The point that solidified that he was boosted is when he didn't know that Kha'zix Q evolve doesn't do more damage but instead reduces the CD when isolated. No challenger player is not gonna know that about their champion.
@@SophieMochii i aint gonna lie i hit masters OCE (so take that with a grain if salt cause joke region) and i did not know this. not a kha main but played him a fair bit in norms and when i smurf to play with mates… embarassing lol
@@syphon_beanoyt4545 getting masters on a small region while playing a champ *occasionally* and ONETRICKING a champ to chall EUW (best/second best server) are two very different things. The difference is as extreme as the difference between silver and diamond.
@@syphon_beanoyt4545 yes friend but you didnt onetrick khazix to challenger on eu west. ive played a fair bit of many champions that i dont know the ins and outs of in normals too
the part earlier in the vid where he was just parroting that sanchovies is obsessed with him and wont leave him alone, my brother in Christ hang up the call
@@shawnmorris9175 i agree, although sanch was farming content and penis said he stayed in the call for content (but it was prob also ego) he prob js wants his minute of fame. all these arm chair psychiatrists in the comments like diagnosing this troll to make themselves feel normal lmao
@@demon5965 I would agree with you except this guy bought an account, is griefing in a rank he doesnt belong, then lied about being boosted on stream to the guy he just got done griefing. If you dont want to be bullied on stream maybe just play in gold/silver where he actually belongs. Im not even that good - only plat/emerald but I've never once thought to buy a boost and ruin games after not giving the time and effort required to get there, and even if I did I sure as fuck wouldn't pretend I knew better than anyone that actually was at the rank in question then lie about being challenger.
@@wallr54 bro try to go into call with two people screaming at your ear trying to critique every move while making fun of you while putting pressure on you. If you are emerald player, you would play like a bronze in that moment, especially when you would be anti-social like the guy in the call.
because his delusional clout chasing mind think that this is a "streamer being toxic gotcha time to cancel" moment for him that logic trump his critical thinking skills.
@peepss2616 more like cuz he spends 1000s of dollars getting a boosted account to pretend he's not boosted and then loses every game realizes he is boosted and then wants to get something out of the money he wasted by trolling and flaming people.
The immediate emoting from Solarbaca, literally one of the most respected players making fun of the situation just tells me how delusional this man is. Even in clips Scarra is laughing his ass off about this same person
The thing that is insane - this guy grifed infinity amount of games and can't drop to emerald or gold or whatver elo he belongs but a couple of seasons ago they could detect from 5 games that you belong in smurf que.
There should be a straightjacket and a padded cell for anyone that buys a boosted account, scripts, or cheats in any fashion because every one of these people I've interacted with are seriously crazy. The way this guy's brain has to function to think he can talk his way out of this is seriously unnerving. The way he types paragraphs and crybullies pretending he wasn't toxic is demented. The way he tries to take the moral highground and make Sanch look worse when he's on a bought account and lying about every interaction is nearing on delusional. He's larping as a good player, a non-existent caricature of himself, and that's some disturbing shit.
they're both cringe, but sanch is way worse considering he's the one who even started talking to get satisfaction based on the guy's reaction. the guy has every right to be mad there cause he shouldn't be getting flamed just cause he's having a bad game
This is a regular thing now that I'm continuously experiencing in my normal games. People who legitimately don't have any real game knowledge, they just think they can play the character. I don't play ranked for reasons like this, too many bots/scripters/boosters.
@@jessm.2779 Bro it's normals. People are going to play shit they don't know. That's what it's there for. As long as they aren't intentionally trying to ruin other players' fun and are legit just trying to learn the champ, it's fine to be an idiot in normals.
this guy is not a diamond player. the only way he's diamond is playing enchanter support. he has no game knowledge, no mechanics. he's terrible. also he is a compulsive liar. i've met a bunch of people like this. must be exhausting to be this person
I was just about to comment on the compulsive liar part. Just keeps getting caught in lies and it doesn’t stop him from just telling bigger ones. Kind of sad at some point
@@crazy75able I am a multi-season challenger peak/finish and I can CLEARLY tell this guy is hardstuck GOLD playing 100% SOLOq. If he somehow breaks free from his chains (irl) and peak dark green or light green elo then it will be due to vast amount of games on an easy-to-climb champion. He could never even touch blue elo.
Or even better, don't add the guy who's clearly only friending you to flame, and move tf on with your life instead of getting stuck in a 2 hour discord call getting roasted non-stop
Yeah for real he was just upset for getting insulted and then dug a 10 inch grave for himself. I can sympathize a little bit cus who enjoys getting flamed yk? But adding someone after 4 hours is crazy 💀
@@AidanStewart9 no bro, i genuinely think league players love getting angry. Its the only emotional they feel in their shit freak life, so 2 hours of non stop flaming resuscitated him from his slumber
So I don't know if it's an act to be entertaining or anything, but as somebody who doesn't know who sanchovies is, I see no difference in mental illness between that first guy and Sanchovies in the first 12 minutes.
I mean you must not play league at all then if you can't tell the difference regardless of knowing either of them. Sanch sounds like a toxic/passive aggressive league player but one that can back it up (and does in this video) with his understanding of the game. Meanwhile the other guy is some plat or AT MOST emerald player who paid for a boost to get to challenger and is not griefing masters games. Not a single person in the world plays such vastly different champs in entirely different roles on the same account and is challenger. No one plays Janna Azir K6 split evenly between them and is challenger.
Into kindred lol. A wardens mail would have even been better into a kindred but you don't need early armour into a kindred lol Thts a scaling champ. She is pretty weak early game
i really like this guys weird headcanon that he sticks to - he is built so different, that he gets to challenger without knowing his mains abilities, he doesnt care about other players in his elo and doesn't recognise anyone, also he doesn't care about what role to play or what runes to go, he is just a problem
Tbf there are pro player's in the LEC who cant tell you what a champ in their role does. Rest of the video was spot on but the Trivia was kind of off. There is proof of this ofc, they do quizzes in the LEC on YT. Not that the players in LEC is good but it does bring light that you can reach a certain pinnacle in league without knowing shit.
