Does Reb YY Jacobson Agree With Reb Manis?

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
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Комментарии • 30

  • @横山彰一郎
    @横山彰一郎 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much Rabbi Friedman and Reb Jacobson.
    i feel, The Giver, G-d, is giving Himself to us constantly because He needs us to become givers like Him; givers of time, kind words and pure smiles to each other. “ do good; … pursue peace.” “ Seek Me and live!”

  • @moshkhal2637
    @moshkhal2637 2 месяца назад +4

    Rabbi Mizrahi and Rabbi Reuven are the best of the best.👍💙💙

  • @bionic274
    @bionic274 2 месяца назад

    Here is a full quote of the passage from the Maaneh loshon book. “ … For who am I that You have brought me to this position. I AM NOT NEEDED BY YOU. It is only in Your great kindness that You created me, so that I could achieve merit. You brought me into being from nothingness.” in black & white letters.

  • @GerardoMagnano
    @GerardoMagnano 5 месяцев назад +2

    Rabbi Golberg wasn’t the one inviting xtans to his shul in Boca?

    • @moshkhal2637
      @moshkhal2637 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yes!!!! He is wicked as well!!!

    • @menachr
      @menachr 2 месяца назад

      ​@@moshkhal2637 Something is very wrong with your form of Judaism and the way you are being taught if this is the way you talk about other jews.... u should seek help and introspection.

  • @JAS-fb6we
    @JAS-fb6we 5 месяцев назад

    If I got it right:
    Human - need is a result of a need and therefore expresses an imperfection and is limited to the need being fulfilled.
    G-d needing us is a result of his infinite love and has nothing to do with imperfection and is therefore infinite.

  • @mariebarrett7177
    @mariebarrett7177 5 месяцев назад

    God chooses to need us so he can be glorified and just him alone and we're made in his image which is a human characteristic!

  • @yizsha
    @yizsha Месяц назад

    Reb YY quotes the names of 2 Sefarim and didn't quote what was written. Look it up.

  • @JohnSmith-bw8xv
    @JohnSmith-bw8xv 5 месяцев назад

    B.C is quite an appropriate term for Chabad.

  • @craigenputtock
    @craigenputtock 5 месяцев назад

    Well, according to idealistic philosophy, God needs us more than we need God, because without us where would he be? "He would still exist even without us." Ah, but that very thought comes from the human mind! No object without a subject.

  • @caliphari
    @caliphari Месяц назад

    The **philosophers' dilemma**-"how can God need us?"-is indeed based on the **false assumption** that God can be comprehended through the **limitations** of human intellect. God, in His **essence**, is **infinite** and **beyond** any construct, including our notions of **need** or **desire**. Even the concepts like **Keter** and the **Sefirot**, which describe divine will, are **emanations** within the structure of creation, and they do not represent God's **true essence**, which is entirely **beyond comprehension**. Therefore, the question is rooted in the mistaken belief that human intellect can fully grasp God's nature, when, in reality, God is not bound by the intellectual constructs that shape our understanding.

  • @TheNationofIsrael613
    @TheNationofIsrael613 2 месяца назад

    i think this is an issue of the english language. you're trying to parse out this simple concept in the wrong language. the english word 'need' is already problematic itself.
    tzarich can also be "requires". can we say that G-d "requires", by definition, a relationship with us?
    can someone perfect require a relationship or ask for a relationship? of course!
    otherwise, even if He's perfect, He's still alone. He clearly doesn't want to be alone...otherwise what's the point of creating a world and human beings and other living beings.
    this is so intuitive. i don't get what the machloket is about.

  • @ytsi7505
    @ytsi7505 5 месяцев назад

    They seem to disagree

  • @mariebarrett7177
    @mariebarrett7177 5 месяцев назад

    Just a thought

  • @andreasgigmai7707
    @andreasgigmai7707 5 месяцев назад

    A G-d without Creation is not g-d? Creation defines G-d. To be the G-d, HE needs his Creation?

  • @grand.geometrician
    @grand.geometrician 5 месяцев назад

    A Rabbi is a senior figure, strictly speaking here.

  • @salampakistan3691
    @salampakistan3691 5 месяцев назад

    Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor Sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there that can intercede in His presence except as he permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His throne doth extend over the heavens and on earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them, For He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).
    (Quran 2:255)
    “And as for those who deny the truth - verily, God does not stand in need of anything in all the worlds.” (Quran 3:97).
    Allah swt is in need of no one, not us or anything. He has billions of angels worshipping him, we need Allah swt. There is no begining to Him and No End....

