35 year old white dude here - KS was def a major help to many men, and women as well. I from back in the days where he would moreso address men. Because of his advise and other men like him (JP, Aaron Clarey, CGA, FnF), i was also able to get my life in order. I was 388lbs Jan 2020, now i'm 196 (got down to 161 and bulked, now i'm cutting back to ~175). I was making LITERALLY 12k/yr, now i make 82. I was playing video games 16 hours a day, now haven't played video games this year. I was obsessed and consumed with media (game of thrones, marvel movies, etc). Now i don't even turn that shit on. These men are the men that made me realize all the stuff my Grandpa had been telling me since i could barely walk were truths. The stuff i wrote off as 'that's just old folks talk'. As i grew older i realized that 'old folks talk' was all true. KS was the first man to help me realize that. These men, and other men like them helped me realize that even though i was doing everything i was 'supposed' to be doing, i def was NOT doing everything i 'should' be doing. Last time i was this happy was 1998, with all my friends over on a friday night, playing smash bros/goldeneye, and waiting on Dominos to show up. In other words - i've never been more satisfied as an adult than since i've taken this advice, and actually applied it to myself daily. Just get 0.5% better every day. That's all you need. Life is a marathon! Not a sprint! I hope one day I can become a great man like KS. EDIT - "Things Your Father Should Have Taught YOU" was the first KS video i ever saw, and one of the catalysts for my transformation.
@ejrwm I can see why you would think that, but unfortunately Kevin had already had underlying health issues. He was a cancer survivor, had recently caught covid, and was drinking redbull left and right months prior to his death. He pretty much predicted he would die early too. In one of his live shows about 2 months before his passing he stated, "HVM like myself don't have time to wait, don't have time to waste. Men like myself spend 20 hours a day trying to keep our value, and work ourselves into an early grave for us to be waiting around for women to work on themselves".
Whoever is managing this channel and giving us the honor to continue to Re-watch Mr. Samuels informative and educative content, I say unto you THANK YOU 🙏
It’s true if you don’t have leverage with women or leverage in the workplace you will get run over Money is leverage, Power is leverage, Mental awareness is leverage
That’s true I miss him and feel guilty about it because it was branded as hate. I think people need like 1 or 2 of his videos to wake up but not to continually watch bc then you’ll start hating. But I feel so sad thinking about his death ❤
@@jayscott5618You don’t get it. Women inherently have more leverage over men; so no, it doesn’t work the same. Men who separate themselves from the pack, and become all around high value men, it’s a longer & harder process than women cannot comprehend. Most men don’t obtain that level; but for those that do will have more leverage & more options: more women want that man. Women who don’t recognize this are perpetually single. Your hard work doesn’t matter especially since you don’t share it; but you do want his resources only allocated to you.
Dude, when I was in my 20 I liked this girl so much because she was beautiful. She said she likes me also but my future was uncertain. So she chose to be with an ugly 32 y.o who made 60k per year. I was mad at her for being shallow but I soon realized that if I have low value then no girls would want to be with me. Then I shifted my focus back to working toward a good career. After I graduated I worked 50-70 per week. Now I’m 37 i make at least 250k per year working just 3 days per week. I have 4 houses and I’m about to open a business. There are a lot of options when you get here. The earlier you accept that you’re a loser and strive to be more valuable the faster you get what you’re asking for out of life.
33 years old making 50k AFTER bonuses isn’t gonna fly anymore if you want a wife. This is why so many men even those who make more than 50k are opting to not be married
Big facts bro. I was making 48k at 25 and was told that was "broke Boi money". I'm 30 now and currently on pace to double that this coming year. Keep working, keep building brother. Find someone willing to play by your playbook
Even making over 6 figures is the bare minimum and you'll still get disrespect from your woman and if you don't continually make more she'll lose attraction cuz you're not ambitious enough. And to top it off when you are ambitious you don't give her enough time lol 😂
@@WestsideWillie agreed but women will find an excuse to get their "needs" met. Basically women's wants are unattainable. You've got to make bank but also be a good father and also meet her emotional needs which never end and take her on dates but still be attractive and not too invested. The list goes on and on and on
My son in his late twenties was making $150K and he had no desires to get married. He is happy where his life is. He travels around the world whenever he feels like it and he said it's a good feeling not being tied down with a plastic pretentious woman. He has many girlfriends and doesn't go further than being a girlfriend and he's happy.
It makes sense right now. He’s thriving at the moment but I definitely believe that that lifestyle will get tiring and that he’ll want to settle down eventually. He’s having his fun being a high value man and the girlfriends he’s around are having fun choosing & pursuing a guy like him: a high value man; especially in another country? He’s *higher* value there. He’s doing his thing! Hats off to him!
