I don’t have a Bible study, I don’t have a group of people I can dig into the word with. This is exactly what this feels like. I wish I had a “in real life” Bible study, but until the Lord brings me there, this video is such a blessing. Yes. More of this content please!!
Notes and hues by kanoe is an amazing bible study. She is going through the bible in one year. I started late but it's so impactful and I have learned so much. ❤❤
I am coming out of a similar season. All of my friends either moved away or became too busy to hang out. God is using this time of solitude to replace lies with His Truth, teach me more about His nature, and show me how to rely more on Him. Some girls at my new job started a Bible study a couple of weeks ago, and it has been an answer to prayer. I don't know if I would call them friends yet, but I know God's plan and timing are perfect. If no one around you is doing a Bible study, maybe start your own! You could also do one over zoom/facetime. God designed us to have community, so I believe that He will provide in His perfect timing. I know how it feels and am praying for you :)
Girl! look up BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) it starts back up in September, it is an international Bible study and it changed my life, and answered so many prayers of mine to strengthen my faith and bring my Jesus loving friends.
Milena, I’ve been subscribed since your “waiting for marriage video”. After college I worked in the art department on the tv show Dynasty for a few years (FULL of sin) its literally about adultery, backstabbing, lying, cheating, murder etc. I just mindlessly took the job because I was so lukewarm. I had to read this show’s scripts every week as a part of my job. The people I worked with were good people I believe (mostly non-believers) but we were constantly surrounded by sin and we were the ones making more of this sick sin content! God pulled me out of this workplace and turned my life right side up when I met my husband. Within two years God moved me to a new city and I became a part of an amazing church community, had a God-centered wedding and marriage and we now have our sweet 8 month old baby. My heart has been on fire for the Lord especially in the last few weeks. Gods plan is sooo much greater than my silly plan! Praise the Lord!
I am proud to say iv only been a Christian for 6 months but the lord convicted me very quickly. I was in the new age so he needed me to give myself to him completely. I don’t listen to secular music, iv changed how I dress, I’m in prayer several times a day, every single shower I take I use it as prayer time. I listen to worship music in my car, I have read the entire Bible within 4 months, I have used the bible app every single day for over 200 days. I attend a bible study group. I threw away all Halloween and Easter decor. All new age or self help books are gone. No alcohol. I fear the lord and I fear the day I stop doing these things. I fear losing my passion for the lord. I fear losing my dedication & devotion.
I just gotta say how happy I am for you and the huge change the Lord has made in your life, may the Lord bless you and keep you continuously on your way and keep you close to Him forever 🤍
This took so many tries because enemy did NOT want this video released. It is packed with Biblical truth and encouragement. Way to do it anyway Mi! Love you♥️
Honestly Milena, I have been so encouraged by your content this year. I remember unfollowing you about 2 years ago, because I was so discouraged by your lukewarm content. I praise God for the beautiful work he has so obviously done in you, and I pray that he would continue to equip you to continue glorifying him in your personal community, and this community on social media as well ❤
Yes me too! I unfollowed her I think 2 or 3 years ago but then Her channel popped up again in my bio and I was so surprised how much her content had changed. I am happy for her that the Holy Spirit has guided her towards Jesus Christ and His word. Can’t wait to see more of her content
Wow same here!! I’ve been binging on her new content this week and over last weekend. I’m so happy for her! It’s been a blessing for me as well as I’ve been struggling with my tongue.. heh…🫢and she’s been speaking on that quite a bit! God is GOOD! 🎉🙌
“It felt so good to have one Master!” I love this, you just put into words that I was thinking. I have known that verse for so longs “you can not serve two masters,” but never thought of it in this season as God has been removing more and more of my earthly desires from my life
More of this content please, God is calling my attention to this exact same issue. And I’m am praying that I can be bold in this season about my Faith to all those around me. It’s hard because I grew up in an Indigenous community my children are Indigenous as well. I’ve said yes to almost everything about my children’s culture and their fathers upbringing. Now The lord is telling me to be bold and it feels so scary
This is spot on. I grew up in church so I never had that big come to Jesus moment. I always knew he was and that he was my savior but as a teen and young adult I didn’t really care. It wasn’t until late last year/ early this year that the Lord has been slowly sanctifying me. Listening less and less to worldly music, the second I get a bad feeling about a tv show it gets turned off. The convictions are felt a lot stronger. Especially my conviction for gossiping, that seems to be my Achilles heel but I’m working on it with the Lord
I have been avoiding your channel as well as the podcast because I know I’ve been actively turning away from the Lord. I saw the title of the video and knew I could keep scrolling past. Thank you Milena, and praise God for His new mercies every day! Even when I spit in His face by running turning away.
Just know that even though I’m a brother in Christ, this video meant a lot. It felt like I was at a Bible study! It’s very easy now in these times that we are living in, to go off Gods path. People like you who are teaching others about Christ are more needed. Keep doing what you are doing Milena. May God bless you & Give you strength! ❤️🌿
I was just talking about you the other day Milena. If there was one Christian content creator I’d direct them too it would be you. Why!? Because you don’t concern yourself with the ways of the world. You’re too busy building up children in the kingdom, exemplifying a Holy Spirit filled woman, and fostering your home. THAT is so commendable and inspiring. ❤
I’m floored. Can definitely see why the enemy was trembling and adding things in the way to prevent this video from happening. You have no idea how many people you’ve just helped awaken from a spiritual slumber that the enemy has put us under. Thank you for listening to the lord and being open about this topic 🤍
Hi from Australia - I am totally crying watching this and your other videos: joy in the storm, wake up mamas, vanity is bondage, shepherding your child’s heart & now this one. You have truly shown us what it looks like to be obedient… to learn obedience through suffering and what it looks like to be a beautiful, submissive, peaceful, JOY filled god honoring mama and wife. I’ve been watching your videos since your first labour vlog and I’ve always just loved you… how much more beautiful you are now that you are ON fire from all this refining xxxx
This was amazing. Thank you!! I feel like I’m not exactly lukewarm but I get lukewarm about certain areas of my life. Some things I could really use some prayer on if y’all could help out on are : also struggling with finding good Christian community who also love the Lord, my husband is lukewarm and that really has been hard for me cause I feel like we are on two journeys, and lastly I need some prayer to be less fearful of man and more fearful and loving of the Lord so I can faithfully share the gospel bc I’m struggling in this area too. I sincerely thank y ou for prayers and please let me know what I can pray for you too bc I think we should really start building each other up more! I see way too much content out here focusing on self or tearing down other Christian’s and first John says to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. I love you all stay blessed
It seems like God is always speaking to me through you. Just about every video you post, it's about something I am currently going through. God is so so good!! Thank you for always being so real, loving and for teaching me every time I watch your videos!
