It’s me Joshua the one who was banned during the crash out My thought process was he was coming to red to check if it was going to get counter jungled due to the failed gank in bot and the bushes too. As a jungler I just assume that the counter invade will happen so it’s a good idea to fully check. it does look sus and could be a sniper I do admit after looking at it more. But in the short period time I didn’t want to believe it to be fair. The confirmation bias got the best of me. Hoping that there wouldn’t be a stream sniper ruining the experience for the rest of the viewers. and he wouldn’t give up on streaming league altogether. Well jokes on me haha. I’m an overall positive viewer and have been subbed to lud for years so it sucks to get shadow banned. Either way I wish him the best of luck. I’m sure he will continue to grind and grow at league! I also did not take that deal to be clear, but it his stream and overall he makes the rules. Edit: forgot I did this until I posted this but I also change my name on here cause I wasn’t sure how the ban worked originally cause I could still type in chat. Not realizing it was just a shadow ban until later.
The day before yesterday slime banned me because I told him he could crash a wave before he backed and he told me to “go play the game myself and that it’s free” and I was like “oh I wasn’t aware I shouldn’t give my opinion on how to play I just started watching” and he said “who wants someone dictating how you play” and I said “using dictate a little loosely there” and “I ain’t gonna give my opinion nomo” and he said I have main character syndrome and banned me. He reviewed my ban appeal I mentioned I was new and didn’t know I did anything wrong and he perma banned me for being “too negative” lmao. I wasn’t even upset about the ban though. This game really does change you sometimes. Did not expect that out of him though but it’s relatable at least.
@@drinkswatereslime would be a nobody if Ludwig didn’t exist. Guy gives off such a condescending attitude for a guy who’s pretty mediocre at life except having a lucrative friendship
i been watching ludwig for YEARS and before that, i was vaguely aware of him as slimes friend in the smash scene. i have NEVER seen him tilt like league make him tilt. Generational crashout is accurate
The darius' account is just clearly a smurf and a sniper. It was botted to iron 4 0 LP the season before and now has a 70% winrate on literally random champions with very consistant farm and scores that would suggest hes like a mid elo player on main just side laning and stat checking people until he dies. The account gets on for exactly one game in a month, makes this play and then doesnt snipe the next game so he just swaps accounts. Genuinely 100% someone sniping on their for fun account.
@@FuriousJesse he's streaming as if he's high elo where people got too much ego and pride to snipe streamers, but its different for his bronze elo since majority can just queue snipe him and ruin his games 😂
@@danielzhang5842 "the wave state" it's 1:28 and he decides to blastcone over towards chickens, there is no wave state yet, he's just saccing prio for absolutely no reason with no info and even pings it beforehand
This. I mean, Fiddlesticks is one of, if not the most kill-heavy champion who needs to ignore camps because of his AoE. Ludwig somehow likes to farm, fights bruisers when Fiddle is an AP assassin, and what else? I guess no sidelines.
@@CryptidZealot You are partially wrong tho. Fiddle is a farming powerhouse playing around ult (with a long ass cooldown early), basically ap nocturne. Fighting darius without a clear advantage is stupid indeed. Fiddle is more of a mid/bot-centered jungle who likes to all in squishies even under towers
@@CryptidZealot the other guy said you're partially wrong but that's not correct. You are COMPLETELY wrong. Fid isn't an AP assassin, he's not even close to one of the most kill-heavy champions and the statement "needs to ignore camps because of his AoE" is just reverted logic. His AoE makes him a good farmer, and as a champion he's dependent on farm.
The darius was definitely sniping. No top laner is going to miss a full wave of creeps to blast cone into raptors on the off chance the enemy jungler is there. Plus as other comments have pointed out, its a high winrate smurf account that only logged on to play against ludwig. The only members of the team probably werent, they just pinged guessing they might get invaded.
It's most likely a smurf and not a sniper. His pathing would let him walk up to lane before any of his minions would die. He would have to give up priority for that ward, but as a darius vs ambessa you can easily take it back because of the strength of your level 1 versus her 15 sec CD at level 1. His pathing would let him check raptors and red, and fiddle will always start on one of those. There's a possibility he's stream sniping, but I think it's unlikely given that Lud walked out of the bush.
@@Jawsome-ou9kewalking out the bush is definitely not relevant at all here that guy straight up blast comes into Ludwig he definitely knew lud was in there, even if we're gonna act like him walking out of the bush mattered, it's literally an account that only played to snipe lud it's just an insanely blatant stream sniper
@@rishi2131 Warding by the entrance makes sense and that's where Darius was walking. He wasn't walking towards the bush. Lud walked out of and that's when he knew he was there. I'm pretty sure if he didn't panic then Lud would have been ok
@@mixuzi4042even silver Darius understand prio somewhat. They know to push the wave and get lvl 2 then hit ghost and drool on themselves. Dude is sniping
@@GoldenStorm-gs7lxyeah he just started. Almost no one will not have a hard stuck mentality when they have such a small understanding of the game and how matchmaking/mmr works. You only get better when you understand eveything that encompasses playing ranked in the cesspool that is the league community.
