John Bradshaw | This Fallen World

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Pastor John Bradshaw is the president of It Is Written. A former radio broadcaster, he became a Christian as a young adult, and served as an evangelist and church pastor before joining It Is Written in January of 2011. He has held more than 100 evangelistic series, sharing God’s word on six continents.
    John has filmed It Is Written programs in almost 30 countries, which along with his daily devotional, Every Word and other It Is Written programs are viewed around the world. John is married to Melissa, and they have two children. They live near Chattanooga, Tennessee.
    Camp Meeting Info: The last message to go to the world before the second coming of Christ is found in Revelation 14:6-12. We have called it the "Three Angels Messages".
    If you study it carefully in the context of the book of Revelation, it really is one message. It is about salvation through faith in the Lamb of God. We will be hearing about that one message found in the three messages during this camp meeting.
    What better place is there to be than at Wewoka Woods this year? We all need time to spend focusing on Jesus and listening to His voice through the Holy Spirit. God has provided that for us again this year.
    We have excellent speakers, with different topics and each one will always end in looking to Jesus. Jesus is coming soon, and we all want to be ready and be about our Father's work. May God bless each one of you as you enjoy the messages from our Oklahoma Camp Meeting 2022!
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Комментарии • 50

  • @fallmax
    @fallmax 5 дней назад

    I found you thank you…

  • @MSB780
    @MSB780 Год назад +3

    John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
    Sacrifice our carnal thinking to know the mind of Christ. There’s only One Way to do that. …
    1 Corinthians 2:2 “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
    Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:” To stay connected to the Vine 24/7.
    John 15:5 “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”
    Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
    John 17:21 “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”
    John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will receive you to Myself, that where I am, you may be also.”
    Matthew 28:19-20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
    John 8:36 “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
    Amen & Amen

    • @bobortel
      @bobortel 11 месяцев назад +1

      Teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father , Son, and Holy Spirit.

    • @MSB780
      @MSB780 11 месяцев назад

      Amen & Amen 🙏🏼

  • @oddettelamazon-jones
    @oddettelamazon-jones Месяц назад

    IT IS WRITTEN is my program

  • @nsengiyumvaeliphaz9782
    @nsengiyumvaeliphaz9782 Год назад +1

    I love you and the it is written program. I wish to work with you and ve part of the soûl winning program

  • @meliferra1913
    @meliferra1913 Год назад +1

    Great message. Thank you.

  • @jbell9179
    @jbell9179 11 месяцев назад +2

    Fantastic message

  • @ginag6185
    @ginag6185 Год назад +1

    What a beautiful voice ❤ and a powerful message ❤🙏🏼❤🙌🏼❤

  • @fionamcintosh4814
    @fionamcintosh4814 Год назад

    Beautiful message, beautifully sung.💝

  • @BarryLadlow
    @BarryLadlow Месяц назад

    Thanks for the pruning all those years ago Pastor John 😊

  • @joecabral7315
    @joecabral7315 Год назад +2

    Well done God bless you and yours

  • @chanparker2284
    @chanparker2284 Год назад +1

    When you going to be back in Dayton ohio😊

  • @kathyjohnson8304
    @kathyjohnson8304 Год назад

    Thank you for the blessed message Pastor. May the Lord continue to Bless the ministry 🕊

  • @martinamorgan1119
    @martinamorgan1119 Год назад

    la verdad ,,,,,❤❤❤pray n study,,give your heart to the lord,,,,

  • @martinamorgan1119
    @martinamorgan1119 Год назад +1

    Hermoso mensaje,,,mom look for yrs,n she found the church,,Aleluya,,,

  • @scottkinter2839
    @scottkinter2839 Год назад +1

    You know why people don't go to church......
    Because you have a one hour video on a question that should have taken thirty seconds....
    Believers will sit and listen to you deflate but those your trying to get in the church won't.....
    If you want to talk to people about an old conference then make a video for that....
    You could have created 5 other videos in one hour that actually cover the title....
    How can the path of Christ be well worn when he's the only one who was able walk it?
    It's the preachers who seem to stretch the truth of the Bible...
    Your corrupted flesh cannot put on the incorruptible spirit, likewise incorruptibility can put on corruption... You can't have the holy spirit in you and peaches lie about that constantly....
    My God have mercy on us all

    • @nicolepierre8440
      @nicolepierre8440 Год назад +1

      Its sad on your part that you watched the sermon and only mentioned the negatives you gathered... I'm thankful that God through the Holy Spirit will bless hearts and turn them to Him because of this sermon even if its 1person cause the Word of God said ALL heaven rejoices over 1sinner that repent.

    • @nicolepierre8440
      @nicolepierre8440 Год назад +1

      You have a problem with the amount of time people spend preaching\sharing he word of God
      ? What about people who spend hours in the night club gloryfying the devil do you hear them complaining about The club going to long?

    • @scottkinter2839
      @scottkinter2839 Год назад

      @@nicolepierre8440 honesty and truth always effect demons... Have a nice day.

