Why I Left Gay Life

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 181

  • @yolandaspivey2961
    @yolandaspivey2961 7 месяцев назад +80

    The same can be said in heterosexual relationships. I tried online dating last year and quickly left after 6 months. It was as if I was taking myself to the circus to see the show. So many broken, lonely, unhealed people. It's just best to be by yourself.

    • @oama2009
      @oama2009 7 месяцев назад +23

      This would have been my comment. This isn’t about gay or straight. This is a human issue.

    • @OolongG952
      @OolongG952 7 месяцев назад +19

      True! There are just a lot of broken people in the world that either refuse to get help or refuse to acknowledge that they need help.

    • @chi2capcorn
      @chi2capcorn 7 месяцев назад +6

      It’s about just what he said is about!

    • @imjustsayin34
      @imjustsayin34 7 месяцев назад

      its a male issue first @@oama2009

  • @gregorriusadolphus2729
    @gregorriusadolphus2729 7 месяцев назад +58

    You ain't neva lied. I was kind of exploring being bi and DIPPED my toe into those waters, and QUICKLY found out that it is NOT the business. I've never seen so many broken, lustful, and dare I say, SIMPLE people in life. It's a sick sad world to be caught up in.

    • @genuinelover6241
      @genuinelover6241 4 месяца назад

      My sentiments exactly so looks obsessed, brainless, hook-up addicted and Ultimately shallow people in this world especially the current young generation.

  • @lucycolon1861
    @lucycolon1861 7 месяцев назад +34

    I just feel like it’s the end times. People don’t care about each other. There’s no sense of community. God Bless

  • @buyunostore
    @buyunostore 7 месяцев назад +13

    I appreciate your honesty from a Gay man's perspective. I'm a Gay Black woman who basically stepped back and took the time to heal childhood wounds. I've been celibate for 9 years. Its the best thing I could have done. I was able to really look at myself what I really want instead of setteling or being an option for someone else. I know situationships are a thing now with gen z and Millenials. I'm a boomer yeah from the old school who still wants a traditional relationship. Tried the friends with beni's. Felt empty. I chose being alone. I love my solitude but now I am ready to attract the love of my life. I never
    became bitter I just felt empty and knew that there was something better. The life style if you are around wounded toxic people will drag you down. Loving yourself first is where it's at. When you allow yourself to heal and love yourself you won't
    attract those type of people into your world anymore The promecuity is based on lust not love which opens the door for HIV
    and other STD;s Let me say this. U can be spiritual and be with the same sex in a loving way. There are good healthy gay people who are healed that are out there. Don't give up on that. I was never involved with really toxic women. Only one of my ex's fit that catagory the rest are decent women who I admire and still love and we are still friends. Hurt people hurt people
    doesnt matter if you are gay or straight. You attract what you are. Much love to you... appreciate your channel.

    • @Nkruma9
      @Nkruma9 Месяц назад

      I’ve been celibate for almost a year now
      My new motto when I’m horny is
      “ masturbate”
      I think a lot of us don’t realize that energy is transferred when we have sex
      It’s important to know who you’re fucking
      But the community doesn’t promote this
      You have to want it for yourself
      It’s up to each individual to make a change for themselves

  • @imthechamp101
    @imthechamp101 7 месяцев назад +31

    Brother I changed my life 14 years ago. Been married for 13 years and have 2 children. Once I learned to put God first, everything else fell into place. I still struggle but I’m sure I’m on the right path.

  • @hangingwiththegrlz4891
    @hangingwiththegrlz4891 7 месяцев назад +15

    You are describing these last days. I suffer on my job. I am a teacher. The staff is vicious, and will not leave me alone, all they do is attack and attack. Goes back to hurt people hurt people. Most people these days are hurting and many attack without care of others. I got tired of complaining about these people with no spiritual foundation and chose to move on in search of a job where I can just work and make a living. I also am a survivor of narcissistic abuse. My ex-husband was a covert narc and hurt my very soul. Took me 4 years to recover. The bible spoke about this uncaring generation, without love. You are wise beyond your years sir. Thank you for sharing the truth.

    • @Dallas3212
      @Dallas3212 6 месяцев назад

      Omg same here "teaching" is torture. Staff is demonic. Attack after attack!

    • @mikey2848
      @mikey2848 3 месяца назад +1

      i feel your pain. I was involved with a narcissist for two years, and i never cried so much in my life over a guy. It also took me two and a half years after to recover and get over him and what he did to me.

    • @Vann20F
      @Vann20F 3 месяца назад

      HR will take care of that followed by lawsuit you shouldn't ne treated in a abusive way

  • @goddessofthecosmos
    @goddessofthecosmos 7 месяцев назад +15

    I absolutely adore you. You're so transparent and real. Thank you for being open thank you for your truth and experience. Thank you for existing ❤

  • @Royalteelive
    @Royalteelive 7 месяцев назад +13

    I appreciate your honesty ❤ When you said, "Be careful about what door you open..."
    Such a profound statement.
    In other words self discipline is a necessity in this life 🌎 where there is so much temptation.
    The doors we open, no matter what it is...if it doesn't produce a life of Peace, Abundance, or Joy, It's best to refrain from opening the door. This means we must practice and refrain & have discipline from the things that can lead to misery, suffering, pain, and destruction, even if it looks good or fun to the eyes.. i.e. alcohol, drugs, porn, and promiscuity.
    Your video revealed so much truth about the state of the world today. Your truth will help millions!

