🪴 *Are you looking for live plants for your aquarium? We've got you covered, click this link to order Tropica Plants NOW, add 'BETTA' in the discount box for 10% off the most amazing plants in the industry:* bit.ly/40cb4gY
Hey, love the channel. Have you thought about doing more reactions to tiktok or YT short videos. I just saw a YT short called, "cat thinks he's inside a fish tank". Love to see your reaction to it. It's heart breaking
The best solution I found for dealing with an overpopulation of guppies in my 29 gallon aquarium was to buy 1 angelfish. It is gorgeous after nearly 2 years and is the boss of the aquarium. And, no more overpopulation of babies!
😂 I added a female Betta to help control population. Then my angelfish spawned so I added one of the babies in there. Hoping it'll curb my massive overpopulation issues. 😅 I love a good overstocked tank but 100+ guppies in a 37 gallon is a little much even for me. 😂
@@moosey1978 that's amazing. I started with three trios close to a year ago, four different strains. They're beautiful little mutt guppies and I love them to pieces and my 4 year old does too. He gets SO excited every time he sees more babies. 🤣
Well John, here is a story of a mean Platy. We have had this Blue Wagtail Platy for about 2 years. Initially we had him in a 10 gallon with some other Platy's and some Habrosus Cory's. He chased every other Platy in the tank and actually was responsible for the death of 1 Sunset Platy. In addition we had a few Snakeskin Guppies in the tank. Platy killed 2 of the males. He has been transferred to a 40 Breeder tank where he is the only Platy in the tank and is the smallest fish in the tank. I do have to say that in 50+ years of keeping fish this is the only Platy I have ever seen with such a mean streak.
Hi KGTropical. Need some advice from you. I have a new 20 gallon high tank setup with some caves and some plants and still adding plants. I want to add schooling fish top,middle and bottom dwellers along with either a single or a pair(male/female) Apistogramma to my tank as the centerpiece fish. My question to you is should I add the schooling fish first then the Apistogramma or vice versa? I know schooling fish usually do better with 6 or more but how should I add the schooling fish to my new tank? Three or four at a time or a different way? Thanks!!!🐠🐠🐠
At the beginning, you mentioned aquariums unlimited in Virginia Beach, VA. This is my LFS! The people there are very knowledgeable and it’s a great store!
New to the group! I found Tank Talk on Spotify when I was searching for some aquarium podcasts. I currently have platys, mollies, guppies, bristlenose plecos, and dojo loaches in a 75gal. For population control, i take batches of 3 week old fry to a local, family owned fish store in my town. In my 5 years of having all sorts of tanks, my favorite fish has been dojo loaches :) i love their goofy personalities!
In my small tank, there are a pair of platys, guppies and a betta that act like the best of friends. It’s become part of a set up I’d recommend to beginners because it gives a variety of color in a 10-20 gallon tank.
I loved that video with Diana Halstad. I got my bowl , sand and soil and now need to order my plants for it from you. Your fish advice is always appreciated. Hey Lisa , how are your house plants ??? 😁
My first was Oscar's and they were great. I've since gone African Cichlids and love them as well! I also have a 150 woth "Sharks" Balas, feather fin squeekers, and iridescents. My kids have a 75 with community fish. Tetras, Molly's Platies, etc.
I LOVE my 55 gallon goldfish tank. I had to use fake plants if I wanted decore but they seem happy and I never had any issues keeping them. Sponge filter and a hob works fine for them
I'm looking to buy some snails, and you guys have so many different snails on your website. We have 40 gal with mollies and guppies. Can you guys do a video about snails and fish, or are there certain recommendations for which snails to purchase? Appreciate your videos and learn so much! Ty for all your hard work and keep it up! Thank you for your time!
When I started out with the normal community tank , I also perused the books in the school library (was in HS at the time). What caught my eye and seemed the most interesting were killifish and wild type livebearers. Started in 1971 and got into keeping killifish and a few years later added the livebearers. Been in them ever since.
