@Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides at 4:09 you say to crash the second wave, but a couple of your videos have also stated that crashing the second is a horrible idea???
i reccommend googling the matchup every single time. eventually u will get a feeling for it. i absolutely dominatwd mid neeko vs katarina just bc i respected her abilities (which i’d googled while waiting for the game to load up) and she did not respect mine / know what i did. this has been rly helpful, often ppl write whole essays on sites like reddit or mobafire
@@ginopaperino9903 that’s the really hard thing about playing late scalers, especially top lane. You kinda have to gamble that your team won’t Giga feed before you come online. If you’re dealing with a 10/0/2 Draven, Samira, Vayne, etc at 15 minutes then you’ve probably already lost. But then again it might not have mattered what you played at all unless you were playing something that could deal with those champs and also got Giga fed. Coincidentally I happen to be an aggressively roaming mid main. 😂
As a jungler once i see enemy lock in Kayle i lock in reksai and ruin her day until she goes afk.... i love killing kayle when she is on her waý to lane. I don't care if i lose lane later but i would have got my fun
@@ginopaperino9903 Naah it's always the sweaty mid and top blowing the game by feeding the jungler and then not pinging Mia's. Can't survive in the bot lane when those derps are making bot lane trudge through 2v4's every minute and a half lol
It's genuinely satisfying watching these videos. If you guys ever ran out of ideas, just do a series of strategic analyses on random matches and certainly your viewers ( def not projecting here ) would eat it up.
Could you do a Video with the same Title but for ADC ? Maybe Range Advantage (Vayne - Cait or Twitch - Cait) something like this would be really nice and btw your Guides are really nice and imformative Good Work there!
3:23 the problem is.. you can leave Lux E out on the ground for several seconds and entirely area-deny him the CS either way -- yeah it does cost you mana, but in that situation, there is no way for Yone to get the CS without taking damage.
@@MK-U-N that is diamond elo, so winning counters or getting out even is not impossible. Its much harder than doing so in gold were most guides r recorded, tho.
@@mohamadzakaria96 I feel you man, as a toplane main. Like I don't care about counterpicks so much in gold and plat but when I'm 3/0 with 60 cs lead in minite 12 , I think I'm doing solidly. Then you just press tab and you get this slap of depressions in the face when you see how your bot is doing.
My little brother and his friends are getting into league. I am going to teach them but I want to teach them the right way ( since I'm only a pisslow plat player in 2 roles) so I just subscribed to skill capped for a year. Hope you guys can hammer those fundamentals into me so I can hammer them into them! Cheers to improvement!
well its bronze so they probably dont have a mouse or a monitor, its also bronze so they do not know what farm is, they do not know what their spells do, so they just die, they do not know what an "item" is so they dont build anything, its easy, its like intro bots :)) or at least thats how people portray bronze is, but yea u know even challenger smurfs lose some games, its just unplayable sometimes, deal with it, cant win em all
Nex974 he said bronze not iron, they aren’t good but they have some understand. Pretty sure the advice of the channel is use your minimap. Track them constantly and make plays where they are not when possible to get objectives
I didn't play lol pc anymore and already switch to wildrift, but these guide really help me through my wildrift game. I mean the other wildrift channel only talk about the basic mechanic and mentally, but this guide really on next level.
How about a jungle late game macro guide? I find it hard to finish games and on skillcapped there are mostly “Laner” guides about splitting and solo carrying. But as jg, you can’t really split otherwise objectives can easily be swiped away. So my request is for a jg macro guide :) Great video 👍
this guy is the best human resource they have. he is so technical and fine with his decision making. Add to this he is very clear with his explanations, always worth the time spent watching. ty
This information is great and all when you're encountering an even or lower-skilled player, but if they're on the assassin and they are better than you, these tips don't provide any help. Katarina and Zed jump to mind. They have ways of getting on you that bypass skillshots and they don't have to succeed in poking you very much at all, especially if they're carrying Ignite. Additionally, this is a really tilted matchup. Lux has some of the longest range in the game. Try this on Veigar, Ziggs, Swain, any other mid-range mage and you will get caught. And if they're any good at dodging skillshots, it's a significantly harder lane to win. Lux's E is a massive circle - other champions don't have those luxuriously wide skillshots like Morgana/Lux.
Average low elo mid won't be able to dodge most skill shots anyway.. But yeah, it's kinda skewed. A better guide would be about "win conditions" in general instead of "how to punish low elo yone players with lux while yone players that know what they're doing will evade you, lol".
