Who Is The Bride? Part 2 of 3 ─ Passion For Truth Ministries

  • Опубликовано: 2 ноя 2021
  • Pastor Jim continues his series “Who Is The Bride of Christ”. In part two he teaches on the “Characteristics of the Bride”.
    Published Dec 22, 2012
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Комментарии • 21

  • @nakiaboyr6196
    @nakiaboyr6196 Год назад +12

    There's no way Jim Staley is not a true follower of Messiah. No one could speak this way without knowing Elohim. You can't fake faithfulness of the truth and speak the Words of righteousness unless you have spent time seeking Yah. Is he perfect, no. Has Jim made mistakes, yes! But Blessed is YHVH and may He work through PFT. Jim had his Joseph moment and came out the prison still seeking Yah. I thank Yah for Him. All glory to Elohim.

  • @carolynadams53
    @carolynadams53 10 месяцев назад +6

    I just found this ministry and message on August 17 of 2023.I am so thankful and blessed to have run into these .messages.These meesages are of the deep word of GOD.I look forward to digging deep into the word of GOD through this ministry and the mysteries of GOD.Thank you for opening my eyes to the Bride of Christ.Amen and amen.

  • @motomike1197
    @motomike1197 2 месяца назад

    Man this is a great teaching! Very humbling 💯

  • @tressabowles5817
    @tressabowles5817 26 дней назад

    Eternity: The verse in amazing grace that says.....
    When we've been there ten thousand years,
    Bright shining like the sun,
    We've no less days to sing god's praise,
    Then when we first begun!!!!!!!!

  • @childoftheking_
    @childoftheking_ Год назад +3


  • @scampbell1620
    @scampbell1620 5 месяцев назад +1

    An anointed teacher. Thank you.

  • @tressabowles5817
    @tressabowles5817 26 дней назад

    The most important thing
    We can understand in overcoming Has everything to do with sin.... Its overcoming our sin.... Taking our flesh captive..... bringing our sin Into the obedience of Yeshua! Enduring to the end is how you finish.... Overcoming is Casting your flesh and your sin aside for the Kingdom ways.

  • @christapotgieter7830
    @christapotgieter7830 4 месяца назад

    JESUS WORDS cleane me

  • @HOOKED313
    @HOOKED313 11 месяцев назад +1

    I have messages for all of you. Fast repent and pray. Time is closing in. I've been contacted and warning you all of Divoc since the super wolf blood moon Jan 21 2019. I know who I am now. My name and testimony proves everything. All praise goes to my almighty God. 🎉🎉🎉

  • @dominicmbise7144
    @dominicmbise7144 2 года назад +1

    Listening from Tanzania

  • @1wencowen
    @1wencowen Год назад

    Really enjoy the series!!

  • @richardkasper5822
    @richardkasper5822 Год назад +3

    Doesn't Luke 14 say to take the lowest seat at the wedding ?

  • @phillipbradshaw
    @phillipbradshaw Год назад

    In the original Hebrew text of Matt. 5:19, Yeshua HaMashiyah did not say whosoever breaks the least of these Commandments, and teaches men so, shall be call Least in the Kingdom of Heaven. Adon Yeshua, Yehovah Tzavuot saids He would make that person void.

  • @jessbullock
    @jessbullock 2 года назад +1


  • @robertnieten7259
    @robertnieten7259 Год назад

    In the parable of the Ten virgins, the five foolish virgins could not enter the wedding banquet. The wedding banquet is for the brides of Christ. Jesus told the five foolish virgins " I know you not".
    The reason He said this to them is because:
    1) They had not taken on the bridegrooms' name, Jesus Christ, by it being called over them during water baptism.
    2) They had not had the bridegrooms' Spirit, the Holy Spirit, joined with their spirit as the result of the Holy Spirit baptism.
    Spiritual confirmation of this joining is speaking in tongues, which according to the new testaments' original Greek, is one spiritual language.

    • @carolhelton7001
      @carolhelton7001 Год назад +1

      Where is this scripturally supported?

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 Год назад +1

      @Carol Helton The plan of salvation has three aspects:
      1) To give us eternal life instead of eternal death.
      2) For us to be born again new creatures in Christ.
      3) To add us to the bride of Christ, the church, which is His body.
      What makes us belong among the ten virgins is the remission of sins.
      During water baptism the Holy Spirit, because of the shed blood of Christ, circumcises our conscience, removing the guilt from past sins, and restoring it to its' original innocence from guilt caused by sin.This is spiritually the " washing of regeneration" in Titus 3:5. The word " regeneration" defined means to return something to its' original state. Our original state was as innocent of the huilt of willful sin, children.
      This is what make us spiritual virgins. The name of Jesus Christ called over the baptismal candidate is for the purpose of our taking on the name of the bridegroom Jesus Christ
      "For this reason I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in the heavens and earth are named"( Eph. 3:14,15).
      The calling of the name of Jesus Christ during baptism can only have one reason scripturally and that is for us to take on that name as the brides do in order to be spiritually one with the bridegroom.
      This is why we are called Christians. The joining together of the Spirit of God and our spirits is what completes the union. It is the spiritual consumption of our vow to love honor and obey Jesus Christ.
      The five foolish virgins had repented and been water baptized but had not had the bridegrooms name called over them nor experienced spiritual union with Him.
      The Holy Spirit is recieved as the result of the Holy Spirit baptism. I was aware of the Holy Spirit near me and around me and had been filled with the Spirit before I ever recieved the Holy Spirit.
      It is to be filled to overflowing that results in the Spirit becoming one with ours. Once prayed for and filled with the Holy Spirit we must yield the one member of our body that we are incapable of yielding without the Holy Spirits' aid and that is our tongue. We do so until the Spirit " tames" it and enables us to speak in the spiritual language that we call " tongues".
      Once this happens it triggers the baptismal overflow while at the same moment the Holy Spirit joins with ours becoming one. The five foolish virgins were virgins spiritually but had never taken on the bridegrooms name or been joined with Him spiritually which resulted in them not being qualified to attend the wedding banquet.

  • @richardkasper5822
    @richardkasper5822 Год назад

    I thought the ultimate will of God was to follow His Son Jesus into the new covenant because the Judaic laws were impossible for ordinary men to fullful. And that's why Jesus was given to us because He was the ONLY one who could ever fullful the law perfectly. I guess this is a Jewish preaching ?

    • @MaryTruthSeeker
      @MaryTruthSeeker Год назад +1

      Have you read how John the Baptist’s parents were described?
      “Together they were righteous before Adonai, walking without fault in all His commandments and instructions.”
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭
      There are more.
      The Messiah showed u the away to live according to the Father’s instructions. Yah gave us the instructions and allowed His son to be sacrificed for us because he loves us enough to send Him to show us the Way- so that none would perish.
      I have a hard time understanding why I meant so much to Him that He/they would do that for me- a filthy sinner. But I do know I believe He/They did do that and more so that I could be in the presence of the Father. Sin has no place in the Kingdom- thankfully we who believe and trust in the Messiah have been forgiven, washed clean and redeemed. And now I am doing everything I can to show my gratitude by walking in His way, the only way to the Father.
      ““Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city. “But outside are the dogs and those who enchant with drugs, and those who whore, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and all who love and do falsehood.”
      ‭‭Ḥazon (Revelation)‬ ‭22:14-15‬ ‭TS2009‬‬