Mau tanya dong bang, katany kalo full luk ngurangin kesempatan degration sampe 95%, itu bener ga sih? Kok udh coba pake full luk + andeg tetep turun turun terus ya?
Mungkin beberapa alasan Knp Ga diterusin Smpe +S 1. bakalan makan waktu Klo Turun 2. Buang2 Bahan xD 3. Males Record Terlalu lama :v Tapi Thanks Video nya Bermanfaat bnget
right know i seems cant direct refine them. so i manage to refine it by 1 perday. tht work fine and somehow i manage to get lowest mats usage... since one or two ore is use per stage XD
Ya intinya sih refine tuh gimana kehokian kita aja :v w kadang ngabisin 1-2stk andeg 0-S pernah sekali-kalinya reff dri 0-S cumn ngabisin 58 andeg, jadi refinner itu hrus sabar+tabah :v semua refinner sama gada yang namanya trik :v semua tergantung luck/ke hokian :v
Betul om, kdg klo g hoki bs rugi wkwkwk tp ad tips yaitu bahan yg di perlukan dan sabar, bila sdh kliatan g bakal bs ke +S stop dlu ,klo aku sih gtu wkwkk
@@muhammaddaffa5685 andeg itu buat mencegah kemungkinan turun sebesar 80% jadi masih ada 20% kemungkinan turun Edit: mencegah kemungkinan turun sebesar 75% jadi masih ada kemungkinan turun 25%
@BTS's pied piper xD 20M I refined 2 weapons to +S with 4m how did it cost so much for u? The 4M is for 2stks Orichalcum 2 stks anti deg that's it, I farmed hematite and mithril ore.
Can you tell me how do you earn money form refine because my refine always stops at +A and even though I bought tons of anti degradations I always use them up and my refine is still on +B or +C I'm starting to quit toram cuz of hoe much I spent already
Kalo B-S pake apa aj ttp 1% jd sama aj , Ambil yg termurah aja Hematite✓ namun ad jg yg bilang pake mithril ore biwr ga sering turun, tapi ga tau kebenaran nya soalny ga pernah nemu artikel yg menyebutkan bhwa mithril ore lbh baik dr hematie
Kalo nempa ga perlu kalo craf eqp dpt ekstra Prof/ naikin Limit diff nya coba aj km buat eqp use eqp full dex sma no eqp atau lbh mudah ny cek videoku aj yg bhas Limit break Crafting
@@AdtorresSenpai well i am the type of person that spends over a million and no B i have just so bad luk but the refinement powder increase succes by 15% so 21% ye..
@@AdtorresSenpai Ooh, I see. Thanks for the quick reply ^^. I've subscribed to your channel so I can keep updated for new info. Your video is easy to understand so please keep up the good work and upload more useful content.
Bisa aja ga langsung di spam ke S, tp klo perhitungan kasar sih ya dari aku sendri B-A-S ga tentu kebanyakan 1-40 x kalo ga downgrwde/turun bakal susks, pengalaman sndri sih karena 1% itu murni hoki2an gada trik
Soalnya kmrn frustasi bang, udh ngabisin ori 50 buah masih tetep +C aja, jadi menyerah dan ku fillstat a7fc18. Ya kalau ada stat weap ga ngaruh sama kesulitan refinement, mau lanjutin lagi nih sampe ke +B, ke +S kalo bisa wuahahahaha
Gak kok kalo ada stst g ngruh, yg ngruh cuma Slot/non slot Ad juga yg bilang klo ada dye sama high atk jdi susah, tp g tau kebenaranya masih blm nemu artikel ttg itu
bang ini kenapa vang setepah drop dari +A ke E aku stuck di C ke B nya susah padahal biasanya sekali getok ke B langsung ini dah habis 40+ ori #edit Eq no slot
Ternyata indo wkwk, setelah ku jelajah beberapa vid nya
Langsung up to B ikutin saranya abang... ayo subss boy .. ayo kita bangun sama2 channel ini supaya bermanfaat bagi smua org
Mntp gayn haha 😂
Cool,,ty hopefully i can
Hi I know it late on in the year for this but I usually use mithril ore for 0-D then ori till +B does that make any difference
Mau tanya dong bang, katany kalo full luk ngurangin kesempatan degration sampe 95%, itu bener ga sih? Kok udh coba pake full luk + andeg tetep turun turun terus ya?
