✨CD is available now! Click here: sanctumspace.com/collections/music/products/o-filii-et-filiae-cd ✨ More CDs, Autograph Cards and Artworks available too! ✨
Please brothers and sisters in Christ, pray for me, I fight against depression and other diseases, I am exhausted but God is the only thing that keeps me going...
Dear Ivan turn to Our Mother Mary in your prayer . I have suffered the same as you and when I pray the rosary it gives me peace. Just dont give up, you are not alone. Peace and Love !
I’m an ex-Muslim now Christian, and even before when I was Muslim, I secretly listened to Gregorian chants. I have always felt pulled to Christianity since I was a small child. I remember at 8 years old wanting to know about God and have a relationship with him. My parents were Muslims but they didn’t practice whatsoever. So I never grew up with a strong foundation. I thank God everyday that he sent Jesus to me and Jesus showed me the way. It’s the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me and I cannot wait to be reunited with him again in Heaven. Jesus is the love of my life. ❤
One can not be a Christian and peactice occultism. Jesus and Satan do not walk together. Gnosis is a deadly mixture. I hope You will leave it and stick strictly to Jesus and his beloved Mother. +
I was born a catholic and I still am a practicing Catholic today. Jesus Christ is my best friend and he helps me so much in my life on a daily basis. God willing, next month on May 15th I will have 4 years clean from heroin addiction. Jesus Christ has gotten me through everyday without finding a reason to pick up again and I am so grateful for that. My life is second to none today and that's because I always keep my relationship with Jesus Christ as my number one priority in life above all else. ✝️🕊️✝️
My dear brother! I'm happy to hear that. I know how hard it is to practice faith now, so I can only ask myself to always follow the true path. I wish you mental strength and health! With love from Russia.
Congratulations to you on the immense benefit of staying clear of addiction for so long, and Praise the Lord that it was through Him. These are the rewards that God gives to those who love Him, Amen!
I’m a former Reformed Jew looking to convert to Catholicism. I live with my family, and my dad is extremely anti-Christian. This music brings me peace in the midst of difficulties. Please pray for me ❤️
I was an atheist a year ago. I knew there was a God, but I didn’t really practice or believe in it, but thanks to my best friend, I’m a Christian. I have received my cross and will soon be baptized and I am ready to dedicate my whole life to Jesus Christ. I love him more than anything in the world. I love you my brothers and sisters. Amen . ❤✝️
I listened to this Hallelujah chant while reading 'The Beautiful Mystery' written about these particular monks. It just made the book that much better.
I am a hyperactive 50 year old male in southern california. I care for my mother and father without income for over 11 years now, father has parkinsons advanced stages and mother is losing long term memories. This music helps me to survive and a lot of faith that there is something more than what we can see. Amen! Heavenly Father protect you all.✌
You are one of a kind. The last of a breed. My son was caring for me after a wreck and degenerative disease I'm a walking spine patient thanks alot to my son pushing me. He met my friends daughter now they are far away as she hates me jus cuz I'm his mom. So now 😢I think I may as well not try. Your parents are fortunate to have you.
I'm an ex Muslim converted to Christianity where i found the meaning of spirituality, the meaning of having a Lord who loves you and take care of you. May Lord Bless you all Hallelujah
Welcome brother Ahmed, please share your testimony and let others know how you met our Lord and what happened in your life . You have passed from death to life. Praise the Lord for His work into your life.
@@abdullahalsuliman3615 مع احترامي لك كمسلم والكل للمسلمين وانا اعلم لكم غيرة على دينكم، انت تظن بأنك تؤمن بما أنزل لله على الأنبياء قبل مجيء محمد ، ولكن رسالة الإسلام تُخالف كل الرسائل التي أنزلها الله على الأنبياء الذين سبقوا محمد، وعندما يقراء المسلم ما كُيب في التوراة والاناجيل ويجد هذه الحقيقة يواجه صعوبة فإما يقتنع بأن الإسلام ليس من الله وإما يلجئ الى ادعاء جاء في الإسلام بأن الاناجيل والتوراة محرفين، مع ان كل من يبحث يجد بأن تحريف الاناجيل والتوراة استحالة لأن الله أرسل التوراة والاناجيل بطريقه يُستحال تحريفها " لأن الكتاب المقدس الذي هو عبارة عن ٦٦ كتاب كُتب في فتره زمنيه تتجاوز ١٦٠٠ سنه على يد اكثر من ٤٠ نبي ورسول ،يعني معظمهم لم يُقابلو بعضهم بعض وههنالك اجيال بين الكتاب والاخر بين معظم الكتب. والرب اكد نبوات كلٍ منهم بعجائب و نبوات تمت في حياة هؤلاء الانبياء و بعبد مماتهم لكي يُأكد الرب لنا بأنه المتكلم ، وجميعهم وجميع كتابتهم وآماليهم و إيمانهم يدور حول فكرة اساسية وهي الخلاص للإنسان على يد مخلص وعد الله به للإنسان بعد سقوطه في الخطيئه .جميعهم كانوا ينتظرُه وتنبؤ عنه. وكان يوجد ولا يزال العديد من النسخ لهذه الكُتب في كل الأجيال وهذا يعني يُستحيل بان تجمع كل هذه الكتب وتحرف في اي جيل من الأجيال.و هل يُعقل بأن يغير الله فكره و يُرسل رساله تتناقد مع كل ما أرسل واثبت على يد كل الذين قبله و يقول لا دعي للمخلص وللفداء ؟ الرب بحبك ، تأمل في هذا الأمر وادعو الله ليقودك إلى طريقه .الفداء هو عقيدة مرسخه في التوراة والاناجيل .المخلص وعد به الرب الإله الإنسان مند سقوطه. وهو الفادي ليس لخطية آدم فقط بل لفداء كل خطايانا ومعاصينا.
I hope you found the profound presence of our Lord as I did in 1999 when I came into the Catholic Church from the Protestant Faith. I’ve never regretted my decision. I ask the Lord to show me the Truth and I somehow ended up in the Catholic Church which is the last place I thought I would end up. I’m really happy, I feel I found the Truth and have never felt the need to look anywhere else. 🙏 Welcome and enjoy your visit!
Jesus kissed this cross so tenderly before He gave it to you, dear one. You are His favorite. The apple of His eye. I am sure it is so because Jesus doesn't trust just anyone with His suffering.
Jesus' mother, Mary lost her Son and we know how much Jesus loved His mother. How sad He must have been to see His Mama suffer. Mother Angelica said we should unite our suffering toJesus' suffering by finding a time in Jesus' life when He suffered the same way. When I do this, Jesus unites His suffering to me and draws me close to Him. Jesus told Elisabeth Kindlemann (the Church approved mystic from The Flame of Love book) to "Place your head on My Chest to draw strength for the battles ahead." That reminds me of when John the beloved apostle place his head on Jesus' chest at the Last Supper. May Mary, the Mother of God and our mother, swaddle you in her blue mantle and hold you next to her immaculate Heart. You are in my prayers, Catherine. Lord Jesus, be with those who wake and watch and weep tonight. We do not understand why in Your Infinite Mercy You have permitted this great suffering but we trust You because You know best. Kiss this beloved baby's fine head tonight for his mama and let her feel Your consolation when You do. Amen.
I’m Catholic and Gregorian Chant both breaks me down into tears and in the same time builds me back up. I’m going through a divorce with a woman I shared 28 years of my life with. It’s been especially difficult for my 18 year old daughter. My mother is about to die (my father passed away 4 years ago). I’m a retired Parole Officer (due to injuries I incurred by a drunk driver) I can’t find a fulltime job and in a very rough patch. Father I beg you to renew my life in the name of your son Jesus Christ I pray.
Lonewolf1970 we will pray for you I will put your name on my prayer list....all prayer IN Jesus name helps....... In Jesus name, I ask you Lord to put your healing arms around this man, hear him Lord, heal him Lord...With your healing arms, heal him Lord. Wrap your arms tightly around him Lord.... We ask of you to heal his heart, his body, his soul, & his spirit. Lord give this man vision of his body being healed through you, through your Devine power, allow him to feel the love surrounding him, touching him, & with you squeezing his breath out and him breathing your power back into his body Lord. With you hearing his cry for LOVE, health and peace, may these three, come into his heart and allow him to be whole once again. In your presence Lord, we praise you for all that you do, everyday for everyone, we Thank You our Lord God. In Jesus name AMEN 🙏🏼
With Christ all will be fine. It's His plan, not ours. Keep the faith, endure and live in the positive for you and your daughter. I will pray for you brother.
Lonewolf1970- I will lift you up in prayer throughout the day and include you in my 3:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy. God heals the broken hearted and keeps his promises.
This thread is not the appropriate place to debate theology. That's my point. I love this Latin Chant which was part of the Catholic, Latin Rite. Let's leave it at that.
I was a Muslim then a mirecal happened to me I have seen my lord Jesus Christ laying his hand to me and he saying to me I'm your Savior since then I'm his daughter thank you my father I love you from the bottom of my soul ..god bless you all love and peace upon you
I'm truly sorry for your loss. I will pray for his salvation as well as yours. Stay strong and keep the unwavering faith in God... He will protect your well being and sanity.
I'm so sorry I'm a recoverd addicted from. heroin Me & My husband I'm So Happy to say I gave my self to God One year Ago && I promise the tromenduse Blessing me &_ my children bHave received from the Lord Above is Spectacular Speckless.As a child speaking to a parent I'm sorry for what he put you through but knw That we do make our own choices&& most of the times it's Not the parents fault.My mom is an awesome mom it's just was my own free will.Ask God & you shall receive with in time...
It's not a master slave relationship bro. It's about God as your Father,your own dear father. That's the God Jesus Christ has shown us. OUR FATHER. Pray to Jesus bro,i usually hear number of stories about muslims witnessing Jesus in their dreams. God Bless you and prayers❤
Baptism essentially is a ceremony of the heart but by all means the physical ceremony is a wonderful expression too! But it is the baptism of the heart that binds one to our Saviour. Same for circumcision. Circumcise the interior heart/the soul versus the exterior flesh
Кто ты в Нём? Удивительный характер Ткёт в тебе Иисус , смотри! Ты снаружи очень мягкий, Но как тигр силён внутри! Неприятностей осколки, Норовят расстроить день! Только это всё недолго, Радоваться в Нём не лень! Ну и что, что жизнь не сказка! Ты идешь себе вперёд! Улыбаешься проблемам, Зная, что победа ждёт! В Нём силён ты духом славным! Победитель во Христе! Сделал Он тебя приятным, И общительным везде. И сказать тебе не трудно, Слово мягкое Его! Да и "выглядеть не круто", Тоже можно и легко! Ну, а если наступили... На твою святыню-храм! Зарычит твой тигр открыто! Не отдам в обиду вам!!! Твердость, может и упрямство, Вдруг поднимется внутри! Стало быть ты даже дикий... Если что не так, смотри! И когда тебя тревожит, То, что в гневе натворил... Не гноби себя активно, Не лишай себя ты сил... Всё в тебе под Моей властью! Я люблю тебя любым!!! Я хочу, чтоб ты был счастлив! Остальное , жизни дым... "Твердого духом Ты хранишь в совершенном мире, ибо на Тебя уповает он." Исаия 26:3 "Кротостью склоняется к милости вельможа, и мягкий язык переламывает кость." Притчи 25:15 "Всё могу в укепляющем меня Иисусе Христе..." Филип.4:13
We all have mistakes and we need repentance , so Christ came for us , he bought us with his blood , so hold on to him and his promises , as he came quickly , Amen . stay well ❤✝️
I am a Christian as well as an alcoholic. We all have our demons. Christ's angels have spoken to me- saving my life from a car wreck. I know he's real. We all have our own demons that we must conquer.
Please pray for my son Joseph. He is suffering from brain injury, aphasia, mental issues, re stroke since 4 years ago. "Dear God, have mercy on him and all other ill persons." Amen.
Therefore he never withdraws his mercy from us. Although he disciplines us with misfortunes, he does not abandon his own people. 2 Maccabees 6: 16, Be with Lord, May Mamma Mary Guide you. Praise the Lord
This chant is telling the story of Christ rising from the dead. Mary Magdalene and others going to the empty tomb and and angels telling her He is risen in Galilea. It’s so beautiful. 😇
Bjr et merci Frere James pour ce chant dont je ne me lasserait jamais d ecouter, il est mon refuge, une sensation extraordinaire, immense et sublissime.
@@allisonbrown4601 Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 1. Ye sons and daughters, let us sing! The King of heav’n, the glorious King, O’er death today rose triumphing. Alleluia! 2. That Easter morn, at break of day, The faithful women went their way To seek the tomb where Jesus lay. Alleluia! 3. An angel clad in white they see, Who sat, and spoke unto the three: “Your Lord has gone to Galilee.” Alleluia! 4. That night the apostles met in fear; Amidst them came their Lord most dear, And said, “My peace be on all here.” Alleluia! 5. When Thomas first the tidings heard, How they had seen the risen Lord, He doubted the disciples’ word. Alleluia! 6. “My pierced side, O Thomas, see; My hands, my feet, I show to thee; Not faithless, but believing be.” Alleluia! 7. No longer Thomas then denied, He saw the feet, the hands, the side; “Thou art my Lord and God,” he cried. Alleluia! 8. How blest are they who have not seen, And yet whose faith has constant been, For they eternal life shall win. Alleluia! 9. On this most holy day of days, To God your hearts and voices raise, In laud, and jubilee and praise. Alleluia! Song lyrics on ocp.org are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced without an appropriate license. To learn more, or to obtain a license for these lyrics, please visit our reprint permissions page.
I was once an Atheist like you. It wasn't until I was weak and selfish enough to ask G-d for a sign that I would understand right away. He gave me what I needed and now I'm trying to be the best Jew that I can. In the end, it is up to you what you decided to do. However, I am glad to hear that this music soothed you as it does with even someone like myself who is not even a part of this religion. For what it's worth, I will pray that you will be relieved of your depression and have the strength to face each day head on. May peace be with you always.
God loves you and wants to be in a relationship with you. Find a local priest and ask to talk to him. He will help lead you to where God wants you to be.
