Stealing Reason: Christianity’s Theft of Human Values • Patrick Morrow

  • Опубликовано: 18 май 2018
  • If you look through collections of Christian apologetics you will inevitably find people claiming that Christians ended slavery and that Christianity is responsible for the scientific revolution. Whenever we have a moral or scientific advancement, you will find some Christian somewhere claiming that it was their god and his followers who initiated it and/or were responsible for it.
    On the contrary, the modus operandi throughout history is that, believing God to be on their side, Christian sects have fought tooth and nail against progress when it contradicted their Holy Scriptures or dogma - only to claim later, after losing the battle, that they were at the forefront of these advancements all along.
    At the May meeting we will talk about Christian apologetic claims regarding the scientific revolution and slavery. Our own Pat Morrow will demonstrate that progress is not due to any gods, but rather to the efforts of the curious and cooperative species we call humans.
    Recorded May 12, 2018

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