The ult with the white gun stacks it up to give you more chakrams on your auto attacks. So you ult with it then start auto attacking for more dps. You dont use the white ult to execute. But the more targets you hit with the ult, the more chakrams you stack up. The best ult for burst damage is the blue gun, especially when you hit multiple targets with it.
@@brainstormsurge154 yes for single target burst the green gun is best. It does even more damage if you hit multiple targets with it as well. Once you use the distanced auto attack after using the the ult it will detonate all of the long range targets you can select, onto that single target. So single target burst it is very nice. Blue is better to burst everyone it hits at once
The chakram gun feels like it attacks faster because of how it works, every auto attack you do, you throw a chakram, once the chakram comes back to aphelios, you can Immediately auto again, but it takes some time till the chakram comes back to aphelios, so the closer you are to the target, the faster the chakram comes back and the faster you can auto. The travel speed of the chakram is increased by your attack speed. If you use it right, it's by far the highest dps weapon on aphelios, the beat weapon combinations for it are the red one and the flamethrower.
Dont forget the green gun too. You use the turret on the white gun, then switch to the green gun to auto with and it will stack up the chakrams and basically make every target the turret hits get hit twice by both guns
i actualy absolutly dont gets what this champ does and after seeing this video, i never played him just becouse of his weird HUD :D. i am even more confused after watching this, like well he can use four weapons, he gots turret but i absolutly dont get what his R does... is it like 4 ults based on your weapons choice ? I mean just a bit like a heimers ults or karmas ults ?
How to use the red and white combo. Use the Q while holding the red gun and everytime it hits a target it stacks up the chakrams for the white gun. More chakrams on the white gun equals more dps for auto attacks. So press Q on red in the middle of multiple targets to get the most chakram stacks possible, then switch to white for auto attacks after. You can also throw in a white ult after the red Q and stack up even more chakrams
Except that's wrong. You start with the white gun so you can put down the sentry gun near the person you are attacking(each shot from the gun gives you a chakram and it can fire while you use red Q) -> then switch to red gun and use Q -> then switch to white gun and attack a lot. It's dangerous but if possible try to move as close to the enemy as you can for max damage. Also, if you plan on using ult you want to initiate with the white ult for even more chakrams(and not use it as a finisher like Zwag did in this video).
@@Junglej0hn yes you are right that is the more extended version of the combo. But Zwag doesnt seem to want to spend a lot of time learning every little nuance to the champ lol. So i gave the simple basic version on the 2 guns interaction lol. So yes ult with white, switch to red and Q then back to white to auto with. Throwing the turret down first also stacks up more chakrams, you are correct.
@@Junglej0hnif u want to dps, use white ult directly, holding it for a red Q first is not worth, when the enemy can burst u down, also sometimes Red ult is saver and when u alr have chakrams before the fight, red ult is more worth. When i get dived for sample, they have alot of burst and i need a quick heal and then i use red q for stacking chakrams and then dps. But if I WANT to fight with 0 chakrams, then i use white r, but its honestly not worth delaying the white dps for a red q with alr exsting chakrams, bcs u get burst down pretty fast as an adc, especially aphelios with 0 mobility and the good part about holding red q is, it refreshes ur chakram stacks [everytime u use a q skill] and u have a lil mobility if the enemy wants to run away from ur stacked ass, so u can catch him, or either run aways if ur dps isnt enough
@@Rikamiza Maybe you should read more carefully before writing a wall of text? I said initiate with white ult if you intend to use it - not use it after red q. Also, the combo i describe is the one you want to do (for max damage). White R -> White Q -> Red Q -> AA. You can make some concessions ofc to get the combo off faster but If you think you are going to get blown up doing that then this is probably not the game for Red-White guns. Identifying that is one of the skills of playing Aphelios. In that case playing Blue-white, Blue-green or White-green is probably better. As Aphelios you should always think about which guns to have before entering a fight - and getting blown up for going to close... well, that's on you for fighting with wrong guns. He can literally fight at the same distance as Xerath.