I saw Our Lady in flesh when I was 25. I touched her hand. She never spoke to me but through the years she has sent me many signs. Recently I had a wonderful experience I was tired from work - I sat on my couch to try and rest for a few minutes, I could not get comfortable all of a sudden I saw two knees appear at the arm of my couch . I heard "put your head here" so I did - after putting my head on his white robe - I turned my head to say Thank You - there he was Jesus smiling at me. I immediately fell asleep. I woke up 30 minutes later refreshed and I went back to work. My job is to help people but that day I was helped. I believe in Jesus Christ and Our Lady. Amen.
Please pray for me. I have stage 4 colon cancer with metastasis, and have my 5 young children to raise on my own. I do not know what God's plan is for me, but I require courage to accept the cross that Jesus has set before me. I require a trusting heart in Jesus to believe that my children will be ok when I must leave them. Please pray for me? My name is Daniel.
@@americanutopia9391 REMEMBER , Daniel Everything God does he has a plan , maybe you got cancer so you will get more closer to God , YOU KNOW ONE THING YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS THROUGH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS , KEEP PRAYING, BRO I WLL PRAY FOR YOU
hey i don't even know why i am saying this but please pray for me me and my family are suffering from a great financial crisis i have been depressed for over 4 years now i lost every part of me everything i was is gone and i keep praying but it just got worse but i believe it is for the best.
I’m an ex-agnostic converted to Catholicism in 2016. Lord Jesus, pour your precious blood over us all to protect us in what is to come and let YOUR light shine through us! ✨
As a Christian, I have found great inspiration from the music produced by various Muslim cultures. I do not believe all religions are equally true as many in the West have come to believe. However, I do believe all human persons are created equal and we all are searching for Truth who is God Himself. I suspect that is one reason why both you and I (and many others) have been able to see the beauty in the music held sacred by faith traditions different than our own.
May God bless you brother, let us forget about the troubles our two religions caused to each other and share love with each other as the lord has told us to May he bless you with blessings and a very happy life full of energy and longevity May the lord protect you brother and may he give you the best of gifts May he bless you with great blessings this holy week Spero te conservet Christi affert gaudium vestrum fratri suo benedicat tibi
I no longer use the moniker of Christian, as unity conciousness is in place. But as an whatever I am, I find Muslim practices regarding the moon to be super grounding and spirit led
I am a Benedictine Monk of 13 years, and this is just like being in my home Abbey Church, St. Gregory's Abbey in Shawnee, Oklahoma, every word, is right on. I feel like I am there!!! Amen. Brother James OSB
Blessings and peace upon Brother James. In a day when others run from Christ & The Church. Thank you for your service to Christ and His Church. My Exodus90 fraternity will keep you in prayer.
@@timfronimos459 I shall also be praying for your group. May The Spirit of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Be Always with you, bless you, and keep you safe, Forever and one day. In Jesus Name we Pray, Amen. Brother James OSB.🎇😐🙏😇✝️🏞🎇
Today is special day, is Good Friday, Im staying alone and thinking what happened over 2000years ago.Somebody died for us, and gave us hope for better future, I praying for John Paul second who was belowed pope, I loved him so much, God bless you father James.
I am born as Hindu and from childhood struggles with homosexual life Christ safe my life I am now 29 Years and it’s 20 day after my baptism-thanks Christ for this new life
Thank you for sharing Kuldeep and welcome to the brotherhood! I hope and pray that you have the strength to stick to your path and that you may have a good life. Finding a Christian community can make things easier when there are people who share struggles and support each other. All the best for you and keep going! God bless 💖
You are who you are. Embrace yourself. May you find love with whomever in this life. For it is so short. My son was homosexual and once he knew that his daddy, me excepted him he was healed. If the God who created him couldn't except him then what good is this God.
I am deeply in depression, and when I listen to this, I close my eyes, and tears will start to come. My whole life, I haven't learned what my purpose in life is. I wish God would speak to me once I've dried out my tears. 😢
The following may seem abstract from your current state of mind. but please take time to truly consider the following. You have ALWAYS had purpose.. and that purpose is to connect with your true inner self.. that is infinite in nature. Your current physical form is simply a temporary physical expression to which your true self has manifested itself within. Your purpose in this cycle of life is to experience love, connect with the earth through spending time in nature, maintaining relationships with the people in your life that matter most to you.. and finding peace in the fact that you are already complete. You have always been complete and purpose filled. And lastly, understand that your true purpose extends beyond this cycle of life. You have experienced an infinite number of lives prior to this one.. and your destiny is to experience an infinite number more after this one comes to an end. That is your purpose in it's most raw form. All that you question, and feel inner pain from are things you already hold the answer to. As you have experienced this feeling of void and lack of purpose so many times before. Yet still, here you stand. Infinite in nature and wise beyond comprehension.
I found the rekindling of faith when I attended a Charismatic Mass and let myself participate until all the stiff and hard edges disappear. I look forward to it daily; made me more receptive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I surrendered all my worries and concerns to Our Lord Jesus Christ, and was so ashamed that I have only my burden to offer Him when I visited Him in the Adoration Chapel. He answered all my deeply seated prayers when I listen intently to the mass. He answers through the hymns, sermon or readings or even in the Psalms .It helps to unburden to someone who can do something about it. I also started to pray about more specific concerns and always ask the Holy Spirit to help me do a proper worship. The Holy Spirit said to me to guard my mouth for my own peace. 😊 I also kept recording everything. It helps in my contemplations and also a good read when I am agitated or felling some oppression.
May the good Lord look kindly upon you today, and hear your plea. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray, with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, amen. 🙏❤ Hold on to God...
Even though I am a Greek Orthodox Christian, I had always held great admiration for our Western Catholic Breatheren. May God Bring Peace to all Christendom! Amen. ✝☦
Thank you. I have so much emotional and physical pain. Im 34 years old and all my life no one loved me and still continues to not love me. My family and surroundings is not what it is. 😭😭😢😢. I have a broken heart. 💔💔💔😭. Please pray for me. In Jesus name i pray that someone loves me. Amen. God bless all who read my message. Amen. 💕➕➕📿🙏🙏
@@daliamcmahon5884 The emotional pain becomes physical pain. Survival mode because of abandonment is unhealthy. Slow down, relax, go into nature. Look at the animals, bugs, plants, and so on. You will see that you're not alone. God is everywhere! We can't feel him sometimes because of being in survival disconnection from self, others, and God. Please take a break, relax. Learn to follow your heart, God will guide you there in your heart. Don't fear, have faith, God is a provider. Let go, let God take over, and stop doing everything yourself. God will do the rest, all you have to do is stay still. Self care comes first. You might need a change. You might lose things but better things come in replacement(leveling up like in a video game haha). Blessings and prayers🕊❤! Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. ... Psalm 62:5 For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.
@@taylordawn1896 Thankyou for your kind words, this beautiful message of yours ill keep in my heart. I hope for all things good. May God bless you, me and everyone around the world whose "struggling" for love. I have anxiety because of my family. Well, thanks again, sister. 🙏🕊🙏😢😢😢➕➕➕🕊🌺🕊🕊
Catholicism is the only true faith based on Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. being scourged, crucified, and dying on a cross so that we might be able to repent of our sins, amend our lives, and convert and be saved and granted eternal life. Consider looking into Catholicism. At the end of the day, everything in this life is transitory but in Jesus Christ is our hope and stability to be found in this life, and hope for happiness and eternity spent with Him after death. If you've not looked into the Shroud of Turin, some recent research in the last few years has been really fascinating. The Shroud is the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ and is an amazing miracle testifying to the truth of the Catholic Faith in Jesus.
Hear! Hear! Joannes!! I agree with You!!! May God Bless All Of Us On This Panel. About a year ago I had a roommate, sometimes she would get all wound up, because of the medication that she was taking. One day I was sitting at the Dining Room table basking in The Lord's Presence while reading the Bible. All of an sudden Miss Grouchy started to upset everyone in the house by her snapping and volatile attitude. Jesus said Go And Get Her; Take Her To The Room and Have Her Listen For 7 Minutes to The Gregorian Monks. This will diffuse her. I said okay God. I called her over to me.... She Barked WHAT!! I said Come Here For A Minute. I took her to the room, I told her nicely sit down, I want you to hear something, she yelled saying to me, I DON'T WANT TO SIT DOWN!!! I hardly yell at anyone, but she was still in her volatile state...I said to her "SIT DOWN"!!! She being stunned just plopped down on a chair.... I put a headphone on her ears and moments before I whispered ...Listen.....just listen. I pressed play and Gregorian Chants came on. She deflated, and melted like butter in a warm pan. When the song was over she got up and gave me a Big Hug. Thank You God, Thank Gregorian Monks.
YHWH is God, not Allah, Allah is a Nabatean Moon god, you have been deceived. One of the names of Allah is the great deceiver, Al-Makir. Qur'an 3:54, Qur'an 7:99, Qur'an 8:30, Qur'an 10:21, Qur'an 13:42 Harun Yahya includes Al-Makir in his listing of Allah's 99 names, Exodus 20:16 and John 8:44 are very clear. The devil deceives. Leave the evil cult of islam.
@@marcelbobrowicz4481 Where in the bible does it say : God is One? Nowhere, that is new age bullshit. We all have equal opportunity, and every life has the same basic value, but what you choose matters, how you live you life matters. Not all Gods are one, not at all. When you choose your God, you choose your ideal. You will move towards your ideal. YHWH is truth, love and forgiveness, Allah is lies and hatred. Your choice.
I am Muslim but I really can’t get enough of this piece. I have been listening to Gregorian chant since almost two years ago and I just love it! It touches the crux of my being. So enchanting, purifying, and soothing 🤍. May it bring calmness, peace, and comfort to all souls, especially the ones that are suffering through the hardships of this life. Love 🤍
If you only knew dear sister that first 4 caliphs never existed and that mecca was first mentioned in 8century you would know that islam is false religion.historical evidence showed true origins of islam.it was arab conquest first and then "religion" came
Come to him the Lamb of God ,the Messiah & you will experience even more of your creator through Jesus Christ.You see this music is about his death, resurrection ,glory and all that took place on the morning of resurrection. God bless you Ibra
Ten fe que se haga la voluntad de Dios y no la de nosotros como va hacer levantada la culebra de bronce así vá hacer levantado el hijo del hombre amén amén amén
I prayed that Christ would protect me during my cancer radiation treatments. I love Jesus. I believe I’m alive because it’s not my time. That Christ is protecting me. This music brings me into alignment with the divine. Love to all
Amen. I prayed for peace for a year as surgeon waited and obtained 2nd opinions. Peace I received. Was able to work at same time, not speaking of it. At surgery, the surgeon found a golfball size lump; removed same. It was dysplasia, & as close to cancer yet not cancerous as it comes. There are no coincidences. It confined itself for over a year, and no re-occurrance since 1999. God is Good All The Time. That means Nos💘🙏😊
Dear Revernd HB, you are covered in prayer by the men of my Exodus90 fraternity. Dearest Jesus remove the threat of cancer from your servant HB and restore him so he may proclaim Jesus Christ is Risen.
I've been suffering with horrible anxiety and panic for about 6 months to the point I was afraid to even work. About 3 weeks ago I visited a 12th century monastery on the island of corfu where the byzantine monks still resided . I prayed there for god to take my fear and I havent had one ounce of anxiety or panic since that day.
Amen and amen, Aileen! Consider your healing from anxiety and panic complete and indeed it will be so. The energy and sacredness of such places is powerful indeed. Wishing you the best - Paige
@@Niroshmm Read your bible and seek the truth. The only way to salvation is though the cross. Works are worthless and anything less than complete faith in what Jesus did at the cross to pay for our sins is fruitless. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Be at peace
David, I know several cases of people struggling with same issues and faith has helped to heal. Have faith, and you'll see that nothing is stronger than that. I am praying for you to heal soon.
David, mental illness is something my family has struggled with. My mom had schizophrenia but the Lord delivered her/healed her. No explanation from doctors, what set her free was frequenting the sacraments. Forgiving those who've hurt us, daily mass (receiving the Holy Eucharistic) adoration. Trust me, the Lord will heal you too. He has given us all the tools, all that we need. Together in prayer with you. One day you will say: "I am free! I am free!" This isn't the end. There is hope. Jesus we trust in you. ♡
Dear David listen to Patrick's Allelua and Salve Regina they will touch your heart and soul, you will be Blessed go to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy also Divine Mercy centre in song listen then let your heart and soul guide you. God Bless You may Jesus come into your life and His Immaculate Mother Mary 🕊🙏😇👱♀️👱♀️💖
I grew up in an orphanage in Ireland that was run by the sisters of Mercy. I used to hear the flock of sisters doing the Gregorian Chants at midnight mass and on other sacred and holy occasions. Listening to this took me to my childhood and I was lost in the peace of Angel presence. This music magnifies my imagination so I can see the loveliness of Jesus and the father and the Holy Ghost.
I was essentially a boy monk from the age of 12. I lived in a monastic school ordered on the Rule of St. Benedict. I find your comment touches my heart at 76. I long for the beauty of the world we created with our song and ceremony, and with our brotherly love. In this world people have forgotten that we do have it in our reach to create a magnificient life in community. James, thanks so much. I live like a monk still, and seek ways to retenter the chant world of prayer and incense. You helped me touch home.
@Carolynn Jacobson it is the eternal…and as a boy singing in choir I felt connected to God and also in later life always Ofer and over into the arms of god we could go in song and chant.
Please pray for me brothers and sisters. I suffer greatly. I truly believe in the Divine Mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! May God bless and protect you all always!
I lost my soul mate of 37 1/2 years last July and struggle everyday without him. My faith has been the only thing keeping me together. I pray for peace and wisdom on how to live my life now without him ❤🙏
Sister Georgina, I have also lost my soul mate in January of this year and so feel a need to respond. you are not alone, it is a great and challenging turning in the road but may you find the peace, understanding and heart to lift your aching soul. I have found sustenance and real peace in God, and it is tangible not imagined, I literally feel uplift when I am able to enter in silence and let my soul chant its chant with its wordless words and deepest feelings. Sending love and blessings from a fellow traveller Brother Adrian
And sad as it is do you know how many people pray to find someone whom they can love who loved them back for 30+ years? Most never experience that treasure. May God help you on your solo path right now.
The woman I adored had just left me, for no reason, I was utterly lost, depressed and deeply upset, suicidal almost, I discovered this music, It enveloped me, it put it's arms around me, it comforted me,and made me feel loved and secure, & it still does. You actually saved my life Patrick and that's the truth , Thank you 🙏 xxx
Never love the woman, choose the woman who loves you! instead love God and Jesus. Be husband and spiritual guide to the woman but never have her on a pedestal for it is your downfall brother.
