pup. Just so glad you were able to rescue and save the lives of the two pups.
Thank you very much🙏
Good God - that was horrible. Well done Wally and Kat for saving the two that you could. 👏👏👏
Thank you very much 🙏
Thanks for doing this. Awesome work.
We couldn't do it with out you💪
Thanks guys, You guys are awesome.
Our pleasure 😊
Thank you very much for the support 🙏
We couldn't do this without you 💪
How devastating and tragic! TU for saving the other two.
Здоровья вам, вы делаете очень важное дело. Спасибо большое за спасение животных.
Utterly heartbreaking... thank you for giving the 2 pups a chance to survive; they'll be stronger now. Hope they can learn to fish or to somehow find their mum in the thousands of seals... thank you OCN team, and on this one, especially Kat and Wally.
So sad to see this happen. So many seals lost this way. Thank you for looking for them. Loved the hug the pup got❤️
I'm so thankful that 2 were able to be saved, hopefully they can find their moms or at least find enough food to survive on their own. So tragic the 3rd one didn't make it.. But you 2 did a really great job and refused to give up until you found these babies again and released them! What dedicated, altruistic human beings you and the Ocean Conservation organization are! Bravo 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
Как же приятно знать что есть такие люди как ВЫ. Смотрю и слезы на глазах. Спасибо вам за вашу работу.
Danke für die Einmalige Rettung, ihr seid super und riskiert dabei auch oft Euer eigenes Leben, wenn es Euch nicht geben würde, hätten die Robben bestimmt nicht überlebt vielen Dank für Euere wunderbare Rettung ich Danke Euch von Herzen.Wie schön ,daß es dochnoch so viele Tierliebe Menschen gibt❤❤ ich denke ohne Euch hätten wir bald keine Meeresbewohner mehr . Warum gibt es immer noch soviele Menschen,die ihren Müll entsorgen, eine ganz große Bitte an die lieben Menschen und auch die lieben Fischer seid gefragt bitte vergesst die Netze nicht. bitte denkt daran, es ist so wichtig, damit die Tiere nicht qualvoll sterben , und die mutigen Retter, sich vielleicht mal verletzen, könnten ,denn die scharfen Gegenstände die sie mit sich tragen, um die gefährlichen Netze zudurch schneiden sind nicht ungefährlich denn wie sooft verfolge ich die Rettung der Robben deshalb weiß ich wieviel Kraft die Männer oder auch Frauen aufbringen müssen um die Tiere von der schweren Last zubefreien .Die großen Wunden die durch die Netze verursacht werden sind oft so tief ins Fleisch eingedrungen, sodas dadurch starke Schmerzen entstehen. Deshalb liebe Fischer bitte holt Eure Netze wieder ein Bitte😢😢😢 bitte, ihr wollt doch noch weiterhin Fische fangen, und daß geht nur,wenn alle etwas Rücksicht nehmen. Sonst gibt es irgendwann keinen Fisch mehr auf den Teller, und daß wäre doch für alle sehr traurig und auch nicht gesund,.
А наше государство , подписывает за кон , о убийства, животных
Thank you for what you do for these creatures 💕
What a horrible situation. It made me want to cry. Those poor pups. Many thanks to Wally and Kat for saving them!
Thank you for caring 🙏🏻
This beyond heartbreaking. Could you imagine living your life shackled to one living and one dead person?? Thank goodness you guys spotted them before it got worse... thank you guys
Bless you young men and women who participated in this truly saintly care for these seals
Oh my word, thank you, Kat and Wally, for the wonderful rescue! Good job, glad you found them!
Thanks for sharing. Good Job.
Сколько их погибает по вине человека.🥺🥺🥺 Спасибо вам за спасение ластоногих, прекрасных животных .🙏🙏🙏 Храни вас Бог 🙏♥️.
We see OCN help with many minor entanglements, so when you see a horrific one like this it really hits home as to how much relief the seals must suddenly feel when they are finally cut free from the line.
Thank you for the support 🙏
This was hard to watch but it is so important that we, humans, see what our trash and our thoughtlessness cause. Thank you for showing us in the raw the consequences of our selfish actions. We all need to wake up and do much, much better.
This is so sad...😢. But I'm relieved the two baby puppies were rescued. Thanks for being so gentle and caring. ❤️
Thank you🙏
Больно смотреть как страдают животные, а виноват в этом человек который загрязняет всё вокруг себя, когда нибудь человечество одумается только не было бы поздно🦀🦞🦐 Спасибо людям спасшим этих милых животных , храни Вас бог, здоровья Вам и вашим близким 👏👏👍🏻🐢🐳🐬🐙
Thank you! My heart breaks for the innocent lives. Your team never cease to amaze me. Thank you for your dedication to these animals.
Muchas gracias por salvar la vida a tantos animales por la maldad de los hombres
Thank you for the supprt 🙏
Tears of sadness and joy all at once. Thank you for all you do, making up for how shitty we are to this amazing planet and all it’s phenomenal creatures.
Thank you 🙏
É muito triste em ver que um destes bichos perderam a vida por negligência do ser humano, ao mesmo tempo é bom ver vocês salvando a vida de dois deles.
Não podemos esquecer a vergonha de seremos brasileiros ao ficarmos calados com o que estão fazendo no pantanal e Amazônia.
Thank you for all you do . Sadly one lost it's life in a horrific manner.😢 We all need to change our ways and in turn change the world. Bless you all for the fine job you do.❤
Fortunately there are people like you who really devote themselves in the safeguard of these beautiful creatures. I worked for years in the defense of animals rights and I know it is not an easy task. Sometimes it is frustrating and you feel as if there is no end to all the suffering. However, the moment you see how freed animals feel better after your help is something indescribable.