@@Junglej0hn You know Vapora Dark? Hes a Master aphelios and even he says its better to use white ult directly if ure for the kill, bcs why would u delay ur dps for so long when u get killed fast? Like white r, + white q, THEN switch red Q with that longer animation, ofc it will stack ur white more, but 1 stun or cc and ure Losing all ur chrakrams AND u wasted ur ult. The chrakrams from the ult alone is enough to kill someone, why delaying it when u can kill the enemy fester, wich is the priority with white gun. Switching to Red after white r cost me alot of Fights and since im not doing it, i actually win. Also any q ability refresheses ur charkram duration and when u directly use all ur qs, there isnt a way to refresh them ans u lose them, while when an enemy can run away from u but u still have Red q up to get the ms AND to refresh ur chrakrams again. Also, i read carefully and it was ur decision to read my "wall of text" Also u dont need to tell me how to play him, hes the only thing im playing since march and nearly watch every day content to improve.
About geting more lethality than armor, you cap it at true damage as it just ignores the armor dont reduce it. Armor reduction that could get a champion to have negative armor (similar to trundle ult interactions) does amplify damage.
Crescendum ultimate is there to increase the number of chakrams you have. Its not an execute. Having recently picked up the champion, it feels very good to see where your all ins went wrong. Great video as always.
Oh dang, I didn't realize lethality was changed this year to no longer scale with level, back to flat pen at all levels. That makes a lot of builds make a lot more sense suddenly
i see that does make sense. having quit league and not up to date on everthing makes those things hard to notice sometimes as im not watching ever vid either
The white gun, chakram is best for scuffed fights. So like if a team fight is starting, you ult with chakram, it does a lot more damage with your basic autos
11:15 Chakram R is the weakest bcoz you'll get tons on blades in return, best gun for R is the Flamethrower coz it spreads like brand E and it crits, Pistol R is good if you have IE, Cannon R is for teamfight Set coz AOE rooting, and the funny one is the Rifle if you have a Runaan's coz it fires long arrows in a large area coz you can auto them at any range when hit with Q or R
45:20 Aphelios already has many abilities depending on which guns he is using. What do you think his E ability should be? Perhaps you could keybind an item active or something else to E just when playing Aphelios. Aphelios' kit is an outlier compared to the kits of all the other champions. It is the most different compared to other champions' kits. Some people may like the kit. Others may hate it. Aphelios has five Qs, and five ults, all depending on which gun he has as his main one. And his W simply swaps between the guns that are apparent in the HUD. One has to also keep track of the queue of the five guns as well as how much ammo each active gun has. Perhaps Riot should show the full queue of the five guns to make the queue clear instead of just the main gun and the next one. Most champions have four abilities that are *directly* accessible via Q/W/E/R. Their kits are simple. Hwei, for example, has a more complicated kit. He has what can be considered as "two-layered" abilities, i.e., first Q/W/E to access the ability type and then second Q/W/E to access the three basic abilities of that type. So, Hwei has nine basic abilities plus one ult.
26:25 as a mono aphelios, I feel atacked 🤡. Once you learn him, he is really fun, also, there is a correct order of guns you should use first, as some guns have better sinergy, just like the red and white one, in which the red stacks a lot of chakrams to use in the white gun. that is also the reason why the white ult doesn't do much damage, because it is used more to stack chakrams.
Last time you played Aphelios I thought you were starting to understand his guns. This video proved me wrong. XD Still, I do appreciate your Aphelios games. I hope you'll understand the white gun someday. It's good for auto attacking after stacking the mini floaty things. Might want to try to change to the white gun when you have those. But, then again, I don't fully understand most Aphelios combos. You certainly do a better job with him. XD
Back before duskblade got removed ive got a clip of myself getting the most bullshit penta ive ever earned. I twas surrounded in the enamy jungle and threw a flamer turret down, 3players popped by gaurdian angle and as im being revived my turret starts getting them weak. Once i res i use the flamers aoe attack and collect the three champs, and i quickly clean up the ashe and vayne that came late. I felt so stupidly over powered.