@@the_real_hislordship I was just going to say, purgatory doesnt exist and the Catholic church rescinded that teaching ages ago as they could never explain babies in limbo, for one.
@@the_real_hislordship It's mentioned. Of course, not for you, since as usual when something you don't want to believe is in the Bible, you remove the books where it's mentioned. That's easy, like this 😂
Chère Jane, Dieu a choisi votre peuple pour sauver les hommes. La maladie est un conséquence du péché. En ouvrant votre cœur à Jésus, vous trouverez la paix. Le plain chant grégorien est dans la continuité du chant de la synagogue et de nombreux juifs ont trouvés Dieu en partie grâce à lui. C'est ce que je vous souhaite et c'est ma prière..
I was born into Christianity but never actually practiced properly. This music has made me ball my eyes out and pray, god bless everyone especially those who are in pain
Now you will have the opportunity to see just how beautiful of a life it is to practice the principles of the Christian Faith, Sammy K. God bless you, richly!
Hi, also take the time and read about the arguments we have for Jesus resurrection and all the prophecies about him. Read psalm 22, isaiah 53, daniel 9 and so on
@@DavidSmuts The connection between "Alleluia" and "Allah" is a subject of linguistic discussion, but there isn't concrete evidence to suggest a direct etymological relationship between the two terms. "Alleluia" is of Hebrew origin, typically translated as "praise ye Yah," where "Yah" is a shortened form of "Yahweh," one of the names of God in the Hebrew Bible. On the other hand, "Allah" is the Arabic word for God, used predominantly in Islam and sometime and Orthodoxy.
Father in heaven, as I read the comments here I realize there is so much pain and sadness among us. I now take your most precious blood and ask you Lord to cover them with your peace, joy and love. Blessings to all from Thailand.
I pray with my brother to not let the oppression of darkness rob us and to remind those here that stronger is he who is in us than he who is in the world and that Jesus restores all that the devil has stolen 333
I arrived to this video trying to find some peace during a nightly anxiety attack, I have chronic pain, lost recently a loved one and I'm so full of fear. Please pray for me too, I will do so for so many brothers and sisters that are suffering who wrote in the comments. I can deal with pain as long as I can have peace of mind, which I don't have. Blessings for you all, regards from Argentina.
@@freehugs8670 use essential oils for pain if you can not drugs Do Terra are pure and powerful natural is best and farinfrared hot pad works for healing and pain the Ray's heal also ask in prayer for healing 🙏🕊😇👱♀️💖
I am going through a hard time right now in my life, I pray that Jesus leads my way through life and shape me to become a living temple of the Holy Spirit. I am leaving this comment here to come back later because I have faith in Him. Pray for me brothers and sisters❤
People are crying out for help all over the world today!!!! The devil is busy....its time for God's army to come forth and his generals to take the front of the line...my prayers go out to everyone reading this...Come forth in Jesus name!
Amen I say to you sisters and brothers tart Praising Our Glorious Messiah and ask his Immaculate Mither to guide you in The Rosary it is powerful it stops Satan in his tracks Raise Your Hands In Praise glorify him with your Thanksgiving and praise tell him how much you Love him as we pray together Holyness Lights All of The Earth in Glory the evil one and his minions run watch The Video of China Journey Deeper tells all Pray Pray Praise give thanks do not fear that is not of God we were given a Spirit of Love Power and Might a Great Gracious Gift when he was Crucified and Rose let's Glorify him in Praise Hallleluah Glory To God In The Highest be strong ask your Guardian Angel to be With You everyday he she will guide you say The St. Michael The Archangel to Protect you. God Bless You Glory To God In Wisfom and Strength the evil one is Laughing Oh No We Have The Most Powerful Laugh Divine Grace he only has Dunamas power ***Gods Power Is Divine The Most Powerful*** Rise Up Children of God Our Miraculous Father Glorious Son Blessed Holy Pereclete Glorious Mother of God await Our Prayers 👱♀️🕊🙏😇💖
@@masterartist6786 I was. never baptised/christened. Have 'dabbled' in witchcraft. I humbly beg forgiveness from Jesus and Mary for this, and other transgressions. 2 weeks ago I bought a Rosary. I try to pray every day. Is there still hope for me?
@@wasthatyou9387 Hi dear brother or sister anything can be forgiven with Jesus love, go to journeydeeper on youtube she will show you how to pray the Rosary and you can go on youtube type in The Holy Rosary in prayer and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song at the 3:00 hour afternoon or morning after the prayer you can as k Jesus anything in say I n Virtue of Your Passion Jesus I ask you now forgiveness confess all you can think of with a contrite heart, if you are not you can become Catholic call your nearest Catholic church if you desire Jesus and Our Immaculate Mother Mary wait for you God Bless you In Jesus I Remain 👱♀️🙏🕊💖
Amen we are the warriors for Christ on tty his earth pray ask the Warrior Angels to pray with us and the Archangel St. Michael is Gods greatest one and The Blessed Virgin Mary is Our Lady of The Angels if you don't know her Jesus will guide you she intercede's for each and Everyone of us. Amen I say to you ask and you shall receive in Jesus Holy Name through the intercession of The Blessed Virgin Mary dear sister and brothers it is so she and Jesus are connected as one in their hearts Jesus Sacred Heart Immaculate Mother Mary's Immaculate Heart. Go to journeydeeper also Cecelia teaches how to pray The Holy Rosary Jesus created it just as he did to Sister F as Faustina The Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the 3:00 hour afternoon and early morning do it and be Blessed as all will whom you pray for in that hour Divine Mercy Centre in Song it will truly go straight to your Heart and Soul God Bless You. Be Grateful for 1 week go to Powerof Gratitude.org he is President Dr. Nelson I am Catholic and he is right in everything Jesus did he gave thanks To God Our Glorious Father Elohim Eternal Shaddai. Wrap Our World In Thanksgiving Praise and Glorify God, hold your arms out in Love if we all do this for a week as Dr. Nelson suggested today miracles will happen do it with all your heart and soul blow up Social Media with this even to those who you know don't believe scripture says pray for them your there hope..🙏🕊😇👱♀️💖 we will wrap Our Arms around the World I Jesus Glorious Love it will be contagious COVID will be destroyed***!!!! Love To You Susanne Merry Christ'sMass. Watch The Nativity 2006 the producer is female it is Truly a Ministry..💝🎄🎉
I pray my Lord Jesus Christ for all of us, specially those suffering from social anxiety/phobia, depression and other mental disorders, loneliness, contempt, self worthlessness, rejection. I also pray that our Lord may fortify us and grant us compassion and charity for others.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. O filii et filiae, Rex caelestis, Rex gloriae morte surrexit hodie. R. Alleluia Ex mane prima Sabbati ad ostium monumenti accesserunt discipuli. R. Alleluia Et Maria Magdalene, et Iacobi, et Salome Venerunt corpus ungere R. Alleluia In albis sedens angelus praedixit mulieribus: In Galilaea est Dominus. R. Alleluia Et Ioannes apostolus cucurrit Petro citius, monumento venit prius. R. Alleluia Discipulis astantibus, in medio stetit Christus, dicens: Pax vobis omnibus. R. Alleluia🙏
I’m Jewish and this music moves me to my soul. “Hallelujah” is a Hebrew word which we say in our prayer service. It means Praise God.” We can do that regardless of our professed faith.
I’m Muslim from Cuba alhamdoli’llāh and this is so calming , regardless if you are Muslim,Christian or Jewish let’s be in peace and love because that’s what God real message to all his creations . Let’s STOP hates against each one of us and built a better future. Assalamu Alaykom.
I’m so sorry, honor her by passing on the lessons you learned from her to all those you meet. Strive to make everyone around you better and bring her love and compassion to others.
During my very 1st experience of a terrible thunder storm in our area, i was 15. I was so frightened and my mom was reciting rosary silently. I went back to my bed, and before i hit the pillow, i heard angels singing only for a few seconds, then i fell asleep through the storm! Sounded like gregorian chant like these. Amazing!
I was born into the Church of England, then followed a pagan faith until last year when I researched into the Catholic Church. I will never look back, till now I haven't stepped foot in a Catholic Church but in my heart I know that I've been guided by God ❤✝️
Good luck with that. God is in the Catholic curch and is waiting for you. He is patient. its very beautiful to know that He wants a relationship with us.
I urge you dear sister to join the Catholic church, the treasures of heaven are bestowed on this Church. Dont walk, run to join, some see that the Lord is sooo Good. Contact your local church and they will instruct you.
lambchop1960 i have had similar problems but I was helped and cured by an Australian doctor psychologist Dr Claire Weekes whose self help books will show you the way out absolutely. They are inexpensive and available on Amazon kindle or Book Depositary. I understand what you are suffering please take my advice, you owe it to yourself. good luck.
Dear God As l read these comments, there are many who are suffering alone. Lord forgive us for allowing this . Hook us up and give us true peace and joy in comforting others please In Jesus precious name Amen.
I'm Catholic. Gregorian Chant is the most beautiful music in the world. It brings me much peace. This is a masterpiece. Thank you! God bless you, and keep you blessed.
Dear Med, please find a Traditional Catholic Tridentine Mass. Our Lord Jesus Christ will be waiting for you there. Do it asap. Time is little. Kneel, repent and convert, become a Saint and help us fight the evil that has infiltrated our Lord Jesus Christ's Church and the world. I will be for ever praying for you 🙏
Pray saint Benedicts Latin prayer and try to get a saint Benedict medal as well get it blessed and wear when dark forces witchcraft and demonic entities attack you. You’ll see how effective it is.
I will pray for you. Loving Heavenly Father God please give your child the strength to resist temptation. Lord we pray for your protection over him. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Please brothers and sister in Iesum Chrsitum, pray for my recovery from covid 19, as well as all those who have lost love ones from it and those struggling with this pestilence.
Dear Junior I will pray a decade ifcthe Rosary for you if you pray the Rosary you will be comforted and healed listen to Salve Regina Patricks Song of praise Be Blessed 🕊🙏😇👱♀️💖
I pray for the recovery of covid19 in your body and all the ones that are ill from this virus. I pray God give. spiritual faith and physical strenght to those griving for the loss their loved ones due to this virus.
the scots pine tree, pick the leaves to dry, cut. 3 tablespoons for 1 liter of water and boil, this is Jesus' remedy for a little Australian girl to fight covid 19
@@YDY-bu3jo Je suis avec vous...quand même je suis une grecque orthodoxe j'adore les hymnes catholiques et surtout les Gregoriens..salut de la Grèce 🇬🇷
Hermano, Jesús sigue vivo. Es todopoderoso, hijo de Dios, y es la segunda persona de la Santísima Trinidad. Padre (Dios), Hijo (Jesús) y Espíritu Santo ( el amor entre el padre y el hijo). Se entregó para salvarnos del infierno. Es todo amor. Deberías averiguar y tener un encuentro personal con Él. El espíritu santo te está iluminando, por tus hermosas declaraciones. Deberías conocer las verdades de la religión católica y te enamorarías de nuestro Salvador. Que Dios te siga bendiciendo.
Ésta es la traducción: Oh, Hijos e Hijas 1. Oh, hijos e hijas, el Rey del cielo, el Rey de la gloria hoy resucitó de la muerte, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 2. Y el sábado, temprano en la mañana, a la puerta del sepulcro ingresaron los discípulos, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 3. Y María Magdalena, Jaime y Salomé vinieron para ungir su cuerpo, aleluya Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 4. El ángel, sentado y vestido de blanco, predijo a las mujeres: el Señor está en Galilea, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 5. Y el apóstol Juan corrió más rápido que Pedro y llegó primero al sepulcro, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 6. En medio de los discípulos presentes, estuvo el Cristo, diciéndoles: Paz a todos vosotros, aleluya Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 7. Cuando Dídimo se dio cuenta de que Jesús había resucitado, se quedó bastante dudoso, aleluya Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 8. Mira, Tomás, mira el costado, mira los pies, mira las manos, y no seas incrédulo, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 9. Cuando Tomás vio el costado de Cristo, y las manos y los pies, dijo: Tú eres mi Dios, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 10. Benditos sean los que no vieron y creyeron firmemente, ellos tendrán la vida eterna, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 11. En este festivo día sagrado haya alabanza y júbilo, bendigamos al Señor, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya. 12. Por lo que, muy humildes, devotas y debidas gracias a Dios le damos, aleluya. Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
My husband of 23 years died of lung cancer. I miss him so much, the memories are all i have and they hurt. He truly loved me when he was here. Thus music is calming thank you so much. We need to pray for Jesus christ to come back for his people. This world is so SCREWED up and people love is cold. Love is the answer.
Please pray for my uncle Michael he suffers from stage 4 cancer and he is in real pain , in 2016 we lost his oldest brother to cancer , Pray that God does a miracle and heals him , thank you in advance.
@@eliandrogeografia6858 He is in a very bad situation , his kidneys don't work properly anymore , on top of that he lost both his parents last month, my grandparents died only 6 days apart so we had 2 funerals in 1 week , I don't think that helped him deal with the fear of Death . Thank you for asking
I am a Catholic and I I know that the Holy Trinity, our Mother, angels and saints all work for the good of man! Believe, hope and trust will keep us all afloat’ we are living in difficult times and Gods mercy will save us! I pray for you all as we get soothed by this music! Amen!
Hagase catolica salgase de la mentira y la deidad de lutero hagase catolica aqui esta la salvacion somos la unica iglesia donde Cristo esta la invito a dejar su secta ...
I believe because at the core, we all have the same Jesus Christ. How do we become more like him should be our main question? How do we become better human beings? How do we connect to God more?
I am a born again Christian since 1981 and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore praise his holy name. I have deeply loved Him since I was a small child and I am 75 and my love for him is as strong as ever. Thank you precious Jesus for your love your mercy and let your peace fill each and everyone of us and that we all love each other as you love us.