@@vaxxeenmtg9733 Yeah but he could atleast try to break out of this mentality by accepting the fact that he still has very little knowledge about the game and there are plays that look bad to him mostly becausd he doesnt understand them. Acting like every bad play was his teammates mistake this early into the ranked grind is a good way of burning yourself out and remaining hardstuck. He needs to maintain a learning mentality through the tilting moments to learn.
@@GoldenStorm-gs7lx yeah forsure. I’m sure it’s a lot harder on stream too with 10k people back seating and telling you how shit you are after and during every game. But yeah he’s obviously got a lot to learn, I’m surprised he isn’t playing with a delay and muting all every game. Sucking at league is brutal because of the inherent snowballing in the game. Someone with experience grinding needs to tell him how to prevent tilting and big brother him
IS EVERYONE MISSING HOW THE DARIUS NEVER CHECKED THE BUSH LUDWIG COULDVE NEVER LEFT IT AND RECALLED??? hes checking his teams red because nobody on ludwigs team protected botside so they feared an invade?
They had a ward on his red and it's pretty well known for junglers how fiddle clears so if he wasn't red he would be on the enemy one or blue, he pings red for darius to check and darius knows he wins lvl1 with ghost.
fiddle starts raptors and red on whatever side he's placed on, you are not there Lud, so they triple ping their (red side) red buff too see if you are invading, you clearly werent on red so he checked his (mumus) raptors (and most players know fiddles like to start raptors) so darius checked in case and you were there. Lud you just bad idk.
yeah lud is so bad that a DARIUS would concede lane prio and first entire wave to ambessa (notoriously strong champ rn but weak early) instead he couldve just warded the red and still lost lane prio but not the first wave
Joshua was right, darius didnt even check bush (lud just came out on his own), he was just checking for invade coz his team prolly asked to (makes sense since they have no info due to the group up on bot)
Do you know how unlikely it is for a top laner in low elo to not only read chat but sacrifice his lane potentially to check if the enemy JG is taking a camp. 95% of the time they just afk waiting to start autoing the wave for lvl 2 all in cheese.
at my absolute worst mental I was screaming and slamming my fist on my desk and typing horrible things to people. definitely had very poor mental health at the time trying to quit alcohol etc. and I once had a knife (from eating dinner) (side note: make sure you don't spend your whole life at your desk like I was) and I slammed it into my desk but it had no had guard so my fingers slid down the blade. very embarrassing. now I dont play much league or overwatch anymore. but when I am getting tilted I force myself to practice mindfulness and take myself out of the game for a moment to reflect and solely focus on my own actions and remember that with ranked games its about consistency and jamming many games in order to climb. you can't control others only your self. obviously if you're a streamer you are going to face a lot more griefing which sucks so take what mitigating actions you can like delays and keep strengthening your mental. also its really cool seeing ludwig improve at the game. his jungle clears look very good to me and I think if you watch his progress you will get better at the game too.
It's not impossible, there was a 'reason' to check that bush, I just wouldn't expect a silver player to go there in any world and I wouldn't expect a higher-elo player to go there with the intel they had. 5 man botside into tribush-ward -> red-buff wall interior ward -> walked out through redbuff exterior (raptors are revealed) -> This reveals that Fiddle is doing a raptor start, so - Fiddle could be 1) in bush @ blueside raptors 2) redside raptor start (invade) - Given all the information they had Darius actually could've inferred Fiddle's position, that is the bush you would go to check for an invade. But yes, that was a ghoster. If Darius were a smurf we would've seen a ward or at-the-very-least seen a ping on the blueside raptor bush if he was going to concede exp advantage(?) to facecheck, I haven't started silver in years and years but I know damn well that no silver player on earth can read a map like that, at least not in-game, and bro f***ing reangled the cone from top-left side to the bottom-left side, I somehow doubt he connected all the dots in that one instant and decided it was worth it OR that he decided to reangle himself towards the bottom-left side of the cone because the voices told him to.
the problem is lud misplays and blames his teammates when he is equally at fault for these plays not working. he cant improve if hes critical of everyone elses misplays and excuses his own
I’m not gonna lie to you, people always complain about sTrEaMeR cRyInG aBoUt StReAm SnIpErS, but what’s weirder to me is the people in chat that doing just that and being absolutely adamant about streamers just complaining when they’re bad or lose. Like I’ve watched several streamers across tons of different games over the years and I have never seen one with an audience that isn’t getting constantly stream sniped in a matchmaking game, even when they’re not acknowledging it. So it’s just weird when chatters have to call it out like it’s some kind of insanely uncommon phenomenon. It’s incredibly easy to do and people are weird.
I think it's not a snipe, not that weird of a check at all. When you show on their tri it's almost always warded and so it's highly likely that they invade your red/raptors. I wouldn't do it because I don't play top but it seems likely to me. If they were sniping it doesn't really make sense to even go to tri tbh.
