Will AI Replace Copywriters? Job Outlook for Writers in 2024

  • Опубликовано: 3 фев 2024
  • So many freelancers DM me saying "Is it even worth it to pursue copywriting now that AI has disrupted the industry?" While AI HAS changed the industry a bit, I'll share how you can bypass the obstacles.
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Комментарии • 10

  • @paidcopywriter
    @paidcopywriter  5 месяцев назад

    What are your thoughts on AI and copywriting?

  • @abhiviews2848
    @abhiviews2848 5 месяцев назад

    "Thank you so much for your help! I appreciate the guidance and support. Your assistance has been invaluable. Grateful for your time and expertise!" 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @JLThisisMe
    @JLThisisMe 5 месяцев назад +1

    Believe me, I'm not trolling here and I'm a big fan of your content, but I can tell you firsthand that AI is having an effect on copywriting. I don't purport to be an elite level copywriter but I did lose a client (and not one merely interested in SEO) who told me flat-out that his experiences while experimenting with AI convinced him that the results were "good enough."

    • @paidcopywriter
      @paidcopywriter  5 месяцев назад

      i agree it's having an effect for sure - business owners can get more done with less resources .. however if we're going after the right clients and the right projects, we can avoid these situations

    • @kevinaustin0369
      @kevinaustin0369 5 месяцев назад +1

      The thing is, this type of client is probably not one you would want to begin with. I imagine it will serve a particular demographic, but the higher paying, top of their game clients are going to want a real copywriter, not fabricated, impersonal copy from an AI. It’s a big world for copy. Big enough for both.

    • @JLThisisMe
      @JLThisisMe 5 месяцев назад

      @@kevinaustin0369 That's just it. I'm not a beginner. I've been doing this for a while and this wasn't a particularly low-level client.

    • @paidcopywriter
      @paidcopywriter  5 месяцев назад

      YES! @@kevinaustin0369

    • @kevinaustin0369
      @kevinaustin0369 5 месяцев назад

      @@JLThisisMe I am as green as it gets with regards to this thing called copywriting. I’ve personally been in sells my entire life. I’m an older guy now. I’ve had physical injuries that have forced me to look to a new place at to make a living. And for what I’ve researched so far these principles are identical to what I’ve been doing for 35 years. The difference for me is I was doing it face to face. Door to door. What’s changed is the lingo, but these principles are foundational and non wavering. The lingo has been replaced, but the equation remains the same.
      I totally understand your concern. A new, disruptive technology has come into the picture. For every industry practically. It’s here, but I’ve found the most important aspect of selling other than the relationship building is mindset. We have this new challenge in front of us. What can we do about it? Can we join forces with it and use it to our advantage? Is this even possible? Is so, how can I do it? What’s that look like? But the mindset one has going into the situation will always impact the outcome. Every time.
      Can this be an ally or is it an enemy? Do I have any choice in the matter? I choose to not be in denial, but know the size of the pie is so massive, that there is more than plenty to go around. The scarcity is mental. AI is so new that most of the population isn’t even utilizing it yet. And I’m sure that will change over time. But the pie is still that massive. I hope I’m not coming across in a know it all way. I’ve just come to learn that how I mentally process any situation will have a direct effect on the outcome. So I can choose the mindset I want ahead of time. And be disciplined enough to stick with it no matter what. Sells has always been a game of math. I knock on so many doors per day, some aren’t home, some slam door on my face and other welcome me in and hear me out. And out of those opportunities I will close %80. All I’m saying is, none of that has changed. A new player has come into the game, but it isn’t going to take every client that exists. And for business owners that are past a relatively young age, they probably don’t want to or don’t have the time to learn how to implement AI. All I’m saying is, don’t let this put you on tilt. I know that feeling sucks, but you can’t stay there. And I’m not saying just ignore it and it will go away. I’m sayin keep moving forward. It’s happened. You’ve acknowledged it and fortunately were given the reason why. And no doubt a percentage of businesses will consider AI good enough. Still doesn’t make the pie smaller. Just adapt and overcome. Mindset. And I hate texting really. Leaves out the tone of voice and mannerisms that convey subtext. Which is non existent with texting. So I hope I’m not coming across as some smart ass. That’s not my intention at all. I get on tilt too. And I love it when someone snaps me out of it and points out other possibilities. Other opportunities I didn’t notice before. Maybe refine my focus and aim for a different demographic of clients that “good enough” doesn’t cut it.
      Whenever a new disruptive tech comes along it typically takes a decade before people get comfortable enough to get acquainted with it. Are copywriters days numbered? I don’t know. If they are, it’s probably a long time from now before it happens. I’m personally at yet another crossroads in life. A major one. And I’m not a young man anymore. A single Dad being forced to find a new way to make a living. And from all the opportunities that exist, I’m choosing to learn copywriting. Understanding the concern you brought up. But looking at the numbers; of existing businesses in the world vs the number of copywriters, it’s an ocean of opportunity. I’m sure I’ll run into businesses that are utilizing AI. I’m so persistent I’ll probably still pitch them, but?, I don’t take it personally. It’s math. There’s an equation. And AI doesn’t change it that. I do what I learned all those years of knocking on doors selling to complete strangers. I move to the neighbors house and knock on their door. I assure you, there are more than enough clients out there for all of us. And I’m willing to bet that some don’t want anything to do with AI. May even hate it. They want that personal connection and probably would want to know that another human is benefiting from their business as oppose to some non life form.
      Yes, the bottom line is what businesses are in business for. To make a profit. But I’ve met enough people to know that regardless of whatever AI gets, there will still be more than enough to go around. Don’t buy into the very scarcity that you use yourself.
      Call me a fool. Certainly an optimist. I can’t afford to be anything else.
      I hope you took this as I intended it. Keep moving forward. Visualize how you desire the outcome and keep focused on that. It’s easy to drown in the pool of sorrow. I’ve come close to doing so myself many times. Maybe that’s why I responded to your post to begin with. My message is one of hope. Positivity. A life line if need be. Keep moving forward. You will make up for that lost client and then some. Actually, the Universe often does us favors we don’t realize. I’d be willing to bet that this the Universe is doing you a favor and opening new doors of opportunity. It always does.
      I wish you the best in your endeavors. And thanks for sharing. I’m learning from you as well as I enter this new world of copy. 🫡

  • @ROHIT-wx4nu
    @ROHIT-wx4nu 5 месяцев назад

    Right now ai is not that capable to write in such a way that's Target specific emotions in reader....😊
    Having said that ai is definately 1000% more capable when is come to choosing words....😢
    So, I am not native English speaker but I write copy then I use ai to make it sound like native speaker wrote it....
    Right now ai can't replace copywriter.... Why?
    Because business owner don't have time to mess with ai....
    They really have there other thing to do....
    So, even if in future ai gets powerful then classic copywriter.....
    There is no way business owner will gonna spend there precious time doing this copywriting with ai....
    So we will be always there to write copy....
    But in future maybe because of ai we can write copy in just half day....😂

  • @JFit21
    @JFit21 5 месяцев назад +1

    A.I. ain’t human with no emotions so the takeover of ai is pure rubbish so everyone continue with your copyrwriting journey lol 😂