Ah, Stanley. Our intrepid protagonist, once again embarks on a unique adventure. Today, we find Stanley not in the mundane office setting we've come to know, but in the midst of a grand and intricate battle. Welcome to the world of the Game of Thrones board game.
I really liked this video, with one exception. I personally feel that each game tutorial should begin introducing victory and end-game conditions so that the player can keep that goal in mind when you're explaining everything else. Other than that, it's an INCREDIBLY well polished and succinct explanation of the core concepts to get new players familiar enough to let more experienced players (and the rulebook) fill in the gaps.
Thought this was insanely complicated when I saw this video but don't let that put you off. Once you've played just one game, even a few rounds, it starts to become surprisingly clear!
As with most games like this, the hardest part is setting up the board and getting through the first turn. After that, it's really just smooth sailing and repeating the process.
Like Smoochie said, that is definitely the norm! I remember reading the rules to Zombicide and my brain imploded...until I played and it was stupid easy. On that note, I'm definitely looking at revisiting GoT this weekend. It's been way too long since I last played it!
Further input: Greyjoy player didn'T need to use the Valerian Steel blade to get +1 to his attack, as he is higher on the fiefdom track than house Stark. In case of a draw in combat strength, fiefdom track dictates the winner.
Joshua Santorum True, EXCEPT in the case of a draw in combat, where the winner is decided by who of the two players is the highest on the fiefdom track. Being on the throne is still reaaaaaly good, just not so busted.
I played this game again recently, played it first about 2 or 3 years ago. Introduced new friends to it and they are hooked. Game is amazing, better when you are six playing, it can get very complicated and really tense, but thoroughly enjoyable. Better played with people who are not swift at holding grudges, I believe this game has the potential to ruin game nights and even friendships if your prone to holding grudges. Amazing game.
warlight.net is a good website for playing Risk online, however people make their own variants for games such as Diplomacy. There is actually a fairly large community of people who like both GoT and strategic board games. As a result, people have created GoT maps and you can roleplay as a GoT house, playing a Diplomacy/Risk sort of game. There's up to 40 slots for players in these games, so it can get very interesting. The only downside is that people can often take too long taking their turns and get booted from the game. You can get around this by only allowing players with a certain boot rate into your games however.
Me and my friends played this yesterday for the first time. It took us pretty much 2 hours to understand how to play this game. Maybe it's because we're Swedish, but our English A class. The game just felt so complicated and difficult to learn, but in the end we learned and boy was it worth the 2 hours of learning
Some people say they wish they had friends to play this with... But trust me, not many people will be willing to learn all the rules and how this game works. Because it is (or seems, to say the very least) too difficult and complicated. You sure can have fun playing, but it's not exactly the type of game you'd play with your friends when you're "bored". It's strategical and requires A LOT of thinking and paying attention.
This game is such a beautiful mix of military control and social deception I have yet to find any other board game (besides the 8 hour twilight imperium lol)
This game has the best instruction manual ever made. All questions asked by any player were answered by it (and there were many of them in game with so many rules). Clarity of it is great ( you even have index )
I got mine back on 2013, and I also got the A Dance With Dragons expansion... me and my friends have played this game over more than a hundred times.. tonight we are gonna replay it after at least 3 years; 6 players setup, 2 of them never played it, so I'm sending them this video xDD I'm really excited!! Lets goooo!
There is a house rule, that if the Baratheons seem to overpowered in your 4-player games, a player plays with Tyrell instead of Greyjoy. That should compensate, or at least do it more balanced.
Please make a video game version of this like MTG has been doing for the last few years, its pretty hard to find 6 people just happen to like GoT and board games at the same time....
Question regarding boats: 1. can you choose to muster boats in any territories (with the consolidate power(star token)) if its close to the sea, or do you have to be in a fort 2. When you muster boats at a fort or castle, can you choose if the boats spawns in the harbor or in the sea directly or is it always spawned in the harbor. 3.Does the boats in the sea counts as a territory with troops regarding the supply limit. And if the boats is in a harbor, do they belong to that territory. 4. If the players agrees, can you lend "sea routes" to other allies? Which means i can use the areas of my boats and my allies boats to travel further. Love the game by the way. This one is definitely the favorite one among my friends! Losing and gaining friendship until finally backstabbing everyone! :D
1. No, mustering of ANY kind can only be done from a fort. 2. You can choose whether to spawn in the port or directly onto the sea. 3. Boats on sea and in ports count towards your supply limit, yes. And yes, ports are separate territories, so if you have 1 boat in the port and 1 in the sea directly next to it, they won't count towards the limit. 4. No, you can't use other people's ships for transportation.
This game is simply awesome, add in some RP elements, a couple beers some snacks and you will quickly realise how fast time can pass when your having fun.
