Scientists Patrick Moore and Judith Curry on Climate Change

  • Опубликовано: 6 мар 2016
  • Patrick Moore, a Canadian scientist who was a founding member of Greenpeace, finally had to leave the organization for its extremism.
    BSc Biology PhD Ecology, Greenpeace co-founder, 15 yr. leader
    Judith Curry, is a highly credentialed climate scientist. She is a professor and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is widely published in top climate journals.
    1982 Ph.D. The University of Chicago, Geophysical Sciences
    1974 B.S. cum laude Northern Illinois University, Geography

Комментарии • 50

  • @kenvandeburgt1232
    @kenvandeburgt1232 6 лет назад +13

    I've spent countless hours watching scientists making presentations about climate on RUclips, reading papers and books discussing climate effects of the sun, cosmic rays, atmosphere, clouds, geologic reconstruction of climate, basic CO2 physics as a greenhouse gas and its basic absorption spectrum, and the earth's radiation spectrum. Then I looked at data for CO2 in our atmosphere, the surface temperature record, the satellite temperature record, and the sea surface temperature record. Finally I looked at the UN IPCC CMIP5 models that our government relies on for its carbon policies.
    Mauna Loa CO2 is rising.
    UAH satellite temperature hasn't been rising since 1998.
    HadSST3 Sea surface temperature has been dropping the past 3 years. There is almost no change since the record was started.
    Sea levels are still rising but more slowly than the first part of the 20th century.
    CO2 is already absorbing all of the heat the earth is radiating in its absorption spectrum. If you double or triple the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere you'd get perhaps 0.1C.
    The science is focussed on the emissivity of CO2. Emissivity is about how CO2 absorbs and transmits heat. The studies are suggesting that CO2 is an inefficient grey body ... very unlike the black body it is assumed to be in the climate models.
    UN IPCC CMIP5 models are all predicting much more warming than is observed. The models are profoundly wrong
    Government is relying on the false model predictions and isn't asking why the data shows very little warming for the past 20 years. Its making policies that will have an seriously disastrous effect on our lives.
    Global warming hypothesis is the greatest fraud in our history.

    • @remakeit2628
      @remakeit2628 6 лет назад

      You said "UAH satellite temperature hasn't been rising since 1998". Nobody in science cherry picks. 1998 was the warmest year last century by a long margin. The satellite data as a whole over 30 years shows an undeniable trend.
      You said "HadSST3 Sea surface temperature has been dropping the past 3 years. There is almost no change since the record was started. " Again, silly cherrypicking of data - nobody in science uses 3 years to determine a trend.
      You said "Sea levels are still rising but more slowly than the first part of the 20th century. " Nope - that is a lie and all the data available shows you have LIED.
      You said "CO2 is already absorbing all of the heat the earth is radiating in its absorption spectrum." Well that is patently absurd and shows you are totally clueless.
      You said:
      "The science is focussed on the emissivity of CO2. Emissivity is about how CO2 absorbs and transmits heat. The studies are suggesting that CO2 is an inefficient grey body ... very unlike the black body it is assumed to be in the climate models."
      Nobody but you and other idiots would make such a nonsensical claim. Just to help you here, CO2 is NOT a black body.
      You said "UN IPCC CMIP5 models are all predicting much more warming than is observed. " Given the models relate principally to events which have not yet occurred, the remark is rubbish.
      You have no science and no idea!

    • @kenvandeburgt1232
      @kenvandeburgt1232 6 лет назад +2

      You have no data to support your AGW hypothesis or any of the flawed attacks you've made on the data I have referred to.

    • @remakeit2628
      @remakeit2628 6 лет назад

      I have all the data from IPCC AR5 and all the subsequent data. All this data proves you to be incompetent and your claims show you do not know what you are talking about. You points about "emissivity" were from a crazy fairytale you must have dreamed about.

    • @kenvandeburgt1232
      @kenvandeburgt1232 6 лет назад +3

      So you have no data. Get lost.

  • @ragnaarminnesota6703
    @ragnaarminnesota6703 7 лет назад +6

    Moore has some good ideas. Greenpeace isn't saving animals when it blames so much on CO2.