  • @dariusboone3689
    @dariusboone3689 7 месяцев назад +33

    Brother you said a mouthful with this. I’m 36 years old and this has been my experience as well. It has broken me and on my journey to rebuild I decided to be in relationship with myself and God but dealing with men hasn’t been fruitful in my life at all. I also have a hard time relating to men and navigating relationships with them that isn’t sexual. Thank you speaking your truth. Many of us can relate.

  • @e.williams13
    @e.williams13 7 месяцев назад +23

    What you experienced is how men are in general. ..thats what us women are going through....and must I say I am talking about the black community...not speaking for others but I don't think it's much better... Good luck friend ❤️

    • @WillNeNe
      @WillNeNe 7 месяцев назад +5

      Well said

    • @loveyu2778
      @loveyu2778 3 месяца назад

      Its not any better

    • @edmundsishange3608
      @edmundsishange3608 23 дня назад

      @e.williams13 100% this is not an exclusively gay issue

  • @prettyguyd138
    @prettyguyd138 7 месяцев назад +22

    Wow everything you were saying in your video is what I been fighting with , I thought I was going crazy. You confirmed everything I was feeling. A lot of guys in the lifestyle are toxic and awful. I had an Awakening on a spiritual level . And I had to walk away from it all .

    • @WillNeNe
      @WillNeNe 7 месяцев назад +3

      That’s great

  • @wm8673
    @wm8673 7 месяцев назад +12

    Okay... I'm 47. My relationships were not perfect. I am working on me and the inside. I have found that I did not do well picking the men to date. I had to start looking at how men carry themselves as well as gauging their energy and character well before the first date. Also, I figured out (my) type of man- through trial and error based on my needs not gay fantasies and heteronormative standards. I am [not] open to every man because I attracted beautiful demons that were mean, controlling, narcissistic, unavailable, sometimes broke 🤷🏿‍♂️ assholes. I had to stop looking for my parents and the "gay" fantasy. You can find the right man for you. Yes, realizing the options are slim is disheartening but you have to be vigilant in knowing yourself and the man you want to date and learn how to not speak to or even be in the presence of the ones not for you. Every good looking gay man that is decent is not a potential match. One more thing...The man you want may not be attracted to you and it may not be the man you need. Change is hard.

  • @MildredF
    @MildredF 7 месяцев назад +19

    Jesus christ ❤️loves you always, my friend.

  • @RobertWesleyBranch
    @RobertWesleyBranch 4 месяца назад +5

    Beautifully expressed, my brother. Your honesty will reward you in ways you may not now see, for we know that the Truth is the Light. For nearly 14 years, I have been practicing what I call "sacred sexual abstinence," after a life of casual one-night stands and never having been in a monogamous relationship. So, I totally feel you. If I may ask a few questions, which perhaps might make for future videos, if you haven't already done them. What does your life look like after "leaving the gay life?" Does that just mean that you are no longer engaging in gay sex? And do you think being gay is solely about who you sleep with or is there a psychology that goes along with being gay that you never really leave? You did touch upon something that is a root of 99% of the ills that affect the Black community: father absence and father abdication of the parental role. I could go on with my questions, however I'll leave it here. For now. Looking into your future, I see a lot of Love and Light. Something I always keep in mind and try to practice: Leave room for God to be God in your life. You never know what God has planned for you in the future. And as someone who is far older than you are (I'm 57 now!), I can tell you that life and God have a way of surprising you in the most wonderful ways. Look for that. Expect it. And enjoy it when the surprises show up. In the meantime, I Am sending you the highest blessings and thoughts for your eternal now!

  • @jaugustrichards
    @jaugustrichards 7 месяцев назад +17

    I felt similarly before I met my husband. He felt that way too. We found each other. There is hope! I wish you peace on your journey! And you’re so right about love having a component of sacrifice. You’re on the right path…

  • @erikpeltomaa9873
    @erikpeltomaa9873 7 месяцев назад +19

    The truth is you can never leave the gay life if you are gay you are gay,if you are Bi you are Bi,if you are lesbian you are lesbian. Even i have tried to leave it but i does never work i never have feelings for women, and I do understand completely that so many gay men are shallow, mean,only wanna tear you down,try to sink you Etc, but there is ALLWAyS someone out there who loves,accepts you or support you people just give up so easy these days. I used to think for myself whats wrong with me when no one ever wants me but then I started to think there is nothing wrong with me im nice, i respect people, i want well for people it's them who have the issues not me❤️.

    • @antwanwilson7228
      @antwanwilson7228 5 месяцев назад +5

      I agree 100% I used to think that I was the problem but it's other people that's missing out.