Yes, Ship armies are part of the consideration for the supply limit. Also, when you win against the wildings, the wildling token moves back to the beginning at 0.
Finally got my copy a few days ago and have a game setup for later today. This video was a great help getting the instructions down for myself, and will probably have the others watch before we start.
That's after you've seen their house card so you get an advantage (it chains well with Balon if they're using a bomb house card since he wipes the power it adds).
I love this Game, its well thought through and balanced really well. However my Brother and i felt like 6 Players was not enough so we added a 7 Player variant all custom made. It turned out to be really great as well. Right now we took it a step further and made a 9 player variant. If it turns out be balanced we are going to show it to you guys. :)
You don't live in Austria by any chance? BTW we finished the 9 player version and it works so good we are really suprised. I'll make a video when it's done.
You are amazing. Perfect explanation of the entire "game" in as little time as possible. I will be showing this to all new players I game with from now on. I take my hat off to you sir, will definitely look for more vids like this in the future.
My SO and I just spent hrs trying to figure this game out and this cleared it up for me in less than 30 mins lol. And yes...I know...has to be 3 or more players. We can be creative lol.
Only exception to this is if you are bumped down the track by a special ability during combat. For example if Doran Martel bumps you down the King's Court track you may still keep your current star orders on the board.
Okay so I have some questions and they might be stupid: 1) Do routed units that are attacked again provide any combat strength. 2)Can routed units be unrounted (rallied?) and fight again next turn? 3) Can ships support ground combat and vice versa? 4)So if the wildings card is drawn and say current strength is 6 it goes down 4? Or does it go down 2? The rulebook and video don't perfectly line up and the I like to make sure when I play with my friends I know how to clarify rules.
nspartan011 Routed units provide no combat strength if they are attacked during the turn they were routed. If a routed unit is bested in combat it is killed and removed from the board. All routed units are readied after the turn ends and the next turn begins, thus they can attack in the next round. Ships can support land, but land cannot support ships (think canon fire from the ships). If the Wildingling strength is 6 when they attack, after bidding has concluded, the track drops to 0 (starting the game at 2), regardless if the kingdoms won or loss.
+Ryan T question about March orders When using a march token can I move ALL my units in that spot or just one and also how far can they travel maximum?
You can move all units. They can go to the same place, or split up and go to different areas. However, only one is permitted to enter combat. They can travel 1 space. Ships act as bridges and a unit at dragonstone can move all the way to sunspear provided you have ships in each sea area.
The small tiles the the "2-4", "5", and "6" are player counts to separate areas when there are less than 6 or 5 or 4 players. They stand for units that you have to beat to take over those areas.
This is an incredibly useful tutorial, this game is designed very well, the aesthetic is beautiful, and the game captures the essence of politics (the game of thrones) which i would have suspected to be very hard to do in a board game. As a massive fan of GoT, i would love to play it with some of my friends, shame i'm too poor to get it :'( Feel bad for me
Bought this game, it's super fun. It's actually possible to play with only 2 players if each player uses two houses. Starks are at a slight disadvantage unless playing with all 6 houses.
i still feel like i dont know enough to play my newly boought game , and a lot of things are still foggy in my mind, but it helped get some basics and feel about the game ... i think this is an awesome video and thanks for fantasy to make such a quality game presentation video !
Moat Cailin isn't easy to take from the south, you have plenty of territories from the north from where you can support. And..."walls are only strong as the men who defend them" :P
I've several questions: 1. Are you allowed to place consolidate power tokens in areas with a power token but without units, and gain a power token? 2. can you place a consolidate power token on a port and gain a power token? 3. If 2 is true: Can you only place a consolidate power token on ports with units in it, or can you put it on all of your ports? 4. can you place order tokens on a port and the adjacent landarea at the same time? or does the order token on a port count as the same order token for the land area that the port belongs to? 5. are you allowed to remove your power tokens from the board and give up on territory, or can it only be removed if another player captures that area? 6. If you can remove your power tokens from the board, can you only do that when you march your troops into that area, or can you remove the power token at any time? 7. If you retreat, are you allowed to retreat all your units to different areas or do they have to retreat to the same territory?
1. Nope 2. yes if you have ships in the port. 3. Only ports with units in it. 4. yes if you have ships in the both areas. 5. it only be removed if another player captures that area. 6. No you cant. 7. i dun konw.
7. If you're the attacker and u lose the combat, you'll have to retreat all routed units to where you marched from. But if you're defending, and u lose the combat, you have to retreat all forces in the same area, not different areas.
@@MrAaDdRr It may depend on the game edition, but AFAIK when you're defending and you lose you can split-retreat to multiple territories if they're all directly adjacent to the battle territory and only if they were all already under your control via other troops or power tokens being present (you can't capture new territories with retreating 'routed' troops).
