Thinking about purchasing too, did the weed cutter work as advertised? my brother runs a small swamp runner on his duck boat and does have to de-weed his prop on occasion. Would love to avoid doing that. Thanks
The combination of the weed cutting bar and weedless prop gives me ultimate performance. I do see some weeds on the prop after traversing thick grass and I de-weed occasionally to make it look nice but I really don’t have to because the performance/power of the longtail isn’t affected by it. The weed cutter keeps the weeds under control on the prop. Depending on how thick the vegetation you’re passing through is, you might still see some weeds on the prop. If you don’t use the weed cutter and have a standard prop on, there will be nothing to limit the amount of weeds on the prop and it will choke up the engine and cause you to have less power and worse performance.
Thinking about purchasing too, did the weed cutter work as advertised? my brother runs a small swamp runner on his duck boat and does have to de-weed his prop on occasion. Would love to avoid doing that. Thanks
The combination of the weed cutting bar and weedless prop gives me ultimate performance. I do see some weeds on the prop after traversing thick grass and I de-weed occasionally to make it look nice but I really don’t have to because the performance/power of the longtail isn’t affected by it. The weed cutter keeps the weeds under control on the prop. Depending on how thick the vegetation you’re passing through is, you might still see some weeds on the prop. If you don’t use the weed cutter and have a standard prop on, there will be nothing to limit the amount of weeds on the prop and it will choke up the engine and cause you to have less power and worse performance.
Can you feel what it’s like to chew on your own tooth? It cracking and breaking as you bite down