Each time I watch your videos my heart is recharged and it bursts with hope and joy.
Thank you for your persistence.💙
Большое спасибо, что помогаете зверюшкам.!
Люди, не бросайте ничего в воду! 🙏❤🙏
..Or on land. It ends up in water.
Poor poor puppy’s! 🥺 I really hope, they found their mothers! 🍀🤞🏻🍀 Thanks for all your hard work ❣️
Oh wow, sad. What a shame. Thank you for saving the two. Can’t say enough for the fantastic work you and your team do. 🙏❤️👍
How my heart broke when I read the title. It broke even more as I watched the video. Prayers that these two pups survive and thrive. So, so sorry for the one that was lost. Bless you all for what you do.
Thank you very much 🙏🏻
Horrible and terribly sad. Thank goodness you were able to get to the other two and save them. This was distressing to watch, so it must have been really awful for you. But you saved two. Thank you!❤
감사합니다.. 우리 모두가 해야 할 일을 대신해 주셔서... ㅠㅠ
Thank you very much for what you've done to these poor puppies...
So sad 😢 poor little puppy 😢 thank you my heroes for saving them ❤️ greetings to all 😊🙋🏻
Aloha Kakahiaka 🌅
Pehea ‘oe?
@@ramblynrocketeer Aloha Ahiahi 😊 maikaʻi au . Pehea 'oe?
@@hendriklurse6518 It’s been almost 90°f here & we are finally getting some rain 🌦
Lost 1/2 of the avocado crop due to high winds 🌬 It’s going to be an interesting summer ☀️
How are the llamas 🦙 ?
@@ramblynrocketeer we have around 75 °f and sunshine most of the time 😊☀️ I haven't seen the Lahmas for a while 🦙 I think they are doing fine. Their shepherd is a very caring person 😊
We are such monsters. THANK YOU for helping to right some of our wrongs 💜💜💜💜
😢😢😢Спасибо Вам ребята что помогаете тем,кто попал в беду.❤
Those poor little babies. So glad you were able to save 2.
Thanks for all you do. This is probably the best example of why we need you out there and also the worst to see. At least you were able to save the two that were still alive. 🥰🇺🇸
Just bought some merch to help these heroes. Felt like I needed to help somehow. You all are exceptional humans.
Thank you so much for the support and caring! 🙏
As sad as it may be, at least two of the seal now have a real chance of surviving. This is why I became a patreon for the first time ever. I can see the difference being made near real time. Great job and keep up the excellent work.
Yes, I am their patron as well, and I am typically very wary about which charity or non-profit organizations may be lying about where their money goes. I am not worried about that at all with these guys. They show us every day what they are doing and what they need in order to be able to keep doing this, so you get a sense of complete transparency and the necessity of their work.
It’s not like traditional research (not that this type of charity is also not necessary) where the results can only be evident once a published journal comes out-where it’s needs to pass through hundreds of hands (and potential stakeholders) before the results can even reach their audience.
You see OCN’s observations and the results of their reports every day and they’re consistently driven by the compassion they have for these animals. There’s no desire here to grow “big” and expand their operation infinitely, where the initial mission is always eventually lost to greed.
It just makes it easier to know that your money is going towards a small organization with a worthwhile cause. We can all see for ourselves how necessary their work is, how immediately effective it is, and how without ambiguity or secrecy it is, too. I’ve never felt more at ease to be their patron.
😭 Спасибо большое за вашу помощь, пусть Господь благословит вас!
Выбросить в мусор нужно,а не оставлять на берегу
@@ИраидаЕвтеева мусор вываливают в океан в промышленных масштабах.
I hope this helps you keep doing what you're doing.
Спасибо вам за ещё две спасённые жизни! Побольше бы таких людей. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
This was brutal... impossible not to weep when witnessing that a precious life was taken due to man's actions, and that two more have a chance thanks to you guys.
Today, more than ever, a Thank You OCN is simply not enough
I hope you never eat seafood, because if you do then you are contributing to “man’s actions”
@@V43xV1CT15 i don't. I'm a vegan. But don't get confused: somehow I feel part of "man's actions"
This is really heartbreaking. Thank you so much for saving those little ones!
These poor little pups still tried to survive. Their days were so numbered. It's truly awesome how you rescued them.
Thank you very much 🙏
Огромное спасибо за спасение животных! Как жаль, что один малыш погиб…..((((
OMG poor fur babies, glad you spotted them, brings tears to my eyes, bless you 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Love how you try!
Thank you so much. You are amazing...NYC one❤
Thank you very much 🙏
Долгих лет жизни вам!!! Бог в помощь!!
Спасибо, что помогли животным!!
Ótimo trabalho em conservação!
OMG! I can't imagine what the dead seal went through and the buddies seeing their friend die. Thank goodness for the two of you! One death is too many, but saving two lives is worth the work. Bless both of you 🤗.
This brought me to tears. 😢
It's so sad to see what these poor little things have to go through.
It's a reminder for us all to look after our planet, any way we can, big or small.
Well done guys 👍
Tearful to witness, yet mentally prepared and equipped for the rescues --- proud of you all Team OCN!
How unbelievably heartbreaking was that to watch! 😢 I cannot imagine the sadness you two must have felt having to see that up close. Thank you for your dedication and unselfishness in aiding these innocent pups. ❤️🇨🇦
The grief... :(