Da, atunci se maltratau fetele la gimnastica, se distrugeau cluburi si cariere din tara pentru a se sublima performanta nationala. A fost o intamplare.
Because Steaua Bucharest, during communism, belonged to the Ministry of National Defense (the Army) and it was mandatory for soldiers to be present on the stadium at home games. Even the players had military ranks.
Ce-am fost si ce-am ajuns!
Da, atunci se maltratau fetele la gimnastica, se distrugeau cluburi si cariere din tara pentru a se sublima performanta nationala. A fost o intamplare.
2:46 Nenorocitul de lacatus se duce sa-i rupa piciorul unui jucator. Dumnezeu sa te odihneasca, Ardeleanu!
Like from Baku city
Steaua echipa armatei romane, asa se explica numărul mare de soldați.
Why this excess of soldiers in the stadium?
Because Steaua Bucharest, during communism, belonged to the Ministry of National Defense (the Army) and it was mandatory for soldiers to be present on the stadium at home games.
Even the players had military ranks.
funny to see
can you belive now in 2025 Ministery of Defense has a new team with name Steaua?