The biggest indicator that they were streamsniping is that they cancelled the invade. They have a Blitzcrank, walk up right to the edge of enemy jungle and then pussy out? Yeah, no, dont buy that.
This is not sniping lmao, this is just playing the game better than a silver. If they invade and see youre not on your red, obviously youre on blue and most junglers after seeing the enemy on their red will immediately go over to their enemys red buff instead to split the map. Which is why the 3 missing pings on top red happened and why darius thought to check there.
holy shit bro i uninstalled earlier and seeing this makes me glad. i only started playing again yesterday and immediately i noticed that it feels SO MUCH WORSE to lose than it feels good to win. this vod is just proof of that edit: just got to the part where he bans a viewer, that is the most condescending and just generally assholish i've ever seen ludwig be.. at that point just dont play the game again
I don't understand why he is doing it to himself ngl, he is clearly not good enough to reach plat by January, refuses to have stream delay or hide map like other comments pointed out and then keeps crashing out lol. I guess he is getting good engagement from viewers and easy membership subs for this that makes it worth losing mental health lmao. Sure the membership is only 1$ but when a few thousand people get memberships just to watch a league game I guess he makes bank.
Not that fiddle is a mechanical demanding champ but if he wants to climb he needs to spam something completely braindead with no mechanics required. I haven’t watched him play much but idk why he isn’t spamming WW or something. Fiddle requires positioning and understanding vision control, using scanners pinks etc.
You know ludwig belongs in silver when he not only goes to counter jungle on darius side and then crashes out when darius checks bushes before minions crash
Looking for counter jungle after they see no one on the invade does not equal stream sniper, it means they were playing the game. This is a fairly routine check. The proof is also in the pudding, Ludwig WAS trying to counter jungle. Im not saying stream sniping is impossible, but this a perfectly reasonable play to expect.
Maybe so the enemy team doesn’t see his teammates positions on the map? Wards if they’re ghosting etc. It’s insane how low IQ the comments on this video are. Like yeah the dude obviously sucks at league but let’s be honest 99% of the people talking shit are also silver or worse
I love Lud and it makes sense to get tilted after getting sniped like that, because Darius was for sure sniping, but damn i cannot fathom the delusion on his part aswel. He is making a lot of mistakes and constantly blaming his teammates for shit he did. Classic silver mentality. If he doesnt change that i dont see him getting farther than gold 4 tbh. The gank top after Ambessa was dead and blaming her for dying when he did the same thing is insane, same goes for the ganks in mid where he just doesnt understand what cassio does, doesnt dodge the ulti and blames lissandra for not doing anything even though she did everything right and just had cds and if Lud actually dodged the ulti it would have been an easy kill. Plus in the first place he should just learn that cass is the illaoi of midlane, you gank her only when you really are strong than her, because she can easily 1v3 if she plays well.
i give it a 5% chance it wasnt a sniper. Both the mumu and darius ping the red. maybe a diamond smurf would know that since theyre not on red that fiddle is invading and is going for a cheese kill. but im 95% certain both the jungle and top were snipping.
The fiddle invade is the most obvious thing ever, if Darius doesn't check raptors he would be straight up inting, doesnt have anything to do with sniping or smurfing
It was indeed probably a sniper, but some people just check bushes around for invades. I for one, when I'm holding the buff, dont just stand in the buff, i search in the bushes first
they had blue buff warded, saw he wasn't doing it, figured he may have been stealing something and the darius was like ooooh i may get a free kill out of this which is worth missing a bit of first wave, and he went to see where he was and got it right
High key league brings out the worst in people, during the whole game lud was just cursing over and over and being angry. “Rage type games” don’t bring him close to having as many negative emotions as league
not sniping only low elo would think that - they invaded bot side red simple deduction is fiddle is either starting blue or invading its too funny watching low elos mald
as a jungler i can tell you right now, he wasnt stream sniped, ludwig is just trash (he is getting way better the more he plays and its awesome watching his journey) he just got countered jungled and outplayed every chance he got, misplayed more times then i can count and wasnt even pathing properly.
Their entire team checked red on his side and then pinged their red cause fid wasnt on his red. It really isnt rocket science, Ludwig is just silver lol
hes gonna feel like a dumbass when he understands why top laners check their top side camps vs a fiddlesticks. fid always invades and is easy to kill level 1, darius would be a buffoon not to check that area
Its a common occurrence when your team invades enemy jg and theres literally nobody around the jg and the red is warded , theres a very high chance that the enemy jgler is on our own jungle opposite side of the map. This is legit the most common shyt that happens at lvl 1 jungling. The fact that a bunch of them ping/question mark pings after scouting your jungle explains it all. To people who doesn't play league often , TLDR this is not a stream snipe , is just a simple process of elimination. And a good hearted top laner would go check your jungle in case the enemy jungler is trying to cheese ur raptor/red lvl1. Also , lvl 1 darius getting first blood is not that surprising too , especially when its against a silver ambessa lmao.
