This touches the very,soul of anyone who is Scottish please if you know the song about the McDonald's and campells could you sing it Kenneth you have been gifted with a beautiful voice let it be heard
Why haven't you provided the Gaelic words as was requested a year ago? Also, it would be VERY NICE TO HAVE MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS FROM YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tapadh leibh airson seo. Tha e cho brèagha! Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig. Is toil leam a' seinn gu mòr. Could you please share the words in Gàidhlig? I know them in English, but I would love to learn it in Gàidhlig. Please make more! I will save and listen to them all many times over....and share. Beannachdan!
1 Is e Dia fhèin as buachaill dhomh, cha bhi mi ann an dìth. 2 Bheir e fa-near gu’n laighinn sìos air cluainean glas’ le sìth: Is fòs ri taobh nan aibhnichean thèid seachad sìos gu mall, A ta e ga mo threòrachadh, gu mìn rèidh anns gach ball. 3 Tha ’g aisig m’anam dhomh air ais: ’s a treòrachadh mo cheum Air slighean glan’ na fìreantachd, air sgàth dheagh ainme fhèin. 4 Seadh, fòs ged ghluaisinn eadhon trìd ghlinn dorcha sgàil a’ bhàis, Aon olc no urchuid a theachd orm chan eagal leam ’s cha chàs; Air son gu bheil thu leam a-ghnàth, do lorg, ’s do bhata treun, Tha iad a’ tabhairt comhfhurtachd is fuasglaidh dhomh am fheum. 5 Dhomh dheasaich bòrd air beul mo nàmh: le ola dh’ung mo cheann; Cur thairis tha mo chupan fòs, aig meud an làin a th’ann. 6 Ach leanaidh maith is tròcair rium, an cian a bhios mi beò; Is còmhnaicheam an àros Dhè, ri fad mo rè ’s mo lò.*
Gaelic isn't a burden to be born - it is a treasure to be discovered by the dispora - listen to this and see ! glè va Ken!
This is amazing!
This touches the very,soul of anyone who is Scottish please if you know the song about the McDonald's and campells could you sing it Kenneth you have been gifted with a beautiful voice let it be heard
Gorgeous music; fantastic voice!
Absolutely stunning. Tapadh leat.
Brilliant - balach
Why haven't you provided the Gaelic words as was requested a year ago? Also, it would be VERY NICE TO HAVE MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS FROM YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is beautiful, thank you
Is there sheet music by any chance, Kenneth? Or are you just singing it by heart?
Tapadh leibh airson seo. Tha e cho brèagha! Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig. Is toil leam a' seinn gu mòr. Could you please share the words in Gàidhlig? I know them in English, but I would love to learn it in Gàidhlig. Please make more! I will save and listen to them all many times over....and share. Beannachdan!
1 Is e Dia fhèin as buachaill dhomh,
cha bhi mi ann an dìth.
2 Bheir e fa-near gu’n laighinn sìos
air cluainean glas’ le sìth:
Is fòs ri taobh nan aibhnichean
thèid seachad sìos gu mall,
A ta e ga mo threòrachadh,
gu mìn rèidh anns gach ball.
3 Tha ’g aisig m’anam dhomh air ais:
’s a treòrachadh mo cheum
Air slighean glan’ na fìreantachd,
air sgàth dheagh ainme fhèin.
4 Seadh, fòs ged ghluaisinn eadhon trìd
ghlinn dorcha sgàil a’ bhàis,
Aon olc no urchuid a theachd orm
chan eagal leam ’s cha chàs;
Air son gu bheil thu leam a-ghnàth,
do lorg, ’s do bhata treun,
Tha iad a’ tabhairt comhfhurtachd
is fuasglaidh dhomh am fheum.
5 Dhomh dheasaich bòrd air beul mo nàmh:
le ola dh’ung mo cheann;
Cur thairis tha mo chupan fòs,
aig meud an làin a th’ann.
6 Ach leanaidh maith is tròcair rium,
an cian a bhios mi beò;
Is còmhnaicheam an àros Dhè,
ri fad mo rè ’s mo lò.*
Ceannich Bioball Gaidhlig!
Do you have Psalm 121 too?
Glè mhath!! Very good! That was Great! Not an easy thing to do. Very talented young man. Beautiful voice! Where are you from?