I teared up through most of this video. Felt like I was at a Bible study with a friend. Praying for a group of women I can have fellowship with. Thanks so much for sharing
Amen! That last point u made- using the little inconveniences to stop and glorify the Lord. When my husband and I got married and then moved in together, I was coming home from a stressful day, and I couldn’t figure out the door key for the life of me. Frustrated and upset I sat down on the patio furniture and I decided to call my Nana who was a strong believer and we had a wonderful conversation about the Holy Spirits guidance. This was my last conversation with her, and I cherish it so much. The Lord has blessed me immeasurably in my life and hasn’t always made an easy way like it says in the Bible! But with Him, we are joyful in every season!!
This is so beautifully convicting. I have been hearing this since Sunday and it’s what I’ve truly been struggling with. Thank you for sharing your heart, faith, and life with the rest of us for God’s glory🧡
thank you for this... i was about to sleep... and honestly putting aside reading my Bible and watch YT... and this was the first to pop out...praying for this struggle and also praying to be back with a group of growing Christians
It has been so powerful to see your surrender and obedience to the Lord. You are going against the grain and it is inspiring thousands of women. Your influence within your home is so great, but it is also reaching people globally. Thank you for being a Deborah in this hour. I am so proud of you and I don't even know you, so I can't imagine how proud the Father must feel! He delights in you Milena and He will continue to cover you and your family in the shadow of His wings.
I've been watching your channel since you married Jordan. I always loved your biblical content, it's so amazing to see how you've grown with the Lord in your faith along with as a mom as I've done the same!! So encouraging keep living for him you're a radiant daughter of the most high king and it shows!!!!
For me, it's books I know I shouldn't be reading. I read them through different apps on my phone, and justify keeping the books because they're "just romance and I can skip over the parts I shouldn't read" but I don't end up doing that. I've been keeping the apps because there are other books I could read on there that would be edifying, but I know I need to just delete the apps so I don't keep falling back into reading the bad books. Thank you for this! Deleting the apps now :)
This. Is. FIRE. 🔥 i am a Retired LUKEWARM sister too after watching this!!!!! Thank you so much for filming this and helping all of us sisters in Christ out here!! God bless you! Do not stop spreading God’s word. I live by your videos and you give me so much inspiration and motivation daily.
I have been so blessed by your videos sister! I’m about to get married and the lord brought me out of Lukewarm stage just about a week ago! And it all started by seeing your videos! THANK U! And thank you Jesus for having soooo much love and patience with your daughters 🤍🤍
If every person that watches this video would posture their hearts and be sincere, this video will BLESS their lives. It’s so compelling ❤️ & nothing but honest truth, good porridge, & lots of wisdom. Thank you, Milena. 🙏🏼
Paused this video to repent of gossip to my friends and when I was done and played the video to finish it, the very next comment you made was about gossip. That’s all the confirmation I need💛 the utter joy found in obeying the Lord right when He shows you something is like no other! Thank you Milena xo
The way god has been speaking to me through you lately milena… has been NO JOKE! I almost chuckle every time I see you post any sort of video, podcast etc bc of how aligned it is with my thoughts and feelings and convictions. You’ve been such a blessing to my life more than ever.
haha when you mentioned the bars on Friday night vs all night prayer and worship i got so hype for the prayer & worship 😂 i wish i had a church that did things like that!!
So convicting! I actually started a social media fast yesterday but I can be bad about just replacing social media time with watching shows or movies. I’m going to limit it all and focus on doing other things that are pleasing to the Lord, reading books, scripture, doing things with my hand, etc. Thanks so much for always sharing your heart and letting the Holy Spirit guide you in these videos!!
I would love a video about how to start reading the Bible and explaining certain things and concepts. Thank you for sharing your light with us! Hugs from Argentina!!
Heard an incredible message on this topic. The cold doesn’t necessarily mean like away from God! The cold is saying in the peaceful refreshing place with God. And the hot as you said is being on fire for God! The lukewarm is being comfortable with God in a bad way! Treating him as only friend instead or Lord!! Love this content Milena! ❤
Thank you for letting the Lord speak through you. I have been so encouraged by your words through the lessons the Lord is teaching you. Thank you so much 🙏
“One day you are going to fall on one side, and you want it to be on the side of God” wowowow truth sister. It’s so sobering having conversations like this no matter how on fire or not you are. It’s impactful no matter what your walk looks like because it’s like a swift kick in the butt and a reminder where our priorities should be.
It’s crazy because me and my husband talked about this on Sunday and we feel like that. No we’re not proud but I feel like being a mother and having my kids and them imitating me and my husband, I don’t want them to be like that I want this lukewarm to end with us and my children be a stronger, bolder, whole heartedly seeking God. So I’m definitely excited for this video and I receive every word that comes out of your mouth🙌🏻
Milena, just wanted to encourage you that I see so much of the Holy Spirit’s work in you!! I had unfollowed you a couple years ago because I didn’t feel like I was on the same page with some of your content, but now I love all your videos!!! Such encouragement and conviction each time. Thank you for letting the Lord lead and shine through you. ❤
I kind of avoided watching this video when it first came out. HELLOOOO that said something in and of itself. And after watching, I just want to say I’m thankful for these words
so agree with the last few minutes when you talked about how everything is joyful with Jesus. 💗 and right when i was searching for that heart emoji on google you talked about how social media has been used to glorify the Lord, which makes me so happy because that's what i want to do too. subscribed!
Felt so convicted over this video. God really does answer prayers, and this is one I desperately needed answered. I’ve never felt so much from one video, but this is wholesome. Thank You for calling us out, and thank God for allowing this to reach all. The enemy tried to stop this but God said “nope, not today satan!”
Love this, I think there can be many different convictions for different people which is the beauty of freedom in Christ. For me with TV it isnt necessarily what I'm watching normally, but WHY im watching it or WHEN I'm watching it. But you can bet if the Lord is convicting you about something and youre ignoring that conviction, youre being lukewarm! Thanks for talking about this! There is nothing more convicting than being a mom and a wife and realizing how selfish we are!
