You Won't Believe These Gardens Are Real! | Ultimate Mackinac Island Summer Garden Tour 2024

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @DinhDieuPhan
    @DinhDieuPhan Месяц назад +5

    If you have a library and a beautiful garden, you have everything you need in life.

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад +1

      Absolutely agree with you! And maybe a cat. And cookies. Haha. Thanks for watching! Glad you enjoyed the tour! Cheers and have a great day! 🙂🌺🙌

    • @chrissmichaels
      @chrissmichaels 3 дня назад

      @@natureharmonytv 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @grandmaoldschool7011
    @grandmaoldschool7011 2 месяца назад +8

    A friend died recently and is to be buried on Mackinac Island in their cemetery. Looks near to heaven.

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад +3

      Thank you for sharing. I am very sorry to hear about your friend. I can't think of a more peaceful place to rest than Mackinac Island. 🙌🌺

  • @Bubul_Vlogs
    @Bubul_Vlogs День назад +1

    So beautiful 😮

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  День назад

      Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the gardens. We’ll be sharing more soon! Cheers!

  • @GardenDesign6688
    @GardenDesign6688 День назад

    wow beautiful

  • @sbdiaries
    @sbdiaries 2 месяца назад +3

    So very pretty 💖 such beautiful gardens indeed 😊.
    Thanks for having us along,greetings from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Simon and Beth 💯💕

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад

      I'm so glad we got to share these gardens with you all they in England! How cool is that! Thank you so much for watching. Cheers! 😊🙌🌺

  • @Laura-i2r9r
    @Laura-i2r9r 2 месяца назад +2

    Nothing more beautiful than and Fragrant than My two favorite things Flowers and Perfume !! ❤❤ I really love beautiful flowers and flower gardens . These are breathtaking 😊😊

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад +1

      Couldn't agree more! Also, Mackinac Island in June when the lilacs are all in bloom. One of the most fragrant places to be on the planet! Thank you so much for watching. I'm so glad you enjoyed the tour!

  • @dacypollock7610
    @dacypollock7610 Месяц назад +2

    I came for the gardens but stayed for the lovely music

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад

      I’m so glad to hear that! Cheers and visit us again!

  • @LeRoyLundberg
    @LeRoyLundberg Месяц назад +2

    Hello Friends in Michigan. Thank you for sharing your lovely gardens. How uplifting. Your friends in California.

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад

      Hello California! It's our pleasure and privilege to get to share these wonderful gardens with you. There are some seriously talented teams of people here on Mackinac Island. Thank you so much for watching and for your kind words. Cheers!

  • @fardinrahmanshamil9267
    @fardinrahmanshamil9267 2 месяца назад +3

    This island has the best gardens in USA !!

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much! I absolutely agree with you. I am yet to find another place with such a large concentration of publicly viewable gardens. If you know of another place that compares, I would love to visit it some day! Thanks for watching and have a great day! Cheers! 🙂🙌🌺🌻🌼

  •  Месяц назад +1

    ⚜ What I like, is the nice cool weather there, by the lake. I'm from the south and we rarely, have such lovely weather like this in the summer or even spring & fall. The humidity messes it all up.

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад

      You're absolutely right! The mild summer temperatures here make it a wonderful place to visit. All the beautiful gardens to see and warm weather activities without the discomfort of being too hot. It's amazing how the cool waters of the great lakes insulates the island from that extreme heat. Its usually 15 degrees or so hotter on the mainland. Thanks for watching!

  • @Teamgorman
    @Teamgorman 27 дней назад +1

    I love all videos featuring Mackinac Island looking to visit that beautiful place one day! To see the island and its beautiful gardens and landscapes is so breath taking and gorgeous!

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  26 дней назад +1

      Thank you! I hope you get to visit Mackinac Island soon! It really is a special and beautiful place! Cheers and have a great day! 🙂🌺✌

  • @ЛкЛкм
    @ЛкЛкм 2 месяца назад +1

    ПРЕКРАСНО ! Спасибо Вам за прекрасную экскурсию.

