Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03) - Not Your Typical Candidate for Congress

  • Опубликовано: 19 июл 2022
  • Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, Democrat, is a fifth-generation Washingtonian, a small business owner and a pro-choice mother. She’s running to represent Washington’s third Congressional District to bring the voices of working people back to DC. Marie will work for Washington!

Комментарии • 105

  • @jacksonj3082
    @jacksonj3082 Год назад +10

    Please vote to outlaw insider stock trading by congressional representatives, staff, and their families.

    • @gnomatic
      @gnomatic Год назад +1

      An excellent bipartisan issue.

    • @vogelvogeltje
      @vogelvogeltje Год назад +1

      So like 90% of all Congress 😂😂

  • @michaelwoods1924
    @michaelwoods1924 24 дня назад

    That was cool. She speaks well and I read on her website that she has a degree in economics. I moved to her district recently

  • @Ulises-Gonzalez-3131
    @Ulises-Gonzalez-3131 Год назад +1

    Hermosa e inteligente mujer que lucha para el beneficio de la mayoría de la gente y no para la mafiosa élite rapaz y apátrida. 🤗👍
    Beautiful and smart woman that fights for the benefit of most people and not for the rapacious and apatrid mafia elite.

  • @kitty7184
    @kitty7184 Год назад +4

    Turns out she was your typical candidate for Congress

  • @xyx0110
    @xyx0110 Год назад


  • @dwaynelee6141
    @dwaynelee6141 Год назад +2


  • @SMOKEY428
    @SMOKEY428 Год назад +15

    Wasn’t she at the 2020 Blm riots in Portland ?

    • @americanmilitiaman88
      @americanmilitiaman88 Год назад +6

      Yes. She provided aid and comfort to left wing extremists.

    • @QuasarYGO
      @QuasarYGO Год назад +4

      No. That was from a propaganda piece.

    • @vogelvogeltje
      @vogelvogeltje Год назад +1

      @ShartLord 😂😂😂 how did that turn out for ya?

    • @valoredramack9117
      @valoredramack9117 Год назад

      You think she is Pro-BLM? That makes me like her even more.

    • @valoredramack9117
      @valoredramack9117 Год назад

      @ShartLord You should learn how to type coherent sentences if you are going to make a comment.

  • @estradamurcielgo175
    @estradamurcielgo175 Год назад +8


    • @thh982
      @thh982 Год назад +6

      for joe kent this election

  • @redskiclayton
    @redskiclayton Год назад +2

    "I’ll fight to protect a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions no matter what the Supreme Court rules".
    Pssst, hey, Marie, in case you haven't found out, its no longer up to the Supreme Court!
    Go downtown instead where it's now a "LOCAL" problem!
    OH, and please be careful on the creeper with that long hair.
    I once had long hair and rolled on top of it on one of them things, got caught in one of the rollers, boy did that suck!

  • @Lion_McLionhead
    @Lion_McLionhead Год назад +4

    Congress is getting a lot easier on the eyes.

  • @shanestonehouse2465
    @shanestonehouse2465 Год назад +10

    Not a chance, ha ha

    • @gnomatic
      @gnomatic Год назад +9


    • @thh982
      @thh982 Год назад +11

      hi, who won?

    • @vogelvogeltje
      @vogelvogeltje Год назад +7

      😂😂😂😂😂 oops, she won OP. Eat crow.

    • @cryaboutit6670
      @cryaboutit6670 Год назад +7

      Hello shane need an update, how are you doing?

    • @valoredramack9117
      @valoredramack9117 Год назад +1

      Looks like you had no chance in being right shane.

  • @perrywilliams4587
    @perrywilliams4587 Год назад +4

    Auto repair shop owner..... does she actually work in the shop as a mechanic or was that just for optics?

    • @sayulitalyfe5299
      @sayulitalyfe5299 Год назад +3

      Cant even find the shop her daddy owns

    • @AmandaFromWisconsin
      @AmandaFromWisconsin Год назад +5

      @@sayulitalyfe5299 Did Donald Trump actually build his business all on his own, or did his daddy give him a small loan of a million dollars?

    • @sayulitalyfe5299
      @sayulitalyfe5299 Год назад

      @@AmandaFromWisconsin just another example of trash privilege. Thank you for pointing that out!

    • @roshi98
      @roshi98 Год назад +5

      FYI, she won. She also WORKS in that shop.

    • @sayulitalyfe5299
      @sayulitalyfe5299 Год назад

      @@roshi98 fyi time to fortenight that to the ground.

  • @laurelkeith2473
    @laurelkeith2473 Год назад +9

    How does anyone not know the difference between a miscarriage and an abortion? I'm sorry for your loss, also sorry for your lack of common sense.

    • @ohmario1882
      @ohmario1882 Год назад +1

      Lack of common sense is what led to Joe Kent being the nominee. Enjoy your new representative! 🥰

  • @msstorey01
    @msstorey01 Год назад +8

    Got my vote!

  • @charjl96
    @charjl96 Год назад +3

    This woman can't even answer a simple yes or no question

  • @EatAllDaHumans
    @EatAllDaHumans Год назад +3

    She / He is such a POS but repealing debt relief is the nail in her coffin

  • @americanmilitiaman88
    @americanmilitiaman88 Год назад +2

    Tell your people to stop defacing Joe Kent signs.

    • @QuasarYGO
      @QuasarYGO Год назад +4

      Tell your people to stop defacing Marie Gluesenkamp Perez’s signs.

