Solaris trolleybuses are still in use on lines 1, 3, 4 and 5. Škoda's were decommissioned due to the bad condition these vehicles were in, only line 9 was completely replaced by bus line 72._
Понятно, конечно, что техника не вечна, и всё со временем приходится заменять на более современную. Но всё равно немножко грустно, и скучаешь по тем старым автобусам и троллейбусам.
I saw one 2 days ago when I am commenting. I was going home after and out school event and boom I saw one at endla street. right after the mandarin food place.
Pesuvalgendaja Yeah..For example, here in Prague we had huge trolleybus system since 1936 to 1972. Removed traction was replaced by diesel buses. Just one year before the oil crisis! Idiots.
3 Kaubamaja Estonia Vabaduse väljak Tõnismägi Hotell tallinn Kelmiküla Ristiku Lille Hipodroom Välja Marja Löwenruh Aiandi Sääse A.H.Tammsaare tee Szolnok Kaja Akadeemia tee Mustamäe Kaubamaja - Mustamäe
I miss these a lot. They were loud as hell, but there was just some kind of charm about it
Miss these old trolleys, great memories. Although I was lucky to ride on one last year!
Это были такие крутые троллейбусы , в них было чтото своё и что-то доброе! А как двери, открывались медлено, а закрывались хлопая из-за всех сил😅
im happy that we still have them in ústí nad labem
Yes - a shame to see such environmentally friendly transportation being scrapped. I hope Tallinn don't remove all their trolleybuses.
Solaris trolleybuses are still in use on lines 1, 3, 4 and 5. Škoda's were decommissioned due to the bad condition these vehicles were in, only line 9 was completely replaced by bus line 72._
@@DjResR not 9 only, also 6 and 7
In 2025 all trolleybusses stop operating
CORRECTION: 2035 is that time
Я хоть и катался на них в Таллинне только пару раз но всё равно хотел бы чтобы они вернулись
Молодцы на самом деле не поддаются, политикам работают! Так держать мои УРР!!!
Kas vanade trollide muuseum või nätius avatakse ka?
I missed them :(
2021 sõitis ainult liin nr 1
Понятно, конечно, что техника не вечна, и всё со временем приходится заменять на более современную. Но всё равно немножко грустно, и скучаешь по тем старым автобусам и троллейбусам.
I saw one 2 days ago when I am commenting. I was going home after and out school event and boom I saw one at endla street. right after the mandarin food place.
Ei tea küll miks, kuid nägin 15Tr'i 07.04.17 Koidu peatuse juures liinil teenindamas. Vist oli liin nr. 3.
Üks Lõõts jäeti reservi.
See kannab nr 423
Se pidigi troll nr 3 olema muidu oleks võinud se ka troll nr 6 olla aga troll nr 6 suleti aasta 2016 1 jaanuar!
So, only Solaris trolley buses are in use now?
Happy New Year from Helsinki 😊
Most are now Solaris yes, but few ones are Škoda 14tr, which are short version of Škoda 15tr.
Happy new year !
MsTallink v
Has any vehicle stayed for museum purposes?
Yeap, one trolleybus has been kept and fully renovated.
421 jaoks oligi tegemist viimase päevaga. 423 sõidab senini. Alles eile sõitsin sellega tööle.
Very nice. Pollution free, we should have some of these in India too.
Sadly the city is removing the trolley lines :/ we're going backwards.
Pesuvalgendaja Yeah..For example, here in Prague we had huge trolleybus system since 1936 to 1972. Removed traction was replaced by diesel buses. Just one year before the oil crisis! Idiots.
последний день ходил тролл 295 по 9 маршруту 14й короткий
Kas sa filmid telefoniga?
send them to England... there's a better replacement for the Pacer's !!
Eile sõitsin škoda 14Tr iga aga see oli hoopis 307 ja rohkem neid pole
Vabaduse väljak
Hotell tallinn
A.H.Tammsaare tee
Akadeemia tee
Kaubamaja - Mustamäe
Võib olla
Praegu sõidab škoda liini ainult troll nr 1
Eestis pole trolibusidel ARK numbrimärke?
no pole eriti vaja, trollibussiga just sündmuskohalt väga kaugele ära põgeneda ei saa kui midagi juhtub :D
Kas kõik skodad võeti ära?
14trid võeti käikust maha 2017 aasta mais
Ei võetud ju 2021 aastal veel sõitis üks škoda 14tr 307 liinil nr 1
@@theestoniancountryball see oli retrotroll ja see vahest käib liinil. Üldiselt seisab
Шпроты, на русском а ну быстро пишите!
Не клоуничай, а учи эстонский :)
Shit Soviet trolleybus to trash!
Suursaadik this isn t Soviet trolleybus -_- it s Czech
lol, sovietophobia in a nutshell