Don't be surprised about anything happening in Tigray. Be surprised about what's happening with the Amharas and the Oromos. Had these two decisive groups in the country seen reason to do the right thing by refraining from the war of stupidity and stood to empower the government, anything that happens in the North is unthinkable in the first place or it could easily made out of bounce. Everything starts and ends with the foolish behaviours of the two large communities in the country. So be mightily surprised about them and forget all the rest.
ኤርትራ ከፈለገችው አገር መስራት ስምምነት ማድረግ መብቱዋ ነው ኢትዮፕያ አይመለከታትም
ተመስገን ዛሬ ደሬና አማን ሲተነትኑ መሐል እየገባ የሚያቋርጣቸው የለም
አሜ ,.አጋርነቱን አትርሳ .ታላቅ ወንድም ከጎን ማግኘት የሱማሌ ላንድ ታላቁ ምኞት መሆኑን አትርሳ !
ኢትዮጵያ ለምን ወጭ ታበዛለች የባህር ሃይል በማድረግ ማንንስ ለመከላከል ነው ነገር ከመፍለግ በቀር ወይም የዶክተሩ ጉራ ካልሆነ በቀር
ወደብ ያላቸው አገራት ካልተስማማህ መከልከል ይችላሉ
እስኪ ዛሬ ለታሪክ የሚሆን ኤርትራ ሻዕቢያ ኢሳያስ ሳትሉ ዝግጅት ስሩ እስቲ ልስማቹ
Are you sympathizers to Shabya?
ዝም ብላቹሁ ከምትዘባርቁ የህግ ባለሞያ ጋብዛቹህ ከዕውቀት ጋር ከህግ አንፃር አትተነትኑም ህዝቡም በግልፀ ግንዛቤ ያገኛል
Don't be surprised about anything happening in Tigray. Be surprised about what's happening with the Amharas and the Oromos.
Had these two decisive groups in the country seen reason to do the right thing by refraining from the war of stupidity and stood to empower the government, anything that happens in the North is unthinkable in the first place or it could easily made out of bounce.
Everything starts and ends with the foolish behaviours of the two large communities in the country. So be mightily surprised about them and forget all the rest.
ይህ ሚድያ ከሕዋት ራስ ውረዱ በፈጠራቹሁ ትግራይ በደብረፂወን እያ ትምረሕ ዋሐጦ
ኮሶቮ አሁንም የተባበሩት መንግስታት አባል አገር አይደለችም።
የህዋሀቱ ግልገሉ ኦረሞማው ብሷል ከህውሀት
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ትንተና ጠላዉ አማን
ay mersha kelele abekalet yiha zurbabiel zerento kemeta simetawina kufu hibretesebin be gimla yemiferigina yemitela lig new aladegem albeselem
Old and fake😂😂😂😂