I've just taken delivery of one of these devices and today is day 1 of my therapy. I got it because I believe my tongue to be a large part of the sleep apnea I have. I'll come back and comment after a few weeks and say whether it's improved things.
Two weeks into using this device every day, I can report my OSA symptoms are slightly improved. I'm still constantly fatigued, but intensity of the fatigue is definitely less. I'm still desperate for a cure, but in my case this device has made a small but very real improvement in my quality of life. I'll comment again in a couple of weeks.
De. Veer, I ordered one yesterday! I ran across that unit a while back and you site recently. Once I saw your review, I decided to order one (I already had the script). I also switched to the Bongo RX and left my Dreamstation behind and wanted to add the eXciteOSA, as it's called now, to see if I can get better results. I am doing a little better on the Bongo RX than on CPAP and am trying to do everything I can. And I have been doing the tongue exercises you taught on your other video, so thanks for everything. You are making a difference.
Hello Dr Veer, the London Tube had some advertisements of the Excite OSA device claiming it is "clinically proven" in reversing sleep apnea. For the many millions of us who suffer from mild-moderate sleep apnea, this sounds hopeful (or too good to be true?). Please can you let us know what the data of the last two years says? Is this Excite OSA worth the money and time?
Dr Vik, I’ve been frequenting your RUclips videos searching for solutions to my snoring. You seem to be the only source I’ve come across that has a wide wholistic understanding of the scope of problems and the vast solutions available. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I’m finding comfort in knowing there’s a way to reduce or eliminate my snoring before I lose my partner that I love so dearly. I’m requesting your help if you can spare it. Is there an email or another form of contact that I might be able to reach you at?
Thank you ever so much for your comment. I am going to try and review as many devices as I can. It takes me ages, especially given the circumstances, so please forgive me for taking so long. I am in the middle of doing my Nyxoah Genio hypoglossal nerve stimulator implant review. I hope to do Inspire after that.
Great review Vik. I guess the key is identifying accurately whether the individual's primary obstruction site, is the posterior of the tongue to determine relative efficacy. I've red good things about the Inspire device. Dr Kasirien in LA was ding a trial recently. Matt
I'm thinking of ordering one (I stop breathing when lying on my back only, but pushing the lower har forward all night isn't at all pleasant!). I'll look into the return policy as I feel my tonsils might be in play.
Excellent review, though the price is outrageous. When do you think the price will go down or a similar competitor brand that's comparable in quality will be released?
How much muscle fatigue is felt while using the device? Would it be possible to emulate that fatigue and possibly to exceed it via tongue protrusion exercises? I know the posterior genioglossus has more motor unit potential amplitude in OSA patients, compared to non-OSA folks. If I keep a strong muscle fatigue going for 20 minutes each day, by protruding the tongue as far forward as I can, while trying to move the base of the tongue as far forward as I can, would this effectively train the posterior genioglossus to be more toned at all times, even in REM sleep?
If any of you reading this are US Military Vets and are enrolled in the VA medical system, and you are currently using a CPAP, you might qualify for the Excite OSA as it is FDA approved at no cost to you. I have severe sleep apnea, have had the operation to widen my airway, and that was a bust, and had the inspire implanted and that wasn't for me, as I am a light sleeper, and have had the CPAP for over 22 years, but this little thing, simple and easy to use has decreased my snoring in just six weeks. How do I know? my wife says so.. LOL Also I am being scheduled for a new sleep study at the VA to see exactly by how much. I find that if you use it at the highest possible setting, you will get the best possible results; some of you may have to work increasing it over time but if you can start high and stay high for those 6 weeks, you will benefit. I am just floored at how simple this all was after all these years. But understand, I have severe sleep apnea, and this has reduced it significantly. It hasn't made it disappear, and only the sleep study will tell how much the improvement is. so if you have light to moderate, your results will be even better, and in some cases, maybe even eliminate your apnea altogether.. Good luck to you if you decide to use it. And remember, if you are a vet, go in and GET SOME..!!