By traveling and experiencing women from other countries he sees his true value and he probably realized early American women are among the worst anywhere in the world. In the US, she holds the leverage in so many areas in society. If he really wants to get married, move to another country and stay there.
in order to have a wife u need to make enough money to control her environment. that was probably the most eye opening quote about women I've ever heard.
I am in the 300k range now at age 50. Starting a new business that should give another half of that on top but glad i met my wife 17 years ago, found her rather submissive, respectful and devoted… she is a pearl
I’m 30, make 130k. The best thing I did was swear off dating in my 20s. I work toward my goals, and I have my fun 5-6 times a year, traveling and skiing, I deal with women when I’m on vacation.
@@troythemighty3683bro some of these men sound like they never had success with women before their finances and as a form of compensation and or resentment they take the passport Bro route and sound like they just want to die alone with money and chase a goal and ignore women until they die.
Damn, that's sad. Do you have any social skills? Do you even know how to plan a proper date? You missed out on some key dating tools in your 20s! Do you know how to make love to a woman mind or body?
He has stated it himself that times are different. People use to have no expectation of going to college or having white collar careers. Most Americans were lucky to have a 5th grade education and you became an adult at 21. It was harder for black people. Most married after high school and work together to raise a family. My advice, work on yourself first and have realistic expectations. Getting married as a male is not hard. Making the right choice and then staying married is another story.
my best tip for young men is to focus on becoming the best man you can become focus on achievement if you meet the right women that wants to ride with you on your journey to success than that's the women for you if not stay single work on growing yourself physically, money, spiritually, mentally work on growing In all aspects in your life the women will come later trust me. remember men women want winners
@@rgood1204You say that and this country doesn't in anyway reflect that outcome. Instead of trying to tear a black man down, practice what you preach scrub. His generation is the one that gave those principles in the first place Cornball. You're dismissed.
He holds the guys just as accountable. ...the guy wants to be romantic, with little income, and it's just not what the women want. Sage advice all men need to understand because most have been led to think it's otherwise.
Unpopular fact but there are many broke dudes pulling attractive women. Somehow the hardcore red pill guys skip over this fact. You get more women by being and talking to more women. I have always dressed nice, been on my purpose and drove a nice car. Women aren’t gonna crawl to you no matter what you got, you gotta take the action to get the results. Hit 2024 hard kings 👍🏼
You are right bro, they do get women, but do they get marriage out of these encounters? He is talking about getting married and commanding traditional values on a woman. This is the reason a man must be equipped to take care of his woman and children if it needs be
@@AFROKAHit is easier to do that, those women are not quality aswell. You need good money and stability to keep a woman and create a house and a family. This is way harder , especially in prezent days
Damn this actually added a new mindset for me as a young man in his early 20s, why should I compare to previous generations/eras outcomes. Keep building, keep grinding
I appreciate the way Kevin Samuel talks. I was raised by a single mother and she tried her best to be the authority in my life. Kevin talks as if he’s trying to give us the same tough love and some ppl don’t know that.
KS was dropping gems on a podcast that he charged very successful people for. We all should be honored by his contributions men and women. He was actually trying to help people not degrade them it's a different.
My advice to men, especially those who makes less than than 100,000, is simple. Find a real good friend with benefits. Someone who helps you get your rocks off when needed. Take her on dates twice a month or so and buy her some gifts from time to time. But don’t marry anyone yet. You’re not financially ready. Modern Women are for sale to the highest bidder. These are NOT our grandmothers type of women anymore. 👍🏿 Y’all stay safe out here.
Wise words. Military man, american-cuban and divorced...men need to discriminate when it comes to future spouses. We hold ALL the power and if we don't use it wisely we will fall.
I have a homie who has a stay at home wife when we earn around 50k. They swore traditional Christian vows at their wedding and have a kid now. But MAN I just hate it for him economically.
1. It’s prob hard on him but trust me nothing like coming home to food cook, house clean and not having to hear about her day at work 2. Most women cheat with their coworkers 3. If a women stay home that usually means she have no income coming in, which means she trust you enough to no have her own money
Tell him to look for ways to earn more. That's if you don't mind what he will say to you after or break up the friendship. Maybe he's comfortable living that way. Some ppl like to live frugal
It's either go the religious route and marry young or play the modern game of who got the most value... "Real love" still exist though out there, just that it has gotten alot harder to maintain, unfortunately.. We are still Men at the end of the day, so it is what it is..
Dealing with almost the same nonsense constantly can be soo damn exhausting though. It still stands though, it is what it is. We as men need to make sure our minds, our financial stability, and our body's right.
Insightful breakdown of navigating the complexities in modern dating! Understanding the nuances in male and female dynamics is crucial. The advice on self-awareness and financial readiness is spot-on. Great content!
Thank You Mr. Samuels I’m gonna work on myself. Forget women for a while. Keep moving forward and accept things that have happened in my past relationships for what they are.