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад +1

      You're welcome! Thank you for watching! It's such a beautiful place and we enjoy sharing it with everyone! Cheers! 😊🌺

  • @Incredible_Piano
    @Incredible_Piano 2 месяца назад +2

    Really beautiful garden🎉
    So many different flowers, vivid colours to enjoy🤩

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад

      Thank you so much! The gardens on Mackinac are truly the most diverse and vibrant I've ever seen and they can all be enjoyed in a single day. It's amazing! I'm glad you enjoyed the tour! Cheers! 😊🌺🙌

  • @alking.abwhajr
    @alking.abwhajr 2 месяца назад +2

    زهور مختلفة ملونة مبهرة..! شكرآ لك 😀💯🍂

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for watching! Glad you enjoyed the gardens! Cheers! 😊🌺✌

  • @ThiênLanChâu
    @ThiênLanChâu Месяц назад +1

    Đẹp tuyệt vời luôn giống như trong giấc mơ mình từng mơ ước đc đến nơi đây một lần ❤❤❤❤

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад

      I hope you get the chance to visit Mackinac Island someday! It’s even more beautiful in person! Have a great day! Thanks for watching! 😊🌸🌺🌻🌼

  • @AnitaMoralde-hk2ni
    @AnitaMoralde-hk2ni 2 месяца назад +2

    Wow beautiful flowers I love it ❤

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you! Much appreciated! Stay tuned for more coming soon! Cheers!

  • @nejnayaledi5815
    @nejnayaledi5815 10 дней назад +1

    Wow , it’s very cute😊

  • @life_in_the_countryside
    @life_in_the_countryside 2 месяца назад +3

    Привіт! Я з України! Твоє відео неймовірне! Просто казково! Краса і велика праця! Подивилася і знайшла душевний спокій! Миру твоїй країні!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад

      I am so glad to hear that! Our goal is to bring peace and relaxation to people who watch our videos. 😊 Thank you so much for watching! Take care and have a wonderful day! Cheers! 🙏🌺

  • @陳金妹-e5f
    @陳金妹-e5f Месяц назад +2


    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад

      Cheers! Thank you for watching 😊🌸✌️

  • @georgeway2092
    @georgeway2092 22 дня назад +1

    mmmmmmm ... fantastic ...🥰😃😁 .......

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  21 день назад

      Glad you enjoyed the gardens! Cheers and have a great day! 😊🌺✌️

  • @AnitaMoralde-hk2ni
    @AnitaMoralde-hk2ni 2 месяца назад +2

    So amazing place ❤

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the tour. Mackinac Island is gorgeous during the months of August and September when so many flowers are in bloom! But then again, the June lilacs are incredible also. Cheers and thanks for watching!

  • @shydediscoven1152
    @shydediscoven1152 2 месяца назад +2

    Thank you. Thank you.

  • @KirateeChanar
    @KirateeChanar 17 дней назад +2

    Somwhere in time

  • @VistasÉpicas-4K
    @VistasÉpicas-4K 16 дней назад +1

    Este lugar é tão fresco❤❤

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  16 дней назад

      Mackinac Island is a beautiful and special place! It's the jewel of the midwest and is definitely worth a visit of a few days or so if you ever get the chance to travel to Michigan!

    • @VistasÉpicas-4K
      @VistasÉpicas-4K 15 дней назад

      @ Espero chegar a este lugar o mais rápido possível❤️

  • @countrycharmvlogs
    @countrycharmvlogs 16 дней назад +1

    I love your garden💓💓

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  14 дней назад

      I am so glad you enjoyed the garden tour! We hope you visit us again. We'll be sharing more garden tours and peaceful landscapes soon!

  • @sean2val
    @sean2val 22 дня назад +1


    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  22 дня назад

      Thank you! I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed the tour. It’s really incredible how many gorgeous gardens there are on Mackinac Island! Cheers! 😊🌺🌸🌼

  • @raywu6787
    @raywu6787 Месяц назад +1

    The Garden Tour looks in heaven. However, you might consider to make another video with DJI Pocket 3 in 4K 120FPS for better video quality next year.

