JJ Tabane's view

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • "Today (Zandile Gumede) is wearing it because she wants sympathy from the religious folks. it's disgusting, it's bad actually very bad." - JJ Tabane's view on Durban Mayor Zandile Gumede going for prayers before her court appearance.

Комментарии • 54

  • @refilweharvey4832
    @refilweharvey4832 5 лет назад +14

    I just love you JJ, I really admire your frankness and straight talk, please don't ever stop, tell it like it is ALWAYS Thank you 🔥👌

  • @omphilephokontsi6312
    @omphilephokontsi6312 5 лет назад +8

    We should protect this brother of ours at all costs

  • @omphemetsechake2839
    @omphemetsechake2839 5 лет назад +7

    This guy JJ...is super good. This is views South Africa was never ready for👌👌👌

  • @TsheM
    @TsheM 5 лет назад +11

    JJ is the man sure.O tso dusta uniform ya bo mme ba morapelo😂😂😂😂 Love yòu all the way from Toronto🇨🇦 O re gopotsa gae maan!

  • @bellspotledi7891
    @bellspotledi7891 5 лет назад +9

    Keep uploading JJ's view.. Thank you

  • @sollymolete1015
    @sollymolete1015 2 года назад +1

    👏👏👏 well said...

  • @ngunzamorais6810
    @ngunzamorais6810 5 лет назад +5

    Three kinds of Backwardness 1- Racism, 2- Xenophobia and 3- Tribalism! I couldn't agree with you more on that one, clearly, its high time that these platforms are used to send out reasonable views into the minds of people and to finally educate some of us with backwardness mentality! keep it up Bra JJ!!!

  • @VelaXanko
    @VelaXanko 5 лет назад +7

    Keep those rants coming

  • @moramokhelesekoera442
    @moramokhelesekoera442 5 лет назад +1

    God bless you sir

  • @donbaldtnoa5072
    @donbaldtnoa5072 5 лет назад +4

    JJ Tabane's views........ I love it. you have been missing man. I wish you could vent for like 30mins

  • @bhekisibiluane4030
    @bhekisibiluane4030 5 лет назад +4

    More JJ please!!

  • @Manuqtix.Manuqtix
    @Manuqtix.Manuqtix 3 года назад


  • @koenasolomonmashamaite7547
    @koenasolomonmashamaite7547 10 месяцев назад

    good work

  • @lebogangbossjesusmatabolog4332
    @lebogangbossjesusmatabolog4332 5 лет назад +6

    Weitsi sometimes i think people dont know what xenophobia is, they call everything xenophobia. Even when justice is been served to our african brothers, Ghana deported over 700 Nigerians , congo Brazzaville deported Congolese from Kinshasa. I think we should simply just start respecting other Africans land

  • @yaseenomar5090
    @yaseenomar5090 2 года назад


  • @Kokwane828
    @Kokwane828 5 лет назад +3

    more jj plz 👍👌

  • @Gamersunny183
    @Gamersunny183 5 лет назад +1

    Speak JJ, love you

  • @siphonxele8627
    @siphonxele8627 5 лет назад +2

    I agree with you JJ xenophobia is wrong, it's evil.

  • @bonganinkabinde6457
    @bonganinkabinde6457 5 лет назад +1

    Well said

  • @segongwanedoctor3484
    @segongwanedoctor3484 5 лет назад +2

    South Africa [as] one of the most polarised societies along racial lines in the world.
    J.J you really touch on important issues. You know, on the element of xenophobia, i don't really think is xenophobia. I think it's Afrophobia. And the latter to be frank, is caused by the state of our economy not being able to cater for ordinary South Africans. As South Africans, we tend to think that Africans are a threat to us. Look at it this way, why are South Africans often seen attacking BLACK AFRICANS? It is a fact that foreign nationals (well, most of them) are involved in illegal businesses. Look at the issue of counterfeit goods in JHB. Ordinary South Africans think they are equal to the Foreign nationals, economically of course. So this is more of a competition among them. They think they are taking their jobs, wives etc. This is why they never fight white foreigners because they think they cant compete with them. Our economy as individuals is bad, now let's focus on emancipating ordinary South Africans economically. Economy is the hub of most of South Africa's problems. One is demeaned because of their economic status, one is disregarded because of their economic status, one is not given a job because of their economic status. Capitalism subtly conditions us to look at life through economic lens.

