English translation as attempted by Chatgpt: If there was one wish that could come true I wish you always had a smile on your face I'm still here, but little by little I'm being separated from this world Because we spent so much time together, there isn't a single expression I don't know I saw every bit of your casual kindness up close Even if the world is painful, you were always there by my side as if it were natural If pretending to be strong could make me stronger, then I'll try to be strong Even with unreliable wings, I can still fly, so please don't cry I'm swallowed up by the white, but every time I open this map It's colored just a little bit with your color Cutting through the wind, I ran toward the sea, following my heart's desire The sound of the waves from that day still echoes in my heart Even if it's painful, I believed in tomorrow as if it were natural Although our childish thoughts wander in search of miracles Please smile again and softly close your eyes, saying In the never-ending flow of time, I don't know the name of this uneasy feeling But countless memories will accompany me through the pain Stay the way you are and live your life to the fullest, my friend Even though our powerless thoughts wander in search of answers Even if the world is painful, you were always there by my side as if it were natural If pretending to be strong could make me stronger, then I'll try to be strong Even with unreliable wings, I can still fly, so please don't cry I'll love you always. Thank you for being my friend.
もしも望みがひとつ 叶えられるとしたら
あなたにいつでも笑顔でいて欲しいと そう願うよ
まだここにいる だけどこの世界と私は
ほんの少しずつ 切り離されてしまう
何気ない優しさも 誰より近くで見てた
世界がせつなくても あたりまえにそばにいてくれた
強がることで強くなれるのなら 強がってみるよ
頼りない翼でもまだ飛べる だから泣かないで
白に飲まれる だけどこの地図をひらくたび
ほんの少しだけ あなた色に色づく
風を切っては 心の向くままに 海へと走った
あの日の潮騒が 胸の奥さざめいてる
どんなにせつなくても あたりまえに明日を信じてた
もう一度笑ってよ そっと目を閉じてつぶやいた
やるせない感情の名など 知らないけれども
無数の想い出が 痛みに寄り添ってくれる
あなたはあなたのまま 思い切り明日を生きていてね
無力な想い達が 答えを探してさまよっても
世界がせつなくても あたりまえにそばにいてくれた
強がることで強くなれるのなら 強がってみるよ
頼りない翼でもまだ飛べる だから泣かないで
ずっと大好きよ Thank you for my friend
English translation as attempted by Chatgpt:
If there was one wish that could come true
I wish you always had a smile on your face
I'm still here, but little by little
I'm being separated from this world
Because we spent so much time together, there isn't a single expression I don't know
I saw every bit of your casual kindness up close
Even if the world is painful, you were always there by my side as if it were natural
If pretending to be strong could make me stronger, then I'll try to be strong
Even with unreliable wings, I can still fly, so please don't cry
I'm swallowed up by the white, but every time I open this map
It's colored just a little bit with your color
Cutting through the wind, I ran toward the sea, following my heart's desire
The sound of the waves from that day still echoes in my heart
Even if it's painful, I believed in tomorrow as if it were natural
Although our childish thoughts wander in search of miracles
Please smile again and softly close your eyes, saying
In the never-ending flow of time,
I don't know the name of this uneasy feeling
But countless memories will accompany me through the pain
Stay the way you are and live your life to the fullest, my friend
Even though our powerless thoughts wander in search of answers
Even if the world is painful, you were always there by my side as if it were natural
If pretending to be strong could make me stronger, then I'll try to be strong
Even with unreliable wings, I can still fly, so please don't cry
I'll love you always. Thank you for being my friend.
Thank you so much for uploading these. Amazing music for a wonderful series.
The feels..
もしも望みがひとつ 叶えられるとしたら
如果有一個願望 能夠實現的話
あなたにいつでも笑顔でいて欲しいと そう願うよ
希望你能一直保持笑容 如此許願著
まだここにいる だけどこの世界と私は
還在這裡 但這個世界和我
ほんの少しずつ 切り離されてしまう
真的只有一點點 已經和我逐漸切離了
沒有沒看過的表情般的 一起生活相伴了所以
何気ない優しさも 誰より近くで見てた
不被察覺的溫柔 比誰都還要近的看見了
世界がせつなくても あたりまえにそばにいてくれた
即使世界是如此艱苦 理所當然的陪伴在我身邊
強がることで強くなれるのなら 強がってみるよ
逞強就能夠變強的話 就逞強試試吧
頼りない翼でもまだ飛べる だから泣かないで
即使是不穩固的翅膀也可以飛翔 所以不要哭泣了
白に飲まれる だけどこの地図をひらくたび
逐漸的染為純白 但是攤開這張地圖
ほんの少しだけ あなた色に色づく
真的只有一點點 染上了一絲你的顏色
風を切っては 心の向くままに 海へと走った
一陣一陣的風 朝著心的方向 往海奔馳著
あの日の潮騒が 胸の奥さざめいてる
那一天的海浪聲 在心的深處裡作響著
どんなにせつなくても あたりまえに明日を信じてた
不管變得多麼的艱苦 理所當然的相信著明日
もう一度笑ってよ そっと目を閉じてつぶやいた
再一次展露笑容 想輕輕的閉上眼睛輕聲的呢喃
やるせない感情の名など 知らないけれども
沒有被創造的感情的名字之類的 即使不知道
無数の想い出が 痛みに寄り添ってくれる
創造無數的思念 也伴隨著疼痛
あなたはあなたのまま 思い切り明日を生きていてね
你就做你自己 切斷思念繼續活在明日吧
無力な想い達が 答えを探してさまよっても
無力的思念們 即使尋找著答案漂泊著
世界がせつなくても あたりまえにそばにいてくれた
即使世界如此艱苦 理所當然的陪伴在身邊
強がることで強くなれるのなら 強がってみるよ
逞強就能夠變強的話 就逞強試試吧
頼りない翼でもまだ飛べる だから泣かないで
即使是不穩固的翅膀也可以飛翔 所以不要哭泣了
ずっと大好きよ Thank you for my friend
一直最喜歡著你 Thank you for my friend
OwO I'm crying. This is too deep