Mungkin beberapa alasan Knp Ga diterusin Smpe +S
1. bakalan makan waktu Klo Turun
2. Buang2 Bahan xD
3. Males Record Terlalu lama :v
Thanks Video nya Bermanfaat bnget
Semuanya benar hhha
@@AdtorresSenpai kalo gak pake andeg saat refine B-S apakah bisa turun jadi A-B/B-C
@@erf3123 pasti turun
right know i seems cant direct refine them. so i manage to refine it by 1 perday. tht work fine and somehow i manage to get lowest mats usage... since one or two ore is use per stage XD
Do u use orichalcum or --orichalcum ore for refining C-B?
Ya intinya sih refine tuh gimana kehokian kita aja :v w kadang ngabisin 1-2stk andeg 0-S pernah sekali-kalinya reff dri 0-S cumn ngabisin 58 andeg, jadi refinner itu hrus sabar+tabah :v semua refinner sama gada yang namanya trik :v semua tergantung luck/ke hokian :v
Betul om, kdg klo g hoki bs rugi wkwkwk tp ad tips yaitu bahan yg di perlukan dan sabar, bila sdh kliatan g bakal bs ke +S stop dlu ,klo aku sih gtu wkwkk
Question: How long does it take to refine to +B? or +C? I'm new to toram and don't really know. Thanks!
+C maybe Possible 1-3 minutes
@@AdtorresSenpai Thank you! Wil follow your guide from now on!
Is there a chance of downgrading using luk char? Or is it only gonna upgrade?
Bang pedang ap yang dipake saat buat vidio Kirito sword skill eclipse versi toram?
App apa stat ny?
how to craft fortitus vestibus I need to know!?!?
need jasa reff and fill terpercaya in spina :(
Bang saya Pas Refine S turun mulu tau taunya D - E itu giman ya?
how about slotted eq ?
Jangan lupa sabar, klo gw makin sering refine hokinya makin turun :" senjata gw pdhl udh +D tuh eh turun terus ampe 6 kan asw
Kalau pake andeg ttp turun ga kalau gagal?
@@muhammaddaffa5685 andeg itu buat mencegah kemungkinan turun sebesar 80% jadi masih ada 20% kemungkinan turun
Edit: mencegah kemungkinan turun sebesar 75% jadi masih ada kemungkinan turun 25%
Andeg 75% gayn
@@AdtorresSenpai oiya maap udh lama ga main wkwkk
Thanks for the video but can u also include where to farm for the materials for refining like hematite,mithril and orichalcum
You can see on video Spina Guide for new player...
And Orichalcum Can't Farm... it's From Crafting or Npc merchat on town sell it
@@AdtorresSenpai I saw the video but where to farm for orichalcum ore I mean I know I can't get a orichalcum drop but at least ore
@@AdtorresSenpai is there any chance the weapon will downgrade from B to C while using a luck character?
@BTS's pied piper xD 20M I refined 2 weapons to +S with 4m how did it cost so much for u? The 4M is for 2stks Orichalcum 2 stks anti deg that's it, I farmed hematite and mithril ore.
@@dineshgouni3091 yea
Can you tell me how do you earn money form refine because my refine always stops at +A and even though I bought tons of anti degradations I always use them up and my refine is still on +B or +C I'm starting to quit toram cuz of hoe much I spent already
@old great wolf sif I'm guessing u were refining a slotted one
Ke +s kalo hokky habis andeg brpa yak om ?
Enakan pake bahan bijih besi apa besi om, sama full luck sisa isi apa om dan pengaruh gk ?
Kalo B-S pake apa aj ttp 1% jd sama aj , Ambil yg termurah aja Hematite✓ namun ad jg yg bilang pake mithril ore biwr ga sering turun, tapi ga tau kebenaran nya soalny ga pernah nemu artikel yg menyebutkan bhwa mithril ore lbh baik dr hematie
@@AdtorresSenpai w pake mithtil ore malah seting turun 😂
Tanya dong om, yang lain setelah status tec full selanjutnya isi dex. Kenapa om isi vit? Sebenernya dex ngaruh apa buat bs tec?