If I could tell my 21yo self one thing it would be to invest a bare minimum of $20-$40 a week into any major ETF and let it ride until retirement. That and max out your 401k investment, especially if the company has a decent % match.
Here's the disconnect. The current situation we face in the simplest terms: Average earning men cannot support a family today, while average women think they deserve 6 figures, 6 pack, 6 foot tall. There are ways around this. Only one of these solutions can happen to solve the problem. All will work, but only one is needed. 1) Wages go up. 2) Women's standards drop. 3) Men and women work together and split 50/50 to maintain the standard of living.
You've nailed it. We can't all just simply earn more money. Jordan Peterson talks about there being no net benefit to earning more than $60k. The sacrifices made to earn more, damage you in other areas. Working 60 hours a week. 10 hours a day for 6/7 days. On top of commuting. You literally have no time for anything else. Maybe 4 hours tops every day. No real time to even look after your own health. I only think this is adviseable to do for a few years, to save up some cash.
I hear you buddy, but this world we live in won't go that route. Hell would have to freeze over before modern women lower their requirements of the guys and men would have to stop endorsing the foolishness.
@@TonyBandzz I mean, he's technically right. Men gatekeep marriage/relationships, women gatekeep sex. *"Women settle for who they can. Men marry who they can get"* would've made more sense tho.
It is important to understand male and female nature so that you can handle yourself and your ego and your sex drive. Because these are natural and ordained and wonderful aspects of a man. However, it is so very important, gentlemen, that you not allow those gifts and strengths to overtake you and begin to control you.
@@CommonJ676 It's true that women are women everywhere. But men have advantages in other countries that they don't have in the US. At least women in other countries are raised in very different environments. The problem I see with passport bros is when they go to another country and act in the same weak way as they do in the US. The passport bros themselves need to change.
We’ve always had to pay for it, nothing is free in this life, for there are choices and trade offs with every decision. In these times with these new technologies and industries, the primitive exchange is more prevalent than ever before. Just asses your finances, and buy what you can afford
People this is the reason why it's so pivotal to know the difference between wants and needs. With obligations to your wife and mostly likely 2 or 3 kids where she doesn't feel she have the extra energy to work. You will always be a slave to everything and everyone to always make ends meet with no free time for yourself. This is why Kevin asked him are you already there yet far as making the money and not will you be there soon. It's no way any of us should need to work until we can't physically work anymore to still have nothing good to show for. And family doesn't count when I say something good, families are not hand picked.
This is one Confident. Intelligent. Assertive. CIA Man. The Highest of the High Value Men. I am only saying that to me . . . he is the Highest of them all because I feel like that about him. I love him and respect him and carry him with me in my Heart and in my Soul. He means everything to me. Therefore, his vision and his passion about and for our black family :
No this is Kevin's example. This response belongs to Kevin not all men. To pretend that all Men behave like this under criticism is disingenuous. Please learn how to compliment without backhanded criticisms so that your words can land better...just like Kevin's.
Same of the things he used to say were true, but this one no. If we follow what he’s saying then most people will never marry, the thing is that you and your wife happy and know how to manage the money well and you as the husband work hard to provide for your wife.
I respect KS but this advice right here aint it. How about we find a woman who build WITH us. I know its hard to find such a woman but we must persevere. Otherwise, we court a women showing us conditional love. No thank you!!
I agree with a lot of KV, but I disagree with his first 2-3 mins. Mainly because I’m Muslim and yes you can both be your first. However I understand his point and most likely you will be her 2nd or 3rd if you choose a great partner.
Money won’t keep a woman, money is not just enough. If you find the right persona money doesn’t matter at all, but you need money don’t be lazy though. Wake up go to work 60 hours a week as he said.
Take a break from women you’ll save on food , clothes, extra barbershop visits etc save your money then invest after your money goal is reached then u can play & fly any girl out if you wanted to 😁
If your a solid man with solid faith . Stable in your job and confident . Can be trusted . Can deal with your own weaknesses and insecurities without running to her for answers . You can keep a good woman . I believe this bc none of our ancestors had teslas or mansions
Looks older here? Damn, it's like he's not passed. I know they wacked him. Now, we have toxic masculinity and toxic feminism and nothing in the middle. KS worked on both men and women to be their best, and this is so missing accross social media.
Men : Physically hrny Women : emotionally hrny Men complaining about how women wants men to react and act like women , don't make the mistake of not understanding you're trying to make women reason like men as well .