When played properly, and not impeded by the Lannisters, the Greyjoy's can wrap up a fast victory. They are my favorite as well. I've yet to play a six player game, but I think I would like Martell.
Unfortunately house Stark is the weakest one, as you can see from the influence tracks in this four player example. Stark does not hold either of the iron throne, messenger raven or the valyrian sword. Also, they are neighbours to Baratheon, Lannister and Greyjoy, which all hold a first position on the influence tracks. On the other hand, a fifth player (Tyrell), could fight for the neutral (Martell) territories and win easily, if the other players don't pay attention.
I just played for the first time tonight and I won as the Lannisters. I felt like it was very balanced and I had a great time. I used the A tripple kill on some units using a card. Although we were playing incorrectly because we didn't realize there were supply cards and just actively changed our supply count so we had huge armies. It worked fairly well but it would have slowed the game down a bit if we had't done that. I highly recommend it!
Are you in Berkeley on April 4th? Join us for another evening of Game of Thrones - The Board Game and enjoy lemon cakes, warfare and backstabbing with other AGOT enthusiasts. New players welcome!
I have a question for experienced players: does a player win immediately if he has 7 castles under his control at once, or do you have to wait until the end of the round to see if he retains control of all seven?
The video and the rules are clear on this: the player wins immediately upon acquiring 7 castles and/or strongholds. Pro tip: if you suspect that you will achieve 7 points on an upcoming round, *do get as much influence on the Iron Throne track as possible!* March orders are resolved in order of the IT track, so if you go before an opponent who will also acquire a 7th point on a given round, the player who marches first (and thus acquiring the 7th point first) will be the winner; it will not be a "tie." This recently happened to me playing as House Lannister, and I won by virtue of having the iron throne which gave me the privilege of going first and seizing the immediate win before the Stark player could do so on the same round. He and I had bid the same amount on the previous bidding for the Iron Throne, and I broke the tie in my favor as I already had the throne previously; this bid became key to my eventual win. I've seen a few games end like this, so it's important to accumulate adequate power to get favorable positions on the influence tracks when late game bidding arises (particularly the IT for the first turn priviledge, but the other tracks are also very important).
R R Nope. It's at the end of the round that you count castles and the player with 7 wins. If there's a tie in that case it is the highest on the Iron Throne influence track that wins the game. So it is good to have the throne token for incase of a tie but I'd say in the late rounds it is far better to move last. You can then steal castles and strongholds without any interruption from the other houses and take the victory. I've seen and played many games like this.
Joe Broker Please take a moment to review the Rulebook -- Fantasy Flight is unequivocal on this point. From the Rules pg. 16: "Winning the Game A Game of Thrones: The Board Game ends in one of two ways: ɇ The game reaches the end of the 10th game round. ɇ Immediately after a player controls his seventh area containing a Castle or Stronghold. ... If a House, *at any time*, reaches the seventh position on the Victory Track (i.e., gains his seventh area containing a Castle or Stronghold) the game immediately ends and that player is the winner. " I'm sorry that you've seen and played many games like that.
7 house cards each. After use they go to a graveyard until your last card. Once you use this, it is placed in the graveyard and the other 6 return to your hand.
You are never allowed to have more star order tokens on the board then your place on the King's Court track allows, even with the messenger Raven. Hope this helps. :)
Why Greyjoy is not only available to the last player surprises me. Canonically they are easily the weakest house as they have the least lands to muster an army and their advantage was having an actual professional navy.
I don't know about that. I spent some time looking for this board game because it was constantly sold out (due to popularity) at every store I visited. I eventually got lucky with being able to reserve a copy and wait a couple weeks for it (didn't want to order online with the significant price increase for shipping) with the next shipment. So I would assume money is being made off these games and FFG is undoubtedly making money off other products also.
diplomacy is the translation of all kind of relations between families. instead of marring fake characters people can just agree to teamwork to do whats best for the realm
What is the purpose of the star on the orders? And if you have only one supply, and you have already the armies you can have, can you add another army the next round?
We have been playing for a while now. Love the game! My question is: when there is bidding on the influence track. In the tutorial, there is a tie, and the previous owner is one of the highest bidders, so he decides to keep the thrown. What if two people tie as the highest bidder, but neither are the current holder of the iron throne?
lets assume in this bidding of the influence track lanisster wins the throne, next there is a tie in fiefdoms or kings court does it mean that lanisster chooses the winner in this tie? or previous king chooses the winner ? since bidding in influence track is happening at the moment
Hello Juan. As soon as the winner of the Throne is decided the token moves to the winner. After that, the new Throne holder decides winners of the other two tracks.