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад

      I will definitely take a look at that! DJI makes some awesome gear! Thank you for the tip! Cheers!

    • @fionafox7360
      @fionafox7360 14 дней назад

      Oh phew, I thought it was my eyes 😅🤓

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  13 дней назад

      @@fionafox7360 Did you make sure your playback settings are 4K? Automatic might show a lower quality. This video was filmed in 4K. Enjoy!

  • @ЕленаЧерноголова-н3з
    @ЕленаЧерноголова-н3з 2 месяца назад +1


    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the garden tour of Mackinac Island. The gardens were spectacular this year! Cheers! 🙂🙏🌸

  • @nicolesims2887
    @nicolesims2887 2 месяца назад +1

    This is beautiful!! May I ask what month this was filmed in? We are planning a visit ☺️ Would you see this variety during the Lilac Festival? Thank you for all the time and care you put into this beautiful video!

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад

      Thank you! Not to this extent. Most of this footage was filmed in later August and September. June during the Lilac Festival is great for lilacs and the start of the gardens, but they’re not filled in to this extent.

  • @RevanMemmedov-c8d
    @RevanMemmedov-c8d 22 часа назад

    Gülü Allah yaratdıki insanlar sevgini anlasınlar

  • @שמשוןהגיבור-כ1ס
    @שמשוןהגיבור-כ1ס 29 дней назад

    אלי אתה המגע היחיד שמתגעגעת אליו גם שאני היום כמו סופגניה עם סוכר מעל אהובי תרחיש החנות קבע את גורלנו ככה שאני לא מתרגשת מכלום חוץ ממך🏖️

  • @eogksalsrnrwkdb4410
    @eogksalsrnrwkdb4410 2 месяца назад +3

    🌈 멋진 정원 입니다. !!!~!

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much! There are so many talented gardeners here on Mackinac Island! Have a great day!

  • @vijaymaisuriyavijay8355
    @vijaymaisuriyavijay8355 2 месяца назад +2

    Please all flowers name anybody say .. 🙏 I want to buy ..

  • @Наталья-й4я1ъ
    @Наталья-й4я1ъ 2 месяца назад +2

    Это Америка!? Где это? Какой город

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  2 месяца назад +2

      Yes it is! It is a very special place called Mackinac Island in Michigan. Thank you for watching! Cheers!

    • @Наталья-й4я1ъ
      @Наталья-й4я1ъ 2 месяца назад +1

      @@natureharmonytv Thank you, you are very kind.

  • @상태임-u5y
    @상태임-u5y 13 дней назад +1

    하나님 을 찬양 합니다 나는. 그리스도의 영적 군사로서 사탄과의 싸움 에 서 승리 하게 하소서. 살아 계신 예수님 이름 으로 기도 올림니다 아맨🎉

  • @sharitelek5963
    @sharitelek5963 Месяц назад +1

    Who is responsible for putting these gardens in?

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  Месяц назад

      Hi there! It really depends on which garden you're referring to as this is a tour of lots of gardens all over the island. Grand hotel has a designer and their own team who plants and tends to the gardens. Same with Mission Point Resort. Some of the residential gardens are done by the owners and some hire landscaping companies like Green Thumb to take care of their gardens throughout the season. Jack Barnwell is also a renowned gardener and landscape designer who has done a lot of work all over the island. I hope this helps!

  • @SKhan-go4ev
    @SKhan-go4ev 28 дней назад +1

    No need of playback music. Would have been more amazing otherwise

    • @natureharmonytv
      @natureharmonytv  27 дней назад

      Thank you for the feedback! Like we did last year, we will share some of our garden tours throughout the winter months without music and just the natural sounds of birds, waves and horses, so stay tuned! Cheers and have a great day! 🙂🌺✌

    • @SKhan-go4ev
      @SKhan-go4ev 24 дня назад

      @@natureharmonytv great would love to watch such tours. Anyways great work.👌

  • @RinEss-w3z
    @RinEss-w3z 6 дней назад +1

    Everything is Fine Just , consider to be good human ! Don’t use horses for your pleasure !!!