    • @edmundsishange3608
      @edmundsishange3608 23 дня назад

      @erikpeltomaa9873 True. He's Unfortunately spreading more harm towards the community by saying such things, how do you leave being gay? Gay people continue to be violated because society tells them they chose to be gay, of you chose it you can obviously unchoose it, this is what he's indirectly saying, it's blatant ignorance and totally unforgivable coming from a gay man. I'm not invalidating his experience in the gay community, he's welcome to share those, good and bad without invalidating other gay people's sexual orientation

  • @newcreature222
    @newcreature222 7 месяцев назад +7

    Speaking so many truths especially how monogamy is some kind of oddity , yes and I haven’t had been on a date in so long nobody cares to walk the walk I’m glad I’m not the only one out here thanks for your wisdom brother 👏🙏🕊️

  • @VixxKong2
    @VixxKong2 5 месяцев назад +3

    Sheila recommended your channel and said you were the best man she knew. I didn’t expect this honesty of content, but it's definitely a good surprise

  • @zoraidacastro2703
    @zoraidacastro2703 7 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for sharing your point of view. I respect you for being so open and upfront.

  • @mkoh8778
    @mkoh8778 7 месяцев назад +28

    Some people wallow in their traumas, while others revel in working on their mental and physical health. Be the change you want to see. Being black and gay is not a monolithic experience.

    • @cookiesandbussies1577
      @cookiesandbussies1577 2 месяца назад

      So refreshing to see a common sense refutation of the overwhelming sense of resignation and hopelessness I see in his videos and the comments

    • @edmundsishange3608
      @edmundsishange3608 23 дня назад +1

      @mkoh8778 thank you for finally saying it, you beat me to it

  • @jonhinson5701
    @jonhinson5701 7 месяцев назад +8

    There is so much internalized homophobia and it causes gay and bi men to treat other gay and bi with great disrespect. What is lacking is a sense of creating connection with another person and that takes courage and depth.

    • @imjustsayin34
      @imjustsayin34 7 месяцев назад +1

      I thought of this as an issue too but then women deal with so much strife with men as well. The culture of men is destructive and it fundamentally doesn't respect things like honesty, emotional intelligence, and altruism..

  • @AlexGreif
    @AlexGreif 5 месяцев назад +5

    Are you promoting living a straight lifestyle or just step away from the gay scene as a gay man?

  • @nikk5002
    @nikk5002 7 месяцев назад +10

    Yup, that’s why I don’t take part anymore. And I go celibate for very very long periods of time.

  • @kennygeee6750
    @kennygeee6750 7 месяцев назад +6

    I tried it and even my own man made me feel odd in my own relationship. I felt like to him we don’t belong in this world. All the hate towards feminism in the LGBT community has to be demonic. Then we push gender roles on each other in these gay relationships. That mental chaos (demons) pick off and eat at the weak ones on the edge. The ones that don’t know who they are. So sad. Breaks my heart meeting these trans girls and seeing so much sadness in their eyes.

  • @SmellMyKnee15
    @SmellMyKnee15 7 месяцев назад +7

    I think if you keep attracting a certain type of man, there’s something wrong. Why are you keeping them around long enough to hurt you?

  • @robynlee2955
    @robynlee2955 7 месяцев назад +8

    This was a great video. I don’t know why I decided to click on this, but I resonated with a lot as a mid 20s black woman. Also, having some transwomen and gay friends, they’ve told me a whole lot and we felt comfortable confiding in each other because we were all participating in stuff we had no business. I had my father physically, Emotionally nothing at all and I sought that out in the worst ways possible. I got tired in 2022 finally and stopped having sex and doing the sex work profession I was in. I went 14 months without sex until I met such a good man recently. He’s the best, but even still because of those wounds AND doing risky things, I find myself self sabotaging and not trusting. I thought I healed in my isolation, but I was just hiding. I hope we all heal and find love because it’s out there and it starts within us first with the help of God of course! Romantic love is waiting to find us all exactly how we want it, we just have to be open to it and trusting when it gets here. Regardless of what we’ve witnessed in our day. God bless you king 🫶🏽

  • @Jacobytru
    @Jacobytru 7 месяцев назад +7

    When I moved out on my own, I lived a very risky life and I learned from it. Never again. I am now more serious and want more for myself. I can focus on a career and pursing my dreams. Get a degree and move to Cali.

  • @mid2k
    @mid2k 6 месяцев назад +3

    I'm speechless in my respect for your courage, vulnerability, and sincerity, Sir.

  • @SalomeBMedia
    @SalomeBMedia 3 месяца назад +3

    Same in heterosexual relationship,they still play games gay or straight.

  • @275MsParis
    @275MsParis 7 месяцев назад +3

    I just wanna give you the biggest hug 🤗 Thank you for sharing your honesty. God loves you regardless

  • @TopherJayy
    @TopherJayy 7 месяцев назад +5

    😢my first boyfriend was abusive 💔 told me he loved me but was also verbally abusive.

  • @sey_tv
    @sey_tv 6 месяцев назад +3

    I’m sooo in agreement w this. I’ve been highly aggravated w the community, the motives and the failed relationships. All for something that we could provide for ourselves… it’s truly wild. Been trying to make sense of this… but it’s me & a heart problem. Lord help me

  • @MildredF
    @MildredF 7 месяцев назад +8

    I'm so proud 👏🏻 of you!