I don't know, if anyone reads that; but I have a question. In the case, that you want to muster, a ship for example, but you don't have any anymore, are you allowed to dissolve another one on the map to get a new one? Or better: Can you dissolve a unit somehow without getting it killed in combat?
Great instructions. However, the scenario with the combat isn't a good one. The person with the Valaryian Sword wouldn't have used it since it would have been a tie. And since they are obviously higher on that track, they win ties.
Nope. The holder of the Iron Throne decides all NON COMBAT related ties. Combat related ties are won by whoever is highest on the Valaryan Sword track. (Can't remember the name off hand.) :)
Brennan Beck I'm not saying it is a bad scenario, but that doesn't make it a good one either. A better scenario would have been to have them down 1 point and use the Valaryan sword to tie and then win since they would win the tiebreaker. And even if that was the only battle Greyjoy has (which most of the time is impossible to tell) that doesn't mean they should use it.
I'm so glad I can play this with at least 3 friends once a week,great game,get it if you're game of thrones fans :) even better when you get 6 people it's so much fun
Can't believe I watched a 20 minute tutorial on a game I don't own. Marvelous.
8 years later.... do you now have it?
9 Years later.... Do you now have it?
9 years later! its gonne be free on epic next week. If you there matt then ITS TIME
@@im_tabbyylnoobmaster6970 Matt is no longer interested due to S8
Ah, Stanley. Our intrepid protagonist, once again embarks on a unique adventure. Today, we find Stanley not in the mundane office setting we've come to know, but in the midst of a grand and intricate battle. Welcome to the world of the Game of Thrones board game.
Can't believe I watched a 20 minute tutorial on a game I already knew how to play. Marvelous.
lol same
10 years later do you still know how to play?
11 years later do you still know how to play?
I really liked this video, with one exception. I personally feel that each game tutorial should begin introducing victory and end-game conditions so that the player can keep that goal in mind when you're explaining everything else.
Other than that, it's an INCREDIBLY well polished and succinct explanation of the core concepts to get new players familiar enough to let more experienced players (and the rulebook) fill in the gaps.
excellent point.
1:04 - Planning Phase
3:19 (11:46) - Action Phase
7:52 - Combat
12:39 - Westeros Cards
17:10 - Wildlings
19:49 - Mustering Armies
Thought this was insanely complicated when I saw this video but don't let that put you off. Once you've played just one game, even a few rounds, it starts to become surprisingly clear!
As with most games like this, the hardest part is setting up the board and getting through the first turn. After that, it's really just smooth sailing and repeating the process.
Like Smoochie said, that is definitely the norm! I remember reading the rules to Zombicide and my brain imploded...until I played and it was stupid easy.
On that note, I'm definitely looking at revisiting GoT this weekend. It's been way too long since I last played it!
Played 3 rounds solo today... man this game seems like a blast just from the little I played
"This is a story about a man named Stanley..."
How 'bout you and I make a child called Stanley?
Galuska Vlad
wait what?
"Go back and look at that fern".
my name is jeff
Stanley parable!
Further input: Greyjoy player didn'T need to use the Valerian Steel blade to get +1 to his attack, as he is higher on the fiefdom track than house Stark. In case of a draw in combat strength, fiefdom track dictates the winner.
I thought whoever held the iron throne token decides the winner when there's a draw?
Joshua Santorum
True, EXCEPT in the case of a draw in combat, where the winner is decided by who of the two players is the highest on the fiefdom track. Being on the throne is still reaaaaaly good, just not so busted.
This is hands down the most concise, clear explanation of this game I’ve ever seen.
Can't believe I watched a 20 minute tutorial 9 years later. Marvelous.
Incredibly well-done tutorial.
+Markus Walther Agreed, explained in a very clear yet concise manner.
I played this game again recently, played it first about 2 or 3 years ago. Introduced new friends to it and they are hooked. Game is amazing, better when you are six playing, it can get very complicated and really tense, but thoroughly enjoyable. Better played with people who are not swift at holding grudges, I believe this game has the potential to ruin game nights and even friendships if your prone to holding grudges.
Amazing game.
this is one of my favorite boardgames I have ever played!
Same !
It really is a great game!
This comment literally made me buy my own copy!!! Haha..
Sometimes i wish i have friends...
+MiskoTrtiguz You can always play online on boardgamegeek.com
+Shervin Asgari how
Actually have a look here: facebook.com/agot.online
warlight.net is a good website for playing Risk online, however people make their own variants for games such as Diplomacy. There is actually a fairly large community of people who like both GoT and strategic board games. As a result, people have created GoT maps and you can roleplay as a GoT house, playing a Diplomacy/Risk sort of game. There's up to 40 slots for players in these games, so it can get very interesting. The only downside is that people can often take too long taking their turns and get booted from the game. You can get around this by only allowing players with a certain boot rate into your games however.