Une petite française france 🇫🇷 du fond de la Lorraine, Nancy. Ecouter les chants Grégoriens permet à mon coeur ❤️ de trouver la paix ☮️ après une dure journée auprès de nos patients Autistes à déficience mentale. Prions pour les personnes seules, abandonnées dans des institutions ou des hôpitaux psychiatriques parce qu’elles sont malades ou différentes 😢. La Bible dit que le Paradis leur sera accordé. Ils le méritent amplement. Tant de souffrances se voient dans leurs yeux… Nous faisons le possible pour leurs offrir un peu de mieux être… mais nous ne sommes que de passage…. Eux y finiront leur Vie.💖🙏🙏🙏💖
I was here listening to this inspiring chants. If you happen to see this don't pass without saying Hello. I will see. Love you all. Bernard Karuru Nairobi, Kenya
I’m going through terrible anxiety and fear please pray for me. I’m also grieving the loss of my father and a job I’m unhappy with. Please pray for me.
Hand over your fear and anxiety to God. You must also hand over your will ( control ). Pray to him about your unhappiness with your job, then look for another job and tell God what ever his will is for you. Surrender fully and God will help you. Condolences for the loss of your father. God bless you, and may you find peace. 🙏🙏
@Savio John Please don't force Christianity on others. I am Christian but ultimately it is their choice whether they convert or not. Their religion is just as important as ours. Let us all live together in peace
May Jesus Christ reveal himself whole fully to you and may he bring you to himself; in repentances, grace, blessing and love! Christ our advocate, "My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2 He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 3 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments." (1 John 2:1-3) "If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)! God (Jesus Christ) bless you, Nabanita Chakraborty! :)
This chant is telling the story of Christ rising from the dead. Mary Magdalene and others going to the empty tomb and and angels telling her He is risen in Galilea. It’s so beautiful. Thank you for this. I listen all of the time.
No it's explaining the transformation of the sons and daughters (us) of the universe into the christ form or buddha or god or Shiva or........ It's the same thing there is only one thing! You can become an ancestor and stop experiencing this bardo... you just have to pay attention my friend 🧘♂️
Dan Marine ...I’ll tell you what really annoys me, it’s not that Catholic’s praise Lusifer, it’s the Pope eating children for breakfast & the Vatican allowing Aliens to live rent free..😜
@@WolfeTone66 Mock all ya want. There are hundreds of videos that show this being sung, and it clearly says Lucifer. Then you have statues and paintings, all historical images of Satan. Then the Pope insists that making friends with Christ outside the Church is wrong. Then you have the Pope signing a pact in Feb this year, which is urging a one world religion. Oh the list could go on. Ever wonder what the circle was behind all the pictures of Jesus and other saints in Catholic churches? There is a history as to where that came from, thousands of years ago. The Bible says (only through Jesus) will we receive his gift, but the Catholics pray to Mary, as well as worshipping her statue. Yep, millions have been lied to for years. Once you study their history, it's overwhelming. There is also ONE Father, but the Popes wish to be called Father. Good Luck and God Bless
On trouve encore la pureté originelle🙏, de nos jours trop de religion pervertie par l'homme, Inchahalah un jour une génération suivante retournerons au source. Et la paix régnera dans le monde.
Dear Lord, Jesus , help our country to live in Peace ! Please help me - I am fighting with a disease . And help my family to be healthy and happy. Ameno
I was born a Catholic and I'll die a Catholic, Gregorian chants are simply amazing and beautiful. It feels like hearing the angelic voices in heaven whenever I listen ot it. May God continue to bless the Catholic Church throughout the world
I've read some of the comments below and noticed that people are identifying with various religions and the responses I've read to these beautiful chants seems to unify us all and demonstrates that we are all one under GOD, no matter our religious philosophies. I'm thankful to have found this today ... GOD bless everyone!
My Dad use to Always say to me “put your think cap on” When Jesus came to this earth to save us from our sins , during the will of His Father, He didn’t come to start over 35 thousand denominations !!! He established The One !! The Holy Catholic Church!!!
Hallelujah! There were eight days of injury with a stone in my urethra and after listening and repeating the fili et filiae chant for eight minutes, I went to urinate and expelled the stone from my urethra! Hallelujah, God be praised! God is so good! Thank you all! Hallelujah!
✨CD is available now! Click here: sanctumspace.com/collections/music/products/o-filii-et-filiae-cd ✨ More CDs, Autograph Cards and Artworks available too! ✨
Don't worry everything will be alright be strong god allways be with you
You are not alone. That is only a hallucination.
Thank you.
Hope all is well ! I would try a carnivore diet, get rid of all the process and sugar foods...it's helped many with depression.God bless
Please brothers and sisters in Christ, pray for me, I fight against depression and other diseases, I am exhausted but God is the only thing that keeps me going...
May God bless you
May the majestic Christ bring you joy and deep healing. His love for you is great, let Him help you for you are deeply loved and valued.
Mi hermano, no estás sólo. La Iglesia ora contigo
Dear Ivan turn to Our Mother Mary in your prayer . I have suffered the same as you and when I pray the rosary it gives me peace. Just dont give up, you are not alone. Peace and Love !
I’m an ex-Muslim now Christian, and even before when I was Muslim, I secretly listened to Gregorian chants. I have always felt pulled to Christianity since I was a small child. I remember at 8 years old wanting to know about God and have a relationship with him. My parents were Muslims but they didn’t practice whatsoever. So I never grew up with a strong foundation. I thank God everyday that he sent Jesus to me and Jesus showed me the way. It’s the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me and I cannot wait to be reunited with him again in Heaven. Jesus is the love of my life. ❤
I’m so happy you’ve found fulfillment in Christ, God Bless 🙏🏻☦️❤️
Learn about history!
One can not be a Christian and peactice occultism. Jesus and Satan do not walk together. Gnosis is a deadly mixture. I hope You will leave it and stick strictly to Jesus and his beloved Mother.
@@dominiknycz7912 I left new Age a year ago. I never said I was Christian and practicing new age.
God bless you.
I was born a catholic and I still am a practicing Catholic today. Jesus Christ is my best friend and he helps me so much in my life on a daily basis. God willing, next month on May 15th I will have 4 years clean from heroin addiction. Jesus Christ has gotten me through everyday without finding a reason to pick up again and I am so grateful for that. My life is second to none today and that's because I always keep my relationship with Jesus Christ as my number one priority in life above all else. ✝️🕊️✝️
My dear brother! I'm happy to hear that. I know how hard it is to practice faith now, so I can only ask myself to always follow the true path. I wish you mental strength and health! With love from Russia.
Congratulations to you on the immense benefit of staying clear of addiction for so long, and Praise the Lord that it was through Him. These are the rewards that God gives to those who love Him, Amen!
Inspiring story. Thanks for sharing.
Today is June 15th, I pray u r still clean & sober! ❤
I’m a former Reformed Jew looking to convert to Catholicism. I live with my family, and my dad is extremely anti-Christian. This music brings me peace in the midst of difficulties. Please pray for me ❤️
We welcome you. Please know that the Jewish faith is very important to Christianity. God be with you
I've always wanted to know how a Jew feels about christ. he performed so many miracle.
May the Lord bless you brother
Praying for you
Jesus Christ is my Healer, my joy and my Helper
I was an atheist a year ago. I knew there was a God, but I didn’t really practice or believe in it, but thanks to my best friend, I’m a Christian. I have received my cross and will soon be baptized and I am ready to dedicate my whole life to Jesus Christ. I love him more than anything in the world. I love you my brothers and sisters. Amen . ❤✝️
Jesus te guie e te eleve diante da face de Deus. Mantenha a fé!
@Lxla Dxny - God will bless you. I will pray for you
Feels great, huh!
Halleluyahhh 🙌🙌🙌
I was a Muslim, then i converted to Christianity. God Bless you all
God bless you
Welcome to the family!
I listened to this Hallelujah chant while reading 'The Beautiful Mystery' written about these particular monks. It just made the book that much better.
Praise God
I am a hyperactive 50 year old male in southern california. I care for my mother and father without income for over 11 years now, father has parkinsons advanced stages and mother is losing long term memories. This music helps me to survive and a lot of faith that there is something more than what we can see. Amen! Heavenly Father protect you all.✌
God bless you and your family!!!
Thinking about you brother. Keep up the spirit. 😊
Youll get your rewards in heaven you wonderful gracious person.
You are one of a kind. The last of a breed. My son was caring for me after a wreck and degenerative disease I'm a walking spine patient thanks alot to my son pushing me. He met my friends daughter now they are far away as she hates me jus cuz I'm his mom. So now 😢I think I may as well not try. Your parents are fortunate to have you.
I'm an ex Muslim converted to Christianity where i found the meaning of spirituality, the meaning of having a Lord who loves you and take care of you. May Lord Bless you all
Welcome brother Ahmed, please share your testimony and let others know how you met our Lord and what happened in your life . You have passed from death to life. Praise the Lord for His work into your life.
إنا انذرناكم عذاباً قريبا يوم ينظر المرء ماقدمت يداه ويقول الكافر ياليتني كنت ترابا
@@abdullahalsuliman3615 مع احترامي لك كمسلم والكل
للمسلمين وانا اعلم لكم غيرة على دينكم، انت تظن بأنك تؤمن بما أنزل لله على الأنبياء قبل مجيء محمد ، ولكن رسالة الإسلام تُخالف كل الرسائل التي أنزلها الله على الأنبياء الذين سبقوا محمد، وعندما يقراء المسلم ما كُيب في التوراة والاناجيل ويجد هذه الحقيقة يواجه صعوبة فإما يقتنع بأن الإسلام ليس من الله وإما يلجئ الى ادعاء جاء في الإسلام بأن الاناجيل والتوراة محرفين، مع ان كل من يبحث يجد بأن تحريف الاناجيل والتوراة استحالة لأن الله أرسل التوراة والاناجيل بطريقه يُستحال تحريفها " لأن الكتاب المقدس الذي هو عبارة عن ٦٦ كتاب كُتب في فتره زمنيه تتجاوز ١٦٠٠ سنه على يد اكثر من ٤٠ نبي ورسول ،يعني معظمهم لم يُقابلو بعضهم بعض وههنالك اجيال بين الكتاب والاخر بين معظم الكتب. والرب اكد نبوات كلٍ منهم بعجائب و نبوات تمت في حياة هؤلاء الانبياء و بعبد مماتهم لكي يُأكد الرب لنا بأنه المتكلم ، وجميعهم وجميع كتابتهم وآماليهم و إيمانهم يدور حول فكرة اساسية وهي الخلاص للإنسان على يد مخلص وعد الله به للإنسان بعد سقوطه في الخطيئه .جميعهم كانوا ينتظرُه وتنبؤ عنه. وكان يوجد ولا يزال العديد من النسخ لهذه الكُتب في كل الأجيال وهذا يعني يُستحيل بان تجمع كل هذه الكتب وتحرف في اي جيل من الأجيال.و هل يُعقل بأن يغير الله فكره و يُرسل رساله تتناقد مع كل ما أرسل واثبت على يد كل الذين قبله و يقول لا دعي للمخلص وللفداء ؟ الرب بحبك ، تأمل في هذا الأمر وادعو الله ليقودك إلى طريقه .الفداء هو عقيدة مرسخه في التوراة والاناجيل .المخلص وعد به الرب الإله الإنسان مند سقوطه. وهو الفادي ليس لخطية آدم فقط بل لفداء كل خطايانا ومعاصينا.
Alleluia! gloire a dieu au plus haut des cieux et paix sur la terre aux homme qui l'aime.
إنا انذرناكم عذاباً قريبا يوم ينظر المرء ماقدمت يداه ويقول الكافر ياليتني كنت ترابا
I am a Protestant who is discovering the beauty of the Catholic Church - going to attend my first mass this week. God bless us all
May the Good Father of understanding guide us
I hope you found the profound presence of our Lord as I did in 1999 when I came into the Catholic Church from the Protestant Faith. I’ve never regretted my decision. I ask the Lord to show me the Truth and I somehow ended up in the Catholic Church which is the last place I thought I would end up. I’m really happy, I feel I found the Truth and have never felt the need to look anywhere else. 🙏 Welcome and enjoy your visit!
God bless you
In my Journey home. I found Scott hahn. Jeff cavins and
Steven Ray helped explain why. Book "crossing the Tiber" is awesome .
I lost my child right after birth last week, in need of prayers from my Christian brothers and sisters my heart is in so much pain
May Our Lord heal your grieving heart.
Heilige María, Muttergottes bitte für uns!
I will pray for you tonight
Jesus kissed this cross so tenderly before He gave it to you, dear one. You are His favorite. The apple of His eye. I am sure it is so because Jesus doesn't trust just anyone with His suffering.
Jesus' mother, Mary lost her Son and we know how much Jesus loved His mother. How sad He must have been to see His Mama suffer. Mother Angelica said we should unite our suffering toJesus' suffering by finding a time in Jesus' life when He suffered the same way. When I do this, Jesus unites His suffering to me and draws me close to Him. Jesus told Elisabeth Kindlemann (the Church approved mystic from The Flame of Love book) to "Place your head on My Chest to draw strength for the battles ahead." That reminds me of when John the beloved apostle place his head on Jesus' chest at the Last Supper. May Mary, the Mother of God and our mother, swaddle you in her blue mantle and hold you next to her immaculate Heart. You are in my prayers, Catherine. Lord Jesus, be with those who wake and watch and weep tonight. We do not understand why in Your Infinite Mercy You have permitted this great suffering but we trust You because You know best. Kiss this beloved baby's fine head tonight for his mama and let her feel Your consolation when You do. Amen.
I need healing. Emotionally and physically. Please Jesus Mary Joseph heal n help me. Love n thanks
I’m Catholic and Gregorian Chant both breaks me down into tears and in the same time builds me back up. I’m going through a divorce with a woman I shared 28 years of my life with. It’s been especially difficult for my 18 year old daughter. My mother is about to die (my father passed away 4 years ago). I’m a retired Parole Officer (due to injuries I incurred by a drunk driver) I can’t find a fulltime job and in a very rough patch. Father I beg you to renew my life in the name of your son Jesus Christ I pray.
Lonewolf1970 we will pray for you I will put your name on my prayer list....all prayer IN Jesus name helps.......
In Jesus name, I ask you Lord to put your healing arms around this man, hear him Lord, heal him Lord...With your healing arms, heal him Lord. Wrap your arms tightly around him Lord....
We ask of you to heal his heart, his body, his soul, & his spirit.
Lord give this man vision of his body being healed through you, through your Devine power, allow him to feel the love surrounding him, touching him, & with you squeezing his breath out and him breathing your power back into his body Lord.