  • @abeltootlejr.300
    @abeltootlejr.300 21 день назад

    Your insight is PROFOUND regarding gay relationships! Brokenness is the FOUNDATION of all homosexual relationships... And upon that broken stone, LUST is the caulk the binds it all!

  • @NicholasMcCarroll
    @NicholasMcCarroll 7 месяцев назад +4

    Wow this was an incredible video. I’ve just graduated from college and have a job in a small town, but it’s my dream to move to Chicago and be apart of the night life and gay scene. I know it will be fun to go out and experience dating and all that, but I’ll be very cautious of malicious people and make it a point to stay true to myself

    • @kingblake2490
      @kingblake2490 3 месяца назад +1

      Listen to your senses, follow your “gut feeling” when you meet and interact with people in general, not just the big cities. Your instincts and intuition will never lead you wrong - have fun; be careful and listen to your gut when it’s trying to warn you. You’ll know.

  • @kennygeee6750
    @kennygeee6750 7 месяцев назад +3

    I’m literally at the same place as you. I feel these “narcissist boyfriends” are actually demons I’m facing. He wants love so bad but I feel isn’t capable of grasping what it is and there is no conviction. I only have morals because of my church past. I feel myself being enveloped in not just his darkness but my own demons are getting stronger. Weird. Soul ties meet generational curses?

    • @senojoy12473
      @senojoy12473 7 месяцев назад +2

      I'm a woman so I can't speak to the gay experience... But peace to you in everything you're going through. I'm at the place where I am finally cutting all those ties and it took me 10 YEARS to recognize the trauma and heal from it. Get out now while you can before you get in deeper. It cost me A LOT, way too much, in terms of quality of life, peace, and relationships with family and friends.

  • @lestermatos2989
    @lestermatos2989 7 месяцев назад +5

    How does leaving the gay life look like for you? I am struggling with that also

  • @thinktasha8299
    @thinktasha8299 7 месяцев назад +4

    Did your friend survive being dumped in the lake?

  • @JulianAlbino
    @JulianAlbino 7 месяцев назад +3

    so true, i was just saying that it seems monogamy doesn't exist in the community anymore and its sad for us that stil do

    • @edmundsishange3608
      @edmundsishange3608 23 дня назад

      Monogamy doesn't exist anywhere, gay or straight relationships

  • @erehistruth2356
    @erehistruth2356 3 месяца назад +4

    I didn't finish the whole video yet, but my question is did you choose to leave the gay life due to God's commandments and how he explains in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin or did you leave due to your own personal trauma that you've experience?

  • @onexonesie
    @onexonesie 7 месяцев назад +4

    Babe, people you choose are a reflection of who you are. There's nothing wrong with being gay. You're lost. You think straight life is simple? They go through the exact same things. Perhaps stop chasing toxic people. I'm sure you're not a complete victim yourself considering who you clearly go for. Young, handsome men arent going to settle down, for the most part. Thats life. You cant control someones life and lock them down. This is their one life and they want to live it. I cant blame them. Your priorities in life are clearly not the same. Go for older more settled men who have lived their life and are ready to settle down. I mean yoy complain as if young straight men and women are settling down at 20 and building a life. Sure, there are exceptions--same as in the gay life--but theyre not the majority. Go for people at the same stage as you.

    • @edmundsishange3608
      @edmundsishange3608 23 дня назад

      I couldn't have said it better, the brother needs a reality check but he's not alone, there's many people who think lack of monogamy is purely a gay issue, don't know where they got that from

  • @travelpro23
    @travelpro23 7 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you for sharing your story.

  • @shawn2224
    @shawn2224 3 месяца назад +2

    This man is speaking facts this is so real

  • @toryjei9435
    @toryjei9435 7 месяцев назад +5

    Wow! Although, I can empathize with you, I'm here and I'm a lot like you.
    You aren't alone.

  • @melvonjohnson5711
    @melvonjohnson5711 4 месяца назад +2

    As a black gay masculine man, I never was rejected in male spaces- a matter of face, I'm forced to be in heterosexual male spaces because they include and want me to join in---Now, I can't relate to gay men at all, they either want to have sex with me or don't like me, there's no in-between- I could talk to a man without being attracted to him but most cases, other gay men can't hold a conversation with a man to save their lives

    • @kingblake2490
      @kingblake2490 3 месяца назад

      I found that because I was a masculine male - many were attracted to that because they were missing “strong” male energy and love in their lives. In a way you become a fetish and a pacifier.

    • @melvonjohnson5711
      @melvonjohnson5711 3 месяца назад

      @@kingblake2490 I don't want to be around a man who is feminine- I might as well be around a female in that case- I don't like femininized energy and its a turn off for a man to act fem

    • @edmundsishange3608
      @edmundsishange3608 23 дня назад

      This is true on both sides. Straight men are the same way with women they find attractive, difference is that the Straight guys don't appear so predictable, they can still hold a conversation and pretend it's about love while all they want is sex, that's just how most men are, gay or straight

  • @acos48
    @acos48 6 месяцев назад +4

    l feel your pain. How difficult it is to find a meaningful relationship. I would encourage you to join gay clubs/activities that you love. When you focus on what you love, you put yourself in a place that increases your chances of finding a special person. Don't give up! Best of luck!