As I posted on another thread though, this is 100% a stream sniper. I understand where you're coming from though completely. But this guy hasn't logged on in like 6 months, logged on for this one game, played one more (where he presumably tried to snipe ludwig in the next que) failed at that, and went AFK in his game (more than likely to log on another account and try and get in his game again). He hasn't played on this account since. This is 100% a stream snipe.
@@JMiranda777x ok now then it seems like a snipe , but then again on his darius game its very hard to assume its a stream snipe as what they did is very common even at lower elos . People actually understand these kind of jungle cheese there these days. Still though , watching ludwig malding is so entertaining.
no brother, darius checking raptors at the time the waves are crashing does not make any sense whatsoever, he is literally losing xp for it. this does not happen anywhere ever. also the guy has like 70% wr on a lvl 40 account, meaning that its his low elo smurf.
@@Ecaea Agreed completely. I think it's completely silly to be a big streamer and not expect snipers, and then getting mad when you have low delay and show full map lol. But also, fuck that guy for ruining the game for the following people where he que'd accepted, didn't get into ludwigs game, and then just afk'd. Actual loser behavior.
@@dubbinofyoutubeim not them, but i dont mind the editing. theyre just simple zooms/transitions. its the way some editors go all out on sound effects and meme clips that detract from the streamer, which i think is "zoomer" editing.
@@RedzeeTV Oh I see. I think I agree I'm not trying to edit so hard that it takes away from the video. But I didn't want to upload only splices and transitions too.
Ludwig is just terrible at the game, he's like a child that refuses to learn and he's already settled into never taking accountability for his mistakes."I'm half HP, the Darius is 4/0 because of ME, I'm going to go into the bush with amumu chasing me that Darius is in- OMG FUCK AMBESSA, WHYYYYYYYY" Bro thinks its Ambessa's fault.
It’s me Joshua the one who was banned during the crash out
My thought process was he was coming to red to check if it was going to get counter jungled due to the failed gank in bot and the bushes too. As a jungler I just assume that the counter invade will happen so it’s a good idea to fully check.
it does look sus and could be a sniper I do admit after looking at it more. But in the short period time I didn’t want to believe it to be fair.
The confirmation bias got the best of me. Hoping that there wouldn’t be a stream sniper ruining the experience for the rest of the viewers. and he wouldn’t give up on streaming league altogether.
Well jokes on me haha. I’m an overall positive viewer and have been subbed to lud for years so it sucks to get shadow banned. Either way I wish him the best of luck. I’m sure he will continue to grind and grow at league!
I also did not take that deal to be clear, but it his stream and overall he makes the rules.
Edit: forgot I did this until I posted this but I also change my name on here cause I wasn’t sure how the ban worked originally cause I could still type in chat. Not realizing it was just a shadow ban until later.
Yeah unlucky. All you did was disagree with him, but you weren't toxic about it.
@@dubbinofyoutubethis aint even him, he got a different pfp
Bro this shit is in silver and also who asked
The day before yesterday slime banned me because I told him he could crash a wave before he backed and he told me to “go play the game myself and that it’s free” and I was like “oh I wasn’t aware I shouldn’t give my opinion on how to play I just started watching” and he said “who wants someone dictating how you play” and I said “using dictate a little loosely there” and “I ain’t gonna give my opinion nomo” and he said I have main character syndrome and banned me. He reviewed my ban appeal I mentioned I was new and didn’t know I did anything wrong and he perma banned me for being “too negative” lmao. I wasn’t even upset about the ban though. This game really does change you sometimes. Did not expect that out of him though but it’s relatable at least.
@@drinkswatereslime would be a nobody if Ludwig didn’t exist. Guy gives off such a condescending attitude for a guy who’s pretty mediocre at life except having a lucrative friendship
i been watching ludwig for YEARS and before that, i was vaguely aware of him as slimes friend in the smash scene. i have NEVER seen him tilt like league make him tilt. Generational crashout is accurate
classic league experience
that's just league for ya. Brings out the worst in everyone.
The darius' account is just clearly a smurf and a sniper. It was botted to iron 4 0 LP the season before and now has a 70% winrate on literally random champions with very consistant farm and scores that would suggest hes like a mid elo player on main just side laning and stat checking people until he dies. The account gets on for exactly one game in a month, makes this play and then doesnt snipe the next game so he just swaps accounts. Genuinely 100% someone sniping on their for fun account.
Ludwig just needs to add a one minute delay to his stream so he can't be sniped during League. Simple solution.
and hide his queue/map
@PerishAndRuin good idea. Whether or not there's stream snipers he'll still probably play better from not getting tilted as much.
@@PerishAndRuin he hides his queue, but minimap is useless since he is the jungler
@@FuriousJesse he's streaming as if he's high elo where people got too much ego and pride to snipe streamers, but its different for his bronze elo since majority can just queue snipe him and ruin his games 😂
@@kostaszeppos1842 snipers can still see his other teammates the map should be fully covered
Obvious sniper no toplaner would blastcone to raptors when his wave just arrived top
I do think it was a sniper, but not because he decided to come, and not because of the wave state either.