Hi, I have mild to moderate sleep apnea but I rarely snore unless I'm laying flat on my back. I grind my teeth in response to my sleep apnea and was how I discovered I had it in the first place. I want to try this but I'm hesitant considering the price. I'm being evaluated by an ENT here in a few weeks but I thought I'd ask your opinion since you seem quite knowledgeable. Very informative video btw.
Pretty hard to give advice about without having all the information and examining you. On saying that, if you only have problems when lying on your back, then you are likely to have a tongue base problem (need to check your sleep study and DISE to be sure). One option would be to try the exercises I have just published on here to see if they make a difference. The snoozeal will exercise the same muscles so that could be an alternative for you. Seeing a myofunctional therapist is likely to help too. Tongue base problems also respond to a mandibular advancement device or a tongue retaining device. The best ones are made by dentists with a specialist interest in sleep apnoea. Tongue retaining devices can be bought off Amazon for very little, but they aren't that comfortable. Last resort would be surgery, where you could start with radiofrequency ablation or coblation to the lingual tonsils. Then you are talking about reduction of the muscle (with or without the robot), or stimulation with a hypoglossal nerve stimulator. As you can see it rapidly gets more invasive. Try and avoid surgery if you can and try everything but. I'm sure your ENT will give you more specific information. Do let me know how you get on.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon Thanks so much for your advice. I have already started trying your tongue exercises. I have seen my ENT and he did confirm that it was my tongue causing the apneas. He told me I had a Friedman type 3 tongue position. He suggested that I take Pepcid antacids to see if some of the tissue back there could be reduced. (he used fancier words but I can't remember). He told me my other options would be a hyoid suspension surgery. Since I am only 25, I really want to avoid surgery in fear of permanent complications. For now, I'm going to try the exercises coupled with a MAD I ordered that has a tongue bumper.
personally i would try everything other than surgery first, the worst that can happen is that you waste a bit of time. However that is better than getting a complication in an operation which you didn't need. Good luck, I hope the exercises work out for you.
Thanks for this video! My partner snores and we are trying to find out what to do about it. We were considering buying this device (although hesitant as the price is a bit nuts). He also snores on his back, his side, sat up (basically any position you can possibly sleep in) so I’m not sure if this is going to fix the real cause, based on the diagram you showed in the last few mins if the video. He’s been waiting for months to get an NHS referral to the sleep clinic after being told by an ENT doctor that he has no obstructions in his airways. Hope he ends up at your clinic!
Hello there Olivia! I went to their website and I couldn’t find a price because it requires a prescription from a doctor first. Would you mind letting me know about how much this device cost? Thank you so much!
Gosh it seems quite expensive.. my snoring (and possible sleep apnea.. still waiting for nhs consultant to get back to me with results of my sleep test) is really taking its toll on my relationship and I feel like a hopeless case. I had a septoplasty last year to try and help things but there has only been a slight improvement. Ove tried every spray, mouthguard and everything else under the sun 😖
Hi Dr Veer , I have been using the eXciteOSA for 3 weeks now no improvement yet , I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and last week given a CPAP machine on nhs .. I can’t breathe with it on I feel suffocated it has given me so much anxiety that I feel worse now than before ! May I ask if I do a sleep study through yourself will it highlight more than the nhs pulse oximetry test I had done ? As I am panicking now not being able to wear the mask . Thank you for your videos they are wonderful I am practising the exercises and I have also just bought the IQORO device no idea if it will work but I’m desperate to feel better . A million thanks for your expertise take great care ! 🙏
@Vik Veer ENT-surgeon. Thank you for sharing this information. I had a home sleep study and was told I had moderate sleep apnea. I am thin, in good shape, and 59 years old. I was told that the Excite OSA device may help me. It seems my snoring is worsening. I am also fatigued most of the time. I would really appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you.
@Vik Veer ENT-surgeon, I would like to know how much the ExciteOSA device is and possibly have you send it to me. On their website, it doesn’t reveal the price, possibly because a prescription from a doctor is required. Thank you so much for your very helpful video!
