I am so sorry my sister. Ndapererwa chero kuti nditsanangure. Kana makaita umwe mwana ane machembere ekudziva endai naye kunogadzirwa zviripaari zvinomuchengetedza. Mudzimu nevemumvura havatukwe. Machurch anotimutuke asi munokumbira. Chisingangodiwi kubata mishonga kana kushandisa mishonga.
Yangove Dai ndaka. But zvinhu zve mwana uyu zvaive pachena, some things must be followed, ende mese Nana tezvara mainyatsoratidzwa ku hope henyu but u all choose to ignore, sory hako dea
Semaonero angu i think maisafanira kubvisa shavi iroro cz ndezve chivanhu izvi and it’s within our culture.. u should have let it be why kurasa culture kudaro
Woman,you failed your child. Because of lack of Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding. In all your dreams, his guidance led you where to go. But you were so ignorant. You should have taken him to the actual river to go and say prayers of declaration. Even if time declared him dead you were supposed to take him, he was going to wake up. Now you being given another chance don't you dare messy it up. You shud buy white clothe short & a t shirt. Rice and coins that way he'll become a prophet of God that will understand water spirit but if you buy Yellow,Blue and Red you're pointing his gift to become a Tradition healer somethings you don't need a prophet you can become one yourself. Your husband he will become richer by following simple instructions. Don't grieve anymore the spirit of the one who has left its now sitting on the one that you're carrying. Be wise Mai guru. Wipe your tears. Cry no more.
Iyo gospel yenyu iyi honai mauraisa mwana pamwe maitoti murikudzinga manjuzu achitotorwa nema pastor enyu iwo ini ndakakura ndinawo they try kutora kuma church zvichiramba hamaifanirwa kiudza vanhu vanenge vachitozvidawo
You can nevr control tradition
Dayi wakasiya zvakadaro
The old woman wasnt going to harm yr child
You caused what happened
I am so sorry my sister. Ndapererwa chero kuti nditsanangure. Kana makaita umwe mwana ane machembere ekudziva endai naye kunogadzirwa zviripaari zvinomuchengetedza. Mudzimu nevemumvura havatukwe. Machurch anotimutuke asi munokumbira. Chisingangodiwi kubata mishonga kana kushandisa mishonga.
Morning mkoma Nash and to you All ♥️ ❤️ 🙏🙏😀
Njuzu haidi kunamata unouraya itai zvemushonga muno zvarira Pasi amai itai zvayinoda njuzu
Pese panofamba machembere ekumvura kana mudzimu pane wakayipa vanopindira mukarota hope next time musaudze vanhu kunyangwe vatezvara venyu asi tsvagayi vechivanhu vakubatsireyi imimi mune lucky rekuvaona machembere ekumvura
Makawiga mwana mupenyu guys munhu anga akubwaira anga adzoswa pakashaayawo here akabikira porridge kut agwinye mwana iyeye so sad
Yangove Dai ndaka. But zvinhu zve mwana uyu zvaive pachena, some things must be followed, ende mese Nana tezvara mainyatsoratidzwa ku hope henyu but u all choose to ignore, sory hako dea
Mweya we njuzu haubvise uchitukwa kunokumbirirwa urikumadziva moutaurira kuti takuda kuenda.ku church hatizigone kuita chivanhu unokupai nzira.
Nekuti munenge matuka dzinza kwamakabva zvaiitwa.pasi chigare
Unokumbira demon kuti ndakuda kunamata. Strange
Semaonero angu i think maisafanira kubvisa shavi iroro cz ndezve chivanhu izvi and it’s within our culture.. u should have let it be why kurasa culture kudaro
Joooo nyaya iyi yandishamisa zvàkaoma zvinotyisa ndapererwa
Vanhu vemumusha umu ndivo vakauraya mwana cz of thiss shavi plus dai makabvuma kuti apfekedzwe necklace yaizomuprotector kunemunhu ayida shavi riripamwana wenyu
Kuzviparira chaiko manga mapiwa chipo....mamucha garika
Good morning
Mkunda makauraya mwana chikaranga chakasimba kudarika chitendero chenyu maifanira kutevera chivanhu kusvika chapera iye akakuudzai kuti chivanhu chakapera uye chakaipa ndiani vanhu vatema teverai tsika dzenyu kwete kutevera tsika dzana Cecil John Rhodes .
Woman,you failed your child. Because of lack of Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding. In all your dreams, his guidance led you where to go. But you were so ignorant. You should have taken him to the actual river to go and say prayers of declaration. Even if time declared him dead you were supposed to take him, he was going to wake up. Now you being given another chance don't you dare messy it up. You shud buy white clothe short & a t shirt. Rice and coins that way he'll become a prophet of God that will understand water spirit but if you buy Yellow,Blue and Red you're pointing his gift to become a Tradition healer somethings you don't need a prophet you can become one yourself. Your husband he will become richer by following simple instructions. Don't grieve anymore the spirit of the one who has left its now sitting on the one that you're carrying. Be wise Mai guru. Wipe your tears. Cry no more.
Brother Nash, please send her this sms .
what's your contact ... I want to be knowledgeable
And paaibwaira dai makadedza vechivanhu
Very sorry sister
Dai makatevedzera zvaidiwa nemachembere kutonamata vachidzinga ndopamakairasa ipapo vekumadziva avadi kupikiswa kana mazogara
Sorry Juju haide nharo maifanha kukumbira zvakanaka
Iyo gospel yenyu iyi honai mauraisa mwana pamwe maitoti murikudzinga manjuzu achitotorwa nema pastor enyu iwo ini ndakakura ndinawo they try kutora kuma church zvichiramba hamaifanirwa kiudza vanhu vanenge vachitozvidawo
Maisa fanha kubvisa shavi rake munoda kurasa culture stereki