Thats US only :(
Can't believe I watched a 20 minute tutorial on a game I will never play. Marvelous.
Awesome FFS! These videos help teach new people how to play. It makes getting people to play so much easier. Keep it up PLEASE.
Why don't they just call it Board Game of Thrones?
Gurpreet Hundal brilliant mate
Prob because people dont want a game that sounds similar to bored game of thrones?
Prob because Game of Thrones is a Trademark name, same thing with Total War: Warhammer. Trademarks
Turn this exact graphical representation into an online multiplayer game and then take my money!
Civ 5?
Thronemaster.net but the graphics aren't as good...
Might be on Tabletop Simulator?
@@anderkickers5 I confirm this while writing on the Tabletop Simulator virtual tablet WHILE playing the board game, this guide is really useful
Crusader Kings Game Of Thrones
The Game Of thrones Parable
Me and my friends played this yesterday for the first time. It took us pretty much 2 hours to understand how to play this game. Maybe it's because we're Swedish, but our English A class. The game just felt so complicated and difficult to learn, but in the end we learned and boy was it worth the 2 hours of learning
So that is how Ironmen captured Moat Cailin...
Is this the guy from The Stanley Parable?
It is.
Some people say they wish they had friends to play this with... But trust me, not many people will be willing to learn all the rules and how this game works. Because it is (or seems, to say the very least) too difficult and complicated. You sure can have fun playing, but it's not exactly the type of game you'd play with your friends when you're "bored". It's strategical and requires A LOT of thinking and paying attention.
You are so right.
Love strategy board games they work your mind.
Have all of them sealed.
This game is such a beautiful mix of military control and social deception I have yet to find any other board game (besides the 8 hour twilight imperium lol)
Did you try Kemmet ? Or maybe Cyclades?
This game has the best instruction manual ever made. All questions asked by any player were answered by it (and there were many of them in game with so many rules). Clarity of it is great ( you even have index )
played the game for the first time last night with 3 friends, the game ended after 8 hours, making it 48 mins/round, best board game ever!
What!? Is it common to take that much time per round? Or was it because it was the first time?
@@ELMITLON Very uncommon, no idea why it would have taken that long
Played my first game today. Took 5½ hours. Awesome game once you get a grasp of it.
I got mine back on 2013, and I also got the A Dance With Dragons expansion... me and my friends have played this game over more than a hundred times.. tonight we are gonna replay it after at least 3 years; 6 players setup, 2 of them never played it, so I'm sending them this video xDD I'm really excited!! Lets goooo!
Came for Game of Thrones, stayed for the Stanley Parable
There is a house rule, that if the Baratheons seem to overpowered in your 4-player games, a player plays with Tyrell instead of Greyjoy.
That should compensate, or at least do it more balanced.
In facebook page agot.online
This is a computer version of board game "A Game of Thrones: Second edition".
Thank you so much for putting this together. This game seemed daunting at first but this video does a wonderful job of breaking things down.
just bought the game about a week ago, gonna be playing it for the first time tomorrow with 4, can't wait D:!
Please make a video game version of this like MTG has been doing for the last few years, its pretty hard to find 6 people just happen to like GoT and board games at the same time....
Now your wish is going to come true the board game is coming in next 2 or 3 months !!
It's now a reality
Question regarding boats:
1. can you choose to muster boats in any territories (with the consolidate power(star token)) if its close to the sea, or do you have to be in a fort
2. When you muster boats at a fort or castle, can you choose if the boats spawns in the harbor or in the sea directly or is it always spawned in the harbor.
3.Does the boats in the sea counts as a territory with troops regarding the supply limit. And if the boats is in a harbor, do they belong to that territory.
4. If the players agrees, can you lend "sea routes" to other allies? Which means i can use the areas of my boats and my allies boats to travel further.
Love the game by the way. This one is definitely the favorite one among my friends! Losing and gaining friendship until finally backstabbing everyone! :D
1. No, mustering of ANY kind can only be done from a fort.
2. You can choose whether to spawn in the port or directly onto the sea.
3. Boats on sea and in ports count towards your supply limit, yes. And yes, ports are separate territories, so if you have 1 boat in the port and 1 in the sea directly next to it, they won't count towards the limit.
4. No, you can't use other people's ships for transportation.
so you don't need a PORT to muster a boat? Only a fort and the adjacent sea?
Oh stanley... will you spread your influence over westeros?
This game is simply awesome, add in some RP elements, a couple beers some snacks and you will quickly realise how fast time can pass when your having fun.
i kinda felt upset when the greyjoy's took moat caillin, the starks have had enough god dammit!