There's that funny KR clip where Clid didn't know Lee Sins q's damage increased based on missing health and thought it was a bug lol, or that clip where Tian didn't know iverns shield slowed. While this guy is probably boosted it's not that weird for even v v talented players to not know relevant parts of abilities
Hello! first time caller and i just want to say This is peak content!! i watched the entire 2 hours! dudes legit Jaymo 2.0 LMFAO. i am now thoroughly a Sanch enjoyer
I started seizing up and blacking out during the Kha’zix game, I was starting to crawl on the walls at that blue buff clear. Then the voices were winning at the 6th minute
I rarely ever ever ever comment on RUclips videos even my favorite creators or anything. This video was absolutely goated, absolutely hysterical, we need more hopping on discord calls with people you run into whether it be delusional people like this or people who just get mad easily and u talk to them calmly and they actually turn out chill, etc. these videos make my day, they are absolute gold and I’m sure others would agree. Keep up the good work!
Silver lining is, Today I, as a master peaker, learnt that Kha'Zix Q evolve didnt do more damage than the simple one. Tonight when i get to bed, i'll be a smarter man than i was when i woke up.
@@barelyrain well, it really does do more damage if you mental gymnastics your way into it because evolved Q reduces cooldown, less cooldown = more Q's
As someone who hits diamond solo with a hardstuck account, this guy is low emerald at BEST gold-plat most likely. No one moves or does camps like this.
@@Dia__Dia it's sad but, there are players like this in emerald. The amount of incompetent jingling while hovering topside and outside, focusing on camps instead of looking at map is abhorrent. It actually isn't that uncommon which is sad, hence not a giveaway for me per say
It's human to enjoy a liar getting exposed. It's clear as day he got boosted and duo boosted. Hmm so strange, he's got a duo Khazix in his team all the time and suddenly after duo is disabled he starts playing Khazix and gets challenger 😂
Crazy how these kind of players exist. Clearly boosted and yet they refuse to admit how trash they are. His speech impediment is more consistent than his game knowledge.
Dude Sanchovies is a fucking legend, ACTUALLY a comedian streamer. I love how he turns this around to be funny. Might be the most talented streamer on Twitch. This is funny as shit!! Also ps editor, most editors are annoying when they do voice overs, you were excellent!
an actual smurf added me after a game to call me slurs and a one trick lux smurf...ive been playing for nomore than 5 months, silver, never played ranked and that was my 5th time playing lux since my first ever tutorial game. needless to say it felt pretty good that my shitty gameplay on a champ my mastery is still locked on got this smurf fuming so hard he himself thought i was smurfing and ontop of that a one trick. i will never forget the glory i felt as a newbie
I just watched this for 30 minutes so far and I have played the game for 3 weeks…I literally have no clue what they are talking about 90% of the time😭😭
@@thecatwiththegyat He could easily hit plat/emerald elo playing how he does. Not in any way saying he's playing well but if you can farm 7-8cs/m every game and not die an insane number of times then you can easily get emerald. The first time I hit emerald I thought it was going to be a genuine step up in skill level from plat. Spoiler alert: it's not. Emerald is the same dogshit plat players except it's the few of them who tilts/egos ever so slightly less than the average plat player does. Emerald players legit do not know how many minions it takes to get lvl 2 bot lane. They don't even know that shit half the time in Diamond dude. When I was in Emerald I remember getting subhumans who would be standing 2 miles behind me when we are playing draven nautilus vs cait yuumi. Do not be scared or nervous if you ever see an emerald in your game thinking they are better than you. They aren't. They're literally plat players who tilt slightly less.
@@YuYuYuna_ or you are like my brother and otp rengar and have 4.5million mastery point, top 10 most mastery point in the world on rengar and peak only d4. Nah i dont wanna trash talk him. I wanna more so thrash talk the bronzes here and the people just insulting penis. Penis might be boosted but he could be emerald or low diamond. And tbh sanchovies calling someone rtrd after a game is not streamer behavior... or shouldnt be... its like eeeehhh the discussion was kinda funny but its like just kids arguing in the end, big kids, we are talking about league here and then people thinking they are smart calling him bronze. I think its been almost a year that i havent played this game and if it isnt i am gonna celebrate when it is xd
I love these people who think K/D is the purest measurement of skill. "You went 0/8 you got carried". Meanwhile bro is playing a late game hypercarry, being camped by 2+ people all game. But still manages to have a 100cs lead and scale into winning fights, securing 8 kills, and winning the game. And even then, you have Baussen's law. You could be 0/8 and still have a gold and exp lead on your opponent. But not only that, if you manage to acquire such a lead with these conditions, it is an INCREDIBLY favorable position for multiple reasons: 1. Your lane opponent has a 1000g bounty waiting to be collected. 2. You are worth like 100g if you die. 3. Because of 1 and 2, you can make insanely risky plays or even sacrifice your life for objectives. Your death is 10% of the impact, that the enemy laner's is. He has to play very safe and not have as much impact with his items. Meanwhile you get to go wild. 4. Nobody expects you to be strong, and thus it makes it very easy to collect a cocky ADC's or midlaner's bounties. 5. Once you do get those bounties you slingshot way ahead the enemy team.
You're right that in high-rank games, especially in MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games, communication through pings is crucial. It helps teams coordinate, warn about potential threats like ganks, and strategize in real-time. Players who don't utilize pings might indicate inexperience or unfamiliarity with high-level play, which can suggest that they might have been boosted or purchased their account. Effective communication is a key component of success in high-rank games, and frequent use of pings is a natural part of that.