    • @nicolepierre8440
      @nicolepierre8440 Год назад

      The Pharasies called Jesus belzebub (which is a demon) also

    • @nicolepierre8440
      @nicolepierre8440 Год назад

      @@scottkinter2839 affect

  • @a.lavernefilan1888
    @a.lavernefilan1888 Год назад +1

    The Bible uses some wonderful analogies in order to attempt to teach us some vital lessons necessary for our salvation. YAHshua is both a Sheep and a Shepherd. We are Sheep, Shepherds, Goats, Guard Dogs, Wolves, Wheat, Weeds and Tares and probably a whole lot more. All directed around agricultural practices used as teaching tools because teaching based on who you are and what you do is much easier than trying to teach people in a language that is so foreign to them that it is totally impossible for them to comprehend. Are these analogies totally irrelevant today for most because they have been so divorced from their agricultural roots by either becoming vegan or by getting everything they eat from a tin can, a cardboard box, a plastic bag, a styrofoam box or else what they eat is designed in a laboratory, built in a factory and has never touched soil or drank a drop of water? We need to start somewhere, those who know should teach and those who don't know should learn from those who know and have been taught correctly, taught truth, unfortunately most need to first unlearn the lies that they have been taught. Are you a sheep being led to the slaughter, are you being fleeced, are you a Guard Dog, a good shepherd, a hireling that doesn't care about the Sheep, only the paycheck, or are you a wolf 🐺, a blatant wolf 🐺 or are you a wolf 🐺 wearing sheep's clothing, looking like a sheep inorder to blend in but really have bad intentions and really want to harm the sheep instead of trying to do things that will be of benefit to them? Today we have an information treasure chest wrapped up in the internet, every day we can learn new things, there is also much false information that can lead us astray, so we need tools to be able to determine Truth from Lies, we must have an open mind but not so open that our brains fall out. We must not be to attached to a particular idea that we aren't willing to reevaluate it in order to determine if we have been deceived by either well meaning people who themselves have been deceived or nefarious individuals who's motives have been considerably less than stellar. The first thing we need to do is to decide if we all speak the same language because if we don't Babylonian confusion will quickly halt any progress that could have otherwise been made. Once everyone is on the same page communication wise then both learning and unlearning can take place. Do you have a goal, heaven and hell as pies in the sky or do we start with the here and now, what we can taste, touch, smell and see? What will keep us alive long enough so that education can have real value and not just be wasted on worms feeding on dead corpse's? Life expectancy needs to be long enough that a transfer of knowledge can be a two way street and not just one, meaning, not just in one ear and out the other and then into the belly of a worm although worms have needs too and everyone and everything serves a purpose. So where do we start first, at the beginning, at the middle, or at the end, or back to the beginning and start over gaining the proper tools necessary to start over, to start from the beginning, the basics? Each person must have a desire, a thirst for knowledge, without that, everything else is pretty much meaningless. The biggest problem today is just that, a lack of proper communication, a lack of desire to want to learn truth and a lack of desire to want to unlearn all the lies. Not everyone needs to start at the same point because we are all at different stages in the process but all of us need to take at least a few steps back and rehone our skills. For instance, the Name 'Seventh-day Adventist', what does it mean? Well 7th or the number 7, what is it. Well September means 7th Moon-th, so is it? We now have a failure to communicate. September is the 9th Moon-th on the Julian and Gregorian Calendar's. So let's go back to the basics, why is October, which means the 8th Moon-th our 10th Moon-th and November which means 9th Moon-th our 11th Moon-th and December which means 10th Moon-th our 12 Moon-th? Because someone started out with a lie! OK 7th - 'Day' of what? A week? Who's week? Ask your smart phone: "First 'Day' of the week in different countries". Now take the chart and count to 7 for each country. You can count to 7, can you not? 61 Countries have Monday as their first day of the week and Sun 🌞 Day as their 7th and last day, Right? So 7th 'Day' Adventist's must have a particular affinity for Sun 🌞 Day, Right? OK to be fair 15 Countries have Satyrday 🪐 as the first 'day' of their week and Friday as their 7th 'Day', so in those Countries so in those Countries 7th 'Day' Adventist's are getting it on on Fridays, Right? OK, so you all are Roman Catholic's getting it on on Satyrday 🪐, Right? You say it's not just Satyrday but also Friday 'Night', like the Jewish philosophy of 'WHAT WE CAN'T DO IN THE DARK?' OK let's go to what is a 'Day' as opposed to what isn't it? The Babylonians claimed that a 'Day' was a space of 'Time' that started at Sunset 🌇 and went to the next Sunset 🌇. The Romans both Pagan and Papal said that a 'Day' was a space of 'Time' that started at Midnight and went to the next Midnight. So what does the Bible say a 'Day' consists of, where it starts and where it ends? Well YAHshua said, "Are there not 12 Hour's in a 'Day'? YAHshua was Nailed to the Cross at the 3rd Hour' on the 14th 'Day' of Abib, the 1st Moon-th of the Year, in the Springtime. So where do you find that 'Time' and that 'Date' on your smart watch or sundial, on your smart phone calendarS?❓🦧❓ My backward phone says that the Bible's 3rd Hour' is our 9AM, YAHshua bowed His head and 'Died' at the Bible's 9th Hour', our Pagan Roman Catholic time of 3PM. So a Bible 12 Hour' 'Day' is our 6AM to 6PM, DAWN TO DUSK or Sun up to Sun down, which is it, there is a difference? Add 'World's Last Chance Calendar' App for Bible dates transferred to Gregorian Calendar dates with Moonrise and Moonset, percentages, sunrise and sunset, Dawn and Dusk, and Metonic Cycles for keeping the Feast and Fast 'Days'in their proper agricultural growing Seasons. "The New Moon 🌒 is still and the Sabbath Originally was Dependant upon the Lunar Cycle..."("Holidays" Universal Jewish Encyclopedia p.410). Ask your smart phone: "When did Sun 🌞 Day become the first day of the week on the Julian Calendar?" Read Isaiah 66: 22-(24) & Ezekiel 46: 1-3 & Leviticus 23. Did YHWH say, "6 'Nights' thou shalt Labor and do all thy work and then you get a 'night' off, the 6th 'night'? So why are you all acting like HE did? Because you are playing follow the leader with the Babylonians and the Romans and the Jews! Watch RUclips videos, 'Why was the Hebrew Calendar FIXED by Hillel II? - Lunar Sabbath' and 'The Moon Regulates the Weekly Sabbath - Lunar Sabbath' and 'When does the Day Begin in Scripture? Episode 65 World's Last Chance Radio - World's Last Chance' and 'The Great Cover Up by the SDA Church - Lunar Sabbath' and 'Easter The Pagan Passover - World's Last Chance' and 'Christmas Origin History and Tradition - World's Last Chance' and 'Doctor Edward Allred by Prolife Andrew' and 'The Story of the Sabbath series 12 videos - Arthur and Teresa Beem'. Did I prove my major points or do I need to keep going, I can you know or maybe you don't, do you? So now are you going to be like an ostrich and bury your head in the sand while setting on all your eggs waiting for them to hatch 🐣. Get your head out of the sand, make your eggs grow some legs and kick them out of the nest so they call all stir up some dust. Do I make myself clear?