" but if they're on the assassin and they are better than you, these tips don't provide any help" How come? He is literally explaining HOW those matchups are meant to be played and how can be won even if you are at disadvantage. Its practice and learning and then youll start winning. Theres no magic formula to win against someone "better than you" other than getting even better yourself. Ffs. Veigar actually has a great time against Yone for example, Swain is not even a midlaner, and Ziggs theres a reason he is not being played AT ALL in soloq. Though, he is still very good, any long range mage or crowdcontrol mage can play very safely against most assassins. (And yeah, Ziggs has an even greater range than lux lmao.) " other champions don't have those luxuriously wide skillshots like Morgana/Lux." You talking about those you mentioned? Lux is an easy skilled champion, Ziggs is really hard on the other hand, for a reason. Though, that skill gap gets rewarded on the utility, bursts and poke that a ziggs can pull off. Veigar? Veigar relies entirely on his stun, you dont hit stun, you probably dont hit w. Also, he is meant to powerfarm and then oneshot everyone with an ult, while providing great utility. And if you ask me, i prefer way more a point and click mega burst ultimate with execute capabilities rather than a "massive circle". Different mages have different playstyles, you wouldnt EVER fight the same way a zed with lissandra, as you would with vel koz, for example. Stop complaining and get better.
@@danilicious2308 Dude, literally, unless you reach diamond or so, players commit the same mistakes in some degree, where you can take advantage of it. And, if you are diamond or plus, where people really start to know all of this and wont let you punish them, the way you win a game is by macro and not stomping a lane lmao. "Yone players that know what they re doing" then they are better than you since you cant punish even their slightlest mistakes, they are better than you, thats why the win games and you dont. I repeat, unless you are diamond, even ill dare to say diamond 1 and above, players still commit mistakes that can led them to a lost game. If you dont have the skill to exploit that, then you dont deserve to climb further.
@@danilicious2308 Im not hardstuck lol, im talking exactly about people like you who complain because they cant win against a goldie Yone and claim that a goldie "knows what they are doing" LMAO
I have xp on that, as I face way too many Vaynes as Garen on toplane. Is ez: all you have to do is let them push. If they push the lane 2 things happen: wave is under your tower, and while you can't farm 100% cs you will get 100% xp, so you may even get lvl6 (actually, you will hit all "even" levels before you enemy. You know.. 4,6,8,10....), and the second thing is that they will be open to ganks. Probably, they will step on bushes to avoid your "poke" (imagine... Aatrox 1st Q, Riven 3rd Q or Nocturne Q). But sitting inside that bush lets them positioned in the longest distance to their towers, so, as long as toplane is, they can't run to their towers without flashing. That opens a 275-300s (depending on runes) window to make a play against them. Against Vaynes all I need to do is let them push, gain minion advantge but NOT TOO MUCH health advantage. They even will autoattack me, gaining aggro for a few seconds, and taking sustained damage. Melee vs Ranged powerspikes are naturally lvls 3/6/9 At 3 you have all your abilities, at 6 you have your ult and at 9 you have one ability maxed (usually). Just use it at your advantage. Let them push, once you hit 3, you know you will hit 4 before them, because you are pushed, but also you have now a minion advantage so you can do a fast combo to punisu them (try to bait one ability first... you are still on early levels) At 6, you just flash on their faces and blow everything you have. Trust me: is a flash or kill situation, and because you flashed first, next time you will get the kill. Is that easy (if you hit every ability...) Lvl 9 you will have your first maxed ability and also more health/resistances. You can take a bit of damage while closing the gap, then land your combo and gg wp, kill acquired. Problem in low elo is the same: focusing on kills and thinking: "man I couldn't kill my laner, I lost lane because of that". Properly playing, you may be 2 kills down and still winning your lane
I really want to know what to do in exactly that mid setup after laning phase, if the enemy top laner (like wukong or irelia for example) got feed? Even if i win hard with double cs and 2 0 ... there is a 4 0 or even better Top laner that kill my whole Team (including me)...
every. single. game. and if you play top instead and win? the jungler gets fed. or the mid. you can't win every lane and the idea that you should 1v9 in a team game in order to climb is just disgusting and broken.
they have those.. I've seen them. the idea is to let the ranged push and wait for level three before all-in on them and kill them = win. There was even a tip in this video.. they said yone should have baited out the e and if lux missed, he would be free to pick up cs.
A challenger missing skillshots? Nah, same when they said "you lost just because you don't play good", when you just leave lane 3/0 after a really hard skill matchup but your team fed everything on sight
It is actually like that, not most of the time though, but it happens. Silvers and gold players move so random and weird compared as to how high elo players move or dodge. Maybe they lack the reflexes, wich makes it easy to hit skills, but, the way they move and dodge is entirely different and random.
@@brunobautista6316 Some games that happens ill give that, but the reason you dont climb is not only because of "trolls" and shit, its because you arent good enough. To either climb or to solo carry if you are like bronze or silver. (Ill clear something, im referring to people that are really hardstuck in low elo, not those that have some rough times but with time they end up climbing.) Also, even if your team feeds but the enemy are still monkeys, you CAN take advantage of their mistakes and poor macro and still win.
usually as lux vs yone the lining phase isn't that bad.. but problem is he scales so much harder afterwards even if he leaves lane 0/2 and ends up impacting the game way more than I do :/
hey these guides are great, but can i just ask if its possible to just record these vods in .5 speed instead of lowering the framerate? the choppiness makes me slightly dizzy watching them
It is like, it seems easy, but when you're facing a plat as an enemy when you are gold at most, and you don't understand how are you supposed to do something or the other in order to cause some specific thing in the minion waves (because the game itself only talks about abilities but not minion management) and you need to learn information like this in external sources is when you understand why so many players play the game that casually and some event doesn't play to win, but just for have fun, trolling or whatever.
guys its never reandom if you hit a skillshot or not. In low ELO they always dodge on the same site, so just learn their "dodgebehavior" for one game. Then always aim to their "dodgepath"
Can you make a video how to win in high plat and diamond like what are you gonna do if you are playing with team they doesn’t wanna win or they not thinking about the win what should i call it 30% auto lose ?