This came up right when I'm waiting on a young 25 yr old tender (with a full degree and a few certificates) to meet up lol 😅what are the odd of that! And I just turned 32 Pray for me 😮😅 R.I.P. GODFATHER
Naw 25-26 is a good age they’re young enough to still have fun and have kids but old enough to respect the relationship because they prob had bullshit before And no a 25 yr is and should be waiting on you not u waiting on her
All I am saying, gentlemen. All I am saying is this: Is not love. Real love. Devotion. Committed. Serious. Sensitive. Pulsating and driving. Is this not worth the calling to become the high value man? Is that kind of an outcome not image enough to drive you down that Path? Down that Road?
I've been with my wife for 19 years. We run 2 businesses, have a home, and 4 children. I would run my businesses if i was single but wanted a traditional wife. Now a days its extremely hard to find
If i had the money, i would purchase this channel for The Real Stacey Prince. He's the only one i see close enough to match up to the Godfather. Damn i miss this man.
@YungJay216 I have no problem with that because the community needs it...I don't mind seeing a thousand more just like Kevin. If Kevin was still with us, then I would have a problem with Stacey, but someone has to carry on his work.
So, a lot of men look at the issue from a scarcity mindset. The real question is, once you start making some real money, will you even want to get married?
I miss this man frfr. He not only helped the black community, but also woke up alot of the other communities to the current system. Hes a real 1
35 year old white dude here - KS was def a major help to many men, and women as well. I from back in the days where he would moreso address men. Because of his advise and other men like him (JP, Aaron Clarey, CGA, FnF), i was also able to get my life in order. I was 388lbs Jan 2020, now i'm 196 (got down to 161 and bulked, now i'm cutting back to ~175). I was making LITERALLY 12k/yr, now i make 82. I was playing video games 16 hours a day, now haven't played video games this year. I was obsessed and consumed with media (game of thrones, marvel movies, etc). Now i don't even turn that shit on. These men are the men that made me realize all the stuff my Grandpa had been telling me since i could barely walk were truths. The stuff i wrote off as 'that's just old folks talk'. As i grew older i realized that 'old folks talk' was all true. KS was the first man to help me realize that.
These men, and other men like them helped me realize that even though i was doing everything i was 'supposed' to be doing, i def was NOT doing everything i 'should' be doing. Last time i was this happy was 1998, with all my friends over on a friday night, playing smash bros/goldeneye, and waiting on Dominos to show up. In other words - i've never been more satisfied as an adult than since i've taken this advice, and actually applied it to myself daily. Just get 0.5% better every day. That's all you need. Life is a marathon! Not a sprint!
I hope one day I can become a great man like KS.
EDIT - "Things Your Father Should Have Taught YOU" was the first KS video i ever saw, and one of the catalysts for my transformation.
Sri lankan here!He has helped me too😅
I fr fr believe he was murdered😢
@ejrwm I can see why you would think that, but unfortunately Kevin had already had underlying health issues. He was a cancer survivor, had recently caught covid, and was drinking redbull left and right months prior to his death. He pretty much predicted he would die early too. In one of his live shows about 2 months before his passing he stated, "HVM like myself don't have time to wait, don't have time to waste. Men like myself spend 20 hours a day trying to keep our value, and work ourselves into an early grave for us to be waiting around for women to work on themselves".
There's alot of poor white people he helped too
Whoever is managing this channel and giving us the honor to continue to Re-watch Mr. Samuels informative and educative content, I say unto you THANK YOU 🙏
Hello dear
You are welcome 🤗 my brother
This is a pure fact
salute and yes sir
“Men who don’t have enough leverage tend to get run over.”
I really agree with how Kevin talked to this man. He kept him on point.
It’s true if you don’t have leverage with women or leverage in the workplace you will get run over
Money is leverage, Power is leverage, Mental awareness is leverage
That’s true
I miss him and feel guilty about it because it was branded as hate.
I think people need like 1 or 2 of his videos to wake up but not to continually watch bc then you’ll start hating.
But I feel so sad thinking about his death ❤
Same goes for women. This is solid life advice.
@@jayscott5618You don’t get it. Women inherently have more leverage over men; so no, it doesn’t work the same.
Men who separate themselves from the pack, and become all around high value men, it’s a longer & harder process than women cannot comprehend.
Most men don’t obtain that level; but for those that do will have more leverage & more options: more women want that man.
Women who don’t recognize this are perpetually single. Your hard work doesn’t matter especially since you don’t share it; but you do want his resources only allocated to you.
Dude, when I was in my 20 I liked this girl so much because she was beautiful. She said she likes me also but my future was uncertain. So she chose to be with an ugly 32 y.o who made 60k per year. I was mad at her for being shallow but I soon realized that if I have low value then no girls would want to be with me. Then I shifted my focus back to working toward a good career. After I graduated I worked 50-70 per week. Now I’m 37 i make at least 250k per year working just 3 days per week. I have 4 houses and I’m about to open a business. There are a lot of options when you get here. The earlier you accept that you’re a loser and strive to be more valuable the faster you get what you’re asking for out of life.
