Here’s the 100th video of the channel since the restart. I’ve got a few videos lined up for you as well - my first general shao combos and impressions of the game
Omg bro I remember I used to watch your videos and your livestreams all of the time, I don’t know what happened to your main channel but remember when we used to talk? I was also a Kotal main and we even played together once, good times man
Here’s the 100th video of the channel since the restart.
I’ve got a few videos lined up for you as well - my first general shao combos and impressions of the game
this gonna get players mad BIG time 😂😂
I’m about to get t-bagged harder than I’ve ever been before now😂
Gone are the days of humble Kotal gameplay you’re about to get this IRL tbag😂😂😂
@@AndyOtam as long as it’s from you big fella😉
You trying to disrespect big time 😂😂😂the turbo bags
😂😂😂 gotta bag and move like MJ at the same time
I hope you’re feeling better bro
Omg bro I remember I used to watch your videos and your livestreams all of the time, I don’t know what happened to your main channel but remember when we used to talk? I was also a Kotal main and we even played together once, good times man
Good times indeed, I’ll stream once I get proper WiFi at the new place I’m staying
Andy, when the lives my dude?
When I get proper WiFi - it’s costing 490USD
@@AndyOtamTake your time.