Election Night 1968 CBS Part 6

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • Here is what I could get ready for today, I apologize folks I just have been really busy lately. I will try to get some more up if not tonight then tomorrow

Комментарии • 33

  • @retnavybrat
    @retnavybrat 11 лет назад +2

    At the time this originally aired there was still a substantial number of people who didn't have color TV. Black and white is how this would've been viewed by my parents that night.

  • @cr3861
    @cr3861 12 лет назад

    At the time of CBS's election night coverage, Joseph Benti was a rising star, anchoring the network's morning news. He later returned to the CBS station in LA.

  • @ZiuoxZui
    @ZiuoxZui 12 лет назад +1

    What is rarely said about this election, is that Wallace actually hurt Nixon more than he hurt Humphrey. While some of the analysis did allude to it, most who discuss this election still think it was a matter of dem disunity, reflected in the independent candidacy of G. Wallace, that gave Nixon the victory. By the time election day arrived, the dem base had returned to the party fold. Most of these Wallace voters, who were independents, would've voted for Nixon in a straight match-up with Humph.

  • @holymoses1744
    @holymoses1744 10 лет назад +2

    This was the last year New York had the highest number of electoral votes. After the 1970 Census California moved to the top, where it's remained ever since.

  • @edpor68
    @edpor68 11 лет назад +1

    Sen. Dirksen passed away in 1969- RIP.

  • @MAR1962
    @MAR1962 12 лет назад

    This is a dramatic segment indeed, with Humphrey charging ahead in electoral votes and nipping at Nixon's heels in the popular vote. Wisconsin may have been a bit of a surprise call for Nixon, since it is next-door to HHH's Minnesota and has a liberal-reform reputation. Thanks for doing this, and keep it coming!

  • @2508bona
    @2508bona 12 лет назад

    It's amusing to note that the first two commercials featured here are for a sleep aid and a headache remedy! Two VERY logical products to turn to when following an election... especially for a partisan.

  • @puttputtking
    @puttputtking 12 лет назад

    I didn't know that WTVF Channel 5 in Nashville TN used to be WLAC. Wow! It shows over the years that some channels can surprise you and change their network logos if they choose to.

  • @scottbailey1560
    @scottbailey1560 11 лет назад +1

    Gosh, I recall my parents watching this on a big, portable, tube, Motorola TV that sat in a TV Stand with caster rollers, and it was a Black & White TV. I didn't understand what was going on, I was only 4 years old, sitting in the floor playing with my toys.
    WLAC-TV was sold to a Family Operator in Texas in 1976. If I am right about this, the call letter change happen in 1976 from WLAC to WTVF. These days, they never mention the call letters anymore, it's just "News Channel 5" to the Public.

  • @billsmith5985
    @billsmith5985 8 лет назад

    Highlight of the evening was Alexander Scourby doing an Excedrin commercial......

  • @buckspa
    @buckspa 12 лет назад

    From what I've read, the Wallace vote was squeezed at the end, in the North (to Humphrey's benefit) and in the outer South (to Nixon's benefit). I've got precinct returns from Charleston, SC, and Wallace got virtually no support down along the Battery from 'quality folks' (82% Nixon-9% Wallace), while he and Nixon split the vote in white working class areas like North Charleston. Black precincts went 1,101 Humphrey, 16 Nixon, 8 Wallace. Humphrey got between 9% and 15% in white areas.

  • @marcostar57
    @marcostar57 12 лет назад

    WOW!! Thanks for this upload -- I was hoping someone would do it. I was an 11 year old Nixon supporter and was glued to the TV watching the returns all night. My mom had me going to bed around midnight - unhappy thinking Humphrey would win. When I woke up next morning to go to school, I turned the TV on to see Cronkite announcing Nixon the winner.

  • @irish89055
    @irish89055 12 лет назад

    i remember staying up to 4:30am just 13... anyone remember Taster's Choice ads were all they were running at that hour? This should be in color..

  • @Radar19792006
    @Radar19792006 12 лет назад

    @ScooterpupReljac Just to be fair, I think the cheers were from the "workers" in the studio and not from anyone around the hole. Also, the following day on NBC when NIxon was declared the winner there was an even LARGER cheer...turned out it was for the man putting the check-mark by Nixon's name. LOL.