He always show examples in ranged vs. melee matches while there are men out there trying to climb with melee champions and fightning against ranged everytime. The thing u need to teach is not freelo. How should the Yone fight that Lux? that stuff
He is a manaless champion with dorans and fleet his problem is walking up for cs he shouldn't be taking when he could instead regen with d shield secure cs with w so his shield blocks all/some of the poke he takes and moving around in the lane to stack his fleet footwork to sustain. Not only that but yone has a fair amount of mobility he can use to bait skillshots and force all ins. All McBaze does in this video is punish him twice for cs he should give up extremely hard and then applies kill pressure the rest of the lane. Yone can win this lane almost by doing nothing the problem is this guy is trying for risky cs when he should sit back. Yone is rushing a lane where he wins by default by playing a slow sustain game. He's basically griefing his own lane fighting for cs in a wave that's going to push to him anyway.
Please make guide about carrying team. I always win lane but I just dont know how can to carry them, and lose game. Now i have 53% wr and also 4:1 kda. I've had enough...
Depend on the lane and the champions type you play, mid is generally not a good lane to stay in once the mid game roll in (unless you are bot lane ADC then your support should also follow you everywhere and you two can fight and sustain in a harsh lane like mid in the mid game), however solo laner generally want to have a side lane to play on once the mid game is around and will only show up for team fight or anything similar once an objective arrive, this is because you want experience to be put on you and have as much gold as possible for late game
Hi can you make a guide about how to close games in low elo? Today I’ve had terrible soloq experience because I was hardly fed yet I couldn’t get to win any of 3 games (15/7 Kai sa; 16/6 Xayah; 10/6/18 Xayah). Besides the fact that I dropped division thanks to an awesome enemy elo boosting my opponent that I sent 0/7... So yes, I need a guide on how to close
You can take the Baron once 3 or 4 enemy champions has been taken down and can't respawn in the next 25 or 30 seconds, their top laner might take down your tower but after Baron y'all should make a fast recall anyway
tho, what if you main specific champions which have a really weak early game and do basically zero damage during the planning phase ? :( I mess up most of the games recently, because my champ scales, but the team throws faster than I get my powerspyke
Isn't a much better way to play the early lane to bait them into pushing, or is that vs assasins only and doesn't apply here? Typically into sylas, dianna, talon, you let them push so they can't all in and run you down the lane when they spike at lvl2/3
Mostly always cheater since he is still forced into a bad position. The only reason why you'd stay is for a kill to snowball harder but if you dont kill (like in the video) then you'll end up disadvantageous. Cheater should of been better (would of probs also resulted in him not wasting both his summoners later on)
@@thelegendsplays6266 Lux had no disadvantage by staying. Was Yone better and stayed healthy then you are in danger of getting ganked and definitely cheater recall.
I can tell you the secret tip. Pick the most broken champion with the most broken item synergy in the game. Always counterpick and try not to first pick mid/adc if possible. If you play bot play uncounterable lanes and ban the 1 or 2 champions that can counter you hard. Once again always go for the strongest counterpick so that you can not lose lane or jungle. If you are a jungler pick the strongest ganker or invader. Invade and camp winning lanes unless others are free. Same goes for midlaner and roams. Lose anyways because your teammates are 0/10 in low diamond or you got counterpicked into unwinnable lanes. Go to reddit and complain only to have a hardstuck dia 4 pre nerf Samira explain to you that she will be unplayable if they remove 1 base ad. Close Reddit and pick Hecarim or Nocturne congratulations you got to Grandmaster.
So I stomped my lane got two kills, yone was screwed, and randomly my jungler started diving him while I was trying to force his recall. He flamed me in Polish so hard after doing it twice. Then 25 minutes into the game i kill yone on bot and farm. My lee sin: Why lissandra are you so stupid and farm instead of pushing mid? I was lvl 17 while everyone was 15. They will always throw in silver/gold.
Don't Sylas and Zed do really well against Yone in laning? When ever Yone tries to trade with Sylas, Yone always loses because Sylas can heal back some of the damage dealt with his W and dodge his only form of cc with his E1 and E2 is difficult to dodge. For Zed he can punish Yone by positioning a shadow near Yone E and get an easy WQE combo off and can easily dodge Yone ult when timed correctly
@@lorenzosotroppofigo1641 Its a fairly old game but if you scroll down far enough you'll find it. Same with all their other vids. This game was 25 days ago.