@@danielzhang5842 "the wave state" it's 1:28 and he decides to blastcone over towards chickens, there is no wave state yet, he's just saccing prio for absolutely no reason with no info and even pings it beforehand
@@danielzhang5842so you are just a magical pixie?
@@nightlyhood797 yes sir
most normal thing Darius can do lmao
I mean no hate intended here but, he is just so bad and constantly missplaying it's hard to hear him flame so much.
Classic hardstuck mentality
This. I mean, Fiddlesticks is one of, if not the most kill-heavy champion who needs to ignore camps because of his AoE.
Ludwig somehow likes to farm, fights bruisers when Fiddle is an AP assassin, and what else? I guess no sidelines.
@@CryptidZealot You are partially wrong tho. Fiddle is a farming powerhouse playing around ult (with a long ass cooldown early), basically ap nocturne. Fighting darius without a clear advantage is stupid indeed. Fiddle is more of a mid/bot-centered jungle who likes to all in squishies even under towers
@@CryptidZealot fiddle is a powerfarmer
@@CryptidZealot the other guy said you're partially wrong but that's not correct. You are COMPLETELY wrong.
Fid isn't an AP assassin, he's not even close to one of the most kill-heavy champions and the statement "needs to ignore camps because of his AoE" is just reverted logic. His AoE makes him a good farmer, and as a champion he's dependent on farm.
It's amazing how this game brings out the worst in people.
The darius was definitely sniping. No top laner is going to miss a full wave of creeps to blast cone into raptors on the off chance the enemy jungler is there. Plus as other comments have pointed out, its a high winrate smurf account that only logged on to play against ludwig. The only members of the team probably werent, they just pinged guessing they might get invaded.
It's most likely a smurf and not a sniper.
His pathing would let him walk up to lane before any of his minions would die. He would have to give up priority for that ward, but as a darius vs ambessa you can easily take it back because of the strength of your level 1 versus her 15 sec CD at level 1.
His pathing would let him check raptors and red, and fiddle will always start on one of those.
There's a possibility he's stream sniping, but I think it's unlikely given that Lud walked out of the bush.
@@Jawsome-ou9kewalking out the bush is definitely not relevant at all here that guy straight up blast comes into Ludwig he definitely knew lud was in there, even if we're gonna act like him walking out of the bush mattered, it's literally an account that only played to snipe lud it's just an insanely blatant stream sniper
@@rishi2131 Warding by the entrance makes sense and that's where Darius was walking. He wasn't walking towards the bush. Lud walked out of and that's when he knew he was there. I'm pretty sure if he didn't panic then Lud would have been ok
You're just lying. "High Winrate" smurf accounts don't get placed low silver, especially with cooked MMR like Ludwig. "Blast cone" xdddd
@@kyeda hes near 80 pc wr, hes 100 percent a smurf, not high elo but probably diamond or smthng
Aint no way any toplaner would give up prio to go check on raptor. You lose lane instantly if you dont get a kill at raptor which is a crazy bet.
Its silver, prio doesnt mean shit
Against a fiddle tho. It’s like 50/50 it was stream snipe
@@mixuzi4042even silver Darius understand prio somewhat. They know to push the wave and get lvl 2 then hit ghost and drool on themselves. Dude is sniping
takes like this seem to forget that it's silver lol. they be doing anything and everything in low elo, with no good or bad reasons behind any of it
Or you defend cuz he knows Darius runs fiddle down for free FB
man its SO easy to prevent this, just add stream delay and a PNG on the minimap to hide the jungle! not so hard mister ludwig
Hiding the map of the jungle doesn’t do that much when you are the Jungler
@@jlktank5066 still useful, not to mention the stream delay
LoL broke Ludwig
The crumbler of fragile egos all across the globe
He's definitely got the mentality of a hardstuck player.
@@GoldenStorm-gs7lxyeah he just started. Almost no one will not have a hard stuck mentality when they have such a small understanding of the game and how matchmaking/mmr works. You only get better when you understand eveything that encompasses playing ranked in the cesspool that is the league community.
@@vaxxeenmtg9733 Yeah but he could atleast try to break out of this mentality by accepting the fact that he still has very little knowledge about the game and there are plays that look bad to him mostly becausd he doesnt understand them. Acting like every bad play was his teammates mistake this early into the ranked grind is a good way of burning yourself out and remaining hardstuck. He needs to maintain a learning mentality through the tilting moments to learn.
@@GoldenStorm-gs7lx yeah forsure. I’m sure it’s a lot harder on stream too with 10k people back seating and telling you how shit you are after and during every game. But yeah he’s obviously got a lot to learn, I’m surprised he isn’t playing with a delay and muting all every game. Sucking at league is brutal because of the inherent snowballing in the game. Someone with experience grinding needs to tell him how to prevent tilting and big brother him
IS EVERYONE MISSING HOW THE DARIUS NEVER CHECKED THE BUSH LUDWIG COULDVE NEVER LEFT IT AND RECALLED??? hes checking his teams red because nobody on ludwigs team protected botside so they feared an invade?