  • @HobbitHomes263
    @HobbitHomes263 5 лет назад +1

    I put climate Alarmists in my "Stephen King" folder. From "The Blob" to "Saw" to "It" people are entertained by having the crap scared out of them. They pay good money to have the crap scared out of them. People LIKE to feel like everything is awful.

  • @LexHarrison
    @LexHarrison 6 лет назад +1

    ********From outstanding and highly respected scientific academia such as Georgia Tech's Judith Curry and Climate Scientist Murry Salby it's apparent that the most probable cause of global warming are the natural forces of nature, with human activity not proven to contribute significantly toward any global climate changes as they're occurring now is our indisputable reality!
    *******The cultist deceit of man made climate change so widely touted today as fact, is anything but an unsettled scientific matter as of November, 2017!

  • @TheSaskachewan1
    @TheSaskachewan1 5 лет назад

    Is there any true research on co2 trapping or not trapping heat

  • @markyoung8613
    @markyoung8613 6 лет назад

    Just been doing some checking. The word is Judith Curry Hurricane tracking and weather forecasting company is being sued for 10 times the companies value. Their Liability Insurance company is claiming exemption from payment due to her alleged expertise. Within the companies contract she stated "she being an expert would know more than any insurance company could expect or be expected to know" In law this is considered an advantageous position which she and her company benefited from allowing them to offer favourable low rates of insurance....... The insurance companies state that her claims were false, misleading, inaccurate and downright erronious putting them in a unfair and disadvantageous and untenable position. The Insurance company so far has won all minor court rulings and is forecast to win further court decisions due to Judith Curry unreasonable, unfounded and grossly overstated self expertise. The court is taking into account her more knowing than all others positions with former employers. I think poor Judith is facing the cliff edge the same as the earths climate is.......... Take a deep breath of HS2 that will sort you out....... Warning do not try and breath HS2 gas at 300ppm, it will kill you........
    Show less

    • @ragnaarminnesota6703
      @ragnaarminnesota6703 6 лет назад +2

      All you have to do is provide a link that shows her being sued.

    • @normanstewart9857
      @normanstewart9857 5 лет назад

      I can't find anything about this. Please provide a reference.

    • @pauljackson2409
      @pauljackson2409 2 года назад

      If you don't know the formula for hydrogen sulphide, don't expect me to take you seriously.

  • @ellbee2439
    @ellbee2439 6 лет назад

    Min 1:47 "Pure science philosopher" That's it for me! The inanity of Patrick Moore's comments demonstrates his total lack of any scientific credibility for the arguments he challenges. How do I know that? Because I, a high school dropout, understand what he is saying and it has nothing to do with science. And my opinion is just as valid as his!

    • @ssm59
      @ssm59 6 лет назад +1

      Ell Bee wow, opinion is not an argument

    • @johnmartin2017
      @johnmartin2017 5 лет назад

      Your opinion is not of value to the debate Ell. You need provide factual counter arguments.

    • @ellbee2439
      @ellbee2439 5 лет назад

      ssm59 & John Martin - You're both right, my statement above is my opinion! And just as valid as Moore's opinion which is what he is stating, his opinion. I could make up the same arguments based on a few cherry-picked right wing talking points and have people like you lapping it all up, but, it would have just as much scientific credibility as Moore's, none!
      The many scientific disciplines that contribute to our understanding of global climate change all point to the activities of humans as being the driving cause of what we are experiencing in our lifetimes, overriding the status quo of the natural world we've been experiencing for hundreds of years.
      When people like Moore attempt to hijack the discourse surrounding the subject of climate change by manipulating highly selective bits of data and presenting it as "science", he makes himself out as a charlatan and a fool. As I have said elsewhere, in reference to Tim Ball, if Moore actually put the effort into learning the science he would be deserving of your respect and would very probably earn mine. I don't expect that to happen anytime soon!