I'm so excited, my Oscar is thriving in my 150gal tank. I was doing some clean up the other day and was also surprised with baby blue polar parrots, double excitement as I have not successfully bred any parrot fish 😊
9:00 - Swordtails can be nasty, esp. in smaller tanks and when something goes wrong. I used to have them in 42 gallons (160 l) and there was 1 fin nipper and when SAE got hurt, the Swordtail kept aggravating the wound and I had to pull SAE aside to get better. Also when some Swordtails were feeling week, few other Swordtails killed them. No idea, if the tank wasn't stable enough (gravel substrate, but fully planted with canister filter and 3 week water changes), but once I moved them to 189 gallons (714 l), with deep substrate and Angelfish being the main fish, all these issues disappeared.
Monos can acclimate to brackish and saltwater too. I've done it with Mollys as starter tank fish in salt water tanks and acclimated Monos for my salt water tanks too
I do have to add, Mollies can be aggressive with their feeding habits. I have lost a betta fish because I put it in my Molly tank. It kept getting beat up when it was feeding time. I tried to isolate her when I noticed damages, but it was too late. Not all mollies, but definitely keep an eye out!
Nice list. Other than the Oscar, I’ve kept everything on the list at one time or another. Currently I have a betta. I never had good results with guppies though. I did buy a trio of Endlers and now I have endler-apocalypse….😂 Ever since John did that crazy rock tank for Yellow Labs I’ve been wanting to try them. I’m finally going to do some in a 75g in a few weeks. 🎉
Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for all the good info u put out for us to learn up on. And Oscars r what got me into the hobby almost 3 years ago. Thanks again and keep up the great work.
I agree with the list, but have an addition and a question. It is important to mention that the neon tetras cannot tolerate strong light, because their eyes are very sensitive to light. I didn't know that, bought 7 of them and they nearly died under 2 days just because they feared the neonlight of the tank which never caused problem to any other kind of fish. The question: Is a 20 gallon tank big enough to keep just one fancy goldfish, for example blackmoor? 🤔
Great advice. I had a pleco latch on to my fantail goldfish once. He is gone. My fingerling fantail goldfish is 2 yrs. old. She is now the size of my hand, in a 50g. She is not done growing.I have a friend for her in quarantine. I hope it is a female too.
I have to agree with your judgement of goldfish. My son started out with two in a 15-gallon tank. Twenty years and three houses later, we have lost one but the other girl is now 18 inches long not counting tail and lives in a 150-gallon stock trough in the garden among the waterlilies. Your $3 fish could be with you for a lot longer than many people's enthusiasm for fishkeeping.
sorry to ask here but looking for reliable info, we were going to get mudskips but changed our mind at the last moment, we now have 2 figure8 puffers in a 60g (48x18x16) its been a month since the puffers, we want some bumblebee gobys, is it too early and would be adding 4 a safe stocking amount? thanks!
I have owned and raised fish both salt and fresh for 60 years. As with any hobby excitement brings more stuff, more difficult stuff, and more stuff. From small easy to maintain fish to large difficult to maintain fish and more expensive maintenance. More tanks means less maintenance on each tank as work and life affect hobbies. I am back down to two tanks, 150/100. One salt and one fresh. Just like big dogs big fish are expensive vs small fish. Flake food is cheap vs frozen food. Guppies and other live bearers always grow in number. I love color. Discus, guppies, Tetra’s and similar are very gratifying. Acrylic tanks less than 60 gallons are great as light. My 60 gallon acrylic was the best with a 30 gallon sump below in a stand. Probably go back to one tank. Pull my acrylic 60 out of storage. I love salt but with one tank will go to fresh
I got interested in fish keeping a while ago and now I’m starting to get interested again. I’m not sure it’s a great idea though since I won’t be able to take care of them for the full 5-6ish years since I’ll probably be moving in a few years and I can’t take them with me. Any advice?
I've kept i don't even know how many fish now. Even got a self sustained shrimp tank that i haven't touched in 2 years. But . . . . I can NOT keep guppys 😅. Dont know why, but they hate me 😂
I’ve never thought about Bettas as a centerpiece fish in a community tank but I was wondering if one would do well in my 55G community tank with 12 Black Neons, Cardinals, 6 Congo Tetras, 1 BN Pleco and some Cories?
