The secrret of thesed exercises is not to use the metronome as a guide you have to follow. Instead, pretend th metronome is your music partner and both of you are trying to make the best beautiful music you can. In simpler words, dont follow the metronome. Play with it. This is because your music will always suck if you follow the rithm. You have to be in it instead.
Short & sweet. No stress. Tks
Excellent, thank you
Really well explained but know I have to try and put that into my singing.
Any thoughts on that.
Excellent video! I just started playing the piano and I am now learning to play with the metronome
Brad, it seems that any question or topic I come up with, you have already covered it in a video. My ukulele timing definitely needs some practice.
Thanks Brad, very helpful with my clarinet!
Thank you so much for breaking everything down! Excellent lesson!
Great tips!
Thank you Brad for such great video.
Thank you for this video! It really helps :D
Learning how to sing in timing thanks
Well done. Very useful. Thanks.
thanks for a simple breakdown yo, I get ahead of the beat after 8 bars so this is good practice for us dummies lol.
do each tip he said in garage band using drum kits at different bpms, it really helps.
Brilliant Video!...cheers Brad
Thank u so much sir for this
Very helpful! :) thanks!
Thanks bro not bad
Thank you also, it all seems trivial and obvious, but it's not. Some training helps indeed.
The secrret of thesed exercises is not to use the metronome as a guide you have to follow. Instead, pretend th metronome is your music partner and both of you are trying to make the best beautiful music you can. In simpler words, dont follow the metronome. Play with it. This is because your music will always suck if you follow the rithm. You have to be in it instead.
Can you click your finger and get the same results
Yes! You can tap your foot, slap your knee, bang your head on the wall... As long as your body is involved.
flam flam glam flam
The audio don't bother me but if you want that channel growin' then put some cheddar cheese down on a mic.
If you are going to teach people how to use the metronome, then start for teaching your self how to be in time... :-/