Bro I spam queued into buttabrains janna all last season me and my friends made a meme about him and now he’s getting exposed lmaoooo that guy is so lost bro
The funniest part is to be challenger, is like sub .1%. To be that good at a game, against other players who are also trying to sustain the pinnacle, you would be playing against the best min/maxers in the world. They would by definition KNOW EVERYTHING lmao. This guy lol. Thats like saying I can drive F1, without knowing how heat or slick affects my tires. 😂😂😂
I saw the short, got curious and started watching this, ribs hurting of laughter until 1:30:00 in when i saw the future chapter named " the booster joins" and almost lost my shit. Im so excited for what happens in another half hour of pure CONTENT
Some other things he randomly does super wrong on Kha... he kills the big wolf before the little ones, and he doesn't stand deep in the raptor pit while he clears to absorb xp from the Zed who's crashing a giant wave into a vacant tower. He doesn't look at lanes while he farms. He doesn't ping anything. He doesn't even think about ganking because he doesn't want to expose himself. He doesn't use his stealth to reset his passive or fake movement. He legit full clears vs a nidalee. The list keeps going.
The fact that he doesnt just skill W and go raptors -> krugs -> red and paths botside but instead decides on skilling Q on 100hp and going blue is crazy (and before anyone comes at me, I tried it in a custom, raptors with W on 100hp is doable as long as you smite)
How can you sit in a call and get humiliated for this long, lying about your skill level and "disprove" any points made against you by calling it trivia? I'd be embarrassed out of my arse...
The ultimate test is we set up two teams and have a mini-tournament Team Buttabrain vs Team Jaymo Look I know Jaymo has had a sketchy past but he plays a mean shyvana that I think could contest ButtaBrain's Diana. Do a best of 5. This is the content the community wants, please provide it Sanchovies!
It's funny that he keeps saying "why are you obsessed with me, why did you add me, etc" but he's the one who sent 50 friend requests and continued to seethe for 4 hours after the original conversation ended
While the guy was def brain damaged, I find it quite unreal that Sanch is playing on a random smurf account with smolder top, yet still flame his jungle. I get it, the guy isn't worthy of being in this elo, but how tilted must you be to dm people that they are bad while you are making the decision of playing in this elo to train your champ
I agree tbh. Was this guy bad? Yes. Was this guy delusional? Yes. Did this guy absolutely have a point that Sanch didn't need to start shit by messaging him and instigating and antagonizing and is 100% farming him for content? YES
@@Divide-R at the same time, he chose to actively engage with Sanch after the fact to the point of spamming him with friend requests and actively joining a discord call with him because he wanted so badly to try and change his mind, which is completely unnecessary if he just took what happened as a one-off incident and moved on with his life, so he brought it onto himself
Bro Im an iron janna player (played for about 1 1/2 months) and I know jannas passive by heart. I play support and shes my 4th most played champion. The fact that I understood how important jannas passive is to her kit and playstyle is crazy. A "challenger" janna player not knowing that. 100% boosted.
I understand not needing to know all of the ins and outs of a character, but not knowing Janna's passive would completely change how you play her..............................
I was rank 9 janna S12 (first month) with a 90% winrate in 70 games, and tbf, i couldnt tell u the passive. But yea i only peaked d1/ master promo, thats still 1k lp of what challenger caliber is. But still. I even think that going a tank diana build wasnt the nail in the coffin, if he would just argue that her base stats are pretty damn good and prefs a playstyle were he does not get blown up. What makes it 100% clear for me, a peak d1 player, was that he does not swap trinkets, does not respect prio at all, isnt at the right place ANYTIME, not even by fucking accident, cause one time he was BUT HE RAN INTO RIVER. His map movement/map awareness is even bad in the view of a d1 dogshit like me. But yeah that guy is a emerald peaker. How do i know? Cause i fucking built a house in emerald for 7 seasons...
It's not even tank diana, that's literally the issue. If he wanted to be tanky he literally could just go his first two core ap items (usually nashors + lich) and get zhonya into jaksho if he really feels like he needs to be tanky.
my god. this whole video is hilarious af. 2 hours of crazy funny shit. never knew this sanchovies guy, and idk how he is even allowed to be this savage on stream, but i am thankfull and love every second out of it! 🖤
I have a guy on my friends list who added me when I hard carried a lost game in toplane, I even got a solo penta. I very rarely play ranked so a few months later he asked me if I wanted to duo. I told him no because I only play ranked solo. He told me that I would stay hardstuck etc even though he asked me to duo. Now for the last year he has given up on climbing in solo/duo after advertising himself as many things such as top 300 Seraphine, top 50 Zeri euw, 70% winrate Nami, 60% winrate Vayne top. The list goes on. He is still hardstuck emerald and has gone into advertising himself for Flex instead so he can make his rank look better. Now he spends his days playing support in Flex or playing solo/duo as yuumi with anyone who is higher rank than him. This guy and the guy on my friends list give off the same vibes. Delusional player who gets boosted and is toxic because rank is somehow godhood.
Yeah I've talked to similar people like that and I wish I could say I feel bad for them but I don't. One of the guys I talked to bragged about being top 200 orianna support players. I shit you not. That guy is hardstuck emerald still with a sub 50% wr on their orianna support 1 trick. He added me after our game on my climb to diamond for the first time (which took me 200 games with a 60% wr on ADC).
Even if he sold 1 account who cares? He's making fun of people who are boosted but act like they aren't. You could never catch me acting like this, im self aware that I'm shit lol
@@qmanization2375 Boosting accounts ruin the game for others. That and it's against TOS, as is selling them. He is also a creator, which means he is showing/advertising that you can do this which makes it worse. He is the root of the problem like anyone else account selling/boosting/win trading. He should be banned for that alone. And he sold 1 account that we know of. Doesn't mean its the only one.
True I agree its cringe to sell an account, but its not really hypocritical that Sanch is critiquing this guy since he more has a problem that he is a serial liar.