I work in a pet store with aquariums. Except for oscars and plecos, this list goes very well with our costumers 🙂 We don't even have oscars, simply because they get too big for 99% of all our costumers aquariums, and we refuse to sell fish to people who can't take proper care of them. And that's also why we sell more otocinclus than plecos, because of our costumers tank-sizes. But guppies... Oh how we sell guppies! And neon tetras, and cardinal tetras. It feels like we always need more of those. And there I go trying to make people interested in rainbowfish, rosy tetras, phantom tetras or some corydora 😅
Great info though I would never stick neon/cardinal tetras in an angel tank. Every angel tank I have ever had has 100% eaten all the neon's (I've witnessed it multiple times), maybe if you're talking about young angels (2-3" tall) but adults will thank you for the meal
I love all your shows. But I have to offer my 2cents on the angels. I have 3 in a community tank. Even before they bonded and started breeding..THEY ARE ABSOLUTE TERROR to the other tank mates! I'm starting to regret getting them.
Here in India platy, molly and swordtails aren't popular at all. Instead glowfish like tetra, tiger barb are the most popular, even more popular than the gold fish . And African cichlid is on top 10 too cause they are dirt cheap, you can get as many as 4-5 electric yellow lab for a cost of 1 Dumbo guppy. And the cost matters always.
Good afternoon. Was trying to look at you alls live fish on your website but it seems to have disappeared. Did you all stop selling bettas or is there a hold for restocks?
I just had a guppy birth around 20 or so fry. Raising them in a small tank by themselves atm. I have a tank with a single male betta and a bunch of red cherry shrimp. I've always been told that bettas, espcially males, should be kept alone. Got me thinking from the comment made in the video that bettas can live with most of the smaller fish listed, just not other bettas. I might try to introduce a few guppies, once they are grown, to my betta tank to see how it goes.
That's an accurate list. We agree with it. One small change, I guess I would say cichlids in general should be on the list. I know there are many varieties, but it seems a lot of fish keepers have African or south American cichlids. A lot of channels with cichlids in their name. Anyway, great video as always!
I have two really nice looking healthy platys in a small tank with nice plants. It only requires a tiny tab water heater. I change a third of the water weekly.
I just had male guppies and they just die off fast. I think Jason from prime time said the same thing. Getting them from a local breeder might be the way to go. The fish store ones nope. Not hardy at all.
All female swordtails have been known to have the main female become a male. They are also known as sailfish because they enjoy jumping out of your tank
The thing with swordtails n I wish you mentioned it is they can change their gender. For example if you have 3 males and no females. 2 of those males will turn female. If you have 3 females and no males one of those females will turn male. It does not matter if she is already pregnant. She will either reabsorb her babies or drop her fry early. As for goldfish, they are by far my all time favourite fish. My first fish were goldfish when I was 12yrs old. I wish I knew what I know now back then. I definitely did them dirty. I had maybe 8-11 feeders in a 20 gallon. Once they grew to a certain size I ended up donating them to a school. That school has an indoor pond with goldfish. Not sure why they have the pond. I never asked. But yeah the first 2yrs with goldfish I did them dirty. Then I got a single oranda and he was my favourite. I now have a few stock tanks as indoor ponds mostly with goldfish. Sarasas, shubunkins, comets wakins and jinkins. I will never get the fancy types again. Yes I love them. Especially moores. But they have so many health problems and they don't usually live long. 8-10 years if lucky is just not enough. They're more of what I call heart breakers of the goldfish world. Some of our oldest goldfish are comets out of the feeder tanks and they're 10-13 years old. We have some sarasas and shubunkins that are 8, n 6 years old. I recently setup another stock tank in preparation for more goldfish. I am craving a few more so got the system doing it's thing before I pick them up and add them. Wakins are the plan for that one.
