Congratulations everyone involved... great project, and fabulous to see the DVD demonstrating how effective habitat restoration and management work can be. Here's hoping that it encourages more local projects around Ireland.
This project has done untold damage to the Mulkear system. There river went from being in the top five salmon fisheries in the country to C&R in the time Mulkearlife has been active on the system. Mulkearlife also accelerated the spread of the invasive species Dace into the Upper Catchment.62 Local anglers protested outside the End of Mulkear Life Conference at 8am on Wednesday Morning in Castleconnell. We can safely say we are glad to see Mulkearlife gone off the fishery!!!!!!
This project will be subject to an EC Compliant in relation to their failure to meet the requirements of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive. They removed Ballyclough weir during the sea lamprey spawning season releasing hundreds of tonnes of silt into the river. The lamprey "pass" shown in the video no longer exists. When it was present it attracted sea lampreys to its base (as shown in the video taken during a drought year) but few make it upstream. During more typical flows no lampreys could pass, this was never an effective solution and Mulkear LIFE never produced any scientific evidence to support their claims. Read more here:
Great work well done everyone involved!
Congratulations everyone involved... great project, and fabulous to see the DVD demonstrating how effective habitat restoration and management work can be. Here's hoping that it encourages more local projects around Ireland.
It was a waste of money did nothing our river is overgrown and this did nothing
This project has done untold damage to the Mulkear system. There river went from being in the top five salmon fisheries in the country to C&R in the time Mulkearlife has been active on the system. Mulkearlife also accelerated the spread of the invasive species Dace into the Upper Catchment.62 Local anglers protested outside the End of Mulkear Life Conference at 8am on Wednesday Morning in Castleconnell. We can safely say we are glad to see Mulkearlife gone off the fishery!!!!!!
A famer pollution in 1997 wiped out half the river and no proscition ifi are thick
This project will be subject to an EC Compliant in relation to their failure to meet the requirements of Article 6 of the Habitats Directive. They removed Ballyclough weir during the sea lamprey spawning season releasing hundreds of tonnes of silt into the river. The lamprey "pass" shown in the video no longer exists. When it was present it attracted sea lampreys to its base (as shown in the video taken during a drought year) but few make it upstream. During more typical flows no lampreys could pass, this was never an effective solution and Mulkear LIFE never produced any scientific evidence to support their claims. Read more here:
Ye ruined the river bulb