Play, and take it back then. It's absolutely impossible for stark to hold it if greyjoy does everything I'd they can to take it.
Lol I started laughing at myself because I noticed I was getting upset by that.
Well after an hour of trying to figure out how to play this dang game, this video explained everything in 20 minutes... o.O
Very helpful. Playing tonight for the first time and this probably just saved us a couple hours of guesswork!
When is the tutorial for Mother of Dragons???
Well made tutorial. I wasn't sure about this game, but now I will buy it definitely. Great video.
He sounds like the narrator from Stanley Parable!
That's because he is !
Espi Fortin cool, thought it was
Yes, Ship armies are part of the consideration for the supply limit. Also, when you win against the wildings, the wildling token moves back to the beginning at 0.
Finally got my copy a few days ago and have a game setup for later today. This video was a great help getting the instructions down for myself, and will probably have the others watch before we start.
I am sure this is the same guy who did Stanley Parable narrator voice
That's after you've seen their house card so you get an advantage (it chains well with Balon if they're using a bomb house card since he wipes the power it adds).
"This is the story... of a man named Joffery"
Just ordered this game and I think my friends are going to be intermediated by its complexity.
My bad
I love this Game, its well thought through and balanced really well. However my Brother and i felt like 6 Players was not enough so we added a 7 Player variant all custom made. It turned out to be really great as well. Right now we took it a step further and made a 9 player variant. If it turns out be balanced we are going to show it to you guys. :)
Just be grateful you find people to play this game. We've been playing 3 player game forever.
You don't live in Austria by any chance?
BTW we finished the 9 player version and it works so good we are really suprised. I'll make a video when it's done.
***** I can only wish. There's like a hundred board game groups everywhere in Europe. I live to the east, in a city with no players.
Im sorry.
You need to convert some people to play with you. :)
Hey! Im really interested in your more players variant of the game. Can you tell me how you did it? Have you uploaded a video on it? Thanks.
Its a bit daunting for the first 2-3 rounds, but everyone I've ever played it with quickly picks it up, and want another game soon as possible.
Best tutorial of this game by far...very helpful
great video much easier to understand than the instructions provided
You are amazing. Perfect explanation of the entire "game" in as little time as possible. I will be showing this to all new players I game with from now on.
I take my hat off to you sir, will definitely look for more vids like this in the future.
In 3 days time I'm going to be playing this game for the first time ever. I cannot wait.
Me too
that is one good narrator haha liked it just because of him!
Narrator: *Stanley decided to play the game of thrones board game with his fellow office mates. At least until Stanley parable comes out on console*
My SO and I just spent hrs trying to figure this game out and this cleared it up for me in less than 30 mins lol. And yes...I know...has to be 3 or more players. We can be creative lol.
Only exception to this is if you are bumped down the track by a special ability during combat. For example if Doran Martel bumps you down the King's Court track you may still keep your current star orders on the board.
Okay so I have some questions and they might be stupid:
1) Do routed units that are attacked again provide any combat strength.
2)Can routed units be unrounted (rallied?) and fight again next turn?
3) Can ships support ground combat and vice versa?
4)So if the wildings card is drawn and say current strength is 6 it goes down 4? Or does it go down 2?
The rulebook and video don't perfectly line up and the I like to make sure when I play with my friends I know how to clarify rules.
nspartan011 Routed units provide no combat strength if they are attacked during the turn they were routed. If a routed unit is bested in combat it is killed and removed from the board.
All routed units are readied after the turn ends and the next turn begins, thus they can attack in the next round.
Ships can support land, but land cannot support ships (think canon fire from the ships).
If the Wildingling strength is 6 when they attack, after bidding has concluded, the track drops to 0 (starting the game at 2), regardless if the kingdoms won or loss.
+Ryan T question about March orders
When using a march token can I move ALL my units in that spot or just one and also how far can they travel maximum?
You can move all units. They can go to the same place, or split up and go to different areas. However, only one is permitted to enter combat. They can travel 1 space. Ships act as bridges and a unit at dragonstone can move all the way to sunspear provided you have ships in each sea area.
+Ryan T one more thing. What are those little mats I'm seeing on the places with 2-4 player something on them?
The small tiles the the "2-4", "5", and "6" are player counts to separate areas when there are less than 6 or 5 or 4 players. They stand for units that you have to beat to take over those areas.
Is that the narrator from The Stanley Parable?
This is an incredibly useful tutorial, this game is designed very well, the aesthetic is beautiful, and the game captures the essence of politics (the game of thrones) which i would have suspected to be very hard to do in a board game. As a massive fan of GoT, i would love to play it with some of my friends, shame i'm too poor to get it :'(
Feel bad for me
Jack Dutfield diplomacy*, not politics
Bought this game, it's super fun. It's actually possible to play with only 2 players if each player uses two houses. Starks are at a slight disadvantage unless playing with all 6 houses.