  • @jacobtodd1622
    @jacobtodd1622 10 месяцев назад +1

    5:25 - CBS workers in the background celebrating Humphrey's victory in New York state.
    Watching that "journalist" interview with Sen. Dirksen just reminded me that journalism has been dead for a much longer time than people are willing to admit.
    What was the point of that interview?? It was just the reporter trying to gaslight him by saying, "You are running lower than you did at this time last time..." Telling him his number suck right now which only means he is going to lose. Well, guess what:
    1968 Illinois Senate:
    ☑DIRKSEN (R)(i): 53.0% (+0.1% from 1961 Election)
    CLARK (D): 46.6% (-0.5% from 1961 Election)
    --PS: Dirksen won all but 3 counties.
    Guess what....he did better than he did in 1962!!
    And, he was trying to gaslight him regarding the Illinois Presidential Election. Making it sound like the Republicans were overly confident in winning this state. Well, guess who took Illinois and guess what state took Nixon over 270 (Illinois).
    1968 Illinois Presidential Election:
    HUMPHREY (D): 44%
    ☑NIXON (R): 47%
    WALLACE (AI): 8%
    Cronkite was a terrible anchor. What the hell was he talking about (after the Dirksen interview).........Trust me, no one watching gave a shit what he was talking about.
    CBS / Cronkite was heavily biased toward Humphrey.
    Cronkite had a long line of bull shit / lies he said that night and next morning.

  • @efan2011
    @efan2011  12 лет назад

    @brithoby Sadly no! I wish I did! I have been looking for years to find it! The 76 NBC and CBS Coverage is impossible to find anywhere! Vanderbilt either did not record the coverage for some reason or refuse to sell them, which is a major loss for us collectors.
    As for the miderm elections in am in the process of buying some, all I have now is 2010.

    @MIKESOWELL 12 лет назад

    @MAR1962 I'm not certain, but I think Wallace really hurt Humphrey in Wisconsin. Wallace hurt Humphrey in a lot of MidWestern states and in the South.

  • @irish89055
    @irish89055 12 лет назад

    In a CBS studio? you betcha. 92% in ghettos, guess nothing changes huh... i remember staying up to 4:30am just 13,that day... anyone remember Taster's Choice ads were all they were running at that hour? This should be in color.. Humphrey would have been my last Democratic vote for president if old enough then

  • @Michael1966W
    @Michael1966W 12 лет назад

    Are there going to be more parts are does it end here? Thank you for putting this on

  • @americasevilgenius
    @americasevilgenius 12 лет назад

    Did I hear *cheering* in the studio at 5:25 when they announced New York for Humphrey?

    • @hrtvfan2870
      @hrtvfan2870 5 лет назад +1

      I did (there's an incident where there was a cheer on the NBC coverage where Illinois if I remember correctly was called for Nixon to put him over the top; though - at least that time - it may have not been partisan as much as "we finally get to go home and get some sleep").
      The only other clip I've seen where there was a clearly audible reaction from someone on set was when NBC called Massachusetts for Ronald Reagan in 1984 (by that point, that state and Minnesota were viewed as among Walter Mondale's last chances to stop a potential 50-state sweep); though to his credit Tom Brokaw quickly chided whoever it was that yelled "NO!" when Massachusetts went to Reagan.

  • @irish89055
    @irish89055 11 лет назад

    I agree, we didn't get a color tv set until 1973 but all broadcasts were in color by 68 though... Not a fan of uncle waldo... NBC was my preference though always jump around on election night and as one of the few watchers of the Evening news

  • @brithoby
    @brithoby 12 лет назад

    THANK YOU!!!!
    This is great stuff efan! Keep it coming!... Do you have nbc's 1976 election night coverage - when they first introduced their version of the red/blue state electoral map??? Any off year election night coverages would be great too.

  • @efan2011
    @efan2011  12 лет назад

    There will be, I just have been Extremely busy since February.

    @MIKESOWELL 12 лет назад

    Thanks for the upload.

  • @efan2011
    @efan2011  12 лет назад

    No problem, I should have some time this week to keep on posting these.

  • @marksteveb
    @marksteveb 12 лет назад

    thanx efan, i now you rushed this segment up for me, because you usually put up nbc first. hey, my memory is not bad---no senior moments yet, at least not w/this stuff.

  • @efan2011
    @efan2011  12 лет назад

    It's coming, but it's kind of hard to upload something when you have tons to do.

  • @thatkyguy
    @thatkyguy 12 лет назад

    @ScooterpupReljac Wow, one or two cheers. Yeah, that's a lot of bias.