Ga ngruh
Bebas isi apa aj trgntung Mau di jadiin multiple Build apa gak hehee
Dex ngaruh ke kalo bikin item setauku'-' buat nambahin potential,cmiiw
Berarti kalo buat nempa & fill stat gak perlu dex ya. Oke
Kalo nempa ga perlu kalo craf eqp dpt ekstra Prof/ naikin Limit diff nya coba aj km buat eqp use eqp full dex sma no eqp atau lbh mudah ny cek videoku aj yg bhas Limit break Crafting
Halah persetan dengan refine
Habis 4M masih +D
ane abis 3m gan :'(
Ane 2m +C:v
+C gampang diatasnya yg susah full tech, sisa dex levl min 100 keatas., level skill bs harus 10 semua..
Masa sih,ane aja butuh 20ori dengan is stck andeg,bisa tembus B+,andeg sama ori kepakai 20
@@soultanations dia ingin +S tapi turun terus
But refines dont get extra dmg ? Dont see anything about
E = +100 atk
D = +200 Atk
C = +200 Atk
B = +400 Atk
A = +600 Atk
Something like that
@@amywaszombified How about refining armor? Does it add defense?
bang klo mempa b-s pake bs luk kemahiran tempa nya minimal lvl brp sih trs kko dri 0-b juga minimak lvl brp kemahiran tempa nya
What does luck do for refining that tec doesnt
Luk reduce Downgrade when fail / Tec add rate success
+B oric+ andeg = sulton wkwk
Can you refine mine to +S pls my arm
I have 1s arm, that means whenever I fail, it degrade by -2... So yeah. Crap
No, its random between degrade 0-2
@@AdtorresSenpai oh it's random. Okay
Whats the link to the refine success rate thing
@jhon martin xd
Looking like Sasuke on the piano XD
Hahaha Lol xD
boleh bantu spina tak,saya nak 2m.
How long and how much would be needed to refine to +S?
For Normal or if you lucky its need 99 x Anti deg
For C-B normal 20x
B-A 40x
A-S ??
This Calculation if your refine no degrade
@@AdtorresSenpai isn't it pure rng?
*Pls. If I'm refining B-S with Luk and hematite, can it degrade to C or not*
Down To C if ns Down D-C if Sloted E-C if 2sloted
Aagh i hate it when it degrades ur luck is too low
What if i use Secondary character and it's level 95 and Max Tech? I can do refine or No?
But only+b for tech build
If +a need lv4 for tech
@@AdtorresSenpai Thank you🌹
So I basically refine next show me how to level blacksmith quickly and efficiently
Wht do you mean?
Umm it is pretty easy to raise black smith I have more trouble with Alch than black smith
@@LimitPro1 I find alch easy
@@AdtorresSenpai I need the quickest way and efficient way to level blacksmith
Bang aku mau refine +b ke +a tapi kok turun ya ?😤😤
So you are saying refine then add slot?
Its easy way to go +S ,if Sloted then you fail ur wep/arm or eqp will downgrade -2 its really2 diff success rate its same s/ns but not for downgrade
@@AdtorresSenpai betull
bang tolong balas, kegunaan refine untuk additional gear apa ? karna gw coba bedain refine 0 sama yang +S gak ada bedanya...
Refine Additional dan Armor Menambah Resistance , 1%/ Refine + E = 10% (10x Refine) , + S (15%)
Jadi tidak Menambah Damage Sedikit Pun, Kalo Kasarnya Ku bilang hanya Gengsi Kalo +S tapi Bukan Tank User, Haha
@@AdtorresSenpai thx u senpai ^^
Oric for C-B is 6% success what if we use refinement powder to increase that success rate??
Recomend use Anti deg , Calculations 6% Success It Mean Need 1-20 try With ori and andeg, if not succeed it will downgrade
@@AdtorresSenpai well i am the type of person that spends over a million and no B i have just so bad luk but the refinement powder increase succes by 15% so 21% ye..