I started playing LoL yesterday, I'm literally level 3. The minute that this dude tried to explain why he doesn't use Jungle timers all rational went out the window. There is not a sane soul on earth that could play this game solo q and not use jungle timers
I don't why I watched it full, but it was the most hilarious video I watched in a long time. Thank you Pinoy for the great compilation, and thank you Sanchovies for the great content with this guy and Vakin
you have seen what happened in NA politics. Why so surprised?
America is so FUCKED but it's honestly overdue.
@@koreantroll Just say you can't golf lil bro
how else do you expect politicians this bad win elections
@@carronline1 by hitting the ball 50 yards?
The point that solidified that he was boosted is when he didn't know that Kha'zix Q evolve doesn't do more damage but instead reduces the CD when isolated. No challenger player is not gonna know that about their champion.
@@SophieMochii i aint gonna lie i hit masters OCE (so take that with a grain if salt cause joke region) and i did not know this. not a kha main but played him a fair bit in norms and when i smurf to play with mates… embarassing lol
@@syphon_beanoyt4545 yea but the guy supposedly got challenger playing kha, therefore he wouldve known such thing...
@@syphon_beanoyt4545 getting masters on a small region while playing a champ *occasionally* and ONETRICKING a champ to chall EUW (best/second best server) are two very different things. The difference is as extreme as the difference between silver and diamond.
@@syphon_beanoyt4545 I mean hitting diamond/emerald isn't the same as challenger NA
@@syphon_beanoyt4545 yes friend but you didnt onetrick khazix to challenger on eu west. ive played a fair bit of many champions that i dont know the ins and outs of in normals too
The biggest sign of mental illness is this dude stayed the entire time. He coulda been gone anytike but the ego had him in a chokehold
gotta be a masochist or some lmfao
He has the lolcow gene.
the part earlier in the vid where he was just parroting that sanchovies is obsessed with him and wont leave him alone, my brother in Christ hang up the call
@@spacewalker98 i mean both of them are pretty cringe for that long of an argument like hit play next and move on brother who cares its not serious
@@shawnmorris9175 i agree, although sanch was farming content and penis said he stayed in the call for content (but it was prob also ego) he prob js wants his minute of fame. all these arm chair psychiatrists in the comments like diagnosing this troll to make themselves feel normal lmao
Bro vakin joining the call just make this shit 10x funnier “wizard potion masta” 😂
At that point it was just straight bullying lol, I kinda felt bad for him because he doesn't have any social skills so he just made a fool of himself.
@@demon5965 I would agree with you except this guy bought an account, is griefing in a rank he doesnt belong, then lied about being boosted on stream to the guy he just got done griefing. If you dont want to be bullied on stream maybe just play in gold/silver where he actually belongs. Im not even that good - only plat/emerald but I've never once thought to buy a boost and ruin games after not giving the time and effort required to get there, and even if I did I sure as fuck wouldn't pretend I knew better than anyone that actually was at the rank in question then lie about being challenger.
@@demon5965 Deserves the bullying, look at that impulsive lying behavior that little boy needs parenting
@@wallr54 yo bro shut up!
@@wallr54 bro try to go into call with two people screaming at your ear trying to critique every move while making fun of you while putting pressure on you. If you are emerald player, you would play like a bronze in that moment, especially when you would be anti-social like the guy in the call.
Loooool same, but he made a new account named CN Katadin. You can't make this shit up
@@oldycow CN as in China so he bought it from a chinese booster most likely
Lol ur right xD. He is duo queue
@@Ironsvillage I think the guy in question is asian. He has the slight asian accent mixed in with his speech
@@oldycow update, hes still getting boosted by that guy this second xD
'holy fuck this diana has thornmail' -scarra 2:13:43
you can't. you simply can not make this shit up omfg
when was this?
2:13:44 i cant believe i watched and kistened to this guy for 2 hours
@@Lars_-zd4eryour brain got so fried up from watching this boosted gameplay that you forgot how to spell listen, the disease is contagious G_G
@@gtgaminghq1733 lind of
why in the world would buttanuts do this to himself...
"hmm today I will expose myself to an actual player with 1,000's of people watching live"
@@LEANMACHINE123 Things people do for even negative exposure...
because his delusional clout chasing mind think that this is a "streamer being toxic gotcha time to cancel" moment for him that logic trump his critical thinking skills.
@peepss2616 more like cuz he spends 1000s of dollars getting a boosted account to pretend he's not boosted and then loses every game realizes he is boosted and then wants to get something out of the money he wasted by trolling and flaming people.
Why do you compliment him by saying he has trump logic@@peepss2616
Two hours straight of lying is crazy. I was hoping he’d at least admit it in the end.
nah he mental
he is a psychopatchic liar
you'd hope it was a troll but he was serious
I watched to the end cause I really wanted to know how much he spent
Him not confessing killed me inside
2 hours of Sanch is unbeatable.
unbeatable? I just beat to it wdym
@@kuematah6300 w
i love it so much
@@ZaderTheOrginal gay
The immediate emoting from Solarbaca, literally one of the most respected players making fun of the situation just tells me how delusional this man is. Even in clips Scarra is laughing his ass off about this same person
where'd you see the scarra clips
@@diegoruiz5393 one clip is at the very end of the vid
The thing that is insane - this guy grifed infinity amount of games and can't drop to emerald or gold or whatver elo he belongs but a couple of seasons ago they could detect from 5 games that you belong in smurf que.
But they still wont do a hard reset, boosted and sold accounts are so insanely common.
tf is smurf que?
@@locktale that's where all your enemies turn blue :)
It took them like 2 years to understand that new accounts starting in plat maybe is not a good idea
There should be a straightjacket and a padded cell for anyone that buys a boosted account, scripts, or cheats in any fashion because every one of these people I've interacted with are seriously crazy.
The way this guy's brain has to function to think he can talk his way out of this is seriously unnerving. The way he types paragraphs and crybullies pretending he wasn't toxic is demented. The way he tries to take the moral highground and make Sanch look worse when he's on a bought account and lying about every interaction is nearing on delusional.