  • @Mushonga808
    @Mushonga808 5 лет назад +2

    Daily uploads please

  • @mahlatse91selowa9
    @mahlatse91selowa9 5 лет назад +5

    Julius malema preach the same

    • @someguy007
      @someguy007 5 лет назад

      Julius Malema is a racist himself

  • @mthokozisilanga4497
    @mthokozisilanga4497 5 лет назад +2

    Let me clarify the issue, first let me disclose that I am from exile. Xenophobia is bad,however, let not everything be interpreted as xenophobia. Secondly it is very barbaric to make Afrikan people who have been allowed to leave in your country unwelcomed, because you voted for those immigration policies when you voted for the ANC.
    Yes in exile we lived in camps, only the few especially in the leadership, those not in the leadership whose permission was applied for by the party they belonged to, to be in their headqaurter’s or office and those at schools, and some who were professionals employed by those governments or by the UN. The rest of us were laungishing in camps. I would not like to see anyone living the life I lived in exile, it was horrible, from Dukwe and other camps, it was not a nice place to live.
    Now let me debunk the prevalent theory that Afrikans had no borders, that is not true. People confuses the the borders drawn by the Berlin Conference of 1884-5, better known as the Scramble for Africa. This eludes even the brightest minds we have, leaders that I personally respect and cherish. Afrikans had their own borders, the land marks were used to establish the land of the Lozi, thae Karanga, the baHurutse, baNkwato, Bakgatla, amaZulu, amaXhosa, and even amongst these Nguni groups who spoke the same dialects they had borders amongst each other. That is why we had certain groups during the times of wars becoming refugees in another tribes, and become part and parcel of those tribes, eg the Ndwandwes runnung to the Tsonga, Makonde and Ndau lands today called Mozambique. The amaXhosa themselves grew exponentially due to welcoming refugees from other tribes. So it is a fallacy that Afrikans never had imaginery border lines drawn. We use rivers, mountains, foressts etc. that is why today one can identify the land that was Hausa, or Igbo in Nageria.
    Now advocating for monitored borders, reduction of immigrants and screening of immigrants is not xenophobia. Each and every country has finite resources, that is why even amongst its citizens it may encourage family planning. We cannot be the only country in the world that ignores the basic rules of economics, supply and demand. We are living in a capitalistic world and our country is as capitalistic as they come. The influx of immigrants does outstrech the finite resources this country has and thus results into the rise of all kinds of social ills, including xenophobia.
    South Afrika is a member of the UN, thus it has the responsibility of taking care of refugees as defined by the UN Charter, however, economic refugees are not part of that definition. We are a country struggling to feed its poor, we cannot employ our own and certainly we cannot afford to allow economic refugees to exacerbate the problems already conflated by the corrupt state of our government.
    The second issue I have to deal with is the notion that it is only us South Africans who went to exile, and all these other Afrikan countries were only catering for us, so we alone should open our borders indiscriminantly. A good example, In 1984, just two years after its independance, Zimbabwe deported hundreds of Zambians and Malawians in the country. Mind you Zimbambwe had military bases in Zambia. This was not something sinister on the part of Zimbabwe, but it had to remove undocumented people as per how countries are normally run all over the world.
    When Namibia got its independance, some South Afrikans who find it hard to live in other Afrikan countries, and those who were to support the ANC mission in Namibia as a new independent country, were not welcomed by the locals. But similar to what transpired in Zimbambwe, Namibia deported Mozambicans and Angolans who were in the country. We all know that these countries were the greatest spring boards for the SWAPO operatives. These countries never stopped there they continued deported Afrikan foreign nationals, eg this year, the Namibian police rounded a Zimbambwean church service and arrested every undocumented Zimbabwean and deported them back to Zimbabwe, that is not xenophobic, unless it is done in this country, that is not a short memory unless it is done by South Afrikans. In 2017, the Zimbabwean police arrested eight Malawi nationals, who were running businesses, like Somali nationals do in South Afrika. The men were kept in the maximum prison, that is not xenophobia, no outcry from the Human rights groups. Zimbabwe has millions of its citizens around the world, but it could not accommodate eight Malawi nationals, who were doing business in the country. The Zimbabwean govt liased with the Malawi govt to send a bus and collect its nationals.
    Nigeria, last year deported genuine refugees who ranaway from Cameroon, these were English speaking Cameroonians who were persecuted by the French speaking Cameroon government, the media all over the world reported rapes, arrests, killing, some execution stlye by the Cameroonian soldiers, and yet the government of Buhari deported them and there was no outcry, its normal, its not xenophobic to anyone in the world.
    Last year Kenya depoted Ugandans who were working in the country, despite the fact that their East African Economic Community allowes its member states to work and live in any member state as locals.
    Last year or in the begining of the year( on top of my head, as I have not consulted my notes where I recorded stats of Afrikan deportation of Afrikan nationals), deported a huge number of Nigerians, some were adults who were born and studied in Ghana and call Ghana their home. This is also a violation of the ECOWAS agreement that the member states must abide by.
    Save the worst for last, two years ago, a machete carrying Angolan youth accompanied by the Angolan police, beat and killed soemof the DRC nationals, some kids got missing during the under reported xenophobic attack that took place in a border town of Angola and DRC. The DRC nationals were attracted to the border town by the discovery of oil. Most of them worked in the oil company, they bought houses and other properties, most of the DRC children in Angola could only speak Portuguese, these reflects on one, perfect assimilation and two, time soent in a country where they were chased like dogs. The tragedy is that the DRC nationals are now refugees in yheir country of their birth, since their DRC is not able to intergrate them into their community, they live in tents. No reparation for their property, no one is looking for their missing children in Angola. They now are living next to the border as refugees.
    I am giving this information to highlight the fact that, to call South Afrikans to open borders that they have already opened is to totally ignore, delibarately or not the fact that Afrikan countries keep their borders closed and they do not intend to open them.
    For a Pan-Afrikanism to take place, every country has to participate, not only us. I know that certain countries will not be part of any Afrikan united state, such as Botswana, Egypt, Morocco including some Arab-Afrikan countries, I doubt that Nigeria will. Until we develop a strategy on how we can best create a united Afrika with open borders, we need to close our borders too and not be stupid, like you have said. The same Ethiopia deports Eretreanqs married to Ethiopians, Djibouti deport Omoro refugees who are persecuted by the Ethiopian government, Omoro are the dark skined Afrikans.
    I am pro Pan-Afrikanism, however, this project is not a one-sided responsibility, and it has to begin on regions and spread and it has to have an incentive so as to attract other member state to participate. The way we are doing it, is the recipe for distaster to our economy as well to continuous xenphobic attacks, whic I do not encourage. I repeat, I am not in support of any form of persecution of anyone, I am not encouraging nor justifying xenophobic behaviour of any sort. Having said that I also do not support the labilling of those who have real concern on the disastrous utopian immigration policies in this country, by labelling them xenophobic, when they are not encouraging the persecution of our Afrikan brothers and sisters.