    • @ohmario1882
      @ohmario1882 Год назад +1

      Tell Kent to stop defacing democracy.

  • @americanmilitiaman88
    @americanmilitiaman88 Год назад +5

    Carpet bagger. Just like Carolyn Long

  • @kosukekoichi8666
    @kosukekoichi8666 Год назад +2

    How many came here to comment after seeing her gaffes? Shes real unpopular

    • @outrageouselefant
      @outrageouselefant Год назад +19

      i came here to comment after she won

    • @vogelvogeltje
      @vogelvogeltje Год назад +8

      “She’s real unpopular”
      😂😂😂😂😂😂 who won again?

    • @Megacooltommydee
      @Megacooltommydee Год назад +3

      I came here after she pulled off the upset. She's the reason (along with Mary Peltola) why Democrats are right on the edge of holding every single congressional district that touches the Pacific Ocean.

  • @deadfishtellnotales
    @deadfishtellnotales Год назад +11

    Joe Kent 2022!!!!

    • @gnomatic
      @gnomatic Год назад

      You like Deep State Joe?

    • @thh982
      @thh982 Год назад +10

      joe kent loser 2022

    • @deadfishtellnotales
      @deadfishtellnotales Год назад

      @@thh982 it happens sometimes.

    • @thh982
      @thh982 Год назад

      @@deadfishtellnotales is it fake????

    • @deadfishtellnotales
      @deadfishtellnotales Год назад

      @@thh982 it's all fake, we are in a simulation lol. Jk yeah they probably rigged it but just like 2020 nobody is gonna do s*it about it.

  • @afs1476
    @afs1476 Год назад +6

    I live in the 3rd district in Vancouver . I was surprised to not see an email address on your website. I don't know who is running your campaign, but without an email for district residents to communicate with you, I would venture to say, this is a mistake. Let me give you some political advice that I feel you should seriously consider.
    This district is mostly conservative and , as you know tends to vote republican. You are going to lose if you run the typical democratic campaign that we have seen for years. I am an old time progressive who use to identify with democrats, but they have continued to fail working class people on so many fronts. While the democratic party is busy attending to wedge issues and identity politics they are completely opposed to what ordinary people want in this country. People want improve their lives economically but establishment democrats and republicans don't give a shit about them. Let's get real. The vast majority of people who identify with the democratic party , independents , and also a majority of republican people want UNIVERSAL (medicare for all)healthcare, A $15, maybe $20 an hour minimum wage, an end to aggression, hot and proxy wars for hegemony, close the 800 plus military bases around the world that threaten all people, break up the monopolies in certain industries and get real competition, cancel all student debt in a jubilee , free college education by cutting the military budget and putting the money to better use.
    You might think that the United States is a democracy. It is not, and 2 university studies indicate that we are an oligarchy. The establishment democrats are part of that oligarchy , and we need new blood like you to call them out. AOC and the squad campaigned on issues like you and they have been complete failures. They are lapdogs to Pelosi and all those democrats in Washington State that endorse you. You are not going to win in this district unless you make some bold waves. You need to criticize the voting record of Pelosi, Schumer, Murry, Cantwell, and how they are the enemy of the people just like your opponent Joe Kent is. You need to be that extremist on the left that will truly work for ordinary people . You need to show people of the 3rd district that you just don't oppose the politics of the republicans , but you also oppose the politics of the establishment , corporate democrats. Lets face it, I've been following politics for a very long time and I can tell you that since the time of Bill Clinton democrats are just the blue team of the Corporate Party. No real hope and change, just the same crap sucking up to big business who control them. Democrats have become republicans that wave the rainbow flag. Nothing will change for working people by talking about woke, identity politics . It's the big money issues that democrats do not want to touch. If you really want to make an impact , get elected, and become famous, you need to risk becoming a one term congressperson, and love having that roll. You need to let the 3rd district know that you will be different . That your goals are not bullshit rhetoric like the squad has done by joining the corporate democrats to advance their careers.If you run a polite , calm, Kent is an extremist, I'm more woke, Putin is bad , I'm the lesser of the two evils campaign, you will lose in this district. You need to be bold in calling out all of the corporatists in goverment regardless of the party, be a maverick, fight for the true Americans that have small businesses ,are working people or are poor You need to let working people know that you will be an advocate for laws that guarantee them the essentials of life, economically. Here's another bonus, free of charge. Where do you find the money. Cut the military budget, close the military bases, stop demonizing Russia, China, Venezuela or any other country that threatens U.S. hegemony. We are moving towards a totalitarian society and the federal government is not giving the people what they want or need. When the democratic party fails consistently what we get is Trump. Since we don't have a viable 3rd party we need you to move in a different direction, and begin to move the democrats back to the "people's party" If not ,what we will get in the future , is not just Joe Kent, but another Trump like president, this time, with brains.

    • @sayulitalyfe5299
      @sayulitalyfe5299 Год назад

      She's funded by soros the nazi communist billionaire

    • @willbradley1734
      @willbradley1734 Год назад +15

      Can I get an update on this?

    • @WatchThemFall
      @WatchThemFall Год назад +10

      Well, this is embarrassing

    • @leodahvee
      @leodahvee Год назад +4

      Well, she just won!

    • @Patrick_Ross
      @Patrick_Ross Год назад +3

      Would you like to update your nonsensical rant?😂

  • @dvswia1831
    @dvswia1831 Год назад +3

    Just terrible.