He's larping as a good player, a non-existent caricature of himself, and that's some disturbing shit.
Textbook narcissism
In a video game nontheless.. makes me think this dude must have a giga sad life
league is not this serious dawg 😭🙏
they're both cringe, but sanch is way worse considering he's the one who even started talking to get satisfaction based on the guy's reaction. the guy has every right to be mad there cause he shouldn't be getting flamed just cause he's having a bad game
@@levito7783 sanch is just making content plus it's entertaining
was about to comment that
I have played 1000+ league games. That Khazix game was quite possibly the worst decision making at level 1 i’ve EVER seen
Its the worst decision perse its just his approach and pathing its permabanable
1000 league games is not a lot for league, no?
@@alb1reousually people say rank game quantity doesnt really mean much but the point is still solid tho
its not.. @@alb1reo
@@alb1reo tbh 1000 games is still very beginner level of league but hes still right. that guy needs to be permabanned
that guy is gold i know when i see another gold player
He's worse than me and I'm silver at peak
@@elderkirkus as a silver player was having so much fun getting al the trivia right
@@trashtalker7886 he is not gold, he is atleast emerald, probably like dia3
@@crazy75ablealright bro nice alt account now go back to giving people cancer on the rift
@@crazy75able absolutely not lmao
25:28 "Look at me walking back to lane like a sad little dragon because my jungle's a ret***" 🤣🤣🤣
Now I understand why NA solo q is so messed up. It all makes sense now.
@@xiopia3940 are you the guy in the video cuz thats just a blatant lie.
these people are insane
@@AdrianW8891hes a league fan bro theyre all mental
boosted players exist on every server
@@AdrianW8891 the reason for that is the average American citizen and his education system who failed him 😂
The fact that he sounds like tarzaned so much makes this absolute fucking cinema xddd
@@shyny7561 i thought i was the only 1
No he fucking doesn’t
@@kurotsuchi25 then ur a braindead
Nah, how am I supposed to watch this without fuckin blowing my brains out?
On mute.
Skip through
@@aR0ttenBANANA I agree guy is a real troll....
This is a regular thing now that I'm continuously experiencing in my normal games. People who legitimately don't have any real game knowledge, they just think they can play the character. I don't play ranked for reasons like this, too many bots/scripters/boosters.
@@jessm.2779 Bro it's normals. People are going to play shit they don't know. That's what it's there for. As long as they aren't intentionally trying to ruin other players' fun and are legit just trying to learn the champ, it's fine to be an idiot in normals.
"were not asking you what everything does, were asking you what anything does." absolute bar
this guy is not a diamond player. the only way he's diamond is playing enchanter support. he has no game knowledge, no mechanics. he's terrible.
also he is a compulsive liar. i've met a bunch of people like this. must be exhausting to be this person
I was just about to comment on the compulsive liar part. Just keeps getting caught in lies and it doesn’t stop him from just telling bigger ones. Kind of sad at some point
I mean even if he plays echantress if he has no knowledge mechanics or macro he wont make it, i think it's a bought account or boosted one for sure
You are probably not a diamond player to not see that he probably is one, or atleast emerald.
@@crazy75ableBro, why are you vouching for this guy? Silvers have better game sense than Penis.
@@crazy75able I am a multi-season challenger peak/finish and I can CLEARLY tell this guy is hardstuck GOLD playing 100% SOLOq. If he somehow breaks free from his chains (irl) and peak dark green or light green elo then it will be due to vast amount of games on an easy-to-climb champion.
He could never even touch blue elo.
Vakin was such a good addition to this tbh
Butta rlly could’ve wrapped it up if he just said he didn’t like being called the r word, and was just there to defend himself
Or even better, don't add the guy who's clearly only friending you to flame, and move tf on with your life instead of getting stuck in a 2 hour discord call getting roasted non-stop
yea legit that was clearly what was pissing him off but he sounds sick in the head so it probably hit a little too close to home lol
Yeah for real he was just upset for getting insulted and then dug a 10 inch grave for himself. I can sympathize a little bit cus who enjoys getting flamed yk? But adding someone after 4 hours is crazy 💀
@@talex3844what’s even more unhinged is that he spam friend added sanch for 3 hours prior to this 2 hour discord call
@@AidanStewart9 no bro, i genuinely think league players love getting angry. Its the only emotional they feel in their shit freak life, so 2 hours of non stop flaming resuscitated him from his slumber
So I don't know if it's an act to be entertaining or anything, but as somebody who doesn't know who sanchovies is, I see no difference in mental illness between that first guy and Sanchovies in the first 12 minutes.
Thats what I just noticed.
I mean you must not play league at all then if you can't tell the difference regardless of knowing either of them. Sanch sounds like a toxic/passive aggressive league player but one that can back it up (and does in this video) with his understanding of the game. Meanwhile the other guy is some plat or AT MOST emerald player who paid for a boost to get to challenger and is not griefing masters games. Not a single person in the world plays such vastly different champs in entirely different roles on the same account and is challenger. No one plays Janna Azir K6 split evenly between them and is challenger.
i was sold when i realized he went thornmail second into smolder, lux, brand, alistar...there is no reason to rush thornmail for kindred XDDDD
Into kindred lol. A wardens mail would have even been better into a kindred but you don't need early armour into a kindred lol
Thts a scaling champ. She is pretty weak early game
What do you know bro we arent azir janna khazix challengers I guess.
i really like this guys weird headcanon that he sticks to - he is built so different, that he gets to challenger without knowing his mains abilities, he doesnt care about other players in his elo and doesn't recognise anyone, also he doesn't care about what role to play or what runes to go, he is just a problem
Tbf there are pro player's in the LEC who cant tell you what a champ in their role does. Rest of the video was spot on but the Trivia was kind of off. There is proof of this ofc, they do quizzes in the LEC on YT. Not that the players in LEC is good but it does bring light that you can reach a certain pinnacle in league without knowing shit.