With you hearing his cry for LOVE, health and peace, may these three, come into his heart and allow him to be whole once again. In your presence Lord, we praise you for all that you do, everyday for everyone, we Thank You our Lord God.
In Jesus name AMEN 🙏🏼
May the grace of The Lord Jesus Christ heal you and be with you for the rest of your days. Amen.
Pray and trust in God He always open paths where does not exist
With Christ all will be fine. It's His plan, not ours. Keep the faith, endure and live in the positive for you and your daughter. I will pray for you brother.
Lonewolf1970- I will lift you up in prayer throughout the day and include you in my 3:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy. God heals the broken hearted and keeps his promises.
I'm a convert to Catholicism from Judaism. I listen to this almost every night. It's magnificent! Thank you.
God bless
It's not about denomination, it's all about JESUS
@@ashin162 for me it's about Catholicism.
@@KarenKoskoff I respect your choice, all I was saying is that you don't need any particular denomination to know God 🙏
This thread is not the appropriate place to debate theology. That's my point. I love this Latin Chant which was part of the Catholic, Latin Rite. Let's leave it at that.
I was a Muslim then a mirecal happened to me I have seen my lord Jesus Christ laying his hand to me and he saying to me I'm your Savior since then I'm his daughter thank you my father I love you from the bottom of my soul ..god bless you all love and peace upon you
Thanks for telling your story. HE did the same with me. HE laid HIS HAND on my head.🙏🕊👑📯❤
🕘 o99o99999999999999999999999999909999099999990
The true love given to man the Son given as the child from
The Father to redeem
His children from this world
Praise God!
What drugs are you on people? cause I want that too 🙄
Wow I’m glad to see a lot of Muslims in the comments are converting to Christianity. Praise the lord 🙌🏾🙌🏾
I lost my son to drugs he was 33, I will pray for you as I pray for my sons soul every day😢 Be brave in Christ!!!
I'm truly sorry for your loss. I will pray for his salvation as well as yours. Stay strong and keep the unwavering faith in God... He will protect your well being and sanity.
SO I lost my son because mental illness and drug he was 33
FAITH in CHRIST and PRAYER in communion with living people and death people is the WAY
I'm sorry for your loss. I pray Christ helps you carry this cross until you meet him again in paradise.
I'm so sorry I'm a recoverd addicted from. heroin Me & My husband I'm So Happy to say I gave my self to God One year Ago && I promise the tromenduse Blessing me &_ my children bHave received from the Lord Above is Spectacular Speckless.As a child speaking to a parent I'm sorry for what he put you through but knw That we do make our own choices&& most of the times it's Not the parents fault.My mom is an awesome mom it's just was my own free will.Ask God & you shall receive with in time...
Can you pray for me too
Brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray for my people in Armenia. Please pray for peace in the region. It is devastating.
We are praying for you, we love you, from the assyrian community of Iraq 🇮🇶 and Syria 🇸🇾
Praying Christ sends his guardian angels
@@BinaryTechnique Thank you!
@@takmaps Amen!
Paz ao povo da Armênia! Paz ao mundo! From Brasil
I was raised as an Atheist by my father, later in my life I became a Christan but protestant. I am now Catholic and have finally found my home.
Me too.
Welcome home
Welcome to the flock of the Lord, shepherded by Peter.
Welcome home.. 🖤🙏🏾🖤👼🏾
God bless you
I am x Muslim my heart is with Jesus I need a light to show me the rest of way I want be baptized before I die as Christian 🙏🏿
Just go to any church if you want to get Baptisted
It's not a master slave relationship bro. It's about God as your Father,your own dear father. That's the God Jesus Christ has shown us. OUR FATHER. Pray to Jesus bro,i usually hear number of stories about muslims witnessing Jesus in their dreams. God Bless you and prayers❤
Baptism essentially is a ceremony of the heart but by all means the physical ceremony is a wonderful expression too! But it is the baptism of the heart that binds one to our Saviour. Same for circumcision. Circumcise the interior heart/the soul versus the exterior flesh
Let’s go! Get baptized. What are ya waiting for?!
Кто ты в Нём?
Удивительный характер
Ткёт в тебе Иисус , смотри!
Ты снаружи очень мягкий,
Но как тигр силён внутри!
Неприятностей осколки,
Норовят расстроить день!
Только это всё недолго,
Радоваться в Нём не лень!
Ну и что, что жизнь не сказка!
Ты идешь себе вперёд!
Улыбаешься проблемам,
Зная, что победа ждёт!
В Нём силён ты духом славным!
Победитель во Христе!
Сделал Он тебя приятным,
И общительным везде.
И сказать тебе не трудно,
Слово мягкое Его!
Да и "выглядеть не круто",
Тоже можно и легко!
Ну, а если наступили...
На твою святыню-храм!
Зарычит твой тигр открыто!
Не отдам в обиду вам!!!
Твердость, может и упрямство,
Вдруг поднимется внутри!
Стало быть ты даже дикий...
Если что не так, смотри!
И когда тебя тревожит,
То, что в гневе натворил...
Не гноби себя активно,
Не лишай себя ты сил...
Всё в тебе под Моей властью!
Я люблю тебя любым!!!
Я хочу, чтоб ты был счастлив!
Остальное , жизни дым...
"Твердого духом Ты хранишь в совершенном мире, ибо на Тебя уповает он."
Исаия 26:3
"Кротостью склоняется к милости вельможа, и мягкий язык переламывает кость."
Притчи 25:15
"Всё могу в укепляющем меня Иисусе Христе..."
i'm from Pakistan and catholic. whenever i felt uneasy, i listened to this chant and gave peace of mind
Paix à toi, famille,communauté 🇳🇨😇⛪
I am also from Pakistan and I listened this every night
God bless you brave soul. Ave Maria 🌹
I believe we will begin to see persecution here in the states soon. We must stay strong in Christ.
Blessings from Southern California, U.S
@@AIXITstageleft “How lucky are we, to suffer for Him.”
i am an atheist, a musician and an alcoholic - this music is beautiful and makes me want to heal
We all have mistakes and we need repentance , so Christ came for us , he bought us with his blood , so hold on to him and his promises , as he came quickly , Amen . stay well ❤✝️
It's not too late to repent and believe in Jesus. You can do it.
I am a Christian as well as an alcoholic. We all have our demons. Christ's angels have spoken to me- saving my life from a car wreck. I know he's real.
We all have our own demons that we must conquer.
And you are a beautiful Soul. Don’t give up call for the invisible and visible help around you
Please pray for my son Joseph. He is suffering from brain injury, aphasia, mental issues, re stroke since 4 years ago.
"Dear God, have mercy on him and all other ill persons." Amen.
Therefore he never withdraws his mercy from us. Although he disciplines us with misfortunes, he does not abandon his own people. 2 Maccabees 6: 16, Be with Lord, May Mamma Mary Guide you. Praise the Lord
May the good Lord heal him
Praying for Joseph.
We are never alone. He is with us always. He lives forever 🌻blessings brothers and sisters. Never give up
This chant is telling the story of Christ rising from the dead. Mary Magdalene and others going to the empty tomb and and angels telling her He is risen in Galilea. It’s so beautiful. 😇
Where can I find the words so I can join properly?
@@allisonbrown4601 "O fili et filiae" (O sons and daughters) ruclips.net/video/Uz9akqofziE/видео.html
Amen....We praise our Lord and Saviour for His goodness. May He shine His light and love upon each and everyone.
Bjr et merci Frere James pour ce chant dont je ne me lasserait jamais d ecouter, il est mon refuge, une sensation extraordinaire, immense et sublissime.
@@allisonbrown4601 Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Ye sons and daughters, let us sing!
The King of heav’n, the glorious King,
O’er death today rose triumphing.
That Easter morn, at break of day,
The faithful women went their way
To seek the tomb where Jesus lay.
An angel clad in white they see,
Who sat, and spoke unto the three:
“Your Lord has gone to Galilee.”
That night the apostles met in fear;
Amidst them came their Lord most dear,
And said, “My peace be on all here.”
When Thomas first the tidings heard,
How they had seen the risen Lord,
He doubted the disciples’ word.
“My pierced side, O Thomas, see;
My hands, my feet, I show to thee;
Not faithless, but believing be.”
No longer Thomas then denied,
He saw the feet, the hands, the side;
“Thou art my Lord and God,” he cried.
How blest are they who have not seen,
And yet whose faith has constant been,
For they eternal life shall win.
On this most holy day of days,
To God your hearts and voices raise,
In laud, and jubilee and praise.
Song lyrics on ocp.org are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced without an appropriate license. To learn more, or to obtain a license for these lyrics, please visit our reprint permissions page.
I'm an atheist, depressed for a long time but after listening to this 2 hours music, I found inner peace😇😊😊
Find a Latin Mass to visit you will love it.
Brother give God a chance I used to be an atheist but God him self touched me now I am a new person
I was once an Atheist like you. It wasn't until I was weak and selfish enough to ask G-d for a sign that I would understand right away. He gave me what I needed and now I'm trying to be the best Jew that I can. In the end, it is up to you what you decided to do. However, I am glad to hear that this music soothed you as it does with even someone like myself who is not even a part of this religion. For what it's worth, I will pray that you will be relieved of your depression and have the strength to face each day head on. May peace be with you always.
God loves you and wants to be in a relationship with you. Find a local priest and ask to talk to him. He will help lead you to where God wants you to be.
these chants are better than modern music. I'm also not religious. They are good for sleeping and relaxing. Rap and whatever music we have now sucks.
I saw Our Lady in flesh when I was 25. I touched her hand. She never spoke to me but through the years she has sent me many signs. Recently I had a wonderful experience I was tired from work - I sat on my couch to try and rest for a few minutes, I could not get comfortable all of a sudden I saw two knees appear at the arm of my couch . I heard "put your head here" so I did - after putting my head on his white robe - I turned my head to say Thank You - there he was Jesus smiling at me. I immediately fell asleep. I woke up 30 minutes later refreshed and I went back to work. My job is to help people but that day I was helped. I believe in Jesus Christ and Our Lady. Amen.
Please pray for me. I have stage 4 colon cancer with metastasis, and have my 5 young children to raise on my own. I do not know what God's plan is for me, but I require courage to accept the cross that Jesus has set before me. I require a trusting heart in Jesus to believe that my children will be ok when I must leave them. Please pray for me? My name is Daniel.
@@americanutopia9391 REMEMBER , Daniel Everything God does he has a plan , maybe you got cancer so you will get more closer to God , YOU KNOW ONE THING YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS THROUGH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS , KEEP PRAYING, BRO I WLL PRAY FOR YOU
Whats your work? I would love to k ow
hey i don't even know why i am saying this but please pray for me me and my family are suffering from a great financial crisis i have been depressed for over 4 years now i lost every part of me everything i was is gone and i keep praying but it just got worse but i believe it is for the best.
I’m an ex-agnostic converted to Catholicism in 2016. Lord Jesus, pour your precious blood over us all to protect us in what is to come and let YOUR light shine through us! ✨
As a Muslim I find deep peace in these chants. They deeply touch my soul.
Blessings and peace be upon you Adnan.
As a Christian, I have found great inspiration from the music produced by various Muslim cultures. I do not believe all religions are equally true as many in the West have come to believe. However, I do believe all human persons are created equal and we all are searching for Truth who is God Himself. I suspect that is one reason why both you and I (and many others) have been able to see the beauty in the music held sacred by faith traditions different than our own.
May God bless you brother, let us forget about the troubles our two religions caused to each other and share love with each other as the lord has told us to
May he bless you with blessings and a very happy life full of energy and longevity
May the lord protect you brother and may he give you the best of gifts
May he bless you with great blessings this holy week
Spero te conservet Christi affert gaudium vestrum fratri suo benedicat tibi
I no longer use the moniker of Christian, as unity conciousness is in place. But as an whatever I am, I find Muslim practices regarding the moon to be super grounding and spirit led
Real peace is to repent and believe in Jesus.
I am a Benedictine Monk of 13 years, and this is just like being in my home Abbey Church, St. Gregory's Abbey in Shawnee, Oklahoma, every word, is right on. I feel like I am there!!! Amen. Brother James OSB
Blessings and peace upon Brother James. In a day when others run from Christ & The Church. Thank you for your service to Christ and His Church.
My Exodus90 fraternity will keep you in prayer.
@@timfronimos459 I shall also be praying for your group. May The Spirit of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Be Always with you, bless you, and keep you safe, Forever and one day. In Jesus Name we Pray, Amen. Brother James OSB.🎇😐🙏😇✝️🏞🎇
Today is special day, is Good Friday, Im staying alone and thinking what happened over 2000years ago.Somebody died for us, and gave us hope for better future, I praying for John Paul second who was belowed pope, I loved him so much, God bless you father James.
I'm From Norman Oklahoma and have been to the Abby at Shawnee, Lovely, God Bless you Brother James.
I am born as Hindu and from childhood struggles with homosexual life Christ safe my life I am now 29 Years and it’s 20 day after my baptism-thanks Christ for this new life
Thank you for sharing Kuldeep and welcome to the brotherhood! I hope and pray that you have the strength to stick to your path and that you may have a good life. Finding a Christian community can make things easier when there are people who share struggles and support each other. All the best for you and keep going! God bless 💖
God Bless us all & the whole world...Pls.hear my prayer & grant my wishes in the name of JESUSCHRIST...AMEN
Congrats and Amazing. 🙏🙏🙏
You are who you are. Embrace yourself. May you find love with whomever in this life. For it is so short. My son was homosexual and once he knew that his daddy, me excepted him he was healed. If the God who created him couldn't except him then what good is this God.
Welcome home.
May God surround, embrace and bless you.
I am deeply in depression, and when I listen to this, I close my eyes, and tears will start to come. My whole life, I haven't learned what my purpose in life is. I wish God would speak to me once I've dried out my tears. 😢
Sounds like he already has my brother. As I tear up myself, peace be with you.
Your purpose is to seek God, love him and obey him. Pray for guidance. PRAY.
The following may seem abstract from your current state of mind. but please take time to truly consider the following. You have ALWAYS had purpose.. and that purpose is to connect with your true inner self.. that is infinite in nature. Your current physical form is simply a temporary physical expression to which your true self has manifested itself within. Your purpose in this cycle of life is to experience love, connect with the earth through spending time in nature, maintaining relationships with the people in your life that matter most to you.. and finding peace in the fact that you are already complete. You have always been complete and purpose filled. And lastly, understand that your true purpose extends beyond this cycle of life. You have experienced an infinite number of lives prior to this one.. and your destiny is to experience an infinite number more after this one comes to an end. That is your purpose in it's most raw form. All that you question, and feel inner pain from are things you already hold the answer to. As you have experienced this feeling of void and lack of purpose so many times before. Yet still, here you stand. Infinite in nature and wise beyond comprehension.