When a jungler clears one buff it's EXTREMELY common for them to ask laners to keep an eye on the other side of thier jungle.
They had a ward on his red and it's pretty well known for junglers how fiddle clears so if he wasn't red he would be on the enemy one or blue, he pings red for darius to check and darius knows he wins lvl1 with ghost.
this was amazing thank you so much
fiddle starts raptors and red on whatever side he's placed on, you are not there Lud, so they triple ping their (red side) red buff too see if you are invading, you clearly werent on red so he checked his (mumus) raptors (and most players know fiddles like to start raptors) so darius checked in case and you were there. Lud you just bad idk.
yeah lud is so bad that a DARIUS would concede lane prio and first entire wave to ambessa (notoriously strong champ rn but weak early)
instead he couldve just warded the red and still lost lane prio but not the first wave
Nah you're coping so bad. No top laner is gonna miss a whole wave of creeps for the POSSIBILITY of Jungler being at raptors, lmao
Someone should teach him about effigies
The way league effects the mind is so fuggin interesting to me
Pretty normal to ping your red side if no one covers especially if you invade to ward and see nothing
“Smoking my dead dad”🤣
Joshua was right, darius didnt even check bush (lud just came out on his own), he was just checking for invade coz his team prolly asked to (makes sense since they have no info due to the group up on bot)
Do you know how unlikely it is for a top laner in low elo to not only read chat but sacrifice his lane potentially to check if the enemy JG is taking a camp. 95% of the time they just afk waiting to start autoing the wave for lvl 2 all in cheese.
@@vaxxeenmtg9733If its low elo then that explains why the darius was bad enough to lose xp early by late checking for an invade.
@@vaxxeenmtg9733 95% is an exaggeration esp considering how the stack at bot is itself unusual
this man inting 20m straight and calling all players snipers is hilarious
to be fair, it doesn't make any sense the way darius found him. If he was checking for an invade he would go to the bush above red, not raptors
just it's fid. raptor start is pretty good
@@luuluu590 lud was invading why would you do a normal farm when invading , the common thing to do is to go for their red
@@bigboi4161 it's a fiddlesticks
@@bigboi4161 in high elo you always check enemy invades, and fiddlesticks usually starts raptors, darius was obviously a smurf
@@bigboi4161some champs start raptors on invade, like belveth for example.
at my absolute worst mental I was screaming and slamming my fist on my desk and typing horrible things to people. definitely had very poor mental health at the time trying to quit alcohol etc. and I once had a knife (from eating dinner) (side note: make sure you don't spend your whole life at your desk like I was) and I slammed it into my desk but it had no had guard so my fingers slid down the blade. very embarrassing. now I dont play much league or overwatch anymore. but when I am getting tilted I force myself to practice mindfulness and take myself out of the game for a moment to reflect and solely focus on my own actions and remember that with ranked games its about consistency and jamming many games in order to climb. you can't control others only your self. obviously if you're a streamer you are going to face a lot more griefing which sucks so take what mitigating actions you can like delays and keep strengthening your mental.
also its really cool seeing ludwig improve at the game. his jungle clears look very good to me and I think if you watch his progress you will get better at the game too.
It's not impossible, there was a 'reason' to check that bush, I just wouldn't expect a silver player to go there in any world and I wouldn't expect a higher-elo player to go there with the intel they had.
5 man botside into tribush-ward -> red-buff wall interior ward -> walked out through redbuff exterior (raptors are revealed) -> This reveals that Fiddle is doing a raptor start, so - Fiddle could be 1) in bush @ blueside raptors 2) redside raptor start (invade) - Given all the information they had Darius actually could've inferred Fiddle's position, that is the bush you would go to check for an invade.
But yes, that was a ghoster. If Darius were a smurf we would've seen a ward or at-the-very-least seen a ping on the blueside raptor bush if he was going to concede exp advantage(?) to facecheck, I haven't started silver in years and years but I know damn well that no silver player on earth can read a map like that, at least not in-game, and bro f***ing reangled the cone from top-left side to the bottom-left side, I somehow doubt he connected all the dots in that one instant and decided it was worth it OR that he decided to reangle himself towards the bottom-left side of the cone because the voices told him to.
Ah that thumbnail, how i feel about two faces 😂 😊
the problem is lud misplays and blames his teammates when he is equally at fault for these plays not working. he cant improve if hes critical of everyone elses misplays and excuses his own
insane jungle diff
I’m not gonna lie to you, people always complain about sTrEaMeR cRyInG aBoUt StReAm SnIpErS, but what’s weirder to me is the people in chat that doing just that and being absolutely adamant about streamers just complaining when they’re bad or lose.
Like I’ve watched several streamers across tons of different games over the years and I have never seen one with an audience that isn’t getting constantly stream sniped in a matchmaking game, even when they’re not acknowledging it. So it’s just weird when chatters have to call it out like it’s some kind of insanely uncommon phenomenon. It’s incredibly easy to do and people are weird.
when he flashes onto darius hahahaah
I think it's not a snipe, not that weird of a check at all. When you show on their tri it's almost always warded and so it's highly likely that they invade your red/raptors. I wouldn't do it because I don't play top but it seems likely to me. If they were sniping it doesn't really make sense to even go to tri tbh.