There's that funny KR clip where Clid didn't know Lee Sins q's damage increased based on missing health and thought it was a bug lol, or that clip where Tian didn't know iverns shield slowed. While this guy is probably boosted it's not that weird for even v v talented players to not know relevant parts of abilities
also damn pinoy cooking with the added commentary, keep it up dude
Keeping it up with the shillinf thats what you want right ?
@@NewUser000NewUserwe found penis
1:14:17 “you told me you don’t go blue trinket on azir and now you don’t go the red one on khazix, what do you have yellow ever” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
pinoy did a awesome job
-said no one ever
@@takshaak47 ? The video was edited well and he provided context well
Yeah he did amazing
Hello! first time caller and i just want to say This is peak content!! i watched the entire 2 hours! dudes legit Jaymo 2.0 LMFAO. i am now thoroughly a Sanch enjoyer
Welcome to the crew boss
Bro is a Pathological Liar case study
there was so much evidence, its literally depressing that he cant admit to it.
He cant, cuz he will get his acc banned. He paid so much for boosting... He cant lose that much money...
This guy has nothing but league and anime, go watch one of the recent vids.
this was peak documentary
I started seizing up and blacking out during the Kha’zix game, I was starting to crawl on the walls at that blue buff clear. Then the voices were winning at the 6th minute
I figured out why it's so insufferable to listen to. He just doesn't stop talking. EVER
For me its cuz he cant admit to anything, and if hes found out he tells another lie or just says something to shift the blame
@@GamingbrotherfanDonut he talks like tarzaned as well
I rarely ever ever ever comment on RUclips videos even my favorite creators or anything. This video was absolutely goated, absolutely hysterical, we need more hopping on discord calls with people you run into whether it be delusional people like this or people who just get mad easily and u talk to them calmly and they actually turn out chill, etc. these videos make my day, they are absolute gold and I’m sure others would agree. Keep up the good work!
I dont think anyone cares about your opinion. Congrats that you never comment on vids! Hope your dad dont beat you !
Silver lining is, Today I, as a master peaker, learnt that Kha'Zix Q evolve didnt do more damage than the simple one. Tonight when i get to bed, i'll be a smarter man than i was when i woke up.
Diamond Khazix main here. I literally didn’t know this 😭😭
@@barelyrainTwT played khazix for 2 years as a jungle and didn’t know but I did know that it extended auto range
@@barelyrain well, it really does do more damage if you mental gymnastics your way into it because evolved Q reduces cooldown, less cooldown = more Q's
As someone who hits diamond solo with a hardstuck account, this guy is low emerald at BEST gold-plat most likely. No one moves or does camps like this.
the perma lock-screen never hovering camera over his lanes and not tracking enemy jungler is a dead giveaway too
he's pre emerald gold 4. like 100%
@@summonstormx yeah he doesn’t kite his camps and he moves his camera randomly. Doesn’t even get info with his camera movements
Bro please us emerald players do not accept him after seeing that khazix
@@Dia__Dia it's sad but, there are players like this in emerald. The amount of incompetent jingling while hovering topside and outside, focusing on camps instead of looking at map is abhorrent. It actually isn't that uncommon which is sad, hence not a giveaway for me per say
That dude literally bought a high elo account. His arguments are all noob arguments ie:moot
20:34 "no sane person..." made me snap out of this. No sane person would watch the whole video.
Why did I watch the entire thing and enjoy it. I don’t know what is wrong with me
It's human to enjoy a liar getting exposed. It's clear as day he got boosted and duo boosted.
Hmm so strange, he's got a duo Khazix in his team all the time and suddenly after duo is disabled he starts playing Khazix and gets challenger 😂
Me too
Crazy how these kind of players exist. Clearly boosted and yet they refuse to admit how trash they are. His speech impediment is more consistent than his game knowledge.
this was the funniest thing to watch live
Dude Sanchovies is a fucking legend, ACTUALLY a comedian streamer. I love how he turns this around to be funny. Might be the most talented streamer on Twitch. This is funny as shit!!
Also ps editor, most editors are annoying when they do voice overs, you were excellent!
W glaze (i also love my little pookie bear)
Sanch is great bro but stop slobbering and choking on it
Glazing is surreal. jesus chrsti
an actual smurf added me after a game to call me slurs and a one trick lux smurf...ive been playing for nomore than 5 months, silver, never played ranked and that was my 5th time playing lux since my first ever tutorial game. needless to say it felt pretty good that my shitty gameplay on a champ my mastery is still locked on got this smurf fuming so hard he himself thought i was smurfing and ontop of that a one trick. i will never forget the glory i felt as a newbie
I just watched this for 30 minutes so far and I have played the game for 3 weeks…I literally have no clue what they are talking about 90% of the time😭😭
this was too entertaining i didnt notice it was 2 hours
"You lose so many games I don't even know which one it is" genuinely made me laugh so f'ing hard 😂😂
Bro this guy saying a basic ass azir mechanic is trivia is killing me
holy redditor. this guy is plat prob. he looks like he plays azir. but def cant be higher than plat.
@@coleg9113 nah bronze iron
@@jeremiahpreston987 You think too highly of yourself
Honestly I’m plat and I don’t even think this monkey could hit plat unless he did just coin flip winning times and climbed by chance
@@thecatwiththegyat He could easily hit plat/emerald elo playing how he does. Not in any way saying he's playing well but if you can farm 7-8cs/m every game and not die an insane number of times then you can easily get emerald. The first time I hit emerald I thought it was going to be a genuine step up in skill level from plat. Spoiler alert: it's not. Emerald is the same dogshit plat players except it's the few of them who tilts/egos ever so slightly less than the average plat player does. Emerald players legit do not know how many minions it takes to get lvl 2 bot lane. They don't even know that shit half the time in Diamond dude. When I was in Emerald I remember getting subhumans who would be standing 2 miles behind me when we are playing draven nautilus vs cait yuumi. Do not be scared or nervous if you ever see an emerald in your game thinking they are better than you. They aren't. They're literally plat players who tilt slightly less.
