I wish I would of taken a picture of the clouds yesterday down south. It mirrored the parallel lines off the shumman. I'm a nerd too, I find all this stuff so interesting.
I've been seeing shadowy things from wee small to big... An also leaving when I sleep. Going places an worrying about forgetting to return... But I remember my dreams... My first parallel universe dream, where everything looked the same but a lil off!! My house but different, me but different, my husband but different. It felt like him but looked like someone else! That was long ago and far away now. Thanks for this conversation tonight grateful for you!!!
I noticed a sign moved on the expressway by my house. Used to be on the overpass and now is beside it. No evidence of it ever being on the overpass. I know it used to be there because it used to make me feel like I had missed my exit every time I went under it. Now it isn't there. Was just there a couple of weeks ago.
I've had radio stations randomly change what was broadcasting while I was listening. Like I was listening to my local NPR provider and then boom suddenly religious talk radio- same route I drive every day.... Scary that would we notice if it was a large scale thing like an election....
I wish I would of taken a picture of the clouds yesterday down south. It mirrored the parallel lines off the shumman. I'm a nerd too, I find all this stuff so interesting.
I've been seeing shadowy things from wee small to big... An also leaving when I sleep. Going places an worrying about forgetting to return... But I remember my dreams... My first parallel universe dream, where everything looked the same but a lil off!! My house but different, me but different, my husband but different. It felt like him but looked like someone else! That was long ago and far away now. Thanks for this conversation tonight grateful for you!!!
I noticed a sign moved on the expressway by my house. Used to be on the overpass and now is beside it. No evidence of it ever being on the overpass. I know it used to be there because it used to make me feel like I had missed my exit every time I went under it. Now it isn't there. Was just there a couple of weeks ago.
Omg I just got crazy chills when u started talking about ww2
🤯 blown! 💙💙💙
I've had radio stations randomly change what was broadcasting while I was listening. Like I was listening to my local NPR provider and then boom suddenly religious talk radio- same route I drive every day.... Scary that would we notice if it was a large scale thing like an election....
I’m missing a whole day😮
I've quit having deja vu some time ago.
It's like having a twin.
My repeating numbers are 111, 222, 444, 1111
Uhhh... your video froze at 53:59 right after you said your phone doesn't recognize your face!!! Aaaaaaa!!!
It's like having a twin.
It really is lol