Congratulations boss
33 years old making 50k AFTER bonuses isn’t gonna fly anymore if you want a wife. This is why so many men even those who make more than 50k are opting to not be married
Big facts bro. I was making 48k at 25 and was told that was "broke Boi money". I'm 30 now and currently on pace to double that this coming year. Keep working, keep building brother. Find someone willing to play by your playbook
Even making over 6 figures is the bare minimum and you'll still get disrespect from your woman and if you don't continually make more she'll lose attraction cuz you're not ambitious enough. And to top it off when you are ambitious you don't give her enough time lol 😂
@@nrtemp9ambitious men won’t put a women 1st
@@WestsideWillie agreed but women will find an excuse to get their "needs" met. Basically women's wants are unattainable. You've got to make bank but also be a good father and also meet her emotional needs which never end and take her on dates but still be attractive and not too invested. The list goes on and on and on
@@jbaru648 💯 finding a long term marriageable woman in this day and age is like finding hay in a needle stack
My son in his late twenties was making $150K and he had no desires to get married. He is happy where his life is. He travels around the world whenever he feels like it and he said it's a good feeling not being tied down with a plastic pretentious woman. He has many girlfriends and doesn't go further than being a girlfriend and he's happy.
Remote work?
It makes sense right now. He’s thriving at the moment but I definitely believe that that lifestyle will get tiring and that he’ll want to settle down eventually.
He’s having his fun being a high value man and the girlfriends he’s around are having fun choosing & pursuing a guy like him: a high value man; especially in another country? He’s *higher* value there.
He’s doing his thing!
Hats off to him!
Fornicators will not enter the kingdom of heaven
By traveling and experiencing women from other countries he sees his true value and he probably realized early American women are among the worst anywhere in the world. In the US, she holds the leverage in so many areas in society. If he really wants to get married, move to another country and stay there.
Congradz proud..father..tell jr. Keep it wrapped up...
in order to have a wife u need to make enough money to control her environment. that was probably the most eye opening quote about women I've ever heard.
for sure, that quotable was powerful.
I am in the 300k range now at age 50. Starting a new business that should give another half of that on top but glad i met my wife 17 years ago, found her rather submissive, respectful and devoted… she is a pearl
I’m 30, make 130k. The best thing I did was swear off dating in my 20s. I work toward my goals, and I have my fun 5-6 times a year, traveling and skiing, I deal with women when I’m on vacation.
Thats dope
So you only fraternize with women 5 or 6 times a year?
@@troythemighty3683bro some of these men sound like they never had success with women before their finances and as a form of compensation and or resentment they take the passport Bro route and sound like they just want to die alone with money and chase a goal and ignore women until they die.
Damn, that's sad. Do you have any social skills? Do you even know how to plan a proper date? You missed out on some key dating tools in your 20s! Do you know how to make love to a woman mind or body?
He has stated it himself that times are different. People use to have no expectation of going to college or having white collar careers. Most Americans were lucky to have a 5th grade education and you became an adult at 21. It was harder for black people. Most married after high school and work together to raise a family. My advice, work on yourself first and have realistic expectations. Getting married as a male is not hard. Making the right choice and then staying married is another story.
Yup. Listen to your gut when choosing a partner. Lot of people lie to themselves
he changed the world. rip ks
1st tip, don't make a 304 a housewife.
Bad part is, America has a 304 culture and 99.9% of the women are useless to men.
Hard to tell the difference these days
@@MansaMusa-v5q And that's the truth.
my best tip for young men is to focus on becoming the best man you can become focus on achievement if you meet the right women that wants to ride with you on your journey to success than that's the women for you if not stay single work on growing yourself physically, money, spiritually, mentally work on growing In all aspects in your life the women will come later trust me. remember men women want winners
Big facts
You are watching the "Greatest of All Time" on this subject a.k.a. as The GOAT! Thank You Mr. Samuels for your guidance.
He was solid, but any dude with a father worth a damn got the same information if not better because it was tailored to his kids.
Sir: I never had a solid father and I doubt more than 10 percent of boys ever do. Am I wrong? @@rgood1204
@@rgood1204You say that and this country doesn't in anyway reflect that outcome. Instead of trying to tear a black man down, practice what you preach scrub. His generation is the one that gave those principles in the first place Cornball. You're dismissed.
please, keep his content going. Hispanic, American-born and a vet. This man has SAVED lives, including my own. Please, keep his content going.
He holds the guys just as accountable. ...the guy wants to be romantic, with little income, and it's just not what the women want. Sage advice all men need to understand because most have been led to think it's otherwise.
I’ve heard a woman say it’s not about money so work on all your weakspots
@@cashgogetter6737and that is bullsh*t
RIP Mr. Samuels🙏 Your extraordinary work will be always be remembered. Thank you for all you gave to inspire
Still doesn't seem real that you are gone ...definitely miss you my brother.
