There is a porcentaje of patients like me, were anaplamosis and lyme can becone cronic. For me a month of the top dosis of doxycling was not enough. I did three months after and again it was not enough. I did hypertemia with penicyling and finally the lyme is gone, not the anaplasmosis. Get more information. There is no standard treatment and to say that 10 days of doxy is enough is mislesding
There is a porcentaje of patients like me, were anaplamosis and lyme can becone cronic. For me a month of the top dosis of doxycling was not enough. I did three months after and again it was not enough. I did hypertemia with penicyling and finally the lyme is gone, not the anaplasmosis. Get more information. There is no standard treatment and to say that 10 days of doxy is enough is mislesding