  • @duduzileshabangu6018
    @duduzileshabangu6018 5 лет назад +1

    When does this Air on the news Channel, I need to catch these live.. Punchline ka Zandile Gums😂😂

  • @tshidiso9653
    @tshidiso9653 5 лет назад +1

    Its "baaaad" lol, just love his facial expression when he says that word

  • @realsiyauyazi
    @realsiyauyazi 5 лет назад +1


  • @lebogangbossjesusmatabolog4332
    @lebogangbossjesusmatabolog4332 5 лет назад +2

    When is newz room afrika coming to open view 😢😢😢😢 i miss ntate Jj and the whole newz room team

  • @latelankwana7736
    @latelankwana7736 5 лет назад +1

    Is bad🤣🤣👍.I like u my man

  • @benluvuyo8744
    @benluvuyo8744 5 лет назад +1

    Ayi JJ on this one of Africa i don't agree with you if we will let africa be run with such criminality then we are not add to solutions. every country must clean its streets.. we can let people destroy african youth in the name of hunger. how can we let people sell expired products. Now that they've helped us it means that we must let then run these streets as they please our leaders in exile did sell drugs or hold strikes in Angola no... we have problems of this country ..they must not come and coz more problems for us.

  • @bonginkosimasondo6919
    @bonginkosimasondo6919 5 лет назад +3

    Athje.. jwale oa pota hahahahaha!

  • @goolamv
    @goolamv 5 лет назад +1

    I feel like he is looking upwards

  • @thomohomo2605
    @thomohomo2605 5 лет назад

    What's the difference between looting foreign shops in JHB CBD and looting foreign shops owners in Soweto

  • @naledigongxeka4497
    @naledigongxeka4497 5 лет назад +3

    JJ is clowning here....
    If you read an overwhelming majority of accounts of those who lived in exile tells us they were even arrested for being found anywhere else other than those camps with poor conditions set aside for our people there in exile
    What favour is JJ talking about that was granted to us when we never went to these people's countries to sell drugs & commit crimes with contraband worth over R250 million in the cbd of Lusaka
    Please respect us

    • @mthokozisilanga4497
      @mthokozisilanga4497 5 лет назад

      Naledi Gongxeka I am one of them, I personally experienced the deportation of Zimbabweans and South Afrikans in Dukwe. I have posted my rebuttal to JJ. I love and respect him, he is goog journalist though.

