Visuddhimagga - Path of Purification 5

  • Опубликовано: 14 мар 2024
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    04:12 Paragraph 43
    05:28 Explanation
    07:14 Paragraph 44
    08:55 Explanation
    11:20 Paragraph 45
    13:15 Paragraph 46
    15:18 Q: When the text mentions talking while waving arms, does that mean how some people talk with their arms, like waving their hands in a certain way to punctuate their sentences? Is this something that it is referring to?
    20:15 Q: Can this be applied to lay people as well? To show respect to elders in general.
    21:40 Paragraph 47
    22:25 Explanation
    24:57 Paragraph 48
    26:06 Q: What does it mean by "careful observer of good behavior?"
    26:40 Paragraph 49
    27:36 Q: What is meant by the resort in this passage?
    29:00 Paragraph 50
    29:29 Explanation
    30:01 Q: Interestingly, this passage mentioned even guarding the eyes against animals and carriages, things that don't even move.
    34:05 Q: Is this what it is meant by describing lust as a flood that sweeps you away, pulling you into its current until you lose focus on everything else, driven by the excitement and interest in the object?
    35:55 It's interesting that we learn that our noting practice will anchor us to our main object. I see here in the commentary that it's preciously meant for mindful practice.
    36:21 Q: What are the four foundations of mindfulness?
    39:46 Q: When you say mindfulness, do you refer to Sati or Sampajañña?
    40:43 Paragraph 52
    42:02 Q: Bhante, would you say Pāṭimokkha is the basis of groundwork for the Bhikkhus shangha?
    43:27 Q: Would you explain the bean-soupery that the text mentioned?
    45:09 Q: When learning a new language, do you have any particular way you note in your mind?
    47:05 Q: Are these the major rules that Bhikkhus must always follow? What happens when there is a transgression of these rules?
    49:34 Q: Was a similar substance, like coffee, prohibited for practice in Buddha's time?
    59:32 Q: When will you return to Canada? And how can you be efficient in teaching college students?
    01:07:02 Community discussion on various plans.

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