I've definitely been one of the ones that have had problems. I'm not sure why. Good water quality. Good, all that. Had them three different times over the last three years. All the same outcome. I like them. But.... I don't know how to keep them alive. Lol
I have found swordtails males to almost be as aggressive toward each other as 2 bettas. I cannot have more the 1 in my tank at a time and thats with plenty of females
I have 2 plecos I brought them yesterday that I'm not sure abt their English name but they are black with beautiful golden spots and golden end of tail I was told they are Hybrids and grow to 6-12 cm and min is 60l I have em in 63 gallon and I ordered 400gal tank so I gotta wait still but I brought them as they are cute and my betta love anything with mouth on bottom so she have Cory's and ottos and now plecos and she still act like she want more
Not trying to be rude, but I have my fancy goldfish not sure what type in a 32 gallon with my other community fish lab about 4 inches or so and it’s think it’s full grown Section chest content, Olympics Porter😅😅
With all fish one thing people dont usually consider is temperment. Some fish cant tolerate others of their own kind, some fish have to be kept in groups of their own kind. Having the wrong mix leads to fish killing each other and a loss of $ to you. Dont rely on the kid at the big box store to tell you anything, most of them dont know anything about the fish do your own research before you buy.
I have 3 "feeder" fish my daughter bought to feed a turtle. I was horrified. I kept them they now live in a planted 55 gallon and get fresh vegetables cooked for them too😂 They live better then most people
The problem I have is I want a fish that nobody else has. Or one that is most likely nobody else wants to have. But the best fish to get you have to buy a huge tank for.
Oscars!!!!! Oscars are the best fish. Let's be honest small aquariums just don't cut it. Large aquarium with the puppy of the aquarium world OSCARS!!!!
Well, any live bearers have a short life in my 45 gallon tank and I can't get any babies from them. However, egg layers, especially tetras seem to last year's. By all accounts, my water quality is very good. What gives?
I guess your water might be soft and acidic. Tetras love it and will thrive in this water. The livebearers need hard alkaline water. They will be miserable in the soft water.
🪴 *Are you looking for live plants for your aquarium? We've got you covered, click this link to order Tropica Plants NOW, add 'BETTA' in the discount box for 10% off the most amazing plants in the industry:* bit.ly/40cb4gY
Your plants are awesome and I love them. Got an order ~6 months ago and they’re all healthy and beautiful too this day
Hey, love the channel. Have you thought about doing more reactions to tiktok or YT short videos. I just saw a YT short called, "cat thinks he's inside a fish tank". Love to see your reaction to it. It's heart breaking
Have question water's good PH is good. But for some reason I lose a fish every now and then. Anything to be alarmed
The best solution I found for dealing with an overpopulation of guppies in my 29 gallon aquarium was to buy 1 angelfish. It is gorgeous after nearly 2 years and is the boss of the aquarium. And, no more overpopulation of babies!
I control my guppy population with a group of pea puffers.
😂 I added a female Betta to help control population. Then my angelfish spawned so I added one of the babies in there. Hoping it'll curb my massive overpopulation issues. 😅 I love a good overstocked tank but 100+ guppies in a 37 gallon is a little much even for me. 😂
@@HopeB555 I get my guppies from a breeder. He has a 125 slap full of guppies.
@@moosey1978 that's amazing. I started with three trios close to a year ago, four different strains. They're beautiful little mutt guppies and I love them to pieces and my 4 year old does too. He gets SO excited every time he sees more babies. 🤣
Drop the temperature
Well John, here is a story of a mean Platy. We have had this Blue Wagtail Platy for about 2 years. Initially we had him in a 10 gallon with some other Platy's and some Habrosus Cory's. He chased every other Platy in the tank and actually was responsible for the death of 1 Sunset Platy. In addition we had a few Snakeskin Guppies in the tank. Platy killed 2 of the males. He has been transferred to a 40 Breeder tank where he is the only Platy in the tank and is the smallest fish in the tank. I do have to say that in 50+ years of keeping fish this is the only Platy I have ever seen with such a mean streak.
My Blue wags are aggressive wonder if it's something with the color variant keep them with my opaline gourami now and they hold thier own.
I had a silver platy that was the devil reincarnated. Would chase males and females.... had to remove him
Yay: Goldfish!! I’ve kept scores of freshwater spp. but I ALWAYS circle back to goldfish! One carnival-fish and two-blue shubunkins at present.