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon Thank you! I don’t know how much trouble it would be for you, not only because I live in the United States but also because I’ve never been a patient of yours before. I plan to ask my doctor for a prescription next week, but if I can’t get one, I am may try to contact you through this venue again. Thank you so much for offering!
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon By the way, it advertised as a tool to use for only 20 minutes a day, which I’m hoping is the truth because I can’t sleep with it in my mouth.
Hi Dr. Vik Veer, I am very tempted to get this device, but I do have one concern. In your medical experience/knowledge, do you see any long term negative effects that can be accompanied by using this device? I understand this device hasn't been out long enough to see any long term effects yet.
Hi Dr Vik - I live in the UK and have BUPA, is there a way to get to see you directly so you can diagnose me properly? I've used tongue retainers fairly successful but these are a bit annoying in the long term (I've used one for 5 years now). thanks
I am diagnosed with mild sleep apnoea, though I suspect what I actually have is UARS. I've been using eXciteOSA for 75 days now and unfortunately I'm still waking up exhausted and my Fitbit also shows my sleep is still fragmented. That's just my experience though.
Hi Vik great vids and thanks for advice, please can you ask the company to drop the costs and sell more units? Really expensive and unsure if this will work? Does anyone know if this has actually stopped sleep apnea? Thanks
You mention toward the end of this video that you can send devices out to patients - As a patient under your care, would you be able to send me one of these on the NHS? I'm really desperate for anything that might improve my situation whilst I wait for my next surgery.
hi, I think I might have sleap apnea, because I got snoring, and next day I'm feel like under attack by fatigue...my eyes it seems so tired... my oxigen saturation drops to 85% or 82%....the think is that Im already using cpap dreamstation, and I'm not feeling better :( auto pressure from 8 to 12... At night most of time, I'm take my nasal mask off...even I dont remember it... Does this think can help? is worth pay such amount of money?
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon But in my case even cpap not helping...tonight fixed pressure was 9.5 but I check my finger sensor and I see many drops...88% lowest O2....strange...
How much does this cost? Id like to try it out but there doesn't seem to be anywhere to find out the price in a straight forward way. This is the only thing making me sceptical about trying it, why is it difficult to find out how much it costs?
Not enough data so far. It would help, but the word 'effective' is hard to define. definitely worth a try, or consider the exercises on my other videos for a similar effect.
Hi Dr.vik . I suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea, I was diagnosed with an ahi of 15 to 20 , was on cpap machine but didn't like it ,so got my tonsils and uvola removed and also got dental appliance to stop jaw from relaxing, did a sleep test and my ahi was reduced to 5 but sometimes I still wake up tired and tightness in my chest , I think it could be from sleeping on my back and could it be a tongue based problem and would this device help me . Regards trevor
Hi what device have you got to hold your jaw to stop it relaxing. Less then 5 ahi is great. Is the pain in your sternum. Mine is I got told I have silent reflux. Makes no sense. Have you tried a tounge retainer
I used this a few months and then they blocked my mouth piece saying it had expired when it worked fine. A new mouth piece is $150! They have no right to block it with no notice. NOT a word about this in the literature. Ironically, the device seems to be a great idea, but you can’t build tongue muscles in a few months. And you can’t build a business on lies. I've been messaging them, they say the notice was in the prescription. The scrip includes replacement every 90 days, so do most hardware medical devices include a prescription for replacement parts. The Return Policy says warranty is only 90 days for mouthpiece but NO MENTION of cutting off. My glasses prescription doesn’t make me go blind every 90 days! So BE PREPARED TO PAY A LOT MORE if you live in USA.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon Unfortunately, it's not the lifespan of the device, but the app that stops working after a certain amount of time. Just as the app only allows once per day treatments.
@@ResedaMickey Did you find that it worked for you? Difficult to find objective and legit reviews. I just got off a consult call. Price is $1300USD with new $95USD per mouth piece every 3-4 months. You need to do (1) session a day for 6 weeks and then 2-3 days a week for maintenance after the initial 6 weeks. That's a lot of money to gamble when a CPAP is the known gold standard!