Great video Milena. Indeed it’s so important to not let ourselves stay or become lukewarm, our Lord is a consuming fire and He will help us stay hot for Him if we let Him I’ve been following you for quite a while now I love to see your journey of faith. I remember back in 2018 I did my first Bible study with you and back then I was more like a baby Christian learning the ways to walk with Christ (although I’ve been in the Church very young and gave my life to Christ in 2013) slowly but surely until starting to be on fire for the Lord. God bless you
Milena! Thank you sis, for another video that literally wakes the sleeping mind up. I love all your content, I really see the shift in what you are sharing recently and I love every single thing. I’m not a Christian, but I believe in a abrahamic religion, and I see so many similarities in my faith and what you are sharing. Although I don’t share the same faith, I benefit so much from what you say. I truly believe that God is using you to speak to the mankind. I respect you so much, God bless you and your family and every single person that you love. May He always lift you up in ranks and may He always keep you safe ❤️
Milena. It is seriously so cool to see the LORD working in your life. You've popped up on and off on my feed for years. It is night and day from when I first saw you a few years ago -- all glory to God! I see the LORD maturing you and growing you...its a beautiful thing to see. Makes me teary! I can only imagine how many young women you are encouraging and exhorting in these videos. May the Holy Spirit do the work He does best and bring more of his lost sheep to Himself through you!
This is my 1st time watching ur video. I was having high anxiety n feel like im constantly fighting within, Ur video popped up n was drawn to watch it. N I'm glad I did. I have been Lukewarm for God and have been comfortable with sin. I needed to hear this. Thank you
Hi Milena I don’t know if you will see this but everything you have been done since like December been exactly what I needed to hear. I tried to stay in a relationship that was toxic God helped me get out of that. Peace came over flowing after I left that environment. But now that I am free I have so much time to now explore the world. I have been going out and I have been making excuses about that but you just said exactly what I was fighting. I can’t go out and show up to church hung over! No ok! I need Jesus not the world. Thank you Milena keep sharing your story and your walk. It has truly helped me in mine 🙏🏼
So convicting. Currently unsubscribing to some channels & podcasts that I know I should have ditched long ago 😅. Milena, thank you for being obedient & making this video!!!! I’m in tears 🥲
Keep using your platform to speak Truth and call other believers higher to glorify our Lord. So thankful to see your zeal for His Word and watch it translate into your everyday life and purpose. Keep going and stay strong by the power of the Spirit!! 💪🏻🙏🏻
Oh my goodness! It took me moving across the country to stop being a lukewarm Christian! I had sins that I couldn’t shake, I was so worldly, going to church on Sunday but I was a Sunday christian, wanting more but not living and breaking through, praying for happiness and God took my family across the country and now, praise God for my entire community I have here and the life I now am living!!! ❤️❤️
This video was so beautifully convicting. It was what I needed. Thank you so much Milena for always sharing the truth. God is so good and knew I needed this. 💛
Please do more videos like this that focuses on certain books or verses of the Bible! I really enjoyed this and also felt like I was in a Bible study. I am working on reading my Bible and understanding what I’m reading because I’ve been struggling to connect with anyone who is as spiritually driven as I am so I often feel alone. But I continue to keep the Lord as my center. I’m always in communication with Him throughout the day. Thank you for this video I really needed to hear this message. ❤
Wow, this is 🔥So grateful for the platform the Lord has gifted you with to spread Truth. So graciously done. Thank you for serving the Lord with your whole heart Milena ☺️
Just me sitting here wishing I could be invited to have dinner at your place! 😅❤ Thank you for persevering and posting this video, Mi. There were a lot of things I needed to hear and felt convicted of! ❤ I did a secular music fast a couple months ago & I can’t listen to it now without thinking “I could be praising the Lord right now instead!” The thing in my life that kept popping up is streaming shows & movies… out they go. Thinking of replacing it by reading more books and writing the gospels out. I heard Ben Stuart talk about how he wrote books of the Bible to help him learn/memorize it.
This was such a great video, I’ve struggled (on and off) with being a lukewarm christian. This came at the perfect time for me, I really love your channel Milena and I hope you are well ❤.
This video 🥲 thank you for all your recent content. It’s been very convicting. I keep praying for community! I’m hopeful that one day I’ll be surrounded by women like you
This is what the church in the west needs to hear - thank you for pressing in to the way the lord is leading you. I love the call to repentance here … the message of the gospel is always “repent for the kingdom of god is near” praise the Lord for continual sanctification !!
It’s so hard for me when I pray about things and I feel like I don’t get an answer. Like all these Christian’s say they have signs or feelings or the Holy Spirit convicts them. I’ve been praying for discernment because I can’t tell the difference with my feelings vs the Holy Spirit.
Milena thank you for this video. It has helped me so much the past 3 weeks. I have seen god help change so much in these past 3 weeks for me. It’s so nice to see someone my age want all these things for themselves and their family ❤❤
I can physically see your sanctification and transformation. I’ve been with you from the beginning of your social media journey. I really dislike the term social media “influencer” but you’re such an influence to bring other people to the Lord and ultimately bring glory back to Him and not on yourself. So that to me is an influencer ❤
I'm an atheist, but I love watching these videos and hearing about how Christians see the world. We definitely don't agree on everything, but I respectfully find it super interesting! What you said about us having completely different perspectives on life is COMPLETELY true - I have often thought, in moments of tragedy, that it would be infinitely easier to get through it if I had faith. To feel like there's a purpose or a "bigger picture" rather than facing hardship, or death in the face of the "nothingness" that I believe comes after. It doesn't change my view of religion or my lack of faith at all, but I entirely agree that y'all have a completely different, more joyful perspective, and I'm so happy for y'all that you get to have that!
I was not raised Christian nor am I Christian, but I agree with everything that Milena and the Bible says, I just use different terminology. I believe that language can actually block out connection to sacred divinity. life in itself is so miraculous, I suggest you sit in silence for 3 minutes and feel gratitude for existence 🤍
Oh Milena, you are so genuinely spirit filled! I'm praying so hard for a friend like you in my life who so enjoys and is eager to talk about their relationship with Christ. It's honestly all I want to do right now but I feel I have to hold my tongue to not annoy my husband who is basically my best friend.
