Abandonment to Divine Providence (5) 🕊️✨ Cultivating Your Mystic Mindset

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • We are continuing a new book series, Abandonment to Divine Providence, by Jean Pierre de Caussade S.J.
    Fr. Jean Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751) was a French Jesuit priest, author. He was a spiritual director and confessor to nuns.
    Ignatius press writes: “He also served as the rector of two colleges, and as spiritual director for a Jesuit house. He was deeply influenced by the writings of both St. Francis de Sales and St. John of the Cross.”
    From the preface to the 8th French edition:
    “…the salutary teaching of this book is not limited to a special class of
    persons. Though written specially for souls who have already attained a high degree of perfection, the doctrine it develops is suited to all Christians.”
    …Thus Father Caussade does not sup­press our active co-operation in the
    work of our sanctification, but he teaches us to profit much better than we
    do of God's part therein, by abandoning ourselves more to Him….”
    - H.J. Ramiere, S.J
    From the preface to the 10th edition:
    The " Abandonment to Divine Providence " of Fr. de Caussade is as far removed from the false inactivity of the Quietists, as true Christian resignation is distinct… It is a trusting, childlike, peaceful abandonment to the guidance of grace, and of the Holy Spirit ; an unquestioning and undoubting submission to the holy will of God in all things that may befall us, be they due to the action of man, or to the direct permission of God. To Fr. de Caussade, abandonment to God, the " Ita Pater " of our Divine Lord, the " Fiat " of our Blessed Lady, is the shortest, surest, and easiest way to holiness and peace.
    Fr. de Caussade's work must be read with a certain amount of discretion, as naturally every advice he gives does not apply to all readers indiscriminately. Some of his counsels
    may be appropriate for beginners ; others for souls of a more
    advanced degree of spirituality. No one, however, can fail to
    recognise in his writings the sure tone of a " Master," who has united practical to theoretical knowledge of his subject.
    Every page is redolent with the unction of the Spirit of God, and readers will find in his doctrine a heavenly manna, a food of unfailing strength for their souls. The present work has been carefully translated into readable English, and more regard has
    been paid to the meaning than to the literal exactness of the sentences. The elevated, noble style of the author has been preserved throughout. It is a real contribution to the spiritual
    literature of England.
    I am aware that our English word "Abandonment " does not adequately render the meaning of the French word "Abandon," but we have no better expression. The translation has been undertaken solely for the purpose of helping souls to follow the hidden paths of the spiritual life, and to surrender themselves entirely to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”
    Buckfast Abbey.
    (Feast of All Saints, 1921)
    2 Timothy 1:7
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
    but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
    Welcome to my RUclips channel! I am so glad you are here!
    My name is Dr. Cheryl Meier.
    I am a clinical psychologist in my day job,
    and more recently a "lyrical psychologist" 🎶
    I use music (all the time) to express deep psychological and spiritual content, so that we can enter these higher realms of understanding, and apply the truths to align with our true telos in Christ, which also happens to better our lives here!
    George MacDonald (C.S. Lewis' spiritual mentor) said:
    "Do not teach your children they have a soul,
    teach them they are a soul and have a body."
    Your soul is always communicating how to get "home" -- back to True Love.
    Ultimately, God is Love, so, as Saint Augustine expressed:
    Our hearts are restless until they rest in God!
    Join me in this NEW, creative way to get healing in your life: I reveal the "ego path" vs the "soul path" in popular songs so that you can EXPERIENCE a new level of understanding ("More Love") DURING the video teaching!
    It's like a new kind of music therapy!
    We have these old "programs" running in our minds all the time (from the world) and it is important we learn how to let go of the old negative thought patterns. I stumbled upon this creative way to do this discipline! (See 2 Timothy 1:7, the Greek root word for "sound mind" is about discipline, disciple, learning to do one's true duty. This is a high and noble calling!)
    Disclaimer: This video and any associated advice & comments shared are not a substitute for professional therapy, mental health care, crisis support, medical advice, doctor diagnosis, or professional healthcare treatment. My videos & other website articles, & social media posts provide general information for educational purposes only - they are offered as suggestions for you and your professional therapist or healthcare advisor to consider and research.
    I wish you so much Love!,
    Dr. Cheryl Meier

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