League really does piss people off, it sure does that for me.
The biggest indicator that they were streamsniping is that they cancelled the invade. They have a Blitzcrank, walk up right to the edge of enemy jungle and then pussy out? Yeah, no, dont buy that.
They pinged red because they were all bot trying to invade or cheese. So they pinged red because they expected you to try and steal red.
It’s so cathartic seeing Lud say my thoughts out loud
This is not sniping lmao, this is just playing the game better than a silver.
If they invade and see youre not on your red, obviously youre on blue and most junglers after seeing the enemy on their red will immediately go over to their enemys red buff instead to split the map.
Which is why the 3 missing pings on top red happened and why darius thought to check there.
holy shit bro i uninstalled earlier and seeing this makes me glad. i only started playing again yesterday and immediately i noticed that it feels SO MUCH WORSE to lose than it feels good to win. this vod is just proof of that
edit: just got to the part where he bans a viewer, that is the most condescending and just generally assholish i've ever seen ludwig be.. at that point just dont play the game again
So the jungler pinged the toplaner to check red becouse they didint see them during the invade ?
they invaded and didnt cover top side, so they pinged for the potential fiddle invade.
I don't understand why he is doing it to himself ngl, he is clearly not good enough to reach plat by January, refuses to have stream delay or hide map like other comments pointed out and then keeps crashing out lol. I guess he is getting good engagement from viewers and easy membership subs for this that makes it worth losing mental health lmao. Sure the membership is only 1$ but when a few thousand people get memberships just to watch a league game I guess he makes bank.
Not that fiddle is a mechanical demanding champ but if he wants to climb he needs to spam something completely braindead with no mechanics required. I haven’t watched him play much but idk why he isn’t spamming WW or something. Fiddle requires positioning and understanding vision control, using scanners pinks etc.
You know ludwig belongs in silver when he not only goes to counter jungle on darius side and then crashes out when darius checks bushes before minions crash
na im pretty sure they invaded bot, saw you werent there, amumu asked top to check red, darius checked red, saw you, killed you
Getting mad about being bad at a game and then automatically assume you're being sniped in a rank where no one would want to snipe
When has rank ever mattered to stream snipers? they are sniping to get attention from the streamer.
i just downloaded league yesterday after watching arcane, and this is lowkey terrifying me
is this gunna be me after a month of playing?
@@jibzzzzzzzzzio lol no u have to be strong
@@jibzzzzzzzzzio whenever u are about to get mad just remember ur playing a slow asf game with outdated graphics, no point in getting mad over that
he should react on Yamikaze crashing out
Pro tip: don’t play fiddle right now, you will get diffed
God i need t1 to react to this
hey man, dont let assholes get you down! Good luck on the climb
Does he not know that invading is pretty common and it’s 100% possible that the Darius was just walking through the jungle and spotted him?
Ludwig is a multi millionaire. He could pay for coaching and get to Challenger within a month or 2
Ambessa is NOT a tank
Looking for counter jungle after they see no one on the invade does not equal stream sniper, it means they were playing the game. This is a fairly routine check. The proof is also in the pudding, Ludwig WAS trying to counter jungle. Im not saying stream sniping is impossible, but this a perfectly reasonable play to expect.
why hide map?
you r the jungler
this doesn´t work XD
keep it up, love the content
Maybe so the enemy team doesn’t see his teammates positions on the map? Wards if they’re ghosting etc. It’s insane how low IQ the comments on this video are. Like yeah the dude obviously sucks at league but let’s be honest 99% of the people talking shit are also silver or worse
Why does he keep fearing the Blitzcrank LOOOL
I love Lud and it makes sense to get tilted after getting sniped like that, because Darius was for sure sniping, but damn i cannot fathom the delusion on his part aswel. He is making a lot of mistakes and constantly blaming his teammates for shit he did. Classic silver mentality. If he doesnt change that i dont see him getting farther than gold 4 tbh. The gank top after Ambessa was dead and blaming her for dying when he did the same thing is insane, same goes for the ganks in mid where he just doesnt understand what cassio does, doesnt dodge the ulti and blames lissandra for not doing anything even though she did everything right and just had cds and if Lud actually dodged the ulti it would have been an easy kill. Plus in the first place he should just learn that cass is the illaoi of midlane, you gank her only when you really are strong than her, because she can easily 1v3 if she plays well.
silver player thinks he is playing in challenger or something
they warded your red one there so they protect invade lmao
League just brings out your true self.
Ludwig is so ass hearing his delusions is kinda sad.. but still funny 😂
i give it a 5% chance it wasnt a sniper. Both the mumu and darius ping the red. maybe a diamond smurf would know that since theyre not on red that fiddle is invading and is going for a cheese kill. but im 95% certain both the jungle and top were snipping.