I found the rekindling of faith when I attended a Charismatic Mass and let myself participate until all the stiff and hard edges disappear. I look forward to it daily; made me more receptive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I surrendered all my worries and concerns to Our Lord Jesus Christ, and was so ashamed that I have only my burden to offer Him when I visited Him in the Adoration Chapel. He answered all my deeply seated prayers when I listen intently to the mass. He answers through the hymns, sermon or readings or even in the Psalms .It helps to unburden to someone who can do something about it. I also started to pray about more specific concerns and always ask the Holy Spirit to help me do a proper worship. The Holy Spirit said to me to guard my mouth for my own peace. 😊
I also kept recording everything. It helps in my contemplations and also a good read when I am agitated or felling some oppression.
May the good Lord look kindly upon you today, and hear your plea. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray, with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, amen. 🙏❤ Hold on to God...
Even though I am a Greek Orthodox Christian, I had always held great admiration for our Western Catholic Breatheren. May God Bring Peace to all Christendom! Amen. ✝☦
I feel the same way about the Orthodox. God bless you
I also feel the same about orthodox christians. I hope our two churches will be united
As a Catholic I feel the same way and I feel we need our Orthodoxy back
Me too, you are the fraternal twin of the Catholic church, may the Lord unite us soon.
@Tyrant Photius_7 Are you serious brother? That what you're saying is not in our Orthodox spirit...
Holy FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray for everyone in need. I am saddened by all of your pain. May the Lord answer all of your prayers
Thanks bro that means a lot ❤️✝️🙏
amen and thnx for prayer
Thank you. I have so much emotional and physical pain.
Im 34 years old and all my life no one loved me and still continues to not love me. My family and surroundings is not what it is. 😭😭😢😢. I have a broken heart. 💔💔💔😭. Please pray for me. In Jesus name i pray that someone loves me. Amen.
God bless all who read my message. Amen. 💕➕➕📿🙏🙏
@@daliamcmahon5884 The emotional pain becomes physical pain. Survival mode because of abandonment is unhealthy. Slow down, relax, go into nature. Look at the animals, bugs, plants, and so on. You will see that you're not alone. God is everywhere! We can't feel him sometimes because of being in survival disconnection from self, others, and God. Please take a break, relax. Learn to follow your heart, God will guide you there in your heart. Don't fear, have faith, God is a provider. Let go, let God take over, and stop doing everything yourself. God will do the rest, all you have to do is stay still. Self care comes first. You might need a change. You might lose things but better things come in replacement(leveling up like in a video game haha). Blessings and prayers🕊❤! Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. ... Psalm 62:5 For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.
@@taylordawn1896 Thankyou for your kind words, this beautiful message of yours ill keep in my heart. I hope for all things good. May God bless you, me and everyone around the world whose "struggling" for love. I have anxiety because of my family.
Well, thanks again, sister. 🙏🕊🙏😢😢😢➕➕➕🕊🌺🕊🕊
I'm a Hindu.... But I love Jesus ✝️❤️. Say all Amen ❤️✝️
May God bless you.
Catholicism is the only true faith based on Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. being scourged, crucified, and dying on a cross so that we might be able to repent of our sins, amend our lives, and convert and be saved and granted eternal life.
Consider looking into Catholicism. At the end of the day, everything in this life is transitory but in Jesus Christ is our hope and stability to be found in this life, and hope for happiness and eternity spent with Him after death.
If you've not looked into the Shroud of Turin, some recent research in the last few years has been really fascinating. The Shroud is the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ and is an amazing miracle testifying to the truth of the Catholic Faith in Jesus.
That is awesome! 😊
Good 😇
Cómo no amarlo❤ Saludos querido Amigo 🫶
I am a Catholic and proud of it. Alleluia. 🙏🏻❤️✝️
Hear! Hear! Joannes!! I agree with You!!! May God Bless All Of Us On This Panel.
About a year ago I had a roommate, sometimes she would get all wound up, because of the medication that she was taking. One day I was sitting at the Dining Room table basking in The Lord's Presence while reading the Bible. All of an sudden Miss Grouchy started to upset everyone in the house by her snapping and volatile attitude. Jesus said Go And Get Her; Take Her To The Room and Have Her Listen For 7 Minutes to The Gregorian Monks. This will diffuse her. I said okay God. I called her over to me.... She Barked WHAT!! I said Come Here For A Minute. I took her to the room, I told her nicely sit down, I want you to hear something, she yelled saying to me, I DON'T WANT TO SIT DOWN!!! I hardly yell at anyone, but she was still in her volatile state...I said to her "SIT DOWN"!!! She being stunned just plopped down on a chair.... I put a headphone on her ears and moments before I whispered ...Listen.....just listen. I pressed play and Gregorian Chants came on. She deflated, and melted like butter in a warm pan. When the song was over she got up and gave me a Big Hug. Thank You God, Thank Gregorian Monks.
Joanne 🙋♥️from Italy -Naples ☕❤️ ALLELUIA 💒🙏⛪🌹 Vittoria ✌️🌹❤️
Hallelujah im from pakistan and i bless every single person on earth in the name of Jesus Christ love you all .
I hope you are safe brother. Life in Pakistan is not easy these days.
💖 God bless you and yours, too 💖 Sending lots of love your way, I hope you are well in Pakistan!
God bless you too
Amen. Thank you dear one. And may the FATHER bless you and your loved ones
Thank you , God bless you and your family
I am moslim and I find peace in this catholic chants ☪️🙏🌷
YHWH is God, not Allah,
Allah is a Nabatean Moon god, you have been deceived. One of the names of Allah is the great deceiver, Al-Makir.
Qur'an 3:54, Qur'an 7:99, Qur'an 8:30, Qur'an 10:21, Qur'an 13:42
Harun Yahya includes Al-Makir in his listing of Allah's 99 names,
Exodus 20:16 and John 8:44 are very clear. The devil deceives.
Leave the evil cult of islam.
@@marcelbobrowicz4481 Where in the bible does it say : God is One?
Nowhere, that is new age bullshit.
We all have equal opportunity, and every life has the same basic value, but what you choose matters, how you live you life matters.
Not all Gods are one, not at all.
When you choose your God, you choose your ideal. You will move towards your ideal.
YHWH is truth, love and forgiveness,
Allah is lies and hatred.
Your choice.
God bless you.
I am a Christian and find peace in the Call to Prayer.
God is God.
We are all from the same
I am Muslim but I really can’t get enough of this piece. I have been listening to Gregorian chant since almost two years ago and I just love it! It touches the crux of my being. So enchanting, purifying, and soothing 🤍. May it bring calmness, peace, and comfort to all souls, especially the ones that are suffering through the hardships of this life. Love 🤍
If you only knew dear sister that first 4 caliphs never existed and that mecca was first mentioned in 8century you would know that islam is false religion.historical evidence showed true origins of islam.it was arab conquest first and then "religion" came
Come to him the Lamb of God ,the Messiah & you will experience even more of your creator through Jesus Christ.You see this music is about his death, resurrection ,glory and all that took place on the morning of resurrection. God bless you Ibra
@@stalker4474 that is Boring.God loves good fight....no,no,no you are so wrong
@@stalker4474 Wrong.everything is wrong what you just wrote
Pls, heal my sick family 🙏 let the baby live to be grown.🙏 Keep my mother strong.❤ Amen.
May the infinite joy of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ cover you all. We pray for your child and family in Jesus almighty name
the baby shall live
Ten fe que se haga la voluntad de Dios y no la de nosotros como va hacer levantada la culebra de bronce así vá hacer levantado el hijo del hombre amén amén amén
Witchcraft and occult black magic no good I hope n pray bu u don't understand n I'm not gonna be well my give a shit almost out the doir
I prayed that Christ would protect me during my cancer radiation treatments. I love Jesus. I believe I’m alive because it’s not my time. That Christ is protecting me. This music brings me into alignment with the divine. Love to all
Me too I just finished my radiation thank the Lord.
I prayed for peace for a year as surgeon waited and obtained 2nd opinions. Peace I received. Was able to work at same time, not speaking of it. At surgery, the surgeon found a golfball size lump; removed same. It was dysplasia, & as close to cancer yet not cancerous as it comes. There are no coincidences. It confined itself for over a year, and no re-occurrance since 1999. God is Good All The Time. That means Nos💘🙏😊
Dear Revernd HB, you are covered in prayer by the men of my Exodus90 fraternity.
Dearest Jesus remove the threat of cancer from your servant HB and restore him so he may proclaim Jesus Christ is Risen.
Love to you. God be with you.
I've been suffering with horrible anxiety and panic for about 6 months to the point I was afraid to even work. About 3 weeks ago I visited a 12th century monastery on the island of corfu where the byzantine monks still resided . I prayed there for god to take my fear and I havent had one ounce of anxiety or panic since that day.
Amen and amen, Aileen! Consider your healing from anxiety and panic complete and indeed it will be so. The energy and sacredness of such places is powerful indeed. Wishing you the best - Paige
God Almighty sanctifies just souls in despair God Bless you for acknowledging God’s healing power rid you anxiety. God is good indeed! Amen 🙏
God is there felt it myself
@@Niroshmm Read your bible and seek the truth.
The only way to salvation is though the cross.
Works are worthless and anything less than complete
faith in what Jesus did at the cross to pay for our sins
is fruitless. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
Be at peace
Damn... U need Jesus
Please brothers and sisters pray for me I'm struggling with mental illness issues thank you God bless you amen
Put positive patterns into your life. B. W.
David, I know several cases of people struggling with same issues and faith has helped to heal. Have faith, and you'll see that nothing is stronger than that. I am praying for you to heal soon.
David, mental illness is something my family has struggled with. My mom had schizophrenia but the Lord delivered her/healed her. No explanation from doctors, what set her free was frequenting the sacraments. Forgiving those who've hurt us, daily mass (receiving the Holy Eucharistic) adoration. Trust me, the Lord will heal you too. He has given us all the tools, all that we need. Together in prayer with you. One day you will say: "I am free! I am free!"
This isn't the end. There is hope. Jesus we trust in you. ♡
Dear David listen to Patrick's Allelua and Salve Regina they will touch your heart and soul, you will be Blessed go to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy also Divine Mercy centre in song listen then let your heart and soul guide you. God Bless You may Jesus come into your life and His Immaculate Mother Mary 🕊🙏😇👱♀️👱♀️💖
Please, brothers and sisters, pray with me for the safety of Roman Catholic Church!
With love from Russia!
God bless Our Holy Mother, The Queen of Russia!
🙏 Russia will belong to Our Blessed Lady, she will guard you 🙏
Yes we are under assault
I grew up in an orphanage in Ireland that was run by the sisters of Mercy. I used to hear the flock of sisters doing the Gregorian Chants at midnight mass and on other sacred and holy occasions. Listening to this took me to my childhood and I was lost in the peace of Angel presence. This music magnifies my imagination so I can see the loveliness of Jesus and the father and the Holy Ghost.
Deus o Abençoe!! Abraços do Brasil 🇧🇷
Be blessed my brother in God.
I was essentially a boy monk from the age of 12. I lived in a monastic school ordered on the Rule of St. Benedict. I find your comment touches my heart at 76. I long for the beauty of the world we created with our song and ceremony, and with our brotherly love. In this world people have forgotten that we do have it in our reach to create a magnificient life in community. James, thanks so much. I live like a monk still, and seek ways to retenter the chant world of prayer and incense. You helped me touch home.
@Carolynn Jacobson it is the eternal…and as a boy singing in choir I felt connected to God and also in later life always Ofer and over into the arms of god we could go in song and chant.
This comment gave me peace thank you.
Please pray for me brothers and sisters. I suffer greatly. I truly believe in the Divine Mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! May God bless and protect you all always!
Divine Mercy
I'm praying
Dios te bendiga también a tí, hermano. Qué nuestras oraciones lleguen a tí y te protejan 🙏🙏🙏
i send you my strength my faith my love be blessed my brother i pray for you❤
I have prayed for you in the name of Jesus.
I lost my soul mate of 37 1/2 years last July and struggle everyday without him. My faith has been the only thing keeping me together. I pray for peace and wisdom on how to live my life now without him ❤🙏
Even in shadow there is hope
In darkness there is light.
I pray your time left on this earth is peaceful..🙏🙏
Sister Georgina, I have also lost my soul mate in January of this year and so feel a need to respond. you are not alone, it is a great and challenging turning in the road but may you find the peace, understanding and heart to lift your aching soul. I have found sustenance and real peace in God, and it is tangible not imagined, I literally feel uplift when I am able to enter in silence and let my soul chant its chant with its wordless words and deepest feelings. Sending love and blessings from a fellow traveller Brother Adrian
And sad as it is do you know how many people pray to find someone whom they can love who loved them back for 30+ years? Most never experience that treasure. May God help you on your solo path right now.
I am so sorry for your loss. May peace be with you. God Bless 🙏🏽
The woman I adored had just left me, for no reason, I was utterly lost, depressed and deeply upset, suicidal almost, I discovered this music,
It enveloped me, it put it's arms around me, it comforted me,and made me feel loved and secure, & it still does.
You actually saved my life Patrick and that's the truth , Thank you 🙏 xxx
Stay strong bro 🙏
Pray you are doing well 🙏
Stay close to Jesus and His way and you'll be able to rise above all world troubles. Praying for YOU ❤
Never love the woman, choose the woman who loves you! instead love God and Jesus. Be husband
and spiritual guide to the woman but never have her on a pedestal for it is your downfall brother.
@@jdove6883 the bible says “husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church. Love your wife as much as your own body. Never treat them harshly”
Bless all the souls in purgatory. That they may find eternal rest.
There is no purgatory.
It's not mentioned in the bible.
@@the_real_hislordship I was just going to say, purgatory doesnt exist and the Catholic church rescinded that teaching ages ago as they could never explain babies in limbo, for one.