*If you want to climb consistently you need to be winning lane at least 90% of your games.* I have 60-75% winrate on my top 4 champions and I'm losing lane in like 90% of my games. XDD
that was helpful honestly,, but what if hecarim instead of nida ? or any early pressure jungler ? i was diamond s7 & s9 and now i can't get out of gold,, I may be washed after 10 years in this game, but for sure the community seems to be getting worse and worse,, I'm not using this as an excuse, it's just facts drom my pov
If community is your excuse, just do mute all and mute all pings and focus a bit on yourself. That way you are more likely to notice some dumb mistakes and work on them and you get tilted way less. Think of it as a single player game with 4 npcs that help you (btw, this isnt sarcastic, its actual advise)
Want to IMPROVE FAST and get the RANK you've always wanted then check out: www.skill-capped.com/lol
How often we should look at the minimap while loosing nothing in your lane like looking at map while your not sacrificing any single cs
Can you do a guide on how to end games quickly?
Did you just say yone has no counters??? Pantheon,Annie, any top lane, literally anyone who can abuse his weak laning
@Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides at 4:09 you say to crash the second wave, but a couple of your videos have also stated that crashing the second is a horrible idea???
I feel like having matchup knowledge is really key to winning lane there’s just so many champions my brain hurts
that's why you HAVE to one trick a champion
@@smokyx then your champ gets banned and you’re tough outta luck
They should relax on making new champs and focus on client clean up.
i reccommend googling the matchup every single time. eventually u will get a feeling for it. i absolutely dominatwd mid neeko vs katarina just bc i respected her abilities (which i’d googled while waiting for the game to load up) and she did not respect mine / know what i did. this has been rly helpful, often ppl write whole essays on sites like reddit or mobafire
@@smokyx Really really bad advice from and for people that won't improve.
" to climb you need to win laning phase 90% of the time"
me maining Kayle: :'(
Tbh not getting murdered during lane phase is Kayle’s win con. If you just don’t feed 90% of lane phases you kinda win the lane by default.
@@tbhgodrick6120 while i try to survive my bot is 0/10 and the game is probably gone
@@ginopaperino9903 that’s the really hard thing about playing late scalers, especially top lane. You kinda have to gamble that your team won’t Giga feed before you come online. If you’re dealing with a 10/0/2 Draven, Samira, Vayne, etc at 15 minutes then you’ve probably already lost. But then again it might not have mattered what you played at all unless you were playing something that could deal with those champs and also got Giga fed.
Coincidentally I happen to be an aggressively roaming mid main. 😂
As a jungler once i see enemy lock in Kayle i lock in reksai and ruin her day until she goes afk.... i love killing kayle when she is on her waý to lane. I don't care if i lose lane later but i would have got my fun
@@ginopaperino9903 Naah it's always the sweaty mid and top blowing the game by feeding the jungler and then not pinging Mia's. Can't survive in the bot lane when those derps are making bot lane trudge through 2v4's every minute and a half lol
The start made me realize that Riot doesn't really care anymore about late vs early game. So many early game lane bullies that scale insanely hard lol
It's cause the items of this season. They buffed damage so much now everyone's an assassin.
McBaze is saying "Yone has not any counter picks" as in "he survives laning phase against everyone" not as in "he solo kills everyone in lane".
except yone isn't an early lane bully in most matchups?
@@hellfireofdooom8876 except yone was the spark of realization, not the exclusive champion. Similar to how apple isn't gravity
I’d be so lost without these guides
Me too, anytime I can’t find the grocery store I just pull these guides up and boom, I found my way.
@@wilsonlessley9853 How to SMURF on the Grandma in the MILK ISLE!
Definitely not ahahahaha
It's genuinely satisfying watching these videos. If you guys ever ran out of ideas, just do a series of strategic analyses on random matches and certainly your viewers ( def not projecting here ) would eat it up.
Could you do a Video with the same Title but for ADC ? Maybe Range Advantage (Vayne - Cait or Twitch - Cait) something like this would be really nice and btw your Guides are really nice and imformative Good Work there!
3:23 the problem is.. you can leave Lux E out on the ground for several seconds and entirely area-deny him the CS either way -- yeah it does cost you mana, but in that situation, there is no way for Yone to get the CS without taking damage.
I always say playing league without guides is like driving without taking driving lessons
Next: how to play top lane counter matchups in diamond, plz.
Simple. Dodge.
@@MK-U-N that is diamond elo, so winning counters or getting out even is not impossible. Its much harder than doing so in gold were most guides r recorded, tho.
Don't play top :)
@@joshdolan7822 actually yes. Go 3/0 in top and your Bot lane is 2/13 already. Im gradually swapping to mid BTW.
@@mohamadzakaria96 I feel you man, as a toplane main.
Like I don't care about counterpicks so much in gold and plat but when I'm 3/0 with 60 cs lead in minite 12 , I think I'm doing solidly.
Then you just press tab and you get this slap of depressions in the face when you see how your bot is doing.