Hi KGTropical. Need some advice from you. I have a new 20 gallon high tank setup with some caves and some plants and still adding plants. I want to add schooling fish top,middle and bottom dwellers along with either a single or a pair(male/female) Apistogramma to my tank as the centerpiece fish. My question to you is should I add the schooling fish first then the Apistogramma or vice versa? I know schooling fish usually do better with 6 or more but how should I add the schooling fish to my new tank? Three or four at a time or a different way? Thanks!!!🐠🐠🐠
Great list guys! Plants, cats and bettas ... I totally agree Lisa! ☺️
At the beginning, you mentioned aquariums unlimited in Virginia Beach, VA. This is my LFS! The people there are very knowledgeable and it’s a great store!
New to the group! I found Tank Talk on Spotify when I was searching for some aquarium podcasts.
I currently have platys, mollies, guppies, bristlenose plecos, and dojo loaches in a 75gal. For population control, i take batches of 3 week old fry to a local, family owned fish store in my town.
In my 5 years of having all sorts of tanks, my favorite fish has been dojo loaches :) i love their goofy personalities!
In my small tank, there are a pair of platys, guppies and a betta that act like the best of friends. It’s become part of a set up I’d recommend to beginners because it gives a variety of color in a 10-20 gallon tank.
I loved that video with Diana Halstad. I got my bowl , sand and soil and now need to order my plants for it from you.
Your fish advice is always appreciated.
Hey Lisa , how are your house plants ??? 😁
You had me rolling with that Guppy apocalypse.
RUclips are the absolute best and so much fun to be able to hang out with
My first was Oscar's and they were great. I've since gone African Cichlids and love them as well! I also have a 150 woth "Sharks" Balas, feather fin squeekers, and iridescents. My kids have a 75 with community fish. Tetras, Molly's Platies, etc.
Love the vid! Platys, cardinal tetras and harlequin rasboras in my 20 gallon at the moment.lovely mix
I LOVE my 55 gallon goldfish tank. I had to use fake plants if I wanted decore but they seem happy and I never had any issues keeping them. Sponge filter and a hob works fine for them
I'm looking to buy some snails, and you guys have so many different snails on your website. We have 40 gal with mollies and guppies. Can you guys do a video about snails and fish, or are there certain recommendations for which snails to purchase? Appreciate your videos and learn so much! Ty for all your hard work and keep it up! Thank you for your time!
When I started out with the normal community tank , I also perused the books in the school library (was in HS at the time). What caught my eye and seemed the most interesting were killifish and wild type livebearers. Started in 1971 and got into keeping killifish and a few years later added the livebearers. Been in them ever since.
I'm so excited, my Oscar is thriving in my 150gal tank. I was doing some clean up the other day and was also surprised with baby blue polar parrots, double excitement as I have not successfully bred any parrot fish 😊
9:00 - Swordtails can be nasty, esp. in smaller tanks and when something goes wrong. I used to have them in 42 gallons (160 l) and there was 1 fin nipper and when SAE got hurt, the Swordtail kept aggravating the wound and I had to pull SAE aside to get better. Also when some Swordtails were feeling week, few other Swordtails killed them. No idea, if the tank wasn't stable enough (gravel substrate, but fully planted with canister filter and 3 week water changes), but once I moved them to 189 gallons (714 l), with deep substrate and Angelfish being the main fish, all these issues disappeared.
Yes swordtails have this squeaky clean image but I found them to be quite aggressive 😂
I got a pleco he is big. Red tail shark. Cat fish platy fish. Molly. Clown loaches. Cardinal Tetra . Neon tetra. Also snail 🐌
Good list. I have kept goldfish, bettas and mollies. I want to add Cardinal tetras to my current aquarium. Gina
Monos can acclimate to brackish and saltwater too. I've done it with Mollys as starter tank fish in salt water tanks and acclimated Monos for my salt water tanks too
I do have to add, Mollies can be aggressive with their feeding habits. I have lost a betta fish because I put it in my Molly tank. It kept getting beat up when it was feeding time. I tried to isolate her when I noticed damages, but it was too late. Not all mollies, but definitely keep an eye out!
I'm. It liking all of the Info given. Don't put a platty with a beta or guppy. Platty is a bulky I've witnesses it
Nice list. Other than the Oscar, I’ve kept everything on the list at one time or another. Currently I have a betta. I never had good results with guppies though. I did buy a trio of Endlers and now I have endler-apocalypse….😂
Ever since John did that crazy rock tank for Yellow Labs I’ve been wanting to try them. I’m finally going to do some in a 75g in a few weeks. 🎉
You two are two of the best on RUclips.
Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for all the good info u put out for us to learn up on. And Oscars r what got me into the hobby almost 3 years ago. Thanks again and keep up the great work.
I love this intro background music its so nostalgic been following every vid you upload since the covid pandemic❤❤
I have a jack Dempsey cichlifd and have added wild caught bluegill, Pleco, wild caught baby bass and Featherfin Catfish all live together
I agree with the list, but have an addition and a question. It is important to mention that the neon tetras cannot tolerate strong light, because their eyes are very sensitive to light. I didn't know that, bought 7 of them and they nearly died under 2 days just because they feared the neonlight of the tank which never caused problem to any other kind of fish. The question: Is a 20 gallon tank big enough to keep just one fancy goldfish, for example blackmoor? 🤔
Great advice. I had a pleco latch on to my fantail goldfish once. He is gone. My fingerling fantail goldfish is 2 yrs. old. She is now the size of my hand, in a 50g. She is not done growing.I have a friend for her in quarantine. I hope it is a female too.
I have to agree with your judgement of goldfish. My son started out with two in a 15-gallon tank. Twenty years and three houses later, we have lost one but the other girl is now 18 inches long not counting tail and lives in a 150-gallon stock trough in the garden among the waterlilies. Your $3 fish could be with you for a lot longer than many people's enthusiasm for fishkeeping.
sorry to ask here but looking for reliable info, we were going to get mudskips but changed our mind at the last moment, we now have 2 figure8 puffers in a 60g (48x18x16) its been a month since the puffers, we want some bumblebee gobys, is it too early and would be adding 4 a safe stocking amount? thanks!
Hey KG tropicals is keeping a betta in a 36 gallon bowfront tank a good idea i have one in there with other fish that aren't aggressive tords it
Hi I was wondering if you can help me out? Can you keep different size angelfish in the same tank? It is a 75 gallon.
A fish that I’m very fond of and would have liked to see on the list is the electric blue acara.
I had silver Mollies, after r 70 or so live birth a month had done tank for males, one for females. :)
The thing about swordtails is they are jumpers.
I have owned and raised fish both salt and fresh for 60 years. As with any hobby excitement brings more stuff, more difficult stuff, and more stuff. From small easy to maintain fish to large difficult to maintain fish and more expensive maintenance. More tanks means less maintenance on each tank as work and life affect hobbies. I am back down to two tanks, 150/100. One salt and one fresh. Just like big dogs big fish are expensive vs small fish. Flake food is cheap vs frozen food. Guppies and other live bearers always grow in number. I love color. Discus, guppies, Tetra’s and similar are very gratifying. Acrylic tanks less than 60 gallons are great as light. My 60 gallon acrylic was the best with a 30 gallon sump below in a stand. Probably go back to one tank. Pull my acrylic 60 out of storage. I love salt but with one tank will go to fresh
Gourami’s, angels, hatchet, silver dollars, archers are interesting fish
I got interested in fish keeping a while ago and now I’m starting to get interested again. I’m not sure it’s a great idea though since I won’t be able to take care of them for the full 5-6ish years since I’ll probably be moving in a few years and I can’t take them with me. Any advice?
I've kept i don't even know how many fish now. Even got a self sustained shrimp tank that i haven't touched in 2 years. But . . . . I can NOT keep guppys 😅. Dont know why, but they hate me 😂
I’ve never thought about Bettas as a centerpiece fish in a community tank but I was wondering if one would do well in my 55G community tank with 12 Black Neons, Cardinals, 6 Congo Tetras, 1 BN Pleco and some Cories?