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex Год назад

      How can anyone want to be a Christian?
      It is obvious to the sane, there is no god, no Jesus Christ, no prophesy, outside of fiction. Christian meat comes from butchering the context of words & a sublime tourism resource.
      Can there be any moral justification for the Christian? It is obvious to the sane, there is no god, no Jesus Christ, no prophesy, outside of fiction. Christians gain for themselves by butchering the context of words. I'm sure, if everyone is not aware of the alleged deity, the god title is a bit fudged, & does not fit. Dear Christian Uploader, my god, have you any sense of decency? Christian invocations call into existence evil as good; they are wolves in sheep's clothing. We know a tree by the fruit. We know them by their works. Thank God secular law & order finally stopped the witch killings.
      I can only imagine if a deity desired my awareness of it, I would probably be aware & if not, then why call deity other than fiction? Christians embarrass & insult us with this barrage of nonsense, retreating into caves like this channel to refuel. You encourage people to travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland. Theologians grant each other doctorates based on nothing whatsoever. Christians are fascists, rendering to Caesar what is his, exercising freedom of speech with abuse. The naked ape is a vein species, Christians want to own the narrative, claiming knowledge of a supreme being, which is never verified beyond a tool of fiction. Christians insult intelligence in public, suggesting we navigate reality with one foot one foot in literary fiction & state propaganda. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, & everyone knows it. We inherit their vast bulk of our oldest documents, the records of looting & torture: inquisitions. Christians are hypocrites with productions like this, making a scene of praying in the temple. Christians are the lowlifes in society, avoided like the insane pretending to talk to an invisible friend, holding a hairdryer in place of a phone. Christians manufacture ultimate vanity, proclaiming we are all gods, children of the highest god.
      When the contradictions of the economic system catch up to it, the politicians intone the same notions, because they don't know what to do. Democracy is a cult-like faith where many actually believe giving power to others always has consequence which can be tolerably managed by the managers. The models for Limits to Growth of 1973 were accurate. The state has no plans, so the only difference between a Republican & a Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor when a donor walks in the room & SCOTUS produces stench.
      What is really funny, is these Christian delusions support videos. Christians ignore they are rejects, politely avoided like the old lady with 400 pet cats. Christians don't comprehend the parody being played, the guy making a scene of prayer in the temple. Christians are largely given a pass for suggestions we navigate with a map of fantasyland. Christians present evil as good, the wolves in sheep's clothing. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, and everyone knows it. That is why Alex Jones puts Jesus-lingo in the sales delivery.