  • @ntaimokhehle5755
    @ntaimokhehle5755 5 лет назад +1

    Wa pota wenah we ddnt say they shouldn't come into S.A we said it should be legally if they do come in

    • @mthokozisilanga4497
      @mthokozisilanga4497 5 лет назад +1

      There is xenophobia. We cannot deny that and we are against it. But there are genuine concern like the one you are raising. Now I find that is it silenced by labelling it xenophobic, to spread fear to anyone who does not agree with the state that our immigration policies puts the whole country, including the Afrikan immigrants, especilly those who are legal in this country. We are dealing with the symptoms rather than the cause. Our immigration policies are not sustainable economically, socially and politically, very impractal. I have state how on comment above. Thank you Ntai Mokhehle. Do not be silence by the label given to alternative voices.👊🏿

  • @Mr.Nkosi7
    @Mr.Nkosi7 5 лет назад +1

    I admire JJ and I respect his frankness. I am for an Africa without borders, but that should be established properly. We cannot now be bombarded because we say we owe other African countries. ( If you are a drug dealer and happen to be Nigerian you should be deported; if you are Nigerian and doctor why should people have a problem with you) We can't condone criminal activities because we are afraid to be seen as xenophobic. Nigerians are not drug dealers, Somalians are not terrorists, it is really a matter of people being corrupt and these people happen to be in a different geographical setting. But since we are still divided by the borders that have been imposed on us, let's find a way to remove this artificial barriers but in the meantime let us be governed by law BECAUSE WE LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY (if you are involved in criminal activities and happen to be non-South African you should be taken to your country of birth)

    • @mthokozisilanga4497
      @mthokozisilanga4497 5 лет назад

      Kgothatso Motale Spot on. I am also a Pan-Afrikanist by orientation, a true and true disciple of Prof, Sobukwe. No one-sided opened borders is Afrikanist. It is a disaster. It should be an inclusive project, which is a working process, step by step. Take for instance the human rights issues, we have to deal with them iron out issues that makes our Afrikan brothers and sisters run away from their countries, transparency, democracy and the rule of law. Without ironing these issues out, we will still have more influx on our side. There is no gay South Afrikan who will do business in Uganda or any country that arrests gay people, we will have more gay refugees running from persecution, blasphemy laws in Nigeria, NIger, Sudan etc are not black and white or straightfoward. Dictatorship, South Afrikans will have to be mindful on how they comment or question certain governmental practices when they are in other Afrikan states. I still travel a lot and I tell you, one has to be careful of what they do or say in other countries, things we view as normal they may not be in other Afrikan countries. We need to consider all of these issue before we even think of open borders.

  • @goolamv
    @goolamv 5 лет назад +1

    His eye focus is not correct

  • @williamshakur8715
    @williamshakur8715 3 года назад

    Cause xnophia is minimum wage every country which doesn't uterlise minimum obviously people will fight foreigners before employer's prefer cheap labour is unbalance condition it means u and your qualification stay home u are to expensive cheap labour foreigners will do the job cheap

  • @mollosimonbooi2575
    @mollosimonbooi2575 5 лет назад

    Honestly got the facts wrong, what about economic migrants who sells counterfeit products and majority of them being undocumented. Our African brothers must respect the law yes.. So it's not self hate to combat crime and its not xenophobic to enforce the law.

  • @leroyzwane2097
    @leroyzwane2097 2 года назад

    Xenophobia will not be exists if it wasn't for them here, go home problem solved

  • @mafeeofentse2633
    @mafeeofentse2633 5 лет назад

    lol preach

  • @DavidMqehlana
    @DavidMqehlana 5 лет назад


  • @muthigeks
    @muthigeks 5 лет назад +1

    JJ your views have ignorance written all over... think your content deeper sir.

  • @BrandHubz
    @BrandHubz 5 лет назад +1

    Jj you you talking rubbish. Ohh I remember j is an anc voter.

  • @muthigeks
    @muthigeks 5 лет назад

    so what is your solution? u are just making loud noise.