One year has passed. Any updates on larger trials or publishing the article?
I've just taken delivery of one of these devices and today is day 1 of my therapy. I got it because I believe my tongue to be a large part of the sleep apnea I have. I'll come back and comment after a few weeks and say whether it's improved things.
Two weeks into using this device every day, I can report my OSA symptoms are slightly improved. I'm still constantly fatigued, but intensity of the fatigue is definitely less. I'm still desperate for a cure, but in my case this device has made a small but very real improvement in my quality of life. I'll comment again in a couple of weeks.
@@TheFleetflyer Nice to hear. I just ordered ExciteOSA and can't wait to try it.
Thanks for the update!
Keep us posted we'll be here
@@TheFleetflyer Any improvements since?
Hi there, please advise if use of their mobile app is required for treatment? It has a lot of negative reviews for being glitchy/not cooperating.
De. Veer, I ordered one yesterday! I ran across that unit a while back and you site recently. Once I saw your review, I decided to order one (I already had the script). I also switched to the Bongo RX and left my Dreamstation behind and wanted to add the eXciteOSA, as it's called now, to see if I can get better results. I am doing a little better on the Bongo RX than on CPAP and am trying to do everything I can. And I have been doing the tongue exercises you taught on your other video, so thanks for everything. You are making a difference.
That's fantastic news! I do hope you get better soon!
Hello, can you give an update, please? How is it going with the exciteosa?
Yeah what's the update with excite?
Any update with your experience would be greatly beneficial to us with the same issue.
I'm looking into all these cpap alternatives. Please share an update, would love to hear how it's going
Hello Dr Veer, the London Tube had some advertisements of the Excite OSA device claiming it is "clinically proven" in reversing sleep apnea. For the many millions of us who suffer from mild-moderate sleep apnea, this sounds hopeful (or too good to be true?). Please can you let us know what the data of the last two years says? Is this Excite OSA worth the money and time?
Dr Vik, I’ve been frequenting your RUclips videos searching for solutions to my snoring. You seem to be the only source I’ve come across that has a wide wholistic understanding of the scope of problems and the vast solutions available. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I’m finding comfort in knowing there’s a way to reduce or eliminate my snoring before I lose my partner that I love so dearly. I’m requesting your help if you can spare it. Is there an email or another form of contact that I might be able to reach you at?
I'm very sorry, I'm not good at this, do you know how I can PM you ? Alternatively you can find me on LinkedIn?
Great, concise and clear talk about snozeel. Thank you Vik
Thank you ever so much for your comment. I am going to try and review as many devices as I can. It takes me ages, especially given the circumstances, so please forgive me for taking so long. I am in the middle of doing my Nyxoah Genio hypoglossal nerve stimulator implant review. I hope to do Inspire after that.
Great review Vik. I guess the key is identifying accurately whether the individual's primary obstruction site, is the posterior of the tongue to determine relative efficacy. I've red good things about the Inspire device. Dr Kasirien in LA was ding a trial recently. Matt
these videos are awesome, please keep making them. so very informative and helpful for people
I'm thinking of ordering one (I stop breathing when lying on my back only, but pushing the lower har forward all night isn't at all pleasant!). I'll look into the return policy as I feel my tonsils might be in play.
Thank you so much for this very valuable and professional review!
Excellent review, though the price is outrageous. When do you think the price will go down or a similar competitor brand that's comparable in quality will be released?
Thank you. Very helpful. I hope you'll do a follow-up as more data becomes available.
I will!
How much muscle fatigue is felt while using the device? Would it be possible to emulate that fatigue and possibly to exceed it via tongue protrusion exercises?
I know the posterior genioglossus has more motor unit potential amplitude in OSA patients, compared to non-OSA folks.
If I keep a strong muscle fatigue going for 20 minutes each day, by protruding the tongue as far forward as I can, while trying to move the base of the tongue as far forward as I can, would this effectively train the posterior genioglossus to be more toned at all times, even in REM sleep?