  • @abbakaastralboobaby
    @abbakaastralboobaby 3 месяца назад +1

    You have so eloquently stated the very things that I have felt my entire life, the only difference is that due to being a natural born seer - I was able to see and flee from what the so called 'gay lifestyle' early at a very young age.... Why? Because I never liked any of what being proposed as my choices and lifestyle from the very beginning and although I tried to fit in -- I just didn't resonate with it and I definitely didn't like the most commonly available options within those circles.
    At the age of 25 - I decided to that I would withdraw the pursuit of looking for love outside of myself and had begun to aggressively work on healing and loving myself... I worked through my traumas and even a couple of the people who aided in my traumas. I had begun investing in me and was able to achieve successes far beyond my educational background and experience.
    To this day, I have never had an STD and I can count the number of people that I had consensual relations with on 2 hands -- I am and have always been drug, alcohol free and have practiced celibacy for years.... Celibacy is normal to me now, that I don't even miss having any intimacy as much anymore. I am trying to pass this truth to not only same-sex people but people in general... Anyone can achieve these things - we just have to be brutally honest with ourselves; consistent, ready and willing.
    *We ALL must stop and take inventory of our life and choices and make a concerted effort to clean house and repair all things that we plan to keep... It's cliche' but we MUST learn to truly love the SELF first and everything else, will eventually fall into their rightful places.*

  • @mikelove3271
    @mikelove3271 7 месяцев назад +5

    I know what you describe hasn’t been everyone’s experience, but mine has been very similar. I stepped away from “gay life” years ago….I’m obviously still gay but in “name only”. I had an impossible time finding decent gay folks to build community with. I know they exist, but I couldn’t find them. I refuse to have to fuck my way into friendships or friend groups, which seems to be the norm. So many people I met were so mean, vicious, addicted, underhanded, conniving……I envy those gay men who have found their tribe, because after 25+ years, I never really did, so I just stepped away from it, and have found more brotherhood with str8 men.

    • @Amnesiumm
      @Amnesiumm 4 дня назад

      fkn hell, that's super sad. Straight men are quite literally just as bad. Except their prey and is another and their victims usually considered yer "lessers". You're not being on the menu probably helped putting yer own worries within those interactions to rest, but let's be honest. Men are Men are Men. I fully agree with what ye've said about finding decent gay/queer men to be around, and i fetl the exact same way most of the time until i expanded my circle to actual queer people (as opposed to gay men only) and it has changed my life thousandfold. Please do not make the mistake to believe that straight men are your people, they are not. they cannot possibly understand what it is you have been through and are going through probably till now. But queer people of every ilk have most likely got families you can be a part of, a family that understand you, in all your gayness - even if "just by name".
      And i mean being a part of an actual, platonically only, family - one in which no one is expecting you to put out. one that is isnt a sexual community, Where your value isnt based on how sexually attractive you may or may not be. because that is not a community, thats a life altering pageant at best.
      please do not devalue your inner greatness by tokenising yourself. You are not a pet to (technically)your social oppressors, you are a whole person, a gay person, a person of great value most likely with high moral standards or so it seems. even though this might not read like it, i truly am rooting for you, and wish you to find those people you can call your peers, your actual peers, very soon.

  • @kingblake2490
    @kingblake2490 3 месяца назад +1

    One thing for sure is God can bring you peace, and definitely can help you get control of certain desires if that’s what your heart wants. I know personally that God can and will do it quickly too.

  • @beingJabulani
    @beingJabulani 7 месяцев назад +8

    Have you considered looking abroad? I’ve found that Africa s (I.e. South Africans, Nigerians, and Ghanaians) love hard, fast, and real. I’m moving later this year.

    • @Jacobytru
      @Jacobytru 7 месяцев назад

      I don’t know about that. They probably can become controlling overtime & people overseas could set you up. (That can happen anywhere) I honestly think when overseas people see Americas, all they see is money . I don’t trust it

    • @gregorriusadolphus2729
      @gregorriusadolphus2729 7 месяцев назад +2

      I tell you what...in my experience, Italy and Mexico....I've built friendships in those countries that I've never been able to establish in the U.S. Virtually any country that is not the U.S. or Australia or the U.K....

    • @JulianAlbino
      @JulianAlbino 7 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed, as an American that has lived in South Africa the dating culture is different and less toxic in my opinion. But it comes with other challenges like being seen as a "Golden ticket"

    • @dazioko8020
      @dazioko8020 3 месяца назад

      People in America seem to have all be conditioned hard. If you are not White or Latino, you will be mocked and gaslight heavily

    • @edmundsishange3608
      @edmundsishange3608 23 дня назад

      @JulianAlbino as a South African I can tell you it's exactly the same, perhaps you've just been lucky

  • @dreamqueen317
    @dreamqueen317 7 месяцев назад +4

    God wants you to love him first.