My little brother and his friends are getting into league. I am going to teach them but I want to teach them the right way ( since I'm only a pisslow plat player in 2 roles) so I just subscribed to skill capped for a year. Hope you guys can hammer those fundamentals into me so I can hammer them into them!
Cheers to improvement!
teach them to play something else.
This guy’s lane guide videos are so so so much more helpful than any other guide on these kinds of channels 😂
I do know a lot of what’s in these videos but I still learn something from almost all of them. S tier content.
Since this is low elo, what do you do about the 10/0 irelia top or draven bot, when you finally leave Lane with your 50-100 Cs lead?
well its bronze so they probably dont have a mouse or a monitor, its also bronze so they do not know what farm is, they do not know what their spells do, so they just die, they do not know what an "item" is so they dont build anything, its easy, its like intro bots :)) or at least thats how people portray bronze is, but yea u know even challenger smurfs lose some games, its just unplayable sometimes, deal with it, cant win em all
Nex974 he said bronze not iron, they aren’t good but they have some understand. Pretty sure the advice of the channel is use your minimap. Track them constantly and make plays where they are not when possible to get objectives
@@gregsterxD iron bronze silver gold is the same thing :D
@@nex9748 nah man not really. You can see clear differences in every tier. You are probably just arrogant because you are "better then them".
@@ilparil5236 nah not rly, just annoyed at how they are portrayed by most ppl, the comment was sarcastic btw :D bit late response but it's fine ig
Next: Can you please do low elo but u being on the melee side
Preferably akali 😃
Yeah. Just play Yone. He has no counterpicks.
@@TheCentennial4 Pantheon, Annie, and Anivia ruin his day pretty bad, trust me
any good player counters Yone, but good Yones have no counterpicks.
@@TheCentennial4 Yone suffers very hard with Kat.
@@Rayogami No matter how good the Yone, if his opponents are somewhat proficient on their champs he gets absolutely murdered by almost all bruisers
*Yone has no counters*
Zed: Allow me to introduce myself
pantheon also eats yones for breakfast lunch and dinner
annie also eats yones
yone beats zed and annie pretty easy if he has any idea how to efficiently use his spells it's only really a counter in mid and low elos
@@newtondamon LOL git gud
Best yone counter is ahri
I didn't play lol pc anymore and already switch to wildrift, but these guide really help me through my wildrift game.
I mean the other wildrift channel only talk about the basic mechanic and mentally, but this guide really on next level.
Actually Annie is a Yone counter. There's nothing Yone can do against her
Yess, as a Lux main, seeing McBaze make this video is great
0:09 there is no counter pick against my vi mid. Thanks to skillcapped I climbed from bronze 2 to silver 1 in 2 weeks.
How about a jungle late game macro guide? I find it hard to finish games and on skillcapped there are mostly “Laner” guides about splitting and solo carrying. But as jg, you can’t really split otherwise objectives can easily be swiped away. So my request is for a jg macro guide :) Great video 👍
this guy is the best human resource they have. he is so technical and fine with his decision making. Add to this he is very clear with his explanations, always worth the time spent watching. ty
Dude I love your voice, is so relaxing, I'm gonna play this video instead of my music when I play league xD
I really love your free guides on youtube, maby a little but i improved at lol.
This information is great and all when you're encountering an even or lower-skilled player, but if they're on the assassin and they are better than you, these tips don't provide any help. Katarina and Zed jump to mind. They have ways of getting on you that bypass skillshots and they don't have to succeed in poking you very much at all, especially if they're carrying Ignite. Additionally, this is a really tilted matchup. Lux has some of the longest range in the game. Try this on Veigar, Ziggs, Swain, any other mid-range mage and you will get caught. And if they're any good at dodging skillshots, it's a significantly harder lane to win. Lux's E is a massive circle - other champions don't have those luxuriously wide skillshots like Morgana/Lux.
Average low elo mid won't be able to dodge most skill shots anyway.. But yeah, it's kinda skewed. A better guide would be about "win conditions" in general instead of "how to punish low elo yone players with lux while yone players that know what they're doing will evade you, lol".
" but if they're on the assassin and they are better than you, these tips don't provide any help" How come? He is literally explaining HOW those matchups are meant to be played and how can be won even if you are at disadvantage. Its practice and learning and then youll start winning. Theres no magic formula to win against someone "better than you" other than getting even better yourself. Ffs.
Veigar actually has a great time against Yone for example, Swain is not even a midlaner, and Ziggs theres a reason he is not being played AT ALL in soloq. Though, he is still very good, any long range mage or crowdcontrol mage can play very safely against most assassins. (And yeah, Ziggs has an even greater range than lux lmao.)
" other champions don't have those luxuriously wide skillshots like Morgana/Lux." You talking about those you mentioned? Lux is an easy skilled champion, Ziggs is really hard on the other hand, for a reason. Though, that skill gap gets rewarded on the utility, bursts and poke that a ziggs can pull off.