I've seen aphelios players get 3 abilities off quickly by waiting till the end of the ammo to use start the combo and getting a refresh from the switch when a gun runs out. You could even get 4 if you wait till end of his ammo on both guns, I think.
This champ is too much big brain for me, to play well requires 200 iq and even then its a massive button mash. Way too much shit to manage but you can tell a dev put in a lot of love.
its so weirdd to me that i stopped playin like 3 or 4 years ago yet somehow i have a better understandin of a champ than a challenger player thats still plain. yeah no even at my peak i wasnt anywhere close to zwag on a bad day but the meme of aphelios isnt interresting anymore. first gun white sniper extended range. q projectile deals damage and marks enemies so you can hit them with offhand weapon. red lifesteal gun lifesteal. q urgot w with increased movespeed. attacks with lifesteal gun and offhand weapon. purple slow gun. aa slows. q enemies hit by this gun get rooted and receive damage when activating this ability blue flame thrower. aoe and increased damage. q fires in a cone infront attacking all enemies hit with offhand. white chakram. close combat attackspeed that depend on the projectile returning. q places a turret of your offhand weapon. r shoots a aoe blob that explodes if it makes contact with an enemy champ to work like the guns work aka green marks red lifesteals purple slows and marks, blue extra aoe and extra damage, white more chakram. the difficulty in aphelios isnt supposedd to be understanding what each weapon does but forseeing what weapon would be most usefull in an upcomming conflict and discardding a bad weapon before that conflict andd howw each weapon can optimally work together in the conflicts. hwei has more fcking skills but i dont remember hearing i have no idea what im ddoing as often in his vids.
Read to the end doesn’t work with lethality. You can reduce resistance below 0 and deal more than true dmg. Easiest example is on a target dummy since is has 0 resistance to start with. It’s displays a negative number and the calculations work the same. So when someone has -100 resistance they take double dmg. Ofc lethality doesn’t show the reduction but it also doesn’t work. The only item I can think if rn is malignance passive wich reduces by flat 10 and this works the dummy takes 9% extra dmg. Does someone know more items or ability’s that reduce a flat amount?
Green ult is to snipe, Blue ult is team fight/burst, red ult is to heal, white ult is to set up the passive, and purple ult is CC. only green and blue do noticable damage
i've been told to get rid of red first rotation, then get rid of red first when it comes back up. so the rotation ends up being green, purple, blue, red, white. since red/white is the most broken gun combo
@@persom017yeah it depends on the team comp but that makes aphelios such a good champ, as the player can decide how to rotate weapons and take advantage of their synergies. In close quarter fights blue + white is really good and in fights, where you want to pick an enemy or keep them off and objective, green + white is really good.
Kinda frustrating that you don’t know the swap combos or gun rotations :/ Drop gun order that I prefer: Red -> green -> purple -> blue -> red -> white The transition from blue white to red white means u can get Shakrams off the wave into red q and then chase them down with white Then the transition from red white to green white when being chased you can run with red and then win with turrets + green There are tons more but those are some nice spikes
I hate how many people dont know this. Lethality =/= armor pen armor pen = (.6 + 0.4 x level/18) lethality therefore you cant calculate lethality directly vs armor unless youre lvl 18, then its 1:1
Yo zwag big fan been a subscriber for years now. It would be awesome if you tried crit sylas. He has an AD ratio on his passive and it can also crit which is amplified by ie. looks pretty fun.
Sion did get objectives and farm... but outside that he really didn't do much while talking smack to his team, never peeled and always used ult to save himself in team fights. Then at the end he just played standard sion top, I am guessing he is not a jungle player and got autofilled.
When you add a second game, please don't skip the damage dealt phase of your video on the first. I dunno why, but I kinda like to see how much of a lead you had in that first game, or in all your games for that matter.