Thank you Milena for this! I was saving this video to watch while folding clothes and girl, I'm in tears now while folding my laundry. You just made me more and more convicted! I've been struggling with social life after moving into a new state, very far from my family and friends. I'm a SAHM with 2 kids and my husband is away for every at least 2 weeks for work and be home for less than 2 weeks and then away again. I've been feeling so lonely in the past 1 year. So social media is the fastest way for me to socialize but that made me more and more addicted to my phone. When you shared about praying for new friends, inviting them over and all, that's basically the answer to my problem. So thank you once again. Please continue to make videos like this. May God bless you and your beautiful family.❤
A couple years ago I was on fire for God but then depression hit and I started pushing God away unknowingly. Then I started dating a guy that pushed me away from God even more. He was a Christian, but not living for God. He was not interested in saving sex for marriage (and I told him I was) but he said he would wait for me because he wanted to be with me. I knew deep down that he wasn’t the one for me but I kept lying to myself. From the very beginning of our relationship, there was a part of me that felt like he wasn’t my guy. There were so many times in the relationship where I questioned if I even loved him. Times where I thought “why don’t I feel happy or fulfilled in this relationship?” We ended up breaking up after 2 years together because he didn’t want to keep waiting for marriage. I told him how important waiting was for me but he felt like sex was missing in our relationship and he wasn’t getting his needs met in the relationship. I am still heartbroken because he was my first boyfriend but I am so glad that I broke up with him. I needed to remove him from my life to get closer to God. Now that I am single again, I really want to give my life to God. I want to stop being a lukewarm Christian. Honestly, it is hard. I don’t feel like reading my Bible, listening to worship music, going to church, or praying but I know that is what I need in my life and what God is calling me to do. I know the enemy is trying to prevent me from these things but I need to stand strong and allow God to bring me out of the lukewarm hole. I don’t want to live there anymore. Please pray for me 🙏
You’re glowing sis. ❤️ thank you for these videos you have been posting here and In the As For Me And My House Channel. Such a blessing. Be blessed, you and you’re fam.
You have encouraged me so much and seeing this just really solidifies how I feel and the changes I need to make. I recognize that I am a lukewarm Christian and I don’t to be so thank you for the prayers and encouragement.
Milena, thank you so much for being such a Christlike example to me. I have been watching your channel since you were pregnant with your first and looking back, I can see God used you to plant seeds in my life. I was born in the Mormon church and just finally left almost a year ago. I became a full believer in the real Jesus Christ back in February of this year and my life has never been the same❤️ Your joy and faith in the Lord always stood out to me and planted/watered seeds in me from day one. God slowly softened my heart and opened my eyes until one day it all made sense and I couldn't deny it anymore. So I just want you to know that your willingness to follow the Lord has been such a blessing to me. I hope I can thank you in person one day in this life or in heaven. God bless you Milena!❤️
I seen this video and was like okay Milena I’m ready to be convicted! I’m so thankful that you step out on faith and share what God calls you to! Many people benefit from it including me! Keep it up girly! ❤
Hi Milena 👋🏻 maybe this can serve as some confirmation for you but your last two videos were spot on for me in my walk with God! The topic of rest and sabbath is something we had just implemented, and it was prompted after being delivered from the very lukewarm ways of doing life without God being first. Blessings! Can’t wait for your next video ❤
I’m so happy this video was on my RUclips feed (or whatever you would call it lol) because I learned from you. Plus you have such a healthy glow to you as well and that goes to show what happens when you do decide to serve the lord and not be wishy washy. I love how you don’t listen to secular music. I try not to listen to it much either especially because I write/perform my own songs and don’t want to be influenced the wrong way. Thank you and I’ll definitely be subscribing! 🙏🏼👑✨
I almost didn’t listen to this video and I’m really glad that I did. I feel like God is showing me lately that I have so much growing to do and this was inspiring and convicting at the same time
just wanted to say thanks so much for listening to the Holy Spirit in creating this video. definitely needed and honestly this video helped me realize my own lukewarmness when i was just in denial and confusion for the longest time ever. i got saved two years ago and had a complete 180 switch of being on fire for the Lord, but in the last year up til now i've been dealing with so many stressful life changes and events that i started becoming lukewarm without even realizing. this "random" video convicted me of my current state rn and wow. God is good. thank you from me and so many others
I never comment but this was so on point and encouraging. From the first word to the last one it was such a blessing and brought so much clarity. Thank you Milena! God bless you and your beautiful family!❤
Man this was so good and so so needed ❤ May the Lord just continue to bless you with this growth 🙌🙌 and may you just draw closer and closer to Him in everything ❤❤❤
“I didn’t fear the Lord, I feared people.” Wooo!!! 🔥🔥🔥that convicted me on SO many levels. Needed this!
I don’t have a Bible study, I don’t have a group of people I can dig into the word with. This is exactly what this feels like. I wish I had a “in real life” Bible study, but until the Lord brings me there, this video is such a blessing. Yes. More of this content please!!
Notes and hues by kanoe
is an amazing bible study. She is going through the bible in one year. I started late but it's so impactful and I have learned so much. ❤❤
Same! The Lord has convicted me of starting a small Bible study group. Maybe you are the answer to this prayer ♥️
Im with you !! Im walking the same walk right now. I love these videos feels like I have a bible study friend 🥲🥹
I am coming out of a similar season. All of my friends either moved away or became too busy to hang out. God is using this time of solitude to replace lies with His Truth, teach me more about His nature, and show me how to rely more on Him. Some girls at my new job started a Bible study a couple of weeks ago, and it has been an answer to prayer. I don't know if I would call them friends yet, but I know God's plan and timing are perfect. If no one around you is doing a Bible study, maybe start your own! You could also do one over zoom/facetime. God designed us to have community, so I believe that He will provide in His perfect timing. I know how it feels and am praying for you :)
Girl! look up BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) it starts back up in September, it is an international Bible study and it changed my life, and answered so many prayers of mine to strengthen my faith and bring my Jesus loving friends.
sis.. i was about to fall into sin but this video pulled me back to God. praising the Lord right now. thank you for being an answered prayer!
Amazing ❤️sister
Milena, I’ve been subscribed since your “waiting for marriage video”. After college I worked in the art department on the tv show Dynasty for a few years (FULL of sin) its literally about adultery, backstabbing, lying, cheating, murder etc. I just mindlessly took the job because I was so lukewarm. I had to read this show’s scripts every week as a part of my job. The people I worked with were good people I believe (mostly non-believers) but we were constantly surrounded by sin and we were the ones making more of this sick sin content! God pulled me out of this workplace and turned my life right side up when I met my husband. Within two years God moved me to a new city and I became a part of an amazing church community, had a God-centered wedding and marriage and we now have our sweet 8 month old baby. My heart has been on fire for the Lord especially in the last few weeks. Gods plan is sooo much greater than my silly plan! Praise the Lord!