Veigar? Veigar relies entirely on his stun, you dont hit stun, you probably dont hit w. Also, he is meant to powerfarm and then oneshot everyone with an ult, while providing great utility. And if you ask me, i prefer way more a point and click mega burst ultimate with execute capabilities rather than a "massive circle". Different mages have different playstyles, you wouldnt EVER fight the same way a zed with lissandra, as you would with vel koz, for example.
Stop complaining and get better.
@@danilicious2308 Dude, literally, unless you reach diamond or so, players commit the same mistakes in some degree, where you can take advantage of it. And, if you are diamond or plus, where people really start to know all of this and wont let you punish them, the way you win a game is by macro and not stomping a lane lmao.
"Yone players that know what they re doing" then they are better than you since you cant punish even their slightlest mistakes, they are better than you, thats why the win games and you dont.
I repeat, unless you are diamond, even ill dare to say diamond 1 and above, players still commit mistakes that can led them to a lost game. If you dont have the skill to exploit that, then you dont deserve to climb further.
@@ignacioariellopez8491 don't come crying to me about how you're hardstuck 3 months after a comment.
Enjoy your bronze games mate
@@danilicious2308 Im not hardstuck lol, im talking exactly about people like you who complain because they cant win against a goldie Yone and claim that a goldie "knows what they are doing" LMAO
Grateful of your videos. Much love!
How about if you are mele in a countered range matchup?
I have xp on that, as I face way too many Vaynes as Garen on toplane. Is ez: all you have to do is let them push. If they push the lane 2 things happen: wave is under your tower, and while you can't farm 100% cs you will get 100% xp, so you may even get lvl6 (actually, you will hit all "even" levels before you enemy. You know.. 4,6,8,10....), and the second thing is that they will be open to ganks. Probably, they will step on bushes to avoid your "poke" (imagine... Aatrox 1st Q, Riven 3rd Q or Nocturne Q). But sitting inside that bush lets them positioned in the longest distance to their towers, so, as long as toplane is, they can't run to their towers without flashing. That opens a 275-300s (depending on runes) window to make a play against them.
Against Vaynes all I need to do is let them push, gain minion advantge but NOT TOO MUCH health advantage. They even will autoattack me, gaining aggro for a few seconds, and taking sustained damage. Melee vs Ranged powerspikes are naturally lvls 3/6/9
At 3 you have all your abilities, at 6 you have your ult and at 9 you have one ability maxed (usually). Just use it at your advantage.
Let them push, once you hit 3, you know you will hit 4 before them, because you are pushed, but also you have now a minion advantage so you can do a fast combo to punisu them (try to bait one ability first... you are still on early levels)
At 6, you just flash on their faces and blow everything you have. Trust me: is a flash or kill situation, and because you flashed first, next time you will get the kill. Is that easy (if you hit every ability...)
Lvl 9 you will have your first maxed ability and also more health/resistances. You can take a bit of damage while closing the gap, then land your combo and gg wp, kill acquired.
Problem in low elo is the same: focusing on kills and thinking: "man I couldn't kill my laner, I lost lane because of that".
Properly playing, you may be 2 kills down and still winning your lane
Awesome video! Super great commentary!
I really want to know what to do in exactly that mid setup after laning phase, if the enemy top laner (like wukong or irelia for example) got feed?
Even if i win hard with double cs and 2 0 ... there is a 4 0 or even better Top laner that kill my whole Team (including me)...
every. single. game. and if you play top instead and win? the jungler gets fed. or the mid. you can't win every lane and the idea that you should 1v9 in a team game in order to climb is just disgusting and broken.
I'm still waiting for the McBizzle onlyfans but this guide was amazing regardless.
Who OF? Is that the name?
7:57 would have killed him if you hadnt waste the hit of your passive from your q, and then popping e instead of e basic
That was a dang good video! Thanks!
omg i needed this!! thanks again 💗
How win when you're counter picked... Also the counter pick is meele and you're ranged. What about a video that you're a meele against a ranged?
they have those.. I've seen them. the idea is to let the ranged push and wait for level three before all-in on them and kill them = win. There was even a tip in this video.. they said yone should have baited out the e and if lux missed, he would be free to pick up cs.
Always the best tips
Excellent content
Should support mains also aim to always win lane ? Specially because you cant do much without your ADC
Omg. Finally captions.
just admit you missed Q, not that it's low elo and can't predict where he'll go fucking kekw
good video tho
A challenger missing skillshots? Nah, same when they said "you lost just because you don't play good", when you just leave lane 3/0 after a really hard skill matchup but your team fed everything on sight
It is actually like that, not most of the time though, but it happens. Silvers and gold players move so random and weird compared as to how high elo players move or dodge. Maybe they lack the reflexes, wich makes it easy to hit skills, but, the way they move and dodge is entirely different and random.
@@brunobautista6316 Some games that happens ill give that, but the reason you dont climb is not only because of "trolls" and shit, its because you arent good enough. To either climb or to solo carry if you are like bronze or silver. (Ill clear something, im referring to people that are really hardstuck in low elo, not those that have some rough times but with time they end up climbing.)