I work in a pet store with aquariums. Except for oscars and plecos, this list goes very well with our costumers 🙂 We don't even have oscars, simply because they get too big for 99% of all our costumers aquariums, and we refuse to sell fish to people who can't take proper care of them. And that's also why we sell more otocinclus than plecos, because of our costumers tank-sizes. But guppies... Oh how we sell guppies! And neon tetras, and cardinal tetras. It feels like we always need more of those. And there I go trying to make people interested in rainbowfish, rosy tetras, phantom tetras or some corydora 😅
Great info though I would never stick neon/cardinal tetras in an angel tank. Every angel tank I have ever had has 100% eaten all the neon's (I've witnessed it multiple times), maybe if you're talking about young angels (2-3" tall) but adults will thank you for the meal
John, I need your help, can a 1955 house hold a 125 gallon on the second floor, it has two beams supporting the floor in the basement.
I love all your shows. But I have to offer my 2cents on the angels. I have 3 in a community tank. Even before they bonded and started breeding..THEY ARE ABSOLUTE TERROR to the other tank mates! I'm starting to regret getting them.
I love Aquariums Unlimited!! Great people, great shop...
Diana Halstad ❤️. I’d love a guppy. 🥰
Here in India platy, molly and swordtails aren't popular at all. Instead glowfish like tetra, tiger barb are the most popular, even more popular than the gold fish . And African cichlid is on top 10 too cause they are dirt cheap, you can get as many as 4-5 electric yellow lab for a cost of 1 Dumbo guppy. And the cost matters always.
Good afternoon. Was trying to look at you alls live fish on your website but it seems to have disappeared. Did you all stop selling bettas or is there a hold for restocks?
I just had a guppy birth around 20 or so fry. Raising them in a small tank by themselves atm. I have a tank with a single male betta and a bunch of red cherry shrimp. I've always been told that bettas, espcially males, should be kept alone. Got me thinking from the comment made in the video that bettas can live with most of the smaller fish listed, just not other bettas. I might try to introduce a few guppies, once they are grown, to my betta tank to see how it goes.
Love your channel keep it up! ❤️
That's an accurate list. We agree with it. One small change, I guess I would say cichlids in general should be on the list. I know there are many varieties, but it seems a lot of fish keepers have African or south American cichlids. A lot of channels with cichlids in their name. Anyway, great video as always!
I have two really nice looking healthy platys in a small tank with nice plants.
It only requires a tiny tab water heater. I change a third of the water weekly.
Btw for the platys. The first video or scene. Those are gold panda mollies.
My dwarf gouramis are pretty cool and always happy to see me.
Great video. Always look forward to your next upload.
I just had male guppies and they just die off fast. I think Jason from prime time said the same thing. Getting them from a local breeder might be the way to go. The fish store ones nope. Not hardy at all.
No rainbow's 😢. Great list though guys 🎉
Really nice video 👍
@KGTropicals hey John. This might be out of topic but Joey and Rod shall be duking it out in the ring. Out of curiosity, who would you do that with?
I'm starting to get back into the freshwater part of the hobby. This time, with a total restart and by getting new fish.
Borneo Loaches are also very cool
5:15 that's what she said
Knew goldfish and betta would be on top! Oscar was a surprise
I would have been surprised if John did 'not' have Oscars on the list...
All female swordtails have been known to have the main female become a male. They are also known as sailfish because they enjoy jumping out of your tank
I have found in some cases it was always a male that developed late
@Kgtropicals - I'm not seeing Diana's book title anywhere. Can you please remind me? 😅
I love my Goldfish! And yes I totally want some more guppies!!!
The thing with swordtails n I wish you mentioned it is they can change their gender. For example if you have 3 males and no females. 2 of those males will turn female. If you have 3 females and no males one of those females will turn male. It does not matter if she is already pregnant. She will either reabsorb her babies or drop her fry early.
As for goldfish, they are by far my all time favourite fish. My first fish were goldfish when I was 12yrs old. I wish I knew what I know now back then. I definitely did them dirty. I had maybe 8-11 feeders in a 20 gallon. Once they grew to a certain size I ended up donating them to a school. That school has an indoor pond with goldfish. Not sure why they have the pond. I never asked. But yeah the first 2yrs with goldfish I did them dirty. Then I got a single oranda and he was my favourite. I now have a few stock tanks as indoor ponds mostly with goldfish. Sarasas, shubunkins, comets wakins and jinkins. I will never get the fancy types again. Yes I love them. Especially moores. But they have so many health problems and they don't usually live long. 8-10 years if lucky is just not enough. They're more of what I call heart breakers of the goldfish world. Some of our oldest goldfish are comets out of the feeder tanks and they're 10-13 years old. We have some sarasas and shubunkins that are 8, n 6 years old. I recently setup another stock tank in preparation for more goldfish. I am craving a few more so got the system doing it's thing before I pick them up and add them. Wakins are the plan for that one.