@@YuYuYuna_ or you are like my brother and otp rengar and have 4.5million mastery point, top 10 most mastery point in the world on rengar and peak only d4. Nah i dont wanna trash talk him. I wanna more so thrash talk the bronzes here and the people just insulting penis. Penis might be boosted but he could be emerald or low diamond. And tbh sanchovies calling someone rtrd after a game is not streamer behavior... or shouldnt be... its like eeeehhh the discussion was kinda funny but its like just kids arguing in the end, big kids, we are talking about league here and then people thinking they are smart calling him bronze. I think its been almost a year that i havent played this game and if it isnt i am gonna celebrate when it is xd
I love these people who think K/D is the purest measurement of skill. "You went 0/8 you got carried". Meanwhile bro is playing a late game hypercarry, being camped by 2+ people all game. But still manages to have a 100cs lead and scale into winning fights, securing 8 kills, and winning the game.
And even then, you have Baussen's law. You could be 0/8 and still have a gold and exp lead on your opponent. But not only that, if you manage to acquire such a lead with these conditions, it is an INCREDIBLY favorable position for multiple reasons:
1. Your lane opponent has a 1000g bounty waiting to be collected.
2. You are worth like 100g if you die.
3. Because of 1 and 2, you can make insanely risky plays or even sacrifice your life for objectives. Your death is 10% of the impact, that the enemy laner's is. He has to play very safe and not have as much impact with his items. Meanwhile you get to go wild.
4. Nobody expects you to be strong, and thus it makes it very easy to collect a cocky ADC's or midlaner's bounties.
5. Once you do get those bounties you slingshot way ahead the enemy team.
@Pinoy, you're a blessing on this Earth. Keep up the great edits
You're right that in high-rank games, especially in MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games, communication through pings is crucial. It helps teams coordinate, warn about potential threats like ganks, and strategize in real-time. Players who don't utilize pings might indicate inexperience or unfamiliarity with high-level play, which can suggest that they might have been boosted or purchased their account. Effective communication is a key component of success in high-rank games, and frequent use of pings is a natural part of that.
Bro I spam queued into buttabrains janna all last season me and my friends made a meme about him and now he’s getting exposed lmaoooo that guy is so lost bro
"You're not voyboy, this isnt tech" sent me 💀💀💀💀💀
10:43 this is one of the best feelings playing league man
gtta be🤣
The funniest part is to be challenger, is like sub .1%. To be that good at a game, against other players who are also trying to sustain the pinnacle, you would be playing against the best min/maxers in the world. They would by definition KNOW EVERYTHING lmao. This guy lol.
Thats like saying I can drive F1, without knowing how heat or slick affects my tires. 😂😂😂
I saw the short, got curious and started watching this, ribs hurting of laughter until 1:30:00 in when i saw the future chapter named " the booster joins" and almost lost my shit. Im so excited for what happens in another half hour of pure CONTENT
The way he went Ghost and Conq as Diana into 4 ranged, ICANT
Some other things he randomly does super wrong on Kha... he kills the big wolf before the little ones, and he doesn't stand deep in the raptor pit while he clears to absorb xp from the Zed who's crashing a giant wave into a vacant tower. He doesn't look at lanes while he farms. He doesn't ping anything. He doesn't even think about ganking because he doesn't want to expose himself. He doesn't use his stealth to reset his passive or fake movement. He legit full clears vs a nidalee. The list keeps going.
I’m the Diana in the Janna game. Who knew all this was happening in the background of some random match lol crazy.
hahah that must be wild
It's the "stop being cute. You're smiling ear to ear right now, you little imp" that took me out 😂🤣😂🤣😂
This- makes me feel SO good about myself. Never gotten that tag before. I thought I was bad at some characters. DAMN
“The challenger midlander doesn’t ping” this shit sent me
Nobody won from this interaction
The fact that he doesnt just skill W and go raptors -> krugs -> red and paths botside but instead decides on skilling Q on 100hp and going blue is crazy (and before anyone comes at me, I tried it in a custom, raptors with W on 100hp is doable as long as you smite)
How can you sit in a call and get humiliated for this long, lying about your skill level and "disprove" any points made against you by calling it trivia? I'd be embarrassed out of my arse...
This guy is the Jaymo of 2024, the Drake to Sanch's Kendrick of you will
The ultimate test is we set up two teams and have a mini-tournament
Team Buttabrain vs Team Jaymo
Look I know Jaymo has had a sketchy past but he plays a mean shyvana that I think could contest ButtaBrain's Diana.
Do a best of 5. This is the content the community wants, please provide it Sanchovies!
Pinoy commentary is so good, need more of vids like this
I know tarzaned is on the bad guy list right now, but i would pay my bank account to see tarzaned vod review this guy
"this isn't Jaymo bro" 😂 istg if this guy has a google doc I'm gonna cry
It's funny that he keeps saying "why are you obsessed with me, why did you add me, etc" but he's the one who sent 50 friend requests and continued to seethe for 4 hours after the original conversation ended
i slept through nearly the whole vid and my dreams were awful
this was awesome. many chuckles :D
While the guy was def brain damaged, I find it quite unreal that Sanch is playing on a random smurf account with smolder top, yet still flame his jungle. I get it, the guy isn't worthy of being in this elo, but how tilted must you be to dm people that they are bad while you are making the decision of playing in this elo to train your champ
I agree tbh. Was this guy bad? Yes. Was this guy delusional? Yes. Did this guy absolutely have a point that Sanch didn't need to start shit by messaging him and instigating and antagonizing and is 100% farming him for content? YES
@@Divide-R at the same time, he chose to actively engage with Sanch after the fact to the point of spamming him with friend requests and actively joining a discord call with him because he wanted so badly to try and change his mind, which is completely unnecessary if he just took what happened as a one-off incident and moved on with his life, so he brought it onto himself
@@Divide-Rsanch wasnt going to farm him.. that dude sent friend requests for 4hours
its master 200lp lmfao
nah all these comments have to be from the boosters discord server the guy spammed sacnh friend requests for 4 hours he wanted the beef
Bro Im an iron janna player (played for about 1 1/2 months) and I know jannas passive by heart. I play support and shes my 4th most played champion. The fact that I understood how important jannas passive is to her kit and playstyle is crazy. A "challenger" janna player not knowing that. 100% boosted.