Where he gone? Is he ok?
He was assassinated 😢
Speaking too much truth!@@jameschestnut7786
How can you miss someone you never met or knew. His channel still uploads content. If no one told you he was dead you wouldn’t even know lol
Unpopular fact but there are many broke dudes pulling attractive women. Somehow the hardcore red pill guys skip over this fact. You get more women by being and talking to more women. I have always dressed nice, been on my purpose and drove a nice car. Women aren’t gonna crawl to you no matter what you got, you gotta take the action to get the results. Hit 2024 hard kings 👍🏼
Fr redpill guys just think it’s all money. Which helps locking down a wife but you still gotta have everything else in order
You are right bro, they do get women, but do they get marriage out of these encounters? He is talking about getting married and commanding traditional values on a woman. This is the reason a man must be equipped to take care of his woman and children if it needs be
Its the wordplay. I know a lot of guys far from financial literacy or freedom scoring all kind of chicks. However, they not looking for wives
@@AFROKAHit is easier to do that, those women are not quality aswell. You need good money and stability to keep a woman and create a house and a family. This is way harder , especially in prezent days
@@samnedumedja5323sad but true. When I was broke I pulled them but COULDN’T KEEP THEM. Now with focus, I dont have time to give all that attention.
Damn this actually added a new mindset for me as a young man in his early 20s, why should I compare to previous generations/eras outcomes. Keep building, keep grinding
This man changed my life for the better thank you Mr. Samuels.
We lost a sage, the way he spoke to this man with love and mentorship is unparalleled in the manosphere. Rip 🙏 goatfather.
I appreciate the way Kevin Samuel talks. I was raised by a single mother and she tried her best to be the authority in my life. Kevin talks as if he’s trying to give us the same tough love and some ppl don’t know that.
KS was dropping gems on a podcast that he charged very successful people for. We all should be honored by his contributions men and women. He was actually trying to help people not degrade them it's a different.
My advice to men, especially those who makes less than than 100,000, is simple. Find a real good friend with benefits. Someone who helps you get your rocks off when needed. Take her on dates twice a month or so and buy her some gifts from time to time. But don’t marry anyone yet. You’re not financially ready. Modern Women are for sale to the highest bidder. These are NOT our grandmothers type of women anymore. 👍🏿 Y’all stay safe out here.
Wise words. Military man, american-cuban and divorced...men need to discriminate when it comes to future spouses. We hold ALL the power and if we don't use it wisely we will fall.
You ain’t lie but then again we gotta understand and let them know where you stand cause they catch feelings and keep it strapped up
Kevin wasn't against renting em.
But dawg I don’t even know any girls I’m fkn scared
I have a homie who has a stay at home wife when we earn around 50k. They swore traditional Christian vows at their wedding and have a kid now. But MAN I just hate it for him economically.
1. It’s prob hard on him but trust me nothing like coming home to food cook, house clean and not having to hear about her day at work
2. Most women cheat with their coworkers
3. If a women stay home that usually means she have no income coming in, which means she trust you enough to no have her own money
Tell him to look for ways to earn more. That's if you don't mind what he will say to you after or break up the friendship. Maybe he's comfortable living that way. Some ppl like to live frugal
This is exactly what I needed to hear in the exact moment I needed to hear it. Thanks Kevin. Rip you will be truly missed
Okay, this is definitely a surprise!
It's either go the religious route and marry young or play the modern game of who got the most value... "Real love" still exist though out there, just that it has gotten alot harder to maintain, unfortunately.. We are still Men at the end of the day, so it is what it is..
Dealing with almost the same nonsense constantly can be soo damn exhausting though. It still stands though, it is what it is. We as men need to make sure our minds, our financial stability, and our body's right.
I disagree sir
@@richdevaysolid1 ok.. care to explain
Miss this man so much we need him. All men took a L when he passed.
This is gold to any 20 year old who stumbles here. Welcome to the cheat code!
Insightful breakdown of navigating the complexities in modern dating! Understanding the nuances in male and female dynamics is crucial. The advice on self-awareness and financial readiness is spot-on. Great content!
Thank You Mr. Samuels I’m gonna work on myself. Forget women for a while. Keep moving forward and accept things that have happened in my past relationships for what they are.
the fact of the matter, dont let your income describe yourself, let yourself describe your income. be your worth, and you will have your money.
If I could tell my 21yo self one thing it would be to invest a bare minimum of $20-$40 a week into any major ETF and let it ride until retirement. That and max out your 401k investment, especially if the company has a decent % match.
Hi @supamon I'm 35yr please how do I start going about this, I hope it's not to late for me.
Here's the disconnect. The current situation we face in the simplest terms:
Average earning men cannot support a family today, while average women think they deserve 6 figures, 6 pack, 6 foot tall.