The fiddle invade is the most obvious thing ever, if Darius doesn't check raptors he would be straight up inting, doesnt have anything to do with sniping or smurfing
Bros in silver "getting sniped" oh nah. he goofy
ambessa’s need to stop building eclipse 1st. Build a hydra PLEASE PLEASE ITS A POWERSPIKE ITEM
It was indeed probably a sniper, but some people just check bushes around for invades. I for one, when I'm holding the buff, dont just stand in the buff, i search in the bushes first
8:20 because ur standing still in perfect view, im worse than lud at league and i know that
why is he playing jungle...
bro fiddle sticks always takes raps on blue side and he's darius so he wins even 2v1, ovc he's gonna go there??
they had blue buff warded, saw he wasn't doing it, figured he may have been stealing something and the darius was like ooooh i may get a free kill out of this which is worth missing a bit of first wave, and he went to see where he was and got it right
He doesnt lose anything of the first wave, he gets back to lane way before minions die
High key league brings out the worst in people, during the whole game lud was just cursing over and over and being angry. “Rage type games” don’t bring him close to having as many negative emotions as league
This League shit get serious
not sniping only low elo would think that - they invaded bot side red simple deduction is fiddle is either starting blue or invading its too funny watching low elos mald
as a jungler i can tell you right now, he wasnt stream sniped, ludwig is just trash (he is getting way better the more he plays and its awesome watching his journey) he just got countered jungled and outplayed every chance he got, misplayed more times then i can count and wasnt even pathing properly.
Terrible team comp and bad positioning by Lud. Let me get close to darius and use W 🤣🤣 "WHY DID HE TARGET ME???!?!?!" 10:00
Their entire team checked red on his side and then pinged their red cause fid wasnt on his red. It really isnt rocket science, Ludwig is just silver lol
hes gonna feel like a dumbass when he understands why top laners check their top side camps vs a fiddlesticks. fid always invades and is easy to kill level 1, darius would be a buffoon not to check that area
smoking on dad pack og rn
new players are making league even worse than it already was :/ they just can't handle it
Its a common occurrence when your team invades enemy jg and theres literally nobody around the jg and the red is warded , theres a very high chance that the enemy jgler is on our own jungle opposite side of the map. This is legit the most common shyt that happens at lvl 1 jungling. The fact that a bunch of them ping/question mark pings after scouting your jungle explains it all.
To people who doesn't play league often , TLDR this is not a stream snipe , is just a simple process of elimination. And a good hearted top laner would go check your jungle in case the enemy jungler is trying to cheese ur raptor/red lvl1.
Also , lvl 1 darius getting first blood is not that surprising too , especially when its against a silver ambessa lmao.
As I posted on another thread though, this is 100% a stream sniper. I understand where you're coming from though completely. But this guy hasn't logged on in like 6 months, logged on for this one game, played one more (where he presumably tried to snipe ludwig in the next que) failed at that, and went AFK in his game (more than likely to log on another account and try and get in his game again). He hasn't played on this account since.
This is 100% a stream snipe.
@@JMiranda777x ok now then it seems like a snipe , but then again on his darius game its very hard to assume its a stream snipe as what they did is very common even at lower elos . People actually understand these kind of jungle cheese there these days. Still though , watching ludwig malding is so entertaining.
i promise you no good hearted top laner misses a full wave to go check raptors thru the blastcone lol
no brother, darius checking raptors at the time the waves are crashing does not make any sense whatsoever, he is literally losing xp for it. this does not happen anywhere ever. also the guy has like 70% wr on a lvl 40 account, meaning that its his low elo smurf.
@@Ecaea Agreed completely. I think it's completely silly to be a big streamer and not expect snipers, and then getting mad when you have low delay and show full map lol.
But also, fuck that guy for ruining the game for the following people where he que'd accepted, didn't get into ludwigs game, and then just afk'd. Actual loser behavior.
>Streams live
>Is surprised and annoyed when he gets sniped
hes talking a lot of trash for being awful lol
Yo no need for the zoomer edits
Oh man I thought they were good. What do you dislike about them?
@@dubbinofyoutubeim not them, but i dont mind the editing. theyre just simple zooms/transitions. its the way some editors go all out on sound effects and meme clips that detract from the streamer, which i think is "zoomer" editing.
@@RedzeeTV Oh I see. I think I agree I'm not trying to edit so hard that it takes away from the video. But I didn't want to upload only splices and transitions too.
Botlane never wins games anymore lmao the majority of insane players are toplaners or midlanders, you just play the worst role.
Darius Is just defending the red side. you’re bronze if you don’t know what happened after a team invades and the enemy jungler is not there
I have never seen a game create such an unreasonable monster so full of copium
This guys so ass at league hahaha
Ludwig is just terrible at the game, he's like a child that refuses to learn and he's already settled into never taking accountability for his mistakes."I'm half HP, the Darius is 4/0 because of ME, I'm going to go into the bush with amumu chasing me that Darius is in- OMG FUCK AMBESSA, WHYYYYYYYY" Bro thinks its Ambessa's fault.
Bro is coping so hard holy moly
League just brings out your true self.