This just touched my heart❤
That’s amazing, thank you for your comment!!! It spoke to me in so many ways
I am proud to say iv only been a Christian for 6 months but the lord convicted me very quickly. I was in the new age so he needed me to give myself to him completely. I don’t listen to secular music, iv changed how I dress, I’m in prayer several times a day, every single shower I take I use it as prayer time. I listen to worship music in my car, I have read the entire Bible within 4 months, I have used the bible app every single day for over 200 days. I attend a bible study group. I threw away all Halloween and Easter decor. All new age or self help books are gone. No alcohol. I fear the lord and I fear the day I stop doing these things. I fear losing my passion for the lord. I fear losing my dedication & devotion.
I just gotta say how happy I am for you and the huge change the Lord has made in your life, may the Lord bless you and keep you continuously on your way and keep you close to Him forever 🤍
You will not burn out in Jesus name❤️🔥
That’s amazing. Is your worship music traditional hymns? Or are you listening to contemporary Christian music?
God bless you! That’s amazing to hear !!
This is very inspiring, jesus is proud of you.
I have been scared to “expose” my faith. That I serve God. I am tired of hiding my faith. Faith Over Fear
This took so many tries because enemy did NOT want this video released. It is packed with Biblical truth and encouragement. Way to do it anyway Mi! Love you♥️
I was baptized on Sunday! God Is so good!
HALLELUJAH 🥳 congratulations!!
Amen! Congratulations! May God bless you! 🙌🏼
Welcome to the family ❤🙏
@@MilenaCiciotticould y’all talk more on baptism please!!!!!
Me too sister ❤ congratulations 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Honestly Milena, I have been so encouraged by your content this year. I remember unfollowing you about 2 years ago, because I was so discouraged by your lukewarm content. I praise God for the beautiful work he has so obviously done in you, and I pray that he would continue to equip you to continue glorifying him in your personal community, and this community on social media as well ❤
Yes me too! I unfollowed her I think 2 or 3 years ago but then Her channel popped up again in my bio and I was so surprised how much her content had changed. I am happy for her that the Holy Spirit has guided her towards Jesus Christ and His word. Can’t wait to see more of her content
Wow same here!! I’ve been binging on her new content this week and over last weekend. I’m so happy for her! It’s been a blessing for me as well as I’ve been struggling with my tongue.. heh…🫢and she’s been speaking on that quite a bit! God is GOOD! 🎉🙌
“It felt so good to have one Master!” I love this, you just put into words that I was thinking. I have known that verse for so longs “you can not serve two masters,” but never thought of it in this season as God has been removing more and more of my earthly desires from my life
More of this content please, God is calling my attention to this exact same issue. And I’m am praying that I can be bold in this season about my Faith to all those around me. It’s hard because I grew up in an Indigenous community my children are Indigenous as well. I’ve said yes to almost everything about my children’s culture and their fathers upbringing. Now The lord is telling me to be bold and it feels so scary
Praying for boldness for you love and that your heart grows to trust the Lord more🤍🤍🤍
Praying for boldness for you love and that your heart grows to trust the Lord more🤍🤍🤍
This is spot on. I grew up in church so I never had that big come to Jesus moment. I always knew he was and that he was my savior but as a teen and young adult I didn’t really care. It wasn’t until late last year/ early this year that the Lord has been slowly sanctifying me. Listening less and less to worldly music, the second I get a bad feeling about a tv show it gets turned off. The convictions are felt a lot stronger. Especially my conviction for gossiping, that seems to be my Achilles heel but I’m working on it with the Lord
It is the same for me.
I have been avoiding your channel as well as the podcast because I know I’ve been actively turning away from the Lord. I saw the title of the video and knew I could keep scrolling past. Thank you Milena, and praise God for His new mercies every day! Even when I spit in His face by running turning away.
Just know that even though I’m a brother in Christ, this video meant a lot. It felt like I was at a Bible study! It’s very easy now in these times that we are living in, to go off Gods path. People like you who are teaching others about Christ are more needed. Keep doing what you are doing Milena. May God bless you & Give you strength! ❤️🌿
I was just talking about you the other day Milena. If there was one Christian content creator I’d direct them too it would be you. Why!? Because you don’t concern yourself with the ways of the world. You’re too busy building up children in the kingdom, exemplifying a Holy Spirit filled woman, and fostering your home. THAT is so commendable and inspiring. ❤
I’m floored. Can definitely see why the enemy was trembling and adding things in the way to prevent this video from happening. You have no idea how many people you’ve just helped awaken from a spiritual slumber that the enemy has put us under. Thank you for listening to the lord and being open about this topic 🤍
Hi from Australia - I am totally crying watching this and your other videos: joy in the storm, wake up mamas, vanity is bondage, shepherding your child’s heart & now this one. You have truly shown us what it looks like to be obedient… to learn obedience through suffering and what it looks like to be a beautiful, submissive, peaceful, JOY filled god honoring mama and wife. I’ve been watching your videos since your first labour vlog and I’ve always just loved you… how much more beautiful you are now that you are ON fire from all this refining xxxx
Milena, this was so needed. Please continue to post more content like this. My heart needed this video today. I’m tired of being a lukewarm Christian.
This was amazing. Thank you!! I feel like I’m not exactly lukewarm but I get lukewarm about certain areas of my life. Some things I could really use some prayer on if y’all could help out on are : also struggling with finding good Christian community who also love the Lord, my husband is lukewarm and that really has been hard for me cause I feel like we are on two journeys, and lastly I need some prayer to be less fearful of man and more fearful and loving of the Lord so I can faithfully share the gospel bc I’m struggling in this area too. I sincerely thank y ou for prayers and please let me know what I can pray for you too bc I think we should really start building each other up more! I see way too much content out here focusing on self or tearing down other Christian’s and first John says to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. I love you all stay blessed
It seems like God is always speaking to me through you. Just about every video you post, it's about something I am currently going through. God is so so good!! Thank you for always being so real, loving and for teaching me every time I watch your videos!