There are ways around this. Only one of these solutions can happen to solve the problem. All will work, but only one is needed.
1) Wages go up.
2) Women's standards drop.
3) Men and women work together and split 50/50 to maintain the standard of living.
None of this will work. What will work is expelling women from the workplace, especially from jobs paying $60k or more.
You've nailed it. We can't all just simply earn more money. Jordan Peterson talks about there being no net benefit to earning more than $60k. The sacrifices made to earn more, damage you in other areas. Working 60 hours a week. 10 hours a day for 6/7 days. On top of commuting. You literally have no time for anything else. Maybe 4 hours tops every day. No real time to even look after your own health.
I only think this is adviseable to do for a few years, to save up some cash.
I hear you buddy, but this world we live in won't go that route. Hell would have to freeze over before modern women lower their requirements of the guys and men would have to stop endorsing the foolishness.
Salute to The Godfather man said Maximum leverage dropping game 💎
One of the loudest voices of reason on social media is greatly missed.
Women marry who they can. Men marry who they want.
It’s the other way around, Chief.
It's the opposite bro...
@@ThatDoesntWorkForMeBrotherno, he’s right like Kevin said "man have ACCESS to relationships" independently from the status
@@TonyBandzz I mean, he's technically right. Men gatekeep marriage/relationships, women gatekeep sex. *"Women settle for who they can. Men marry who they can get"* would've made more sense tho.
Continue resting in peace King. Your work will forever live on🎉
It is important to understand male and female nature so that you can handle yourself and your ego and your sex drive. Because these are natural and ordained and wonderful aspects of a man.
However, it is so very important, gentlemen, that you not allow those gifts and strengths to overtake you and begin to control you.
Kevin, we miss you so much. All men across the world are mourning the loss of you.
i loved his intro song ...ks was the truth
Some of us were brainwashed to disney movies, it's good to wake up to reality 💯💯
Thank you for helping me uncle Kevin
Kevin isn't talking about passoort bros, but literally everything he is saying is pushing men to look for women outside the US.
Passport bros will encounter the same issues outside the US.
@@CommonJ676 It's true that women are women everywhere. But men have advantages in other countries that they don't have in the US. At least women in other countries are raised in very different environments. The problem I see with passport bros is when they go to another country and act in the same weak way as they do in the US. The passport bros themselves need to change.
He’s pushing men to work harder to provide…
@@ericjames7819i'm not a Passport bro but i'm Currently looking at a Future with a Brazilian and i 100% agree
No need for passports, don’t date american women in the usa.
It's sad. In modern times it's almost as if men have to pay for love. The world is DOOMED ‼️
We’ve always had to pay for it, nothing is free in this life, for there are choices and trade offs with every decision. In these times with these new technologies and industries, the primitive exchange is more prevalent than ever before. Just asses your finances, and buy what you can afford
Bro ong. Like I might as well pay for an escort once or twice a month
@@zb2747or get a couple girls on rotation
Hunter gatherer. No woman wants a man who can’t get coin. They will be homeless.
@@jamescheaye927what’s he’s implying is that more women are just goldiggers. real love doesn’t involve money
People this is the reason why it's so pivotal to know the difference between wants and needs. With obligations to your wife and mostly likely 2 or 3 kids where she doesn't feel she have the extra energy to work. You will always be a slave to everything and everyone to always make ends meet with no free time for yourself. This is why Kevin asked him are you already there yet far as making the money and not will you be there soon. It's no way any of us should need to work until we can't physically work anymore to still have nothing good to show for. And family doesn't count when I say something good, families are not hand picked.
Truth tellers are rarely liked in this world.
This man is talking fax
Lets improve ourselves kings!
200k is the new middleclass
Truly sad.. I make 280k and feel poor in NJ.. unreal 🤷♂️
@@chrissilva4500 whats your profession
@@chrissilva4500 whats your profession
@@chrissilva4500what is your profession
I came back to the channel for a quick reality check
This is one Confident. Intelligent. Assertive. CIA Man. The Highest of the High Value Men. I am only saying that to me . . . he is the Highest of them all because I feel like that about him. I love him and respect him and carry him with me in my Heart and in my Soul. He means everything to me. Therefore, his vision and his passion about and for our black family :
god bless this man’s soul
This is a classic example of how different men respond to criticism vs women, especially westernized women.
No this is Kevin's example. This response belongs to Kevin not all men. To pretend that all Men behave like this under criticism is disingenuous. Please learn how to compliment without backhanded criticisms so that your words can land better...just like Kevin's.
If I saw this video 1 or 2 years ago I would’ve left my ex wayy sooner🤦🏾♂️ even Drake can’t change these women😭
Same of the things he used to say were true, but this one no. If we follow what he’s saying then most people will never marry, the thing is that you and your wife happy and know how to manage the money well and you as the husband work hard to provide for your wife.