  • @_laquiry_
    @_laquiry_ 7 месяцев назад +6

    *#SPEAK** ON IT ❗️🤯, **#POV**: 🥶MOST MALES, regardless of sexual orientation*
    - *#SPORTS** are important*
    - my coworker said, if ur kids don’t have a dad, put ur kids in #sports early so
    - *that the coaches can be like a surrogate Dad instilling* *#Discipline** in a healthy way*

  • @Andrechris799
    @Andrechris799 Месяц назад

    Brother , i am a straight man. I would love to be your friend bro. You have incredible intellect , and very well spoken.I hope you see this message and really reach out . I am here to help you my brother.

  • @Redemptiontimes
    @Redemptiontimes 7 месяцев назад +2

    You know Jesus is right there for you mr brother come on !!! He’s been waiting on you to give it all to him lay it at his feet just enjoy being in pursuit of God not happiness. The peace that the Lord has provided me is unspeakable! Be bless

  • @MsJaneJake
    @MsJaneJake 5 месяцев назад +1

    I validate what you're saying. Lesbian dating in Los Angeles is very similar to what you're describing. I have also heard many horrific heterosexual dating stories as well, and usually, children are involved in the suffering. Glad I am out of the dating world and am happily married now.

  • @ayamystic
    @ayamystic 5 месяцев назад +1

    Love your honesty. Trust me, sane truth applies to the opposite community

  • @Akultic
    @Akultic 7 месяцев назад +2

    “ HOW MANY GAY MEN ARE LAMENTING A GENUINE DATE???” NONE, SO JUST MOVE ON. This was the thing to finally get me focused on myself or just something else! It’s either me or God lol and I’m ok with both of those options!!! And with still being a rare gay guy who actually wants to be taken out and take others out !!!

  • @yogotti1230
    @yogotti1230 7 месяцев назад +3

    Omg. Did your friend who was dumped in a lake survive?

  • @Amnesiumm
    @Amnesiumm 4 дня назад

    A sex based community is no community at all 👏🏾- and the gay (male) community is a sexual, highly hierarchical at that. Once I learnt to let go of gay men spaces and enter QUEER spaces; where my perceived sexual attractiveness had no impact on the outcomes of my interactions whatsoever, my life changed for the better hundredfold. I made great fully PLATONIC friendships with queerfolks, our kins, that have and continue to enrich my life everyday. I hear yer suffering in this video and i hear the feeling of deep betrayal by your own. I experienced it too before finding true queer spaces, and i wish the same relief onto you that it provided onto me 🩷

  • @wisdomwayne
    @wisdomwayne 7 месяцев назад +4

    I pray that the Lord by His Spirit will bless you as you journey away from the gay lifestyle. 1 Peter 2 vs 11 - " Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul". Let this be our daily prayer!

  • @kikilicious99
    @kikilicious99 7 месяцев назад +3

    Hey! I have 2 questions for u. Thebfirst 1 is, why do some people who get hurt by one person, go off to hurt other ppl who haven't hurt them? Ive asked many ppl this answer but only felt i got 1 genuine answer. The answer all of them give is hurt ppl hurt ppl. They say it was done to me so i do it to other ppl. But that isn't the reason, thats just the response. I understand hurting the person who hurt u. I don't understand hurting someone who hasn't hurt u. My brother, the person who i felt answered honestly from his perspective, said that its a feeling of power that is intoxicating. He has felt powerful by making someone hurt. I told him it is also a very powerful feeling in making someone feel good. I'm good at that. Its positive for both ppl and is satisfying as well. How about use your power to make ppl feel good? Why don't ppl take that route? Why do ppl make other ppl hurt when they haven't been hurt by them? Please help me understand other reasons behind this mentality?
    Second quesrion is, are u being celebate or have u decided to entertain wome. Just curius?

  • @sethsinclair3157
    @sethsinclair3157 4 месяца назад +1

    I feel ya bruh...that's where I am. I can't even consider myself gay now. I have nothing in common with them and don't buy into the 'hype' of the 'community'. I've gotten past the bitterness, but I realize that this isn't for me. Stay peaceful and take care...

    • @dazioko8020
      @dazioko8020 3 месяца назад

      I've been at this stage the last few years now and also moved to a small town

    • @sethsinclair3157
      @sethsinclair3157 3 месяца назад

      I'm gonna get a 'tiny house' somewhere kinda down south thats beautiful, get a dog and garden LOL...I'm a Sigma male personality...I don't need that much social interaction so I'll be good...@@dazioko8020

    • @sethsinclair3157
      @sethsinclair3157 3 месяца назад

      Man, I'm saving and looking into buying a 'tiny house' in some small town down south hopefully. I just want to chill and have a small garden...continuing to make myself happy!@@dazioko8020