Played this game 3 times, the games are long (3-4 hours) depending on the number of players. But very fun. Destroyed many friendship. I recommend.
i still feel like i dont know enough to play my newly boought game , and a lot of things are still foggy in my mind, but it helped get some basics and feel about the game ... i think this is an awesome video and thanks for fantasy to make such a quality game presentation video !
just bought the game, thanks.
Moat Cailin isn't easy to take from the south, you have plenty of territories from the north from where you can support. And..."walls are only strong as the men who defend them" :P
I've several questions:
1. Are you allowed to place consolidate power tokens in areas with a power token but without units, and gain a power token?
2. can you place a consolidate power token on a port and gain a power token?
3. If 2 is true: Can you only place a consolidate power token on ports with units in it, or can you put it on all of your ports?
4. can you place order tokens on a port and the adjacent landarea at the same time? or does the order token on a port count as the same order token for the land area that the port belongs to?
5. are you allowed to remove your power tokens from the board and give up on territory, or can it only be removed if another player captures that area?
6. If you can remove your power tokens from the board, can you only do that when you march your troops into that area, or can you remove the power token at any time?
7. If you retreat, are you allowed to retreat all your units to different areas or do they have to retreat to the same territory?
1. Nope
2. yes if you have ships in the port.
3. Only ports with units in it.
4. yes if you have ships in the both areas.
5. it only be removed if another player captures that area.
6. No you cant.
7. i dun konw.
7. If you're the attacker and u lose the combat, you'll have to retreat all routed units to where you marched from. But if you're defending, and u lose the combat, you have to retreat all forces in the same area, not different areas.
@@MrAaDdRr It may depend on the game edition, but AFAIK when you're defending and you lose you can split-retreat to multiple territories if they're all directly adjacent to the battle territory and only if they were all already under your control via other troops or power tokens being present (you can't capture new territories with retreating 'routed' troops).
Genius game and magnificent tutorial.
When played properly, and not impeded by the Lannisters, the Greyjoy's can wrap up a fast victory. They are my favorite as well. I've yet to play a six player game, but I think I would like Martell.
Unfortunately house Stark is the weakest one, as you can see from the influence tracks in this four player example. Stark does not hold either of the iron throne, messenger raven or the valyrian sword. Also, they are neighbours to Baratheon, Lannister and Greyjoy, which all hold a first position on the influence tracks. On the other hand, a fifth player (Tyrell), could fight for the neutral (Martell) territories and win easily, if the other players don't pay attention.
Thanks for the heads up. I'm downloading a module right now to practice the game before setting a real game up.
I really wish videos like this would explain the point and play of the game before what all the pieces do
I just played for the first time tonight and I won as the Lannisters. I felt like it was very balanced and I had a great time. I used the A tripple kill on some units using a card. Although we were playing incorrectly because we didn't realize there were supply cards and just actively changed our supply count so we had huge armies. It worked fairly well but it would have slowed the game down a bit if we had't done that. I highly recommend it!
+Casey Beiser lol haha
Are you in Berkeley on April 4th? Join us for another evening of Game of Thrones - The Board Game and enjoy lemon cakes, warfare and backstabbing with other AGOT enthusiasts. New players welcome!
I wonder if FFG will ever get back to making actual board games ...
I have a question for experienced players: does a player win immediately if he has 7 castles under his control at once, or do you have to wait until the end of the round to see if he retains control of all seven?
+Guy Simchony it says "inmediately" 19:42
The video and the rules are clear on this: the player wins immediately upon acquiring 7 castles and/or strongholds. Pro tip: if you suspect that you will achieve 7 points on an upcoming round, *do get as much influence on the Iron Throne track as possible!* March orders are resolved in order of the IT track, so if you go before an opponent who will also acquire a 7th point on a given round, the player who marches first (and thus acquiring the 7th point first) will be the winner; it will not be a "tie."
This recently happened to me playing as House Lannister, and I won by virtue of having the iron throne which gave me the privilege of going first and seizing the immediate win before the Stark player could do so on the same round. He and I had bid the same amount on the previous bidding for the Iron Throne, and I broke the tie in my favor as I already had the throne previously; this bid became key to my eventual win. I've seen a few games end like this, so it's important to accumulate adequate power to get favorable positions on the influence tracks when late game bidding arises (particularly the IT for the first turn priviledge, but the other tracks are also very important).
R R Nope. It's at the end of the round that you count castles and the player with 7 wins. If there's a tie in that case it is the highest on the Iron Throne influence track that wins the game. So it is good to have the throne token for incase of a tie but I'd say in the late rounds it is far better to move last. You can then steal castles and strongholds without any interruption from the other houses and take the victory.