Every single time I have to play against this dude I just don't fight him ever. I don't understand what he does but no matter how much he's feeding he 1v5's our team
Here for the bi yearly aphelios gameplay 🙌
Biannually is the word you are looking for
We've been asking for tophelios for 200 days 💀 now we shall wait to next year
well you gotta be bi sexual to wanna play her any more than that tbh dont blame zwag one bit
@@deanfinkelstein3390 haha analy
“Do u guys think u should be in ranked?”
~ the guy that shouldn’t be in ranked
No fr, he said that right after ignoring the push ping and walking to river for no reason while viego actually ganked 😫
The ult with the white gun stacks it up to give you more chakrams on your auto attacks. So you ult with it then start auto attacking for more dps. You dont use the white ult to execute. But the more targets you hit with the ult, the more chakrams you stack up. The best ult for burst damage is the blue gun, especially when you hit multiple targets with it.
Ya, for single person damage execute the green gun (sniper) ult is pretty much the best. He even used it at 18:03
Finaly someone that understand the ults🎉
@@brainstormsurge154 yes for single target burst the green gun is best. It does even more damage if you hit multiple targets with it as well. Once you use the distanced auto attack after using the the ult it will detonate all of the long range targets you can select, onto that single target. So single target burst it is very nice. Blue is better to burst everyone it hits at once
Also does more damage at close range
Zwag playing Aphelios? i should probably buy a lottery ticket
i was about to sleep but when i realized zwag played aphelios i had to get up
@@corbinseale2339 nobody was talking about ranks little buddy. just say you don't get the joke and move on.
who cares. its in dog shit elo. he builds whatever and wins. I keep asking yt to not recommend this channel to me and i keep seeing this shit
43:26 Lux: DEMACI-- AAH!!
Zwag: I dunno what i just hit, they're all dead
The chakram gun feels like it attacks faster because of how it works, every auto attack you do, you throw a chakram, once the chakram comes back to aphelios, you can Immediately auto again, but it takes some time till the chakram comes back to aphelios, so the closer you are to the target, the faster the chakram comes back and the faster you can auto. The travel speed of the chakram is increased by your attack speed. If you use it right, it's by far the highest dps weapon on aphelios, the beat weapon combinations for it are the red one and the flamethrower.
Dont forget the green gun too. You use the turret on the white gun, then switch to the green gun to auto with and it will stack up the chakrams and basically make every target the turret hits get hit twice by both guns
@@dylanthomas6598 green gun? Which one is that?
@@Wenndigo The long range sniper gun. Kinda like Caitlyns. Im not good with all their names lol
@@dylanthomas6598 oh ok, in my head that weapon was blue lol, but looking better it's actually green
the combo Zwag "i don't know what i am doing" and giga damage makes everything funnier, more of this
“Did Zwag get the first 6 CS?”
Yes, he got all 6!
Win Streak: 1
Then, he missed a caster minion
Lose Streak: 1
Zwag playing aphelios with no idea how the guns works is hilarious to me - props for doing so well regardless!
I wish he plays Aphelios more, he's quite the fun champ once you know what your doing with him
😂 Yeah but he said aphelios is his most hated champ so having a single vid is already a big deal
i actualy absolutly dont gets what this champ does and after seeing this video, i never played him just becouse of his weird HUD :D. i am even more confused after watching this, like well he can use four weapons, he gots turret but i absolutly dont get what his R does... is it like 4 ults based on your weapons choice ? I mean just a bit like a heimers ults or karmas ults ?
@@Kratochvil1989Yep, different ult effect based on the currently active weapon
@@Kratochvil1989 I think RoseAlune did a guide, if you wanna take a look at Aphelios...