If any of you reading this are US Military Vets and are enrolled in the VA medical system, and you are currently using a CPAP, you might qualify for the Excite OSA as it is FDA approved at no cost to you. I have severe sleep apnea, have had the operation to widen my airway, and that was a bust, and had the inspire implanted and that wasn't for me, as I am a light sleeper, and have had the CPAP for over 22 years, but this little thing, simple and easy to use has decreased my snoring in just six weeks. How do I know? my wife says so.. LOL
Also I am being scheduled for a new sleep study at the VA to see exactly by how much. I find that if you use it at the highest possible setting, you will get the best possible results; some of you may have to work increasing it over time but if you can start high and stay high for those 6 weeks, you will benefit. I am just floored at how simple this all was after all these years. But understand, I have severe sleep apnea, and this has reduced it significantly. It hasn't made it disappear, and only the sleep study will tell how much the improvement is. so if you have light to moderate, your results will be even better, and in some cases, maybe even eliminate your apnea altogether..
Good luck to you if you decide to use it. And remember, if you are a vet, go in and GET SOME..!!
Hi what was your sleep results now please
Hi, I have mild to moderate sleep apnea but I rarely snore unless I'm laying flat on my back. I grind my teeth in response to my sleep apnea and was how I discovered I had it in the first place. I want to try this but I'm hesitant considering the price. I'm being evaluated by an ENT here in a few weeks but I thought I'd ask your opinion since you seem quite knowledgeable. Very informative video btw.
Pretty hard to give advice about without having all the information and examining you. On saying that, if you only have problems when lying on your back, then you are likely to have a tongue base problem (need to check your sleep study and DISE to be sure).
One option would be to try the exercises I have just published on here to see if they make a difference. The snoozeal will exercise the same muscles so that could be an alternative for you. Seeing a myofunctional therapist is likely to help too.
Tongue base problems also respond to a mandibular advancement device or a tongue retaining device. The best ones are made by dentists with a specialist interest in sleep apnoea. Tongue retaining devices can be bought off Amazon for very little, but they aren't that comfortable.
Last resort would be surgery, where you could start with radiofrequency ablation or coblation to the lingual tonsils. Then you are talking about reduction of the muscle (with or without the robot), or stimulation with a hypoglossal nerve stimulator.
As you can see it rapidly gets more invasive. Try and avoid surgery if you can and try everything but. I'm sure your ENT will give you more specific information.
Do let me know how you get on.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon Thanks so much for your advice. I have already started trying your tongue exercises. I have seen my ENT and he did confirm that it was my tongue causing the apneas. He told me I had a Friedman type 3 tongue position. He suggested that I take Pepcid antacids to see if some of the tissue back there could be reduced. (he used fancier words but I can't remember). He told me my other options would be a hyoid suspension surgery. Since I am only 25, I really want to avoid surgery in fear of permanent complications. For now, I'm going to try the exercises coupled with a MAD I ordered that has a tongue bumper.
personally i would try everything other than surgery first, the worst that can happen is that you waste a bit of time. However that is better than getting a complication in an operation which you didn't need.
Good luck, I hope the exercises work out for you.
Thanks for this video! My partner snores and we are trying to find out what to do about it. We were considering buying this device (although hesitant as the price is a bit nuts).
He also snores on his back, his side, sat up (basically any position you can possibly sleep in) so I’m not sure if this is going to fix the real cause, based on the diagram you showed in the last few mins if the video.
He’s been waiting for months to get an NHS referral to the sleep clinic after being told by an ENT doctor that he has no obstructions in his airways. Hope he ends up at your clinic!
Hello there Olivia! I went to their website and I couldn’t find a price because it requires a prescription from a doctor first. Would you mind letting me know about how much this device cost? Thank you so much!
@@wondering1916 A Google search shows that it's $1,650 U.S. dollars.