I am so happy about the change in you and that you are taking responisibility to teach the younger women to live holy as it is written. ❤
I teared up through most of this video. Felt like I was at a Bible study with a friend. Praying for a group of women I can have fellowship with. Thanks so much for sharing
Amen! That last point u made- using the little inconveniences to stop and glorify the Lord. When my husband and I got married and then moved in together, I was coming home from a stressful day, and I couldn’t figure out the door key for the life of me. Frustrated and upset I sat down on the patio furniture and I decided to call my Nana who was a strong believer and we had a wonderful conversation about the Holy Spirits guidance. This was my last conversation with her, and I cherish it so much. The Lord has blessed me immeasurably in my life and hasn’t always made an easy way like it says in the Bible! But with Him, we are joyful in every season!!
This is so beautifully convicting. I have been hearing this since Sunday and it’s what I’ve truly been struggling with. Thank you for sharing your heart, faith, and life with the rest of us for God’s glory🧡
thank you for this... i was about to sleep... and honestly putting aside reading my Bible and watch YT... and this was the first to pop out...praying for this struggle and also praying to be back with a group of growing Christians
It has been so powerful to see your surrender and obedience to the Lord. You are going against the grain and it is inspiring thousands of women. Your influence within your home is so great, but it is also reaching people globally. Thank you for being a Deborah in this hour. I am so proud of you and I don't even know you, so I can't imagine how proud the Father must feel! He delights in you Milena and He will continue to cover you and your family in the shadow of His wings.
I can't help but praise God when I watch your videos now! Your life clearly glorifies God.
🥹🥹 wow AMEN
Ex- lukewarm Christian here too girl! So thankful Jesus woke us all up!
No longer lukewarm girl!!! And it’s because God SNATCHED me out of the fiiiireeeee
AMEN 👏🏼👏🏼
I've been watching your channel since you married Jordan. I always loved your biblical content, it's so amazing to see how you've grown with the Lord in your faith along with as a mom as I've done the same!! So encouraging keep living for him you're a radiant daughter of the most high king and it shows!!!!
For me, it's books I know I shouldn't be reading. I read them through different apps on my phone, and justify keeping the books because they're "just romance and I can skip over the parts I shouldn't read" but I don't end up doing that. I've been keeping the apps because there are other books I could read on there that would be edifying, but I know I need to just delete the apps so I don't keep falling back into reading the bad books. Thank you for this! Deleting the apps now :)
This. Is. FIRE. 🔥 i am a Retired LUKEWARM sister too after watching this!!!!! Thank you so much for filming this and helping all of us sisters in Christ out here!! God bless you! Do not stop spreading God’s word. I live by your videos and you give me so much inspiration and motivation daily.
I have been so blessed by your videos sister! I’m about to get married and the lord brought me out of Lukewarm stage just about a week ago! And it all started by seeing your videos! THANK U! And thank you Jesus for having soooo much love and patience with your daughters 🤍🤍
If every person that watches this video would posture their hearts and be sincere, this video will BLESS their lives. It’s so compelling ❤️ & nothing but honest truth, good porridge, & lots of wisdom. Thank you, Milena. 🙏🏼
This is such a needed message. I love how you talked about everything. Really convicting but said with love and not judgement💗
Paused this video to repent of gossip to my friends and when I was done and played the video to finish it, the very next comment you made was about gossip. That’s all the confirmation I need💛 the utter joy found in obeying the Lord right when He shows you something is like no other! Thank you Milena xo
The way god has been speaking to me through you lately milena… has been NO JOKE! I almost chuckle every time I see you post any sort of video, podcast etc bc of how aligned it is with my thoughts and feelings and convictions. You’ve been such a blessing to my life more than ever.
haha when you mentioned the bars on Friday night vs all night prayer and worship i got so hype for the prayer & worship 😂 i wish i had a church that did things like that!!
Seriously! Lol I don’t even go to clubs anyways
So convicting! I actually started a social media fast yesterday but I can be bad about just replacing social media time with watching shows or movies. I’m going to limit it all and focus on doing other things that are pleasing to the Lord, reading books, scripture, doing things with my hand, etc. Thanks so much for always sharing your heart and letting the Holy Spirit guide you in these videos!!
This is so good!! Glad you’re making these type of videos again!! ❤
Oooooh I didn’t even want to watch this because the title already convicted me😂😂😭😭😭
I would love a video about how to start reading the Bible and explaining certain things and concepts. Thank you for sharing your light with us! Hugs from Argentina!!
Heard an incredible message on this topic. The cold doesn’t necessarily mean like away from God! The cold is saying in the peaceful refreshing place with God. And the hot as you said is being on fire for God! The lukewarm is being comfortable with God in a bad way! Treating him as only friend instead or Lord!!
Love this content Milena! ❤
Thank you for letting the Lord speak through you. I have been so encouraged by your words through the lessons the Lord is teaching you. Thank you so much 🙏
“One day you are going to fall on one side, and you want it to be on the side of God” wowowow truth sister. It’s so sobering having conversations like this no matter how on fire or not you are. It’s impactful no matter what your walk looks like because it’s like a swift kick in the butt and a reminder where our priorities should be.
It’s crazy because me and my husband talked about this on Sunday and we feel like that. No we’re not proud but I feel like being a mother and having my kids and them imitating me and my husband, I don’t want them to be like that I want this lukewarm to end with us and my children be a stronger, bolder, whole heartedly seeking God. So I’m definitely excited for this video and I receive every word that comes out of your mouth🙌🏻
Milena, just wanted to encourage you that I see so much of the Holy Spirit’s work in you!! I had unfollowed you a couple years ago because I didn’t feel like I was on the same page with some of your content, but now I love all your videos!!! Such encouragement and conviction each time. Thank you for letting the Lord lead and shine through you. ❤
So blessed to see your growth! Praise the Lord for using you and your platform to convict people and point them to the savior! 🙏🙌🏻
I kind of avoided watching this video when it first came out. HELLOOOO that said something in and of itself. And after watching, I just want to say I’m thankful for these words
so agree with the last few minutes when you talked about how everything is joyful with Jesus. 💗 and right when i was searching for that heart emoji on google you talked about how social media has been used to glorify the Lord, which makes me so happy because that's what i want to do too. subscribed!
Felt so convicted over this video. God really does answer prayers, and this is one I desperately needed answered. I’ve never felt so much from one video, but this is wholesome. Thank You for calling us out, and thank God for allowing this to reach all. The enemy tried to stop this but God said “nope, not today satan!”