@@riccardoambrogi8575 ty
When he said that the second game was chaotic, I wasn't expecting that
After 5 years and countless videos. I still don’t understand how Aphelios works 🤣
Noone does, my friend
Once you understand how he works he is very strong, there's a reason he got nerfed into the ground but he's still viable with the right team comp
Skill issue honestly 🤣 how can u not understand him already. He was my very first champ when i got into leauge 6 months ago and now is my main
“after 5 years and countless videos I never bothered to read his abilities”
"I'm Fiddlesticks Caw Caw" 😂
I searched the comments just for this because i didnt wanna comment that myself and i knew there was someone who did it xD 😂😂😂
6:36 aphelios's white gun can attack once the projectile returns to him giving it more attack speed the closer your target it
With the white one, the closer you are to the target, the faster it goes. I love Aphelios so much.
How to use the red and white combo. Use the Q while holding the red gun and everytime it hits a target it stacks up the chakrams for the white gun. More chakrams on the white gun equals more dps for auto attacks. So press Q on red in the middle of multiple targets to get the most chakram stacks possible, then switch to white for auto attacks after. You can also throw in a white ult after the red Q and stack up even more chakrams
Except that's wrong. You start with the white gun so you can put down the sentry gun near the person you are attacking(each shot from the gun gives you a chakram and it can fire while you use red Q) -> then switch to red gun and use Q -> then switch to white gun and attack a lot. It's dangerous but if possible try to move as close to the enemy as you can for max damage. Also, if you plan on using ult you want to initiate with the white ult for even more chakrams(and not use it as a finisher like Zwag did in this video).
@@Junglej0hn yes you are right that is the more extended version of the combo. But Zwag doesnt seem to want to spend a lot of time learning every little nuance to the champ lol. So i gave the simple basic version on the 2 guns interaction lol. So yes ult with white, switch to red and Q then back to white to auto with. Throwing the turret down first also stacks up more chakrams, you are correct.
@@Junglej0hnif u want to dps, use white ult directly, holding it for a red Q first is not worth, when the enemy can burst u down, also sometimes Red ult is saver and when u alr have chakrams before the fight, red ult is more worth.
When i get dived for sample, they have alot of burst and i need a quick heal and then i use red q for stacking chakrams and then dps. But if I WANT to fight with 0 chakrams, then i use white r, but its honestly not worth delaying the white dps for a red q with alr exsting chakrams, bcs u get burst down pretty fast as an adc, especially aphelios with 0 mobility and the good part about holding red q is, it refreshes ur chakram stacks [everytime u use a q skill] and u have a lil mobility if the enemy wants to run away from ur stacked ass, so u can catch him, or either run aways if ur dps isnt enough
@@Rikamiza Maybe you should read more carefully before writing a wall of text? I said initiate with white ult if you intend to use it - not use it after red q. Also, the combo i describe is the one you want to do (for max damage). White R -> White Q -> Red Q -> AA. You can make some concessions ofc to get the combo off faster but If you think you are going to get blown up doing that then this is probably not the game for Red-White guns. Identifying that is one of the skills of playing Aphelios. In that case playing Blue-white, Blue-green or White-green is probably better.
As Aphelios you should always think about which guns to have before entering a fight - and getting blown up for going to close... well, that's on you for fighting with wrong guns. He can literally fight at the same distance as Xerath.
@@Junglej0hn You know Vapora Dark? Hes a Master aphelios and even he says its better to use white ult directly if ure for the kill, bcs why would u delay ur dps for so long when u get killed fast? Like white r, + white q, THEN switch red Q with that longer animation, ofc it will stack ur white more, but 1 stun or cc and ure Losing all ur chrakrams AND u wasted ur ult. The chrakrams from the ult alone is enough to kill someone, why delaying it when u can kill the enemy fester, wich is the priority with white gun.
Switching to Red after white r cost me alot of Fights and since im not doing it, i actually win.
Also any q ability refresheses ur charkram duration and when u directly use all ur qs, there isnt a way to refresh them ans u lose them, while when an enemy can run away from u but u still have Red q up to get the ms AND to refresh ur chrakrams again.
Also, i read carefully and it was ur decision to read my "wall of text"
Also u dont need to tell me how to play him, hes the only thing im playing since march and nearly watch every day content to improve.