Bro this video was gas holy shit, keep it up pinoy
I understand not needing to know all of the ins and outs of a character, but not knowing Janna's passive would completely change how you play her..............................
days after this video bro is still spamming diana and the winrate has dropped even lower LOL
and playing like 13 games a day :o
no way.. bro hes not a streamer, he doesnt play league all day, that cant be him
first 2 hour video ive seen in YEARS. Absolute cinema
Nahhh bro was just on the spectrum HEAVY😂😂
I was rank 9 janna S12 (first month) with a 90% winrate in 70 games, and tbf, i couldnt tell u the passive. But yea i only peaked d1/ master promo, thats still 1k lp of what challenger caliber is. But still.
I even think that going a tank diana build wasnt the nail in the coffin, if he would just argue that her base stats are pretty damn good and prefs a playstyle were he does not get blown up. What makes it 100% clear for me, a peak d1 player, was that he does not swap trinkets, does not respect prio at all, isnt at the right place ANYTIME, not even by fucking accident, cause one time he was BUT HE RAN INTO RIVER. His map movement/map awareness is even bad in the view of a d1 dogshit like me. But yeah that guy is a emerald peaker. How do i know? Cause i fucking built a house in emerald for 7 seasons...
It's not even tank diana, that's literally the issue. If he wanted to be tanky he literally could just go his first two core ap items (usually nashors + lich) and get zhonya into jaksho if he really feels like he needs to be tanky.
my god. this whole video is hilarious af. 2 hours of crazy funny shit. never knew this sanchovies guy, and idk how he is even allowed to be this savage on stream, but i am thankfull and love every second out of it! 🖤
He is STILL getting boosted by the same khazix hahaha
I have a guy on my friends list who added me when I hard carried a lost game in toplane, I even got a solo penta. I very rarely play ranked so a few months later he asked me if I wanted to duo. I told him no because I only play ranked solo. He told me that I would stay hardstuck etc even though he asked me to duo. Now for the last year he has given up on climbing in solo/duo after advertising himself as many things such as top 300 Seraphine, top 50 Zeri euw, 70% winrate Nami, 60% winrate Vayne top. The list goes on. He is still hardstuck emerald and has gone into advertising himself for Flex instead so he can make his rank look better. Now he spends his days playing support in Flex or playing solo/duo as yuumi with anyone who is higher rank than him.
This guy and the guy on my friends list give off the same vibes. Delusional player who gets boosted and is toxic because rank is somehow godhood.
lol that guy suck 🤣
Yeah I've talked to similar people like that and I wish I could say I feel bad for them but I don't. One of the guys I talked to bragged about being top 200 orianna support players. I shit you not. That guy is hardstuck emerald still with a sub 50% wr on their orianna support 1 trick. He added me after our game on my climb to diamond for the first time (which took me 200 games with a 60% wr on ADC).
didn't Tyler1 find you sold an account? And you have the gall to do mock these people? You are part of the problem.
Even if he sold 1 account who cares? He's making fun of people who are boosted but act like they aren't.
You could never catch me acting like this, im self aware that I'm shit lol
@@qmanization2375 Boosting accounts ruin the game for others. That and it's against TOS, as is selling them. He is also a creator, which means he is showing/advertising that you can do this which makes it worse. He is the root of the problem like anyone else account selling/boosting/win trading. He should be banned for that alone.
And he sold 1 account that we know of. Doesn't mean its the only one.
True I agree its cringe to sell an account, but its not really hypocritical that Sanch is critiquing this guy since he more has a problem that he is a serial liar.
@@drthvdr2802 fair!
bro gets challenger without knowing what a minion is
I dont know whats worse...calling someone "penis" or telling someone to end his life because his ego got bruised over a videogame.....
Ikr... I think it's really funny how bad this guy is, but the name-calling was immature and unasked for..
@@Schimml0rd yea massive L for sanchez here really embarrassing.
Honestly couldn't even get past the first few minutes. Too insufferable and toxic. Whatever the guy did it can't be as bad as this behaviour.
@@NolsHub found penis
@@NolsHublying, and doubling down on your lies even to the point of absurdity deserves ridicule.
I started playing LoL yesterday, I'm literally level 3. The minute that this dude tried to explain why he doesn't use Jungle timers all rational went out the window. There is not a sane soul on earth that could play this game solo q and not use jungle timers
if this guy is actually diamond my grandma can get diamond dude what the fk
bro I don't think I've ever played Janna and I know her passive
there's a whole ahh visual effect of it throughout the whole game
Oh hey Jaymo
When penis said he used yellow wards that was the last straw for me.
I don't why I watched it full, but it was the most hilarious video I watched in a long time.
Thank you Pinoy for the great compilation, and thank you Sanchovies for the great content with this guy and Vakin
yo as a diana player liandry/riftmaker is the standard build at this point even if the guy is wrong im tired of seeing ppl flamed for it
24:05 an iron diana would probably do this exact play, zero map awareness, let me do grubs because grubs are op, strategy doesnt matter.
@@yuumijungle548 Literally me
Crazy how braindead some junglers are. I see this shit happen even in plat
Ive spent 12 straight seasons in gold and im telling you pookie, this guy is gold.