Love this, I think there can be many different convictions for different people which is the beauty of freedom in Christ. For me with TV it isnt necessarily what I'm watching normally, but WHY im watching it or WHEN I'm watching it. But you can bet if the Lord is convicting you about something and youre ignoring that conviction, youre being lukewarm! Thanks for talking about this! There is nothing more convicting than being a mom and a wife and realizing how selfish we are!
Great video Milena. Indeed it’s so important to not let ourselves stay or become lukewarm, our Lord is a consuming fire and He will help us stay hot for Him if we let Him
I’ve been following you for quite a while now I love to see your journey of faith. I remember back in 2018 I did my first Bible study with you and back then I was more like a baby Christian learning the ways to walk with Christ (although I’ve been in the Church very young and gave my life to Christ in 2013) slowly but surely until starting to be on fire for the Lord.
God bless you
Thank you for this! I’ve been struggling so when the notification popped up I knew it was God sent 🙌🏻
Milena! Thank you sis, for another video that literally wakes the sleeping mind up. I love all your content, I really see the shift in what you are sharing recently and I love every single thing. I’m not a Christian, but I believe in a abrahamic religion, and I see so many similarities in my faith and what you are sharing. Although I don’t share the same faith, I benefit so much from what you say. I truly believe that God is using you to speak to the mankind. I respect you so much, God bless you and your family and every single person that you love. May He always lift you up in ranks and may He always keep you safe ❤️
You make me want to read my Bible again, thank you
Milena. It is seriously so cool to see the LORD working in your life. You've popped up on and off on my feed for years. It is night and day from when I first saw you a few years ago -- all glory to God! I see the LORD maturing you and growing you...its a beautiful thing to see. Makes me teary! I can only imagine how many young women you are encouraging and exhorting in these videos. May the Holy Spirit do the work He does best and bring more of his lost sheep to Himself through you!
This is my 1st time watching ur video. I was having high anxiety n feel like im constantly fighting within, Ur video popped up n was drawn to watch it. N I'm glad I did. I have been Lukewarm for God and have been comfortable with sin. I needed to hear this. Thank you
Milena, this was so encouraging to me. Thank you so much for still recording this even though the enemy was trying to stop you💙💙💙💙
Hi Milena I don’t know if you will see this but everything you have been done since like December been exactly what I needed to hear. I tried to stay in a relationship that was toxic God helped me get out of that. Peace came over flowing after I left that environment. But now that I am free I have so much time to now explore the world. I have been going out and I have been making excuses about that but you just said exactly what I was fighting. I can’t go out and show up to church hung over! No ok! I need Jesus not the world. Thank you Milena keep sharing your story and your walk. It has truly helped me in mine 🙏🏼
So convicting. Currently unsubscribing to some channels & podcasts that I know I should have ditched long ago 😅. Milena, thank you for being obedient & making this video!!!! I’m in tears 🥲
Keep using your platform to speak Truth and call other believers higher to glorify our Lord. So thankful to see your zeal for His Word and watch it translate into your everyday life and purpose. Keep going and stay strong by the power of the Spirit!! 💪🏻🙏🏻
I really needed this Milena, thank you for obeying God and sharing this❤
so glad to know the Lord spoke to you 🤍
Oh my goodness! It took me moving across the country to stop being a lukewarm Christian! I had sins that I couldn’t shake, I was so worldly, going to church on Sunday but I was a Sunday christian, wanting more but not living and breaking through, praying for happiness and God took my family across the country and now, praise God for my entire community I have here and the life I now am living!!! ❤️❤️
Thank you Milena for being so straight forward. ❤
This video was so beautifully convicting. It was what I needed. Thank you so much Milena for always sharing the truth. God is so good and knew I needed this. 💛
Please do more videos like this that focuses on certain books or verses of the Bible! I really enjoyed this and also felt like I was in a Bible study. I am working on reading my Bible and understanding what I’m reading because I’ve been struggling to connect with anyone who is as spiritually driven as I am so I often feel alone. But I continue to keep the Lord as my center. I’m always in communication with Him throughout the day. Thank you for this video I really needed to hear this message. ❤
Wow, this is 🔥So grateful for the platform the Lord has gifted you with to spread Truth. So graciously done. Thank you for serving the Lord with your whole heart Milena ☺️
Mil! I love you, sister in Christ! I am so proud of how far you have come!! You are a role model to me! Please do more of this content!!! I love it!!!
Just me sitting here wishing I could be invited to have dinner at your place! 😅❤
Thank you for persevering and posting this video, Mi. There were a lot of things I needed to hear and felt convicted of! ❤
I did a secular music fast a couple months ago & I can’t listen to it now without thinking “I could be praising the Lord right now instead!”
The thing in my life that kept popping up is streaming shows & movies… out they go. Thinking of replacing it by reading more books and writing the gospels out. I heard Ben Stuart talk about how he wrote books of the Bible to help him learn/memorize it.
This was such a great video, I’ve struggled (on and off) with being a lukewarm christian. This came at the perfect time for me, I really love your channel Milena and I hope you are well ❤.
So so good. I agree how we become so numb to secular music, shows, and movies. It’s quite jarring after I have not been doing that for years.
You have grown so much, I’ve been watching you for years. I admire you and you encourage me so much!
This video 🥲 thank you for all your recent content. It’s been very convicting.
I keep praying for community! I’m hopeful that one day I’ll be surrounded by women like you
This is what the church in the west needs to hear - thank you for pressing in to the way the lord is leading you. I love the call to repentance here … the message of the gospel is always “repent for the kingdom of god is near” praise the Lord for continual sanctification !!
It’s so hard for me when I pray about things and I feel like I don’t get an answer. Like all these Christian’s say they have signs or feelings or the Holy Spirit convicts them. I’ve been praying for discernment because I can’t tell the difference with my feelings vs the Holy Spirit.
Milena thank you for this video. It has helped me so much the past 3 weeks. I have seen god help change so much in these past 3 weeks for me. It’s so nice to see someone my age want all these things for themselves and their family ❤❤
I can physically see your sanctification and transformation. I’ve been with you from the beginning of your social media journey. I really dislike the term social media “influencer” but you’re such an influence to bring other people to the Lord and ultimately bring glory back to Him and not on yourself. So that to me is an influencer ❤
I'm an atheist, but I love watching these videos and hearing about how Christians see the world. We definitely don't agree on everything, but I respectfully find it super interesting! What you said about us having completely different perspectives on life is COMPLETELY true - I have often thought, in moments of tragedy, that it would be infinitely easier to get through it if I had faith. To feel like there's a purpose or a "bigger picture" rather than facing hardship, or death in the face of the "nothingness" that I believe comes after. It doesn't change my view of religion or my lack of faith at all, but I entirely agree that y'all have a completely different, more joyful perspective, and I'm so happy for y'all that you get to have that!