😂 and you created the word guppocolipse . I have that.
I've definitely been one of the ones that have had problems. I'm not sure why. Good water quality. Good, all that. Had them three different times over the last three years. All the same outcome. I like them. But.... I don't know how to keep them alive. Lol
We bought 3 dalmatian mollies, now we have 80
How do you folks feel about ember tetras and red minor tetras?
I have even kept Betta fish with a cherry shrimps colony
i do agree with everything in the list but also disappointed not to see killifish in a planted aquarium with neon...
I have found swordtails males to almost be as aggressive toward each other as 2 bettas. I cannot have more the 1 in my tank at a time and thats with plenty of females
The pet shop in the town I live in has stopped selling all types of goldfish I don't know why but I do think it's a good thing they have xx
Might be invasive in your area all shops by me in nj just stopped selling dojos found out there banned now.
@@sewerrat7612 no I don't think it's that the more I think about it it's a chain store so it might be just that company.
It was surprise to see that you guys did not include the guramis
I have 2 plecos I brought them yesterday that I'm not sure abt their English name but they are black with beautiful golden spots and golden end of tail I was told they are Hybrids and grow to 6-12 cm and min is 60l I have em in 63 gallon and I ordered 400gal tank so I gotta wait still but I brought them as they are cute and my betta love anything with mouth on bottom so she have Cory's and ottos and now plecos and she still act like she want more
Cherry barbs are a good fish less nippy than other barbs don't get to big and colour up nicely and are very fast
Not trying to be rude, but I have my fancy goldfish not sure what type in a 32 gallon with my other community fish lab about 4 inches or so and it’s think it’s full grown Section chest content, Olympics Porter😅😅
With all fish one thing people dont usually consider is temperment. Some fish cant tolerate others of their own kind, some fish have to be kept in groups of their own kind. Having the wrong mix leads to fish killing each other and a loss of $ to you. Dont rely on the kid at the big box store to tell you anything, most of them dont know anything about the fish do your own research before you buy.
I have 3 "feeder" fish my daughter bought to feed a turtle. I was horrified. I kept them they now live in a planted 55 gallon and get fresh vegetables cooked for them too😂 They live better then most people
What about Bala and Iridescent Sharks? And Pacu? Where are they on the list? 😂🤣😂
I have a overpopulated 29 gallon tank with 70 fish. I have 4 filters. Been like this for 4 years
Hey Lisa I would gladly take a guppy ❤️
yes i would love some guppy's
I had issues with guppies too. Maybe is inbreeding depression form the original stock. Idk. Nice video tho
Severems are wonderful fish.
The problem I have is I want a fish that nobody else has. Or one that is most likely nobody else wants to have. But the best fish to get you have to buy a huge tank for.
Oscars!!!!! Oscars are the best fish. Let's be honest small aquariums just don't cut it. Large aquarium with the puppy of the aquarium world OSCARS!!!!
That wath she said and I agree with her 😂😂😂😂😂
Well, any live bearers have a short life in my 45 gallon tank and I can't get any babies from them. However, egg layers, especially tetras seem to last year's. By all accounts, my water quality is very good. What gives?
I guess your water might be soft and acidic. Tetras love it and will thrive in this water. The livebearers need hard alkaline water. They will be miserable in the soft water.
Goldfish ❤️
Get neon tetra female betta in community and gown light tetra
Darft cichlid checkerboard
Ram cichlid
Guppies can live in brackish water too
Zebra danios
You should sell dians guppies
My mollies were fin biters and destroyed one of my neon tetras, food hogs and bullies.
What about koi fish ?
I'm 9 minutes in and if goldfish isn't number 1 I'll be shocked 😮
Goldfish are the best 😏
I can only assume that the Chiclidae africanus assortidae was #11. 😅
Oscars are awesome!😁