Hi it’s £540 pounds in UK site with money back guarentee after 6 weeks 🤷🏻♂️
Dr Vik, I came to see you in 2019 and we got a MAD fitted. I'd be very keen to try this as I don't find the MAD very comfortable
Gosh it seems quite expensive.. my snoring (and possible sleep apnea.. still waiting for nhs consultant to get back to me with results of my sleep test) is really taking its toll on my relationship and I feel like a hopeless case. I had a septoplasty last year to try and help things but there has only been a slight improvement. Ove tried every spray, mouthguard and everything else under the sun 😖
Sorry to hear that - but generally it's quite easy once you've identified where the problem is.
Hi Dr Veer , I have been using the eXciteOSA for 3 weeks now no improvement yet , I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and last week given a CPAP machine on nhs .. I can’t breathe with it on I feel suffocated it has given me so much anxiety that I feel worse now than before ! May I ask if I do a sleep study through yourself will it highlight more than the nhs pulse oximetry test I had done ? As I am panicking now not being able to wear the mask . Thank you for your videos they are wonderful I am practising the exercises and I have also just bought the IQORO device no idea if it will work but I’m desperate to feel better . A million thanks for your expertise take great care ! 🙏
Are you able to breathe through your nose when you but the device on ? This is a must. Use a nose band dilater bands, cheap on Amazon
Are you still on cpap. Is it working
@Vik Veer ENT-surgeon. Thank you for sharing this information. I had a home sleep study and was told I had moderate sleep apnea. I am thin, in good shape, and 59 years old. I was told that the Excite OSA device may help me. It seems my snoring is worsening. I am also fatigued most of the time. I would really appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you.
Hi there, I’d like an assessment how do I proceed? Thanks
Very informative!
Many thanks for your comment
@Vik Veer ENT-surgeon, I would like to know how much the ExciteOSA device is and possibly have you send it to me. On their website, it doesn’t reveal the price, possibly because a prescription from a doctor is required. Thank you so much for your very helpful video!
Honestly I don't know. I thought it was about £600? if you really need a prescription to buy one, I'm happy to prescribe it for you.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon Thank you! I don’t know how much trouble it would be for you, not only because I live in the United States but also because I’ve never been a patient of yours before. I plan to ask my doctor for a prescription next week, but if I can’t get one, I am may try to contact you through this venue again. Thank you so much for offering!
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon By the way, it advertised as a tool to use for only 20 minutes a day, which I’m hoping is the truth because I can’t sleep with it in my mouth.
Is this pretty much like a TENS unit but for internal oral use?
Yes, exactly.
Hi Vik! Can you tell me where I can find that article published? Thank you so much!!
I'm putting together a new video on this device - i'll add the articles on there. otherwise just look on pubmed for snoozeal or exciteOSA.
Hi Dr. Vik Veer,
I am very tempted to get this device, but I do have one concern. In your medical experience/knowledge, do you see any long term negative effects that can be accompanied by using this device? I understand this device hasn't been out long enough to see any long term effects yet.
Lots of theoretically ones, but honestly I have not seen anyone who has a long term side effects because of this device.
Thank you so much for the reply. It really helps a lot with me going forward with this option.
Hi Dr Vik - I live in the UK and have BUPA, is there a way to get to see you directly so you can diagnose me properly? I've used tongue retainers fairly successful but these are a bit annoying in the long term (I've used one for 5 years now). thanks
BUPA don't cover sleep conditions, so I'm happy to see you on the NHS.
What type of tounge retainer you used for 5 years
Does this work for UARS?
It looks like it would! Most UARS I see is tongue based, particularly in the under 40 year old men category.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon How do identify if I have sleep apnea or UARS? Thanks.
Great question!
I am diagnosed with mild sleep apnoea, though I suspect what I actually have is UARS.
I've been using eXciteOSA for 75 days now and unfortunately I'm still waking up exhausted and my Fitbit also shows my sleep is still fragmented.
That's just my experience though.
How would you say this compares with the exercises you’ve posted on your videos?
no good evidence for this yet. it's all rather conflicting
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon Any evidence for this vrs exercises yet?