Yes Lord I pray for all those in purgatory. I offer all my pain GB or them. Amen
@@the_real_hislordship It's mentioned. Of course, not for you, since as usual when something you don't want to believe is in the Bible, you remove the books where it's mentioned. That's easy, like this 😂
Things are heating up in the god fandom
I am Jewish and just love Chant of the mystics. Got me through cancer treatment and am in remission
Jane Cantor be blessed and live a full life farther, angles surround and protect her in Jesus’s name. God bless you Jane.
God bless you Jane.
@@Purrytat49 jeses is bad
Jane Cantor I'll remember you prayer. have a listen to The God of Abraham Praise.
Chère Jane, Dieu a choisi votre peuple pour sauver les hommes. La maladie est un conséquence du péché. En ouvrant votre cœur à Jésus, vous trouverez la paix. Le plain chant grégorien est dans la continuité du chant de la synagogue et de nombreux juifs ont trouvés Dieu en partie grâce à lui. C'est ce que je vous souhaite et c'est ma prière..
I was born into Christianity but never actually practiced properly. This music has made me ball my eyes out and pray, god bless everyone especially those who are in pain
Now you will have the opportunity to see just how beautiful of a life it is to practice the principles of the Christian Faith, Sammy K.
God bless you, richly!
If you enjoy this music will be transformed by the Traditional Latin mass
Hi, also take the time and read about the arguments we have for Jesus resurrection and all the prophecies about him. Read psalm 22, isaiah 53, daniel 9 and so on
God wants us all with him child. Peace be with you.
May u be blessed with the finest alwayz .. tc..stay safe ..
I am a muslim and I find this to be beautiful and touching! 😌
❤me too
Here is an old Byzantine chant in Arabic. Do you know Alleluia is etymologically related to Arabic "Allah"?
allah was a pagan arab deity in the meccan kaaba, @@DavidSmuts, nothing to do with the God of the Bible!
@@DavidSmuts The connection between "Alleluia" and "Allah" is a subject of linguistic discussion, but there isn't concrete evidence to suggest a direct etymological relationship between the two terms. "Alleluia" is of Hebrew origin, typically translated as "praise ye Yah," where "Yah" is a shortened form of "Yahweh," one of the names of God in the Hebrew Bible. On the other hand, "Allah" is the Arabic word for God, used predominantly in Islam and sometime and Orthodoxy.
Father in heaven, as I read the comments here I realize there is so much pain and sadness among us. I now take your most precious blood and ask you Lord to cover them with your peace, joy and love. Blessings to all from Thailand.
I pray with my brother to not let the oppression of darkness rob us and to remind those here that stronger is he who is in us than he who is in the world and that Jesus restores all that the devil has stolen 333
Prictus infamia de la sixt sceau del sixcter fleau ANOS À NOS VRAIES SOEURS...VERITABLE SANCTIS SANCTION
444 à mortifié Antipas va rendre l'eau ne sera pas suffisante water closed fire sancta
I arrived to this video trying to find some peace during a nightly anxiety attack, I have chronic pain, lost recently a loved one and I'm so full of fear. Please pray for me too, I will do so for so many brothers and sisters that are suffering who wrote in the comments. I can deal with pain as long as I can have peace of mind, which I don't have. Blessings for you all, regards from Argentina.
I suffered from anxiety and panic one year ago, I understand you so well. I will pray for you, I promise. Regards from Poland, dear Sister in Christ.
I have offered one Hail Mary on your behalf. I pray that you get peace of mind from our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.
poor darling I am praying for you! all will be fine just be patient! get Rivotril prescribed helped me loads in hard times
Dear Sister pray the Rosary everyday ask or yourself and others for being it will be done pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy 🕊🙏😇👱♀️💖
@@freehugs8670 use essential oils for pain if you can not drugs Do Terra are pure and powerful natural is best and farinfrared hot pad works for healing and pain the Ray's heal also ask in prayer for healing 🙏🕊😇👱♀️💖
I am Muslim, but I have always enjoyed listening to the Latin Catholic choir, it sooths. In such chants, something divine is felt
Your open mind is a inspiration for me
Blessings to you friend.
@@blumusik9572 Thank you! Stay blessed 🙏
Please read the new testament, the life of christ
Jesus is the Son of God.
The promised lamb of God.
I am going through a hard time right now in my life, I pray that Jesus leads my way through life and shape me to become a living temple of the Holy Spirit.
I am leaving this comment here to come back later because I have faith in Him.
Pray for me brothers and sisters❤
Hope you feel the divine love and mercy of the lord. And you transcend all you sorrow and suffering 🙏
Espero que tenhas superado a dificuldade que vivias e que estejas em paz e na amizade com Jesus. “Buscai ao Senhor enquanto se pode achar” isaias 55,6
People are crying out for help all over the world today!!!! The devil is busy....its time for God's army to come forth and his generals to take the front of the line...my prayers go out to everyone reading this...Come forth in Jesus name!
Amen I say to you sisters and brothers tart Praising Our Glorious Messiah and ask his Immaculate Mither to guide you in The Rosary it is powerful it stops Satan in his tracks Raise Your Hands In Praise glorify him with your Thanksgiving and praise tell him how much you Love him as we pray together Holyness Lights All of The Earth in Glory the evil one and his minions run watch The Video of China Journey Deeper tells all Pray Pray Praise give thanks do not fear that is not of God we were given a Spirit of Love Power and Might a Great Gracious Gift when he was Crucified and Rose let's Glorify him in Praise Hallleluah Glory To God In The Highest be strong ask your Guardian Angel to be With You everyday he she will guide you say The St. Michael The Archangel to Protect you. God Bless You Glory To God In Wisfom and Strength the evil one is Laughing Oh No We Have The Most Powerful Laugh Divine Grace he only has Dunamas power ***Gods Power Is Divine The Most Powerful*** Rise Up Children of God Our Miraculous Father Glorious Son Blessed Holy Pereclete Glorious Mother of God await Our Prayers 👱♀️🕊🙏😇💖
@@masterartist6786 I was. never baptised/christened. Have 'dabbled' in witchcraft. I humbly beg forgiveness from Jesus and Mary for this, and other transgressions. 2 weeks ago I bought a Rosary. I try to pray every day. Is there still hope for me?
@@wasthatyou9387 Hi dear brother or sister anything can be forgiven with Jesus love, go to journeydeeper on youtube she will show you how to pray the Rosary and you can go on youtube type in The Holy Rosary in prayer and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song at the 3:00 hour afternoon or morning after the prayer you can as k Jesus anything in say I n Virtue of Your Passion Jesus I ask you now forgiveness confess all you can think of with a contrite heart, if you are not you can become Catholic call your nearest Catholic church if you desire Jesus and Our Immaculate Mother Mary wait for you God Bless you In Jesus I Remain 👱♀️🙏🕊💖
Amen we are the warriors for Christ on tty his earth pray ask the Warrior Angels to pray with us and the Archangel St. Michael is Gods greatest one and The Blessed Virgin Mary is Our Lady of The Angels if you don't know her Jesus will guide you she intercede's for each and Everyone of us. Amen I say to you ask and you shall receive in Jesus Holy Name through the intercession of The Blessed Virgin Mary dear sister and brothers it is so she and Jesus are connected as one in their hearts Jesus Sacred Heart Immaculate Mother Mary's Immaculate Heart. Go to journeydeeper also Cecelia teaches how to pray The Holy Rosary Jesus created it just as he did to Sister F as Faustina The Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the 3:00 hour afternoon and early morning do it and be Blessed as all will whom you pray for in that hour Divine Mercy Centre in Song it will truly go straight to your Heart and Soul God Bless You. Be Grateful for 1 week go to Powerof Gratitude.org he is President Dr. Nelson I am Catholic and he is right in everything Jesus did he gave thanks To God Our Glorious Father Elohim Eternal Shaddai. Wrap Our World In Thanksgiving Praise and Glorify God, hold your arms out in Love if we all do this for a week as Dr. Nelson suggested today miracles will happen do it with all your heart and soul blow up Social Media with this even to those who you know don't believe scripture says pray for them your there hope..🙏🕊😇👱♀️💖 we will wrap Our Arms around the World I Jesus Glorious Love it will be contagious COVID will be destroyed***!!!! Love To You Susanne Merry Christ'sMass. Watch The Nativity 2006 the producer is female it is Truly a Ministry..💝🎄🎉
I pray my Lord Jesus Christ for all of us, specially those suffering from social anxiety/phobia, depression and other mental disorders, loneliness, contempt, self worthlessness, rejection.
I also pray that our Lord may fortify us and grant us compassion and charity for others.
Amen...im still in a path where my heart is full of hate, unforgiveness, i cannot explain exactly what this song gives me i just cried and cried
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
O filii et filiae,
Rex caelestis, Rex gloriae
morte surrexit hodie.
R. Alleluia
Ex mane prima Sabbati
ad ostium monumenti
accesserunt discipuli.
R. Alleluia
Et Maria Magdalene,
et Iacobi, et Salome
Venerunt corpus ungere
R. Alleluia
In albis sedens angelus
praedixit mulieribus:
In Galilaea est Dominus.
R. Alleluia
Et Ioannes apostolus
cucurrit Petro citius,
monumento venit prius.
R. Alleluia
Discipulis astantibus,
in medio stetit Christus,
dicens: Pax vobis omnibus.
R. Alleluia🙏
Súper bien...sólo que ellos se saltaron el último párrafo...
Merci ,thank you, gracias
Thank you
I'm sitting here w/my dad. Hospice has been called in. Strengthen our family CHRIST JESUS. 4/17/24, 12:25 pm.
I’m Jewish and this music moves me to my soul. “Hallelujah” is a Hebrew word which we say in our prayer service. It means Praise God.” We can do that regardless of our professed faith.
Absolutely lovely to hear this, if we all in this world could do so, that would have been great.
Lord bless you...
Because Christianity is itself Messianic Judaism!
Lee Frankel
God Bless you. 🌸🙏
@@noitnettaattention ???
I’m Muslim from Cuba alhamdoli’llāh and this is so calming , regardless if you are Muslim,Christian or Jewish let’s be in peace and love because that’s what God real message to all his creations . Let’s STOP hates against each one of us and built a better future. Assalamu Alaykom.
God bless you!!!🙏🙏
God bless you from Austin Texas!
Maximus el Grande Amen amen amen 🙏🙏🙏
Convert and find Jesus, only He guides us all into the love you seek.
Just lost my wife of 23 years. Thanks for the video. The music helps with the memories. God bless you.
I am sorry for your loss and pain. May the love and warmth of God wrap you and surround you. 🙏🕊
León que Dios te de fortaleza
I'm sorry for your loss. You will meet her in heaven.
I’m so sorry, honor her by passing on the lessons you learned from her to all those you meet. Strive to make everyone around you better and bring her love and compassion to others.
During my very 1st experience of a terrible thunder storm in our area, i was 15. I was so frightened and my mom was reciting rosary silently. I went back to my bed, and before i hit the pillow, i heard angels singing only for a few seconds, then i fell asleep through the storm! Sounded like gregorian chant like these. Amazing!
This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this, what a beautiful blessing.
thank you for your testimony. I feel angel with air very light around me or sometimes I find a little feather
We are never alone. We are so loved
I am catholic from Indonesia, proud to be Catholic
God bless you, I hope you are safe ❤
God bless you and your family..I'm from Indonesia too..
Me too God Bless 💜🕊💜🕊
@@jellybelly7629 Tuhan Yesus memberkati... Amen ( From Kerala :- INDIA 🇮🇳 ) //†\\
Saya jg😃
I was born into the Church of England, then followed a pagan faith until last year when I researched into the Catholic Church. I will never look back, till now I haven't stepped foot in a Catholic Church but in my heart I know that I've been guided by God ❤✝️
Welcome! May this only be the beginning of your journey in Christ.
Good luck with that. God is in the Catholic curch and is waiting for you. He is patient. its very beautiful to know that He wants a relationship with us.
Good for you... God bless 😊😊
I urge you dear sister to join the Catholic church, the treasures of heaven are bestowed on this Church. Dont walk, run to join, some see that the Lord is sooo Good. Contact your local church and they will instruct you.
May I ask why you converted, first to paganism and then back to Christianity albeit a different denomination?
I am askinG all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to please pray for me I’m having horrible anxiety and panic and I need prayer
Thank you. I will remember you in my rosary
My prayers to our Lord seeking grace and peace are with you.
lambchop1960 i have had similar problems but I was helped and cured by an Australian doctor psychologist Dr Claire Weekes whose self help books will show you the way out absolutely. They are inexpensive and available on Amazon kindle or Book Depositary. I understand what you are suffering please take my advice, you owe it to yourself. good luck.
burtnjo I can’t believe you mentioned her I have read her books and listen to her on RUclips she was phenomenal guess she helped me a great deal
I pray for you, from France, que la dynamique du CHRIST ressuscité soit pour toi force et paix.
Dear God
As l read these comments, there are many who are suffering alone.
Lord forgive us for allowing this . Hook us up and give us true peace and joy in comforting others please
In Jesus precious name
I'm Catholic. Gregorian Chant is the most beautiful music in the world. It brings me much peace. This is a masterpiece. Thank you! God bless you, and keep you blessed.
@@eliseereclus3475 oh he does exist. You had better find him before it's too late for you.
Can you help me
Amen: inner peace: the kingdom of God is within us. Jesus told us
Praying for my uncle who passed on this year from cancer.May God grant him eternal rest.
He has eternal rest and insight. God bless and kèeþ you safe.
How are you doing now? Greetings from Australia 🇦🇺
He is now more alive then he was here on earth
Que descanse en Paz en los brazos del Eterno 🙏🙏🙏
I am muslim. And i love listen everytime this grégorien chant. It’s peaceful ❤️
I Love all people in this world
Dear Med, please find a Traditional Catholic Tridentine Mass. Our Lord Jesus Christ will be waiting for you there. Do it asap. Time is little. Kneel, repent and convert, become a Saint and help us fight the evil that has infiltrated our Lord Jesus Christ's Church and the world. I will be for ever praying for you 🙏
Don't repent or change religion because you like a kind of music. Rather stop believing in religion and start liking more music.
Dio ti benedica fratello musulmano❤️
I hope and pray you see the fullness of God, found in the Gospel of Christ in the Holy Scriptures and embrace Christianity to your salvation.
God is love. May we all live in harmony.
Thank you for this beautiful chant. Pray to all of us. Catholic from Indonesia.