Also, even if your team feeds but the enemy are still monkeys, you CAN take advantage of their mistakes and poor macro and still win.
Could you compile a list of the objectives & win conditions of each champ?
It probably changes based on each matchup, that might be quite a big list
7:00 - 7:07 "They're so bad that I missed."
I get your point, but JEEZ the arrogance bro.
Side note: That low elo move is simply known as a side-step.
usually as lux vs yone the lining phase isn't that bad.. but problem is he scales so much harder afterwards even if he leaves lane 0/2 and ends up impacting the game way more than I do :/
can you do a vice versa style video with a melee champ like garen into a ranged champ like teemo
Thank you for this video, I am constantly losing lane.
hey these guides are great, but can i just ask if its possible to just record these vods in .5 speed instead of lowering the framerate? the choppiness makes me slightly dizzy watching them
It is like, it seems easy, but when you're facing a plat as an enemy when you are gold at most, and you don't understand how are you supposed to do something or the other in order to cause some specific thing in the minion waves (because the game itself only talks about abilities but not minion management) and you need to learn information like this in external sources is when you understand why so many players play the game that casually and some event doesn't play to win, but just for have fun, trolling or whatever.
Galaxy brain teleport.
guys its never reandom if you hit a skillshot or not. In low ELO they always dodge on the same site, so just learn their "dodgebehavior" for one game. Then always aim to their "dodgepath"
Make vids in EUW, low elo in NA is actually Iron/Bronze euw and no one in this elo is interested in improving, makes videos in mid elo.
Can you make a video how to win in high plat and diamond like what are you gonna do if you are playing with team they doesn’t wanna win or they not thinking about the win what should i call it 30% auto lose ?
1:10 to see what that Lux like
Very high quality
How to deal the melee vs range matchup?????? Why u guys only give guides on range vs melee need the opposite one
Could u do same video but top lane plz?
He always show examples in ranged vs. melee matches while there are men out there trying to climb with melee champions and fightning against ranged everytime. The thing u need to teach is not freelo. How should the Yone fight that Lux? that stuff
He is a manaless champion with dorans and fleet his problem is walking up for cs he shouldn't be taking when he could instead regen with d shield secure cs with w so his shield blocks all/some of the poke he takes and moving around in the lane to stack his fleet footwork to sustain. Not only that but yone has a fair amount of mobility he can use to bait skillshots and force all ins. All McBaze does in this video is punish him twice for cs he should give up extremely hard and then applies kill pressure the rest of the lane. Yone can win this lane almost by doing nothing the problem is this guy is trying for risky cs when he should sit back. Yone is rushing a lane where he wins by default by playing a slow sustain game. He's basically griefing his own lane fighting for cs in a wave that's going to push to him anyway.
Please make guide about carrying team. I always win lane but I just dont know how can to carry them, and lose game. Now i have 53% wr and also 4:1 kda. I've had enough...
Depend on the lane and the champions type you play, mid is generally not a good lane to stay in once the mid game roll in (unless you are bot lane ADC then your support should also follow you everywhere and you two can fight and sustain in a harsh lane like mid in the mid game), however solo laner generally want to have a side lane to play on once the mid game is around and will only show up for team fight or anything similar once an objective arrive, this is because you want experience to be put on you and have as much gold as possible for late game
Just play Aurelion Sol, no kills needed, no outplays needed. Just Farm the Shit out of mid, roam bot and top, don’t feed. You won by 30:00
i want to see a games with Darius against you in plat Elo
Really helpful but they talk like i already know matchups and what every champion does. Bro I just started playing
How do you win against counter picks at top? Mid counter picks are manageable, top is not cause it's decided by stat checks.
Hi can you make a guide about how to close games in low elo? Today I’ve had terrible soloq experience because I was hardly fed yet I couldn’t get to win any of 3 games (15/7 Kai sa; 16/6 Xayah; 10/6/18 Xayah). Besides the fact that I dropped division thanks to an awesome enemy elo boosting my opponent that I sent 0/7... So yes, I need a guide on how to close
You can take the Baron once 3 or 4 enemy champions has been taken down and can't respawn in the next 25 or 30 seconds, their top laner might take down your tower but after Baron y'all should make a fast recall anyway
@@hainguyn948 nah that’s obvious, I meant in an “even” situation how to break with a swing
Skill capped: Yone has no counterpicks
Me: laughs in Irelia
is it just me or is this guy's voice calming
If i was standing under the enemy tower for half the game like shown und the vid everybody would have rotated on me so that i would have been 1v5 mid
I'm playing malphite on top and ı never lose to anyone in lane but i lose half of the games i play
more yone and aphilois content pls
How would I punish a lux that just farms with e? As yone or yasuo (after these early levels)
There is one channel, that steals your content : Moscow_beat
What about yone vs zed ???
Yone does have a counter, Quinn.
tho, what if you main specific champions which have a really weak early game and do basically zero damage during the planning phase ? :( I mess up most of the games recently, because my champ scales, but the team throws faster than I get my powerspyke
Im winning lane every game and im o a 13 game loose streak. show me how to get out of bronze and i might be fine from there.