Hi Vik great vids and thanks for advice, please can you ask the company to drop the costs and sell more units? Really expensive and unsure if this will work? Does anyone know if this has actually stopped sleep apnea? Thanks
It has just been bought out by a major company - so I doubt the prices will drop.. sorry.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon thanks Vik I have passed on your tips to my friends who suffer with snoring and sleep apnoea and appreciate you getting back to me
Just today I heard about the excite osa. Does it truly work?
You mention toward the end of this video that you can send devices out to patients - As a patient under your care, would you be able to send me one of these on the NHS? I'm really desperate for anything that might improve my situation whilst I wait for my next surgery.
it's not available on the NHS. they are about £300-£400, sorry.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon actually £648 on their UK website!
hi, I think I might have sleap apnea, because I got snoring, and next day I'm feel like under attack by fatigue...my eyes it seems so tired... my oxigen saturation drops to 85% or 82%....the think is that Im already using cpap dreamstation, and I'm not feeling better :( auto pressure from 8 to 12... At night most of time, I'm take my nasal mask off...even I dont remember it...
Does this think can help? is worth pay such amount of money?
perhaps try the exercises first - if they help you might want to try this device.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon But in my case even cpap not helping...tonight fixed pressure was 9.5 but I check my finger sensor and I see many drops...88% lowest O2....strange...
Thank you.
How much does this cost? Id like to try it out but there doesn't seem to be anywhere to find out the price in a straight forward way. This is the only thing making me sceptical about trying it, why is it difficult to find out how much it costs?
Are there any more developments on this device please?
available to buy (ask my secretary). waiting to see if there are any good trials coming out so i can do a repeat.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon thankyou
Hi Vik Where can we buy the product and whats the cost. Cant find anything on the net
looks like they have changed their name? you can still buy it from...
I'll add this to the video as well. thank you.
Is this tool effective for severe sleep apnea?
Not enough data so far. It would help, but the word 'effective' is hard to define. definitely worth a try, or consider the exercises on my other videos for a similar effect.
Hi Dr.vik . I suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea, I was diagnosed with an ahi of 15 to 20 , was on cpap machine but didn't like it ,so got my tonsils and uvola removed and also got dental appliance to stop jaw from relaxing, did a sleep test and my ahi was reduced to 5 but sometimes I still wake up tired and tightness in my chest , I think it could be from sleeping on my back and could it be a tongue based problem and would this device help me . Regards trevor
Hi what device have you got to hold your jaw to stop it relaxing. Less then 5 ahi is great. Is the pain in your sternum. Mine is I got told I have silent reflux. Makes no sense. Have you tried a tounge retainer
Hi how are you doing now are you still only getting 5 AHI
I used this a few months and then they blocked my mouth piece saying it had expired when it worked fine. A new mouth piece is $150! They have no right to block it with no notice. NOT a word about this in the literature. Ironically, the device seems to be a great idea, but you can’t build tongue muscles in a few months. And you can’t build a business on lies.
I've been messaging them, they say the notice was in the prescription. The scrip includes replacement every 90 days, so do most hardware medical devices include a prescription for replacement parts. The Return Policy says warranty is only 90 days for mouthpiece but NO MENTION of cutting off. My glasses prescription doesn’t make me go blind every 90 days!
I didn't know about this and I will ask the company about it. also you may not want to use the device daily to extend the lifespan.
@@VikVeerENTSurgeon Unfortunately, it's not the lifespan of the device, but the app that stops working after a certain amount of time. Just as the app only allows once per day treatments.
@@ResedaMickey Did you find that it worked for you? Difficult to find objective and legit reviews. I just got off a consult call. Price is $1300USD with new $95USD per mouth piece every 3-4 months. You need to do (1) session a day for 6 weeks and then 2-3 days a week for maintenance after the initial 6 weeks. That's a lot of money to gamble when a CPAP is the known gold standard!
A mouthpiece tens machine for £500 more than a normal machine. nice.