Praying the Lord will open your eyes to him!
I was not raised Christian nor am I Christian, but I agree with everything that Milena and the Bible says, I just use different terminology. I believe that language can actually block out connection to sacred divinity. life in itself is so miraculous, I suggest you sit in silence for 3 minutes and feel gratitude for existence 🤍
The video was literally for me 🙌🏽 Milena you are so inspiring and an incredible vessel for the Lord. I was so convicted
Oh Milena, you are so genuinely spirit filled! I'm praying so hard for a friend like you in my life who so enjoys and is eager to talk about their relationship with Christ. It's honestly all I want to do right now but I feel I have to hold my tongue to not annoy my husband who is basically my best friend.
Loved this so much and love seeing how God is using you and transforming you into literally a Proverbs 31 woman 🤍🦸🏻♀️
Thank you Milena for this! I was saving this video to watch while folding clothes and girl, I'm in tears now while folding my laundry. You just made me more and more convicted! I've been struggling with social life after moving into a new state, very far from my family and friends. I'm a SAHM with 2 kids and my husband is away for every at least 2 weeks for work and be home for less than 2 weeks and then away again. I've been feeling so lonely in the past 1 year. So social media is the fastest way for me to socialize but that made me more and more addicted to my phone. When you shared about praying for new friends, inviting them over and all, that's basically the answer to my problem. So thank you once again. Please continue to make videos like this. May God bless you and your beautiful family.❤
A couple years ago I was on fire for God but then depression hit and I started pushing God away unknowingly. Then I started dating a guy that pushed me away from God even more. He was a Christian, but not living for God. He was not interested in saving sex for marriage (and I told him I was) but he said he would wait for me because he wanted to be with me. I knew deep down that he wasn’t the one for me but I kept lying to myself. From the very beginning of our relationship, there was a part of me that felt like he wasn’t my guy. There were so many times in the relationship where I questioned if I even loved him. Times where I thought “why don’t I feel happy or fulfilled in this relationship?” We ended up breaking up after 2 years together because he didn’t want to keep waiting for marriage. I told him how important waiting was for me but he felt like sex was missing in our relationship and he wasn’t getting his needs met in the relationship. I am still heartbroken because he was my first boyfriend but I am so glad that I broke up with him. I needed to remove him from my life to get closer to God. Now that I am single again, I really want to give my life to God. I want to stop being a lukewarm Christian. Honestly, it is hard. I don’t feel like reading my Bible, listening to worship music, going to church, or praying but I know that is what I need in my life and what God is calling me to do. I know the enemy is trying to prevent me from these things but I need to stand strong and allow God to bring me out of the lukewarm hole. I don’t want to live there anymore. Please pray for me 🙏
Wow, Milena, God is really using you in this season for me. Between your new podcast series and now this video. Praise God 🙏🏻
You’re glowing sis. ❤️ thank you for these videos you have been posting here and In the As For Me And My House Channel. Such a blessing. Be blessed, you and you’re fam.
You have encouraged me so much and seeing this just really solidifies how I feel and the changes I need to make. I recognize that I am a lukewarm Christian and I don’t to be so thank you for the prayers and encouragement.
When I saw the notification for this video and the title of it, my heart sunk.. such a needed message! Thank you so much for sharing! 🤍
Milena, thank you so much for being such a Christlike example to me. I have been watching your channel since you were pregnant with your first and looking back, I can see God used you to plant seeds in my life.
I was born in the Mormon church and just finally left almost a year ago. I became a full believer in the real Jesus Christ back in February of this year and my life has never been the same❤️
Your joy and faith in the Lord always stood out to me and planted/watered seeds in me from day one. God slowly softened my heart and opened my eyes until one day it all made sense and I couldn't deny it anymore. So I just want you to know that your willingness to follow the Lord has been such a blessing to me. I hope I can thank you in person one day in this life or in heaven. God bless you Milena!❤️
Amen! The Lord is utilizing you to minister! Thank you Milena 🤍
all glory to the Lord 🤎
I seen this video and was like okay Milena I’m ready to be convicted!
I’m so thankful that you step out on faith and share what God calls you to! Many people benefit from it including me! Keep it up girly! ❤
Hi Milena 👋🏻 maybe this can serve as some confirmation for you but your last two videos were spot on for me in my walk with God! The topic of rest and sabbath is something we had just implemented, and it was prompted after being delivered from the very lukewarm ways of doing life without God being first. Blessings! Can’t wait for your next video ❤
I’m so happy this video was on my RUclips feed (or whatever you would call it lol) because I learned from you. Plus you have such a healthy glow to you as well and that goes to show what happens when you do decide to serve the lord and not be wishy washy. I love how you don’t listen to secular music. I try not to listen to it much either especially because I write/perform my own songs and don’t want to be influenced the wrong way. Thank you and I’ll definitely be subscribing! 🙏🏼👑✨
I almost didn’t listen to this video and I’m really glad that I did. I feel like God is showing me lately that I have so much growing to do and this was inspiring and convicting at the same time
just wanted to say thanks so much for listening to the Holy Spirit in creating this video. definitely needed and honestly this video helped me realize my own lukewarmness when i was just in denial and confusion for the longest time ever. i got saved two years ago and had a complete 180 switch of being on fire for the Lord, but in the last year up til now i've been dealing with so many stressful life changes and events that i started becoming lukewarm without even realizing. this "random" video convicted me of my current state rn and wow. God is good. thank you from me and so many others
This video seriously couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you for sharing your light, Milena ❤
To see your growth this year, is amazing! Love you!❤❤
WOW yes & yes and yes. I've been praying for a bigger community.
I never comment but this was so on point and encouraging. From the first word to the last one it was such a blessing and brought so much clarity. Thank you Milena! God bless you and your beautiful family!❤
Man this was so good and so so needed ❤
May the Lord just continue to bless you with this growth 🙌🙌 and may you just draw closer and closer to Him in everything ❤❤❤