people had just found out about a bug where you could buy a zeus and using a bind, drop & refund at the same time. A friend and i decided to improve the bind so it bought and refunded around 15-20~ zeuses at a time. bound that to the scroll wheel and madness ensued. (btw on the mirage clip there were so many entities on the server that it filled all the player slots, so the enemy team couldnt join back :troll:)
after 3 years he is back
Crazy exploit! no way this was possible. how in the hell do you dupe the zeus like that???
people had just found out about a bug where you could buy a zeus and using a bind, drop & refund at the same time. A friend and i decided to improve the bind so it bought and refunded around 15-20~ zeuses at a time. bound that to the scroll wheel and madness ensued. (btw on the mirage clip there were so many entities on the server that it filled all the player slots, so the enemy team couldnt join back :troll:)