The Catholics were not always in bondage.. however they were consumed by maybe the greatest darkness the world has ever known
I am a Catholic since borned and I have been tempted by many huge temptation and despairs please pray for me my brothers and sisters 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥😭😭😭
google jesus prayer and find it. then repeat it and see the change
The Jesus Prayer is the door we can use to reach a higher reality of Knowledge of the Eternal One in 3.
Pray saint Benedicts Latin prayer and try to get a saint Benedict medal as well get it blessed and wear when dark forces witchcraft and demonic entities attack you. You’ll see how effective it is.
As we are all brother, but God forgives as long as we repent and accept our failures
I will pray for you. Loving Heavenly Father God please give your child the strength to resist temptation. Lord we pray for your protection over him. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Please brothers and sister in Iesum Chrsitum, pray for my recovery from covid 19, as well as all those who have lost love ones from it and those struggling with this pestilence.
Dear Junior I will pray a decade ifcthe Rosary for you if you pray the Rosary you will be comforted and healed listen to Salve Regina Patricks Song of praise Be Blessed 🕊🙏😇👱♀️💖
Praying for you, brother. Jesus is with you 24/7. We will ask Him to lift you up.
I pray for the recovery of covid19 in your body and all the ones that are ill from this virus. I pray God give. spiritual faith and physical strenght to those griving for the loss their loved ones due to this virus.
the scots pine tree, pick the leaves to dry, cut. 3 tablespoons for 1 liter of water and boil, this is Jesus' remedy for a little Australian girl to fight covid 19
I am Buddhist, yet this music speaks to me on a level that I can't explain. Simply beautiful!
Thats the Holy Spirit *
You're it.
L'humain aime la Beauté. Peu importe sa culture
@@YDY-bu3jo Je suis avec vous...quand même je suis une grecque orthodoxe j'adore les hymnes catholiques et surtout les Gregoriens..salut de la Grèce 🇬🇷
it is never too late to convert to the One True Faith, Catholicism :)
Help me O Lord, I am lonely.
Please heal my mother and father 🙏.
Let them be happy, I Pray 🙏
謝謝您, 耶穌基督,您當初流自己的血為世人贖罪,寧讓自己被釘上十字架的犧牲精神,深深感動著我,
Thank you, I love what you said. God Bless you and may our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always🙏🏼
Blessed be God forever.
Pois Cristo se doou por ti, vc vale o preço de um DEUS crucificado! ❤️ E ELE te espera !
Hermano, Jesús sigue vivo. Es todopoderoso, hijo de Dios, y es la segunda persona de la Santísima Trinidad. Padre (Dios), Hijo (Jesús) y Espíritu Santo ( el amor entre el padre y el hijo). Se entregó para salvarnos del infierno. Es todo amor. Deberías averiguar y tener un encuentro personal con Él.
El espíritu santo te está iluminando, por tus hermosas declaraciones. Deberías conocer las verdades de la religión católica y te enamorarías de nuestro Salvador.
Que Dios te siga bendiciendo.
Ésta es la traducción:
Oh, Hijos e Hijas
1. Oh, hijos e hijas,
el Rey del cielo, el Rey de la gloria
hoy resucitó de la muerte, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
2. Y el sábado, temprano en la mañana,
a la puerta del sepulcro
ingresaron los discípulos, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
3. Y María Magdalena,
Jaime y Salomé
vinieron para ungir su cuerpo, aleluya
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
4. El ángel, sentado y vestido de blanco,
predijo a las mujeres:
el Señor está en Galilea, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
5. Y el apóstol Juan
corrió más rápido que Pedro
y llegó primero al sepulcro, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
6. En medio de los discípulos
presentes, estuvo el Cristo,
diciéndoles: Paz a todos vosotros, aleluya
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
7. Cuando Dídimo se dio cuenta
de que Jesús había resucitado,
se quedó bastante dudoso, aleluya
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
8. Mira, Tomás, mira el costado,
mira los pies, mira las manos,
y no seas incrédulo, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
9. Cuando Tomás vio el costado de Cristo,
y las manos y los pies,
dijo: Tú eres mi Dios, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
10. Benditos sean los que no vieron
y creyeron firmemente,
ellos tendrán la vida eterna, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
11. En este festivo día sagrado
haya alabanza y júbilo,
bendigamos al Señor, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
12. Por lo que, muy humildes,
devotas y debidas gracias
a Dios le damos, aleluya.
Aleluya aleluya, aleluya.
My husband of 23 years died of lung cancer. I miss him so much, the memories are all i have and they hurt. He truly loved me when he was here. Thus music is calming thank you so much. We need to pray for Jesus christ to come back for his people. This world is so SCREWED up and people love is cold. Love is the answer.
May he rip I to lost my mom last month and now I listen to this and think about her 😪
My hubby died young at 43 - heart issue. God watch over you and keep you.
He still loves u very very much, I AM very very sure OUR LORD GOD is here NOW , stay out of the storms , WALK IN LOVE, I HAVE LOVE 4 ALL
Beautiful..I too , lost my husband. I will pray for you.xo
Love is the answer.
Please pray for my uncle Michael he suffers from stage 4 cancer and he is in real pain , in 2016 we lost his oldest brother to cancer , Pray that God does a miracle and heals him , thank you in advance.
Our Father in heaven , please take the pain away and heal uncle Michael from cancer .Amen
Como está o tio Michael?
@@eliandrogeografia6858 He is in a very bad situation , his kidneys don't work properly anymore , on top of that he lost both his parents last month, my grandparents died only 6 days apart so we had 2 funerals in 1 week , I don't think that helped him deal with the fear of Death . Thank you for asking
Ask St Peregrine for help.
@@mailywong9612 and my sister’s dog died in December 9th 2019 he was a Fox terrier
I am a Catholic and I I know that the Holy Trinity, our Mother, angels and saints all work for the good of man! Believe, hope and trust will keep us all afloat’ we are living in difficult times and Gods mercy will save us! I pray for you all as we get soothed by this music! Amen!
Amém 🙏🏼
Please pray for my brother Orlando Medrano. He is having trouble breathing. Has covid. Thank you.
Prayer sent.
I wish him fast recovery
I have offered one Hail Mary for your Brother. I pray for his divine healing. Amen
Take strenght in the spirit, i pray for you
He will be OK.
I am a Lutheran (LCMS), and have a deep love and appreciation for the Roman Catholic Church- rich in tradition and faith.
Hagase catolica salgase de la mentira y la deidad de lutero hagase catolica aqui esta la salvacion somos la unica iglesia donde Cristo esta la invito a dejar su secta ...
Join us doctor God bless you
I believe because at the core, we all have the same Jesus Christ. How do we become more like him should be our main question? How do we become better human beings? How do we connect to God more?
God bless you sir
I am a born again Christian since 1981 and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore praise his holy name. I have deeply loved Him since I was a small child and I am 75 and my love for him is as strong as ever. Thank you precious Jesus for your love your mercy and let your peace fill each and everyone of us and that we all love each other as you love us.
What a precious and inspiring sharing from one who has walked a life's path. Thank you, may God bless you. Adrian
Come to the true faith from Jesus Christ
Une petite française france 🇫🇷 du fond de la Lorraine, Nancy.
Ecouter les chants Grégoriens permet à mon coeur ❤️ de trouver la paix ☮️ après une dure journée auprès de nos patients Autistes à déficience mentale.
Prions pour les personnes seules, abandonnées dans des institutions ou des hôpitaux psychiatriques parce qu’elles sont malades ou différentes 😢.
La Bible dit que le Paradis leur sera accordé. Ils le méritent amplement. Tant de souffrances se voient dans leurs yeux…
Nous faisons le possible pour leurs offrir un peu de mieux être… mais nous ne sommes que de passage…. Eux y finiront leur Vie.💖🙏🙏🙏💖
Always praying ernestly for those battling depression and betrayal of those we love
I was here listening to this inspiring chants. If you happen to see this don't pass without saying Hello. I will see. Love you all. Bernard Karuru Nairobi, Kenya
I have to thank God for the spirit filled priests we have here in Iowa from Your country . What a blessing !
God bless you, brother in Christ!
Hello Bernard, I am Tony and I prayerfully await Ordination. Stay faithful to God and he will never abandon us whenever we need him. 🙏
Hello may God bless you and yours!
I’m going through terrible anxiety and fear please pray for me. I’m also grieving the loss of my father and a job I’m unhappy with. Please pray for me.
You are covered. 📿🙏
Hand over your fear and anxiety to God. You must also hand over your will ( control ). Pray to him about your unhappiness with your job, then look for another job and tell God what ever his will is for you. Surrender fully and God will help you. Condolences for the loss of your father. God bless you, and may you find peace. 🙏🙏
Cynthia I will be praying for you. My younger son suffers from anxiety and I pray for him daily, as I will you too.
Hi cynthia, God loves you so much!
Put all your trust in him and he will work wonderful things in your life.
I will keep you in my prayers!🙏🕊🙏✝️
Im sick, please Jesus Heal and Help Me and i hope i can do my daily activities, not be a lazy more 😢, Amen
Sono sicuro se ti affidi a Dio lui ti guarirà,non perdere mai la speranza
I am Hindu🕉️... But this chant is very pure and heavenly... I find inner peace by listening to this chant.. 🙏
@Savio John loving others doesn't mean leaving your own's
@Savio John Please don't force Christianity on others. I am Christian but ultimately it is their choice whether they convert or not. Their religion is just as important as ours. Let us all live together in peace
@@TheCuriousFinch well said
Yes it just touches you deeply like devotion ,bhakti same feeling but In different culture ,languages
May Jesus Christ reveal himself whole fully to you and may he bring you to himself; in repentances, grace, blessing and love!
Christ our advocate, "My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2 He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 3 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments." (1 John 2:1-3)
"If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)!
God (Jesus Christ) bless you, Nabanita Chakraborty! :)
This chant is telling the story of Christ rising from the dead. Mary Magdalene and others going to the empty tomb and and angels telling her He is risen in Galilea. It’s so beautiful. Thank you for this. I listen all of the time.
It's on RUclips with lyrics📜🎶::::
It is Gorgeous just like Him Jesus💙
Thank you
Thank you so much...🤗
No it's explaining the transformation of the sons and daughters (us) of the universe into the christ form or buddha or god or Shiva or........ It's the same thing there is only one thing! You can become an ancestor and stop experiencing this bardo... you just have to pay attention my friend 🧘♂️
Traditional catholic chants are truly a blessing from God. Latin is so amazing. Thank you from France
Billie especially when they include Lucifer. They sing that at the Vatican, fact.
Dan Marine ...Whatever!!
@@WolfeTone66 Okay, so praising Lucifer by the Catholics is cool these days I guess. Whatev back at ya :)
Dan Marine ...I’ll tell you what really annoys me, it’s not that Catholic’s praise Lusifer, it’s the Pope eating children for breakfast & the Vatican allowing Aliens to live rent free..😜
@@WolfeTone66 Mock all ya want. There are hundreds of videos that show this being sung, and it clearly says Lucifer. Then you have statues and paintings, all historical images of Satan. Then the Pope insists that making friends with Christ outside the Church is wrong. Then you have the Pope signing a pact in Feb this year, which is urging a one world religion. Oh the list could go on. Ever wonder what the circle was behind all the pictures of Jesus and other saints in Catholic churches? There is a history as to where that came from, thousands of years ago. The Bible says (only through Jesus) will we receive his gift, but the Catholics pray to Mary, as well as worshipping her statue. Yep, millions have been lied to for years. Once you study their history, it's overwhelming. There is also ONE Father, but the Popes wish to be called Father. Good Luck and God Bless
Nothing better to relax than Gregorian chants.🙏
Can you translate please?
You want me to translate the chants ?
I feel like im at peace when i listen to this song. Does anyone else feel that way?
Dalia Lule yes I do :) peace and space 🙏💛✨
Yes I do...
@@cosmicshindig God bless you my brother. I hope and wish you well in life. We will meet in heaven, as angels. Amen. 🙏➕😭➕➕
@@S53018 God bless you!! I wish you well. Amen. ➕🌺🌺🙏
Dalia Lule God bless you too 🙏 love and angel hugs to you 💛✨
I converted 12 years ago I have a blessed life now
God bless you and keep you in the HOLY Faith!!!
God bless you
*Que Dieu bénisse tous ceux qui écoutent ces chansons!* 🙏🙏
On trouve encore la pureté originelle🙏, de nos jours trop de religion pervertie par l'homme,
Inchahalah un jour une génération suivante retournerons au source. Et la paix régnera dans le monde.
Amen Jesus♡
Amen merci de ta grace ❤
God Bless you
Dear Lord, Jesus , help our country to live in Peace !
Please help me - I am fighting with a disease . And help my family to be healthy and happy.
I was born a Catholic and I'll die a Catholic, Gregorian chants are simply amazing and beautiful. It feels like hearing the angelic voices in heaven whenever I listen ot it.
May God continue to bless the Catholic Church throughout the world
Wow good decision
Unfortunately we no longer have Gregorian chants in our modern liturgy ????
@@beatusmasero9518 The Roman Catholic Traditional Latin Mass is where you'll find Gregorian chant. (:
Hmmm. . . Do you not mean you will were born Christian and die and Christian and have eternal life as a Christian?
grow in love help all
I've read some of the comments below and noticed that people are identifying with various religions and the responses I've read to these beautiful chants seems to unify us all and demonstrates that we are all one under GOD, no matter our religious philosophies. I'm thankful to have found this today ... GOD bless everyone!
I love you message to everyone. Thank you
My Dad use to Always say to me “put your think cap on”
When Jesus came to this earth to save us from our sins , during the will of His Father, He didn’t come to start over 35 thousand
denominations !!! He established The One !!
The Holy Catholic Church!!!
How many thousands of humans has the Holy catholic church murdered and tortured throughout the centuries in their love of mary?
@@terrywilkins101 None
You do not need to be in a " Organized Religion " to be one under GOD . I find most people do not know the meaning of life .
"Oh Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You!!!"
Blessed be he who cometh in the name of the Lord!
Hallelujah! There were eight days of injury with a stone in my urethra and after listening and repeating the fili et filiae chant for eight minutes, I went to urinate and expelled the stone from my urethra! Hallelujah, God be praised! God is so good! Thank you all! Hallelujah!
I love this chant.God is so real.
Gives me hope & strength in what I am facing.Halleluih.
Praised be the Lord 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
A real miracle ❤