26:39 looked like the minion healed 😂
Chakram R is for melee ranged ults. 1 shots can happen
Thanks for bringing my lunar boy, hope we can get it more often
23:17 that damage on jinx
23:16 when u were hitting the wave. One auto splash did almost 900 to jinx
About geting more lethality than armor, you cap it at true damage as it just ignores the armor dont reduce it. Armor reduction that could get a champion to have negative armor (similar to trundle ult interactions) does amplify damage.
Crescendum ultimate is there to increase the number of chakrams you have. Its not an execute. Having recently picked up the champion, it feels very good to see where your all ins went wrong. Great video as always.
19:21 beautiful voice crack
Oh dang, I didn't realize lethality was changed this year to no longer scale with level, back to flat pen at all levels. That makes a lot of builds make a lot more sense suddenly
i see that does make sense. having quit league and not up to date on everthing makes those things hard to notice sometimes as im not watching ever vid either
30:18 that poor little caster minion
Unable to fulfill his role in life
I don't think swag read aphelios abilies and guns
To be fair, the game barely explains how the chakrams work on the description, when i started playing aphelios it took me some time to understand it.
The white gun, chakram is best for scuffed fights. So like if a team fight is starting, you ult with chakram, it does a lot more damage with your basic autos
zwag out here learning the new champ aphelios 😂
Alright here’s a fun vid I’d love to see! So does anyone else agree with a Tank Zilean? Let’s make it our goal to watch him play that :)!
Yay its been so long since the last aphelios game
this video is pure comedy from the sion roast to the avengers rolling up to mid lane my god i was on the floor
"white gun feels like it has more attack speed"
upon the return of the shuriken you can attack again, at close range its close to 3 attack speed
I've clearly never seen Aphelios gameplay cause I had no idea his skill bar looks like a Hoyoverse mobile game control scheme
Min 15:30 😂😂😂 Tripple
11:15 Chakram R is the weakest bcoz you'll get tons on blades in return, best gun for R is the Flamethrower coz it spreads like brand E and it crits, Pistol R is good if you have IE, Cannon R is for teamfight Set coz AOE rooting, and the funny one is the Rifle if you have a Runaan's coz it fires long arrows in a large area coz you can auto them at any range when hit with Q or R
45:20 Aphelios already has many abilities depending on which guns he is using. What do you think his E ability should be? Perhaps you could keybind an item active or something else to E just when playing Aphelios.
Aphelios' kit is an outlier compared to the kits of all the other champions. It is the most different compared to other champions' kits. Some people may like the kit. Others may hate it. Aphelios has five Qs, and five ults, all depending on which gun he has as his main one. And his W simply swaps between the guns that are apparent in the HUD.
One has to also keep track of the queue of the five guns as well as how much ammo each active gun has. Perhaps Riot should show the full queue of the five guns to make the queue clear instead of just the main gun and the next one.
Most champions have four abilities that are *directly* accessible via Q/W/E/R. Their kits are simple. Hwei, for example, has a more complicated kit. He has what can be considered as "two-layered" abilities, i.e., first Q/W/E to access the ability type and then second Q/W/E to access the three basic abilities of that type. So, Hwei has nine basic abilities plus one ult.
Ladies, gents, and everything else, here on this day we witness a rare sight of zwag playing aphelios. 😂
26:25 as a mono aphelios, I feel atacked 🤡. Once you learn him, he is really fun, also, there is a correct order of guns you should use first, as some guns have better sinergy, just like the red and white one, in which the red stacks a lot of chakrams to use in the white gun. that is also the reason why the white ult doesn't do much damage, because it is used more to stack chakrams.
lol @16:00 two level ups and he don’t need em
Last time you played Aphelios I thought you were starting to understand his guns. This video proved me wrong. XD
Still, I do appreciate your Aphelios games. I hope you'll understand the white gun someday. It's good for auto attacking after stacking the mini floaty things. Might want to try to change to the white gun when you have those.