  • @JaeGabrielle.
    @JaeGabrielle. 7 месяцев назад +2

    So proud of you Brother

  • @chrysophylax7199
    @chrysophylax7199 7 месяцев назад +3

    I’m bi but I don’t seek out relationships. The people that are compatible and feel worthy of my time and whole person will appear when I least expect. Live your life genuinely. I focus on my passions and don’t seek any person- only ideas. I find that good people find you when YOU are focused on your passions or just live your own essence. Get away from yourself and remember curiosity in the life around you. Be protective of your sexual energy. I always have been. Went years purposely celibate bc I didn’t care about sex. I denied advances I didn’t want. I can get myself off just fine! I care more about a connection as a friend first. Don’t just take any person making a move-BUILD a comfort zone, build a standard. I never realized I did this unknowingly but so many don’t have that built in. Please learn your peace and become wiser and more curious about other life things. Be open to people you wouldn’t have thought initially attractive. Be drawn to qualities you want to see. Be open to opposites attracting but be cautious of your values in it. Love your life-there are so many things and areas other than relationships to focus on. The relationship is just a bonus for living well.

  • @QT-kn4uy
    @QT-kn4uy 7 месяцев назад +3

    I have only one correction, we are not looking for our Father but our Heavenly Father. Our hearts and our flesh cries out for the living God! Psalm 84:2, Romans 1:18-27.

  • @co9971
    @co9971 7 месяцев назад +3

    lord im so tired of people making these rant videos. Im going to say it and i will say it again and again and again. If the men are dogs, why are they showing up on your porch???? ----the only thing you need to do is take care of you and develop the skills to filter people out. it's not going to happen overnight, it happens with experience and time. I have no pity for people throwing themselves into relationship after relationship trying to find love and picking all the wrong people. you do the picking . you are responsible.

    • @kennygeee6750
      @kennygeee6750 7 месяцев назад +1

      You never know if he is one to something. I feel like the spiritual realm is realer than we think. Some things in my life have me questioning things. Usually when someone is frustrated like you are is because you feel him and me and the rest of us. There is something so off, honestly. I still pray for God to intervene till this day and I’m far from my church days.

  • @bjblit810
    @bjblit810 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hanging up bro you going to make it either way you choose just stick to your words and do what you know

  • @crownlaurus2610
    @crownlaurus2610 7 месяцев назад +1

    There's not enough self healing being done. Ppl aren't working on themselves. When you can recognize who's unhealed you can bypass them. You'll be out here alone for a while but have faith.

  • @JulianAlbino
    @JulianAlbino 7 месяцев назад +2

    thank you for this video

  • @lavonnealexander6936
    @lavonnealexander6936 2 месяца назад

    Omg on TikTok I seen a woman with a child, with two studs as a wife and a girlfriend. It was crazy to see.

  • @tycoon2607
    @tycoon2607 7 месяцев назад +2

    We are in the same boat rn

  • @chazzercat
    @chazzercat 2 месяца назад

    I agree with you to a point, I'm a Christain same sex lover I don't live my life for others I didn't grow up in the closet or out, I grew up my way, my life, with Christian morals or not of this demonic world of others, I live in my world not dragging my self down to others ways of living. It's hard I even had to walk away from my blood line family because of their low life stands, no respect for others. I'm 65 haven't had a real man in my life because I will not live the gay drug, alcoholic, sleeping with everyone, open relationships, atheist nasty outlook that most gay people, trans people, etc have. I know God has a good man out there for me we are not to be alone, God himself has told that he created me this way, that there is good in me. Yes I have very very deep dark weeks, months, even years. That I have lived though waiting for that very special man to walk into my life, to go to Church with me, to grow together under God as 1 couple learning, studying.
    I pray for all of us descent, morality, respectful same sex lovers to meet our true descent partners someday. To love each other, respect each other, not to hate or disrepect each we get enough of that from others why do we have to do it to each other ??????

  • @ClayMastah344
    @ClayMastah344 5 месяцев назад +1

    You spoke so true here…

  • @reginayfavors
    @reginayfavors 7 месяцев назад +2

    You're believable. New subscriber.

  • @joyceg7859
    @joyceg7859 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you so much for sharing

  • @275MsParis
    @275MsParis 7 месяцев назад +2

    Awesome. I’m so proud of you 🤗

  • @briangriffin4937
    @briangriffin4937 4 месяца назад

    Question to everyone: Can you be Gay, loving, charitable, happy, moral and Christian?

  • @user-kt5ij2sj8t
    @user-kt5ij2sj8t 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hit the gym man. Also you have such a good dress sense.

  • @chi2capcorn
    @chi2capcorn 6 месяцев назад +1

    You should start a support group for people to connect with each other who want to out of the gay life