So, 'Refine Equipment' skill doesn't affect the success rate for +B - +S? Not even a little?
With or Without still can be +S.. for sure idk works or not
But, if you wanna save SP just 1Sp enough for B-S
@@AdtorresSenpai Ooh, I see. Thanks for the quick reply ^^. I've subscribed to your channel so I can keep updated for new info. Your video is easy to understand so please keep up the good work and upload more useful content.
Nicely done
Thanks for the info
Your Welcome ^
What song?
baru pengen nanya kalau 0-B trus B-S diterusin besok bisa..habis betapa biji besi..tu bisa ke S
Bisa aja ga langsung di spam ke S, tp klo perhitungan kasar sih ya dari aku sendri B-A-S ga tentu kebanyakan 1-40 x kalo ga downgrwde/turun bakal susks, pengalaman sndri sih karena 1% itu murni hoki2an gada trik
@@AdtorresSenpai kalau turun gimana..!?
gagal kah...!?
Iya turun hehehe
@@AdtorresSenpai itu sama cara y yg berslot...!?
I appreciate this video don't understand a word u said though
Bang kalo weap ada stat, ngaruh ke proses refinement gak? Misalnya jdi tambah susah gitu?
Soalnya kmrn frustasi bang, udh ngabisin ori 50 buah masih tetep +C aja, jadi menyerah dan ku fillstat a7fc18. Ya kalau ada stat weap ga ngaruh sama kesulitan refinement, mau lanjutin lagi nih sampe ke +B, ke +S kalo bisa wuahahahaha
Gak kok kalo ada stst g ngruh, yg ngruh cuma Slot/non slot
Ad juga yg bilang klo ada dye sama high atk jdi susah, tp g tau kebenaranya masih blm nemu artikel ttg itu
Oke siap
bang ini kenapa vang setepah drop dari +A ke E aku stuck di C ke B nya susah padahal biasanya sekali getok ke B langsung ini dah habis 40+ ori
#edit Eq no slot
Klo kasus kya gtu km stop dlu refine ny, ntr coba lg, jgn spam klo lg ga luck
sudah saiya lakuin :v thx infonya
Itu klo udh sampai +B udh kgk turun2 kah klo gagal?
Turun jg kok cuman kalo pake BS Luk Persentase turun nya sangat kecil
Bang kaga buka jasa refine dari B-S .??
Lmao bruuh u r just too good at this XD
Hahahah thx ^
Refine eq drop ama craft player susahnya sama gak?
Sama gayn
Gan berarti di bs luk gausah di 10 in skill bs yg ditengah?
Itu harus full 225 semua kah? Luk and Tec nya
Iya wajib gayn
Klo pake char full luck dri +B bisa turun gk?
Bisa gan
Bisa malahan ane baru mulai langsung turun dari +B ke +C :v
Is there a chance an equipment will break?
Break you mean Lost?
@@AdtorresSenpai yes
@@frozenyukimori no unless u use that stupid hammer 😂
Gue abis 99andeg cuma mentok B doang ah
Musik ama suara gedean muskinya bang tolong diperbaiki okee
Gan Ad Jasa Refine 9+ - S Harga Friendly
Wah Kalo Itu Saya Ga buka jasa hehehe .. Kalo lg mood aj Refine ;)
@@AdtorresSenpai yh sya msih lvl 65 blum bisa refine. jdi gaguna ds saya kaisar wanita 2 Damage masa 21 54 13 77 sakit hti =l jdi bhn buli saya :'/
Kalo main awal2 ga perlu dmg gede dulu , lvling aj dlu
@@AdtorresSenpai sy lgi misi udh sewa bodyguard ttp aj klh =0
@@AdtorresSenpai tmpt yg bgus buat frm endi
How did you level your char?
Wht u mean? Leveling??
Adtorrès Senpai yeah. The actual level of your character. Do you have friends that helps you to level it?
use nc to lvl85 like adtores, then get 255 luck & tec stat wow
Abertura foda
You are welcome
Success rate of A and S is only 1℅. So is it still 1℅ for 1 slot and 2 slot?