But, then again, I don't fully understand most Aphelios combos. You certainly do a better job with him. XD
Back before duskblade got removed ive got a clip of myself getting the most bullshit penta ive ever earned. I twas surrounded in the enamy jungle and threw a flamer turret down, 3players popped by gaurdian angle and as im being revived my turret starts getting them weak. Once i res i use the flamers aoe attack and collect the three champs, and i quickly clean up the ashe and vayne that came late. I felt so stupidly over powered.
I've seen aphelios players get 3 abilities off quickly by waiting till the end of the ammo to use start the combo and getting a refresh from the switch when a gun runs out. You could even get 4 if you wait till end of his ammo on both guns, I think.
31:00 Blud got the best weapon to use the ult with and 3 free kills just hanging around there, but instead he let Karthus die and get no one 😭
how do you get your auto attack range circle to stay on the whole time?
I would also like to know...
Its just with aphelios' green weapon
well i think this is his fisrt time play Aphelios , he doesn t know the combo
If you played Aphelios more than once a year you might know how his ult works 😂😂
this the first time i see this champs skill bar :O idk wth he does even after watching the whole vid :D
Zwag be like I can’t understand this champ the last time lol
This champ is too much big brain for me, to play well requires 200 iq and even then its a massive button mash. Way too much shit to manage but you can tell a dev put in a lot of love.
its so weirdd to me that i stopped playin like 3 or 4 years ago yet somehow i have a better understandin of a champ than a challenger player thats still plain.
yeah no even at my peak i wasnt anywhere close to zwag on a bad day
but the meme of aphelios isnt interresting anymore.
first gun white sniper extended range. q projectile deals damage and marks enemies so you can hit them with offhand weapon.
red lifesteal gun lifesteal. q urgot w with increased movespeed. attacks with lifesteal gun and offhand weapon.
purple slow gun. aa slows. q enemies hit by this gun get rooted and receive damage when activating this ability
blue flame thrower. aoe and increased damage. q fires in a cone infront attacking all enemies hit with offhand.
white chakram. close combat attackspeed that depend on the projectile returning. q places a turret of your offhand weapon.
r shoots a aoe blob that explodes if it makes contact with an enemy champ to work like the guns work
aka green marks red lifesteals purple slows and marks, blue extra aoe and extra damage, white more chakram.
the difficulty in aphelios isnt supposedd to be understanding what each weapon does but forseeing what weapon would be most usefull in an upcomming conflict and discardding a bad weapon before that conflict andd howw each weapon can optimally work together in the conflicts.
hwei has more fcking skills but i dont remember hearing i have no idea what im ddoing as often in his vids.
Read to the end doesn’t work with lethality.
You can reduce resistance below 0 and deal more than true dmg. Easiest example is on a target dummy since is has 0 resistance to start with. It’s displays a negative number and the calculations work the same. So when someone has -100 resistance they take double dmg.
Ofc lethality doesn’t show the reduction but it also doesn’t work. The only item I can think if rn is malignance passive wich reduces by flat 10 and this works the dummy takes 9% extra dmg.
Does someone know more items or ability’s that reduce a flat amount?
Green ult is to snipe, Blue ult is team fight/burst, red ult is to heal, white ult is to set up the passive, and purple ult is CC. only green and blue do noticable damage
I saw the champ and was like sweet I can learn more about him…. I feel like I know less than before.
Now we’re back with Aphelios yet again!
41:06: (YUUMI) AAH! (41:10)
41:54 and 41:55: (YUUMI) No, no, no! We can fix this! (41:58)
46:10: Match over!
day 1: zwag got the first 6 cs
and he got the cannon
more aphelios plzz hes so fun to watch i used to play him alot when he came out! theres gotta be some goofy unique build to do on him i bet
white red ult is best in close range because its faster attack speed on closer targets. blue is better long range
I never tried it, but does the flamethrower gun work with Runaan's? If so, do a glitch build on Aphelios!
Yes it does work and its very fun, especially if youre very far ahead.