  • @D.L.Taylora-deLta
    @D.L.Taylora-deLta 2 месяца назад

    I appreciate your sentiment

  • @cocorevenge
    @cocorevenge 7 месяцев назад +2

    I couldn't have said all this better

  • @GM-rn9rf
    @GM-rn9rf Месяц назад

    I had the same problem no one wanted a relationship

  • @joyceg7859
    @joyceg7859 7 месяцев назад +2

    7:48 that’s the bbl girls

  • @JEDean-ek7kj
    @JEDean-ek7kj 6 месяцев назад +1

    What life are you talking about, though? Not every gay man deals with that LIFE. Now if you mean being a fast ass running around chasing men, of course, you are going to wear yourself out. I have seen too many gays try GOD and change their lives--while remaining in the closet. Instead of blaming my sexuality or things that make me, well ME, I started seeking what influences me, what's my perspective in all of this--who taught me to live this kind of way? What am I running from, and what am I running towards? Well, I started scratching a lot of stuff off my list. First was Christianity; we can't be free by worshiping our oppressors' god. Going to clubs and bars and trying to sleep with the hottest guy in town ain't going end up in a love affair-- OFF the list. Focusing on hobbies and career goals and being patient enough to run into love--cause it's not promise in this life, sorry, that's the truth--check! I started practicing Buddhism, and that really shaped my perspective. Desires are in all of us. Suffering is life. Take and walk with your cross. That's life--get used to it. No mud, no lotus. What helped me along the way is that you gotta stop blaming yourself--it is what it is. Learn from it and persevere. Guilt and shame are just in your mind; you're trying to be something, and, therefore, suffering comes. Try to find who you are, love you, and love yourself so much that others will want to love you.

  • @raymondjblaze7761
    @raymondjblaze7761 3 месяца назад

    A true relationship is between a man and woman. As a guy who is attracted to both sexes, I will never date another guy again. It was such a horrible experience. The guy I met up with was worse than my ex girlfriend.
    A relationship between two men and/or two women can’t work.
    From my experience, women are more supportive and make better lovers than men.
    Though I am attracted to both sexes, I am looking for gf or a female friends with benefits.

    • @Vann20F
      @Vann20F 3 месяца назад +1

      Just because it didn't work with you don't say It does not work and a relationship id between two people can and will work if you want it to

  • @ChandlerHawkins-qf6sp
    @ChandlerHawkins-qf6sp 6 месяцев назад +1

    Are you on IG?

  • @D.L.Taylora-deLta
    @D.L.Taylora-deLta 2 месяца назад

    I took a navigating and his journey. The adversary is busy Bro'.

  • @J-T46
    @J-T46 7 месяцев назад +1

    Louis, I’ve been watching your videos for about two years now, and your outlook on things is both genuine and intelligent. It has always had me coming back for more. But I can tell that a good wife and a family is what your heart yearns for. After all, the Creator said that is not good for the man to be alone, and He gave the first man the gift of a wife. The heart of a man will always yearn for a woman, no matter how much this fallen world tries to convince him that he should be with another man.
    I love that you have left the gay life. God loves you and He wants a deep and daily relationship with you. He is calling you away from the things that He does not ordain, so that He can bless you with so many good things that your heart desires. Spiritually, you may not know it, but your soul is crying out for a connection with the one who created your soul. Just as us humans are broken by the wounds of absent parents, so is the soul of every person who does not have a spiritual connection with the Creator of all souls that live inside each human body. And that Creator is God, the Holy Spirit.
    I can testify that once you decide to follow Christ, you are transformed daily. It’s out of this world what God can do. The things that you struggle with now won’t even be a thought in your mind once you fall down in repentance at the Cross, believe that Christ has covered every mistake that you have ever made, and make spiritual development through meditation on God’s word and obedience your daily routine.
    There have been people who have abandoned the gay lifestyle and pursued the Lord, and in return, all urges for and attraction to the same sex just fell off them, never to be practiced again. Who knows, 3 years from now, you may be posting a video for us in a new home while hand in hand with your beautiful wife with a baby on the way. Just trust and give all of yourself to God. You will be amazed at how He will transform your life. ❤

  • @brashawnsiriboe
    @brashawnsiriboe 7 месяцев назад +2

    I let go of the apps all the time

  • @johnnyg9633
    @johnnyg9633 7 месяцев назад +1

    Damn man. I never experienced this. I didn’t become that. I stayed away from people and the “life” from the beginning.

  • @RealTalkWithBrad
    @RealTalkWithBrad Месяц назад

    Awesome video!

  • @sonnycasino
    @sonnycasino Месяц назад

    Amen 🙏

  • @chi2capcorn
    @chi2capcorn 7 месяцев назад +3


  • @tiffanydish
    @tiffanydish 7 месяцев назад +2


  • @blackswan5034
    @blackswan5034 3 месяца назад +1

    Your technically always gonna be gay but it's ok you will learn that on your own

  • @RobertWesleyBranch
    @RobertWesleyBranch 4 месяца назад +1

    P.S. Subscribed!

  • @lauras610
    @lauras610 7 месяцев назад +4

    It is said that there is a murderous spirit in homosexuality. Jesus can deliver you if you sincerely seek Him and ask Him. He ALWAYS welcomes back those who sincerely want to retore relationship with Him. No matter what you have done.

  • @fccpaixao
    @fccpaixao Месяц назад

    God's regulation is not Christianity. As a matter of fact, Cristianity brought the worse in us, SoCIETy denied us for that gift. U are right in so many levels, but do not demonize urself because u r gay

  • @longbranch11207
    @longbranch11207 7 месяцев назад +2


  • @user-vr6jl9kt3d
    @user-vr6jl9kt3d 7 месяцев назад +1