    • @blonderover
      @blonderover 4 месяца назад

      Go preach somewhere else. We all pray to the same creator. How ignorant to assume one’s belief is the tree stump and not the branch leading to השם

    • @salampakistan3691
      @salampakistan3691 4 месяца назад

      Like the Psalm came to Ibrahim and subsequent Prophets, then Torah came to supercede it, and so did the Quran...
      Revelation comes depending on the stages and level of knowledge of the people of that time period. Like Prophet Adam AS time and Prophet Seth AS time revelation was limited compared to Psalm, which went deeper because the capacity and knowledge of man was limited before then.
      For example, at the kindergarten stage, you teach the basics of learning to write and read. You do not give the child a PHD. exam or degree level exam. You give them basic knowledge and test. It does not mean you changed the truth or laws. It just means that at that time, they were not ready. As they mind and capacity to take on knowledge increases with age, so does the training and exam and knowledge they have expected to increase so harder exams, step by step the child progresses. So thats what Allah swt did with revelation and spirituality, He (swt) nurtured man to progress and increase knowledge in spirituality and thus laws and rules increased.
      Then Psalm was revealed, which went deeper into spiritual and laws, then Torah came and went deep as the capacity and knowledge of man grow. In the same way, the Quran was revealed, which goes deeper and higher as higher law as man capacity increased and communication and travel became easier.
      In the time of the Torah, travelling was limited, as the children of Isreal and the Prophets could not bring revelation to Aborginals in Australia. So Allah swt ordered the children of Isreal and the Prophets to teach revelation only to the people they encountered. But as sailing and communication increased with the spread of books and knowledge sharing, Quran was revealed to give to mankind. The truth and laws never changed, they were adjusted to capacity of mankind at this time period as we can take on more.
      Mankind is not expected now to to sit a kindergarten exam they are expected to take on higher degree level exam and test.

    • @jbond6576
      @jbond6576 Месяц назад

      Islam is based on paganism. You people still worship stones like your prophet did.

  • @zdzislawmeglicki2262
    @zdzislawmeglicki2262 5 месяцев назад

    Well, God does not exist to begin with, so being a fiction he can only choose within the fictional context of the fairy tale that invents the character.

    • @herzl67
      @herzl67 5 месяцев назад

      Go deeper into the art of how life is created or engineered. The intelligence of nature's patterns is beyond grasp. Judaism avoids using a name for "the creator" which is often called "the name" because explaining Gd is beyond human capacity. I like that. How to work with creation is a question that will never be fully answered. This doesn't mean that there is nothing and "Gd" is non existant. The art of creation is hard to grasp and I can see why people struggle with the idea of a Gd.

  • @stinkeye460
    @stinkeye460 5 месяцев назад

    It is impossible to understand who and what the Creator is. He can only be defined by what he isn't. All we know is what he said when he revealed himself in person to all of the People of Israel, in one place at Sinai, with his own voice. I Ha Shem am One and there is no one beside Me. Everything that isn't what he said he is in the Torah is speculation.

    • @uriel7203
      @uriel7203 5 месяцев назад

      You are envoking the Moreh Nevuchim approach. There is nothing wrong with that per se, but there are other shitas in approaching the question.
      Also, don't forget, it says וגדולתו אין חקר. So even the ידע שלילי that you envoke has some baggage of issues.

    • @stinkeye460
      @stinkeye460 5 месяцев назад

      @@uriel7203 That is why it is impossible to define or comprehend who and what the primordial Creator is. The study of astrophysics is, along with all applied science, a relatively new phenomenon in the history of man. Even the most knowledgeable scientist understands that with each new discovery how much we really don't understand. If it took hundreds of centuries to get to the point of being able to measure the speed of light then how can mortal man even begin to understand who and how light was created? As I have always said the first chapter of the first book in the Torah, Bereshit, does not explain how or why Ha Shem created the universe, it is a statement that he did. The Torah is not a book of science nor is it supposed to be. It is the mission of scientist to unlock the secrets Ha Shem used in order to create the physical universe. To try to understand the nature, the understandable attributes of Ha Shem and why he created this world, one must look to the teachings of the Kabbalah. BTW I am not a Jewish scholar or wise in the teachings of Torah or Talmud. I was a craftsman, a brick and stone mason, and in my old age a chicken farmer. Sometimes the answers to very complex questions are revealed when working with ones hands and getting chicken shit on ones fingers.