I've seen and played many games like this.
Joe Broker Please take a moment to review the Rulebook -- Fantasy Flight is unequivocal on this point. From the Rules pg. 16:
"Winning the Game
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game ends in one of two ways:
ɇ The game reaches the end of the 10th game round.
ɇ Immediately after a player controls his seventh area
containing a Castle or Stronghold.
If a House, *at any time*, reaches the seventh position on the
Victory Track (i.e., gains his seventh area containing a Castle or
Stronghold) the game immediately ends and that player is the
winner. "
I'm sorry that you've seen and played many games like that.
poison your friends' coca colas. e-z win
What a excellent video. Thanks for the effort you put into it! Keep it up :)
In the rules it does not say that your own units cannot be supported... it changes everything!
7 house cards each. After use they go to a graveyard until your last card. Once you use this, it is placed in the graveyard and the other 6 return to your hand.
I'm really glad for this tutorial! I am a visual learner, so it really helped me to learn the game! Now I can't wait to play!!!
Agreed. My brother and I picked this up yesterday but we really need a third player.
You are never allowed to have more star order tokens on the board then your place on the King's Court track allows, even with the messenger Raven. Hope this helps. :)
Why Greyjoy is not only available to the last player surprises me. Canonically they are easily the weakest house as they have the least lands to muster an army and their advantage was having an actual professional navy.
I don't know about that. I spent some time looking for this board game because it was constantly sold out (due to popularity) at every store I visited. I eventually got lucky with being able to reserve a copy and wait a couple weeks for it (didn't want to order online with the significant price increase for shipping) with the next shipment. So I would assume money is being made off these games and FFG is undoubtedly making money off other products also.
Hello, could you do a complete tutorial about the Expansion: "Mother of the Dragons" ? Thxs
diplomacy is the translation of all kind of relations between families. instead of marring fake characters people can just agree to teamwork to do whats best for the realm
They only apply to the total attacking party.
1 Defending Knight + 1 Defending Footman + 1 Defense Order = 3 Total Defense
A Parable Of Thrones
What is the purpose of the star on the orders? And if you have only one supply, and you have already the armies you can have, can you add another army the next round?
♫ Duuuuuun dunnnnnnn
du-du-dun-dun-du-du-dun-dun. ♫
We have been playing for a while now. Love the game!
My question is: when there is bidding on the influence track. In the tutorial, there is a tie, and the previous owner is one of the highest bidders, so he decides to keep the thrown. What if two people tie as the highest bidder, but neither are the current holder of the iron throne?
Hey Robert. In that instance, the holder of the Throne decides who won. Part of the greatness of holding the Throne.
lets assume in this bidding of the influence track lanisster wins the throne, next there is a tie in fiefdoms or kings court does it mean that lanisster chooses the winner in this tie? or previous king chooses the winner ? since bidding in influence track is happening at the moment
Hello Juan. As soon as the winner of the Throne is decided the token moves to the winner. After that, the new Throne holder decides winners of the other two tracks.
I don't know, if anyone reads that; but I have a question. In the case, that you want to muster, a ship for example, but you don't have any anymore, are you allowed to dissolve another one on the map to get a new one?
Or better: Can you dissolve a unit somehow without getting it killed in combat?
Why don't castles give a combat strength bonus? This seems much more realistic, and in line with the books.
But not in line with the series as we have seen. They station their troops in front of the wall anyway..
Great instructions. However, the scenario with the combat isn't a good one. The person with the Valaryian Sword wouldn't have used it since it would have been a tie. And since they are obviously higher on that track, they win ties.
are you sure that's how it works? wouldn't it be the player holding the iron throne token who decides a tie-breaker?
Nope. The holder of the Iron Throne decides all NON COMBAT related ties. Combat related ties are won by whoever is highest on the Valaryan Sword track. (Can't remember the name off hand.) :)
Brennan Beck I'm not saying it is a bad scenario, but that doesn't make it a good one either. A better scenario would have been to have them down 1 point and use the Valaryan sword to tie and then win since they would win the tiebreaker. And even if that was the only battle Greyjoy has (which most of the time is impossible to tell) that doesn't mean they should use it.
+Cody Y I am at that spot in the video and was wondering the same thing. had to scroll down here to find out. now back to the video...
the best instruction video I've ever seen
The coolest game ever, played it last night! so much fun!!
Why don't you do a "Complete Turorial" video like this one for "Star Wars Rebellion" ... would ease introducing new players to the game
I really like complex games, how much to buy this?
@@FantasyFlightGames1 thanks
I'm so glad I can play this with at least 3 friends once a week,great game,get it if you're game of thrones fans :) even better when you get 6 people it's so much fun