I respect KS but this advice right here aint it. How about we find a woman who build WITH us. I know its hard to find such a woman but we must persevere. Otherwise, we court a women showing us conditional love. No thank you!!
I agree with a lot of KV, but I disagree with his first 2-3 mins. Mainly because I’m Muslim and yes you can both be your first. However I understand his point and most likely you will be her 2nd or 3rd if you choose a great partner.
that's not the issue
The problem is that us muslim men are obligated from allah to take full financial responsibility we literally can't ask for help
Shitt these days I don’t even have the desire to date
Currently in a relationship and this video gave me so much clarity thank you 🤞🏾🌟
Money won’t keep a woman, money is not just enough. If you find the right persona money doesn’t matter at all, but you need money don’t be lazy though. Wake up go to work 60 hours a week as he said.
Take a break from women you’ll save on food , clothes, extra barbershop visits etc save your money then invest after your money goal is reached then u can play & fly any girl out if you wanted to 😁
Thank you for posting this it was extremely helpful.
Thanks Kevin. Rest in paradise
I love this man so much ❤ He brought immense value to the world.
The best advice for young men is to follow God and don’t live in sin get married don’t have kid unless you married
The realest advice!
Good tips! Austin asked some good questions and expressed some good info but he got defensive with the realization 😆
If your a solid man with solid faith . Stable in your job and confident . Can be trusted . Can deal with your own weaknesses and insecurities without running to her for answers . You can keep a good woman . I believe this bc none of our ancestors had teslas or mansions
thanks Kevin, got some really good ideas from you
Still Seeing new videos really keeps his spirit alive. I miss this man
Bro this double agent stuff is wild I wish someone taught me this when I was a kid
pretty crazy that Kevin is gone. I feel like he is still alive.
Great show
Men, Kevin is gone but never forget.
The woman is apart of this MATRIX!!!😱
Looks older here? Damn, it's like he's not passed. I know they wacked him. Now, we have toxic masculinity and toxic feminism and nothing in the middle. KS worked on both men and women to be their best, and this is so missing accross social media.
Man Kevin is the truth. Rest In Peace
Men : Physically hrny
Women : emotionally hrny
Men complaining about how women wants men to react and act like women , don't make the mistake of not understanding you're trying to make women reason like men as well .
exactly what i needed to hear thankyou
It’s important that our resources determined what we can afford…even in the realm of “relationships”.
This came up right when I'm waiting on a young 25 yr old tender (with a full degree and a few certificates) to meet up lol 😅what are the odd of that! And I just turned 32
Pray for me 😮😅 R.I.P. GODFATHER
So glad you got to see this in time! 👍
25 year = 100 bodies in 2024 bro
Naw 25-26 is a good age they’re young enough to still have fun and have kids but old enough to respect the relationship because they prob had bullshit before
And no a 25 yr is and should be waiting on you not u waiting on her
Thank for this video
I miss Kevin so much. He looked very handsome in his suits. His messages were ok. RIP
Yes, extremely handsome. He was always put together in every way. I know cuz I watched him every night.
I miss Kevin so much I hope he knows his work was truly appreciated even though most women hated his brutal honesty
The problem I found with intentionally being friends with females is if you chill with one of her friends, she feels some kind of way 😂
He still looks good in a Suit RIP. Who choosed to hear have heard godfather.
i needed this fr
Kevin is on point, I hope he's with the father in heaven right now looking over all of us.
RIP to this GREAT man !!
Get the French toast likes up
RIP KS. 🕊🕊
I just got back from vacation in Indonesia n Thailand.
Da ladies are after me but they know I ain’t tryna tie nobody down.
The father all of us needed
He's one of the real ones
All I am saying, gentlemen. All I am saying is this: Is not love. Real love. Devotion. Committed. Serious. Sensitive. Pulsating and driving. Is this not worth the calling to become the high value man? Is that kind of an outcome not image enough to drive you down that Path? Down that Road?
Post more stuff like this and short
I've been with my wife for 19 years. We run 2 businesses, have a home, and 4 children. I would run my businesses if i was single but wanted a traditional wife. Now a days its extremely hard to find
If i had the money, i would purchase this channel for The Real Stacey Prince. He's the only one i see close enough to match up to the Godfather. Damn i miss this man.
Stacy makes good content, but we don’t need a carbon copy of KS. He’s literally trying too be KS step by step.
@YungJay216 I have no problem with that because the community needs it...I don't mind seeing a thousand more just like Kevin. If Kevin was still with us, then I would have a problem with Stacey, but someone has to carry on his work.
So, a lot of men look at the issue from a scarcity mindset. The real question is, once you start making some real money, will you even want to get married?