Isn't a much better way to play the early lane to bait them into pushing, or is that vs assasins only and doesn't apply here? Typically into sylas, dianna, talon, you let them push so they can't all in and run you down the lane when they spike at lvl2/3
The problem is they might roam
This applies to bot Lane too right? ?
we will use this tips probbly until get diamond after that we cant do a shit without macro cuz win lane isnt enough to win
So that's why yone randomly healed during my tower dive.
4:08 is it better to take a cheater here or to just harras him and make him miss as many minions as possible and then recall at the same time as him?
Mostly always cheater since he is still forced into a bad position. The only reason why you'd stay is for a kill to snowball harder but if you dont kill (like in the video) then you'll end up disadvantageous. Cheater should of been better (would of probs also resulted in him not wasting both his summoners later on)
@@thelegendsplays6266 Lux had no disadvantage by staying. Was Yone better and stayed healthy then you are in danger of getting ganked and definitely cheater recall.
And how do i bait teemo auto attacks?
i win every lane but still loose mainly because of my team any advice?
yeah i do that and i get gank and die
cant believe this match up is supose to be yone favoured
How i buy a bott lane? I never have one, well yes i do have a bott lane but i prefere an afk instade of having a 0/12 soraka
what about abusing ranged while melee?
U don’t. U get abusd
can u do a video on how to win in diamond and plat the true elo hell
I can tell you the secret tip. Pick the most broken champion with the most broken item synergy in the game. Always counterpick and try not to first pick mid/adc if possible. If you play bot play uncounterable lanes and ban the 1 or 2 champions that can counter you hard. Once again always go for the strongest counterpick so that you can not lose lane or jungle. If you are a jungler pick the strongest ganker or invader. Invade and camp winning lanes unless others are free. Same goes for midlaner and roams. Lose anyways because your teammates are 0/10 in low diamond or you got counterpicked into unwinnable lanes. Go to reddit and complain only to have a hardstuck dia 4 pre nerf Samira explain to you that she will be unplayable if they remove 1 base ad.
Close Reddit and pick Hecarim or Nocturne congratulations you got to Grandmaster.
@@kokotvole4884 sadge for us otp's
The moment when you're watching this as a yone main
Any ranged vs melee matchup is favoring the ranged one in low ELO IMO because they have no patience and cannot conserve they for the big all in.
Yeah NEACE did talk about this when Teemo Vs Garen you generally want to stay healthy and go for an all in with ignite
Just play the Garen mid against yone always win the lane with that
That is, in low elo. In high elo you'll get smashed.
Against yasou and yone the best option is shen hes w can block yasou's q and yone's q and w
So I stomped my lane got two kills, yone was screwed, and randomly my jungler started diving him while I was trying to force his recall. He flamed me in Polish so hard after doing it twice. Then 25 minutes into the game i kill yone on bot and farm. My lee sin: Why lissandra are you so stupid and farm instead of pushing mid? I was lvl 17 while everyone was 15. They will always throw in silver/gold.
Lee Sin syndrome my friend, every Q hit you have to go in 😂
What if I’m the melee champ playing vs another melee?
Can I've a specific champions? It is just match up dependent
How do you win lane on bot 90% of the time. I mean there's 2 people on each side not one. And supports matter more than adcs as well to winning lane
I dont deserve these daily uploads
Don't Sylas and Zed do really well against Yone in laning? When ever Yone tries to trade with Sylas, Yone always loses because Sylas can heal back some of the damage dealt with his W and dodge his only form of cc with his E1 and E2 is difficult to dodge. For Zed he can punish Yone by positioning a shadow near Yone E and get an easy WQE combo off and can easily dodge Yone ult when timed correctly
Sylas is a hard match up, Zed is the worst match up
The account they're playing on is called "Stay Piss", idk why they change the name to Skill Kapp every time they make a video on it lol
That account doesn't have a game with lux tho
@@lorenzosotroppofigo1641 Its a fairly old game but if you scroll down far enough you'll find it. Same with all their other vids. This game was 25 days ago.
*If you want to climb consistently you need to be winning lane at least 90% of your games.* I have 60-75% winrate on my top 4 champions and I'm losing lane in like 90% of my games. XDD
Always get a white page when i try the link to skilled-cap :/ in the description
What is considered low elo?
que canal bom
This seems more like lux counters yone, the man couldnt do anything :'D, im just curious how should have yone played this to counter lux
that was helpful honestly,, but what if hecarim instead of nida ? or any early pressure jungler ?
i was diamond s7 & s9 and now i can't get out of gold,,
I may be washed after 10 years in this game, but for sure the community seems to be getting worse and worse,,
I'm not using this as an excuse, it's just facts drom my pov
If community is your excuse, just do mute all and mute all pings and focus a bit on yourself. That way you are more likely to notice some dumb mistakes and work on them and you get tilted way less. Think of it as a single player game with 4 npcs that help you (btw, this isnt sarcastic, its actual advise)
okay, heres one tip, wheres 8 remaining? :D