I think most Aphelios players use the red gun ammo first, so once they get through the rotation they have access to red white.
i've been told to get rid of red first rotation, then get rid of red first when it comes back up. so the rotation ends up being green, purple, blue, red, white. since red/white is the most broken gun combo
@@persom017yeah it depends on the team comp but that makes aphelios such a good champ, as the player can decide how to rotate weapons and take advantage of their synergies. In close quarter fights blue + white is really good and in fights, where you want to pick an enemy or keep them off and objective, green + white is really good.
Kinda frustrating that you don’t know the swap combos or gun rotations :/
Drop gun order that I prefer:
Red -> green -> purple -> blue -> red -> white
The transition from blue white to red white means u can get Shakrams off the wave into red q and then chase them down with white
Then the transition from red white to green white when being chased you can run with red and then win with turrets + green
There are tons more but those are some nice spikes
First game only had 1/6 HEARTSTEEL members, the second one had 2/6 (settphel, my beloved)
yay! swag playing aphelios finally!
I hate how many people dont know this. Lethality =/= armor pen
armor pen = (.6 + 0.4 x level/18) lethality
therefore you cant calculate lethality directly vs armor unless youre lvl 18, then its 1:1
I really wanna play Aphelios but he’s so confusing for me I don’t understand anything about his abilities
The white ult is op because after it your autos are way better, that’s the whole point of the white ult
the closer you are with chakram the faster you shoot btw
zwag really needs to start reading champ abilities
The white gun attacks faster the closest you are to the target
Yo zwag big fan been a subscriber for years now. It would be awesome if you tried crit sylas. He has an AD ratio on his passive and it can also crit which is amplified by ie. looks pretty fun.
Was that a tinder match at 6:53 ?😅
Yes i was waiting for this video!!!!
Zwag sadly lost one cannon in game one and I didn’t see any missed cannons in game two
Play J4 with aftershock, bruiser items for shields, Eclipse, Collector, Sundered Sky.
Sion did get objectives and farm... but outside that he really didn't do much while talking smack to his team, never peeled and always used ult to save himself in team fights. Then at the end he just played standard sion top, I am guessing he is not a jungle player and got autofilled.
at 23:42 what is that panting ?
what is the background music in these videos, it sounds so familiar
FYI, lethality = armor pen only at level 18. At level 9, 100 lethality is like 75 armor pen
They changed that on the start of this season. Lethality is the same on every level now. As far as i know at least.
@@Wenndigoits flat now, youre right
Lol they just started running.
For real, I still getting confused with aphelos gameplay
this champ confusing the shit out of me, i wanna learn tho
What internet provider do you have because 4ms is insane!
You never use your mini chakrams
When you add a second game, please don't skip the damage dealt phase of your video on the first. I dunno why, but I kinda like to see how much of a lead you had in that first game, or in all your games for that matter.
Estoy tan feliz de que juegue con uno de mis champs preferidos
Hey Zwag, you forgot to use Ornn’s forge ability with Aphelios. Just wanted to let you know 💖
White gun you fire faster the closer you stand to the target
As an aphelios main this gameplay hurt my eyes
is not tank build but a win is a win
Day 157 asking for Tank Aphelios
No fkn way , happy birthday brother ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥
Day 118 of supporting this
@@Aurelius27th thanks man 🥲💪🏾
@@cloudinKLB now make a wish 😂🖤
@@Aurelius27th you know what my wish is bro, for zwag to do the Tank Aphelios 🙏
Why you say fiesta instead of party?
Because Spanish people
Knows about fiestas
Zwag did you see the new champ its kind good but with another 3 hit passive
Every single time I have to play against this dude I just don't fight him ever. I don't understand what he does but no matter how much he's feeding he 1v5's our team
still waiting for my qiyana 🥺
🤣 17:36 What elo is this kassadin ?
Tbh never thought id see this
How he can see the max range ?
Kindred count
Count since the last video 43 days
Last record of 88, 222, 139, 63, 98, 21 days
wukong next 🙏
Day 34 of asking for Attack Speed On-hit Ezreal