To Belong to Mary - SSPX Sermons

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @auniversalwoman
    @auniversalwoman Месяц назад

    Thank you Fr. Stafki, our Militia Immaculata priest 💖

  • @marccrotty8447
    @marccrotty8447 9 месяцев назад +11

    "She appeared beautiful above all the daughters of men." Mother of God, pray for us and bring us to your Son.

  • @5sasamama117
    @5sasamama117 9 месяцев назад +4

    O Mary Conceived Without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee❤

  • @momheigeal
    @momheigeal 9 месяцев назад +5

    These sermons are so spiritual and inspiring. Thank you.

  • @francoisdauzon3107
    @francoisdauzon3107 9 месяцев назад +9

    Thanks for posting these.
    I don't have an SSPX chapel easily available, but I just found these on YT and enjoy listening to them. They feel interesting and different from what I normally get to hear.

  • @paisley293
    @paisley293 9 месяцев назад +7

    O Immaculata, ora pro nobis! 🙏

  • @JamesBond-qd5rc
    @JamesBond-qd5rc 9 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you! God bless you!

  • @gentlegiants1974
    @gentlegiants1974 8 месяцев назад

    In 2012 I was received into the Church from protestantism. I have tried asking Our Lady for help, quite diligently at times, and my life has continued to spiral downward spiritually and otherwise. Each time the attacks from the enemy result in a storm and no help is forthcoming it seems. It seems like shipwrecks are all I get. I have no hope of different outcomes now no matter what I do or don't do. Call me skeptical I guess.

  • @fr.johnpeterboucher3008
    @fr.johnpeterboucher3008 9 месяцев назад +1

    In Genesis 1 verse 27, we are told: "And God created man to His own image: to the image of God He created him: male and female He created them."
    There was no one praying to God for this to happen. Therefore without a doubt, this was God's "Direct Will" as opposed to His "Permissive Will". An example of His Permissive Will is implied in this same verse. As already stated, there was no other influence on God in creating, only His own Free Will. Having made Adam and Eve in His own image and likeness indicates that they too had free wills, and God permitted them to use it even if it went against His Will... to obey God's Will ... or not.
    In Eve's reply to the temptation of Satan in Genesis 3 verse 3, we see very plainly that Eve understood God's expression of His Direct Will expressed in Genesis 2 verse 17: "But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death."
    As we read on in Genesis, it becomes plain that God was speaking of spiritual death as when Cain killed Abel God did not kill him immediately for his offense (not physically).
    This "Original Sin" was initiated by Satan and brought to fruition by Eve who "took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband who did eat."
    This is why, in 1Timothy 2 verse 14, St. Paul tells us: "And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression."
    This explains to us why it was necessary to our salvation for there to be Co-Redeemers, Jesus and Mary.
    Since Eve was created in the image and likeness of God as was Adam, the New Eve of our Redemption/Salvation needed to come into the world in the same condition of Original Justice ... without Original Sin as Eve had come.
    For Jesus to be the Propitiatory Offering and shed His Blood upon the Cross, He also had to come into the world as the Man-God... without Original Sin.
    After all, He, the Eternal Father, had put two perfect and sinless beings into existence in Adam and Eve; He had every right to expect that the Redemption/Salvation should come by a sinless Man and Woman. He provided the Man in His Son, Jesus, and in His Love and Forgiveness, He provided a sinless "New Eve" in the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    Again, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mary Ever Virgin and therefore the totally untainted by sin Redeemer, Jesus, as God's Direct Will, came into the world... Co-Redeemers!
    Mary absolutely had to be sinless for Redemption/Salvation to become a reality; and of course we know that Jesus' Divine Nature is incapable of sin. The Eternal Father in His loving Forgiveness hypostatically united Jesus' Divinity to His Humanity, through His Holy Spirit, the same unifying factor that existed already from all eternity between the Father and the Son ... Their Holy Spirit Who conceived Jesus' Humanity in Mary's womb. (See St. Luke 1 verses 27~33)
    Unfortunately, all human beings, except Jesus and Mary, come into this world with that Original Sin. Fortunately, we have the remedy in the Sacrament of Baptism where we receive the Holy Spirit Who is the "Lord and Giver of Life" (spiritual Life) and the "Forgiveness of sin". (The Catechism Explained by Spirago-Clarke First Edition tells us that when we commit a mortal sin, the Holy Spirit leaves us and returns upon a good confession and absolution.)
    When we see what the Direct Will of God accomplished in the above scenario, how can anyone deny that God loves us with an infinite love? He even made that love, His Direct Will, as the pathway to Heaven blazed by Jesus and Mary... an invitation to join Him in His Kingdom in Heaven.
    How can we possibly resist?

    • @sr.maryofjoseph
      @sr.maryofjoseph 9 месяцев назад +1

      This is beautiful! If I may say something regarding our free wills. So much is said about Our Queen in God's plan, but we cannot stress enough that She used Her own free will to decide She did not want to sin. She united Her will to God's. She knew that Eve was created sinless and fell tragically. No human was tested as She was because of the exalted role God had planned for Her; and yet She gave Herself completely to God without knowing of God's plan for Her.
      Jesus' love for us and His Suffering and Death on the Cross were "selfless". That is to say they were done exclusively to please the Father. Mary's love was/is just as selfless and is also aimed at pleasing the Eternal Father through His Son.
      She loved/loves as no other human has and we should pray to Her to help foster in us that same love for God as She has.

  • @Agius_Jozef
    @Agius_Jozef 9 месяцев назад

    Does SSPX recognize Saint Sis. Alphonsa , Mother Theresa, Kuriakose Elias chavara, and other saints from Non European countries as Saints?