Yup but Sloted if fail will downgrade -2 if u fail in A-S ur Refined Maybe C/B
2sloted -3
Ow man and here I was thinking about refining my 1 slot +B lil emp 1hs
If 1s To +B Its still possible ... I refine my Proto Clarity sloted +B hard to A haha
Bang bagi senjata dong
Bruh your item or avatar looks cool cab u name them pls im trying to copy it!
Which one?
@@AdtorresSenpai can u put it all om trying to copy it xD
Armornya namanya apa ya gan
Nice editing skills
Thx bro
buat banyak2 konten ada suaranya bro, seru wkwk
Kalo lg mood wkwkwk sama sikon memungkinkan :v
bang rata-rata abis brp stk hema+orinya dari B-S
Ga tentu bro kdang bs 1-20 an bs Dr B-A , klo aku setiap refine B-S sedia 1Stk dlu
Why u learn max skil refine for char liz it make up succ :v
I see u learn skill ref lv 1 with char full luk ..why dont you max its??
Coz usless
@@kienvuvan9009 the success chance is roughly the same (around 1%)
Suara nya besarin oy
Kalau harga berapa bang?
Harga apaan?
Harga biji biji kontol
Level up dex, to have more lucky
Rly? Where did u get the info?
is that sasuke playing piano??
Lol xD thats my Character
Adtorrès Senpai it looks like Sasuke. so cool≧∇≦
Luck I haven't seen that character yet
Ngandalin hoki seh :v
Keep it up
Nice bang
suaranya ganteng anjer
Masih malu2 gtu juga wkwkw :v
btw bang oricalcum nyari d mana?
Beli di Npc :v
d sololo??
Does refining 0-S require a minimum level?
max tech only and max Refinement skills for Tech Bs
Buka jasa ref GK bang ? Liat videonya bikin w rada ngilu :"3
Wkwkw buka tp smpe B aje,klu punya org tkut g hoki :'
@@AdtorresSenpai ane GK perlu sampe S, takut gagal. +B. Aja cukup
Btw slot / ns ? Klu slot downgrade ny -2 ahaha klo ns -1 *kalofail
Knp g coba ndri aj ? 7-E mitril ore, E-B Ori + Andeg
@@AdtorresSenpai Low tech :"3 ntar ane nyoba :3
Bang tulisannya bida pakek bhs indo gk??
@@AdtorresSenpai bang itu bahannya apa aja
Ngerefine yg ada slot nya susah ga gan?
Lumayan, beda refine slot 1 itu cuma kalo turun bs -2 ,2slot -3
Adtorrès Senpai jdi lbih baik ref dlu trs bli slot??
Iya ,itu Pilihan Terbaik
musik nya kecilin bang pas lgi ngomong jdi kurang jelas
Ashiyap lain kali ^
Min prof brp bang ke B
Ga ngruh kalo prof, yg penting tech kudu full & Skill nya di ambil lv 10-10-10
@@AdtorresSenpai siapp auto sub.... ikutin saranya nembus ke B jga bang ty
@@AdtorresSenpai bang 2slot equipment apa bner cma bsa didpt dri bs luck ... sry newb
Kalo itu blm tau hha belum pernah dpt 2s dr crafting sih, tp kyakny pure hoki deh
Kalo tech hanya untknrate sukset kalo crafting/blqcksmith
Kurang keras suara lu bang
First video ini yg pke suara wkwk
Jdi refine itu hoki hokian bang
Iya 0-B ada itungan nya kalo B - S Pure Hoki ga bs di Apa2in kecuali naikin rate nya pake Smith Hammer (Premium)
Wah itungan apa bang ajarin dong ^^ suka susah kalo 9 ke E ama C ke B
9-E pake mirtil ore aja 5-6x klo lbh dr itu fail
C-B wajib Andeg+Ori 20-25x (maximal,lbh dr itu kemungkinan fail) klo fail lbh dr 3x stop dlu, itu lg ga luk hahaa
@@AdtorresSenpai fail? Klo fail gimana
buka jasa ref gk bang? nyerah gw liat tutorial gk segampang realita :v
Iya kdg juga zonk B-S , nyari wep apa emg? Kli aku ad stok
@@AdtorresSenpai kalau nempa cara biasa itu eq bisa pecah?