  • @Cspacecat
    @Cspacecat 6 лет назад

    CO2 is a greenhouse gas. That is it both absorbs and releases infrared photons. Once released, there is one chance in 41,253 that infrared photon will continue within one degree in the same direction. This basically gives that photon a 50/50 chance of going either up or down. Since the oceans cover about 71% of the Earth's surface, this gives that photon about a 35% chance of hitting a body of water. Infrared photons will not penetrate a body or water's surface, but will instead excite an H2O molecule causing evaporation. H2O is the primary greenhouse gas which prevents the Earth from having a climate like our moon. Consequently the more CO2 we put into the atmosphere, the more H2O gets into the atmosphere, the warmer the planet gets. This is how a 40% increase in CO2 caused a 7% increase in absolute humidity. The present increase in temperature due to this combination of additional H2O and CO2 in the atmosphere is approximately .9C at present. Because it takes a tremendous amount of time for the oceans to heat, it will take centuries for the Earth to reach temperature equilibrium. If we continue to inject CO2 into the atmosphere, that heating process will continue to accelerate.

    • @Cspacecat
      @Cspacecat 6 лет назад

      In 1827 Jean_Baptiste Fourier first recognized the warming effect of greenhouse gases.

    • @Cspacecat
      @Cspacecat 6 лет назад

      In 1859, John Tyndall did the original research on the physical properties of CO2.

    • @Cspacecat
      @Cspacecat 6 лет назад

      The first quantitative estimate of the effect of doubling atmospheric CO2 on the mean surface temperature of the Earth was made by Svante Arrhenius in 1896.

    • @Cspacecat
      @Cspacecat 6 лет назад

      Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
      "Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere with a given Distribution of Relative Humidity." May, 1967
      Manabe and Wetherald were the first to include all the main physical processes relevant to the problem, using a model that was no more complicated than necessary to achieve this. This led to much more realistic simulations and enabled the results to be explained in terms of processes which could be observed in the real world.
      Manabe and Wetherald made a number of other discoveries. First, that the temperature of the stratosphere cooled markedly when carbon dioxide was doubled. This is the characteristic “fingerprint” of increasing carbon dioxide: the troposphere warms and the stratosphere cools, as we have observed over the last 50 years.

    • @Cspacecat
      @Cspacecat 6 лет назад

      If CO2 follows temperature and we went from 280ppm to 408ppm in 120 years, what happened to the temperature we should have?

  • @timdunk7278
    @timdunk7278 7 лет назад +4

    While it is true that Patrick Moore was a member of Greenpeace in the 1970s, in 1986 he abruptly turned his back on the very issues he once passionately defended. He claims he “saw the light” but what Moore really saw was an opportunity for financial gain. Since then he has gone from defender of the planet to a paid representative of corporate polluters.
    Patrick Moore promotes such anti-environmental positions as clearcut logging, nuclear power, farmed salmon, PVC (vinyl) production, genetically engineered crops, and mining. Clients for his consulting services are a veritable Who’s Who of companies that Greenpeace has exposed for environmental misdeeds, including Monsanto, Weyerhaeuser, and BHP Minerals.

    • @paultaylor47
      @paultaylor47 7 лет назад +6

      Yeah aw no What Dr Moore saw was an environmental group that was looking for the next pay cheque from the global governments. Communism collapsed and the Marxists of the world united behind a new cult religion called global warming er Climate Change er what is it called now ? Ironically the Global Warming theory was first promoted by Prime Minister Margeret Thatcher to kill the Coal Mining Unions in the UK . She did this as they were a major thorn in her side. Thatchers solution was to say Nuclear Power has no carbon emissions.

    • @sd789sd
      @sd789sd 7 лет назад +5

      Environmental movement is not altruistic anymore either. Combined budget of all green organizations is estimated as 4.5 billion dollars. David Suzuki as a good example of movement corruption, has four multimillion dollars mansions in Vancouver. The double plot along for his water front mansion cost about 8 millions. Ironically he co-owned the private island with an oil company as well. Moore explained himself pretty well about his reasons to leave Greenpeace in video called Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout. Also strangely enough green is totally colluded with communism this days.

    • @paultaylor47
      @paultaylor47 7 лет назад +3

      They 'the environmental cottage industries' are a witches brew of true believers and anti-capitalist marxists whom dont remember where some of the great damages of the environment occurred.

    • @grahamlyons8522
      @grahamlyons8522 7 лет назад +8

      Tim Dunk: Exactly as Patrick Moore said, those, like you, who believe in AGW always attack the person, never try to rebut his scientific arguments.

    • @ellbee2439
      @ellbee2439 6 лет назад

      Tim Dunk: Patrick Moore has no scientific arguments, only PR talking points!